siderealsmoke · 7 years
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{nyx is too big im sorry i was distracted while I drew and didn’t realize til it was too late}
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edealcc · 7 years
" So you have come this far, and still you understand nothing. "
kingdom hearts meme | always accepting!!
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“I understand enough! Before, you’re right, I may not have fully known about what was out here... but now? Now I do.” She’s frowning, fists clenched at her sides. How could anyone be so... patronizing, and stubborn, and-- “I have a lot to learn... but I’m not as foolish as you think I am!”
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@nesufuratu & @royal-botanist | Trick or Treat! 
    The meager, dying light of an old candle flickers against the caress of the wind as it slithers in through parted windows; brushing aside silk curtains and ruffling the pages of books that have been left open upon the floor. And it’s strangely hypnotic dance casts eerie shadows upon the walls that stalk the scarcely lit room like carnivores; highlighting old portraits of forgotten kings and velvet rugs that that had been gifts from long lost nobles. But they’re little more than a mockery in the presence of fluttering capes and dark fabric that seems to glow in the timid gaze of the tiny flame that distorts pretty features in favor of highlighting the scowl upon the prince’s smooth lips (as if to mimic the stoic expressions of the men who have laid claim to the same title as they bore holes into his back from the safety of their haughty paintings). And it’s a stark contrast to the way a devilish grin tugs at the corners of a paling mouth; yellow eyes piercing through the darkness like the sharpest of knives.  
       “Unnerved are you?” The vampire purrs; chilled words striking the other man’s chest like a cleaver as he leans closer; the pointed edge of a nail dragging along the prince’s chin until long fingers curl about his chin. And the booming noise of the party unfolding in the ballroom nestled beneath their feet feels like it’s taking place an entirely different world; one full of liars and imposters that try to mingle about in the dead of night like they have some place being there. Rather than they one they’ve built up here; behind locked doors, where the prince’s hot breath is the only thing truly alive, and it burns against his skin   
         “You flatter yourself too much,” Leo retorts, features remaining largely unchanged as his gaze settles on Veles, but he can feel a chill slither up at his spine at the touch. It’s not enough to make him falter; not even for a moment (and not when that damnable smirk is sprawled across those lips like he’s won this argument; because the prince would never let him off so easily). So it’s with little hesitation that he reaches out to wrap warm fingers (that feel like an inferno against the thick fabric of Veles’s vest) around that obnoxious cravat tied about the other man’s neck, and yanks him down with enough force to rattle the papers scattered about the desk (oh how the vampire would just be overjoyed by their fluttering forms as they fell to the ground) as Veles’s hands slam down on its wooden frame, landing on either side of the prince’s hips to prevent himself from falling face first into the other man (and he could have easily resisted if he so desired, after all, he was stronger than any mortal man could ever hope to be).   
          “Your manners are in need of-” And he’s swiftly cut off by the prince’s lips as they slam into his with such a lack of grace that he’s almost appalled. Heat pouring into his mouth, as fingers tightened about the prince’s jaw; knuckles went white against stiff fabric that was still clutched so tightly between the prince’s fingers that all of the blood was draining from his hands. 
            “My manners are in need of what?” The prince breathes as he pulls away from the other; a grin to rival stretched across his own features. And he doesn’t think he’ll come to regret the motion anytime soon. 
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cawfulkiller-blog · 7 years
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grimahearted · 7 years
nesufuratu replied to your post: mm i definitely have birthday stuff to do over on...
whispers feel better and take it easy
thank you. unfortunately i gotta be functional a little later but...i’ll be fine. at least i can pinpoint what’s causing this mood drop so i know what i gotta get a handle on to feel better but rn i just...i think i need to mope for a bit
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sorrcerii-moved · 7 years
@nesufuratu || Casts the First Flame
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“Aha! Today it seems you are the fool.”
Leo couldn’t hold back his triumphant smirk. Looking to Veles with nothing short of superiority as he took in the man’s entire form. The great and oh so put together Veles, standing before the king, with his cape on backwards.
It was grand.
“Forget to check yourself this morning? I never thought I’d see the day you would be so careless.”
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siderealsmoke · 7 years
pencil symbol!!!
Goodbye, goodbye. For the last time: accepting!
The letter is a simply folded sheet of parchment left at the foot of Veles’ coffin for when he wakes. Upon being unfolded it reads, beginning in Inshel’s neat, but still flowing script--
My dearest friend,
I’m sorry.
Starting a letter asking for forgiveness is a foolish and craven thing to do, especially to someone who taught me to take pride in my flaws and accept them for a part of my existence. But this time, there is little choice. I wanted to forget it. To accept that I walked the gray land between ‘good’ and ‘evil’, and that everything was not quite so black and white as I once believed.
And that’s true. But that doesn’t mean I am free of sin.
My shortcomings have come to a head.
I made a mistake. A terrible, terrible mistake, that I simply cannot allow to remain the consequence unpaid for. Too long have a let my sins fester just beneath the surface. It is time I do something to make a real difference, rather than hiding from others, from the light, in shame.
I am leaving. Simply put, there is a magical that calls my attention I cannot ignore.
My place here has been lost, welcome overstayed. It is painful...most regrettable. But I know what to do, where to go.
No one will know. No one can know.  But I know what I must do.
The ink is smeared at the bottom almost illegible.
I’m sorryI’m sorry
I will miss you.
Maybe in another life, I will see you again.
Farewell. I hope you get the future you deserve.
Inshel’s signature is torn off at the bottom, a giant inkstain in the corner, as if suddenly she was in a hurry.
Judging from the chaos outside, Inshel’s disappearance was not met warmly.
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cawfulkiller-blog · 7 years
top 3 henry pairs
fire emblem top 3 || accepting always :)
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siderealsmoke · 7 years
veleshel 👀
ship rating meme! : accepting!
 {i NHALES!!!
I’m a sucker for ships that were never meant to be still managing to pull through some how and in the hypothetical situation they ended up together it’s a tough thing for them to work out. It’s a really hard-won love, so to speak. Self-doubt. Differing opinions. 
They are polar opposites, (or at least used to be), and love between them goes against everything that ‘should be’. 
If it actually happened?
It’s the kind that can’t be easily shaken-- it’s there to stay.
Even not in a romantic or sexual context, Inshel is already very devoted to Veles. She honestly wants to see him happy from the bottom of her soul, but honestly does not believe she could ever be the one to provide him that happiness.
She already loves him in a way that goes beyond ‘oh, does he love me back!?’ and if he doesn’t going through the process of ‘getting over’ him. There’s nothing to get over. She couldn’t care less if he ever showed her affection back or hell, if he ever acknowledged that he cared about her at all. 
The point stands that she wants to see him be able to live.
Imagine if she was the one to give him that chance, that stab in the dark at achieving something really worthwhile?
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jxdedspear · 7 years
Y’all get treats || accepting 
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the binary tool isn’t a friend But here’s a veles uwo
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@nesufuratu | Starter Call
       Kamui isn’t a lucky person. He hadn’t been one since the day he had been ten and gotten a tack stuck in the bottom of his foot after Joker had warned him not to wander about the keep carelessly or ‘you might end up with a needle in your heel’ and his misfortune has only spiraled out of his control since then; from falling upstairs, getting lost in the castle shortly after being granted permission to enter, to accidentally setting his brother’s favorite rug on fire (all right, that hadn’t been an accident; it was hideous and he had been doing Marx a favor). And the worst part about it was that hadn’t been the only time in his life that he had stepped on a tack, needle, or any combination of sharp objects. But he dismisses the mundane memories of his indecent childhood from his mind to focus on reality.
         Long, silver lashes blink hefty, blurry droplets of rain from his bright eyes as his hot, strained breath beats against the frigid air. Chapped lips pulled back into a snarl to reveal sharp, elongated canines as his pointed ears slotted forward; vibrating with every soft noise that echoed through the shallow cavern. Rigid, calloused fingers were wrapped tightly about Yato’s hilt; sharp, hardy nails digging into the holy blade’s solid form like it held the answer to all of his problems within the safety of its strange body. His sensitive nostrils flared; clogged up by the stench of thick rain and blood as it filtered into his lungs, but the distinctive odor of horses and drenched armor had slowly faded into little more than a bad aftertaste.
         His scaled features wrinkled slightly; crimson irises fixed on the foggy downpour beating against the ground outside of their temporary shelter, but even his keen eyes could no longer pick out the shadowy figures of soldiers lurking about anymore. He supposed there was a bright side to his bad luck then, stuck in a low-hanging cave in a valley that’s name Kamui has already forgotten with an army shifting through stones to unearth him: his siblings would be out of harm’s way for now, even if the wound eating away at his thigh screamed for release. But he had become accustomed to pain by now, and even the slow trickle of blood as it cascaded down his armored leg didn’t earn his attention. He had more important things to worry about than an injury that wasn’t going to kill him right now.
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         Heaving a sigh, he leaned his back to the rocky wall and allowed his gaze to fall on the man beside him; he had gotten cut off from the others after one of his self-sacrificing, reckless plans had gone awry (well, actually, it had gone perfectly considering the fact that he had been aiming to make himself their target while giving the others a chance to escape). Regardless, his siblings and the remainder of his comrades were safe; he could think about how to get back to them when there wasn’t a storm raging outside and the numerous, angry soldiers outside that didn’t desire his head on a silver platter.
         “It looks like they’ve given up searching for now, but they’ve set up camp nearby.” Even he wasn’t stupid enough to keep searching for someone under such conditions, and that was saying something given his battle tactics as of late. But the distant crackling of fire that he could just barely smell over the rain and managed to make out over the sound of thunder was troublesome. If they made camp for the night, it meant they had every plan to keep looking for him come morning. “It wasn’t my intention to get you mixed up in all of this, I apologize.”  
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cfasteria-blog · 7 years
012. piggy back ride .
Touch the Dragoon Part 2 ¦ Accepting!
“Ah– oh…”
It’s certainly a surprise considering how prim and proper she knows him to be, but it’s by no means unwelcome! Kana had been feeling considerably more moody than usual, lately – some private time with someone else who could more than likely empathize with this issue would no doubt do her some good.Firmly but carefully, so as not to hurt him with her grip, Kana adjusted the tightness of her arms being exerted around Veles’ shoulders and gently rested her head on his left one with a soft sigh. The silence around them only made the scene more peaceful.
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pacificateurs · 7 years
skadiinfested a réagi à votre billet : //should i then think half of my followers didn’t...
(It’s one thing to forget. It’s another thing entirely to clearly disregard everything that an rper says.)
//when it’s once it’s not an issue, it happens, when it happens every single time i reblog something... clearly they don’t give a sh- don’t cate.
nesufuratu a réagi à votre billet : //should i then think half of my followers didn’t...
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