#neteyam x albino na'vi reader
fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐦, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ᴀʟʙɪɴᴏ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ɴᴀ'ᴠɪ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ!
Tw: raw meat, dead animal, blood, reader is a tsundere and shy.
A/N: I hope you guys liked this part, I know I took a while to ride this and I'm sorry about that.
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That night as laid with your mother on the sleeping pile, you couldn't stop thinking about that boy. Sure you have seen the Omaticaya na'vi before, but never one so close. You began to have these feelings that you had never felt, you didn't know how to explain them. That night you barely got any sleep due to your constant thinking of those feelings, it felt weird, specially thinking of that boy who's name was Neteyam.
The next morning you were woken up by your mother, you didn't want to since you barely slept that night but your mother wasn't having it. You along with her and some cubs went into the woods to search for something to eat. It was your turn to help the pups hunt and defend themselves. After a while you had manage to get them to pay attention since all they wanted to do was play.
Your mother had manage to hunt down a Hexapede, so you and the cubs could eat. She always made sure you and the pups ate first then she had her share. As you ate the bloody raw meat, you had been distracted, normally you'd tell the cubs to not play with their food but your head was in the clouds, thinking of that boy.
Txurtu had been the one to lightly hiss the pups as a warning to stop playing and eat, they immediately did as they were told. Then she turned to you who was finished eating, but still thinking. She lightly licked your hand to get your attention which it worked. "What is it mama?" you asked, looking into her cat like green eyes. She let out a soft growl in which you understood. "Nothing just thinking" you responded, looking back at the cubs who were now finished eating and playing around with each other.
Your mother gave you a look, making you glare at her "no I'm not thinking of that boy!" you protested, looking away from her with your face heating up embarrassed. Txurtu made a noise which sounded as if she was laughing at you, she probably was. "Okay, so what if I am, he is making me feels all sorts of things I can't explain" you admitted to your mother, knowing she'll learn sooner or later. Again, she purred and licked your hand as a form of comfort. "See him again? I don't know mama, he probably thinks of me, as if I were a monster... I mean look at me" you said sadly looking down at your pale hand.
Txurtu gave you a sad look and licked your cheek as form of comfort, making you giggle. "You only say that because you're my mama" you said, making her give you a stern look causing you to giggle at her reaction. Then she stopped to think for a moment, then she gave you a playful look, in which you knew what she was implying.
"Meet him? Mama who knows if I'll ever see him again, he must be busy with his people like I am with the pups" You said, seen how your mother began to eat the butchered animal, but her idea didn't sound so bad, maybe you could meet him again and maybe properly introduce him to your mother. After your mother had been finished with her food, you along with her and the cubs went back to were the pack was located.
Just like you Neteyam couldn't stop thinking about you, he had never seen anyone like you in his life. It was his first time ever coming across someone like you, even though he just met you that night, he couldn't help but think how beautiful you looked. Specially with that spear and spirit of yours, he had to meet you again, get to know you better and this time you don't try to kill him.
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That afternoon, Neteyam had finally been free from his duties, so he decided to go find you again. He'd hoped to find you in the same spot that you both had met. He left the hut in a hurry, not noticing someone go right behind him, it was non other but his mother.
You were back the spot, waiting, you felt dumb waiting for someone who you may never see again, but at the same time you hoped that he'd somehow show up. You were sitting on the grass with your mother who was fast asleep on your right, you ran your hand on back top of her head into her back. She did the same to you when you were much younger, so you'd do the same to her.
After couple more minutes, you heard someone approaching. You got a hold of your spear, ready to defend your mother, only to be met by the boy. "You're here" Neteyam said panting, trying to catch his breath, assuming he must have been running. This made your heart flip, seen him again made your stomach flutter as well, were you getting sick?
You cleared your throat, getting up from the ground. Ignoring how your tail began to sway from side to side, happily. "I mean, this part of the forest Is my favorite spot" you avoided eye contact. Looking at your to your left while holding your spear tall. Also trying to brush off the blush that had grown in your face.
Neteyam only chuckled, it was obvious that you were shy, but also feisty. "Yeah, it is nice here, I might make it my new favorite spot" he teased, making you turn to him, chocking on thin air. "Wh- I called this spot first" you said glaring at him, only for him to laugh at your now cute red face. "Hmp! Rude!" you said crossing your arms, then your mother had opened her eyes, causing Neteyam to back off a bit nervous.
Seen his reaction, you looked down at your mother who was now staring at the nervous boy. "It's okay, she won't harm you" you said as your mother then got up, showing how much taller she was then you and him together. Neteyam still wasn't sure whether to run or to approach you both, until you reached out your hand to him, motioning him to come closer. He slowly walked over to you, not wanting to alarm your mother.
He had heard stories about the Paluluka, how they were aggressive and dangerous animals. His mother had rode one during the battle when he was slowly growing in her stomach. Which made her Paluluka Makto. He was now face to face with you and Txurtu. "Just breath" you responded, slowly taking his hand. Neteyam nodded and took a deep breath to calm down a bit. You had brought his hand up to your mother's snout allowing her to smell his scent.
Neteyam looked away, still having his hand out by you who had let go of it. Allowing him to do this on his own, he felt as if the blue had drained from his body, feeling as if he was going die in the spot, but then he felt something wet on his palm. He slowly looked over, seen that your mother had her snout on his palm. You giggled seen how pale he was, even paler than you. "See, you didn't die, my mother likes you."
This made Neteyam sigh in relief, he couldn't believe that a Paluluka had approved of him "I'm sorry, I just, never been face to face with a Paluluka" he admitted, making your mother gave him a look, which you knew it was a smile for sure. "Well, my mama is the first one" you said teasing him a bit, still feeling him nervous. You couldn't help but smile by this. Then you thought of something. "How would you feel if you rode her as well?" you asked with a small smirk, seen him turn to you in shock. "Ride? But.. are you sure she won't have a problem?" he asked, seen you hop on your mother's back and latched your queues together.
"Come on, don't you trust me?" you teased at him. "I mean, we met yesterday, but a little trust wouldn't hurt" you said, seen that he was hesitant at first, but then finally made up his mind. "No, it wouldn't" he said with a smile, then you helped him get on your mother's hand. "Hold onto me" you said, feeling how he wrapped his arms around your waist, then you instructed your mother to take off in which she did.
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The ride was fun, Neteyam was used to riding his Ikra, but a Paluluka? It was a new experience for him. As he rode with you, he felt as if he had never seen certain parts of the forest, you must know the whole forest like the back of your hand. What was even better was your company, every time you both would look eye to eye, you'd quickly look away from each other, making things a bit awkward but also funny at the same time.
You'd smile every now and then, feeling his arms around your waist made your stomach and heart go crazy. You had never had this much contact with anyone other then your mother or the cubs, the feeling of another na'vi touching your was different. Was it just with him or would it be the same feeling with any other any?
The ride had come to stop, it had was going to be dusk soon, and Neteyam needed to head back home or a search party will be sent out. Your mother had taken him near the village, she decided to keep her distance since she didn't want to risk hers and yours safety.
Neteyam had got off your mother. "I really enjoyed the ride" he said with a smile, petting your mother's snout. You smiled back at him, seeing him interact with her. "I'm glad" you responded, then he turned to you, looking into your red eyes. As you both locked eyes, you felt as if time had stopped, not to mention your heart was beating at a fast pace. "I hope I see you soon." Neteyam said, causing you to break out of the strong trance.
"Y-yeah! me too! but only if you want to, it's not like you have to" You rambled, feeling your face heat up, not to mention the small chuckle that came from your mother. Neteyam smile, greeting both you and your mother a goodnight then left. You watched him leave into the light, you missed him already. Then your mother let out a purr. "I don't know why but I miss him already" you said sadly.
Your mother turned the other direction, walking away from the village, giving you a response by your statement. "You think so mama?" you asked her, seen her look to her side at you as a form of reassurance. "I mean, not that I-" you stopped, seen the side eye your mother was giving you, making you just sigh and lay on your stomach with your arms crossed on top of her head. "Yeah, I guess you're right" you admitted.
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byunpum · 1 year
Ghost girl | part 2
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Pairing: Neteyam x Albino na'vi!fem x Sully family
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, injured, neytiri being the mom we all need, teyam is a shy babygurl, soft & crush moments.
Note:I am taking this story as I am feeling it. I don't have an ending written, so I'm going to let it all just flow. I hope you like this chapter. You know that all opinions are welcome. BTW… I'll keep answering requests. I have a lot of them in my inbox, so please be patient. <3 Thank you for helping me in the last post.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5(final)
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1 year ago…
"Auyat, I must accept my destiny, it's the right thing to do" you speak, adjusting a few pieces of your hair. "But…you don't love him" the girl is sitting weaving a berry basket. Berry picking season was approaching. "You're right, I don't love him…but I don't plan to disobey my father" you look at your friend, who is looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You let go of what you're doing… and settle closer to your friend's side. "I have no choice, it's the right way, you know Dad wants the lineage to continue…and according to him, Seyey is the perfect man for me" your voice sounds almost lazy, as you feel your friend stroking your hair. "So what happened about that dream…about the boy?" she asks you.
You laugh a little, remembering the vision you had had months ago. The dream was simple…a bright lake, in front of you was a man. You could recognize some of his features…but you couldn't see his whole face. You could feel more the sensation of being with him. He was holding your hand, and you could feel the love he felt for you. How you laughed, and spent time together, until you woke up quickly…damn, you were in love with a dream.
"That's just a dream!!!" you laugh, pulling away from her. "It's a vision…lately your talents are at their peak" she is excited, getting up to spin around. You both laugh, she was cheerful and awkward…but she was your best friend. Almost your sister. The girl sits down smack next to you, hugging you. "You know I'll always be here for you…no matter what you choose" your friend speaks, as you turn to look at her. "Me too…me too" returning the hug. You feel the hug grow colder, turning to look at your friend. Noticing her body fade over your hands…until there is nothing left. There is nothing left of her.
You open your eyes suddenly, where were you? What had happened? The last thing you remember is the face of that woman…your baby!!!. Where the hell is your baby? You sit up suddenly, but the pain in your leg reminds you of the reason why you had fainted. You get more comfortable on the sheets you were lying on. And you start to look at the bands on your body. It was different from what you had seen before, 'new medicine' you think. You also notice how much warmer it was than in your village. Everything was dry, and hot. This was not good for you… your body was used to the cold temperatures. Looking at the decorations that adorned the hut, you laugh a little. Somehow it reminded you of your mother. You see how the curtains of the hut open, and by instinct you try to wrap your body. But the pain gets the better of you and you let out a moan.
"Oh…you're awake," says mo'at. Carefully approaching, seeing how you had your ears pinned to your head, and your eyes dilated. "Wow…you sure have a lot of hair" mo'at reaches over and strokes the side of your hair a little. The snow na'vi were very different, not only because of their skin. But because of their physical appearance, white and abundant hair. Perfect to protect them from the dangerous cold. His eyes were brown, perfect for camouflage among the cold trees. Besides, everyone knows that brown is the color of choice for the cold seasons. "Where is my baby… I" you start to speak, but you see how the woman hands you a container, which contained a liquid. "He is with my daughter…the woman who rescued you, he is safe" she speaks, watching as your body relaxes a little. "But he is not hurt?" you ask, mo'at shakes her head. Trying to calm you down. "You need to take that drink…it will help you stay strong" mo'at says. You are looking at the drink, as you begin to sip it a little at a time. "The best thing would be for you to rest…your son is in good hands." Mo'at speaks.
The truth is that you were still tired, and having a baby in your care while feeling so tired was not recommended, and something inside you told you that he was in good hands. After taking your drink, you lay down on your side. Mo'at watches you, you were hugging your body in a ball position. You were heartbroken, it wasn't easy to be here… after all you had been through. Maybe you were the only survivor of your clan… you were alone. Mo'at, in a very motherly moment, kneels down next to you, places your hand in your hair. She says nothing, just feels you sigh, and can hear some whimpering. She settles down next to you, to comfort you. You had been through so much.
On the other side of the village, neytiri held the baby in her arms. She had spent day and night caring for him. She had to admit she was tired, jake was out hunting with lo'ak. Kiri was taking care of tuk, she was out for a walk with her sister. And she only had neteyam with her, her eldest son was helping her prepare the afternoon meal. "teyam…will you help me with something?" says neytiri, watching as her son gets up from the floor, and drops the pots he was holding. "What am I good at mother" neteyam comes to her side. Neytiri in a smooth but quick movement, stretches out her arms to hand the baby to neteyam. Clumsily he tries to hold him. "M-mama what," stammers neteyam. "I want to walk for a while…plus I'll go get what's missing for dinner" says neytiri, watching as neteyam takes the baby in his arms. Before the boy could protest, neytiri got up, grabbed a basket and hurried out of the family hut. She knew that neteyam would do a good job.
"And now what do I do with you…ahhh?" says neteyam, this was making him nervous. The last time he had held a baby in his arms was tuk, but he was still an infant. Now everything was strange… noticing how the baby moved his nose, and raised his little hands. He placed his hand, so that the baby would hold his finger. "Wow…you are small…and very white" neteyam laughs, now he was sitting on the floor. Stroking the baby's hair, nuzzling it more on his chest. "What would your name be?" neteyam touches the baby's nose, causing the baby to make a little vague smile on his little mouth. Neteyam felt herself growing tender, this baby was so tender and beautiful to his eyes. Lifting his arms, to give him a little kiss on his cheek. "You are precious!!!" neteyam speaks in a higher pitched voice.
After a while, about 1 hour or so. Neteyam had placed the baby in the small hammock his mother had made for him. While he was preparing some hunting tools, sharpening his knives and arrows. Until he hears the baby start to cry, he gets up and runs to the baby. Taking him in his arms. "Hey…what's wrong? Are you dirty?" says neteyam, examining if the baby had done any of its needs. The baby's clothes were strange, compared to the clothes of the omaticaya babies. This one was more covered, a type of cloth…that seemed to be the skin of some animal. "mmm are you clean…ahhh does anything hurt?" says neteyam, as he holds the baby in his arms, lifting him up to place his ears on the small stomach. "oh!!! You seem to be hungry" neteyam closes his eyes a little, when he hears how the baby starts to cry louder. "calm down!!!" neteyam tries to soothe him, but he doesn't even know what to feed him. I mean…this baby is supposed to be drinking breast milk. Taking some time to think, as he paces back and forth around the hut.
'Mo'at' thinks neteyam. His grandmother would help him, of course…he couldn't go to where the baby's mother was, because she was hurt. But his grandmother would help. He quickly leaves the hut, and makes his way to the mo'at hut. Entering, he sees that all is quiet. The baby had calmed down a bit, neteyam found that as long as he was moving the baby was quiet. Entering and examining the area. There was no one, until he saw a figure on one of the beds. It seemed to be a girl…and he knew immediately that you were the mother. Because it was very obvious, because of your skin and hair color. The boy approaches carefully, but a crying sound is heard throughout the hut. This causes you to wake up.
"What's going on?" you speak, carefully getting up. You still had your eyes half closed, as you tried to see what was happening. When you finally open your eyes, you see a man. Holding your baby, and your baby crying. "I'm sorry, I" neteyam speaks, but suddenly goes quiet. You both make eye contact for a couple of seconds, before you look down. "Is that my baby? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BABY?" you yell a little, raising your arms. Signaling, to hand him over to you. Neteyam without hesitation, rushes over. With his tail tucked between his legs, handing you the baby. Watching as you quickly embrace him. A smile comes across your face, as you sniff at your baby's hair. "Mama's here… now,now," you cuddle the baby. He is crying, but his fury has diminished as he hears and smells your scent.
"He's hungry…so I brought him with mo'at…I swear I didn't want to get you up" neteyam tries to apologize. But see how you are ignoring him, all your attention was now placed on your baby. He sits up, he wasn't too far away from you. But he was at the perfect distance to respect your space. He stays quiet, watching you cuddle your baby. Moving your top, to breastfeed your child. Giving him a little kiss on his forehead, "I think it was a woman who was taking care of my child" you look up, still annoyed. But you feel your breath catch, when you finally make eye contact with neteyam.
His eyes…his bright eyes. The shape of his nose…and how his hair fell to his shoulders. Your pupils dilate…it couldn't be him, it was almost impossible. Your gazes never leave each other's side, it seems as if the two of you have met at some point. You feel him so familiar…his gaze is so familiar. "Neteyam" you speak softly, noticing how the man's ears perk up. "Do we know each other?" neteyam asks, still making eye contact with you. You feel that same pressure in your chest that you felt when you had that…dream. "No…I don't think so" you speak, shifting your gaze. You hear a chuckle, neteyam was laughing to himself. "Sure…I've never seen anyone like you" neteyam's eyes scan your whole body. Then he looks at your face again.
"Yes" you felt a little embarrassed, out of nowhere you were embarrassed and you swear you were blushing. It couldn't be him…it could be something else. 'eywa stop doing your thing..no, no ,no ,no' you think. How could it be him, you don't even know him. "Hey are you okay?" neteyam asks, reaching over to touch your shoulder a little, but just before he touched you. You startle, pulling away a little. "Ohh sorry honey" you speak, the movement had knocked your baby off your boob. You try to get comfortable, but with the wraps and your clothes it was very difficult. Neteyam reaches over, and takes a piece of clothing that was covering your breast. Holding it up, so you could better fit your baby. "Thank you" you speak, seeing how he gives you a smile. "You're welcome…hey, why are you turning red?" asks Neteyam. And yes, you were turning very red.
The tips of your ears were red and your nose. So were your cheeks. You shake your head to the other side. "Ahhh it's nothing…I think it's the heat. It's VERY hot in here" you yell a little. Neteyam falls silent, you had surprised him. "Yeah…you're not used to this weather. My mother told us where you came from" you watch as he settles more in his seat. And gives the 'I see you' sign. "I know it must have been awful what you've been through… but you're welcome to this clan" speaks neteyam. Damn…he had to be so nice and kind. "Thank you I…" just as you were about to thank him, you hear someone enter the hut. It was three people to be more precise. Neytiri, Kiri and Mo'at. The three women are a bit surprised, when they see neteyam next to you and the baby.
"You were supposed to be taking care of him," says neytiri, approaching you. "Yes…he just got hungry. I came to see if grandma was here so she could help me…but look" neteyam points his arms at you. " His mom was awake" neteyam says. "You woke me up" you speak, seeing how neytiri gave him a dirty look. Neteyam curls into a ball, hugging his knees. Neytiri turns to look at you, smiling tenderly. "And how are you?" she asks, noticing how you cuddle your baby. "I'm fine…I wanted to thank you for not leaving me there, I'm thankful…. for everything" you speak, looking up to look at mo'at as well. Neytiri caresses your face. "You're welcome… I had to do it, I wouldn't have forgiven myself if something had happened to you" neytiri speaks, sitting down closer to your side.
"What's the baby's name?" asks Kiri, the girl is already in front of you. You are a little surprised, but you laugh. You lift the baby in your arms. "His name is herwì" you speak. Neytiri smiles a little, taking the baby's foot in her hands. "That is a beautiful name" kiri moves closer to the baby. Neytiri looks up, to see neteyam looking at you. The look seemed to be calm, while his tail wagged in fast taps. It could be curiosity, the woman thought. "Well…I see you met my oldest son…sorry I left the baby for him. I had to get things for dinner," neytiri says, apologizing to you. You wave your hands. "Don't worry he is" you give a quick glance at neteyam, who looks down at the floor when he notices that you caught him looking at you. "He's very funny" you speak. Kiri laughs, and taps neteyam. "Wow…someone says you're funny" kiri teases her brother. The latter rolls his eyes, turning to look at another spot in the hut.
After half an hour, everyone was still there in the hut. Neytiri was doing her best to make you feel comfortable in your new home. Because it was. Neytiri had a very long conversation with Jake, she wanted him to agree to let the girl stay in the clan. The only thing you were asking for was shelter, you had lost everything. Jake was quick to agree, first he couldn't say no to his mate. And second… he understood what you were going through AND he wasn't going to leave a young mother abandoned. This made Neytiri happy, she felt a responsibility to you. The only thing she was curious about was what had really happened…and where was your family? She didn't want to be disrespectful…but she was very curious.
Neteyam had moved closer to you, listening as you and Kiri talked. Kiri kept talking about how you were going to like everything in this clan. How she was going to help you. He was just giving you a few glances, praying you wouldn't notice he was looking at you every 4 seconds. At that, you hear some noises coming from the entrance of the hut. Some na'vi were carrying a man. You could see that his leg was very bad. All this noise made the baby get up and start crying. Mo'at got up and led the men to place the wounded man on one of the beds. Mo'at received the injured of the clan, took care of them. So this hut, it was almost like a hospital.
You try to calm the baby, but he was very upset. He wouldn't stop crying, he woke up scared. "May I?" asks neteyam, signaling for you to hand over the baby. You, without complaint, hand him the baby. Watching as he lays him on his chest and gets up. To now walk back and forth. You laugh, but you are surprised. "wow…look at that" says kiri, herwi had calmed down. Falling asleep on neteyam's chest. "neteyam, you have a talent with babies," says neytiri, laughing a little. She thought it was adorable to see her son, comforting the baby. Meanwhile neytiri had gotten up and was now walking towards her mother. Mo'ate was busy, helping the man. "mom… y/n is she better?" asks neytiri.
"Yes…but she needs help and supervision, in a week she will be as good as new" Mo'at speaks, still working. Neytiri takes another look, she saw how kiri and neteyam were already getting along with you. As if they had known you all their lives… you gave off such a beautiful vibe. She felt that this place was not right for a wounded mother and her baby to be. "There an empty hut?" mo'at looks at neytiri. "No…not at the moment" mo'at continues to treat the man. "Mother…I think it is right that I take y/n to rest in my hut. We will take care of her…besides this is not a safe place for a baby" says neytiri. "I find it fine…you just have to ask her" says mo'at, she was deep in her work, ignoring her daughter a bit. Neytiri gets up, and walks to your side.
You look up, watching as the woman sits down next to you. Placing her hand on your back. "Y/n…have a question" neytiri speaks, you give her your full attention. "mmm I was wondering…would you like to sleep in our hut?" neytiri speaks, this gets neteyam and kiri's attention. "yesssss say yes" kiri says, hugging your arm. Neteyam was still holding the baby in his arms. This question makes him a little anxious, he kept quiet waiting for your answer. "Ahh mmm I don't know, I don't want to disturb" you say. "No honey… it would be my pleasure. I want you to be more comfortable, besides…I think you want to be in a better place" says Neytiri. "You're right…I accept" you speak, watching as a smile forms on neytiri's face. You swear you almost started to cry…she was so much like your mom. You missed her so much.
Neytiri got up from the floor, ready to leave. "I think I'll need help" you look at your thigh, the wound was still very fresh. Neytiri analyzes the situation. "Neteyam…why don't you help me carry her" Neytiri orders. Neteyam hands the baby to her mother, approaching you. Kneeling down, "If you allow me…" says neteyam, bringing one of his hands to your waist. And another under your thigh. Lifting you carefully, in bridal mode. Out of instinct, and to keep your thigh from stretching so much. You bring your arms around neteyam's neck, you were afraid of falling and hurting yourself. Neteyam tightens his grip, and holds you tighter. Neteyam held you very close, your face was inches away from his. He swear he could smell the scent of pine and something sweet, he loved it. "Ok…we are ready" says Neteyam. Neytiri says goodbye to mo'at and they all leave the hut. Not if before hearing how mo'at shouted. "Be very careful with her…I will come later to give you all the medicines". Everyone in the group continues walking towards the family hut. Neytiri was happy…stroking the baby's tiny head. But the movement of her son's tail caught her attention, it was very fast. And it was up… Neytiri chuckled to herself.
That same night…
Arriving at the hut, neytiri set everything up. You couldn't stay in a hammock, so she set up a nice trundle bed. Perfect for you and the baby to be comfortable. "And as I was saying… the thanator are the most dangerous" lo'ak speaks, the boy had introduced himself the first minute he arrived at the hut. He had been impressed with you, asking why you were so white and why your hair was like that. Neytiri had to tap him to get him to calm down and not bother you. On the other hand, you felt very comfortable, seeing that they had received you so kindly. Meanwhile neteyam was sitting somewhere on the side of the hut, watching you.
"Ma jake… thank you for accepting" says neytiri, Jake and neytiri were outside the hut talking. "Ma neytiri..don't worry. You know I don't mind helping…that's what we're here for. Besides," jake glances inside the hut, "She gives off a good vibe," says Jake. Neytiri places a hand on his arm, somewhat excited. "Exactly…I thought I was the one who felt that" neytiri laughs a little. Jake just stood there for a moment, watching how all the young people were getting along so well. Lo'ak and you were talking, kiri and tuk were playing with the herwi, well kiri was holding the baby and tuk was showing him her new toys. Even though the baby didn't understand anything. Until he noticed how your ears were turning red and you looked a little uncomfortable. "The girl looks a little strange…I think there's something wrong with her" jake speaks, neytiri looks at you and notices the same thing. Entering the hut quickly.
"Y/n…are you ok?" neytiri asks, noticing the same thing jake saw. "Ahh yes" you speak, somewhat shyly. You didn't want to intrude, this family was completely welcoming you. The least you could do was complain. "You're getting a little red…are you sure?" says neytiri, coming towards you. "Well…I'm a little hot" you say. And of course you were hot. Your clothes were not the same as what they were wearing. While the sully family wore lighter clothing, you had a fur top that covered your breasts. And your loincloth was made of a strong, somewhat furry fabric. "Baby… I think your clothes are making you hot," Jake says, coming towards you. "I think so" you giggle a little. "Well…I think I have a few pieces of clothing that would fit you" says neytiri. You nod your head, accepting the woman's proposal.
Jake takes the men of the family with him, so that Neytiri will have more confidence to help you change. With the excuse that they would help him look for what was missing for the dinner. Neytiri looked for one of the clothes that she had kept, which were decorated with feathers and some precious stones. They matched the loincloth. Kiri and Neytiri help you, you couldn't move much. But this felt so comfortable…they were treating you like part of their family, and you barely knew them. Or so you thought…you swear you knew them, it was a feeling you couldn't understand. "thank you" you speak watching as neytiri adjusts the last knot of your loincloth. "It looks great on you…you look beautiful" says Kiri. You felt a little strange…but this relieved the heat. After a while, jake came in accompanied by his son. "oh, wow…you look better now" says jake, holding a basket full of cooked fish. Neteyam felt that now he was the one feeling hot, as he came in he saw you sitting there. Seeing you looking very beautiful in the clothes of his people.
He could notice how you give him a quick glance giving him a smile, making him change his. He quickly ran to where his father was to help him. "ok… family today we are going to eat near Y/N" says jake, motioning for everyone to settle around you. Everyone takes a seat around you. Grabbing the utensils they needed to start eating. Dinner was going very well, everyone was having a great time. But something was bothering neytiri, she wanted to know more about you. "Y/n…sorry to ask this…but could you tell us what happened…and where is your partner? Mo'at told us a little about your clan…but she couldn't say what happened" speaks jake, making neytiri turn around in surprise. "No…y/n you don't have to" neytiri tries to apologize.
"Don't worry…I'll tell you" you let go of the pot you were holding. "One year ago… they came to our village. The humans came saying they needed a mineral…that only grows in our lands. Dad refused, and you know what happened." You take a breath, seeing how everyone was giving you their full attention. "The attacks and landings became more frequent, until what I never thought would happen occurred…I had seen it in one of my visions. But I thought no…it wasn't possible. But they attacked with everything they had" your eyes began to fill with tears. "Dad stayed fighting, while my mother helped me get out of the village, she told me to come here. Everyone…there was no one left alive. The families, the children…everything. "You lower your face, as the tears came down. You feel someone hug you, and that was Neytiri. Holding you by the shoulders, so that you were closer to her.
There was a short silence, until someone begins to speak. "And your partner?" kiri asks. You raise your head, wiping your eyes a little. "He died in battle when I was three months pregnant" you speak, neytiri could sense a bit of coldness when you talk about your mate. This caused her another question, this was a forced pairing…that had to be it, neytiri thought to herself. "And about the visions…" lo'ak is so interested in your story, all of you seemed interesting to him. "ooh…I am a seer, well an apprentice…my skill is not fully developed, I am still very young. I have visions of people and future events, I myself don't understand what happens to me sometimes" you laugh a little. This made sense now, that's what mo'at was talking about.
"In our clan we are very close with eywa, much more so than all the other clans. Eywa guides us and speaks directly to us." You speak, this makes neytiri raise her ears and look at jake with fascination. "But…that's not possible" says neteyam, you look at him and laugh a little at him. "Well, yes… it's a calling. It's a unique feeling" you speak, looking now at kiri, who is watching you. Understanding every word. "Well…it's all very impressive…and I understand what you've been through" jake says, touching your shoulder. "I'm glad you found our clan…I promise you'll be safe" jake gives you a smile. Oh, you could feel that…he wasn't quite a full-blooded na'vi. He was a mixture, you almost saw jake's whole life up to this moment. You stay quiet, and smile back. You get annoyed with yourself, your ability to see events, it wasn't something you could control. Jake started talking about something else, he wanted to change the subject. He knew this was a difficult topic to talk about.
After dinner…everyone got ready for bed. You were settling your herwin next to you. You felt strange, but happy to have peace of mind. As you tucked your baby in, with a blanket. You saw neytiri come up to you. "Are you feeling all right? Don't you need anything?" neytiri asks you. You smile and let her know you are comfortable, watching her say goodbye to you. You stand there, looking at the home decor, numbering the differences. You had so much to learn… you were beginning to feel melancholy. "Hey" neteyam speaks, you turn to look at him. "Did something happen?" you ask, watching as he bends down on his knee. "I didn't introduce myself properly… my name is neteyam" the boy extends his hand to you, you timidly but confidently hold his hand. And you finally recognize him… it's him. He is the boy from the lagoon. Your heart races a million times, and again you feel yourself blushing.
"I'm Y/N" you say, seeing how her face is drawing a nice smile. "Thank you for trusting us…I hope you feel comfortable" speaks Neteyam. You barely speak, nodding your head 'yes'. Neteyam laughs, as he adjusts your hair a little. "Rest," says Neteyam, getting up from the floor. But not before stopping and looking at you. "And yes…I think we've met before" he laughs…and walks back to his hammock.
It couldn't be…it could be, it was him.
p.s: I tried to explain as much as I could in this part, but I think the Y/N story is more complicated and longer than I thought. I think it's better if I tell it little by little. Tell me what did you think about this part?
Teyam babygurls: symptoms-of-moonlight , tru-blubelle, mashiromochi, ducks118, butterfly-ibuki
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know and I will try to fix it as quickly as possible. tag list is open, just let me know *3*//
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rileytwenty · 2 years
Leyra || the Albino Na'vi MASTERLIST
(x Neteyam)
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4: || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7: coming soon…
Summary: Leyra is an Omaticaya Na’vi who was born albino, and thus is treated poorly by the clan as a ‘freak’. Neteyam has little to no knowledge of this, as his duties as the clan’s future Olo’ektan keep him very busy. One day, by way of a little boy getting lost, they meet. Neteyam is entranced by her unusualness, and she takes a while to warm up to his liking of her.
Slowburn. One-way pining for a little while. Strangers to lovers. Arranged marriage to another. Forbidden love. Secret romance.
Playlist (I add as I write):
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105 notes · View notes
devieuls · 1 year
ˋ Moonlight ☾
Neteyam Sully x Metkayina Albino Reader ( ONE SHOT )
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Synopsis : The elders told the clans that the children of Eywa were born with unique peculiarities and abilities, sent to the clans to bring wisdom and prosperity. But when you were born, no one saw you as a blessing of the Great Mother, but as one of the demons of heaven, being despised by most of the clan just for your appearance. But when, nineteen years later, a family from the forest arrives on the island of Awa'atlu, you will finally find someone who will be able to see you beyond your outward appearance.
Warning : Fluff (at the beginning), many sweet parts; SMUT MDNI: Praising, dirty talk, overstimulation, unprotected Sex, Dom Neteyam, reader not totally submissive a little rude but loving, hickeys, multiple orgasms?, Explicit content.
Lenght : 9.3k
Notes : This was supposed to come out on June 27, my birthday, but my friends have kidnapped me these days to go out. I hope you like this one shot, I really wanted to write it because I always liked the idea of the Albino reader, so with a diversity that I could adapt to some sentences about the moon (my beloved).
NETEYAM: 20 y.o / Y/N: 19 y.o
NA'VI WORDS : OARE: Moon ; YAWNE: Beloved ; TSMUKE: Sister
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The elders told the clans that the sons of Eywa were born with unique peculiarities and abilities, sent to the clans to bring wisdom and prosperity. Therefore, these newborns were raised alongside the Tsahìk, so as never to lose their bond with the Great Mother.
The day your mother announced her pregnancy to the Metkayina clan was a joyful day, the clan congratulated her and blessed her maternal womb, knowing all the pitfalls she had been through and for her unfortunate infertility. Ronal was the most joyous, knowing that her sister had waited so many cycles before having you. You were a miracle, the whole clan thought that when they saw your mother, thinking that Eywa had blessed her for her infinite goodness.
Nine months later you were born in the water, because Tsahìk had a vision of your birth in the gentle waves of the ocean that surrounded the island of Awa'atlu. Unfortunately, like the sea, your mother’s labor was stormy, leading Ronal to think that she could not give birth to you.
"Sister, you’re losing a lot of blood… The only way is to save only one of you" Ronal said in tears, as he found a way to save both. "If you keep pushing, you’ll tear your body apart, ma Sorewn-" your mother stopped her before she screamed in pain. "My baby… Save.her!" She said with all her strength in her body as she squeezed her sister’s hand, looking at her displeased as the water seemed so icy around her and the sand so rough. After minutes that seemed like hours, you came to light, the warm waters welcomed your warm body that reflected the colors of the eclipse.
"Is she okay? Ronal… is my daughter okay?" These were the desperate worries of a mother who was giving her life to give it to her daughter. "She’s fine, ma tsmuke…" Ronal whispered with sadness, knowing that soon her only sister would be gone.
Your mother looked for your body, clutching it weakly as she looked at you with love "y/n… This is her name, sweet breeze… and moonlight, she’s beautiful, isn’t she…?" Sorewn died shortly after uttering, dropping her lifeless body on the sand, but holding your little body still warm, as if she wanted to protect you until her last breath.
Ronal’s screams were desperate as she took you flickering from your mother’s cold arms, allowing herself to cry on her body, knowing that her only sister would never wake up from that eternal sleep again.
The day of your birth was less joyful than the day when your mother’s pregnancy became known, even though the slight joy of knowing that the firstborn of the sister of the Tsahìk was alive and well. But the emotion and joy of the clan ceased to exist when people saw you, the white skin like pearls that were at sea, but associated with the typical complexion of the sky demons.
"She’s cursed," "a demon…", "Look at her skin." Similar murmurs struck the mourning Tsahik’s ears, who in response growled against the clan, silencing them as she continued her walk to her Mauri.
From that day on, nineteen years passed, Ronal raised you as her daughter, never stopping to talk about how much your mother loved you and how you were blessed by Eywa despite your white skin, loving you in the way Sorewn would. Your aunt often told you that you were special, that there were other people like you and it was the Great Mother herself who sent you, trying not to make you feel different from others.
Unfortunately, the sweet words of the Tsahìk didn’t help much, especially because of the children of the clan they used to tease and bully you when you were still a child, not stopping even when you grew up. "Daughter of demons", "Demon", "Cursed Blood" that’s what they told you, and slowly you began to identify yourself in the same way.
The only friends you had were Ao'Nung, Tsireya and Rotxo, the first two because they grew up together with you, while Rotxo respected Ao'Nung and your family too much to offend you, so he became attached like a brother. Ao'Nung and Rotxo often found themselves defending you from the village boys, and Tsireya did the same with the girls, even though she was younger than you.
You were often teased because of your sensitivity to the sun, caused by your albino skin, and because you could only get out after the eclipse, raising suspicions and rumors that you were really something like sky demons. For this reason you spent your days in the marui, distancing yourself from the world that seemed not to want to accept you, hiding you from evil languages and from those who just wanted to hurt you.
It was a morning like any other on the island of Awa'atlu, the two suns that blessed the beaches with their warmth, the children who rejoiced and ran to feed the Ilus, the screams of fishermen and hunters who called to bring the fish to the clan. But you didn’t participate in such activities, your task was to follow the Tsahìk and help her in everything she did, you were not the Tsakarem, but you were always told that you were special, that your connection with Eywa is stronger than any other. Therefore, just like today, your days took place inside the Marui of Ronal, while you helped her with some herbs and medicines that might have been useful.
The tranquility of the village was interrupted by some strange screams of call, and strong steps running on the sand to head to what was 'the entrance' of the clan, you heard some tribal screams and curiosity pervaded you.
"Ma parultysip, what’s going on?" asked Ronal, rising from the ground, to approach you who had looked at the door.
"Ma Tsahìk! Be careful, you are still in the first cycle of pregnancy…" yYou said, stand by the door, then walk up to Ronal and accompany her. " Foreigners… They arrived with Ikran from the sky" You didn’t finish talking that the matriarch rushed right where the foreigners had landed. You followed her both out of curiosity and to take care of her.
Once you arrived at the place, Ronal made room in the crowd that opened around her, you found Tonowari already standing to welcome the strange blue-skinned Na'vi. In the distance you noticed Tsireya, Ao'Nung and Rotxo, and you tried to understand the situation as you looked at them, Tsireya’s eyes made you realize that she was at least as unaware as you. Your eyes were immediately captured by those of one of the newly arrived boys, his eyes yellow as the suns, with some green reflection, long braided hair, a confident headshell and a body hard to miss. You also noticed the battle band wrapping around his abdomen, letting you know he was definitely a warrior. You were out of breath for a few seconds while you were studying him from afar, noticing that he also did not look away from you, intrigued by something, perhaps even enchanted. Your heart started beating faster, almost out of control. The butterflies in your stomach woke up, creating a strong tingling that spread into your body. The cheeks that were colored with a tender blush, betraying your expression.
You hid in the crowd, feeling insecure for a moment, thinking that that boy was looking at you because of the color of your skin and hair so different from others. Only to disappear because of the sun’s rays that were burning your sensitive skin, while Neteyam was looking for you with his eyes, trying to figure out where you had gone, fearing he had put you in awe.
The day passed quickly and you never saw that boy again, yet you knew that both he and his family would stay on the island, and that gave you a strange sense of comfort.
"Y/n! Y/n! You had to come with us to help the newcomers. Their children are very kind indeed and-" Tsireya said once she joined the part of the marui that she shared with you, still sticking to the main marui of the family.
"And? Let me guess, you like the younger one?" You joked, then noticed her blush and embarrassment as she hid behind her curly hair. "Oh ma Eywa… do you like the blue guy!?" You said laughing and then feeling Tsireya’s body on yours, trying to shut you up while you laughed.
"Y-y/n! Stop it! I-I" You stopped her still laughing. "C'mon, Tsireya, you’re 18, it’s normal to have a crush. Don’t think I didn’t see the way you looked at each other, his 'hey' and your chuckle. It was so obvious" She looked at you red again and then laughed with you.
"I was so obvious?" she asked, sitting next to you on the carpet. "Too obvious, ma tsmuke" replied smiling and then hearing everything she had to say about that strange family, assimilating all that information as she spoke with dreamy eyes.
"Oh, and I’ll be teaching the Sullys, the younger ones, of course… along with Rotxo and Aonung, but they don’t like the idea like I do. You should help me, those two idiots would be able to ruin everything and fight with them" You watched her take your hands.
"Oh… I-I don’t think that’s a good idea, I mean… No. I have to be with Ronal, plus-"
"You’re afraid they’ll criticize you for your skin, aren’t you?" she interrupted, understanding where your fear and insecurity were. "They don’t seem like the kind of people who would. You know, Neteyam and Lo'ak said that Kiri is a bit like you too, she is also connected to Eywa" you looked at her slightly uncertain and then heard the name of that 'Neteyam' echoing in your head with some interest.
"Neteyam?" you asked more about this person’s name than her whole sentence. You knew Lo'ak was that kind of Tsireya's crush, so if the math was right, Neteyam must have been the guy you made eye contact with.
"Yeah, he’s the biggest Sully, maybe you saw him. He was the one with the warrior belt and the purple loincloth… Long hair, tall, you know, right? The one who looked down at Ronal while she caught Lo'ak’s tail and hands" you blushed slightly and nodded, only whispering a subtle "Oh… yes, maybe I understood"
Tsireya looked at you weirdly and then looked at you surprised and smiled with emotion. "Oh! DO you like him?" She cheered, making you blush in the same way you did with her. "N-No! It was an 'Oh' to say 'Yes, I get it'. I mean, you get it. Not an 'Oh… that na'vi with hypnotic eyes', you know?" You started stammering and scrambling to escape that. "You never said 'oh' like that and then 'hypnotic eyes'. I'm screaming! You’re so clumsy now" Continued Tsireya, teasing you, then stopping when you close her mouth with your hand. "Think of Lo'ak! Girl, he rizzed you with an 'hey' and a smirk" you had taken it down playfully, just to change the speech. You continued on the same line until you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up without Tsireya, realizing that she had definitely gone to give lessons to the newcomers, while you spent time with the Tsahìk, peeping every once in a while from the window of your aunt’s Mauri. "Y/n, focus" Ronal said, bringing your attention to her, "Yes, sorry, auntie" you whispered, and then you concentrated and watched her handle some medicines.
After a few hours you remained alone in the marui, since Ronal had to leave for commitments with Tonowari. Unfortunately, when you came to the window again, the boys were gone, so you dedicated yourself to classifying and arranging the herbs you had used for the lesson with the Tsahìk. Now that Tsireya was busy teaching the young Sullys, the lessons with Ronal had become heavier and more boring.
"Umh… is it allowed?" an strong unknown voice made you wince while you were behind, then turn around and see the guy from the day before. 'Neteyam', you remembered the name and looked at it while keeping your distance.
"Umh… yes, yes. If you were looking for the Tsahìk, she just left" Your voice was almost a whisper, because of your shyness.
"Oh, I understand. Emh, well, it’s because I needed something for superficial wounds." His voice was at least as warm as Pandora’s suns. He smiled at you slightly and you noticed the split lip leaking blood, and some scratches on his chest and bruises on his face.
"I’m just a student, but I-I could do something… sit there." You pointed to the carpet lying on the ground, and then you turned around and took some herbs to make something like a ointment. You felt his eyes on you the whole time, and you felt slightly uncomfortable, sure he had something to say about how you looked. You started mixing and grinding herbs with some liquid plant extracts, trying not to make you weigh his curious eyes. Not knowing he was admiring you enchanted.
"I am Neteyam anyway…" he began, interrupting the silence, trying to put you at ease.while his head leaned to the side to look for your look
"I know, you are the firstborn of the Toruk Makto and Neytiri of the Omatikaya clan" you whispered again with a thread of voice, without looking at him. " Your father’s title is great, all the clans know him…" continued you, hoping not to seem strange.
"Yeah, it is… What’s your name?" he asked as she approached, stopping when she noticed you drifted away slightly.
"Y/n. just y/n" You answered and then looked at him for a second, before you approached him cleaning the dried blood with a cloth, and then put the natural ointment on his wounds, feeling him wince slightly. "I'm sorry, it burns a little, it has some nettle plants inside it" Your heart began to beat more and more in your chest, noticing how his eyes did not fit even for a second from your face. He wasn’t looking at you like the other kids did, they were sincere and innocent eyes, slightly curious but definitely without malice.
"y/n? is a beautiful name, does it mean anything?" he asked curiously, lowering his voice just like you did.
"Gentle breeze and moonlight, so I've been told." You continued to whisper as you applied the ointment to his lip, keeping your eyes fixed on his lips, finding them strangely inviting.
"It’s definitely a name that suits you," he whispered, making you blush slightly before leaving.
"Why are you whispering…?" you asked to change the subject, trying to cool the fire that was happening on your pale cheeks.
"Because you do, too, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable with my tone of voice being too loud, so I turn it down" he said sincerely, as his eyes continued to explore your whole person.
"O-oh… no need to do it, i-it’s just my tone," you admitted a little embarrassed.
"Can I tell you something?" he asked nicely, always keeping his tone down, noting how you felt a little more comfortable with him.
"Umh, sure, tell me so" you wiped your dirty fingers from the ointment you just put on his torn skin.
"It’s just… well, your skin is-" you stiffened to those words, moving even further away from him as you stopped him from saying anything else.
"I know what you’re going to say… please, can you leave? I finished with the ointment, you should be better in a short time" your voice let shine a veil of fear and discomfort, making him feel a total idiot for having started talking.
"No, it’s nothing bad, i swear… your skin is beautiful, you are beautiful. I mean… ah!" He passed a hand in his hair, embarrassed to feel so clumsy right now. "I mean… you’re very beautiful, that’s…" he whispered in an even lower tone, making you blush.
You looked at Neteyam with flaming cheeks, while your hands were joined at heart level, observing him in silence. 'Does he find me… beautiful?' you asked yourself in your mind.
Your heart bounced through your chest as the boy’s kind words rang out in your incredulous ears. The insecurity that you always felt about your skin and appearance seemed to fade away for a moment, and a shy smile spread across your lips. That insecurity, however, gave way to a strange emotion: joy. A spark of happiness crossed your face for the first time, and his eyes lit up. You felt a feeling of warmth spreading through your chest, as if your heart was about to explode with gratitude. You felt seen and appreciated, and that created an intimate bond with the guy who gave you that unexpected compliment.
"Oh…" you whispered, finding no other words. Your mind began to sow doubts, making you wonder if the boy is serious or if it is just a way to joke, just as other had done in the past. The fear of being teased or misunderstood the boy’s intentions made its way into your mind, momentarily clouding the joy you felt. This Neteyam noticed it because of that light that went out with the same speed as it went on.
"Sorry… I’m just not good with words. But I think you’re really very beautiful, but I think that’s something everyone tells you, so you probably think I'm just one of many idiots… Then I go, I don’t want to make you feel any more uncomfortable than I have already done" Neteyam smiled at you shyly as he stood up to leave as you had asked him.
"N-no… they don’t tell me often." You whispered before you stopped him by taking his wrist. He turned to look you in the eye, smiling slightly as he felt your soft touch around his skin.
"Uh no? Too bad, you are the most beautiful Na'vi I have seen so far" you swallowed to his words and smiled shyly, feeling again warmth on the cheeks. You took your hand off his wrist and handed him a small jar covered with a cloth that served as a lid. "Use it before going to sleep and in the morning, it should accelerate the healing process of the wounds" He smiled noticing the shy smile you had made him and carefully took the vase from your hands.
"Thank you-" Before he could finish the sentence, Ao'Nung and Rotxo also entered the Mauri, who were in a bad way, worse than Neteyam.
"What… did you fight each other? Again?" you supposed, approaching Rotxo touching his face, slightly stroking his broken and bleeding cheekbone, passing your hand over his chest. Neteyam looked at you feeling a sense of jealousy being born in him, not yet knowing that Rotxo was just a close family friend, and that you saw him as a brother.
The boy began to talk with your cousin, being silenced immediately thanks to a nod of your hand, making him understand that they had to shut up. "Not a word. Sit there, right now." you said with a slightly more authoritative voice, making the two boys sit down. Neteyam looked at you mesmerized for a second and then took leave with a formal greeting that you reciprocated.
From that first encounter your life was in love crossed with that of Neteyam, he became your good friend and began to discover every little part of you, always interested. He knew you couldn’t stay in the sun too much and often asked you out for a walk or a swim when the eclipse was already in phase, and when he saw you during the sunny hours, he always tried to find a place in the shade for you. If you were sunburning your skin, he had learned to apply a ointment that Ronal always kept available in case the children or you needed it. He knew that your eyesight was poor because of albinism and that you were particularly sensitive to the great sources of light, and even in this case he made sure to shade you with his hands. In addition to these small things that inevitably led you to have a crush on him, the thing that unfortunately led you to spend more time together was the fact that you never back down to fight with anyone who offended you or teased you, therefore it had become a secure presence in the Tsahìk’s Marui.
During that day’s eclipse, as was increasingly the case, Neteyam looked out the window of your part of the marui. "Pss. Ma Oare, do you want to take a ride to the beach?" he asked you gently, making you wince with fright. "Ma 'teyam, one day you’ll make me die doing this" you said, blushing, making him laugh playfully. "I missed you, today I didn’t see you at all" his tragic voice made you laugh innocently, while hiding your smile with your fingers.
"But if you came to pick up Tsireya here this morning, and I greeted you." You replied, still laughing, while Neteyam made sweet eyes at you, not knowing that behind these same eyes there was a deep enchantment for you.
"It’s not the same, come on. Just an hour, then I promise to let you go." He gave you his hand, inviting you to follow him.
"You always say that and then I come home at dawn or when the stars almost finish their cycle with the moons." He laughed at your words nodding, knowing it was true.
"I promise, if you want to go home, I’ll bring you back myself. Just for today, please, ma Oare." You looked him in the eye for a few seconds, before smiling gently and nodding.
"Just because I want to collect new shells, not for you." To your words he smiled, content to be just a walking companion for you.
He waited for you outside the marui, giving you time to change and settle, knowing how insecure you were about your appearance. What you didn’t know was that he always found you charming and perfect, no matter what your hair or clothes were like that day, his eyes in love would always be enchanted by you. When you came down from your home, he was stunned, watching you without speaking, taking some deep breaths before blushing slightly and scratching his neck.
"What’s wrong? Are you okay?" you asked Neteyam, laughing, as you approached him, holding the small bag you used when you went to collect objects or herbs.
Then you start walking towards the beach, while you pick up some shells and beads that were on the shore or in the still warm sand. Neteyam undertook to look for the most beautiful objects to give to you, knowing that your eyesight was not very good and perhaps you would not notice them, inspecting the most perfect shells and the brightest and most colorful beads. He usually hated doing these things, categorically avoiding accompanying his beloved sister Tuk to collect items for jewelry, following her only when she was about to cry or when his sense of elder brother was turned on and worried about the safety of little Tuktirey.
With you was different, he was content to help you and follow you, really trying to find only the best and then give it to you, because he loved to see your shy smile when you saw the small objects he brought you.
Neteyam remained silent, picking up some shells behind you, watching you from time to time, and then finding you both sitting exhausted on wet sand. You soaked your feet in water as you squinted your eyes and bent your head back to watch the sky greet the end of the eclipse, taking long deep breaths, not noticing Neteyam’s eyes on you.
In his eyes, one could perceive a deep admiration. Observe your features with a mixture of awe and respect, while you look up at the stars, reflecting their own light on your skin. He saw your inner and outer beauty, silently loving everything you did; recording in his mind every detail, even the smallest, making it the main object of his attention, as if he wanted to imprint it in his memory. If only you had looked at him, you would have understood how much love he wanted to give you, if only you had understood that his attentions were not only in friendship, the way he took care of you and protected you, all because he had a deep interest in you.
There was also a touch of desire in his eyes, and he was slightly ashamed of that, because he saw you as a pure being. His eyes moved on you with a slight intensity, as if he wanted to discover every aspect of you, even the most hidden, where you hid your desires. His looks lingered on your lips while you were breathing, your eyes turned to the sea or the stars, or any part of you that fascinated him. It was a kind desire, born from the desire to know and approach a person like you that makes his heart beat. He cursed himself when his thoughts were lost in thinking about how nice it would be to have you, to feel your warm skin shaped by his fingers, your whimpers, whiny breaths, and your lips that seemed ever more soft and inviting.
However, the boy made an effort to hide his emotions, keeping a discreet and respectful look at you, because you deserved to be respected. And when your eyes met his, it might seem like he was just looking at randomly, with no particular interest, but underneath that mask was a whirlwind of feelings that kept him awake at night.
"Your father is from one of those stars, isn’t he?" you asked, pointing at some stars that shone less than others. Neteyam’s hand met yours and moved it to a blue star, slightly blurry.
"There, my father comes from there. It’s called earth, it’s a planet like Jupiter, not a star, ma oare." He said, smiling softly, while his hand remained wrapped towards yours, to show you the exact spot of that planet. You looked away from him to the point he was pointing with your hand.
"Earth… what a strange name" you whispered, slightly laughing, observing the strange planet. " Blue? Does that mean it’s full of water, 'Teyam?"
"My father says that once upon a time there were great forests, like those of the Omatikaya clan, but the people of the earth destroyed everything, letting the land die and be covered with water. It is now filled with large iron structures above sea level" he replied, not looking away from your face, noting your slightly glassy eyes.
"Once upon a time? Why would those people do that to their Mother? Eywa would cry if she knew that one of her sisters was treated this way." Your voice was bitter and you tried not to cry at the thought of constructions that replaced the beautiful forests and went to ruin marine life in that way.
Neteyam looked at you with a soft smile, you were so beautiful when you became emotional about things like that, they showed him even more how beautiful and pure your soul was. "Ma oare, don’t think about it. Unfortunately it’s another culture, they didn’t have the same connection that we have with Eywa. For that matter, they all spoke different languages and often fought each other. There is no peace in their soul, because they never approached their Great Mother" You leaned on his shoulder, nodding as he gently stroked your white hair.
"I don’t even want to imagine all that pain… it’s good that your father found peace between us" you whispered, only to feel the little shiver that ran through Neteyam’s skin when you leaned on him.
"Don’t imagine it, think that you live in a place where the Great Mother sees us and protects us…and that you are one of her favorite" he said, as he wrapped an arm around your body, sighing with relief in silence, realizing that you didn’t mind his touch.
Your eyes suddenly stared at him with a fascinating curiosity, as if they wanted to discover every detail of his being. The look was tender, intense and deep, despite being shy and lascivious. All the sun you couldn't take for obvious reasons, he imprisoned it and brought it to you, warming your heart and all your body, cheering up even your darkest days. Despite the great crush on him, you hid your feelings, keeping your eyes discreet and delicate, trying not to reveal too much your true feelings for fear of being misunderstood or rejected even by the only person who understood you so deeply. Whenever your gaze fell on him, you did so with an intense desire to make him understand how special he is to you, hoping to be reciprocated.
Unwittingly you were both waiting for each other, hoping that one of you would come forward first, sharing the same fear. But Neteyam’s heart was beginning to weigh more, after all those months of repressing every single feeling outside of friendship, convinced that you were destined to Rotxo.
"Y/n… May I ask you something?" Neteyam asked suddenly, drawing your attention. You nodded kindly, waiting for his question. "I’ve been here for months, and all the young Na'vi have mated with their mates, I was wondering when you would do it with…Rotxo" An innocent laugh ran from your lips, making your nose curl, while Neteyam watched you not understanding the reason for your laugh.
"Oh, ma Eywa… what makes you think I’ll mate with Rotxo?" you asked with tears in your eyes, caused by loud laughter.
"Well… I-I mean, I’ve seen you guys together all the time, during the meetings at the bonfire he is always near you, plus he brings you food and follows you around… Spending time in the marui where you spend your time" he replied embarrassed as he looked away.
"Yes, because his mother was my mother’s best friend, we grew up together. He is a brother to me, he does what Ao'Nung also does, he takes care of me but we are not paired. For Eywa's sake" Your voice was still amused, not knowing that in the same tone you brought the hope he needed. "Rotxo have a crush on Kiri, don’t you see him looking at her or buzzing around her? It just seemed so obvious. I’m not paired with anyone, my skin is cursed, it scares. The clan thinks I’m descended from one of the sky demons." You whispered as your tone went from amused to sad. You leaned against him again, to avoid his gaze. "I am not a good match for anyone, besides with all my problems inherent in my sensitivity to the sun, people increase rumors about my birth. My mother died in childbirth because of me, while my father ran away immediately after seeing me for the first time." You sighed sadly and then put on a fake smile when you noticed Neteyam’s eyes sorry for you. "Don’t look at me like that. The tsahìk says that I am descended from Eywa herself, so I will give my life to her, no matter if I am not paired. It’s a good thing, I’ll be a woman free from any restraint," you tried to cheer him up, despite your eyes pointing down with a little sadness...?
Neteyam laid a finger under your chin, gently lifting your face, bringing your eyes together "Y/n, listen to me… You are beautiful, full of light both inside and out. Your skin is not cursed, don't think it even for a moment. It's shining just like you, isn’t there one thing about you that might be vaguely similar to that of the sky demons. Ma Eywa… but have you seen yourself? You’re unique, radiant, just perfect. Only a fool would not want to mate with you, they're blind because you are dressed in stars, under your skin the moon lives, believe me, ma oare. You are pure light" Your eyes were enchanted and chained to his, unable to speak. "They should be grateful that Eywa blessed them by sending one of her stars to walk among us. Why can’t you see how damn beautiful you are? You’re so intoxicated with those fake words you can’t even see… Why can’t you see how I fall apart when you look at me with those eyes? Don’t you feel my heart losing beats every time you smile or laugh? Don’t you understand how you can mesmerize me with every single thing you do? Ma Eywa, I would give anything even what I don’t have, just to have you… Can’t you see how much I’m in love with you…?" His loving gaze was a mix of sweetness, desire, adoration and frustration, a subtle invitation to discover and reciprocate those feelings that had come out without him wanting it. Didn’t realize he’d just confessed.
You had spent days and nights fantasizing about possibilities, dreaming about the moment when he would finally find the courage to open up, or when you would. And now, that long-awaited moment had come. Your heart pounded as you listened to the words coming out of the lips of the Na'vi you liked.
A myriad of emotions poured into you like an overwhelming wave. Initially, the surprise took over, as the confidence of the boy had exceeded all expectations, noticing only after the fact that he was not done it on purpose. Then, like a fire that lights up slowly, the euphoria spread into your being. You could not help but smile, feeling an indescribable joy pervade you. Finally, the confirmation that Neteyam had feelings for you, that they weren’t just dreams for you, that your feelings were reciprocated, was a tangible reality now. That uncertainty that tormented you had been dispelled, leaving room for an unprecedented feeling of happiness.
"Neteyam…" you whispered without a voice, and then you saw his jaw stretched out, because he felt like an idiot for saying that.
"Y/n. I-" his voice was full of insecurities, but you could silence him by pressing your lips on his. When your lips touched, a shiver of emotion went through both of you. The feeling was electric, intense and extraordinarily sweet. Before you completely surrender to the kiss, forgetting all that was surrounding you at that moment. Your hands, uncertain before, intertwined gently, seeking support and confirmation of the authenticity of that moment. As your bodies drew closer, they could hear each other’s heartbeats in tune with their own. The fingers of your free hand lay timidly on his neck, while his around your waist. His tail intertwined with yours, wrapping it gently.
Time seemed to suspend, and every other worry or doubt vanished into the irresistible and desperate kiss. The lips moved with grace and passion, needing to be consumed, exploring the unknown and revealing an attraction that had always burned beneath the surface of 'friendship'.
"I waited so long for this…" you whispered, once detached from the kiss, still feeling Neteyam’s warm arm around your body. You looked into each other’s eyes, smiling with dignity, knowing that from that moment on you would walk together, hand in hand, towards a future they had only dared to dream of in their own little.
"I thought you weren’t interested…" You two said at the same time, and then looked at yourself with a mix of shock and disbelief. " I was sending you signals" "I was so obvious!" you said together again, laughing at the synchronized timing.
"Signs? You did not send me signals, and if you did, they were confused, ma Oare," said Neteyam, stroking your hair and moving a lock of hair behind your ear.
"Me? Mixed signals? You weren’t obvious at all. I thought it was just affection, just like with Tsireya, ma 'Teyam." You whispered shyly, before looking down and feeling his finger under your chin again that made you raise your head.
"Y/n, really? Why do you think I took so much care of you? I’ve liked you since day one, ever since I saw you in the crowd, emanating that beautiful light that represents you" He said, looking at you gently, touching your noses. "And all those compliments… Do all the things you asked me to, to accompany you everywhere, I was making you understand that I was choosing you" You blushed, curling your nose.
"Why didn’t you tell me before?" he laughed softly at your question.
"I thought you were paired with Rotxo, and I was afraid I wasn’t to your taste. It would have been enough just to be your friend, if it had been so. But the fact that you belittle yourself and say you’ll never find a partner makes my blood boil again. Because I am here, waiting for you to see me…" his hand slipped on the back of your neck and approached you again to him. "…that you choose me" he whispered on your lips, as his eyes peered at you.
"I-I’ve already chosen you… and I was hoping you’d choose me" you said, whispering, loving that he didn’t use the same tone he used with others with you. Remembering you hated loud noises because of hearing sensitivity.
"I see you, ma Oare," he said, stroking the back of your head. "I see you, ma 'Teeyam" you replied gently. Your eyes stuck on his and then you join again in a kiss.
This time it was more passionate, more carnal. His fingers dug into your skin, feeling your warmth and appropriating your soft flesh as he pulled you over his legs. Shudder at the direct contact with his skin, placing your hands on his neck, clinging to him like a life saver in the middle of the ocean. Neteyam’s tail, though slimmer than yours, wrapped yours with impressive ease, locking it against the sand, making you squeak into his mouth.
Your hands went down his chest, colliding with his sculpted body just as the waves were crashing into the banks around you. You pushed your tongue into his mouth, feeling the need to feel more, to get more out of him. He hoarsely panted inside your mouth, making you smile as you collided your pelvis with his, crawling with little innocence your body on him.
"Ma Eywa… If you keep this up, I don’t know if I can control myself, ma Yawne," he said in an exasperated voice when the kiss stopped.
"I don’t want you to control yourself, 'Teyam… I want to feel you" you bent over his ear to whisper those words, making him more excited than he thought. The way he had imagined this scenario was slightly different, thinking that you were chaste, pure and innocent, but now you were revealing yourself quite differently. A hidden part of you that only he would ever see, and that turned him on.
Neteyam turned his face towards you, again meeting your eyes with curiosity. He bit his lip when he noticed your eyes full of desire. "Hmhm, not here… It’s not the right place, ma yawne." He said first to drop his gaze on your lips and then down to your collarbones, passing his tongue on his lip.
"I want you now, 'Teyam… so much" Your words were needy and eager, you whined before approaching his neck, leaving some kisses and hickeys on the boy’s sensitive skin, making him grunt for pleasure.
Neteyam shivered when you broke away from him, enjoying the sensation of your saliva on his neck. Your pelvis collided again with his, swinging back and forth over his covered intimacy, feeling already so wet and in need of him. "Ma yawne…" he sighed frustrated as his head bent backwards.
The boy’s hands ended up behind his body, supporting his body thanks to the support on the sand, unbalancing himself backwards and contracting his muscles. Your hand landed on his chest, arched your back to press your chest against the boy’s. "Don’t you want me?" You whispered as your lips began a path down his chest, causing him chills. You were tempting him, and he knew it, but he was trying to resist you because he wanted to take you someplace more private, and gently proceed with the act. But it seemed so complicated to him to resist you, while you warmed his cock so needy of him and laid your warm lips all over his body "I need you so much, now" you whispered before passing your tongue over the beginning of his abs. Your hips continued to rub against his, making him feel your needy intimacy and leaving wet spots on his loincloth, not helping him to repress the erection that was being created between his legs.
"Shit! ma yawne…" His hoarse, frustrated voice made you smile maliciously. Your hand fell to the height of his loincloth, starting to play with the top, teasing his skin.
"Please~" Your voice and your movements were damning him, but the way your eyes looked at him now, those were enough to make him feel stiff beneath you.
Neteyam approached you, taking you gently from your neck and then turning your head so that it spoke to your ear.
"Do you know how to do that, baby?" his desperate and eager voice made you shudder as you squinted. " No…" you whispered before biting your lip.
At that moment you felt Neteyam’s other hand resting on your loincloth, casually moving it to the side, rubbing your warm fingers on your pulsating and needy intimacy, feeling already wet for him. " Oh, you’re already so wet for me? what a good girl" He teased you. Your hands grabbed behind him, feeling the first chills creeping up your back, a heat blazing over your lower abdomen and the desperate need to feel something more. You started riding his fingers clumsily, panting for pleasure, carrying your forehead on his shoulder. "Hmhm… that’s right, move your hips more slowly, ma yawne. I am here for you" His voice clashes with your neck, feeling you are even more needy for him, still following the advice he gave you.
Neteyam after a few minutes, took his fingers out of your intimacy, savoring your juice with pleasure.
"You are so sweet even between your legs" You blushed at his compliment, then feel the boy’s hands open your legs and letting them spread over him. One of his hands accompanied you as you sat on his ready-made cock, the red tip and the side vein pulsing with desire. "Slowly…yes, so it’s perfect, baby…oh shit." he said as you came down with a mind-blowing ease on his cock. You only had to stop a couple of times before you took it all, feeling already so full and tired on him, his cock was throbbing inside you, sending electric shocks up your soft and sensitive inner walls.
You whimped over his cock, holding you firmly on his shoulders as your fingernails stuck into his flesh. He admired you, he felt so good inside you, wet and hot while some internal spasms squeezed his cock making him moan with pleasure. His pupils dilated when he noticed your red face and how you looked like a mess right away: your eyes closed but so relaxed because of the pleasure of the new presence, your half-open mouth gasping and trying to welcome as much air as possible, panting so as to hit Neteyam’s ears too careful. It was his definition of heaven, seeing you so fragile and needy of him, it only excited him more.
"You needed me, right? Now ride, ma sa'nutsyìp" His voice contained some mocking tones, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to move right away, but at the same time he was warm and flirty. "I-I can’t…" you sighed, trying to move on his cock, feeling already too much pleasure for small movements. Neteyam’s hands wrapped around your hips, showing you how to ride his cock, enjoying every second of your twitching and whining due to the movements. You didn’t understand if you were feeling him on your stomach or it was just your impression, but you knew that some tears of pleasure turned your sweet face.
Neteyam’s tongue took a few salty drops from your eyes, moaning with satisfaction. Your soft thighs felt so heavy and tired as you rolled over his hot dick, it was hitting the right spots so well. Neteyam’s hands stopped helping you with the motionless, remaining only to guide you from time to time.
Your moans mingled with the sea breeze, the noise of your bodies colliding were muffled by the waves that seemed to get louder and louder, while the faint night light illuminated only slightly your bodies, making the bioluminescent freckles shine in the dark. You felt Neteyam’s soft lips mark your body, listening to your choking moans and whining as your hips clashed vehemently against his cock, trying to get as much pleasure from that warmth that seemed to flare up with eyes pop of skin. You started to tighten his cock with your walls once you felt more confident, making him moan with pleasure and making his grip on your hips tighter.
"Keep it up… you’re doing so well, ma yawne" his voice was broken with pleasure, it excited you to hear him praise you like this, you felt so well above him, with his hands clasping your body, while your nails scratched and pulled the skin of his body. Your legs started shaking, suddenly feeling all your weight, but you couldn’t stop looking for pleasure.
Neteyam put his hands behind your back, making you lie on the sand, with the water that you wet your hair, at that moment he had to get out of your now red pussy and more and more eager. "You were so good, let me take care of you now" he whispered, leaning over your ear, keeping your legs open before grinding his erection between your folds, entering only with the tip, making you whine and pant, eager to feel his presence again. "How much do you want me?" You bit your lip, hearing his words almost growling at you, just feeling more excited. "So much… please" you meowed in heat, eyes still full of tears. Neteyam smiled and then put his weight on his knees, sliding his strong hands along the line of your thighs spread apart to your torso, causing small electric shocks all over your body. One hand stood around your neck, caressing your sensitive skin and pressing lightly, while the other stood around your jaw, pushing his thumb between your lips.
You took his finger between your lips, started sucking and licking it, making him smile as you looked at him with eyes clouded with lust, gently mumbling before it entered you with a single push. Your breath missed to feel its entire length come back in a single blow, arching your back upwards, while a soft groan came out of your throat, and some tears of pleasure came out of your eyes that rolled backwards right after.
He began to grind inside you with a heartbreaking slowness, as your legs tried to close for the too much pleasure it was giving you. "Keep your beautiful legs open for me, baby" Neteyam growled softly as he watched his face reddened and beamed with your fragile body around him.
Your vagina began to tighten and suck Neteyam’s dick, as if to encourage him to move and stop torturing you like this. The rapidity with which he stuck your hands over your head when she saw you were going to touch your clitoris was amazing. You missed his hand around your neck, but getting your hands locked over your head while he forced you to keep your legs open was another form of excitement. "Good girl" he said sensually, as he began to speed up the thrusts, hitting where you felt most needed, grunting when your walls welcomed him particularly well.
When he realized where your g-spot was, he started hammering continuously at that point as his tail let yours loose just to start tickling and stimulating your clitoris as you wished. Your little desperate screams and the way you moaned his name, crying again as an outlet for all the pleasure that accumulated in you.
The freckles in Neteyam’s chest made you bite your lip with frustration, wanting to touch every inch of his body, exciting you at every contraction of his chest or abdomen. You manage to slightly scratch his hands, until he twisted your fingers, gently tightening the grip, continuing the thrusts until you both reach the coveted orgasm. He poured into you with a hoarse and deep groan, catching in his mouth your orgasm, eating your lips with a passionate kiss. He left his grip on your hands and laid his own on the sides of your body, on the wet sand. Your hands scratched his back, dragging your fingers up to his shoulders, then latched onto his braids to find comfort after orgasm.
Your ogasm was still dripping on his dick, mixing with his hot cum, while he continued to sink and grind inside you, feeling as your already too sensitive walls welcomed him and warmed his dick even more. Your moaning and whining did nothing but excite Neteyam even more, who took you from hips and brought you back above him, letting your legs rest on the sides of his pelvis. The boy’s hands explored with adoration every inch of your body, helping you ride him again and give you the pleasure you wanted after orgasm, while one of his hands found place in your hair. He squeezed your grip and pulled them back slightly, just to get you off his lips, as a line of saliva joined you, his wet kisses fell down to your neck, where he immediately began to brand every clean inch of your skin again. "You look so beautiful with my marks on, ma oare"
You squinted, moving on his still-pounding dick. "Oh, my good girl" he whispered raucously, while his free hand went to caress your back, passing your fingertips all along your spine, making you shiver "You have no idea what you’re doing to me…" You didn’t understand why, but those words turned you on, and he knew you needed them, especially because you showed this pleasure by holding his dick.
Your breaths got heavier as your fluids lubed up for your hops, feeling better and better at rolling your hips over him as Neteyam moaned and growled because of the excessive pleasure you were giving yourself. You came to the point of cumming again, and again you didn’t move away from his cock, leaving it comfortably inside you as you sat on his chest.
You breathed hard on his chest, your face was still red and you let yourself be pampered by the arms of Neteyam and the delicacy in which he touched your hair or your overstimulated body. "You were so good, ma y/n" he whispered, accompanying his words to the sound of the sea waves. "Now you’re mine…" he said, leaving a sweet kiss on your head.
You closed your eyes, taking long breaths as you listened to his heartbeat against your ear, smiling softly. Your fingers were drawing on her chest, wanting to be stuck in that moment forever.
"Are you okay? Is everything okay, y/n?" he said, looking down at you, taking your hand and kissing your back, making you look up.
"Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. That was great… I was just thinking," you stopped and bit your lip. " What were you thinking?" he asked nicely.
"Umh… well, now we are, I mean, emh.." you blushed as you searched for the right words and hid on his chest.
"Mate, I’m yours y/n. If you want me, I’m yours." His hand caressed your back, as he smiled kindly at you.
"M-mated? Are you serious? I mean, I like the idea, but aren’t you afraid that people will judge you? or-" he stopped you with a frustrated sigh.
"Hmhm,but we will make Tsaheylu in a more special, more romantic and perfect way, you deserve only the best. To be honest? I’m more afraid of losing you, no matter what they say about me. I’d like to hold you like this every day, make you smile like a child, make you feel loved like you deserve, protect you from everyone and take care of the splendor you are. And Eywa will forgive me, but I would like to hear forever those sweet sounds you make when I’m inside you. Hearing you call my name, seeing your most lustful side, feeling your hands digging into my skin and then seeing the results of our love on our skin. Let me be the person who will stand beside you for eternity," Neteyam said, caressing your body, letting you feel his warmth as you shuddered under his gentle touch.
"What if… what if our children come out cursed like me? They’ll go through what I’ve been through, don’t you mind having children different from others?" you asked with fear.
"If Eywa blesses us with beautiful children who look like you, I will love them the same, if not more. I would love our children regardless of their color, and teach them to love their particularities. One day they will find a person who, like me, has fallen in love with their inner and outer beauty" he said with confidence, making you laugh softly. "Seriously, they wouldn’t be cursed. You are not cursed, y/n, you are pure light and I am so honored to have you only for me" Your eyes met again.
"I love you, ma y/n. With all my heart and soul, and I'll make you love yourself, I promise you."
Notes II:
I hope you enjoyed this one shot. I wanted to write it for a long time now and I’m glad I finally managed to write it. <3
TAG LIST (?): @riatesullironalite
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professional-yapper · 8 months
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Hi lovelies, welcome to my blog!
Below are some things I'd advise you to take a look at before proceeding!
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Fingertips [RDA!Jake x Omaticaya!Reader - NSFW warning]
Show Me [Jake x Fem!Omaticaya!Reader - NSFW warning]
Proximity pt. 1 [Neteyam x Olangi!Reader]
Proximity pt. 2
Proximity pt. 3
Proximity pt. 4
Proximity pt. 5 [NSFW warning]
Proximity Epilogue
Challenge [Neteyam x Omaticaya!Reader - NSFW warning]
Curiosity [Aonung x Human!Reader]
Attention [Aonung x Omaticaya!Reader - NSFW warning]
Moron [Aonung x Metkayina!Reader]
Wordless [Aonung apologises to Neteyam and Lo'ak in the only way he knows how]
The Deal [Aonung x Snow/Mountain Na'vi! Reader]
Burn [Aonung x Albino! Reader]
Rage [Lo'ak x Metkayina!Reader]
Rage pt. 2
You [Lo'ak x Tayrangi!Reader]
Why Not Me [Lo'ak x Avatar!Reader]
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I'm toying with the idea of letting you talk to a character (take a look at @luvv4j4ybe11 's blog if you want to know more) but you all can let me know if that's something you're interested in.
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cavepantherreblog · 4 months
• Neteyam Sully Series •
My Recommendation for You!
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cardigan saga
By @teyamsatan
Neteyam x Fem! Human/Avatar! Reader • Series
monster in me
By @/teyamsatan
Neteyam x Fem! Omaticaya! Reader • Series
By @byunpum
Neteyam x Fem! Human/Na’vi! Reader • Series
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4
Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7
By @/byunpum
Neteyam x Fem! Human/Na’vi! Reader • Series
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4
Part 5
Ghost girl
By @/byunpum
Neteyam x Fem! Albino Na'vi! Reader • Series
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4
Part 5
Safe heaven
By @/byunpum
Neteyam x Fem! Human! Reader • Series
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4
i remember her hands. and the way the mountains looked
By @vampsywrites
Neteyam x Fem! Na'vi! Reader • Series
By @carpecaelo
Neteyam x Fem! Metkayina! Reader • Series
To You He Feels Like Home
By @ghoul-bonez
Neteyam x Fem! Na’vi! Reader • Series
Dad Neteyam
By @fleurriee
Neteyam x Fem! Na’vi! Reader • Series
Day and Night
By @/fleurriee
Neteyam x Fem! Na’vi! Reader • Series
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crabcollectorskykid · 2 years
Yep you guessed it right, I MAKE SKY COTL X AVATAR CONTENT, HOORAY
Things I will do:
Male or gender neutral readers
Child reader (platonic obviously)
Older/little sibling reader
Short fics
Deaf/mute reader
Albino reader
Vitiligo reader
Gore, dark topics (ex.depression,SH,brutal scenes)
Things I will not do:
Female reader
Trans reader both ftm and mtf (I'm trans myself but I suck writing it)
Smut (I don't know how to write one)
Oc requests
Shipping requests
S3xual h@rassment
Weird fetish..
Break ups
Winter na'vi reader
Mixed breed na'vi reader (ex. Water + forest na'vi)
Heterochromia reader
Merman/dude reader
Ghost reader
Moth reader
Veteran reader
Blog's dictionary:
Moth stands for a new player in a game called sky children of the light. (Innocent)
Veteran stands for an experienced player in a game called sky children of the light.(traumatized-)
Characters I will write for:
Skykid/child reader are all platonic:
Rotxo (underrated fr)
Jake sully
Quaritch (I'm interested how this will go.)
Characters that I will write for x reader:
Jake sully
I think that's all, you can request a sully family x reader/moth/veteran fic if you want. Just give me your wanted idea and I'll write it, might take a while tho.
Requests are close
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byunpum · 1 year
Ghost girl | part 5 (final)
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Pairing: Neteyam x Albino na'vi!fem x Sully family
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, discrimination, mention of abuse, soft & crush moments.
Note: Hello!!! I hope you like this final part <3, Thank you sooo much for the support, stay tuned as I will be writing more works. I send you a virtual hug. And forgive me if there are some spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5(final)
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The silence that was being generated in the Sully hut was so notorious that you could hear every breath of all the people present. Jake had convinced your father and brother to calm down, and invited them to the hut. So they could all talk and get everything clear. Jake had to admit something, these na'vi were very intimidating. He had never seen na'vi so big, they were easily twice his size. They were taller and much stronger, he could see how their muscles were very defined. Even their posture and build were very intimidating. Jake took a quick glance at his sons, who were now adults. But they were no match for these men, even he himself felt sorry for them. He would be lying if he didn't say he felt a little scared.
On the other hand, you were next to neteyam and at your right side was neytiri. She was holding your son. Neytiri could tell how anxious and worried you felt. It was a mixture of happiness and sadness. You were playing with the fingers of your hands, with your head down. Avoiding the penetrating gaze of your father, who was sitting in front of you. You gave a few glances and then shifted your gaze. While your nervousness grew, your father's face never showed a sign of change. His face was serious, and cold. It seemed as if something was bothering him, his pupils drifting to the scene before him. His only daughter, the one in charge of the clan's lineage. Sitting in the middle of some omaticayas, who according to your father were quite savage and simple na'vi. He never thought that in his life, he would be sitting next to them. Let alone see his daughter so close to them.
"Well…" jake speaks, trying to break the awkward silence that had been made. "I want to thank you for the shelter and care you've given my daughter," your father says.
"It's been nothing…it's been a pleasure. Y/N has been like a gift for the whole family" says neytiri looking at you and giving you a warm smile. You give her hand a squeeze, and smile back.
This comment makes your father pucker his chest, his ears perked up in alertness. He knew his daughter could be a little loose and easy to manipulate. He laughs a little, and glances at his son. Who was quiet beside him. "I see you are all very comfortable" says your father, watching as his grandson is asleep in the arms of the omaticaya woman. While you are resting a little on neteyam's shoulder. He had been looking at the man, with the same look he had been looking at his family all this time.
"Yes… neytiri, jake… they have helped me and taken care of me and my son" you speak, emphasizing that last phrase 'my son'. You knew your father's intentions, and what he always cared about. Just before your father could respond, you hear a loud crack of thunder. The noise of the rain was loud, and the thunder got louder.
"Oh!!! There's a storm!" says kiri, getting up from the ground to check outside the hut. And yes, the rain was very heavy. You could see it through the camp entrance. The rain was heavy, and it sure had started to accumulate in some areas.
"I think you should spend the night here at camp," says Jake, glancing at your father for a moment. "No problem…we can walk calmly back to our clan" says your father, before your brother interrupts him.
"Dad..ahhh but our village is quite far away and it's dangerous, I" your brother stops talking, when your father gives him a hard look. He lowers his head, somewhat embarrassed. You quickly approach your brother, crawling a little to sit next to him and support his decision.
"Father I think my brother is right…why don't you stay in my hut" you speak, looking at your brother. You wanted to calm him down, he was very nice guy. "Do you have a hut here?" your father asks, you suddenly become very nervous. You try to answer, but you don't know how to answer.
"Yes…we made her a home for her and the baby to be more comfortable in the clan" says neytiri, now with a stronger tone. She was getting fed up with your father's snooty attitude. "That sounds good," says your brother, holding your hand. You pull a piece of his hair back behind his ear. You notice how he had some bruises on his face and arms. You knew that your father demanded supernatural workouts from your brother, almost pushing him to the limit.
"I didn't know you built safe homes here…I thought you lived in something like this…like on the ground or up in a tree, like monkeys" your father speaks, now looking at Jake. This comment makes neytiri raise her ears in alert, how dare he say something like that. "Yes… they are very safe" says jake, returning the man's gaze. Your father laughs a little, a sarcastic laugh. You get very nervous, you couldn't believe your father is acting like this in front of the people who saved your life. In front of…neteyam. You look down embarrassed by his behavior.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" says neytiri, sitting up straighter. Holding the baby on her chest. Showing her fangs a little. And yes, she had every right to demand. Your father was in front of the family of the leader of the omaticaya, he was being disrespectful to the family of toruk makto. You move closer to neytiri's side, taking her arm. As if you were begging her to calm down.
Something you had not told anyone about was the inappropriate image your clan had of the Omaticaya clan. Your clan had the idea that they were better than other clan, they felt superior in everything. As a na'vi apart from the other clans. Since your clan was more connected to eywa, your father believed that this made them superior to others, prohibiting contact with other clans. Of course, this did not go down well with you, who thought that his idea was foolish and that all na'vi had an equal and unique connection to eywa, that this did not make them better than anyone else. Also in your clan they talked and joked about the attitudes and customs of the Omaticaya clan, discriminating against them because of their blue skin tone. Their way of living and dressing. As if they were trash, as if the Omaticaya were something not to be mentioned. It hurt you to hear all this, you felt that the true purpose of your clan had been lost.
"We should go… you guys look tired" you speak as you get up from the ground. Approaching closer towards neytiri, quickly taking your baby from her arms. Leaving the woman confused, since you had come into their lives, you had never taken your baby from her like that. Dragging your brother with your free hand. Rushing out of the sully hut, you were so afraid that your father would start talking and let his true self out. Your father stands up, coldly says goodbye to the family and begins to follow you. Neteyam quickly gets up from the ground, and runs to you. Evading your father and brother, to now stand in front of you. Holding your shoulders, causing you to look him in the eyes.
"Y/n… are you okay?" asks neteyam softly, Bringing his face close to your ear so that only you could hear. You nod your head quickly giving a glance back, where your father was looking at you with a stern and annoyed look, causing you to turn away from neteyam. Leaving him alone in the middle of the square, watching as you continued to lead your father and brother back to your hut.
Neteyam entered the hut confused, and noticed that his family's face was the similar. Why had you left so quickly, why had you become so nervous. You had never looked like that before, this worried Neytiri, she knew that your sudden change of mood had to do with your father's behavior. He was a deployable man, or so Neytiri thought. She was already looking at Jake with a severe look on her face. Jake was silent, he wasn't going to lose his patience with people like this, but he still felt concern for you. He could tell you were excited to know they were alive…but you weren't thrilled to know they were coming for you.
"Will they take Y/N?" asks tuk, the girl had grown very fond of you these past few months. Neytiri hugs her, trying to comfort the girl. And not only tuk was suffering but the whole family.
"Calm down tuk…we can't choose for Y/N. That's her family and we have to understand." Neytiri speaks, watching as her little girl hugs her tighter.
They knew this was your decision, neytiri would not like you to leave. It was dangerous to return to your village, as the humans were going to continue attacking the area. But what worried her most was her son neteyam, who had not stopped watching from the entrance of the hut, the way to your hut. Neytiri could notice how neteyam had his tail curled up on his legs, his ears were stuck to his skull. And if she could see his eyes, she would swear he had a look of anguish. Her son had become very attached to Y/N and her son. She knew that neteyam had a crush on Y/N, and it hurt her to see him so troubled.
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You rushed into your hut, a little annoyed and embarrassed. You held your son in one hand and the other held your brother's arm, as you dragged him with you into the hut. Your father walked calmly behind you, looking around the camp. It was a wet and filthy place, full of those humans and uneducated omaticayas. He didn't understand how his daughter had survived and tolerated all this. He slowly entered your hut, looking around in disgust.
"And this is your so-called home?" speaks your father, now looking all around. Your hut was cozy. You had a hammock for yourself and a smaller one for your baby in one corner of the hut. On one of the walls there was a window, adorned with your favorite flowers. Which Neteyam had picked for you. Your floor was covered with cloth woven by you, neytiri and kiri. Your father looked at something in particular, it was an arrow bow. It was hanging on the wall. He approaches and takes it in his hands.
"Father…you didn't have to say all those things!!!" you shout, you are a little upset. You watch as your father examines the bow he had taken from the wall. He ignores you and continues to examine the object.
"Since when do you have this kind of 'tool'?" your father asks, raising the bow in the air. Your brother looks at you curiously, the boy had been sitting on the floor since he arrived. To your good fortune, your brother was not like your father. You approach your father, and take the bow from him. Placing it back on its shelf on the wall. You sigh heavily, taking the woven net you used to use to place your baby on your chest. Placing it on your chest, as you continued to ignore your father.
"I'm talking to you Y/N!!! I want an answer" commands your father. You continue to adjust your baby, you didn't want to answer your father. "Neytiri made it for me…she is teaching me how to hunt" you speak, still not looking at him. You hear your father scoff, as if what you said was a joke.
You knew that for your father hunting was not allowed for you. He had another future for you, you were going to be the future seer of the clan. Your job was to be the woman who would carry the roots of your clan. Not a hunter, that was not appropriate for you. That was a different thing between clans, categories and job assignments were something common in your clan. While in the Omaticaya clan everyone did what they wanted, in your clan everyone had their tasks assigned to them, and they had to perform them strictly.
"I don't see what's funny… I feel comfortable here" you speak, while making eye contact with your father. Who was now looking at you with irritation. He had made you bolder since the last time he saw you. "Comfortable? Y/N you don't belong here" your father now moves closer to you, sinking you with his large stature. You lower your gaze feeling somewhat intimidated by your father's presence. You didn't have the courage to contradict your father, you never had and now even less.
"But dad…here I am sure, you can stay and get used to the new clan. Everyone here is friendly" you speak, giving your brother a glance. He looked somewhat excited about your proposal, in the camp where your father and brother had set up, with the survivors of your clan. It wasn't a very flat place, it was located below the mountains, near a river, the place was wet and full of rocks. They could barely find food, and the weather was horrible.
"Can we stay?" your brother answers, you sit down next to him. "Sure, I…" you begin to speak, but you see your father kneel down in front of the two of you.
"You guys are not staying anywhere, in the morning you will pack all your things. And we will leave with our clan" your father speaks, signaling you both with his hand. He had a face of authority, and looked angry. You two say nothing, and just nod your heads.
You didn't want to leave, after all this time you had grown comfortable in your new life. You had tried so hard to learn and become part of the clan. You were just beginning to charm in the clan, when your father wanted you back in the clan. You decide not to say anything, not daring to disobey your father. You get up from the floor, giving your father another look. "Let me prepare your beds" you speak, starting to walk towards a trunk where you had some hammocks. You used to have them there, kiri and tuk used to have sleepovers in your hut. You wipe away some tears, try to calm down a bit.
The night came quickly, you tried to offer food to your father but he refused, making a face of disgust. You were already reaching your limit of patience. He didn't want to accept anything, you had barely spoken to him all evening. On the other hand, your brother accepted the food you offered him with much emotion, he hadn't eaten well for days. At least he was grateful. Your father was so defensive, he even criticized your manner of dress, complaining that such omaticaya clothing was inappropriate. Talking to you about your future, and the future of your baby. While you just sat next to your brother, listening to all his talk.
It was 12:00 am when everyone finally went to bed, your father took the biggest hammock. You had set up another hammock for your brother, and a smaller one for yourself. While your baby slept peacefully in his own hammock. You could hardly close your eyes, you were anxious and sad. You knew that as soon as the sun came up, you would have to pack your things and leave with your father. And the most distressing thing was that you couldn't tell neteyam or the sully's anything. But you didn't want to do that…you wanted to stay here. You sat in the hammock, and looked around at everyone around you. It seemed everyone was sound asleep, so you got up. You wanted to clear your mind for a while, so you check on your baby one more time. You know your father may be strict, but he would never hurt his grandson. You walk carefully out of the hut.
The whole camp was silent, only a few humans could be seen sitting on the stairs of the metal structures they claimed to be their home. You walked carefully, taking a deep breath. You were approaching the sully hut, you hadn't seen them since you left quickly. Approaching carefully, you can see a figure outside the hut. When you finally get closer you can tell it was Neteyam, who was kneeling down and setting up some pots outside the hut. It was probably to get water in the morning. "Hello" you speak, in a soft voice.
This makes neteyam jump a little, turning quickly to see who it was. Noticing that it was you, you can see his whole body relax. "Oh…Y/N!!!" he sounds excited and relieved that you were here. And he really felt that way, he thought his family had said or done something that caused you to take your family out of their home. He gets up from the floor, wiping his hands on his thigh, he hears your laughter. "What's so funny?" neteyam looks up, as he sits up to raise his arms, stretching them in the air. Inviting you in for a hug. You hesitate a bit, but carefully approach. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you lay your head on his chest. As you feel neteyam's arms wrap around you in a warm hug.
"Are you all right? Everything okay?" asks Neteyam, as he continues to hug you. He can feel the sadness in your grip, as if it was the last time you could hug him. It felt nostalgic. "We can go for a walk for a while…it can be near here" you speak, raising your gaze on his chest. Neteyam lowers his gaze, giving you a smile. "Sure…I know a place you'll love" neteyam says, stroking your hair.
He pulls away from you, entangling his hand with yours. Guiding you around the camp, the camp was a pretty strange place, but you had never found it to be anything fun or amazing. You used to leave the camp to do things, but now you were watching as neteyam led you deeper into the cave. Rolling over some rocks, watching everything around you change. You could see how everything was getting darker, and the wildlife was lighting up around you. You were fascinated, letting go of Neteyam's hand and running off to play with some dragonflies that were flying around you. Neteyam stops for a moment, seeing how happy you were.
"This is beautiful" you speak, now approaching neteyam. "And that you still don't see anything, come we are close" neteyam takes your hand again, he started walking. While you continue to play with the things you meet on the way. After walking for a while. You pass between some curtains that you had learned were very common flowers in places where there was a lot of water. In the background you could hear the sound of the water crashing against the rocks, it was very beautiful.
When you went through the curtains of flowers, your eyes were illuminated by the sight in front of you. It was a cavern, where there was a small river of sorts. The cavern was adorned with luminous fauna, some luminous creatures. The water of the river was so crystal clear, you could see fish swimming underneath it, among the rocks. You couldn't believe what you were seeing, everything was so beautiful. Out of this world…well out of your world. In your village there was nothing like this, the snow did not allow nature to create such beautiful ecosystems. Sure you had seen beautiful things, but nothing like this. You run all over the place, looking at everything around you. Touching and playing with everything. You looked like a little girl, discovering something for the first time.
Neteyam let you enjoy this new experience, sitting on a rock next to the river. Leaning back on his hands, laughing to himself. You looked so serene and beautiful. You run in his direction, sitting down quickly as you stumble a bit. "Hey, watch out" says neteyam, holding your arm helping you sit up. You were so excited.
"How do you know about this place? It's amazing" you ask. "Well… lo'ak and spider discovered it, but I like to say that I kept it alive" says neteyam jokingly. He used to come here when he was feeling very stressed with the job of being his father's successor. After a long day, this was the best place to come and sit and meditate.
"I thought you would need a place where you could feel happy" says neteyam, seeing all your attention turn to him.
"Yes…I do" you speak, lowering your gaze to the floor. Trying to hide your sadness. "We could bring herwin here someday…I know he'd love all this" neteyam says, touching some luminous leaves touching his feet. It hurt you to know that you were about to leave a good father for your son.
"About that…" you feel your heart clench, you had to tell him you won't be around tomorrow. Your father had given an order, and you had no choice but to accept.
"About what?" neteyam steps closer in front of you, placing his hand on your chin making you look up. He could see how your cheeks were turning red, and your eyes watering. "I will return with my father and brother to our village" you speak.
"But…why? Are you safe here" neteyam tries to speak, he can be heard a little upset.
"I have to do it…it's the right thing to do. I would love to stay here, with your family and you…but I have a duty to do" you speak, as you began to feel your throat dry up from the pain. Tears were gathering on your face with more intensity.
"What duty? Y/N don't you have to go!!!" neteyam raises his voice a little, you could hear the desperation in his voice. Taking your hands in his, squeezing them a little. Just to get your attention, bringing them to his chest.
"You don't understand neteyam…he hates everyone here. He wants me to carry on the family lineage, he wants me to play my corresponding role in the clan" you cry, letting all your feelings come out. Neteyam wipes away some tears with his thumb. He takes your hands again with more strength.
"But what do you want?" your ears perk up at his question. "I want to stay here…I just want that" you speak, trying to control your breathing.
"Then stay" neteyam says, now moving closer now to be inches away from you. Nestling a few pieces of your hair behind your ear. "I don't…" you start to speak but neteyam interrupts you.
"Y/n, don't go… I promise you that my family will continue to take care of you and your baby. I will continue to take care of both of you, I promise you that you will not miss anything and that you will be fine. I want to be…" neteyam kept talking, immersed in his monologue. He was sure that he would convince you …. while you felt that now everything made sense.
At this moment you were living what you had seen in your visions a year ago. This is the famous vision, neteyam holding your hands on his chest. Lowering his face from time to time to pause and give you a kiss on the palm of your hand. Everything was so clear now, the whole place, the surrounding atmosphere was just as you had felt it at that moment. The only difference was that now you could see the man in front of you. Of course, eywa had warned you of this situation, she knew that all this was going to happen. And now it was your time to decide.
You quickly get up from the ground, letting go of neteyam's hands, leaving him sitting on the ground now more confused than before. You bend a little, placing your hands on either side of neteyam's back. Giving him a kiss on his forehead, you walk away towards the exit. "I have to go" you shout a little, as you run towards the curtain of flowers. Neteyam gets up from the floor. "But" the poor boy didn't understand anything.
"See you tomorrow at the camp entrance…very early!!!" you shout, running as fast as you can on your way to your hut. Meanwhile neteyam stood there still in his place, now he didn't know what was going on. He was going crazy. Meanwhile you were running as fast as you could, luckily you were very good at remembering routes, so you knew how to get out of that place. It was a while, until you saw the camp. And as it was beginning to light up by the sun's rays coming in from the entrance. It had been a couple of hours since you and neteyam had decided to walk.
And you get as fast as you can to your home. When you get there you notice that everyone is still asleep, it's still 3 hours before everyone has to get up. So you walk carefully to where your son was, taking him in your arms. You lay down with him in your hammock, anxiously waiting for the dawn to come faster.
You had something very clear, you had already decided. You were going to stay here, this was what eywa wanted for you. She had told you her purpose with you a long time ago and your place was here. You felt comfortable, happy and for the first time in your life. You wanted to be more than what your father wanted you to be. Smiling to yourself, you tried to rest. Even though you couldn't sleep, you knew that in a couple of hours you would have to face your father. But you were ready…you had made your decision.
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Morning came quickly for your good fortune, you were still lying in bed. Until you begin to hear some voices of some na'vi starting to leave their homes to start the day. You get out of bed again, noticing how your brother had begun to stretch. "Good morning, sleep well?" you ask, seeing how your brother only responds with a yawn and a smile. As your brother got up, he was followed by your father. But unlike your brother, this one gets up quickly. Stretching and walking straight to the entrance of the hut. Examining the weather outside the large cave. "Good morning father" you speak. Your father turns around, and is surprised by your sudden change in mood.
"Good morning…are you ready?" your father speaks. "Yes…I just have to pick up a few things and I'm ready" you speak, trying to hide your plan. You were going to pack some things, you would follow his plan and just before you left the camp you would tell him that you didn't want to go back to the clan. You could tell him now, but you didn't want to make a drama in the village. Your father nods his head, turning to continue looking outside.
You packed some things, it was your old clothes. It was the old clothes you had come to the clan in. Holding your baby on your chest, adjusting it in the carry. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself for what was going to happen in a couple of minutes. You approach your father, touching his shoulder. He looks at you and smiles…he looked happy. And that makes your heart break into a thousand pieces, you were about to let go of the last thing you had left of your family. If only he could understand, that he couldn't control your life. You sigh and start to walk out of the hut.
The closer you got to the exit, you couldn't help but wonder if this was the best decision. After all they were your family, your real family. Will you be doing the right thing? "When we get to the village… I want you to meet a young warrior. Remember Ueyoä he will be a good mate," says your father, sounding happy and pleased with his words. While for you, it was a bucket of cold water…he was not going to change. He never has and never will. You just reply with an 'ok' and keep walking.
You approached the exit of the cave, your father went ahead…starting to go down the rocky slopes quickly. According to him, so that no one would notice they were gone and they wouldn't start asking unnecessary questions. While your brother was behind him, but still close to you. You had stood still at the edge of the exit. "I'm not going," you speak firmly.
Your father stops, and looks at you incredulously. What were you saying? He couldn't believe what was coming out of your mouth. "What?" he tries to sound calm, but the discomfort in his tone of voice was very noticeable.
"I will stay here in the omaticaya clan, that is what eywa wants and I will comply" your voice is firm, you were looking at the horizon, not making eye contact with the man. You knew that if you looked him in the eye, you would be intimidated and let him manipulate you as usual. Your father walks quickly towards you, he was annoyed. Closing his fingers tightly, you had never been scared by your father until now. Your brother tried to get in the middle, to calm your father down. But in futility, your father pushes him aside. And just as he was about to approach you and take your arm.
Someone stops him by placing their hand on his chest. Pushing him back a little, you had shifted your gaze to the side. Expecting the pain of the enlargement in your arm, but feeling nothing. You open your eyes to see neteyam. He was in front of you, creating a shield with his whole body. "Don't touch her," says neteyam, moving closer to you.
"You stay away from my daughter…and Y/N let's get out of here!!!" orders your father. He was agitated and angry. You could see how upset he was, his whole body attitude said so.
"No, I'm staying here. And I'm not going to explain it to you or anyone else." you raise your voice a little. Watching as your father started pacing back and forth, altered.
"Listen to me Y/N…if you stay here you will lose everything, you will lose your family. You won't be able to go back to your clan, you don't belong here. They will leave you alone, and there will be no one waiting for you out there. You will be left alone…YOU LISTEN TO ME ALONE!!!" your father shouts, showing all his fangs. Neteyam was holding your hand tightly, in order to support you. The screams were so loud that he had woken up your baby, causing him to cry out in fright. You were a bit shocked by his words, you didn't know what to say. Just as you were about to respond, you felt a hand wrap around you. Wrapping it around your chest, moving you backwards.
"She's not alone…she has this family" says neytiri, you turn to look back. Your eyes had just widened at the sight of her. Again she was there to save you, as if eywa herself had sent her to protect you. As if your mother herself had sent her. Holding you tightly over her. Now hugging you, moving further behind her. You can see the other members of the sully family approaching. Lo'ak and kiri…even jake. Who had already stepped forward and was standing next to his mate.
Your father grunts angrily, annoyed to see how these na'vi were protecting you. "You know what, do what you want…but then don't come back asking me to forgive you" says your father, turning to start his way back to his village. "Come on son!!!" shouts your father, yelling at your brother. He had been silent the whole time, he was in a state of shock. He never thought that you would reveal yourself to his father. You move a little away from neytiri, running to where your brother was. "You don't have to go…you can stay with me. You know how father is with you, he doesn't deserve you" you speak, while caressing your brother's cheek. Listening as your father screams and calls him back. "You know I love you very a lot sis… take care of yourself" says your brother, This scared one moves away from you, you could see how some tears were accumulating in his eyes. But he decides to follow your father.
You stand there, silently watching the two men walk away. You felt sad, but at the same time you felt that sense of freedom. Like a whole burden was lifted off your shoulders. "Hey" you turn around when you hear neteyam's voice. He had tapped you on the shoulder but you barely noticed. Watching as everyone had approached you, watching as neytiri wrapped you in a hug. Followed by the whole family. "You'll be fine…everything will be fine" jake says, pulling away from the hug. You smile at him, as you felt your baby calming down.
"Come here beautiful little ball" says neytiri taking the baby from your arms. You hand him to her, breathing calmly. "Why don't we go have breakfast, okay?" says Jake, as everyone starts walking to the hut. You turn once more into the distance, hoping that at least your brother had returned with you. "Hey…you coming?" speaks neteyam, taking your hand. You move closer, and lay your head on his arm, letting him guide you inside.
You help prepare breakfast with kiri, while lo'ak jokes with you. Neytiri was holding the baby in her lap, combing some pieces of his hair. Jake was next to her, chatting with her. Even tuk was next to you, lying on your back. This is what you wanted so badly… for so long. You felt so happy, comfortable and safe. As if you belonged here, as if this had always been your determined place. Kiri and lo'ak keep joking, while you get up from the floor. You go out to look for neteyam, since you had arrived at the family hut, he had not entered. You walk out, to find him staring off into the distance.
"Hey… what's wrong with you?" you ask, approaching him. Watching as he reaches out his hand, to take yours. Dragging you towards him, to hug you. Hugs had become habitual between the two of you…after all he said he was going to protect you. "I was just wondering if your brother would come…he looked unsure," says Neteyam. He can hear your sigh. "That's up to him…he knows he's always welcome here" you say, hugging neteyam tighter. "You're right" neteyam gives you a kiss on the crown of your head.
"And you, what are you thinking?" neteyam lowers his head, watching as you look up at him with a tender smile. "Did I ever tell you that we had already met in a vision?" you speak, seeing neteyam's ears perk up curiously, pouting his lips. You chuckle to yourself, lowering your gaze, burying your head on his chest. "I don't think so…but I'd like you to tell me the whole story," says Neteyam. Neteyam takes your chin in his hands, slowly moving closer to let his lips touch yours and ……
"Hey!!!! Get up!!!!" shouts your brother. You flutter your eyes open, sitting up in your bed made of some animal skins. Stroking your neck, you moan quietly for a moment, trying to get yourself together. "Hey…dad's been calling you for a while. I think you should go" says your brother, you look at him curiously, you seemed to have a dead look on your face. "What? Are you here?" you ask, touching your brother's face. Making a disgusted face, and pulling away from your touch.
"Did you have another vision again ah? What was it about this time?" the boy asks, as you watch a snowstorm fall outside the hut. It was all a vision, it had felt so real…so real. "This time it was…so real" you speak, almost stuttering. "mmm remember what mama says, that visions are completed in their own time, in eywa time" your brother says, working on the basket he was weaving.
You remain silent, for a moment. Something in you felt joy, because if that was the case. You knew you were going to be okay. But on the other hand, you knew you were going to lose so many important people in your life, for others to come along. "Are you okay?" your brother asks you, you reach over and give him a kiss on the forehead. "I'm going to miss you so much" your brother looks at you with confusion. "You're crazy!" he says, you just laugh. Lying back down on your bed, waiting for everything to happen.
Teyam babygurls: symptoms-of-moonlight , tru-blubelle, mashiromochi, ducks118, @butterfly-ibuki, @innercreationflower, @ok-boke, @lovelyygirl8, @sandaltoesocks, @he110hon, @inlovewithpandora, @sussybaka10, @mommyneytiri, @daughterofjakesully, @symptoms-of-moonlight @ilostmyaccounf @archer-fb @he110hon @kenzi-woycehoski @emery-333 @smoiesaustine @a--lyara-main-account, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @lelaleleb
457 notes · View notes
byunpum · 1 year
Ghost girl | part 4
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Pairing: Neteyam x Albino na'vi!fem x Sully family
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, discrimination, soft & crush moments.
Note: Hello!!! I hope you like this part <3, one question: do you like the parts to be long or short?. I would like to know what you all think. BTW… I'll keep answering requests. I have a lot of them in my inbox, so please be patient.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5(final)
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"Hey, are you okay?" asks neteyam. You were still holding her waist, looking out over the pandora jungle view. You were lost in thought. You feel a tap on your thigh, and all your attention is back on neteyam. Laying your face on his shoulder so you can hear him better. "Yeah…I'm fine. I'm just surprised…about the human" you speak. Neteyam knew it was a surprise for you to see a human. The trip back to camp was quick, neteyam helped you off the ikran. You walk closer to the ikran, stroking his face. "Thank you" you thank the creature. Neteyam approaches you, curious.
"Why do you do that?" asks neteyam, he was somewhat curious. He could tell that you felt differently. The connection the omaticayas had with their creatures was very different. Your connection was much deeper and unique. As if you could understand each creature. "hmmm?" your ears perk up cautiously.
"That thing you do about feeling…I can't explain it. But I can see that you don't need to do bonding to be able to understand the creatures, how do you do that?" speaks neteyam. You laugh a little, turning away from the creature.
"I don't know…I just feel it. It's a kind of feeling" you try to explain. You step in front of neteyam. "May I?" you raise your hand. The man says nothing and nods his head. You move closer and place your palm on his chest. Closing your eyes for a moment, neteyam moves his hand to now place it on yours. you open your eyes with a surprised shock. Making eye contact with him, the two of you stand for a moment in silence. It was a comfortable silence. You lower your head and chuckle to yourself. "I like spending time with you too…neteyam" you speak.
Neteyam is surprised, how could you know that. "I…do" neteyam tries to put his words together. At that moment, jake's voice is heard calling neteyam, as he approaches. "Neteyam son!" speaks Jake, approaching the young men. Your hand was still on neteyam's chest, and he was holding you tightly to his chest. Jake remains silent, giving neteyam a look. He gently removes your hand from his chest. "Neteyam…I need you to help me with a few things, of course, if that's okay?" says Jake, raising an eyebrow as he gives a playful glance at the two of you. Neteyam still holding your hand, you carefully walk away.
"Y/N, do you know how to get to the hut?" asks neteyam. You smile, touching his arm. "Yeah sure…thanks for taking me for a ride" you thank him, and start walking towards the hut. But you take one last look at neteyam, who is still looking at you next to his father. His tail was wagging back and forth excitedly. And he started waving his hand, to say goodbye to you. You say goodbye too.
Jake watches the scene that was playing out before his eyes. Laughing a little to himself, touching his son's shoulder. Who was still watching you walk away from his sight. "Teyam…come on son" speaks jake, neteyam turns his gaze and ascends with a little embarrassment. "yes dad…come on" jake starts to guide his son towards the storage room. He needed help with some simple things, like setting up the storage they had in the camp. Neteyam looked more distracted than other days, as if he was thinking about something else.
Jake noticed this change in attitude. His son was on cloud nine, moving some boxes around, but he was chuckling to himself. And he seemed in a good mood. He had never seen his oldest son like this before, neteyam used to be quite reserved with his emotions. So he thought it was adorable to see him like this. He approached his son, sitting on one of the boxes. "teyam…is something wrong?" asked jake. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it come out of his son's mouth. Neteyam starts to get nervous, putting the box down. "No…. everything is fine sir" says neteyam, he couldn't fool jake.
"You like Y/N, don't you?" jake drops the bomb, watching neteyam stand up straighter. Trying to answer but gets stuttering. Trying to look for a right answer.
"Well…she's…very pretty," says neteyam, now sitting down next to his father. Jake crosses his arm over his son's shoulders. "Neteyam son" jake starts to speak, but neteyam interrupts him.
"Father…I know I barely know her, but I feel like I belong with her. Like something else brings us together" neteyam says, jake can see how his son explains everything with that passion, and hope. "I feel like I know her from somewhere else" neteyam looks at his father.
Jake is just listening to his son, lifting his shoulders, who was he to judge his son. He had fallen in love with neytiri in such a short time, feeling the same way his son now felt. "teyam…I will only give you one advice, try to get to know the girl better. We know where she comes from, but we don't know what she will bring behind her?" says Jake, Neteyam raises his ears in surprise, but he knew that his father was right, he had to get to know you better.
From that moment on neteyam made it his mission to get to know you better. He wanted to know more about you. What was your life like before? What was your favorite thing? Etc. Getting closer to you, sharing more with you and your son. This was very noticed by the whole family, Neteyam started to do his chores faster, just to get to the family hut and spend time with you. After Jake told Neytiri everything, she would try to bring the two of you together. Leaving you two alone, or telling neteyam how cute you two look together.
Neteyam would start teaching you how to live in the clan, and helping you overcome your fear of humans. Day by day the two of you grew closer, it was so natural. It seemed like destiny, no one dared to question your relationship. Least of all you, whatever was happening you knew it would eventually happen. The moment you placed your hand on neteyam's chest, you could see some of the moments that were going to happen and that you are experiencing right now. So you decided to trust and relax in your predictions.
Time passed rather quickly for your taste, it had already been 2 months since you had arrived at the omaticaya clan. And you finally had your own hut. Neytiri had looked for a place where you could be more comfortable with your baby. Jake helped her build it, while she prepared it inside. You couldn't have been more grateful to her. To Neytiri you had become like another daughter to her, plus…she knew the connection her oldest son had with you.
You had gotten up earlier than usual. You wanted to go to the river to take a bath, you and your baby. And since you were still new to the clan, your appearance used to be strange to everyone. Every time you came to bathe in the river, the na'vi who were there would look at you funny and they would start coming out of the water. So you started going earlier. Preparing everything in a basket, you can hear your now 4 month old baby make a noise, which sounds more like a giggle. You look up, to see neteyam in the frame of the hut, "Good morning" says neteyam, in a soft tone of voice. As he approaches the baby, picking him up from the ground, to rest him on his arm. "And good morning to you" says neteyam, giving the baby a kiss on the cheek. You watch as a laugh escapes your son's lips, laying his head on neteyam's shoulder. "Someone here is very spoiled" you joke, picking yourself up off the floor. While holding your basket.
"I don't blame him" says neteyam, giving you a look. "Mmm are you going to the river?" asks neteyam, it was a very obvious question, but he wanted to ask anyway. "Yes, someone here needs a good bath" you walk over to your baby, sniffing your baby. Neteyam does the same, and makes a disappointed face. "I don't think so…" says neteyam, watching as you move closer to his neck and sniff him as well. "You need a good bath too" you speak up, neteyam blushes a little, giggling nervously. "Do you want to join us?" you ask him shyly. "Sure" says neteyam. You give him a smile, finishing setting up some things you needed. Like some special oils, which mo'at had prepared for you. "Do I really smell that bad?" neteyam tries to smell himself, while listening to you laugh as you start to leave the hut.
The three of you quickly arrived at the river, while you set up your basket somewhere on the rocks. While neteyam was already in the water, as he was holding herwin. You sit on one of the rocks, watching your son laugh and play in the water. Neteyam was so good with your baby, he treated him as if he were his own son. Caring for him and treating him with so much love.
"Hey come here you two" you call, neteyam comes out of the water. Playing with the baby in the air, while your baby's giggles are heard throughout the jungle. Neteyam sits in front of you. Sitting the baby on your lap. You pick up a pot, which contained the oil. "And that?" asks neteyam, neteyam watches as you take it in your hands. As you begin to put it on your baby's skin. "It's an oil, for our skin. You know the sun here, it affects us a lot" you speak, placing more oil on your baby's skin. Neteyam only replies with a very quiet sounding "hmm".
You take some more oil, and put some on Neteyam's nose. "Here…you're a little burned" you speak. "Yeah?" says neteyam playfully, moving closer to you. You laugh, and continue to put oil on his face, very carefully. "Then you wait a while and then you can get wet" you are silent for a moment, noticing how neteyam was very close to you. Almost centimeters from your face, his eyes closed, enjoying your touch. You carefully approach and give him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. Neteyam's eyes widen in surprise, but he doesn't pull away from you. "Your nose is very pretty" you speak, watching his tail wag excitedly behind him. "Your nose is also very pretty" neteyam leans on his hands, speaking forward to now give you a quick kiss on your nose. You twitch a little, but laugh.
Netayam feels your baby touch his chest. Looking down "Oh…you too" neteyam bends a little to give herwin a kiss on the hair. Neteyam had gotten so close to you, that he was crushing the baby a little on your chest. "I'm sorry sir" says neteyam, offering his hands for the baby to come closer to him. Neteyam takes the baby, to help you. While you continue to put oil on the baby's skin.
At that moment, a group of Na'vi arrive. They were young like you, and Neteyam could see how nervous you had become. Lowering your gaze to your feet, trying to ignore the uncomfortable looks and some out-of-place comments this group was making. "I know somewhere more private…if you want to go there" speaks neteyam, You really wanted to leave. This was one of the reasons why you avoided going to this river. But you couldn't go anywhere anymore, you tell neteyam not to worry and continue taking care of your baby.
After cleaning your baby, neteyam played with him for a while. Trying to show him how to swim, according to neteyam it was normal for Na'vi babies to start swimming at an early age. At least, that he knew the basics. You decide not to enter the river, you felt quite uncomfortable. Your appearance and your physique was something to talk about for the new clan. Even your white skin, white hair etc, was a curiosity to most of the clan. Neteyam steps out of the river, moving a bit to drain the water from his body. "hey…watch out" you complain, as a few drops fell on your face. "Sorry babe" neteyam laughs, moving the baby as well. As the baby laughed again, you were happy to see him so healthy and happy. Just as neteyam was giving you the baby in your arms, he heard some laughter from the group that was looking at them curiously. The son of the clan leader, the great warrior neteyam… involved with a na'vi as strange as you.
"Do you want to go back?" neteyam asks you, you nod. Neteyam takes the basket, and walks with you. But first he gives a glance to the group, looking at them with a bad face. All of them changed their look and tried to dissimulate. You were back at the camp, you were keeping silent as you walked. Your baby had fallen asleep in your arms. "Y/n…" neteyam begins to speak, placing his hand on the back of your neck, gently. "just ignore those idiots," neteyam says.
"I don't blame them…we are weird" you speak, looking at your son and then at neteyam. Neteyam walks over to you, wrapping his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. "If that is so…my whole family is a bunch of weird ones" neteyam jokes, hearing you laugh at his comment. Feeling your body move closer to his body.It felt good, having you this close.
When you arrived at the camp, both of you noticed how the crowd that was in the camp. It seemed to be circling around someone, you could hear some screams. From what you could make understand, they were cries of protest. Neteyam stretches out his arm, creating a barrier. For some na'vi were still running into the crowd, pushing each other. "What's going on?" you look at neteyam with concern. "I don't know," says neteyam, looking around. Trying to look for his father, neteyam can notice that his father is already in the center of the crowd. Neteyam takes your hand, and pulls you to him. You approach carefully, what would be so disturbing to the clan. When you are close, your ears perk up with surprise and speed.
You couldn't believe it, you just heard some familiar voices. You couldn't believe it, it couldn't be possible. You freeze in place, neteyam stops dead in his tracks. Looking at you and approaching you. "Are you okay?" he asks you.
One of your hands runs to your mouth, your eyes started to fill with tears you just heard the voices of your father and brother. You thought they were dead, you couldn't believe it. You hand the baby over to neteyam, and walk quickly towards the center of the crowd. When you finally entered the circle, everything was clear. There they were… two figures that looked just like you. The only thing that differentiated them from you was that they were massive figures. Compared to the Omaticayan men, the men of your clan were bigger and more intimidating.
They looked somewhat upset, waving their hands angrily. You can see how jake tries to calm them down, thanks to eywa that jake was a pretty calm man. Because your father was quite the opposite. "Sir… why don't you calm down and explain to me what you need?" speaks jake, trying to control the two men. You stand there in silence, until your older brother notices your presence. And suddenly there is silence. Your brother punches your father in the arm, to make him stop arguing. "What's wrong with you, don't you dare" your father started to yell, but shut up when he saw your presence.
You run into your father's arms hugging him tightly, feeling your brother join in the hug. "Honey…you're alive!!!! You're alive!" your father speaks through tears. As he hugged you tighter, holding you so that you would never leave his arms. " Dad!!!brother" you cry, you couldn't believe it. They were here with you. At that, Jake moved away a little, leaving more space. Neytiri had arrived at the disturbance, coming towards neteyam. He was standing next to his father holding the baby to his chest. "What's going on?" asked neytiri, the woman was confused. "They are Y/N's family" says Jake.
Your father turns away from you, checking to make sure you were okay. "y/n how did you get here?" your father is confused. You wipe away some tears. "I'm fine, we're fine" you say.
"Is it true…and my grandson?" asks your father. You move away a little, and look back for neteyam in the crowd. You see that he is not far behind you, and you approach him. Crossing your arm, with neteyam's arm. "Dad…they saved my life. They are good" you speak, you wanted him to know the people who had saved you and taken care of you and your son all this time. But the happiness you had on your face was gone for a moment, when you saw your father's angry and disgusted face.
He could not believe his eyes, his daughter chosen to carry on the family lineage. Next to an omaticaya, why yes… your closeness, your attitude and even your scent. Everything indicated that the relationship you two had was much more than just friendship. You squeezed neteyam's arm, and the man could feel the same fear he felt when you were at the river.
Teyam babygurls: symptoms-of-moonlight , tru-blubelle, mashiromochi, ducks118, @butterfly-ibuki, @innercreationflower, @ok-boke, @lovelyygirl8, @sandaltoesocks, @he110hon, @inlovewithpandora, @sussybaka10, @mommyneytiri, @daughterofjakesully, @symptoms-of-moonlight @ilostmyaccounf @archer-fb @he110hon @kenzi-woycehoski @emery-333 @smoiesaustine @a--lyara-main-account
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know and I will try to fix it as quickly as possible. tag list is open, just let me know *3*//
469 notes · View notes
byunpum · 1 year
Ghost girl | part 3
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Pairing: Neteyam x Albino na'vi!fem x Sully family
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, bad relationships, teyam is a shy babygurl, soft & crush moments.
Note:Sorry for the late update, I've had a lot of work to do and I'm finally on vacation. I will try to catch up. But thank you so much for all the love you have given to this series. BTW… I'll keep answering requests. I have a lot of them in my inbox, so please be patient.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4,Part 5(final)
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3 weeks had passed since the Sully family took you into their home. Your injury had healed, and little by little you had started to help more in the family home. Because the camp was a rather uncomfortable and small place. Neytiri convinced you to live completely in the family hut, in a way she felt responsible for you. After all she was the one who had found you in the jungle. She also felt that you needed her, so she promised herself to take care of you. Jake didn't mind this, he thought it was adorable… to see neytiri so worried about a girl totally different from them. But he supported his mate's decision, you were a girl who had lost her entire clan. They should help you and make you feel like part of the new clan. Or so they were trying.
The Omaticaya had never interacted with the Na'vi of the cold mountains. They had heard stories, and only a few had seen a few. Your clan was known to be very polite, a bit of a hermit and not very sociable. They were not aggressive, but they did not like to mix with other clans. Besides the physical and social differences. Your clan was different in their way of living. In the last few weeks you could see how everyone did their chores, how the clan lived together. Of course, all this from the door of the hut. You were still a little afraid to go out, you had walked around the hut. But no more than that. You were curious, how you were going to help them. You had to learn to do something. You hadn't noticed, but Kiri had already come closer to you. Sitting down next to you. "Hey…what are you looking at? Are you looking at tarsem?" kiri teased a little. This comment caught the attention of neteyam, who was getting his things ready to go fishing. "Oh no" you laugh nervously, yes you had noticed this guy's presence, but that wasn't what you were looking at.
Neteyam clears his throat, coming over to where you two were sitting. "What are you two talking about?" the boy asks, playing dumb. "mmm nothing…about Y/N. She's spying tarsem, that's bad" kiri continues teasing. "Stop!!!" you push her a little. As your eyes meet neteyam's, he had a forced smile on his face. The last few weeks, ever since you had arrived at the hut. Neteyam has been silently close to you and your baby. Watching you from afar, or sitting closer to you at meal times. Helping you take care of him, or just holding him while you did other things. Making sure everything was okay, of course…all with a low profile. Everyone thought neteyam was being nice and wanted you to feel at home. So did the other members of the family, but you… you knew this was not the case. Neteyam was forgetting that your gift as a seer allowed you to feel and see things that others did not. You didn't know exactly what that feeling was that neteyam radiated when he was around you. But you knew it wasn't something normal…it was something very intense.
"Tarsem is a guy…quite interesting" neteyam speaks with a hint of annoyance in his tone of voice. Playing with your baby, which was in your lap. Kiri laughs again, nudging his brother on the shoulder. "He's interesting…and he's very cute" kiri looks at you, watching you roll your eyes back. "I'm not looking at him…I'm looking at that" you point to the group of women who were separating some fruit. Others were making baskets. "Ahh they're just picking fruit" speaks neteyam.
"They didn't do that in my clan…in the cold there are no fruit trees" you say, while still looking at the group of women. Kiri and neteyam stand silently looking at each other. "No fruit? So what did you eat?" asks Kiri. "Meat…and some berries and herbs" you smile awkwardly. You watch the look on kiri's face turn to one of sadness. "It must be very sad," says Kiri. You laugh and settle closer to neteyam. "It's no big deal… my clan was located in the area where there are many storms. So these foods are perfect for survival" you try to explain to them, but you could still see the anguish in their eyes. If it could be a bit depressing, you could occasionally enjoy some fruits that survived in the cold snow. But you were used to it. "But… I'm glad to be here, I've eaten a lot of fruits and I love them" you smile shyly. Noticing how neteyam was literally glued to your side. Your arm was bumping against his. After a short silence, neteyam had an idea.
"Why don't you come with me to get some fruits?" asks neteyam, placing his hand on your thigh. You bristle under his touch, he doesn't know what he's doing to you. Of course, he couldn't feel what you could, it was all too intense. "I'd like to…but" you lower your gaze, watching as your baby played with one of your braids. Braids that Neytiri had made for you the night before. Kiri steps up, and takes the baby in her arms. "I'll take care of him…it will be good for you to go for a walk" says Kiri. You think about it for a moment, but agree. Herwì had just turned 2 months old, so he was a little easier to take care the baby. You stare at Kiri for a moment, you swear you can hear a voice saying "he'll be fine". You panic a little, they turn your head. "Everything okay?" kiri asks, you try to laugh. "Yeah, yeah….esta fine, if anything happens you look me for me" you agree. Watching as neteyam gets up from the floor, going to get some baskets.
"So what are we waiting for….let's go" neteyam says, placing his hand on your back guiding you. You give a last to kiri and then walk out of the hut. The further you walked, the more surprised you became. Not only by the differences between the na'vi. But by the amount of humans walking normally, it made you a little nervous. You knew that everyone got along well, and that these humans were not dangerous, even your instinct told you that you shouldn't be afraid. But still… you felt fear. "How about we go to my ikran, what do you think?" neteyam asks you, trying to distract you. "Really?" you sound excited, ever since you had seen the ikran you wanted to ride them. A couple more minutes and you are ahead of the ikran. You grab the creature's head. Neteyam is silent, watching his ikran go calm under your touch.
"You are precious" you whisper, closing your eyes. Neteyam's ikran becomes even quieter, just as you touch it. You could feel its heartbeat, you look up, staring into the animal's eyes. "You haven't named it, why?" you look at neteyam, who had already walked beside you. "Ahh I don't know… I didn't think he wanted a name" says neteyam laughing a little. Holding up the baskets. "Well yes…you should" you speak. "I should" there is a small pause between the two of you. "Ok…all set" neteyam climbs into his ikran, inviting you. You take his hand, and he helps you get comfortable. "Hold me tight" neteyam says, as you wrap your arms around his waist. Holding you tightly, so that the ikran begins to fly.
The view was so beautiful. The mountains, the wildlife. The clouds that adorned the tops of the trees. Neteyam was silent, noticing how you were relaxing. Just as you were gaining altitude, in the distance you could see what had once been your home, Neteyam's eyes opened wide. You could see the large area that had been burned. As smoke billowed from the burned trees and floated up to the heights. Neteyam can feel your grip getting tighter. He moves one of his hands, to touch yours. Which was now on his chest, giving it a squeeze. "That was my home" you speak, laying your head on his back. Neteyam holds your hand tighter. "I'm sorry…I'm so sorry" neteyam feels you settle more on his back hugging him, he knew you were looking for some comfort. Neteyam has never seen first-hand what the brutal loss of his clan was like. Neytiri and Jake only talked superficially about it. Sure, he had seen destruction. But the destruction of this magnitude never. And that you had experienced it firsthand, it broke his heart. He felt bad…knowing that his mother had to suffer as much as you did. Or worse.
Neteyam diverts his ikran a bit, to take another route, and so get away from the area. After flying for a while, you both land on a branch. You cautiously climb down from the beast, while Neteyam begins to place several baskets on his shoulder. "I told you that I'm not very good at climbing?" you say, looking down at the ground. "No? Why?" neteyam comes to your side, looking at your worried face. "Well… I didn't have the need to climb trees. I was just…walking" you feel yourself getting a little dizzy, seeing the height of the tree to the ground. Neteyam holds you by the arm. "Oh I understand…mmm climb on my back" says neteyam, bending down to be more below your height. You move closer, hugging his neck. Feeling neteyam's hands wrap around your thighs, pulling you up onto his back in one swift movement. "Hold on tight," neteyam says.
"You're not going to let go…are you?" neteyam can feel how nervous you are, you're shaking a little. And your tail was thumping his hands. "No…but if you want me to release you to the ground" neteyam jokes with you loosening his grip a little. You scream and hug him tighter. "Just kidding… calm down" neteyam starts to climb down the tree carefully, it wasn't very tall. So you reached the ground quickly. Carefully releasing you on the ground, making sure you were okay.
"Well…that wasn't so bad" you speak, adjusting several pieces of your top. You were still getting used to how revealing these clothes felt. Neteyam comes over, and adjusts a piece. Carefully, checking to make sure it was in the right place. You stand still, noticing how carefully he touched you and cared for you. So different…so kind. Making your heart clench. "If we follow this path…there are some trees that have the best fruits" neteyam speaks, he was so close to you. You could see all his expressions, and how his little ears moved as he tried to find his way through the jungle. Taking your hand, to start walking. You don't complain, you let him guide you. After walking for a while, about 6 minutes. You get to where the trees were. They were all full of yellow and red fruits.
"It's harvest time…I know you're going to love them," says neteyam, watching you walk away. To get closer and investigate the fruits further. They were so strange to you, Neytiri was bringing another type of fruit to eat..this one was bigger and brighter. "These days are supposed to start picking this fruit…look" neteyam plucks a fruit from the tree, and offers it to you. He gestures with his mouth for you to bite into the fruit. You laugh a little, it looked funny. You take it, and take a bite. Enjoying the new texture, taste and smell you were experiencing. Your ears perk up, and your tail starts wagging fast. "You like it, don't you? It tastes wonderful" neteyam asks, munching on a fruit. "This…is delicious" you speak with your mouth full. Neteyam laughs, he thought it was adorable to see you discovering something new for the first time. You both sit on the ground, laying your back on a log. Eating more fruit, while Neteyam told you all about the fruit. He told you that this was not the only fruit there was, that there were hundreds of them and how they should be harvested and cared from them. You listened to him very attentively, surprised that there was such a variety of fruit.
After a while, the two of you started talking about anything and everything. Until the subject of your baby came up. Neteyam was curious. Since you didn't talk about your mate, usually couples talked about their mates. Even if they had died, they still remembered their memory. You had barely mentioned it once. Now you were sitting, eating another piece of fruit. Neteyam cleared his throat and spoke. "Y/N…I have a question?" you could tell the nervousness in his tone of voice. You respond with a "Hmm?" but continue eating your fruit. "I wanted to ask you something about …. the father of your baby" speaks neteyam. He notices how you have stopped eating, and you put the fruit in your lap. You look up, to see neteyam. "I've noticed that you hardly talk about him, and…" you interrupt neteyam.
"seyey was one of the strongest hunters in the whole clan, at such a young age he had a lot of experience. He had earned the respect of the entire clan. Including my father…the clan chief" you pause. So you were the clan chief's daughter, now it all made sense. "I guess…he wanted you to be with him," says neteyam. You nod your head in agreement. "He thought seyey was the perfect mate. Our clan thinks about preserving our lineage, it must be pure. So as soon as we came of age, we united before eywa" you spoke with your eyes on the ground. Neteyam didn't want to say anything, he could see how uncomfortable this topic made you. "The only thing that came out enjoyable, was my son herwì… we were unhappy together". "I'm sorry for everything…" neteyam put his hand on your back. "My father only wanted the clan lineage to stay intact…no matter what I really wanted. He wasn't a bad father, but he didn't listen to me" you speak.
"And what did you want to do?" asks Neteyam, trying to cheer you up a bit. You blush a little, a little embarrassed. "I wanted to be a slinth rider" you speak, neteyam is a little shocked. The slinth were dangerous creatures. "Those creatures are not from the jungle?… they are also very dangerous" neteyam notices how you laugh. "Yes…but the ones found in the cold mountains are another type of slinth…they are just like me" you laugh, taking a bite of fruit. "You can still be a rider…if that's what you want" speaks neteyam. You let out a sigh. "Well…what's done is done. There's nothing I can do about it. Besides…I think I know why I'm here" you tap neteyam on the shoulder.
"Really? And what's that reason?" neteyam moves closer to you. Wiggling playfully. "mmm I can't tell you" you change your face, laughing a little. "Come on…tell me!" speaks neteyam in a soft but at the same time playful tone. The atmosphere had become more peaceful, you both started to laugh. You knew what the reason was, you had a feeling that the reason why he had come to this clan. It was because of neteyam…because of the dream you had of him. Now you just had to find out what was the reason for your encounter with him. You two were so wrapped up in your own world that you didn't hear someone approaching. Neteyam was the first to notice the noises, there wasn't supposed to be anyone in the harvest area yet. Rising to stand in front of you, you carefully stand up.
Neteyam pulls out his knife, ready to strike at anything. But he immediately relaxed when he heard his brother's voice. What the hell is lo'ak doing here, Neteyam thinks. "Don't worry…it's lo'ak" neteyam lowers his weapon, watching as the voice continues to get closer. Out of the bushes comes lo'ak who was talking carelessly next to spider. You let out a low cry, and move quickly behind neteyam. Hugging his arm. "What's that 'thing' doing here?" you sound scared, you had seen the humans. But from far away. You had never seen one so close. "This 'thing' is spider…it's good" lo'ak says trying to calm you down. "Yeah…I don't bite" says spider, laughing a little. Everyone knew what you had been through, so this was a very normal reaction. "I see you" spider gestures with his hands, and you copy his greeting. Looking at neteyam, but not taking off from him. "I promise I won't hurt you…I'm good" spider felt somewhat responsible, even though he hadn't done anything to you.
Lo'ak had talked about you, the last few days. And he was fascinated to meet you. An albino na'vi and from the cold mountains. That sounded wonderful. "You've met norm?…you'd blow his head off" spider jokes a little. But your face turns to horror again. "no…I don't want to blow anyone up" you yell a little, whining. The three boys laugh out loud. "Babe..no. He says norm would be impressed with you. He just said a human quote" neteyam explains to you. "I'm sorry" spider apologizes. He doesn't want to scare you. "And you were doing here?" neteyam asks. Lo'ak points to the fruit in his hand. "Same as you guys…but without the romantic atmosphere" lo'ak scoffs. Neteyam laughs uncomfortably. "Why don't we go back to camp?" neteyam looks at you, and can see that she was still frightened by spider's presence. "Yes…I want to go back" you squeeze neteyam's arm tighter. You two begin your walk back to neteyam's ikran. Hearing the giggles of the boys. "Ignore them…yes?" neteyam takes your hand. You take another look and follow neteyam. "She's…she's very impressive" says spider. "I know…I've never seen anyone like that" says lo'ak.
Near the cold mountains…
"Sir…we've looked everywhere and nothing" says one of the warriors. The man clears his throat, holding back tears from his eyes. He could not look weak in front of his warriors. "Make a scan in the southern area, closer to the village" says the man. The warriors quickly look at each other with concern. "But sir… the humans may be nearby and" the man slaps the ground. "I gave an order!!!" the man shouts, all the young warriors get up and leave the cave.
"Father…I don't think we're going to find her" says a younger boy. The man strokes the back of his neck, letting a tear come out of his eye. This situation was killing him, he had to find her. "tekxe…we have to find your sister. I have a feeling she's still alive" says your father. Eywa always protects his chosen ones.
Teyam babygurls: symptoms-of-moonlight , tru-blubelle, mashiromochi, ducks118, @butterfly-ibuki, @innercreationflower, @ok-boke, @lovelyygirl8, @sandaltoesocks, @he110hon, @inlovewithpandora, @sussybaka10, @mommyneytiri, @daughterofjakesully, @symptoms-of-moonlight @ilostmyaccounf
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know and I will try to fix it as quickly as possible. tag list is open, just let me know *3*//
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
𝓘𝓷 𝓜𝔂  𝓔𝔂𝓮𝓼
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐰𝐚, 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ᴀʟʙɪɴᴏ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ɴᴀ'ᴠɪ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ!
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ɢɪʀʟ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴅ- ᴡᴇ ꜰᴇʟʟ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪɴ ᴏᴄᴛᴏʙᴇʀ
Tw: under age mating? angst, upset Neytiri, recrimination against reader, over all fluff
Author’s note: A part two had been asked, so here you go :) Sorry if it feels short
P.s. Next I’ll be working on a part two of Tears and Book pages. Sorry for the long wait
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That same night Neteyam took you to the tree of souls, you put on a zip up jacket and let your mother know that you’d be back, in which she had told you to stay safe. You had heard of the Tree of souls, you wanted to visit it for some time, but you always felt as if you should never step foot in sacred na’vi grounds. When you both got there it was empty, thank Eywa. 
You saw how the tree glowed just like any other plants in the forest. You were looking at the tree in awe, seeing some woodsprite dancing around the tree. It looked beautiful, as you walked through the tree, you had stick out your arms, feeling the tassels of the tree softly slipping across your arms. “I’ve never seen such thing, I always wished to come here” you said as Neteyam had been smiling at you, seeing that woodsprite had approached you, landing on your hand that you had stretched out, it slightly tickled your palm.
Neteyam could only just stare at you, seeing you happy made him happy, he just knew he was doing the right thing. He then took your hands into his once the woodsprite had flown away. He guided you down, both of you getting on your knees, facing each other. “Before anything, are you sure about it?” Neteyam asked with worry on his face, but cupped his face then leaned in, giving him a little peck on the cheek. “Of course I am sure, I want to be your mate” you said making him smile.
“It is sealed, we are now mates.” Neteyam mentioned, you the threw yourself at him, hugging him tightly in which he also hugged you back. You felt happier than ever, you also felt Neteyam’s happiness as well. You then looked up at him, seeing him smile back at you. “I love you Neteyam” you said hugging him tighter, Neteyam chuckled, holding you close to him. “And I love you y/n” he said as he continued to hold you.
Once Neteyam walked you back home, he headed back to his, he already knew he was going to get into trouble for coming later. When he arrived, he saw Jake and Neytiri outside, they had a disapproving look on their faces, but his mother’s face, it was one of anger. “Where were you?!” Jake ask his son, who was now in front of him. “I was with y/n, sir” he said looking up at his father, then Neytiri stepped in.“What were you doing with that fake?” she asked as Neteyam looked at his mother, she knew, of course she knew. There was no trying to hide it, so he just confessed. “Y/n and I are mates, we have mated before Eywa, it is done” he said, making Neytiri’s face turn to one of fury.
“Mate?! You have mated with a fake!? A dreamwalker!?” She screamed in his face. “She is not a fake! She is a na’vi, just like Kiri!” Neteyam yelled back, Neytiri looked at him, still enraged. “Why did it have to be her?! Why her!? She is not one of the people!” she said as Jake tried to calm his mate but she hissed at him. “She isn’t because you had made her feel like she doesn’t belong here when she does! Every time she had tried to please you, you looked at her as if she was nothing, she has tried to become one of the people but you never saw her as one!” Neteyam protested, feeling his eyes fill up in tears. “In my eyes, she’s is everything to me, she is my everything, no matter if she’s not one of the people”
Neytiri looked at her son in the eyes. “She is different, she is not worth being a Tsahik by your side, she is weak” she said, her son only looked at her, letting his tears fall from his eyes. “She is not weak, she will be the best Tsahik the whole clan as ever known, she is now my mate, she will forever be my mate until death do us part” he said as Neytiri just groaned and walked back in the tent. Leaving Jake and Neteyam by themselves.
“Son, I-” before Jake could finish Neteyam spoke “I know I shouldn’t have talked to her in that way, but you gave me the right to choose my mate, and I choose Y/n” he said as Jake only looked at his son. He knew better than anyone how it must bee like to be seeing as different, a demon. “I know, I support your decisions, just give your mother time. You also have to talk to y/n’s mom as well.” He said as Neteyam only nodded and muttered a yes sir. They both went inside the tent.
The next morning, Neteyam had come early to the lab and talk to your mother. When she found out about you and Neteyam, she was surprised, since you were both still young to mate, you did so anyway. She did warn you on planning in having a not family any time soon, at least your mother had been okay with you two being mates. Neteyam had told you about his mother’s reaction, this was what you were afraid of, Neytiri not approving of your relationship with her son. When his siblings had found out, they had let out a huge sigh of relief, it turns out that they had been waiting for years that you and Neteyam finally confess to one another
Neteyam had mentioned that you had to start your Tsahik training, since he one day will be the Olo'eyktan and you will be by his side. “What!? Tsahik?! But, I’m not one of the people” you said shocked, sitting in your bed, while Neteyam was sitting on the floor in front of you. “That is okay, you technically are, you have bonded with a banshee, you just need to learn other things such as hunt” he said, while he played with your hand.
“Neteyam, you already know what happened last time, I can’t do things others can’t” you said, remembering everything that Neytiri has said to you, about you not being capable of doing things the other na’vi did. “That is okay, you don’t have to be like everyone else, as they hunt in the day, you can hunt during the night” he said as he now went over and sat next to you. You leaned your head onto his shoulder, as he rubbed arm. “Please, lets try it again, not for me or anyone, but for yourself, show everyone that you can be just like them.” Neteyam said as he kissed your head.
You thought about it, it was true, you were doing it for everyone. You had tried becoming one of the people to try and please everyone, that you had forgotten about yourself. It was decided, this time you were doing it for yourself. “You’re right, I’ll do it for me” you said looking into Neteyam’s eyes. He smiled and gave you a small peck on your lips, making you return the gesture. 
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐲, 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐡 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
ᴛꜱᴜ'ᴛᴇʏ ᴛᴇ ʀᴏɴɢʟᴏᴀ ᴀᴛᴇʏᴏ'ɪᴛᴀɴ x ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ), ᴀʀʀᴀɴɢᴇᴅ/ꜰɪᴀɴᴄÉ? ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ ᴛᴇ ꜱᴜʟɪ ᴛꜱʏᴇʏᴋ'ɪᴛᴀɴ x ʏ/ɴ ᴛᴇ ʀᴏɴɢʟᴏᴀ ᴛꜱᴜ'ᴛᴇʏ'ɪᴛᴇ
Tw: child birth, mentions of war, older sibling responsibility, over protective Tsu'tey, arranged marriages/mating, reader is a hothead, rivalry between reader and Neteyam.
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After the war, every thing went back to normal, Tsu'tey had survived and the humans were sent back. As Pandora healed so did the Omaticaya. Tsu'tey had began a relationship with Saeyla. During her training he had began to fall for her, but due to being mated to Neytiri, he did not acknowledge his feelings towards her at first, but after he had found out about Neytiri and Jake's mating, he was livid at first, since a Sky Demon had basically come in and began to change clan's traditions. Now that the war was over and everything was going somewhat back to normal, Tsu'tey had began a life with his mate soon after.
When he had found out about her pregnancy, he was over the moon. He had dreamed about wanting children and those dreams had finally come true, the whole eight months he was very protective and caring to his mate. He wanted for her and his child to be okay, he was prepared for anything, he knew what to do when the time came.
When Saeyla went into labor it was hard, she was bleeding immensely and there was complications, but finally his daughter was born. Tsu'tey was relived, seen that both his mate and child were okay. Once he got a look at you, he was in tears, his daughter was the most beautiful being he had laid eyes on. He had promised to protect at all costs.
Y/n te Rongloa Tsu'tey'ite
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Your dad was overprotective, very overprotective when it comes to you and your mom. For most of the months that your mom had to rest, he had no issues in taking care of you day and night, you were his only daughter. Besides that, everyone saw how loving of a father her was. Everyone had assumed that he'd have or would want to have sons, but he was so loving towards you, he was almost a complete person. That scowl that he'd have on his face would quickly change once he saw you. He'd stop everything he was doing and will tend to you, it didn't matter if what he was doing was important or not, you were his first priority. Even Saeyla saw the changes in his attitude, he was even more loving towards her and you.
Tsu'tey always made sure that you had everything that you needed. he always made sure you and your mom ate first then he'd have his share. He's spend some nights making you the most prettiest clothing you've ever seen and would find the most prettiest beads for your hair, he loved to see you smile, it made him smile. When you got older, you began to try and be like your dad, from trying to pose like him, act like him, even tried to mimic his scowl and also had tried to make your braids look like his.
Not only that, but you had tried making a warrior band like his, wouldn't really wear a top like the girls your age. Your mom would often tell you that you have to wear a top because you're a girl, you'd often tell her that you wanted to be like your dad. As a birthday gift she gave you a top that looked just like your dad's warrior choker, with the freathers, ikran claws as well as the red and orange details, you loved the top and never really took it off. Tsu'tey felt proud and also found you adorable trying to be like him, you will turn out like him if not better.
Your uncle Arvok would often comment on how he'd spoil you, but he also spoiled you like your dad. He loved you, his one and only niece. He was the one that told you all your father's embarrassing stories, which your father did not appreciate. Arvok has had a talk with your father to never put any kind of high expectations on you or put any kind of pressure, sure you might be his brother's only child, but those kind of treatments can also cause you to have issues in the future. Tsu'tey took Arvok's words to heart.
Besides being with your family, you were also around the Sully's. Mostly Neteyam since he was around your age, and also because you really liked the boy. You'd often make comments that you were going to be Neteyam's mate someday, it was harmless comments since kids tend to say things like that, but no one would of thought that the adults had other plans for the future.
When you had learned about how your father was meant to be the next leader instead of Jake, you began to dislike him for a time. You didn't think it was fair that your father who was born a true na'vi and he had been chosen by both Mo'at and Eytukan to be the next leader, his position was taken away. But your father had explained to you why his positioned was removed, which was more understandable. You went back to liking him.
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Years passed, You and Neteyam were now fifteen, and you two had become rivals. Whatever Neteyam would do, you always tried to do it better. As much of friend he was of yours, you both still played this little game. At a young age you were already learning how to wield a bow and how to hunt, your father wanted for you to start early so that you could develop quicker. Since Neteyam was also learning early as well, you both would often train together with Jake and Tsu'tey. You were a carbon copy of Tsu'tey, whenever Neteyam would make a mistake, you'd always have a comment to say on why he messed up and you he could of done better. Neteyam didn't like it at first, but he began to listen to your advice, which was very helpful, a bit mean but helpful.
A thing about your father was that he stuck to tradition, he thought since you and Neteyam basically grew up together, then you'd be the perfect match for one another. When you got the news from both your parents as well as Jake and Neytiri that you and Neteyam were going to be mates, you and Neteyam had no issue in being each other's mates for the sake of the clan, you wanted to be the Olo'ekte, mainly to be the thing your father wasn't and because you wanted to be a good leader, but Neteyam was going to be Olo'ektan and you'd be the Tsahik.
You hated, you always thought that you were better at everything, you argued with your parents about the situation, but there was nothing you could do, it was decided, and you hated it. You were mad, he had never been more mad in your life until now. Eventually you got over it, if being Tsahik was what your father wanted, so be it.
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Since your arrangement, you and Neteyam spent even more time together. Besides training and hunting, you'd have some kind of quality time. Such as making arrows, going for a walk around the woods, weaving baskets and other stuff. It was kind of awkward at first but you eventually got used to it. But sometimes that you and him were together, he'd bring Tuk along with you both. It was odd since it should of only been you and him, but he was bringing Tuk along. It's not that you didn't like his sister, you loved her like a younger sibling, but she also needed her parents. When you'd ask him why he'd bring his baby sister along, he'd often tell you that it was his responsibility as the older brother to watch over her. This confused you, shouldn't that be the job of the parents?
You'd constantly tell him that it wasn't his responsibility, it was his parents responsibility to watch over their kid. Neteyam would justify it by saying that he was the older brother or that you wouldn't understand since you're an only child, that may be true, but you saw right through him. You had brought it up with your dad and mom, how Jake was putting a lot of pressure on your future mate on things that should be his responsibility. Tsu'tey knew how that was like, his parents did the same to both him and Avork when they were younger, he's told you that he will have a word with Jake about Neteyam.
One time after you were done with chores, you and Neteyam were about to go off together like normal, but his father had asked to watch Tuk, before Neteyam could answer, you answered for him. You told Jake that he couldn't because you and him would be busy for the next couple hours and left while holding Neteyam's hand. You noticed how Neteyam was almost dying on the inside, but you didn't care, your future mate needed to be a kid himself. Even though he may be mature for his age, he was still a kid who was considered an adult like you. He asked you on why you did what you did, you told him that he needed a break from everyone and that he needed some time by himself, as well as with you.
Jake had told your dad how disrespectful you were, Tsu'tey was not going to let his friend say anything about you. Yes you were his child, but you were not what Jake said you were, Tsu'tey basically went off on him, telling him that he should be more of a father to his children and take more fatherly responsibilities, as well as he shouldn't be hard on a Neteyam, a literal kid, sure he may be considered an adult, but he was still a kid, a kid who was missing out on his teen years because of responsibilities that he shouldn't really have.
That night you and Neteyam stayed out way out of his curfew time, at first he was worried that he'd get into some trouble for not being home in time. You had to calm him down and told him to live a little and to not worry about his dad's rules at the moment. If Jake wanted to get onto someone's ass, he can get onto yours, if your dad allowed him.
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭, 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞. 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐬. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐚, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐨.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ᴀʟʙɪɴᴏ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ɴᴀ'ᴠɪ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ!
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ- ᴍᴀʀʏ ᴏɴ ᴀ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱ
Tw: Child Abandonment, mentions of death, resentment, reader is raised by animals.
A/N: Besides Princess Mononoke, I got more inspiration from Maya and the Three and the first Avatar movie. I had to watch all three things just to have something to work with and mash this idea together. You could say reader is based on both Chimi, Neytiri and Princess Mononoke.
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A monster, that's what they called you. A monster, due to being born different. You weren't like any other na'vi, the blue skin had been replaced with a white complexation, your markings were also a lighter color, your eyes were replaced with a blood red instead of that bright yellow, and your hair instead of black, it was a pale white color. Your parents must have believed that you were cursed, you were born during a solar eclipse and they saw that as a bad sign.
That same day, your parents had abandoned you in the woods, they thought it would be best getting rid of you so no bad luck would be brought upon them. So they left you, allowing Eywa to choose your fate in the forest. The whole time a Palulukan had been watching them, seen the couple leave a defenseless baby on their own. How cruel to leave a baby to die in the woods.
The creature then approached the infant who was wrapped in a cloth, it was obvious that the baby didn't know what was happening. The baby just stared back into the creature's eyes, even thought this creature was considered being dangerous, they also had a heart. The palulukan leaned her head down, softly touching the infant's cheek, making the baby laugh. It was decided, she'd take the baby with her pack. She got a hold of the cloth, using her teeth, she cared the infant back to were her pack was located.
When she arrived, the other Palulukans got close to see what she had brought back. They were stunned to see that their fellow Palulukan had brought back a baby, they were confused on why she had brought them. They believed the baby would be a threat, but they didn't smell a threat on you, they could only scent the smell of innocence. Even though you weren't like them, they had accepted you as their own.
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As the years went on, you grew up in the forest with your pack. You learned their ways as well as the Omaticaya. You watched them from afar, learning on your own. Their language, skills of hunting, instead of a bow you used a spear that you had made out of the materials of the forest. . You learned everything from a far, you may have been like them but you weren't. They were civilized like people, and you weren't, you'd be considered being more of an animal then a person to them. Not to mention your appearance, unnatural is what you were to them, or at least assumed you'd be to them.
You never had tried or bothered going with them, it was obvious that the clan had abandoned you, so why return to those people who did not want you in the first place, besides, the forest was more of your home than them. You had a Pack while they were a clan. You'd never considered leaving your Pack, they had accepted you as one of them and raised you as one of them. Txurtu, strongwoman, the Palulukan who had found you and raised you as her cub is considered bring your Sa'nok, Mother. You had bonded with her when you were of age, not to mention she was a very protective mother.
Besides the Palulukans, you also learned to communicate with other animals from the forest. They didn't speak na'i but they spoke sounds, sounds that you had learn to master during your time. It was easy since you understood them very well, it was as if they spoke like the name but no one can understand them like you did.
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That evening Neteyam had been out, hunting for his family. It was his turn on getting the food for dinner. He did not get anything, it was frustrating not having caught anything, and it'd be dark soon. Instead he decided to walk around the forest, maybe clearing his head or thinking of something else he'd get a catch later.
He just walked, for who knows how long. He knew he had to get back home, but he did not want to return empty handed, or else he'd get scolded. He continued to look around more, he then stopped to admire the glowing plants, they were fascinating to look at. The whole time he had been distracted by the plants, something or someone had been watching him.
You were on top of a tree branch, laying on your stomach, watching the na'vi boy admire the forest plants. You had never seen that boy around here. This must been the first time he step foot in your territory. You lifted your spear and aim it towards the boy who had his back turn, you were quiet as possible. Taking him out wouldn't be such a problem since he was one of them, but before you could make your shot. You saw a woodsprite float near the spike of your spear, lightly sitting on the sharp end, you looked at the small creature who had been sitting on your weapon. Then you slowly lowered your weapon, seen that he had been leaving.
Neteyam had left the spot, and deeper into the forest. See that it was now fully dark, damn, he was in trouble for sure. When he turned back to head home, he then noticed someone. But this someone wasn't a human, but a na'vi, a different kind of na'vi. He hid in some bushes, watching her from afar. Seen how her skin was a pale color, same with her hair. Not to mention she had different kind of attire on, she wore a huge white fur like coat, who knows what it is made from. She wore a dark short like dress with a white small top over, she also had large like circle earrings which could have been made out of animal bones.
Neteyam wanted to get closer, but he stepped on a small branch, causing a loud noise. She then turned to the direction of the noise. Now he was able to see her face, she had blood red eyes, pale lips that matched her lighter markings. He noticed she had red upside down triangles on both her cheeks and one smaller one on her painted on forehead. She also had on some kind of headpiece tied above the triangle. Neteyam paid attention to every detail of her face, she was beautiful in his opinion. He has never seen a na'vi that beautiful in his life.
But before he could make his appearance presence, she took off into the woods. Who was she? He thought as he noticed how late he was, he had to get back now or else his father would send out a serch party. Back home, his father asked him what happened and why he was late, he made up the excuse that he did want to return home empty handed so he stayed out more to find a hunt. Jake had told him to not do it again. When he went to bed, he could not get that girl out of his head, he wanted to know more about her, who she was and why she wasn't with the Omaticaya, it was obvious that you were one of the people, but you weren't with the people.
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The next day Neteyam went out again to that same spot to find her, it was early in the morning, maybe this time he'd get to know her. He looked around for her, using his hunting skills to at least get a track of her scent. Nothing, she had basically removed her tracks. He was not giving up not easily. He continued to look for the girl, he was really interested in finding out who she was.
Hours passed and nothing, he found no track of her, damn was she good. Neteyam stopped, it was already the afternoon and he still has not found you at all. He really wanted to know who you were. it was obvious that you were. Until he heard something, or someone. He went to where the noise was, when he approached, he hid behind some brushes, slowly walking towards a little opening towards the bushes. Then he saw you, the girl he had been searching for. You had been sharpening your spear while sitting on a rock. You also noticed you have been humming a song of some sort.
Neteyam than decided to make his presence, afraid he'd loose you again. So he slowly peaked out of the brushes, getting your attention. When you locked eyes with him for a moment, but you got up and took off running. "Hey! Wait!" he called out, running after you. Neteyam continued to run after you, but you ran faster then him. He couldn't really keep up with you. After a little while longer he was still going after you. Until you stopped running and began to speed walk. Neteyam was still following after you, walking at the same pace as you.
"Hey, wait up! I just wanted to-" Before he could finish, you then wacked him on the face pretty hard with the end of your spear. Neteyam groaned and fell on his back. "Damn" he groaned, as he had closed his eyes from the pain, you then had jumped over him and landed above his head. You then pulled out your knife and pointed it at him, the end of the blade barely touching his neck. "I'll cut your throat. That'll shut you up!" you hissed at him still having his blade pointed at the na'vi on the ground. Slowly Neteyam opened his eyes, seen you up close but in an upside down like position. He locked eyes with you again, seen your blood red eyes staring back into his. "You're beautiful" he had blurted out.
This made you jump back, with a face of horror. You have heard of that word a couple times but never have been called that. "Ugh! I moron! I'm not beautiful" you growled at him. Neteyam then got up from the ground, lightly touching his bruised cheek, hissing at the pain. "But You are, I've never seen any one like you." He said, making you tilt your head bit. "What? You've never seen a monster like me?" you asked, getting a bit defensive. "No, you're not a monster, you're like me" he said, making you roll your eyes. "I'm not! I'm a like you." You hissed at him angrily. "You are civilized, you live among people. I'm not like you" you said, showing your fangs at him.
Neteyam knew he should of chosen his words better, it was clear that you weren't like the Omaticaya, you were more animalistic, but still a na'vi. "I didn't mean to offend you, I apologize" he said apologized, it felt weird talking to another na'vi. Normally you'd stay away from them, but now you were talking to one, face to face. You smelled the air around his. His scent was different then the other na'vi. You could scent that he was kind and understanding, but you did not let your guard down. "Hmp, anyway, you should go back to your people." You mentioned, turning you back on him. "Could I at least know your name?" he asked before speaking again. "My name is Neteyam" he said, making you look over your shoulder. Locking your eyes with him again.
But before you could talk, a Palulukan came out of woods, it was Txurtu who came to get you. Neteyam backed off a bit, surprised on seen the Palulukan come out of her hiding spot. Txurtu then leaned her snout onto the side of your face, making you turn to her. Softly petting her head "Its okay mother" you said softly, then you climbed into her back after connecting your queue onto the antenna from the back of her ear. But before you could take off you turned to Neteyam who had been witnessing the whole thing. "My name is Y/n" you told him and signaled Txurtu to take off. Neteyam watched you ride away on the Palulukan's back. Amazed that you were able to bond with the creature who was considered dangerous. He honestly hoped on seen you again.
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ₙₑₓₜ ₚₐᵣₜ
Tags?: @tejas-kris
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓪𝓶𝓮 "𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓼"
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐚'𝐯𝐢, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧, 𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧, 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨. 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ᴀʟʙɪɴᴏ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ɴᴀ'ᴠɪ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ!
ꜱᴏɴɢ: Øɴᴇʜᴇᴀʀᴛ x ʀᴇɪᴅᴇɴꜱʜɪ - ꜱɴᴏᴡꜰᴀʟʟ
Tw: discrimination, Albinism, a bit of angst but with fluff
Author’s note: I had this fic in my draft for a while, so I decided to post it. I hope you like it.
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Ever since you were born, you were different. You were not blue like your mother’s avatar. Your skin was white with light pigments which were referred to as the markings of a na’vi, as for your eyes, they were between the color of purple but with red, also considered colorless, not mention you had five fingers and your white hair. No one really could explain why you were born the way you did, it must have been something to do with the DNA or genes, no one could explain why. 
Your mother who was originally a human raised you as such, she believed since you were part human, you should be raised like one. But you wanted to be like your friends, AKA the Sully children, you wanted to be one of the people. Your mother had no issue in you wanting to fit in, but there was one problem, their mother.
Neytiri did not like you near her children, Jake had told her countless times that you were a na’vi but she would always call you a Dreamwalker, a fake, it got so bad that you just gave up. You gave up trying to be like them but no matter how hard you tried, you just would never fit in with the rest. 
You tried, you tried dressing like them, hunt like them, ride a Banshee like them but it was never enough, there was always something wrong. You couldn’t stay out in the sun for too long or your skin will burn, your eyes were sensitive to the light, or sometimes you had vision problems. There was always something, so you just gave up, but like your mother always says. “At Least You Tried” that made you feel a bit better.  But the one thing you didn’t let go was your banshee. The creature was just like you. She had pale skin and her marking were both red and pink. Her eyes were the same color as yours. You named her HerwÌ, it meant Snow in na’vi, you also did not let go of the language either.
Once you had stopped, you just remained in the lab, you barely leave, the only times you live was to collect samples of some kind, get some fresh air, or go on a flight with Herwi, when you would, you stayed away from the village, only flying around Hell’s Gate or you’d explore. You didn’t think anyone would miss you, but you were wrong.
Neteyam, your childhood friend, he was over the moons when he found out that you wanted to be like the people. He helped as much as he could, but when his mother had began to point out your flaws, that’s when he saw how your dreams of being one of the people vanish. So what if you can’t be out in the sun for too long? Maybe you could be a good huntress in the night. So what if your eyes were sensitive to light? Maybe the moons light wouldn’t hurt your eyes. So What if you had some vision problems? Maybe you could improve it.
He tried to find many solutions for you not to give up, but it didn’t matter, he respected your decision, but he was also proud, he was proud that you had given it a shot. He believed you would have been the greatest Huntress, he already had a cool name for you. He liked to call you the “White Terror” once you had succeeded. 
Even if you weren’t like him, he still had feelings for you. He had loved you since you both were little. After his training, he’d go and see what you were up too at the lab, normally you’d be studying stuff around the lab, you had grown very found of learning about the universe. You’d always talk to Neteyam about all kinds of galaxies you had learned that day along with other things such as other kinds of life that lived among them. 
Neteyam just loved listening to you talk, he felt his heart swell up seeing how you’d smile when talking. He also just loved looking at you, somehow he just always remembered what you wore that day, he payed very close attention. He had figured out your favorite color with you having to tell him, he would gift you flowers that were your favorite color. Ones even more beautiful than the last, you always kept them. 
He’d also notice the way you dressed, he sometimes wishes you’d wear his clan’s attire, but he liked seeing you wear your human hoodies and band tees. He also likes it when you share your interest like he does with you. You had introduced him to the music you were into, he didn’t get it at first but he learned. Now everything he thinks of you, he hums a certain song that reminds him of you. 
You would also see him the same way he sees you. You’d also pay attention to the small details of him, how he wore certain chokers and what color beads he wore on his hair. You loved it when he’d get shy, because you were the only one who ever witnessed him being shy around you. You loved seeing that little smile, how the tip of his ears turned a shade of purple along with his cheeks, he’d only get like this around you. That was a privilege you had.
Just like him, you would notice his interests, his love for hunting and his love for riding his Banshee. You would pay close attention on how he would talk about his hunt’s, you’d see how he would get very excited. You loved it. But he’d also talk to you about his struggles on being the oldest and having to do a lot. One being always looking after his siblings along with other bigger responsibilities, since he one day he will be the next  Olo'eyktan after jake.
Around you, he was a complete different person, he actually looked relived, he didn’t have to act like he did around his father. Yes he is tough and a strong guy, but he was still a child, a teen, but a child. Something his father didn’t see, he saw him as a soldier, someone to give orders too and expect them to be followed no matter the cause. You felt glad that Neteyam trusted you, he kept a lot of things to himself, which wasn’t healthy. 
That day was a normal day, after you had finished your lessons with your mother, you went outside for some fresh air. As much as you loved the lab, it also felt suffocating, being in there all day. Each day you were growing older, and not to mention bigger, at some point you’ll be living in like the others, outside in a small camp around Lab. You had your room in the lab, it was an old little lab that you had turned into your room, you were glad that in your room you didn’t have to wear an oxygen mask like the rest of the lab. 
You were dressed in a dark green sports bra and black shorts, which exposed the three small woodsprite tattoo on your thigh . You were thankful that your mother’s avatar’s clothes fit you perfectly. Majority of the time she was in her original human body but she’d sometimes get into her avatar’s and spend time with you outside, specially when you were little. You had been laying on the grass, under a nearby tree protected by the shade. You had your eyes closed as you listened to your music. Once thing you loved about human technology, was the music, there was many to choose from, you liked a lot. You had been listening to California Dreamin’ by The Mamas and Papas. 
Then you felt someone sit next to you, you opened your eyes and saw that it was non other than Neteyam. You sat up and removed a headphone from your ear. “Hey Net” you said happy to see him. He smiled at you “what are you listening to?” he asked as you looked down at your phone and picked it up. “Oh, I’m just listening to whatever honestly” you said, then offered him an earbud. Once it was on his ear, you both just sat their listening to your music. It was nice, laying their in silence, listening to music. You noticed how Neteyam had look you knew to well, so you wanted him to relax, so why not let him relax by listening to music.
After a while, Neteyam spoke once the song was over. “I’ve been meaning to talk” he said, and turned to your side to look at Neteyam. “About?” you asked as Neteyam had also laid on his side and look at you. “My mom and dad said that I’m already old enough to choose a mate” he said. You felt your skin run cold. “Oh, do you have anyone in mind?” you asked with a smile, trying to hide the pain from hearing your crush having eyes for another girl, a real na’vi. “Yeah, I have” he said, that felt like stab to your chest. “Really? How is she like?” you asked, now a bit desperate to know. “She is amazing I tell you, every time I see her, I feel as if she is the one pulling my heart strings” he said smiling and looking down at the grass, shyly.
“Anything else?” you asked and he continued. Neteyam spoke again “she had this eyes that, I have never seen before. They remind me of the spirit tree in a way” he talked as you continued to listen. “She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve set my eyes on, their is no one like her” he said now looking into your eyes. You smiled, it should be a happy smile but it was a sad smile. “Go to her, if you want her to be your mate, go to her, don’t let her go” You said as Neteyam then chuckled. “I can’t” he said, now you were confused. “How come?” you asked as he then sat up, looking down at you with a smile, but it wasn’t any smile, it was one of admiration. “Because I am with her now.”
You sat up fast by his response, you felt your face heat up by his confession. “M-me?” you said as Neteyam nodded. “Why me? Why not a girl from your village?!” you said now a bit freaked out, thinking about how his mother would skin you alive. He then took your hand into his. “I don’t want another girl, I want you” he confessed leaning a bit closer. “But your mother, she would not want you to be with a fake like me” you said looking down sadly. Neteyam then lifted your chin with his free hand. “Don’t worry about her, I want you and that is all that matter’s to me. They gave me the choice to choose a mate, and I chose you, but you must also choose me” he said.
Your face feeling even hotter, looking into his yellow eyes shyly at his confession. “I already have” you said as quiet for him to only hear. “I see you Neteyam” you confessed and he saw him leaning closer to your face. “I see you y/n” he said as you both closed your eyes, and both your lips touching.
ₙₑₓₜ ₚₐᵣₜ
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rileytwenty · 2 years
Leyra || the Albino Na'vi
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(Neteyam x OC)
Chapter 1
Out in the forest, it was too easy to pretend that everything was perfect. Within the Nantangs' calls and the Ritis' chirping and the Pa'lis stamping about, peace was not hard to find.
Leyra could forget about her life in the village for a few fleeting seconds here and there. But then the little reminders, such as her particularly makeshift bow, or her ratty clothes, or her unusual white skin, would send her crashing back into her reality like a tidal wave.
Said reality included spending most of her days alone, with trees for friends and bugs for company. Her father, the only clan member who would willingly converse with her, spent all his days hunting or planning hunts as Jake Sully's--the Omatikaya Olo'ektan's--second in command.
Sometimes she liked her father's position. She'd get a heads up on where not to go to avoid the hunting parties and training sessions, and he'd occasionally come home with interesting drama for her regarding the other clan members.
Her mother had died on the frontlines of the Battle of the Tree of Souls. She had been an amazing warrior, well-renowned in the clan. Leyra's father won't say it outright, but her mother had been devastated when she was born. A perfect warrior giving birth to an albino freak show. She didn't have to live with the shame for long, as she died only one month after Leyra had been born.
Her father had been an amazing parent to her, supporting her and taking care of her the best that he could under Mo'at's rules. He brought her portions of the meals to eat separate from the clan so she could avoid the stares and whispers that still occurred even though she was bordering on seventeen.
Over time, the forest had become her safe space where she spent most of her time, despite the amount of times it had almost killed her. Though, she had learned a lot through experience and developed her own way of surviving in it.
Currently, she was perched in a tree beside some harmless little birds and was watching the Pa'li stampede around and drink nectar.
The sound of twigs snapping caught both her attention and that of the Pa'li. Another crunch had the horse-like creatures herding themselves away from the source of the sound. Leyra leaned back to look around the tree and see what animal had made the sound, only to find a young Na'vi boy stumbling his way through the underbrush.
He must be lost, she thought. Hopping down from the tree soundlessly, she approached the young boy.
"Hello," she spoke softly, startling the boy only a bit. "My name is Leyra," she flicked her finger away from her face in Na'vi greeting, "are you lost?"
Unbeknownst to them both, Neteyam had already spotted them, but kept his distance as he was surprised to see such a different-looking Na'vi teen.
The little boy returned the gesture sheepishly and muttered a, "yes, very."
She let out a small giggle at his honesty. "What were you doing out this far in the forest in the first place?"
"Neteyam agreed to take us kids out to see the hunters train, but I got distracted by a bug and was separated."
"Ah, I see. Would you like me to take you back to the village or to the training grounds?"
"You know the way?" He was bewildered. Leyra found it refreshing to speak to someone who had no hatred or pity or really any opinion of her at all.
"Yes, of course I do. I am not lost at all, I never am."
"Wow. But how? The forest all looks the same everywhere!"
"There are differences. I can teach you once you're older, if you want. That way, you'll never get lost again."
"Yes, please! Umm, could you take me back to the village? I sure would like to see my mom."
"Of course. It's this way, let's go."
The kid grabbed her hand, and it startled her. No one had made skin to skin contact with her in a long time. She tried to play it off and gripped his hand in return, which made him smile at her. It all but melted her fragile heart.
"There you are, Zi'um!" Neteyam finally emerged from the brush, a serious look on his face meant to scold the boy.
"Neteyam!" The boy leapt into the future Olo'ektan's arms. Neteyam chuckled, picking him up and holding the youngster over his hip.
Once the boy had comfortably settled, Neteyam's focus drifted to Leyra. He kept asking himself, since when had there been a white Na'vi in the clan? Had he really been so busy as to not notice such an extraordinary being? "Hello."
His presence was making her sweat. Her father always told her to avoid unnecessary attention, and here the future Olo'ektan was, trying to hold a conversation with her. "Hello, Neteyam."
Her voice was softer and nicer than he had been expecting from such an unusual creature. "Do I know you?"
"Oh, uh, no. I don't think you would. I just know of you, with you being the up-and-coming Olo'ektan and all."
He cursed himself for assuming they had met before and making things awkward for her. He had forgotten that his name was a well-known one. "Oh, right, yes. I think I would have remembered someone who looks like you."
A light blush tinted her cheeks in embarrassment and she looked down. Even the Olo'ektan's son was making fun of her. There really was no end to it all.
Neteyam took her blush to mean that his half-flirting attempt at pointing out her Eywa-given beauty had worked, and that she was flustered by his charm. He was, on this rare occasion, very wrong.
"Walk with us back to the village?"
Leyra was puzzled by him offering this after he had just insulted her, but she knew better than to try to disobey him. "Alright."
The three started off towards the mountain village entrance. Neteyam shushed at Zi'um, who was now whimpering about seeing his mother and apologizing for wandering off. Neteyam reassured him on both accounts.
Leyra enjoyed getting to see the soft interaction between them. People usually reserved their worst selves for when she was near.
Not long into the journey, the emotionally exhausted child fell asleep in the warrior's arms.
"What were you doing out in the forest, all alone?" Neteyam questioned her in a whisper once he was sure Zi'um was going to stay asleep.
"Oh, I-" she wasn't sure of what response he was expecting, "I was exploring, like usual."
"So, you spend a lot of your time in the forest, then?"
Yes, her father dropped her off to the forest floor on his ikran each morning after breakfast and picked her up each evening in time for dinner. "Yes, practically every day. I like having only the forest for company."
Neteyam hummed, intrigued by her response. In his eyes, the forest was a beautiful ecosystem best watched from afar. Too many dangers lurked just beyond one's line of vision. It was definitely a great circle, one that he was a part of, and it provided the clan with shelter and food. Though, he much preferred to look down on it from his ikran rather than from on the ground.
Leyra resisted the urge to ask him what exactly his indistinct hum had meant. Silence fell over the pair, and Leyra savored the adorably relaxed expression on the young boy's sleeping face.
She was smiling at the boy's face when Neteyam turned to look at her, wondering what she was thinking about in the silence. She averted her eyes upon making eye contact with him, the smile quickly fading.
Though, not before Neteyam saw it. And he decided he liked her smile.
They continued until they reached the bottom of the cave entrance and Neteyam called for his ikran to take himself and the boy up to basecamp.
As he mounted himself and Zi'um onto the animal, he opened his mouth to say something to Leyra, but nothing came out.
He didn't want her to walk off again and continue being alone in the forest. He knew firsthand how dangerous that was. Though, he could tell by her slightly turned away body that she had no interest in returning to the base with them.
"Be safe," he settled on, accompanied by a sturdy nod.
She smiled at him, but it wasn't like the smile he had gotten a glimpse of before. This was polite, obligatory.
"You too, Neteyam."
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
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𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ᴀʟʙɪɴᴏ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ɴᴀ'ᴠɪ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ!
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ʟᴀᴠɪ- ᴘɪɴᴋ ʙᴜʙʙʟᴇɢᴜᴍ
Tw: kissing, couple stuff, fluff, some conflict.
A/N: I wanted to write a headcanon about Neteyam and reader's relationship. This is somewhat of a part 3.
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Ever since the beginning of your relationship, Neteyam has just always been the sweetest to you. Even more since you and him are now mates.
It obvious that you both are from different worlds, you were raised with humans and Neteyam with the Omaticaya, but that did not really have any conflict in your relationship. You were like Jake and Neytiri in a way.
He is very affectionate with you, he always complements you, all the time. He wants you to know that you're pretty in his eyes always and forever.
When holding hands, majority of the time, Neteyam holds you by your pinky (he finds it cute). He has a thing for playing with your hands, if wear nail polish, he'd stare at the for a while.
He also paints your nails if you ask him to, both finger and toe nails. He lets you paint his nails any color you want.
If you wear makeup, Neteyam somewhat learns how to to do eyeliner and put on mascara. This is a good excuse to be as close to you, he'd be concentrated on your eyeliner, but also lean in to kiss you while your eyes are closed.
He also has a habit of picking flowers and putting them on your hair. Neteyam says that they look lovely on you, specially red flowers. He thinks the color red looks great on you.
Just like before, Neteyam is teaching you how to weild a bow and arrow, sure you know how to use a gun but a bow and arrow is something the Omaticaya use.
He stands behind you and positions you on how to wield it, he 'sneakily' puts his hands on your waist and positions your arms in the proper manner.
he'd sneak a kiss here and there.
This man is a kisser, he kisses you majority of the time. Your cheek, your forehead, jaw line etc. He kisses you allover until your face is red and making you giggle.
If you kiss in front of the others, you'd get told to get a room by Lo'ak, Spider and Kiri. Meanwhile Tuk just thinks is cute.
When you both ride on your Ikrans, majority of the time you mess with one another. Whether its chasing each other or racing on who goes faster.
Since your skin is very sensitive to light, Neteyam basically carriesa tin of aloe or some cream incase your skin begins to get red or it begins to get dry.
He will apply on the cool substance on your back, even in your arms and legs since he loves you. If you got sunscreen on you, he'd do the same.
You both also hang out in both the forest and in your room, when Neteyam spends the night, your mom tells you to keep the door open and no funny business.
Since you're a Tsahik in training, you'd be with Mo'at and Neytiri, you knew that your mother-in-law hated your guts, your grandmother-in-law doesn't mind you at all.
You're her grandson's mate and she treats you with respect since you're part of the family now.
You had also began to dress like the Omaticaya, majority of your attire was gifted to you by your sisters-in-law and Neteyam. Tuk gets happy every time she sees you wearing the top she made you.
Kiri and you have a sister like relationship since the beginning. You both had human mother's and were born by their avatar's. You and her were each other's equals.
Lo'ak and Spider are like best friends= brothers. You three sometimes get into some shit together, often getting scolded by both Jake and your mom.
Tuk has been your little sister from the start, she had been calling you her sister since the beginning, you honestly didn't mind since you also considered her your sister.
Neteyam is already thinking about kids, he already has names in mind and stuff, but you had to tell him to calm down since you're both barely even 'adults'.
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