#nevermind the potato screenshots
deathcupcake · 2 years
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ardentteadrinker · 1 year
A/N: This is a rewrite. My wifi decided that cutting off just as i clicked send was a great idea and the screenshot is a bit blurry to send on its own. Edit: turns out it did send, and I just spent another 5-10 minutes for no reason lol.
Warning: mentions of drowning.
If you wish to skip that part to get to the juicy bits, it starts after "The spoon felt like lead in his palm, weighing him down... sinking." and ends at " "..." ".
I'm not sure how to write this, but i've has a thought. This is definitely a bit ooc for these characters, but it felt kind of funny to me. It's based of a silly thing I did as a kid, weighing spoons in my hand at the dinner table and placing the heavier ones on whoever upset me that day. Thus, I now know that similar looking spoons don't always weigh the same. Nevermind, I've got an idea. This scene is set pretty far down in the story where Ichael (now known as Ike) does this funky thing where he [REDACTED] and then gets [REDACTED] and does this thing where he [REDACTED] so there's a bit of a personality change. Also, important tidbit: Ike and Evan (The ones in the following piece) are siblings. Boy do I love me some interuppted angst.
A night out
The spoon felt like lead in his palm, weighing him down... sinking. He could feel the sand beneath his feet and the waves crashing against him, rising faster each second.
Ankles. Knees. Waist. elbows. shoulders. neck. head. He couldn't br-
Ike lets out a sigh of dissapointment that could rival his mother's.
"Evan did you intentionally give me a heavy spoon?"
"Noo, Me? Never."
"Fuck you."
It took everything within him to not give in to the smile that threatened to creep up on him. He hastily shoves a mouthful of potatoes into his mouth, ignoring the shout of indignation. No way in hell was he going to give in this quickly.
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caroli-san · 3 years
Inspiration came <3
Hi dear reader! I was thinking that the newest post will be my traditional art pictures but, inspiration came to me.
I was watching videos from Love2DrawManga (check her YouTube channel, really inspiring!) x3 Aand I can't say nope to the idea, where she draw herself to the anime scenes, soo I was like: "I need to try this!" TuT And here I am 😅
The first problem was to find some scene, where I'd like to see "myself" (or character inspired by myself)... I took some screenshots and then I was ready for drawing... (I recorded it, but videos will be later) *Because you're coach potato* heck thanks 2nd me, I know this for years, ya know? x')
Crazy mind or passion?
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Caroli in 07 Ghost! Note: she really needed scene with Labrador so she took one with all of the main characters! xD
Yeah... I really love this anime and I'm really sad, that they didn't finished it as an anime (Manga is finished and yep, I cried at the end) TuT But no spoilers! If you wanna see it, then what are you waiting for!?! Yeah of course, you want finish this <thank you x33>
How I was finding this scene?
Heh, very easy steps - my favorite numbers xD erhm... Then when I didn't find any great scene, I just came across (almost) every episode and when I find something interesting, I just took the screenshot 😊
The drawing of this took me 1 and something of hour... So it's not that fast progress as I usual prefer 😅 But I'm happy that I made it! 😁
Crazy mind, peaceful side
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Me or my OC Carol (based on me) in the last episode of Betrayal knows my name with Luze and Reiga TwwT
Yeah, yeah... I NEED HIM THERE OK!?! =www= And I'm blessed now and I can dream and I... *Yeah, so sh$t up and describe again, ok?!?* BRB... When can human as me dreaming about something hmm? *in your dreams for example??? * nah... You're so funny, 2nd me -_-"
Eeehm so back to the drawing 😅 This took me almost 2 hours, because I had problems with the right color palette (and still I'm not satisfied with it) 😶🙃
I knew that I wanted to have Luze in the screenshot so I came to the 24. episode and just reloading the scenes :') And then draw, draw, draw 😁
Later, I'll add the link for the video(s) or I'll make a new post 🤔 Nevermind... Thank you so much for your patience and reading ❤️
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