#neverafters / josie.
scribare-archive · 1 year
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a sigh of relief, seeing her in the doorway of sam and tara's apartment. perhaps a strange ask, but didn't want to take any chances & she'd rather be safe than sorry. a soft kiss pressed to her lips as she grasp one of her hands, fingers lace together before giving a soft squeeze. a sane person would have let her go, asked her to run the other way : never look back. but there's supposed to be safety in numbers & they have the numbers here.     ❝   i'm glad you made it.   ❞      in more ways than one she guess. made it before any stabbings began. and she made it here, just so she could be close. pull back ever so little, still holding her hand however, closing the door behind her, locking it up tight. ❝   we were just about to eat dinner if you're hungry ?   ❞
@neverafters : 🎲 + a kiss in greeting.
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moontinged · 3 years
josie vc girlfriend <3
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oh look, the love of her life :’)
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tribrids · 3 years
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   how  far  can  you  fall      ?         as  far  as  you’ve  risen  .      the  girl  ,       for  that  is  what  she  is  ,       a  girl  ,      looks  over  at  her  once  close  friend  .     but  things  had  changed  ,     they  had  drifted  apart  after  she  went  inside  of  the  monster  eating  pit  .     tribrid  had  tried  leaving  school  ,     tried  making  a  life  elsewhere     -     to  let  her  friend  heal  .
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   but  she  misses  school  .          (     and  she  misses  josie     )       breath  is  heavy  as  she  knocks  on  the  door  to  the  twin’s  room  .       tongue  brush  her  bottom  lip  before  stepping  inside  .          ‘          jo    ?     i’d  like  to  talk  .     i  know  i  haven’t  exactly  been     . . .      worthy  of  your  time  ,     or  the  best  of  friends  ,      but  i’d  like  to      -            ’       /     @neverafters​    (   josie   )
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tribridhellfire · 3 years
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           @neverafters​ said:  “  you can only blame your problems on the world for so long.  ” / josie
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Head tilted slightly, as if she actually cared. Hope couldn’t find it in her to care about much without her humanity. A scoff escaped the tribrid’s mouth as she drifted closer to Josie. “Oh?” She cooed, getting right up into her personal space. “I have no problems, not anymore. Maybe you should take your own advice and stop hiding behind Lizzie’s problems to mask your own.” A hum escaped her lips as she circled her like she was prey. “You know you could make that all go away, if you join me. Don’t you deserve freedom too?” 
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dvarapala · 3 years
me? dropping my url even tho it’s a multi? yeeeah. you can pick a muse you know better like josie to focus on if you want 💕
bringing back my fav meme // @neverafters (no longer accepting)
My Opinion on;
Character in general: so ! many ! of ! my ! faves ! i had to re-check your muse page, and i was like :O wow so many muses! and then you told me you were planning on adding more so !! i'm in for a treat, hahahaha! xD i love all of them. How they play them: a+! The Mun: <3 that's it. that's the emoji.
Do I:
RP with them: i have, yes. Want to RP with them: yup!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: awesome canons & wonderful ocs. 10/10 would rec.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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forbaes-arc · 3 years
@neverafters​          ♡’d   for   a   starter !          (  josie  saltzman  forbes  )
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❝         you   snuck   into   my   house   and   found   my   old   wedding   book?         ❞
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dereliquitpactum · 3 years
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❝ We’ve got to stop meeting like this. Someone might be as bold as saying you’re obsessed with me. ❞ Penelope took no mind to the visit contrary to her words. How could she turn down such a pretty face. She had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn’t just the average check in, more to it that Josie might want or need something.
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phoenixmade1 · 3 years
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        @neverafters​ said:  “hey, husband.” -josie 👼
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It never got old hearing it, it always made a smile appear on Landon’s face. “Hello, wife.” He commented, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. He was clearly in good spirits, but he was most of the time he was around Josie. Wrapping his arms around her from behind he rested his head on her shoulder, peeking at what she was doing. “So what are we doing tonight?” He asked, noting a couple of books nearby. 
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atforbaes · 3 years
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you  are  patroclus  ,  from  the  iliad  by  homer  ,   doomed  by  fate  to  be  stuck  in  a  love  story  that  has  no  place  on  the  battlefield.           although  you  always  have  the  best  intentions  ,  you  have  to  realize  you  cannot  save  everyone.           your  unwavering  loyalty  means  you  often  lose  yourself  in  the  process  of  putting  others  first.           take  a  deep  breath  ,  remember  who  you  are  ,  and  that  you  are  deserving  of  the  same  love  you  try  to  put  out.           you  are  kind  ,  you  are  strong  ,  and  you  give  and  you  give  but  it  is  never  enough  to  protect  those  you  love.           in  the  end  ,  it's  not  even  enough  to  protect  yourself.
tagged by:          @ofregence​  thank  u  ,  my  love !!
tagging:          @salvatoraes  ,  @lizzei  ,  @shesdaylight  ,  @spiritheart​  ,  @neverafters​  (  josie  )  ,  @mcgenius​  &  whoever  wants  to  do  this !
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salvatoraes-arc · 3 years
me: let me be active on josie
@neverafters : brings harry back
me: so the husbands :’)
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danny-reese · 3 years
josie saltzman.     ››        @neverafters​.
asked for a    starter ♡    based on    danny’s playlist.     song :   there’s nothing holding me back
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danny presses his lips together in attempt  to stop his smile from   w i d e n i n g   too far,  merely nodding and gesturing before them as he   bounces   lightly on his feet.  he’s quite,  attempting to give her the chance to really take in the small apartment before them.  the excitement on his face doesn’t  really  align with the space.  it’s small,  and the appliances in the small kitchen space are   d a t e d .   however,  it’s his first apartment in the city.  it’s the first step in what he knows will be  s e v e r a l  to get to where he wants to be,  but it’s still a solid first step.  even with the lack of a reply,  danny turns around to face josie as he continues walking   deeper   into the apartment.  he spreads his arms wide to gesture at the whole space,  not bothering to hide his excitement anymore.        “     c’mon,   isn’t it   great ?      ”       he asks,  his excitement nearly   p a l p a b l e .         “     there’s nothing holding me back now.  no more of the stupid   logistics   and all that,  just all the time in the  world  to just focus on my music.  dude,  we’ve   MADE   it.      ”
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lahbonairss · 3 years
@neverafters​  asked  //  ‘  who  am  i  to  be  in  love  when  your  love  never  is  for  me  ?  ’ 
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                  it  startles  her  at  first.  what  it  is  for  fear  and  relief  to  seep  within  one’s  veins  all  at  once  ---  a  symphony  of  emotion.  hope’s  breath  is  caught  in  her  throat,  a  lump  formed  in  the  newness  of  it  all.  to  love  and  lose  over  and  over,  the  sheer  terror  of  inviting  a  new  emotion  to  the  forefront  of  her  thumping  heart.  could  she  ever  tell  josie  the  extent  of  what  she  felt  for  her,  or  was  this  to  be  another  twisted  game  of  cat  &  mouse  with  her  own  mind  ?
                          “  josie,  i...  ”  a  pause,  blue  orbs  widening  more  as  she  processes  the  siphoner’s  words.  perhaps  that  was  all  she  could  say,  her  throat  unwilling  to  utter  another  sentence.
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vampyirarc · 2 years
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Sebastian can’t help the laugh that escaped his lips as he looked at her. "You're about as intimidating as a butterfly." He said with a grin as he looked her over. “Are you trying to tell me I’m wrong?” He didn’t feel wrong on this situation. She was far too cute to be intimidating, he couldn’t help how he felt in regards to that.
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                      @neverafters​​ liked ! for josie / not accepting
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phoenixmade-a · 3 years
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               @neverafters​ said:  Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator. for josie
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"Perhaps you'll take me out one day - or do I have to make an appointment?"
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hereticurse · 3 years
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            @neverafters​ said:  ‘  i could have died with you.  ’ / josie
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Those words set of a bubble of emotion from the newly turned Heretic, right to her stomach. “No, Jo... You couldn’t have, I wouldn’t let you.” There only needed to be one casualty in this war, and she was it. Maybe this would help Josie see that Hope was beyond saving as much as that hurt to hear it was true. “I tried to kill Hope today and ended up dying myself. I took the vampire blood because I’d be damned if Hope Mikaelson was taking me away from you.” It had always been Lizzie and Josie and that didn’t change because of this. If anything it just doubled that down for Lizzie. “We’ll still be together and...maybe this will stop the merge. We can be free to live our lives, Jo.”   
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vampyir2 · 3 years
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             @neverafters​ said:  “ tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway. “ / josie 👀
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He wanted to pull back in that moment, she didn’t mean it. How could she mean that? If he told her... she’d surely run for the hills. The lack of remorse would be the last nail in the coffin. “You don’t mean that.” He said finally, chuckling slightly. “There are many things I wish I didn’t do... However, there is no way to change them now, I’ve tried.” It would always come back down to that. He tried to change and he failed, he wasn’t worthy of her love, even a fool could see that.
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