xanthiasonadonkey · 6 years
Father of dragons
- It. Is. Beautiful! - The labarna gasps.
- It is very gaudy. What kind of creature lays eggs like this? - his wife is less than enchanted.
 The egg glitters, and glitters, and...
The merchant smiles.  An expression to put most sharks to shame.
- A legendary one, great queen. Dragons are no mere beasts, and have little use for subtlety.
- Dragons? You mean like the creatures from those tales all of Hattusa has been talking about for decades?
A guard mutters something about bearded scribes who can't finish what they started. Another mentions a series of less-than-faithful plays by a famous troupe of performers. The merchant nods eagerly.
As if Hattusili needed more incentive to want the treasure.
- Where did you find this?
- Oh, your Sun gives his humble servant too much credit. It was not I who found the egg. But, regrettably, my supplier refuses to reveal anything besides the fact that it is a viable dragon egg.
- Viable? - at this point the Sun might as well be hissing "my preciousss" and stink like a fish.
- Father, are you not the one who demanded that all the nobles and priests proclaim that Stannis Baratheon is the rightful king of Westeros? This is Targaryen merchandise.
- Hush, Nerikkaili. The Mannis IS the one true king of that land. But a dragon is a dragon, - explains Hattusili sensibly.
There is a murmur of dissent among the nobles, and a halfhearted attempt to sing the Rains of Castamere, but that is quickly silenced.
  - What is your name, merchant? - Puduhepa asks, suppressing a smile, - is it Ea-nasir, by any chance?
- N-no, great queen. Ibbi-Adad, at your service. Whatever made you think of that name?
- Nothing in particular. You merely resemble an Ea-nasir. Do go on, my good man.
And so he does. The virtues of pet dragons are exhorted, guaranteed birth of a healthy one from this particular egg is promised. Surely a gift like this is worthy of only such an illustrious ruler as the lord of Hatti… unless, of course, it would be more appreciated in Kemet.
Wrapping the ruler of an empire around your finger? Easier than expected.
- Very well, Ibbi-Adad. Surely, you want something unusual in exchange for such a rare object. What is it?
- Oh, it is nothing much. But Your Sun's slave would be endlessly grateful if...
- What?
- You see, hatching dragon eggs involves human sacrifice, and there are certain individuals who honestly deserve to be burned. and...
The labarna has enough decency to look uneasy for a split second.
The not! Ea-nasir leand in and whispers:
- It is shiny, my lord. Look how shiny it is.
- Give me the egg, and name your victims.
The merchant does so, before promptly retreating.
The queen and the tuhkanti look at each other.
- Business rivals? Grateful customers - Nerikkaili muses.
She nods with a smile.
- But mother, why did you not do something? This is such an obvious forgery!
- Yes, but consider: more failed attempts to wake dragons from copper, less time for potentially even stranger ideas.
  Hattusili rises from the throne clutching the newly acquired ring... apple... shiny bauble close to his chest.
- Behold! The Goddess has given my Sun a weapon greater than iron and chariots! I shall rule the skies! 
- It's not even good copper, as far as I can tell, - sighs the prince.
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