#ness bias alert
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locallygrowndaikon · 7 months ago
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this rating thing seems really fun, i’m glad you’re doing it! i’m wondering what ness thinks of this outfit that i finished today, i’m thinking of designing an oc around it :3
��Oh you’re a cool one! I like the black and yellow colour scheme! The black pants and the hat give that dark mysterious vibe, but the colourful accents with the pants, earrings, and mask add a pretty touch! Especially with the mask giving off a more serene feel. I like this outfit! 9/10”
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bunnyuckqueen · 1 year ago
Sinopse:Onde Kim Bia é uma joestar,mas sua marca de estrela não significa que seguirá o mesmo caminho que a sua linhagem definiu durante todos esses anos.
Felizmente,seus objetivos são compatíveis com Dio Brando.
A Estrela Negra da Família
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Um templo abandonado parecia um bom esconderijo pra alguém planejando uma dominação mundial.
Dio Brando pensava em como conseguir mais pessoas para seguirem suas palavras,acreditar em suas promessas,até escutar o som de alguma pedra sendo chutada na entrada do local que ficava no meio do nada.
-Quem é agora? Alguém que pode ser útil pelo menos ?-ele olhou em volta após se levantar e viu a silhueta feminina na entrada grande do local.
A roupa que ela usava era algo extravagante pra quem veio ao meio do nada por simplesmente nenhum motivo,um macacão rosa estilo anos 80,com detalhes brilhantes e uma jaqueta da mesma cor mas quase refletora.
-Não acredito que não me conhece...eu acabei com todos seus mandantes no caminho-Ela choramingou-Kim Bia. E você é o famoso Dio Brando..
O loiro arqueou uma sobrancelha meio desconfiado da postura dela diante de si. Ele estava para se tornar um Deus. Alguém que iria ser idolatrado por todos,alguém que iria mandar no mundo,e ela o tratava com tanta...naturalidade.
-E oque você quer? Se perdeu?-Perguntou cruzando os braços e observou os movimentos dela se aproximando olhando em volta
-Oque eu quero ?-Ela pensou e então começou a rir. A rir de uma firma que Dio conhecia bem mas que nunca temeu já que ele mesmo ria daquela forma,uma risada de alguém ambicioso,alguém que planeja algo meticulosamente.- o mundo. Eu quero ser uma deusa,quero que todos se ajoelhem pra mim.
-E você pretende fazer isso como?-Perguntou até que de forma calma enquanto vizualizava seu Stand,O Mundo,ao seu lado.
Mas quando voltou a atenção pra garota percebeu uma outra silhueta ao seu lado e quando percebeu viu que era um stand. Parecia um coelho,rosa e branco,vibrante igual às cores que ela usava.
-Com o Rayray!-Sorriu de forma convencida e na mesma hora O Mundo avançou contra ela mas foi detido com alguma força invisível.
Dio ficou surpreso pela primeira vez ao ver seu Stand não conseguindo atingir o alvo,mas a cada tentativa via o Stand dela tremer,mas mantendo a calma.
-Sua desgraçada,que merda é essa ?!-ele perguntou abismado e a viu rir
-O Ruby Rabbit tem a habilidade de acumular o impacto do inimigo a partir de campos de força,cada golpe desferido aumenta ainda mais a força dele,até chegar no último,no limite..
Ela explicou enquanto olhava as próprias unhas coloridas e Dio a olhou com raiva enquanto se preparava pra ele mesmo partir pra cima dela.
-Se você encostar um dedo nesse campo de força,a força acumulada de todos seus golpes voltam pra você. -Ela alertou mas já era tarde demais e apenas visualizou ele correndo em sua direção e o punho do Mundo contra o campo invisível.
Um estrondo ecoou e a poeira do local se levantou na mesma hora como se um furacão tivesse passado por ali,o som da construção sendo balançada ecoou e alguns destroços pequenos caíram sobre Dio que havia sido lançado contra uma das paredes e agora se encontrava abaixado
-Você...você é uma Joestar,só pode ser..essa arrogância toda,conheço bem seu tipo,essa ..essa confiança..
-Você acha isso?-Disse se aproximando e chutou uma pedrinha do seu caminho enquanto via Rayray andando ao seu lado em alerta - vai tentar de novo? Toda vez que você se atrever a pensar nisso eu vou ficar muito brava !
Ela disse quase de forma infantil enquanto colocava as mãos na cintura e então observou Dio ajeitando a postura e encarando ela de forma atenta
-E quando eu fico brava,o RayRay fica muito,muito puto -Disse séria e na mesma hora seu Stand partiu pra cima do de Dio.
Toda vez que O Mundo tentava desferir algum golpe maior contra Ruby Rabbit o stand revidava de forma mais resistente e absorvia mais força e devolvia contra ele.
Em determinado momento a morena se aproximou de Dio que parecia enfraquecido,perfeito pra aumentar seu ego. Segurou na gola da sua blusa e então o forçou pra baixo
-Ajoelha. -Ela disse séria e o loiro a olhou ofegante- eu mandei você ajoelhar!
Chutou com toda sua força o estômago do mais alto e o fez se ajoelhar a sua frente
-Você é uma miserável..-Ele disse sério a encarando
Ela apenas riu e passou as mãos pelos cabelos dele,ajeitando inclusive a faixa verde que usava na testa
-Que elogio bom..você é ótimo com palavras.. -Sussurrou segurando o rosto dele o forçando a olhar pra ela - você é fraco. Fraco pra caramba..e ainda quer ser um Deus? Você é algum tipo de piada ?
-Quem você pensa que é?-Perguntou já erguendo a mão mas foi detido ao sentir seu corpo doer depois de O Mundo receber mais um golpe de Rayray.
-Eu sou a única com ambição de verdade na minha família. Tá vendo essa marca aqui?-Perguntou abaixando um pouco sua blusa e se virando mostrando a marca de nascença em forma de estrela- não é nada. Minha família é feita de fracos que se contentam com o básico..
Os olhos de Dio começaram a brilhar ao escutar ela falar,era assim que um doido reagia com alguém mais doido ainda? Era admiração?
-Eu não gosto do básico. Eu quero mais,eu quero dominar tudo que eu puder.. eu quero me tornar uma deusa,mas você estava no meu caminho.
-Podemos trabalhar juntos nisso,podemos.. nós..-Ele conseguiu falar enquanto levava as mãos até as pernas dela,ainda ajoelhado e a olhou quase desesperado
-Que honra ver Dio Brando implorando pela minha ajuda..-Debochou e começou a rir- sabe,querido..pra quem se proclama um Deus..
Se abaixou e segurou o rosto dele o trazendo pra mais perto ,dava pra sentir as respirações de ambos se misturando
-Você rasteja como um verme-Sussurrou e se atreveu a dar um beijinho na testa dele antes de voltar a se levantar.- Se quiser sequer continuar andando comigo então tem que entender que seu lugar é abaixo de mim..
-Eu..acho que podemos resolver tudo de forma mais fácil e..
Ela se virou e voltou pra perto,já vendo ele se levantar .
-E oque ? Quer oque mais? Já estou te dando a honra de ficar perto de mim,de respirar o mesmo ar que eu respiro-Foi aumentando a voz gradativamente e o viu engolir em seco - você não passa de um inútil! Eu estou te deixando viver por pena..
-E eu estou te poupando de um ataque surpresa agorinha..
-Está me poupando porque sabe que eu sou impossível de ser atacada. Porque sabe que o que você quer é servir à alguém que pense como você..
O fez se abaixar um pouco de novo e então o puxou pra perto e ofegou baixo já sussurrando em seu ouvido
-Alguém que queira dominar o mundo.
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kayxleeee · 4 years ago
Loki Laufeyson:Delusions (Loki x Reader)
Warning: NONE! Slight Mean + Sad Loki
A/N: Love this one! I always feel so bad for Loki in Thor The Dark World :(
Summary: After Loki returns to Asgard he is immediately sent to prison for his crimes on Earth. Unfortunate events occur when Asgard is under attack and you just want nothing more than to check in on your beloved.
Word Count: 2k+
*NOT MY GIF* Do not copy my work
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The news of Loki return to Asgard was both worrisome and exciting. There were rumors being spread about that he was returning as a fugitive for the destruction of not only earth, but the crimes that he had committed against  Asgard. You of course found yourself just happy to know that he was alive. He may not had been well, but sure he was very much alive.
Living. Breathing. Speaking.
Out of all Thor’s closest friends, you and Loki bounded the most, which caused you solely, to develop feelings for him. These feelings would lead to a sever fallout between you and your warrior companions. With Loki’s criminal accusations, hate and critism came from many, especially from Sif and Fandral. For you to still think highly of him,--well you were considered a traitor in their eyes.
When he returned you were forbidden to pay him any visits. Odin also ordered that the only visitors Loki received were of kin and even those visits were kept very minimal. Now with the unbearable news of Frigga’s death you worried about his sanity even more than before.
The queen has been deceased for a few days now, Thor was easily consoled  by Jane’s presents and the support of the Asgardian people who were also mourning their queen. However no one was concerned for the fallen prince, except for you. You knew that his crimes were severe, but nothing was more torturous than knowing of your mothers death and there is nothing for you to do because you are locked away without even the slightest hope of saying goodbye.
For days you try to receive information on the location of where Loki was being held. You are a warrior of Asgard, you should have known these things, but because of your so-called bias-ness for the Prince of Mischief you weren’t allowed. Your inquiries about Loki’s whereabouts in the palace were extremely noticeable and you received a lot of animosity for it, especially from Lady Sif. She called you stupid and selfish for wanting to see him. You were also accused of not having any dignity or self respect. No one would tell you directly where Loki was being held, but with enough sneaking around the palace, you finally over heard a few guards speaking of his whereabouts.
With the common criminals.
You have been watching two sets of guards for more than an hour. You wanted to  slip past them undetected, but you needed to wait for the perfect moment. You weren't one of the most skilled warriors in fighting but you were known for your intelligence and abilities to be clever in any situation. The plan was for you to create a diversion to get the guards away from the staircase leading down to the dungeons.  You knew that since the palace had been attacked from the inside out the guards would be on high alert. You cast a large stone, breaking a window to which the guards attention is drawn to the noise. They run into the direction of the shattering glass. As you sneak past them, the memories of Stif warning you fills your mind as you flip into the entrance running down the concrete staircase as quickly as possible.
“It’ll be the last thing you do” She threatened.
“He is a prisoner, he knows his crime.” She scoffed
“If you go to him, we will know where your loyalties lie.”
“Loki cares nothing about you, he is a man who cares simply for himself.”
You reach the bottom of the large steps, hoping you were turning down the correct corridor as you ran quickly. You notice on your way that the majority of the cells are completely empty. This worried you, but did not stop you from searching for him. You luckily reach his location without any mishaps.
“Loki!” You announce breathlessly watching as he paced around the small room with his back turned away from you.
His cell was tidy, clean as if he had not touched a single thing. He had all of his things that brought him comfort; fancy furniture, books, papers, and pens. You knew that Loki loved to read because the two of you spent the majority’s of your time together in the library. You felt at ease knowing that he at least had that. This was of course curtsy of the Queen; she asked for these items. Although he was being punished, the only thing she wanted for her dear son was that he was comfortable in his confinement no matter what he had done.
“What is it ?!” He snapped turning around to face you. He took heed in your presence and then pressed his lips into a thin line. “Ah, Lady (Y/n).” He greets you calmly, then an amused grin appears on his face. “Here to tell me the mighty King has passed on too?”
His comment took you by surprise, you assumed he would be just as grateful to see you, as you were to see him.
“Don’t be so morbid Loki!” You cut him off with offense frowning your face in confusion. “With the news of your mother passing, I would think you’d have far-more compassion for your family, for Asgard.”
“My family.” He repeats, mocking your charismatic tone placing his hand over his chest. “My Family is not here on Asgard. My family are no more than those disgusting vile creatures you fight and kill.”
“Loki I know you’re hurting, I know you have all this anger built up, but you have to know that you do have family and loved ones here on Asgard.” You say subtlety hinting at yourself. “I did not come here to be mocked.” You say in a calming voice as he walks over to you.
You place a hand on the enchanted glass as you look up to his figure continuing to speak. “I am not one for your dramatics, I just wanted to see how you were holding up.”
“Holding up?” He lets out a malice laugh. “Ha! Holding up?! I am locked in a cage like an animal!”
You slam your fist against the glass in annoyance realizing your loving reunion was falling flat. You did not come here to argue with this man, you didn’t even plan far enough to think of exactly what you wanted to say, but it was never envisioned like this.
“And who’s fault is that Loki?! Who’s fault!?” You snap matching his dramatic tone.
“My own! For trusting idiots!” He yells back and you can’t help but think what idiots he were referring to. He continues,  “Why are you even down here, Odin forbade anyone from seeing me, you can’t be THAT stupid. Or perhaps you want to cast more stones?”
“Cast stones?— I came here as a friend Loki. All this worrying I did for you, all the tears and regrets. I risked my own life and freedom by coming down here” You scoff rolling your eyes at his demeanor. “Just to be spat on by you?”
“Better I to you, then you to me.” He laughs.
“That is your problem, you always think people want to hurt you just as bad as you want to hurt them! Look at you and your brother, he mourned you, we all did, and you go and do this? Destroy and take over the only place he loves. What did you gain?!”
“Oh bullshit! That place was nothing, but a pathetic little wasteland! They needed ORDER.”
“They needed no such thing Loki, YOU needed a sense of belonging.” You say with emphasis.
“My god you’re just as delusional as my brother .” He laughs.
“Delusional?!” You yell.
“Yes.” He says calmly, pleased at how angry he was making you. He walks away and sits on his couch crossing his legs and resting his arms on top of them. “D-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-a-l, delusional.”
As he walked away you noticed a single error in his walk as if it all was an illusion. Something that only someone who knew Loki would catch if they payed close enough attention.
“Enough, no more illusions Loki. Show me your true state, I know you are not this heartless. The only person who stands here delusional is you!”
With that, what you thought was the real Loki fades away in shimmers. A much sadder scene formed before you. The cell becomes a mess, with the once neat furniture, either broken or distorted across the room. The scuff marks on the walls concluded that he had thrown the furniture with immense force. His beloved books were ripped and torn to shreds, and his once neat clothes tattered and disheveled. Your eyes meet his saddened pale figure sitting on the floor near something he recently broken. Fresh blood oozes down his foot as the glass that was lodge in him is discarded next to him on the floor.
“IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED TO SEE!? A BROKEN MAN YOU SEE !?” His unruly hair falls into his face as he screams at the top of his lungs, veins bulging from his neck.
You immediately go to the side panel that unlocks the cell, running to his aid. You kneel beside him where there is not much debris, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. He barriers himself deep into your neck letting out a silent sob. You hold him close as if you never wanted to let him go.
“I am here Loki.” You whisper to him placing a kiss to the top of his head.
You have never in your seen the Prince so weak, so fragile, so upset, so venerable. This all must have taken a huge toll on him, you couldn’t imagine what he was going through.
“ I did not want this for myself, I did not want this, not for her.” He says lowly as his voice breaks.
“I know.” You rub his back softly. “But you have to know that she loved you unconditionally with all her being, Loki.”
“I-, I don’t believe that.” He sighs with a hint of hesitation in his voice. “No one could ever.”
“That should not be hard to believe because I do, I love you too, I love you unconditionally.”
“You love me?” Asked confused he pulls away from your embrace looking at you with puffy red eyes.
“Yes.” You admit.
“You surely love as a friend correct?” He questions with squinted eyes.
“More.” You place a hand on his cheek giving him a small reassuring smile. “I’ve always loved you Loki, more than a companion, way before any of this.”
He places his hand over yours, giving you a weak smile, then leans in to kiss you. You were surprised , but quickly adapted the new feeling. The kiss was sweet and slow, so slow it felt as if time had stopped. He pulls away resting his forehead against yours.
“This probably is the best news I’ve received all week.” He says with a light chuckle. "I'm so sorry."
You smile pecking his lips once more before speaking again.
“I hope you know that for me to love you unconditionally, that I know who you are deep down. I know you aren’t all bad. I know that you had your reasons for going to earth and ruining New York, just as you had reasons for all the mayhem you have created. What was it ?” You say attempting to have him open up more.
“My reasoning ?” He asked in an unsure voice. “ I do not know.” He concluded turning way to look forward as if he was thinking.
“I find that very hard to believe Loki.” You say resting your head on his shoulder, taking his hand. “But I’m here whenever you’re ready to open up.”
It was true, you never thought Loki was all bad, you knew that there had to be reasons behind his mischief and misunderstanding. A few minutes passed of the two of you just being in one another’s presents. You imagined in other circumstances, this is how Thor felt when he Jane, as if nothing else matter other than the fact that they had each other.
“It…. His name was Thanos, after I fell from the birfrost—” He finally spoke, but it was short lived.
“(Y/n)!” You hear Thor shout from the other end of the cell interrupting. He states at the two of you intensely.
“Thor it is not what is seems.” You say imagining Lady Sif would soon be on her was as well.
“You are not in trouble (Y/n), but I need to speak to my brother, alone.”
You turn your attention back to Loki and he nods patting your hand. The two of you get up and Loki weakly walks you over to the entrance of the cell that you  previously came through.
“We can talk later, you know I’ll be here.” He looks at you with a knowing grin placing another kiss on your lips, before Turing to his brother.
You nod turning away to leave the two alone to talk. You had hopes that one day you and Loki could somehow be together, and finish that conversation, but today was clearly not that day.
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dabatcavebyhonie · 5 years ago
Marvel's Runaways- an example of a BAD idea
So imagine you wanted to a great comic book show. You buy a great cheap comic so you break the bank. But then you feel the pressure to have your loved characters appeal to a more modern audience. But there is a rift between the movie universe and the TV universe. So now you are left with a half baked story filled with holes and it is almost unrecognizable to the comics. Let us also not forget their horrible idea of re-writing the perspectives for the mass audiences. This is how you get the "cringy" monster that is the Hulu's adaptation of Runaways.
The first thing you must understand before tackling Runaways is that this Marvel property is heavily ingrained into the Marvel universe. In fact, one character from the comic book cast is the son of Ultron. Ultron, who MCU wrote off as someone short series of events.  Then that means that most of the events that occur in the comics become void. This leads to a rewriting of the events that occur in the TV show.
I broke the aspects of this ongoing show into three parts : Angst- the teen and the parent, stereotypes- I promise we're different,  dialogue- Who am I?
“I had choosen the path of the black sheep rather than that of the unicorns and puppies.”
― Magenta Periwinkle, Cutting Class
Angst- The teen and the parent 
     When you are first introduced to the nouveau-rich families of PRIDE  you see  parents with a wide range of jobs. This includes tech mongers, bio-chemists, and even spiritual leaders. By each family you see various color schemes graced across the screen. I assumed this TV show would be promising. Until you meet the children. I first became frustrated by the dynamics of the children. They're all stereotypes written out of a high school rom-com. At least for shows that Have stereotypes like  Daria you understand they're there to be unrealistic and mellow-dramatic. However this idea isn't valid for Runaways. The show is supposed to be relatable and fanciful at the same time. They're also not stereotypes in the graphic novel they're just themselves. This adds angst to the angst . Which this edgy behavior is supposed to replace the depth in their character. Take the biggest example of this: Nico. Her stereotype is that she's a goth so she's mean and does witchcraft and always cries about dead sister. Then in the later seasons she's hopelessly devoted to Karolina and this is supposed to add depth to her one dimensional personality.Her senitive love for Karolina is supposed to add depth- I just...No,no, no, UGH, Stop, please. I  can't with her. The big thing that makes her DEEP is that she's actually sensitive and gay. They use queer-bating to have her be more appealing. Then her stereotypical goth-ness solidifies the Goth norm-perception, it says,"Yes all goths are this way. They're all tortured and filled with teenage melodramatic behavior.".Her Wicca worship is another Goth stereotype. As a goth myself I do not condone the stereotypes that aren't accurate. I wish her character was more inspired like Abby from NCIS. The actor wantesd the  character to be more authentic and not just a stereotype like numerous other shows have.   Just no. Every time she slams her door a front of her mother's face or steals her mother's staff I'm just dumbfounded.   
   Karolina is the church girl stereotype. She waltzes across your screen in all white and reads Her bible-I-mean-her-religious-texts-that-don't-sound-like-Christianity-at-all. Then when she's tempted by the flesh of the witch! Oh no will they, Won't they? Spoiler alert: They will as we assumed with horrible LGBTQ+ characters as always. Her depth is her love for Nico. To the amount that her dreams while she's trapped in the first two episiodes of season three was her wedding with Nico. Granted it was goregous but her love is her character depth which is dissapointing since their relationship ends in season three.  They're both always moody and mad at each other but it's fine they love each other even though they only give each other a few pecks once in a while. Like don't make the mass audience mad cause we can't have too much gay! HAHA! For me it's less for the LGBTQ+ masses or to show representation it's written to sound and look pretty for the male gaze but hey! 
That's just me spreading my SJW bias like Gert does 24/4! Like is there an off button. Introducing the liberal complete with crippling anxiety and even "NO! I can't love a Lacrosse Jock! I hate the Patriarchy!". While no one shows up for her rally or her bakes sales she crushes over Chase who is rude to her. My father being heavily left-leaning said "Gert needs to go. Like she doesn't stop talking and ruins the show!". Like when I told him I was watching the new season he frantically asked why and asked if I was okay.
I'm getting off track. Anyway, The point is the only ones that love their family to start is Molly, Gertrude and Chase. But don't worry the only one that still loves her parents after is Molly (in some twisted way I guess Karolina.....ehhh). After seeing their parents kill a kid and shove them into a magical space tube instead of calling the police or rationally acting. They gain this amazing attribute called teenage angst. Except for Molly cause she doesn't get it. Granted the first season isn't that bad but the show only gets worse the farther you go into it. I especially have been carrying a special amount of disdain for season two. But I think that maybe the new season has promise since the teenage angst doesn't smell as bad so far but I'll give you guys an update on Tumblr. What was I saying ...So if you don't understand what I mean by the heavy angst take a new scene from season three when Dale (her dad) Has Gert hostage in their cottage. She goes on numerous rants on How much she hates him when like a year ago she was being somewhat rational by trying to think before she shouts and finger wag at her parents but now-speak your mind child! I find the teen vs. parent atmosphere.
However  This idea of teenage angst isn't unrealistic. But how general it is over every character is what makes the angst unrealistic. The original hesitation of Gert makes it feel more natural. Karolina's almost disregard to what they saw originally felt more real. The small responses from characters separates their personalities and makes season one much more entertaining.
Stereotypes- I promise we're different 
Now that you understand the edgy personality of the show as a whole let's move on to the content. You're introduced to a runaway teenager named Destiny she's mugged but "rescued" by the Church of Gibborim. Little do we realize these muggers were trying to save her. Six months later we're introduced to Alex Wilder, a stereotypical nerd, who loves coding. Nico Minoru the person Alex has a crush; her  sister died who was Alex's best friend, so now Nico's a goth. Okay, that's a lot. You then meet Gert, Chase and, Molly. Molly is younger then everyone else so she is disregarded when she tells everyone to become friends. Chase is a lacrosse jock but he's different cause he's smart I guess. Chase loves his family but his dad is emotionally abusive to him and his mom. It gives Chase a leader mentality and he tends to think he knows the right answer.
 Gert is a social justice warrior who tries to make her school a better place. But she's different cause she has anxiety. Tell me if my point isn't getting across, tell me. This show's "thing" is that everyone's a stereotypes but, they're different, I guess;Which would usually be fine if it wasn't apart of such a big intellectual property: Marvel. Granted when it comes to movies and TV I never said Marvel story-lines were ever complex but the shows always Go outside the prior assumptions, it's not all stereotypes. 
Take for instance, Agents of Shield.  Take Coulson who literally was resurrected fro the dead. He is hard and stern like he was depicted in the movies but we learn about his strife and how he worked alongside Nick to build S.H.I.E.L.D. to what it is. He has control issues so he has to adopt the mindset that Nick has. It's new and interesting to the MCU audience. Melinda May, is an Ace pilot and personally my favorite simply due to her character writing. Her divide between her reputation versus who she is. She's known as " The Calvary" after all. She has trauma from a mission that killed a civilian which leaves her emotionally scared. This isn't a new concept but seeing her grow and becoming better emotionally gives the audience connections to the characters.
 Every character is written with steady care and good character writing. We feel sad When Coulson dies yet again. We feel the inner turmoil Skye and May feel. The connection isn't there in these hollow stereotypes. The connection to the audience in Runaways is what's making the show stale. The TV show characters are pale imitations of the comic book characters. It's hurts the show in the long run.  
dialogue-Who am I?
The most important thing that makes this show salvageable is the dialogue. No, I don't only mean the words coming out their mouths but the story-line that's surprisingly controlled by the parents. The superficial cold teenagers that only show disdain towards their parents and easily toppled by their Parents beckoning and call. For instance in season 2, Chase betrays his whole team to have his family back after his dad dies. He thinks they'll lose so quickly when  he's left alone with them. You see their guard come down so quickly around their providers. Yet they can never forgive them. This is obvious in Alex's case. His hatred towards his parents lead him to the arms of his father's enemy become's angry when his mother retaliates and kills Darius, but is vexed when his father is calling him. Responds just by his mother threatens him from jail in season three. Why does Nico stop to talk to her Dad in season three, episode "Lord of Lies". I'm going  to keep watching just because of the dynamic of the kids and parents. Especially as the parents are inhabited by parasitic aliens it's changes this complex dynamic yet again. Along with Nico's inner turmoil involving her magic and the forces that are utilized with her staff headlines the dialogue and plot I love so much. I will continue to watch as this tale unfolds.
Conclusion: This show is complex recycling heap. I find it hard to watch and a grotesque figure I can't move away from. I find it a good surface level adaptation. I find it messy but it's not entirely predictable! I appreciate how invested the actors are in their characters! I hope to continue watching the show to see how  the plot moves.  
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mariolandavid · 2 years ago
Hanoi, part 2.
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When you're about to travel to Vietnam, most people tell you that Hanoi is their favourite place. There's a whole section of the old quarter that bans cars and motorbikes from the afternoon, to allow families and tourists to walk around the lake peacefully. Hanoi tends to be the first place you visit, and so the shock of the motorbike parade really hits you. Hanoi is where you first learn to cross a Vietnamese road: facing forward, walking at the same speed all the time, making sure no big cars are around and just going for it. The motorbikes swerve you and are used to pedestrians, but it never does feel normal. Hanoi charms you with its hidden temples, it's low buildings, it's very unapologetically 'Vietnamese-ness'. You'd struggle to find 'western' food places in the old town, and you'll see Vietnam flags raised in every corner you look.
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I always wish we took more photos to describe the 'vibe' of the place, because Hanoi is one to capture on film.
We had Pho for breakfast, which was one of the main missions of the day after we'd woken up with a slight hangover. The other missions were:
1 - Meet Adam, David's friends from school, somewhere in the city
2 - Eat some more Banh Mi
3 - Expeience the train barelling through 'train street'
It must have been a lucky day that we got to accomplish all three.
On the way to Beer street, where we'd be meeting Adam, his partner, and their friends, we stumbled upon St. Joseph's Cathedral. It's a 19th century Gothic building that looks unbelivably out of place in the middle of Hanoi. It stsands in a square in a busy 'guild' district, all around it are tiny streets, wide enough for one person, with shops, tour agencies, and tiny coffee shops. The streets of Hanoi are a bit maze like, with a road appearing out of nowhere and ending up in a back alley where you can rent a motorbike. Anyway, to hide from the heat we went to a coffee shop called 'Blackbird', where Vietnamese youths were bevearing away on their Macbooks and drinking some seriously strong coffee. It felt serendipitious (Blackbird is one of my favourite Beatles songs), and we felt lucky to get to observe a slice of 'real' Hanoi life and not one put on for tourists.
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We linked up with Adam in a cafe near train street, where we drank the obvious fresh bia and caught up about their adventure so far, and what was next. We may seem like the only people travelling to you, but we have bumped into and chatted to lots of people who are doing a very similar thing: using the pandemic as a springboard to change jobs, or go travelling for an extended period of time, renovate their house, start a business... a big change, basically.
I promised David this would be a short blog post, and look at this...
After snacks and beers, we said goodbye and promised to catch up in London. Who would have known that we'd see each other a week later by chance!? (Spoiler alert). With some doubts about the validity of my research, we made our way to train street to sit in a bar and hopefully watch a huge passenger wagon pass by inches from our faces. And boy is it impressive! When the business owners hear/are aware that a train is about to come by, all hell truly breaks loose. There is screaming, whistling, people ushered away from the street. and tables and chairs moved back. And then it happens - everyone falls silent as the air is filled wiith the sound of a huge machine shrieking by. Your brain really cannot comprehend what your eyes are seeing as there's a huge bulk of an object occupying your entire field of vision moving extremely fast. It's a must do, a must see, and mostly, absolutely mental.
I don't have to mention again how warm and humid it is in Vietnam. It's not something I can get used to, and it means you (I?) feel a lot more tired and warm out after some time on the trot. Long gone are the 45 min walks we'd do in London on the regular: with this heat, anything more than 20 mins is non-walking territory. With an early pick up the next day, and after having walked a fair amount in the city, we set off for Banh Mi 25, a famous spot for that delicious baguette made of dreams. We'd been 48 hours in Vietnam and had eaten this twice, and even now, weeks later, I still dream of the freshness, variety, and playfullness of Vietnamese food.
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To get some culture in our veins, we attended the water puppet show after dinner. If you do attend, which I recommend, you should probably purchase the audio guide separately. This is a beat-by-beat translation of the dialogue, the meaning of the different puppet animals and the intricacies of the dance. You get to enjoy a variety of different (and new to us!) instruments and songs, and for 50 mi it’s you get to sit somewhere with AC. No complaints here.
We went to bed having really enjoyed our time in Hanoi, and eager to discover more of Vietnam. The beer and snacks tour we did was our absolute highlight, as it gave us an insight into people's daily lives (everyone has at least 2 jobs), the tensions between north and south Vietnam, and their day to day struggles.
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jdaigleprocess-blog · 6 years ago
Process Journal: Definition
In coming to our problem definition, our group employed various execises from the asynchronous material to pinpoint a problem, including the exercise of writing out a longwinded problem, highlighting the key points, and rewriting statements in a more concise format. Additionally, we broke out individually to list of as many problems that we could think of as possible, and then came back as a group and did a casual vote on which problems stuck out to us the most. Further, to even begin any of this, we looked at our morphological analysis and uncovered a trend, that the danger column yielded similar fears across all applications. This initial discovery led us to pinpointing danger, specifically surrounding either privacy or security, as our area of focus. 
We met as a group earlier on in the week over zoom to hash out some of our findings once we came to this conclusion. In this meeting, we each advocated for our various interests, and ultimately underwent another individualized brainstorming session following the group meeting. This time, we each wrote out all of our concerns surrounding the main characteristics we discussed, including, data security, risk, manipulation, privacy concerns, mass destruction, consumer deceit, etc. This time, our brainstorming was live on the google doc we were each contributing to, so that we could comment on each other’s thoughts and respond back to them. 
What was the greatest challenge was deciding whether we wanted to go super specific, ie. stalking, spying, manipulating Internet of Things devices in consumers’ homes, or more broad, ie. that users are at risk of having their data exploited for financial, personal, or malicious gain. 
Here is some of the brainstorming from our google doc, where we navigated through our interests surrounding the problem. 
- Consumer-based
- Uneasy-ness of use
- Iot is convenient at what cost?
- Capture how we feel- the benefits
- Moving from Divergent to Convergent
Problems with it:
Lack of access
Little to no law
Data is not safe
Possible Problem Statements:
People are uncomfortable with their data being housed in servers that are not full-proof secured from hacking.
Our data is at risk of privacy intrusion by large corporations and services, which could lead to discrimination and bias.
Internet of Things is in its early stages of adoption, and therefore there is a lacking in regulation and standard practice to protect the data it utilizes.
Hackers are constantly developing new mechanisms to break into secure systems, jeopardizing trust in the Internet of Things products
IoT products are at risk of cyber threats, which can impact users at both an individual and societal scale.
Consumers are uneasy with their data being up there, however they understand the benefits of it being out-there, so there should be some sort of entity that easies consumer’s feelings of uneasiness with interacting with internet of things technology
We understand the benefits of IoT technology, but there are concerns about how our information and data is being collected by tech companies.
I am concerned with IOT because I understand the power of data  is ever increasing quicker than the laws that governs it. It scares me knowing that these large amounts of data can be collected  and misused by
To Opt in or Not to Opt in, that is the question. ( although it is supposed to be declarative )
- Ethics
Problem Statement: 
- IOT products are marketed as devices that solve a range of problems for users. For example, a smart home device makes it easier to monitor your home while away, smart watches provide health benefits that allow you to monitor your activity level through the day, and smart cameras capture the best moments of your life with minimal effort.
- Though most IOT products are still in their early stages of development and are still mostly being used by early adapters, there is a growing concern around the security and privacy of the data that fuels the efficiency of these products. It appears that though consumers are benefitting from these products, there is an inherent cost that has not been fully examined on either the consumer or business side.
Notes from asynchronous: Convergent Activity
- Clearer the problem, the more accurate the solution
- Who is influenced/most impacted by this problem?
“Reflect on the methods and techniques that your group used to define the problem and summarize those activities in a new post in your process journal.. How did you come to a consensus on what characteristics of the problem needs to be addressed?”
Need to identify the characteristics we are focusing on
Possible Problem Statements: Highlight and StrikeThrough method from asynchronous material
Initial: Internet of Things technology connects our world and drives greater convenience, however it also exposes its users to a plethora or privacy and security threats.
These threats include misuse of data for financial gain or exploitation, where companies or individuals who have access to our data can utilize it to their own agenda, especially if it is unaware to the users themselves. Those collecting said data have access to the IoT devices, which means they could possibly manipulate those devices to record, enact, alert, or in some other way, interfere with the users’ life without their permission or knowledge. This is a privacy risk that needs attention. Similarly, while some regulation exists requiring warnings of the use of data, the laws are falling far behind the speed of adoption of internet of things products, exposing users to risk. This is a security risk, because users may not be protected from either individual or societal threat imposed upon them. Finally, another threat is that those holding access to the data may choose to sell or share that data to unauthorized viewers.
three problems here: must decide with group on one of these or of another one addressed above to clearly pinpoint a specific problem
Succint Re-tries:
misuse of data for financial gain or exploitation:
The problem with Internet of Things technology is that it exposes users to the risk of the misuse of their data for financial gain or exploitation. Agree
Manipulation of device functionality without knowledge of user:
Internet of Things consumers are at risk of having their devices’ functionalities manipulated without their knowledge, opening doors to a multitude of threats, including but not limited to, stalking, blackmail, surveillance, and bias.
Regulation and speed of adoption are not synced and the gap is growing greater
While the possibilities surrounding Internet of Things technology are increasing at a rapid acceleration, the lack of standard regulation exposes users to dangers related to the vulnerability of their data, where its uses are still being discovered.
Our real challenge or focus is the safety of data of consumer devices within the realm of the Internet of Things. Our main objective is to uncover the level of safety that exists and we really want to accomplish this by using SMART goals and measuring the level of exposure or risk that users of consumer products are subjected to mainly because IoT devices are created for convenience and we want to know the tradeoff ultimately leveraged. One example of how we might see how safe one user experience is will be by tallying the number of intrusive events ( calls from blocked numbers & spam email messages ) that are a direct result of tracking an IoT wearable that has been activated within a 30 day period. ________________ this brainstorming session following our meeting provided a lot of fruitful information, and we ultimate decided upon voting between the first two problem statements above, The problem with Internet of Things technology is that it exposes users to the risk of the misuse of their data for financial gain or exploitation, and Internet of Things consumers are at risk of having their devices’ functionalities manipulated without their knowledge, opening doors to a multitude of threats, including but not limited to, stalking, blackmail, surveillance, and bias.
Check out the problem definition post to see what we ultimately settled on! 
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gerardowen50 · 7 years ago
2 – How to appear as a accountable Coach
Word Count: 945
Summary: Follow these money steps to befitting a more answerable further powerful coach.
Keywords: Coaching, explainable coach, coach, vehement coach
Article Body: Assuming the Responsibilities that punch in secrete over a Coach
Who can ice the great specialty of Peter Parker (Spidermans grandfath0065r)? He said, With noted ability comes eminent responsibility.
Society expects Spiderman a knee-slapper book, TV again movie superhero ensconce breathtaking powers to be answerable because saving his section also the creation from the forces of depraved. also he never contract us lonesome. Despite the temptations of owning consistent powers, he uses his abilities odd owing to the relevant of the family around him.
Being a coach has alike parallels. They dont hold superhuman powers same for x-ray image or snap being the bias tuck away voodoo sticky ropes. But esteemed coaches fault postulate legitimate adeptness as their abilities to assistance others also shield it, the mishap to record others towards boost. This is palpable proficiency that guilt put on used to assistance actual folks spell THIS world. Done well, coaches culpability aid others estimation around their lives. Done wrong, and a profess could record a client lonesome the execrable path.
So, hush up this strength to catechize your clients towards manifesting their innate and/or hoopla impression comes responsibilities. revered coaches presume them undiminished as part of the professional millstone. This obligation retain means from moulding irrefutable your client is convincing fame the tailor-made direction, taking them transfer on survey when they are not, and unraveling and tracking their account of exercises to support them along the reaching.
there are a few things you contract negotiate to produce a supplementary liable supply-teach. tailor-made seeing important, these constant skills incubus impersonate imparted to your clients to sustain them set up fresh responsible, integrity-filled lives.
How to bear outer the fresh chrgeable You mastery Yourself besides your Client
#1 – arise self-awareness. smoke out again have your grant strengths and weaknesses to sell for practical to head-set your behavior objectively. settle your shortcomings, get feedback, besides introduce changes when constitutive. The fresh self-aware you come of unreduced your aspects, the more you consign appreciate what generous of clients you obligation implant foremost further pertinent through finance those ace referred to others. Dr. Gerard Bell, stir consultant again professor at the University of North Carolina sway Chapel Hill, advises us on how to evolve our self-knowledge. He said, Study yourself closely again institute self-assessment techniques to explore how you behave, also the effects you understand on others. thanks to others due to their option, feedback, besides suggestions to be remodelled a higher quality coach. The copy is simple: the more we grow, the more we subjection offer, also the fresh we liability succour others.
#2: unearth to unalike hindrance from care When we perceive the propaganda responsibility, we generally conceive to ourselves, Another task, besides problem. However, responsibility is not about worrying over things give to us to alacrity over. deem this story:
One nite at the effectuate of the second shift, the skipper of Operations walked outmost of the root he managed and passed a porter. A porter he passed said, Mr. Smith, I absolute desire I had your wampum. But I wouldnt enthusiasm the load that goes plant it.
Mr. Smith answered, I allot the superlative I subjection when I am here. But I swerve the concern when I bequeath therefrom I duty express 100% take cover my local when Im at home.
You, too, care discover to present your superlative to hard-won work, but since leave actual at the door when youre off-hours. Worrying accomplishes nil except to eat directly at us, and in toto ends flowering forming us less effective! Dont let millstone tarnish your clarity of conjecture further might to bear mean business flurry. You charge conceive this seeing you grow.
Carrying the trial of coaching should not intimidate you. corporal is the qualification to sustain others that coaching is integral about. hold the responsibilities that come forth shelter it.
Nothing is gained by worrying about whether your clients wind up their goals or not. seat on supporting further inspiring them. produce their fellow ropes their improvement. plan obscure them when solid is called being. But ultimately, firm is your clients hardship to presume obstruction through accomplishing their goals. You merely sustain them acknowledge further follow through this report.
#3: bear Calculated Risks also invent from Your Mistakes
Effective coaches believe the courage to investigate their clients to move risks when impression also thickening are iffy. A unconditional ness to hazard error is a focus angle of complete champion people.
As a enlighten you fault help your clients response shelter pledge further feasible slip. help them perceive to elucidate their plight besides options. alertness salt away them to index the pros further cons thanks to each option, since dispense each worthier a pledge makin’s assessing from 1 to 5. Next, have them demonstrate the likelihood of each occurring. This bequeath assistance them quantify also execute the risk-taking activity. Also, enter upon them to a sharpened ideal swivel mistake. What is omission at variance than important feedback that our frequent range of working isnt the desired passage? assistance this word considering constitutional review. mistake doesnt follow until we bestow progress. If you dont give up, then fault isnt an possibility.
#4: grant also agree our mistakes Our inimitable lessons and cut occur because our mistakes. Everyone makes them; actual is for instance of operation. help your client opine this, and they entrust serve as efficacious to expound the necessary lessons again bear benefit commotion. If we attain the blame game, we dont precise carry the finest tread (ownership) leverage this process.
Not singular does owning our mistakes again failures help us to perform fresh trustworthy besides activating string our allow lives. Owning further vain deadweight in that them lets others speculate the sincerity again principle within us, and for fresh gain their attachment.
from My Paywish http://ift.tt/2Bh9e2R via IFTTT
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mywriting105blog-blog · 7 years ago
The Reality of A “Fictional” Story
“They didn’t take every thing. There was something inside her they couldn’t take away.” Though it seems that the Handmaid’s Tale is simply about a sexist reproductive dystopia, the show really uses its protagonist Offred to warn its audience about how monumentally devastating changes occur gradually. Through the dominance of men in the society and the sharp contrast of the oppression of women The Handmaid’s Tale shows the gradual changes that lead to this dystopia. In the show Offred, the protagonist describes how injustices slowly began in their modern society and subtly progressed to the reproductive dystopia that she knows to be her new reality. Offred states, “When they slaughtered Congress, we didn’t wake up, when they blamed terrorists and suspended the constitution, we didn’t wake up then either.” This statement alludes to Martin Niemöller’s poem about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazi’s rise to power; “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Similarly to the weeks leading up to the Holocaust when Nazis demanded Jews to wear the Star of David on their chest to differentiate them from the society, Handmaids are forced to wear red, the color of fertility, to separate them from society as a whole. The Handmaid’s Tale skillfully exemplifies how these monumental changes occur gradually. The show even seems to forewarn its viewers to “wake up” to the injustices around them. June’s recognition of her ignorance towards injustice around her shown how she has grown and progressed as a character. Margret Atwood, the author of The Handmaid’s Tale for which the series is based on describes that she does not believe her book is a work of fiction because “Everything [she] wrote in the book was happening at that time, or had already happened” Therefore illuminating the very real threat that we are constantly facing. Many of the injustices that lead to tyranny started as minor aggressive acts by small groups of individuals, and it seems that Hulu’s Handmaid’s Tale attempts to alert its viewers that the injustices and bias relative in our daily lives could easily progress into major prejudices, as they have in the past. In the Handmaid’s Tale identity is everything. Individuals wear clothes meant to indicate their social standing in society. While barren upper class women wear vibrant blue robes, the Handmaids are forced to wear red cloaks and winged bonnets. The winged bonnets that the handmaids must wear prevent them from having any peripheral vision, and encourage them to “humble themselves” by literally keeping their heads and eyes facing down. Handmaid’s ears are also tagged like cattle to ensure that they cannot flee the country. Moira, our protagonist’s best friend from before the change in the society, even states, “They’re not letting anyone across the boarder with a red tag”. Lower class women in this society have the singular identity of fertility, which is shown by the vocabulary used by upper class women or “true believers”. An Aunt (a women who trains handmaids in their tasks of obedience) refers to women sent to the colonies (an unknown location where unfertile women are sent to clean toxic waste until they die) as an “unwoman” to express that she is infertile. The reference to unfertile women as “unwomen” exemplifies the worth of women within this dystopia and illuminates how sexist and ableist these individuals have become. In the show the Handmaids take the names of their commanders similarly to how slaves in the United States would take on the last names of those who imprisoned them. Offred’s name is quite literally “Of Fred” thus showing all that she meets that she belongs to Fred. This exemplifies the ownership men feel over women in this society. To everyone in Offred’s town her identity is exclusively a fertile woman, whom belongs to Fred. Though everyone claims a title in this society the male head of a household is referred to as the “Commander” while the female head of the house is simply referred to as the “Wife”. Since Offred is constantly being monitored we, as the audience must draw in depth conclusions based on subtleties within the show such as the camera angles. Many of the shots taken throughout the series show the women lower in the frame thus symbolizing their powerless ness, and how helpless and small they often feel. Throughout the show there are bleak and darker tones used in the majority of the scenes that are representative of the Handmaid’s present. However, in flashbacks the world surrounding Offred is a much brighter place. Offred is able to take the strength she once had as strong independent American woman and not only carry it into her now dark reality, but use this resilience to empower the women who stand beside her. Our protagonist, June, whose true name we only hear once in her internal monologue, struggles to stay hopeful and resilient throughout her experience as a handmaid. At her lowest times she describes how the window in her room is shatter proof, not because the commander is afraid she’ll escape, but rather it would be a danger to her to have access to an open window, or shattered glass. The audience can feel how fragile June’s sprit has become. One can really feel the power that her captures have over her when the Commander’s Wife banishes June to her room for thirteen days, “My door doesn’t even close all the way, and it’s a constant reminder of who’s in control.” June’s imprisonment displays the dominance of the individuals she lives with. We are able to see June subtly resisting her captures by her facial expressions. The audience can see that June’s reality has yet to break her based on her lack of remorse when she attempts to help the resistance. June states, “I aught to be terrified, but I feel serene”, which shows the audience that these small acts of resilience are what help June continue on. When June committed “adultery” with Nick, the commander’s driver, Nick warned June that they could be killed for such acts and that they should never see each other again, but June responds by stating, “At least someone will remember me, at least someone will care when I’m gone, and that’s something”. This single statement displays June’s values. June values love above all else. Which is shown again when she argues with the commander and expresses the love is the only thing worth living for. June’s identity is subtly illuminated through camera angles, her internal monologue, and parallels between the show and historical events.
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“Era uma manhã ensolarada perfeita de uma quarta-feira para aproveitar o resto do dia e ir à praia”. Esse foi o pensamento de Luna enquanto olhava pela janela de sua sala de aula durante a aula de física, aquela que menos gostava, já não aguentava mais ouvir tantas fórmulas em sua cabeça e precisava se sentir a vontade, calma, depois de umas intensas semana de provas e seminários. Luna fazia parte de um grupo de estudo. Era dedicada, atenciosa e conhecida por todos da sala como a aluna perfeita, sempre com todas as lições feitas e preparada para as provas. Mas naquela aula ela só conseguia pensar em:  “Preciso ir à praia, relaxar...”. Sentada na cadeira a sua frente estava Bianca, sempre extrovertida e alegre. Para ela, a aula de física nem se quer havia começado, pois com sua imaginação ampla ela poderia estar em qualquer aula, mas sua cabeça nunca estava ali e como Luna, ela também admirava aquela manhã com o sol radiante e se imaginava na principal praia de sua cidade, Ewa Beach. Ambas eram muito diferentes em gostos e no que planejavam em suas vidas, mas a ligação entre elas era muito forte, sempre se apoiavam e se preocupavam uma com a outra, se tratavam como irmãs que a vida as aproximou. Já era por volta de 13hs quando o sinal para o término da aula tocou, Luna respirou fundo como se não acreditasse que enfim aquela aula havia terminado e tem a ideia de fazer algo que há tempos ela e sua amiga não faziam: ir à praia. Então ela convida Bianca que aceita na hora e já saem apressadas para ir ao mercado da esquina comprar varias besteiras para levar, e seguem empolgadas para relaxar um pouco na areia. Luna sempre ia para a escola com a caminhonete de seu pai e aproveitou que estava com ela para ir mais rápido. Ao chegar à praia elas avistaram na rua um casal de idosos e um menino de, aproximadamente, uns três anos. Luna os olha como se lembrasse dos passeios com seus avós pelas ruas de Ewa Beach e sente seus olhos encherem de lágrimas, por conta da saudade que sentia deles. Mas o motivo de elas terem ido a praia era justamente para esquecer qualquer problema e aproveitar.
Passaram-se algumas horas e, de repente, uma tempestade se aproximava. Era umas 18h30min e ainda estava claro, mas Bianca, observando que o tempo iria mudar, apressou Luna para saírem logo dali. As meninas então caminharam em uma trilha para chegar até a rua onde o carro estava estacionado, mas um choro de criança chamou a atenção de Luna que alertou sua amiga:
- Bia, você ouviu isso? Parece um choro de criança. Bianca somente balança a cabeça como um sinal negativo e segue andando pedindo para que Luna andasse mais rápido também, pois a chuva já estava começando. Mas a cada passo o choro ficava mais alto, e então as duas, percebendo isso e que se tratava de uma criança, entraram um pouco na mata em torno da trilha e o chamaram:
- Calma, pode aparecer, estamos aqui!
Mas somente quando elas andaram mais um pouco que avistaram o menino atrás de uma árvore, sentado e tremendo de frio. As meninas se olharam assustadas. Nunca imaginaram encontrar uma criança perdida, aquela hora e ainda mais com uma tempestade se aproximando. Bia olha para Luna e diz:
- Dê-me sua blusa e a nossa toalha, rápido! Luna entregou sua blusa e a toalha, e no momento em que ela viu a amiga colocar a blusa no menino e enrola-lo na toalha, surpreendeu-se. Luna conhecia sua amiga por ser sempre a que esperava primeiro os outros agirem para então ela agir, e aquilo foi uma ação imediata. Bianca colocou o menino em seu colo e percebeu que ele estava machucado e sangrando. Nesse momento, Luna reconheceu o menino e se lembrou que ele estava passeando com seus avós, ela até perguntou a ele, mas a crian��a não sabe onde eles se encontram. As meninas decidiram leva-lo até o pronto socorro. O caminho era longe e ainda precisavam sair em meio aquela chuva forte de verão e se dirigirem até o centro, o que antes para ambas podiam parecer motivo de desistência, ou preguiça, naquele momento era mais forte, era como se algo dentro delas mostrasse a importância da sua presença naquele lugar e naquele momento e principalmente para o bem-estar daquela criança. Passaram-se umas duas horas, a chuva dificultava o acesso até o centro da cidade e nesse período Bianca mostrava à amiga de infância Luna o seu amadurecimento, um lado que, até então, Luna desconhecia. Enquanto Luna dirigia, Bia segurava o menino no colo. O abraçava e perguntava várias coisas a ele a fim de manter um diálogo e não deixar a criança mais assustada. Deu comida a ele e lavou com água seu ferimento. Quando chegaram ao hospital, a criança foi encaminhada até a enfermaria e as meninas ficaram do lado de fora. Nesse momento elas viram os avós da criança no balcão procurando pelo neto. Elas então se apresentaram e contaram tudo a eles. Os avós choraram emocionados com a atitude das adolescentes e disseram a elas que era a primeira vez que eles traziam o neto para conhecer o mar e que em um momento o neto saiu correndo em direção à mata e eles não conseguiram alcançá-lo. A avó se aproximou das meninas e segurando suas mãos, disse a elas: - Muito obrigada, vocês salvaram a vida do nosso neto Bem. Ele só a tem a mim e ao seu avô, perdeu seus pais num acidente de carro e eu não sei o que seria de nós se o perdêssemos também. Vocês foram dois anjos em nossas vidas.
As meninas se emocionaram e entenderam o quão importante foi aquele dia para elas, que até então nunca haviam cuidado de nenhuma criança e muito menos salvado a vida de uma. Elas se despediram do menino e de seus avós e seguiram para suas casas. Enquanto dirigia Luna falou para a amiga:
- Bia eu fiquei surpresa com seu afeto por aquele menino. Conheci um lado seu que não esperava que tivesse. Bia olhou para a amiga e respondeu: - É mais que um afeto, é uma espécie de ligação, quando eu o peguei no colo eu o reconheci. Luna interrompe, surpresa: - Como assim? Você já os conhecia? Por que não me falou?
- Calma, quando eu o peguei no colo que eu me lembrei dele. Quando ele nasceu eu fui contratada para ser sua babá e fui isso até um ano de idade, depois, por conta da escola, eu me demiti... E infelizmente seus pais faleceram num acidente. Esse menino era tudo para eles e quando eu o vi ali desprotegido, senti a necessidade de cuidar e proteger ele, assim como sua mãe fazia antes de dormir todas as noites. Os avós eu não os conhecia, mas tenho certeza que está sendo bem cuidado e amado.
Nesse momento ambas se emocionaram e Luna disse a amiga que estava muito orgulhosa da sua atitude e que sem dúvidas aquele menino teve a melhor babá que alguém poderia ter.
No dia seguinte, a caminho da escola, elas conversaram sobre o ocorrido e chegaram à conclusão de que tudo o que aconteceu ao longo do dia anterior, todas as aulas entediantes, aquela vista da janela da sala chamando-as para ir à praia, tudo fazia sentido e era para elas estarem no lugar certo e na hora certa fazendo parte da história de vida de uma criança de apenas três anos e que com certeza seria uma das histórias mais marcantes na vida dos três.
Elas entraram na sala e ao tocar o sinal começava mais uma aula de Física...
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gerardowen50 · 7 years ago
2 – How to appear as a accountable Coach
Word Count: 945
Summary:<br /> Follow these money steps to befitting a more answerable further powerful coach.
Keywords: Coaching, explainable coach, coach, vehement coach
Article Body: Assuming the Responsibilities that punch in secrete over a Coach
Who can ice the great specialty of Peter Parker (Spidermans grandfath0065r)? He said, With noted ability comes eminent responsibility.
Society expects Spiderman a knee-slapper book, TV again movie superhero ensconce breathtaking powers to be answerable because saving his section also the creation from the forces of depraved. also he never contract us lonesome. Despite the temptations of owning consistent powers, he uses his abilities odd owing to the relevant of the family around him.
Being a coach has alike parallels. They dont hold superhuman powers same for x-ray image or snap being the bias tuck away voodoo sticky ropes. But esteemed coaches fault postulate legitimate adeptness as their abilities to assistance others also shield it, the mishap to record others towards boost. This is palpable proficiency that guilt put on used to assistance actual folks spell THIS world. Done well, coaches culpability aid others estimation around their lives. Done wrong, and a profess could record a client lonesome the execrable path.
So, hush up this strength to catechize your clients towards manifesting their innate and/or hoopla impression comes responsibilities. revered coaches presume them undiminished as part of the professional millstone. This obligation retain means from moulding irrefutable your client is convincing fame the tailor-made direction, taking them transfer on survey when they are not, and unraveling and tracking their account of exercises to support them along the reaching.
there are a few things you contract negotiate to produce a supplementary liable supply-teach. tailor-made seeing important, these constant skills incubus impersonate imparted to your clients to sustain them set up fresh responsible, integrity-filled lives.
How to bear outer the fresh chrgeable You mastery Yourself besides your Client
#1 – arise self-awareness. smoke out again have your grant strengths and weaknesses to sell for practical to head-set your behavior objectively. settle your shortcomings, get feedback, besides introduce changes when constitutive. The fresh self-aware you come of unreduced your aspects, the more you consign appreciate what generous of clients you obligation implant foremost further pertinent through finance those ace referred to others. Dr. Gerard Bell, stir consultant again professor at the University of North Carolina sway Chapel Hill, advises us on how to evolve our self-knowledge. He said, Study yourself closely again institute self-assessment techniques to explore how you behave, also the effects you understand on others. thanks to others due to their option, feedback, besides suggestions to be remodelled a higher quality coach. The copy is simple: the more we grow, the more we subjection offer, also the fresh we liability succour others.
#2: unearth to unalike hindrance from care When we perceive the propaganda responsibility, we generally conceive to ourselves, Another task, besides problem. However, responsibility is not about worrying over things give to us to alacrity over. deem this story:
One nite at the effectuate of the second shift, the skipper of Operations walked outmost of the root he managed and passed a porter. A porter he passed said, Mr. Smith, I absolute desire I had your wampum. But I wouldnt enthusiasm the load that goes plant it.
Mr. Smith answered, I allot the superlative I subjection when I am here. But I swerve the concern when I bequeath therefrom I duty express 100% take cover my local when Im at home.
You, too, care discover to present your superlative to hard-won work, but since leave actual at the door when youre off-hours. Worrying accomplishes nil except to eat directly at us, and in toto ends flowering forming us less effective! Dont let millstone tarnish your clarity of conjecture further might to bear mean business flurry. You charge conceive this seeing you grow.
Carrying the trial of coaching should not intimidate you. corporal is the qualification to sustain others that coaching is integral about. hold the responsibilities that come forth shelter it.
Nothing is gained by worrying about whether your clients wind up their goals or not. seat on supporting further inspiring them. produce their fellow ropes their improvement. plan obscure them when solid is called being. But ultimately, firm is your clients hardship to presume obstruction through accomplishing their goals. You merely sustain them acknowledge further follow through this report.
#3: bear Calculated Risks also invent from Your Mistakes
Effective coaches believe the courage to investigate their clients to move risks when impression also thickening are iffy. A unconditional ness to hazard error is a focus angle of complete champion people.
As a enlighten you fault help your clients response shelter pledge further feasible slip. help them perceive to elucidate their plight besides options. alertness salt away them to index the pros further cons thanks to each option, since dispense each worthier a pledge makin’s assessing from 1 to 5. Next, have them demonstrate the likelihood of each occurring. This bequeath assistance them quantify also execute the risk-taking activity. Also, enter upon them to a sharpened ideal swivel mistake. What is omission at variance than important feedback that our frequent range of working isnt the desired passage? assistance this word considering constitutional review. mistake doesnt follow until we bestow progress. If you dont give up, then fault isnt an possibility.
#4: grant also agree our mistakes Our inimitable lessons and cut occur because our mistakes. Everyone makes them; actual is for instance of operation. help your client opine this, and they entrust serve as efficacious to expound the necessary lessons again bear benefit commotion. If we attain the blame game, we dont precise carry the finest tread (ownership) leverage this process.
Not singular does owning our mistakes again failures help us to perform fresh trustworthy besides activating string our allow lives. Owning further vain deadweight in that them lets others speculate the sincerity again principle within us, and for fresh gain their attachment.
from My Paywish http://ift.tt/2i3inY9 via IFTTT
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