etanow · 2 months
Since Pomni liked to travel so much, did she know any other languages? Would she forget them after reanimation?
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She remembers somewhat sometimes!! She knows enough to get by from most places she visited. Where did she visit?? WHO KNOWS?
Translations: "Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen" translates to “Where the fox and the hound say goodnight” and basically means In the middle of nowhere
"Ich wünschte, ich könnte Deutsch sprechen!" I wish I could speak German!
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mafia-moshie · 6 months
How well would you say M!Moshie fits the song Nonsense Speaker?
(specifically the cover by Rachie?)
[[OH MY GOSH YES, this is amazing!!! It fits them very well, and also fun fact it fits OG moshie as well tee hee]]
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moomoorare · 2 years
I wake for the dawn of another day. (↑ it's 11 am on January second, my birthday ,and i nee to go shopping for food with my brother after sleeping for 5 hours again )
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torterragarden · 2 years
okay wait. hold on. maybe I don’t want Sucker Punch on the Scorbunny, just High Jump Kick
but then again maybe I do, because right now I like having Bounce on Cinderace for Max Airstream, but that’s not gonna be a thing in Scarlet and Violet so Bounce won’t be very good at all there, but that’s also assuming Cinderace is ever added to Scarlet and Violet, and that’s also assuming Cinderace is any good in whatever Scarlet and Violet’s meta game is. If it’s true that they’re nerfing Protean then they’re definitely nerfing Libero too since it’s literally the same ability with a different name
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jj-nhlgirly · 2 years
Summer of Love:- Bad Omens
Jack Hughes x F!Reader
AN I did originally have a different part planned to go first but I’ve decided to switch them around hence why this has taken me a little longer than I planned. This is gonna be a heavy one so please read with caution and look after yourselves. Anyone on the phone will be in bold.
TW:- mentions of divorce, car accidents, seizures, and abuse, mentions of ex’s and general hate
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(Not my gif, credits to who made this)
On an average morning Mackenzie would wake up with Jacks arm draped across her small waist, his head resting comfortably above hers, hearing the soft snores and mumbling he tended to do as he slept. This morning however she woke up alone with her phone ringing out obnoxiously in the seemingly empty house. Reaching around to the nightstand, Mackenzie didn’t check who was calling and just answered, “he-hello?”. “Hey sweetheart” Mackenzie’s mom Angie replied. “Mom? Is everything alright?” Kenzie asked worriedly looking at the time and seeing it was 8:05 AM, meaning it was 7:05 AM back home. “Yes sweetie, Nerf and I are fine! Just thought I’d give you a call as I walked him before work” “awww how’s my little nerfie, give him a big cuddle from me” Kenzie giggled. Angie rolled her eyes, not that Kenzie could see it before huffing out “He was the worst and best thing I ever got you girls and he’s not little anymore Kenzie. He’ll be bigger than you soon.” Nerf was the family’s German shepherd, Angie was a nurse who often worked the night shift and she didn’t feel comfortable leaving two teenage girls alone in the house and so they decided to get Nerf as company when the girls were away for hockey matches and protection for when Angie wasn’t there. “That’s not exactly hard mom, I’m not exactly big.” Kenzie huffed rolling her eyes jokingly. After chatting to her mom for an hour catching up, Mackenzie wished her mom a good shift at work, exchanged I love you’s and Kenzie promised to tell Skylar that her mom loved her as well and hung up the phone.
Sitting up, stretching and climbing off the bed Mackenzie made it to the en-suite to shower. Whilst showering Mackenzie tried to rack her brain to figure out where Jack was, she tried to remember if he’d mentioned going anywhere last night but he didn’t. Mackenzie wasn’t worried, he was a 22 year old man he could go where he wanted and she felt comfortable enough in their relationship to not need to know where he was 24/7 however a heads up he was going out would have been nice. Stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her, Mackenzie walked to the sink to brush her teeth and started her summer makeup routine which consisted of tinted moisturiser, a small amount of concealer, waterproof mascara, a little blush and tinted chapstick. After spraying some body mist she ventured back into their bedroom to get dressed into denim shorts, a peachy brown crop top and white high tops. Finally making her way downstairs she saw Skylar sitting at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of fruit loops, “Hey Sky, where are the boys?” Kenzie asked her sister, roughing up Skylars hair as she passed. “Hey Kenz, erm Quinn said they were going out golfing.” Skylar replied not looking up from her bowl. “Oh ok, did they say when they’d be back?” Kenzie looked over her shoulder as she reached for a bowl. “No? Maybe lunch time?” Skylar replied nonchalantly. Mackenzie turned around to face her, “ok what’s up?” She asked quirking her eyebrow up at her sister. Skylar sighed before putting her spoon down, “You ever think about dad?”. Mackenzie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, their dad was a tough subject for the two and whilst Skylar was fairly open with people about the fact their dad left them and their mom back when they were little, Mackenzie never liked talking about it, you’d rarely hear Mackenzie even mention her dad.
“What about him?” Mackenzie asked. “I don’t know, like have you ever thought of what life would have been like had he given a shit about us? If he wasn’t an abusive asshole?” Skylar asked playing with her fingers. “Yeah I guess? I mean I’m glad he isn’t in my life, we’re better off without him. The only thing he ever gave me besides my life was my seizures. We have an amazing father figure in Kaylee’s dad.” Mackenzie replied walking around to hug Skylar from behind. “Yeah I guess, I just wish he would have actually gave a fuck about us. I mean we’re his damn daughters do we really mean that little to him? Why didn’t he want us?” Skylar asked with tears in her eyes, Mackenzie hugged her tighter “no no don’t say that sky, he’s a piece of shit. I can’t speak for him and tell you why. But I can tell you that he’s missed out on seeing the amazing woman you’re becoming, the amazing hockey player you’re becoming. I’m so lucky to call myself your big sister, I wouldn’t change you for the whole world. Fraser has been an amazing replacement dad to us and do you know what he would say if he was here instead of home in Nashville?” “What?” Skylar turned and replied. “He’d say “girllll why you crying? Why are you sat here crying instead of going out there and showing him you don’t need him. Show him how amazing you are without him.” Kenzie replied in a deep voice attempting to imitate Fraser. Skylar started laughing and soon Kenzie joined, “you’re so right, god I’m sorry kenz I know that it’s hard to talk about but thank you I needed that.” Kenzie turned Skylar so she was facing her, serious expression on her face before saying “yeah it sucks, but there’s no one I’d rather talk to about this than you. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of the things we have and not the things we don’t.” Kenzie walked back into the kitchen to make herself some cereal before joining Skylar again.
Lunchtime rolled around quicker than either girl expected, having spent the morning practicing their hockey a little in the backyard and changing to tan on the sun loungers in the midday sun. The boys arrived home just after one, dropping their bags in their rooms and venturing outside to find the girls. Jack came up behind Mackenzie leaning down to give her a kiss, smiling Mackenzie lifted her sunglasses to look at him. “Well hello there stranger? You kiss all your guests like that?” Mackenzie asked cheekily. Jack smirked “only the pretty ones” Mackenzie scoffed before putting her sunglasses back on. Jack walked around and sat on the spare lounger beside her, “how was golfing?” Kenzie asked staring out at the water. “Good, I beat Quinn this time. How was your morning beautiful?” Jack asked looking at the water as well. “It was good, spent some time with sky practicing.” Mackenzie replied choosing to leave the conversation about their dad. After catching up some more and tanning a little, Mackenzie looked up at the sky noticing how it was starting to cloud over. Thick black clouds were approaching them and the wind was starting to pick up which meant one thing, a thunder storm was approaching and quickly. Grabbing all their belongings and calling for the others to come in, they made it inside just as it started to rain. A bad omen is what Mackenzie thought.
As it was raining the group decided to play some card games before more people arrived, Kaylee and Trevor were due to fly in tomorrow night. Connecting his phone to the speaker Jack played his and Kenzie’s summer playlist, singing along as they set up cards against humanity. After a couple rounds they switched to Uno, which Jack wasn’t very good at causing Kenzie having to lean over and help him until he finally won a game. The evening was full of laughter and light teasing until Jack and Mackenzie decided to call it a night.
Jack and Mackenzie were laying on their bed, Kenzie’s head on his chest scrolling through Instagram she decided to make a post, asking jack to send over a picture of him golfing.
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Liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes, Frey.Lodge and 178,446 others
Kenzie.Havener Summer Loving ☀️💛
Kay.Johnson dammmnn look at my hot bestie
Kenzie.Havener omg stopppp you’re gonna make me blush ☺️🫶🏼
jackhughes I love you ❤️
Kenzie.Havener 🥺 I love you ❤️
Trevorzegras I love you too @jackhughes
jackhughes I love you too buddy
_quinnhughes you look so happy to be golfing 😂😭
jackhughes bully me all you want I still won 😎
l_hughes06 I still don’t know how 🧐
Edwards.73 beats me
jackhughes what is this bully jack day? 🧐
Kenzie.Havener Isn’t that everyday? 😝
trevorzegras yeah basically 😂
Kenzie.Havener THANK YOU GORGEOUS 🫶🏼
User1784 Jack deserves better than her
User1237 omg right? This is what I’ve been saying like who tf does she think she is?
User1790 the way she acts around other boys as well 🤢, like pick a boy and stick with them
User1784 right? No wonder her dad left her 😂 if that was my daughter I’d have disowned her as well
Kenzie sat up reading the comments shocked. This had never happened before, so why was it happening now. How did they know about her dad? What did they mean about her with other boys? Kenzie looked over to Jack who was still laying down scrolling through his phone before shutting it off looking at Kenzie and asking “why have I never met your dad?” Mackenzie was stunned, partly in shock from the comments and partly because this was the first time Jack had ever asked about her dad. Jack however sat looking at her expectantly, he was aware that there was issues considering Mackenzie had never mentioned her dad and when he visited Nashville it was just Kenzie, Skylar and their mom, but he assumed that he was busy or something. “What?” Mackenzie asked finally coming to her senses. “How come I’ve never met him? Are you ashamed of me? Embarrassed by me?” Jack was trying to find any form of excuse as to why Mackenzie wouldn’t want her boyfriend to meet her dad. Mackenzie was lost, she didn’t know what to say and yet she knew exactly what to say at the same time, “erm- I-I-I what?” Jack was getting frustrated “come on, there must be some reason. You’ve met all of my family why can’t I meet yours? Did your ex- boyfriends meet him?” “I-I I don’t — I can’t—“ Mackenzie was panicking there was so much to say but she couldn’t get it out. “WILL YOU JUST SAY SOMETHING” Jack yelled reaching up to run his hand through his hair, as he did so Mackenzie flinched away from him before whimpering “please don’t hit me.” Before Jack could get anything out Mackenzie was running out of the room down the stairs sobbing passing Quinn and Skylar before grabbing her keys and running outside in the rain. Just as she was pulling out of the drive way Jack came running down the porch steps, watching her speed off down the road.
With shaky hands Mackenzie called Kaylee from her cars hands free, “Heyyy Kenny-bear, How’s Michigan?” Kaylee asked before hearing her best friend crying “hey hey what’s wrong?” “J-jack.” Was all Kenzie said, “Kenz what about Jack? Is he ok?!” “He-he a-asked a-a-about d-d-dad, he-he g-got m-ad a-and ye-yelled at me” Mackenzie sobbed out, her hands were starting to tingle and her left leg was jolting sporadically, a sign she was going to have a seizure soon. “Oh kenz Im sorry, it’s ok. It’ll be ok, where are you?” Kaylee asked worriedly, “d-driving, my hands -a-are tingly” Kenzie replied trying to concentrate. “Kenzie I want you to pull over for me ok? You need to pull over, it’s not safe to drive close to a seizure” Kaylee replied, turning Kenzie on speaker phone and desperately trying to get a hold of Jack or Skylar, using life 360 to see where Kenzie was. “I’m sleepy Kay, my heads fuzzy.” “Kenzie pull over NOW!!” “I-I’ll pull over n-now” was the last thing Mackenzie said before all Kaylee could hear was crashing, tyres screeching, glass smashing and a car horn continuously beeping. “K-Kenzie can you hear me?” “Mackenzie?” “MACKENZIE” Kaylee screamed, alerting Freya and Maddy who were sitting in Mackenzie and Kaylee’s apartment in New Jersey. Running in they saw Kaylee sat on her bed, crying. “What happened?… KAYLEE WHAT HAPPENED?” Maddy shouted. “Kenzie, I was on the phone to her and I think she had a seizure whilst driving I heard crashing and she’s not answering me” Kaylee sobbed. “Omg ok, ok someone needs to call 911 and someone needs to call Jack or Skylar or LITERALLY ANYONE” Freya shouted. Maddy grabbing her phone called 911, looking at Kenzie’s location on Life360, Kaylee was sobbing trying to get a response out of Mackenzie. Whilst Freya went into the living room calling Jack.
Back in Michigan, Jack was sat in the living room explaining to Quinn and Skylar what had happened. “You’re an ass, you know that Jack Hughes. The reason you haven’t met our dad is because he’s not around, we last saw him when I was 2 and Kenzie was 4. He was an abusive asshole, he doesn’t give a shit about us and never has, the only real father figure we have is Kaylee’s. It’s not because she doesn’t want you to meet him, it’s because you can’t, we don’t know where he is and even if we did HE DOESNT WANT US.” Skylar screamed before leaving the room sobbing. Jack sighed looking over at Quinn, “I’ve truly fucked this up haven’t I? She’s never gonna forgive me. God I’m such a dick, why did I yell at her, I wasn’t gonna hit her I-I-I’d never hit her!!.” Jack cried. Quinn got up and put his arm around his younger brother, “Just give her some time to clear her head, don’t force her to tell you everything. Clearly it’s a sore subject for both of them, just be supportive, be there for her. Not every person in America has their dad in their lives Jack.” Before Jack could reply his phone started ringing, looking down he say Freya was calling him. Confused he answers “hello?” “Jack… Jack thank god” Freya spoke sounding breathless “Freya? What’s going on? Is everything ok?” Jack was growing more and more concerned. “No-no Jack it’s Mackenzie!! There’s been an accident” Freya answered crying, Jack shot to stand up, looking at Quinn with wide eyes. Quinn titled his head, his own concern growing at his brothers reaction. “What-what do you mean an accident?” “She was driving on the phone to Kaylee, Kaylee thinks she had a seizure and crashed. She’s not responding, we’ve called 911 and I’ve sent you her location. Please-please go go look after our girl” “FUCK NOOO ITS ALL MY FAULT” Jack was tearing up, running to put his shoes on as Quinn followed Skylar running down and following close behind as well, grabbing his keys he guided Jack and Skylar to his car, driving as quick and as safely as he could to the address Freya had sent. They got there in 15 minutes the longest 15 minutes of their lives. What they saw. None of them could have prepared for a two car crash. A bad crash. Mackenzie’s car was front ended in a tree, and another flipped on its roof near by. Ambulances, police and fire engines everywhere. Quinn turned Skylar’s shaking form into his chest, hand shielding her face away from the scene. Jacks heart sunk when he saw a stretcher with a body bag being wheeled into an ambulance, he wasn’t sure who it was but he was suddenly over come with nausea , whispering “Mackenzie please no, not her, please not her” out for the wind to carry wherever it wished as tears rolled down his cheeks.
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rabid-mercenary16 · 4 months
What's that, divorce? Congrats to whatever unlucky fuck had the impeccably poor judgement to marry you. I know their will only improve form this change.
Damn nerfy-
You can be my number one hater respectfully I don’t think anyone can do it better then you 🥲
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dia-smthidk · 6 months
how did you meet ur moots?
Rabid - was hesitant on interacting at first, but once I randomly threw my sona w/ the Roblox man face at her & became an elite at the execution she was hosting, things went smooth sailing from there (we can’t be left in the same room together)
Moshie, Glitchy & Bun - they rarely came to my askbox at times, but once I became friends w/ Rabid, I started to interact with the three of them more aswell
Ace - heard she was Rabid’s silly wife, decided to interact with her just incase…
Cringelord - when I made a tadcarnival shitpost animatic w/ the DLC characters, we started fangirling over the idea of Narcissus & Sethe being a duo, later on making those mfs gay for eachother :3 even if we barely talk abt those two anymore, he hasn’t been able to get rid of me, no matter how problematic he thinks of himself 💃
Nerfy - “YEAH, WE'RE ALL ABOUT THAT number one victory royale, yeah fortnite we 'bout to get down (get down) ten points on the board right now, just wiped out tomato town! my friend just got downed, I revived him now we're heading southbound, now we're in the pleasant parked streets, go to the map look at the marked sheet-” their words, not mine 😭
the rest I probably met from discord
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mielmoto · 1 month
hands her a giant nerf gun so she can wii sports resort to violence at any given moment
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finally.... the POWER.....
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thank you mr. agent man, the violence WILL ensue in sweet nerfy fashion.
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finally got together an antho ref for Dmitri's Vernid form :] the scrungly bassard
2019 Vernid base by Nerfusia !! heavily editted i drew the open teethers shot n' the long tongue bit~ the scales were super fun to add all around x]
really happy with my edits to this base uwu [last image] Nerfi's original lines on the left, my edits on the right!
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elenrique · 2 years
Probablemente vuelva a dibujar :-)
Me nerfie en un buen año con mi manera d dibujar xd
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444namesplus · 2 months
ach /aʧ/ n. daughter
akzhamin /ˈakʒamin/ v. cost
alchon /ˈalʧon/ v. respond, answer, reply
aljawar /ˈalʤawar/ n. rod, shaft, bar, axle
alolf /ˈalolf/ adj. physical
alulk /ˈalulk/ num. six
amjoman /ˈamʤoman/ n. blasphemy, heresy
amrche /ˈamrʧe/ n. stump
an /an/ prep. like
anam /ˈanam/ n. wax
angozhe /ˈangoʒe/ n. clay
annitars /ˈannitars/ n. success, benefit, profit
anwimke /ˈanwimke/ adv. else, otherwise
ardoet /ˈardoet/ v. try (test out), test
arirmju rolshcho /ˈarirmʤu ˈrolʃʧo/ v. approach
arnju /ˈarnʤu/ n. sheep
arsere /ˈarsere/ n. description
artufot /ˈartufot/ adj. rare, weird, strange
ashnchasil /ˈaʃnʧasil/ prep. up
bafanal /ˈbafanal/ n. row
bejurf /ˈbeʤurf/ n. money, coin
bo /bo/ n. queen
bushil /ˈbuʃil/ n. shirt, blouse, top (clothing)
chazhe /ˈʧaʒe/ n. nest, den, treasure
chinchiril /ˈʧinʧiril/ v. bend
chu /ʧu/ v. ask (inquire), inquire
daelchzom /ˈdaelʧzom/ v. pass
dan /dan/ n. well, reservoir, fountain
deilel /ˈdeilel/ n. abuse
den /den/ n. military
derla /ˈderla/ n. bay, cove
dicho /ˈdiʧo/ v. whistle, hiss
divane /ˈdivane/ adv. that
donolwe /ˈdonolwe/ n. bark (of tree)
dumil /ˈdumil/ v. practice
eken /ˈeken/ v. twist, wiggle
elemu /ˈelemu/ n. politician
elleshdam /ˈelleʃdam/ interj. goodbye
eltchel /ˈeltʧel/ v. deal
eme /ˈeme/ n. appearance (act of appearing)
emulrje /ˈemulrʤe/ n. show (performance), play (stage play)
endu /ˈendu/ n. device
ensolge /ˈensolge/ n. trap
erchturfdo /ˈerʧturfdo/ n. experiment
ernjapu /ˈernʤapu/ n. strategy (plan), tactic
eshon /ˈeʃon/ adj. soft, gentle
falfwanser /ˈfalfwanser/ v. crush, grind, ruffle
fenen /ˈfenen/ n. happiness
finjo /ˈfinʤo/ adv. very, really
fu /fu/ n. hour
gaferni /ˈgaferni/ n. side
gayorssan /ˈgajorssan/ v. last, survive
gi /gi/ adv. only, merely
gochego /ˈgoʧego/ n. button (pushbutton), knob
guerhon /ˈguerhon/ n. characteristic
gumjaralsra /ˈgumʤaˌralsra/ n. ability
guultuf /ˈguultuf/ n. foreigner
hafozhir /ˈhafoʒir/ n. will
halzi /ˈhalzi/ n. honor, dignity
haun /ˈhaun/ n. intervention
hijunj /ˈhiʤunʤ/ n. pleasure
hohewo /ˈhohewo/ n. law
howedik /ˈhowedik/ n. elbow
hut /hut/ num. zero
ikunpalsh /ˈikunpalʃ/ n. issue, concern
ilfkumwi /ˈilfkumwi/ n. bean
ilmje /ˈilmʤe/ adj. clear, transparent
ilsi /ˈilsi/ n. torch
imas /ˈimas/ n. coat, jacket, layer
inmido /ˈinmido/ v. provide, cater
ir /ir/ det. what
irkholne /ˈirkholne/ v. matter
irrjut /ˈirrʤut/ n. dog
irsh /irʃ/ n. power
ishnji silyumar /ˈiʃnʤi ˈsiljumar/ n. notebook
jada mchamsam /ˈʤada ˈmʧamsam/ n. orchard
jarnli /ˈʤarnli/ v. raise, boost
jena /ˈʤena/ n. web
jilunam /ˈʤilunam/ n. hint
juemdo /ˈʤuemdo/ n. shit
kairde /ˈkairde/ v. act, behave
kesheolsh /ˈkeʃeolʃ/ conj. and
kirshkorcham /ˈkirʃkorʧam/ adj. interior
kuolsh /ˈkuolʃ/ adj. sick, ill, unwell
lalt /lalt/ n. bee
lavammje /ˈlavammʤe/ v. catch, capture, seize, grab, arrest, clutch, grasp, notice, intercept
lemek /ˈlemek/ n. weather, climate
lif /lif/ v. chase
lir /lir/ det. much
loftenj /ˈloftenʤ/ n. argument
ma /ma/ n. need
manurt /ˈmanurt/ n. fan (enthusiast)
mchailser /ˈmʧailser/ v. bite
mchekich /ˈmʧekiʧ/ n. section, segment, portion
mchom /mʧom/ n. country (nation)
mchubarnout /ˈmʧubarˌnout/ adj. sexual
mevin /ˈmevin/ v. see, understand, look, grasp, perceive, foresee, hear, date, go out, study, focus
mja /mʤa/ n. home
mjemwolmche /ˈmʤemwolmʧe/ n. adult
mjiworan /ˈmʤiworan/ n. resident
mjusho /ˈmʤuʃo/ n. uniform, costume
mumyo /ˈmumjo/ adv. sometimes
nalfar /ˈnalfar/ n. accent (of language)
nanreut /ˈnanreut/ adj. distant
naul /ˈnaul/ n. return
nchamzal /ˈnʧamzal/ n. sense
nchijireln /ˈnʧiʤireln/ adj. special, unique
nchohi /ˈnʧohi/ n. bank
nchomvi /ˈnʧomvi/ n. pile, heap, mound
nedaur /ˈnedaur/ adj. social
nemjair /ˈnemʤair/ n. steam
nerfi /ˈnerfi/ v. believe, trust
nian /ˈnian/ n. shape, structure, shadow, system
nilonelk /ˈnilonelk/ v. tread, step on
nirshzhal /ˈnirʃʒal/ v. research
njaf /nʤaf/ n. diamond
njelhegarshorj /ˈnʤelheˌgarʃorʤ/ n. winery
njijil /ˈnʤiʤil/ n. spirit
njochedar /ˈnʤoʧedar/ n. nature, environment (natural world)
noanarn /ˈnoanarn/ v. dream
nolpa /ˈnolpa/ adv. therefore, thus
nowirkinif /ˈnowirˌkinif/ v. choose
nun /nun/ n. level (degree, stage)
olalnaf /ˈolalnaf/ adj. interior
olriwe /ˈolriwe/ v. leave (depart), depart
omel /ˈomel/ v. be (located)
onannarsh /ˈonannarʃ/ n. greed
onrchalfo /ˈonrʧalfo/ prep. upon
orch /orʧ/ n. tire
ornjo /ˈornʤo/ n. comfort
oru /ˈoru/ n. driver
pa vowile /pa ˈvowile/ n. season (quarter of the year)
parbelaln /ˈparbelaln/ v. pick
pichi /ˈpiʧi/ n. mass
pinjarn /ˈpinʤarn/ n. hell
pohem /ˈpohem/ v. add, combine, inject
pul /pul/ n. engine, motor
ram /ram/ v. look, glance
rarchrnurim /ˈrarʧrnurim/ v. like, admire
rcharafol /ˈrʧarafol/ n. flavor
rchelsvi /ˈrʧelsvi/ n. slope, slant
rchituli /ˈrʧituli/ n. fund, charity
renonro /ˈrenonro/ v. emphasize
rimelfso /ˈrimelfso/ n. curtain
rjamich /ˈrʤamiʧ/ n. site
rje /rʤe/ n. cat
rjenilrme /ˈrʤenilrme/ v. stop, stay, remain, halt, persist
rjiser /ˈrʤiser/ n. milk
rmaem /ˈrmaem/ n. niece
rmenu /ˈrmenu/ n. farmer
rmu /rmu/ adv. however
rnanche /ˈrnanʧe/ v. sink, drown, suffocate
rniesdim /ˈrniesdim/ adj. right (direction)
rnolnrmus /ˈrnolnrmus/ n. crack, fracture
rnurfmi /ˈrnurfmi/ prep. under, below
rorrchutan /ˈrorrʧutan/ n. mask
ruhincha /ˈruhinʧa/ v. climb
saf rchemlu /saf ˈrʧemlu/ n. hedge
sanjon /ˈsanʤon/ adj. bad
sate /ˈsate/ n. guest
ser /ser/ adj. new, recent, current, unique
serfir /ˈserfir/ adj. fat, big, broad
sezhiur /ˈseʒiur/ n. noise
shaltauf /ˈʃaltauf/ n. altitude
shasichsa /ˈʃasiʧsa/ adj. technological
shelmjarnuch /ˈʃelmʤarnuʧ/ v. cause, induce, generate
shin /ʃin/ adj. exotic
shuir /ˈʃuir/ n. cauldron
sichsa /ˈsiʧsa/ n. technology
sime /ˈsime/ n. action (movement)
sonrji /ˈsonrʤi/ pron. who
sumcheye /ˈsumʧeje/ n. page
tairshen /ˈtairʃen/ n. goat
talwaem /ˈtalwaem/ v. lie
tanilol /ˈtanilol/ adj. hot (attractive)
tegane /ˈtegane/ n. repetition
tennators /ˈtennators/ adj. huge
tiash /ˈtiaʃ/ v. accuse
timuik /ˈtimuik/ conj. unless
tirla /ˈtirla/ n. penis
tolnagel /ˈtolnagel/ adj. current
totain /ˈtotain/ v. defend, protect, secure, prevent
tumelto /ˈtumelto/ v. cure
ul /ul/ n. group, flock, crowd
ulken /ˈulken/ n. basket
ultul /ˈultul/ n. slave
umdon /ˈumdon/ n. species
umpu /ˈumpu/ v. continue, keep (continue)
unla /ˈunla/ n. object
untoilch /ˈuntoilʧ/ adj. specific, definite, particular, distinct
urfli /ˈurfli/ n. boy
valjofal /ˈvalʤofal/ v. clear
varmona ulelul /ˈvarmona ˈulelul/ n. rainbow
venham /ˈvenham/ n. study
vimrail /ˈvimrail/ adj. exact, precise
voltrnenush /ˈvoltrnenuʃ/ n. father
vur /vur/ adj. big, great (very large)
vurje /ˈvurʤe/ n. vehicle
wamrchurnu /ˈwamrʧurnu/ v. arrest
we zearnta /we ˈzearnta/ n. astronomy
wimrche /ˈwimrʧe/ n. result, outcome
womalchinj /ˈwomalʧinʤ/ n. memory
ye /je/ n. beauty
yeut /ˈjeut/ adj. beautiful
yorchi /ˈjorʧi/ v. do, make, produce (manufacture), build, construct, compose, establish, compel
zaji /ˈzaʤi/ num. first
zaunshorch /ˈzaunʃorʧ/ adj. long
zhalbachi /ˈʒalbaʧi/ adj. great (excellent), fantastic
zhienhaorj /ˈʒienˌhaorʤ/ n. armory
zholwael /ˈʒolwael/ n. collar
zhus /ʒus/ adj. whole, entire
ziwa /ˈziwa/ v. bake
zuno /ˈzuno/ adj. easy
C = t n s h r d l m w f g p b v k z ʧ ʤ ʃ ʒ j nʤ nʧ rʧ rʤ mʧ mʤ rm rn L = l m n K RK r R = r l K = t n s f k ʧ ʃ V = a e i o u S = CV CVL VL
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puppyluver256 · 3 months
The Snoopy Chronicles - May 2024 (p1)
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Snooby loves mommy c:
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Where's Snoopy?? :O
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Baby boy loves being outside!
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Sneef the gravels :o
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All tuckered out from playing with his hedgehog :o
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Scratch scratch scratch scratch...
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Baby boy so sleeby :o
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0 notes
pc7ooo · 4 months
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Аналитик Team Spirit обнаружил нёрфы талантов Crystal Maiden в обновлении 7.36a, которые не указаны в описании патча
Аналитик состава Team Spirit по Dota 2 Марк sikle Лерман рассказал о ряде изменений в балансном обновлении 7.36a, которые Valve не упомянула в п...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/05/27/365-analitik-team-spirit-obnaruzhil-nerfy-talantov-crystal-maiden-v-obnovlenii-736a-kotorye-ne-ukazany-v-opisanii-patcha-grss-311295633.html
0 notes
troythecatfish · 6 months
What Y’all Think?
0 notes
germseww · 7 years
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hello dank dva here lol
-RBShop - DBHShop - S6Shop - KoFi
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algaeabomination · 5 years
Dreadseeded nerfs hurt my heart ok yes they’re also cool and I’ve got at least one toon who would ride around on one but plz dont hurt nerfs bioware
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