#never imagined I'd be writing an mpreg ficlet
Day 44: You're Waddling Like a Cute Duck
(Okay, Nonnie, I do not know what this prompt was meant to call to my mind. All I could think about was how pregnant women waddle like adorable ducks... So warning for mpreg, I guess? I hope you guys enjoy this.)
Harry was obsessed. Obsessed with Draco's pregnant body, with his tummy, his belly button that was pressing out now, his gorgeous glowing skin. He was pretty sure that Draco had never looked as gorgeous as he did now.
He was pretending to read the paper, but really he was just staring at his gorgeous, pregnant husband.
With a little groan, Draco levered himself up out of the chair he was sitting in, one hand supporting his back as he stood.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked, giving up the pretense of reading the paper.
"Fine," Draco said, waving him off as he paced a bit. "Stop looking at me," he grumbled.
"I can't," Harry whined, standing up and moving to wrap his arms around Draco. "You're waddling like a cute little duck and I just want to squish you."
Draco huffed but leaned into Harry. "Ouch," he grunted, rubbing at his stomach. "Ooh, watch yourself little miss," he murmured.
"Can I feel?" Harry whispered.
With a nod, Draco took Harry's hand and positioned it low on his belly where their daughter was kicking and squirming. "Ow," he said again and Harry rubbed his stomach soothingly.
(Read more below the cut)
"Can I get you anything?"
Draco shook his head, "I'm just tired," he said. "Your daughter was very awake last night while I was trying to sleep."
"My daughter, hmm?" he murmured, wrapping his arms around Draco and swaying with him.
The other man nodded, "Yes, when she's being a pain and keeping everyone awake, she is obviously yours."
He chuckled and pressed a kiss to Draco's neck, "Do you want to go lay down and take a rest?" Harry asked.
Shaking his head, Draco said, "No, it's alright. I'm feeling a little restless, she seems to be as well."
"Should we floo the healer-" he started.
"No," Draco said. "Everything is fine, just calm-" he broke off and rested his hand over his stomach. "I just felt a pop."
"A pop?" Harry asked, circling around Draco's body to look at him from the front, placing a hand on either side of his stomach, "What do you mean a pop? Is everything okay?"
Draco took a step back and looked down at the floor, Harry followed his gaze to the tiny puddle of water. "My water broke," Draco said, looking up at Harry with something akin to shock on his face.
"Okay," Harry said. "Okay. Do not panic," he turned and spun in a circle trying to think, "Okay. What do we need?" he asked, obviously panicking
"Overnight bag," Draco said calmly, "The baby carrier. It's all right in the-" he broke off and Harry watched his face contort in pain, "Ow-" he panted holding his belly with one hand as he leaned against the wall with the other. "Fuck. It's in the closet, Potter, get the-" he broke off again, "Ow, fuck. Get the fucking bag."
Harry rushed to the closet and grabbed the bag and the carrier. "Alright," he said, "Okay," he nodded. "To the floo, love."
Hands still clasping his belly, Draco made his way to the floo, Harry a few steps behind. He was reaching into the little pot of floo powder when he let out a low groan, his hand grasping the mantle as he tried to catch his breath. "Ouch," he hissed. "This really fucking hurts, Potter. I can't believe you did this to me."
Harry wanted to protest that it was something they'd done together, quite intentionally, but he kept his mouth shut.
Draco stepped into the floo and was whisked off to St. Mungos, Harry followed directly behind. They were greeted, Draco was put into a wheel chair, and they were taken up to their room in a matter of minutes.
As Harry was helping to get Draco undressed and into the hospital gown, Draco grasped his shoulder so tightly that Harry was fairly certain he was going to have bruises. "Harry?" the other man whispered.
"Yeah, love?" he asked, looking up at the other man from where he was slipping socks onto his feet.
"I'm afraid," Draco murmured.
Harry stood up and pulled Draco into his arms, "Of what, my darling?"
"What if I'm not cut out for this?" he whispered. "I'm not ready. What if I am a terrible dad and she hates me? What if I completely ruin her life and irrevocably mess her up?"
"Hey," Harry said, pressing a kiss to Draco's forehead. "If both of us can turn out fine with the childhoods we had, she is going to be okay." He put his hands on Draco's belly and felt a contraction rippling through as the other man winced. "We both already love this baby more than life itself; let's just start there, yes?"
"Okay," Draco whispered, leaning his head against Harry's.
"Okay," Harry repeated. "Now, let me get on the bed behind you," he said, climbing up and spreading his legs so Draco could situate himself against Harry's body. He let his hands massage Draco's stomach while they waited for the healer.
A cheerful witch came in just a few minutes later, "Oh, good, I see you two are ready!"
"As we'll ever be," Draco grunted.
She smiled and wheeled up a chair, "Alright, lets just take a look," she said as she lifted Draco's hospital gown. "Well, bless my soul," she said, glancing up to smile at them, "The wee love is already crowning. Time for you to push deary."
And so Draco pushed. Harry held his hands and held his body, murmuring encouragement and casting cooling charms.
It didn't seem to take as long as Harry had imagined it would to hear that first cry. "Well done," the healer was saying as she received their baby who immediately started to wail even louder. "Come on over," she said to Harry, "you can cut the cord."
Draco nodded at him and he carefully climbed out from behind him and went around to cut the umbilical cord.
"Here you are, love," she said holding out the baby to Harry.
"Oh, Draco should hold her first," he said, "he did all the hard work," he added turning to look at his husband who looked worn out but deliriously happy.
"That's alright," he said, "I carried her for nine months, it's your turn."
"Are you sure?"
"For Merlin's sake, Harry, hold our baby!" he exclaimed.
The healer had cleaned her and swaddled her by the time he turned to receive her, "Here we are," she said, carefully putting her into Harry's arms.
Harry fell in love with her in an instant; her dark curls and button nose, her silver eyes as she tried to blink them open. "Shh, shh, shh," he murmured as he rocked her, "Welcome to the world little one," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Come on, papa's over here," he said, bringing her to Draco and laying her on his chest.
Tears spilled from the corner of Draco's eyes as he held her. "Circe, she's perfect," he murmured. "She's absolutely perfect."
"Well done," he whispered, pressing a kiss to Draco's temple.
"Thank you," Draco whispered and Harry wasn't sure if it was to him or to their beautiful new baby, but either way he felt just the same.
Day 43: Truth or Dare | Day 45: Stabbed
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