#nesias disclaimer
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noteverystarisasun · 1 year ago
This is a very important yet short announcement !
NESIAS is now it's own thing ! Meaning it will no longer have elements from the web series VITA CARNIS or THE MONUMENT MYTHOS, it will still have elements of analog horror, but it will only be inspired by these web-series for now on. (The Links will stay on the Disclaimer and Understanding for those who want to check out what I'm inspired by ! ) And I updated the info on the Disclaimer itself, changing the summary and other things I wasn't so keen on explaining,, [What's NESIAS about,,]
I only had elements of them until I figured out what exactly I was planning to do, and I finally pulled together and figured it out, what I'm doing will make the story a bit more interesting,,, hopefully
I might post/design some of the critters soon that will be seen,,
and to those who are asking, no I'm not abandoning the comic, I'm currently busy with life, I don't have that much free time like other comic artists on here. Which is why I'm working on small projects, other aus, more worldbuilding to what I'm trying to achieve with this story, so please stop asking, it's getting annoying, NESIAS will be back when it will be back. in the meantime, enjoy the side-projects, collabs, art-trades, etc. Ask about the side-projects, I'll answer them more freely than those related to NESIAS as they are not a comic and are for fun.
Mostly just asking ya'll to chill really, this stuff takes time that i really don't have for currently, so embrace the side-projects of aus and ships ! You'll get a lot more out of them than this one currently ! Thanks for reading
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ayojalanterus · 4 years ago
PPP: Skenario Jokowi-Prabowo Vs Kotak Kosong Tak Bakal Laku!
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 KONTENISLAM.COM - Direktur Indo Barometer M Qodari mendorong agar Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dan Menhan Prabowo Subianto dipasangkan pada Pilpres 2024 melawan surat suara kosong. PPP menilai isu itu tidak akan direspons baik oleh partai politik (parpol). "Jadi tidak usah dorong-dorong seperti itu. Itu skenario tak bakal laku alias tak bakal direspons positif parpol-parpol selaku pemegang kewenangan konstitusional untuk mengajukan paslon dalam pilpres," kata Waketum PPP Arsul Sani kepada wartawan, Senin (12/4/2021). Arsul juga mengingatkan Jokowi sudah menyatakan tak berminat menjadi presiden lagi. Dia juga meyakini MPR RI akan menolak usulan jabatan presiden 3 periode. "Dengan penegasan Pak Jokowi tersebut, maka soal presiden 3 periode sudah selesai. Karena usul tersebut, di samping tidak laku di masyarakat, juga tidak laku di parpol maupun di MPR RI sendiri," tutur Arsul. Lebih lanjut, Arsul juga tidak sepakat dengan M Qodari bahwa majunya Jokowi-Prabowo melawan kotak kosong adalah solusi untuk mencegah perpecahan di masyarakat. Wakil Ketua MPR itu menilai perpecahan bisa dicegah dengan membangun kesadaran kolektif dari partai politik agar mengusung calon presiden dan wakil presiden. "PPP berpandangan bahwa untuk kurangi keterbelahan rakyat dalam pilpres bukan dengan pilihan mengamandemen UUD 1945, sehingga memungkinkan presiden bisa menjabat 3 kali. Pilihan yang harus dikembangkan adalah dengan membangun kesadaran kolektif di antara parpol-parpol peserta pemilu yang akan mengusung capres-capres, bahwa perlu menampilkan lebih dari dua paslon pilpres," papar Arsul. "Dengan presidential threshold 20%, maka masih memungkinkan agar dalam pilpres tampil 4 paslon. Setidaknya jika tidak bisa 4 paslon, maka perlu ada 3 paslon Pilpres," imbuhnya. Arsul mengatakan, jika pasangan calon lebih dari 2, ada kensekuensinya. Salah satu konsekuensinya, pilpres bisa berlangsung dua putaran. "Meski konsekuensinya ada kemungkinan pilpres harus berlangsung dua putaran, dan pada putaran kedua akan menjadi dua paslon yang bertarung. Namun, jika Pilpres harus berjalan dengan dua putaran, maka isu-isu yang dapat membelah masyarakat sudah akan jauh berkurang, karena 'hiruk pikuk' tentu akan lebih terjadi pada putaran pertama," terang Arsul. Terkait paslon pilpres lebih dari dua, Arsul mengingatkan bukan satu kondisi yang belum pernah terjadi. Kondisi tersebut pernah terjadi pada Pilpres 2004 dan 2009. "Kita sudah pernah memiliki pengalaman di mana pilpres diikuti lebih dari dua paslon, yakni tahun 2004 dan 2009, dan pilpres dengan hanya dua paslon, yakni 2014 dan 2019. Dari masing-masing Pilpres ini pula kita sudah menyaksikan bahwa Pilpres yang diikuti oleh lebih dari paslon tidak menimbulkan isu-isu yang bersifat membelah tajam dan segregatif (memisahkan) masyarakat seperti pada saat 2 Pilpres terakhir yang diikuti dua paslon," ucapnya. Untuk diketahui, Qodari kembali menyinggung gagasan Jokowi berduet dengan Prabowo pada Pilpres 2024. Qodari juga membeberkan alasannya mengusung gagasan 'Jokowi-Prabowo 2024'. Dalam webinar Nesia Constitution yang dikutip pada Senin (12/4), Qodari mulanya memberi disclaimer bahwa ide yang disampaikannya ini bukan hanya soal jabatan 3 periode presiden, tapi juga lebih spesifik 'Jokowi-Prabowo 2024'. Dia mengakui gagasan ini pada gilirannya memerlukan perpanjangan masa presiden dan perlu amandemen UUD 1945. Qodari mengatakan pilpres Indonesia sejak 2014 memasuki babak baru. Menurutnya, kacamata melihat Pilpres sekarang tidak bisa disamakan dengan Pilpres 2005 atau 2010. "Kemudian konstelasi dan dukungan politik saat ini kebetulan memungkinkan Jokowi dan Prabowo menghadapi kotak kosong pada tahun 2024. Menurut saya melawan kotak kosong akan sangat, sangat, sangat menurunkan tensi politik secara signifikan," kata Qodari. [detik]
source https://www.kontenislam.com/2021/04/ppp-skenario-jokowi-prabowo-vs-kotak.html source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/04/ppp-skenario-jokowi-prabowo-vs-kotak.html
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noteverystarisasun · 1 year ago
I've heard from some people/friends that they can't understand what is happening,, and a LOT OF PEOPLE scroll pass the Disclaimer + Important info, EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND WOULD BE THERE.
But I decided to make a separate post to put right with the prequel and translations,, so people can get there quickly without fuss. so here.
Wendigoon's analysis of TMM
These are the analog horror that inspired me for the slight analog horror for NESIAS, these no longer hold any value for it, but I'll leave it to those who want it X]
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noteverystarisasun · 2 years ago
Before you start reading NESIAS, (Not Every Star Is A Sun), please note that this comic is OC x Cannon, and has elements from Analog Horror. Inspired by the web-series, Vita Carnis and THE MONUMENT MYTHOS . I recommend watching Wendigoon's Analysis On The Monument Mythos! Currently there is Nothing about Vita Carnis Yet, I will edit this post if/when there is one! Wendigoon's Analysis TMM The Preview for the NESIAS Comic: Not Every Star Is A Sun - Preview Also that this is an early version and that it may be written in a way some do not like. Not Every Star Is A Sun mainly focuses on Asher Wilson, also known as AW (or Wil) being transported into another world, having the advantage of knowing what and how it works already. Playing detective to figure out who exactly was after his other self, having to walk more than a mile in his shoes as Mullins. Navigating a kid's show, and planning-meeting Macaque along the way, getting closer than most likely intended. Do note that Romance is not the main focus.
This Comic will contain Heavy Themes such as: Mental Illness, Trauma, Violence, slight gore (Like, uh, a jaw being misplaced), Blood, Bruises, Scars, Swearing, Suggestive Themes/Discussions, Death, and Uncanny Valley. All Will Be Mentioned at the Start of Each Chapter, and there will be a warning before hand on the page that has these topics. This Comic is Mostly about emotional and traumatic problems, how someone from another world is trying to adjust to this new set of a world, a new routine, a new life, which is going to be difficult, even though it's safe there, it doesn't feel like it, especially when you're playing Detective while walking in someone else's shoes. Finding more about yourself the more you stay.
What's NESIAS about? I'm Lost..
[This Comic is Only posted on Here! If it's Any where else it's not Me!]
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noteverystarisasun · 2 years ago
This Comic Is Intended for ages 15+!
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Pages are being posted early on Patreon | KoFi
Chapter One: M.I.A Chapter Two: RADIO SILENT [Paneling] Chapter Three: [Written] Chapter Four: [Written] Chapter Five: [Written]
SCHEDULE Every Wednesday at 12:12 pm CST
Asher AW Wilson
Asher 'Mullins'
Asher Mullins (The Real One)
London Springs
Lexis Rosemary 'Rose' [Created, TBA]
Khalen Moore [Created, TBA]
The Six-Eared Macaque
Lín xiàn 'Willow' Jìngzi [Created, TBA]
Kido Unmei [Created, TBA]
Xídēng 'Dawn' Fúxiǎo [Created, TBA]
Poisonous Flowers
Patreon | KoFi - Early Access plus more! (Pages without dialogue are on there for free to!)
Cashapp - (If you're generous or don't like commitment) (You don't have to, but it's there!)
Discord Server - See Updates as soon as a page uploads! Mini sneak peaks as well! (Recommended 15+, Verification is not automatic)
Commissions! - Commission info!
Carrd - for more socials!
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noteverystarisasun · 1 year ago
Do you have a Navigation/Tag List?
I do ! I just had to make one !
NESIAS tags !
#nesias or #noteverystarisasun - anything NESIAS related ! #Not Every Star Is A Sun COMIC - the entire comic! #NESIAS Chapter [#] - The chapter you can look at ! #nesias ask i answer - any asks  #[character name] answers - any character that answers an ask! #nesias: author answers - any asks I answer!
Character tags!
#oc;asher wilson - anything AW related #oc;london springs - anything London related #oc;khalen moore - anything Khalen related #oc;lexis rosemary - anything Rose related #oc; lín xiàn 'willow' jìngzi - anything willow related #oc;kido unmei - anything Kido related #oc;xídēng 'dawn' fúxiǎo - anything Dawn related #oc;asher mullins - anything Mullins related
#alwe odensbane - anything about Alwe. #wilson family - the wilson family
#shadowedstars - AW x Macaque, anything about the two #solarflareship - AW x Lord Crimson, anything about them [alt. Tag is solarwindship]
Personal tags !
#asw rambles - any rambles I start to spill on ! #asw art - any art that isn’t nesias related #asw lore - any lore i drop on unrelated ocs #taglist - to find this !
AU tags !
#au;starsandsparks - AW in the Flames and Ashes AU, followed by the ship tag #au;fallenstars - AW and Jin in the norm LMK world with the added Lord Crimson #Sky with Jin and Yeva ! #Spookters - AW in a big group with others ! Spookters Collab
External Links !
ASW Personal Carrd
ASW Linktree
ASW Professional Carrd
@asherspeaksword - my main account
@asw-hazbin-brainrot - Hazbin Hotel related
@throwawaysecrets - prequel of nesias
Most of NESIAS is inspired by/has elements from analog horror, Norse Mythology and the Christian bible
Do not genderbend Asher Wilson or Lexis Rosemary, they are transgender
Do not draw Kido in a Hanfu, draw her in a Kimino (she is Japanese)
Do not draw Dawn or Willow in a Kimino, draw them in a Hanfu (They are Chinese)
Don't draw Asher Wilson skinny or slim, he is a chubby grown man
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noteverystarisasun · 1 year ago
Hey so what’s ur story about? Ive seen the comic bits but i’m still a little lost
Nesias is a mutli/mixed media comic! It’s my bad for not making it clear at times since I know it all and bad at explaining things. Plus! There's not a lot of pages out due to school and me being busy. So Here's a quick Run down of what's in DISCLAIMER + INFO (Which Probably needs to be updated anyways since some things have changed,,) [Has been updated and changed]
So AW currently fell through worlds, ending up in the one and only LMK verse (or isekai'd if you will). He is originally from the Nesias verse. Nesias has elements of Analog Horror and is inspired by a lot of it. It also takes shows/movies that just get mashed all together into one comic.
It’s mostly about how AW is trying to get back to his world before any major problems occur, he knows what’s gonna happen, so he navigates the world with that information. While also trying to gather information to leave, talking to one of the shadiest person he knows to have info, the one and only Macaque. Ending up closer than intended while trying to maintain his identity as 'Mullins', his other self, finding out secrets of 'himself' and others. He really just wants to go home though.
Don't hesitate to ask more questions! I love answering things the best of my ability! [and this is probably where you're gonna get more world details anyways,,]
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