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stevedidier · 6 years ago
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When in France... French wine, of course. Was there any question? 🍷 #travelfrance #experiencelife #lovelife #freedom #nevercomplacent #winewednesday #buddhabar #tothegoodlife (at Buddha-Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bouu7lKBPQG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rnvhs24fm5ht
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itsjustcamsthoughts · 8 years ago
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I repeat... Subie... Booties... Owners: #subaru #impreza #wrx #sti #imprezawrxsti #hatchbacksociety #hatchnation #hatchback #jdm #importfaceoff #importfaceoff2017 #stanced #racestance #stancenation #stancedaily #low #lowered #lowerstandards #loweredlifestyle #kromeyosh #kromeyoshphotography #nevercomplacent #onlythebest (at Crofton, Maryland)
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danaagusto · 8 years ago
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I was supposed to be at the #IllinoisResistanceResourceFair today but instead I'm at work...big surprise right? I still wore my #ChiseUpApparel #BlackPower tee though. Gotta represent. You'll see this tee more in the future...you can count on that. #ChiseUp #Community #CommunityEmpowerment #Chicago #NeverComplacent #ThereIsWorkToBeDone #BlackLivesMatter #BlackGirlMagic (at Aon Center)
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lolahankshop-blog · 7 years ago
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Wednesday mood! In collaboration with @geraghtydesign . . . @lolahankshop #lolahankshop #dontsettle #dontsettleforless #wednesdaywisdom #instamood #livinglife #nevercomplacent #movingforward #boutiqueshop #workhardeveryday #achieveit #digitalnomad #smallbusiness #empowerothers
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resistthecurrent-blog · 7 years ago
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There is no gain if there is no risk
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rosieriott · 8 years ago
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Packing always fucking suxxx! Over four years spent in this studio! I tripppp! 🙃 Excited to have a one bedroom soon tho! Moooovin' on up in the world! Let's get itttt! 😛🎉🎉 #AlwaysContent #NeverComplacent 💯 #rosieriott #OneLungWarrior 💯 #KetogenicLifestyle ✨ #GypsyLife . . . . . . #MyHappinessWithNutritionProject! ❤️ Don't forget to check out my Go Fund Me! ✨ Totally awkward and something I'm not used to doing, but it had to be done! WHATEVER IT TAKES! 🌟 gofundme.com/2kmp7kjf to check it out! 💕 SPREAD THE WORD, make a donation, or just listen to my story! Any or all of which is highly appreciated! ❤️ #BeTheBestYOU 👸🏻✨ (at San Jose, California)
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stevedidier · 7 years ago
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It is far better to live with the regret of mistakes you have made, than to die with the regret of never having tried... that has been a guiding philosophy throughout my life, and one that led me to live the life I’ve lived. I’ve made mistakes and I’ve had ups and downs, successes and failures, but I have very, very few regrets - those minor regrets I do have all stem from things I should have tried or should have done... I’ve also learned from those chances I didn’t take, and those things I didn’t do. My life, although very unconventional most of the time, has been the path I’ve chosen - and it has always been interesting. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when I come to the end of this life, that I will be able to look back with satisfaction, knowing that I did it my way... and will have no regrets. - - #noregrets #livealifeworthliving #writeyourstory #embraceeverymoment #gratitude #adventure #chooseyourpath #freedom #liveyourlifetothefullest #takethechance #nevercomplacent #neversettle (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMffOqBUNr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a03qjn8wcjmc
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itsjustcamsthoughts · 8 years ago
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Black And Blue Owner: #nissan #350z #nismo #350znation #zociety #low #lowered #lowerstandards #loweredlifestyle #stance #stanced #stancenation #vqfamily #babygodzilla #jdm #black #blue #carseason #importfaceoff2017 #kromeyosh #kromeyoshphotography #onlythebest #nevercomplacent (at Crofton, Maryland)
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trexarmskydex · 8 years ago
All of my hard work is paying off. Hundreds of hours on the range. Hours and hours of dry fire. Paying fine attention to everything I do. Stance. Grip. Trigger press. Evaluating every motion I make to see where there's waste and how I can kill it. I don't just shoot guns. I analyze. Self-diagnose. Study. And give myself high standards to strive for. You can only get good at something if you're passionate, motivated, and push yourself. Don't be complacent and get comfortable with where you're at... always push that bar and raise your standards! #nevercomplacent #hardworkpaysoff #zev #zevtech #glock #glock19 #glock34 #ragnarok #ragnarokholster #motivation #crusheverything #trexarms #trexarmskydex
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trexarmskydex · 9 years ago
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As we saw yesterday, our enemies aren't just using conventional weapons like firearms and knives to kill. When these murderers spring their ambushes here in our country, we should be prepared to stop them by any means necessary. With our vehicles, pistols, rifles, blunt objects, fists, and anything that can be fashioned as a weapon to stop them. Keep your heads on a swivel everyone. These individuals are already among us and can strike anytime, anywhere, with anything. #Beprepared #ccw #AimForTheFace #NeverComplacent #AlwaysArmed #WarriorMindset
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zeggz · 10 years ago
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Testing a few new items for the future. #NeverComplacent #future #forward #innovate #chefdriven #fresh (at ZEGGZ Amazing Eggs)
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artologi · 10 years ago
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The Eye of the Storm. (Sight editing used) #painting #art #artologi #contestmaterial #IWonFirstPrizeTho #struggles #iIMadeItOut #ImStillOnMyWay #NeverComplacent
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