#never ask barbie abt her mom never ask blitz about fizz and never ask fizz about his daddy issues
fizzarollitm · 3 months
“ did you ever feel bad for how different cash treated us ? “ | @wcshedup
" He didn't treat us that different— " Immediate defensiveness struck at Fizzarolli. He pinched his shoulders in and wiggled an inch away from her. His tail crawled up his leg to settle by his hands and he flicked a thumb at the spade.
Tell the truth.
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" Fine. Yes. And no— " He bent forward and dug his talon into the corner point, dragged it in towards the thin cartilage at the heart of it. His tail tingled from the touch, and it offered something to focus on besides memories long dead and gone
" It was nice. I liked it. I liked being told I was a star and have my work praised. But then he would rip you two apart and use me as the fucking ruler to do it. It was shitty and just so blatant. "
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His shoulders slumped and he let his tail go. It flicked at the air and he looked away from her. Hated how Barbie watched him like she could always see right through him. Hated how she made him honest; they were too alike in that way. Maybe it's because they shared more Cash than Tilla in their blood even if his was on loan.
" You were my favorite people in the world and each time I got better, it got worse for you. So I had to be the best because otherwise I let all that bad shit happen just so I could get an ego boost. " His head shook. " Whatever— We're too old for daddy issues and shit like this. "
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. | 4/10 - Accepting
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