#ner cyare'se { shipping }
mandomirtagev · 5 years
A, P, R
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Brusquely but honestly, usually. Shoulder-punches, back-slaps, loud guffaws, companionable slaps and nudges...and dry mockery too, of course. Can’t forget that.
Even before she adopted herself fully into Mandalorian culture, Mirta wasn’t much on soft sentiment. Her mother had been a hard, practical woman laboring under a shattered heart of her own; while Mirta loved her mom and knew that Ailyn loved her, most of the raw affection in her childhood had come from her father’s beskar-gloved hands. Falling into the Mandalorian way of life after Ailyn’s death wasn’t just easy, it was familiar and safe and comfortable...even if Mirta still falls solidly among the more prickly, stand-offish side of Mandalore’s rough and ready but also readily affectionate society. Mirta craves the easy closeness of her mando’ade peers, but she balks at it too; she’s learning to ease-up and open-up (and she doesn’t have nearly as far to go there as her grandfather does -- and unlike Fett, she wants to learn how to let other people in which helps) but it’s not something that comes naturally to her, yet. She’s working on it.
When she does show open affection, part of it is to spite her ba’buir. He doesn’t seem to actually care, but it helps her overcome her own reluctance to think so.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Mirta is slightly more shallow when it comes to physical appearance than most home-grown mando’ade -- it’s not unheard of for Mandalorians to exchange marriage vows before they see each other outside their armor -- but only slightly; she still values skill and trust above mere looks. That comes well down on the list of “desirable qualities,” second to things like “how fast can reload a blaster rifle?” and “how hard do they punch?” and “are they capable of back-talking ba’buir without passing out?”
Trust and reliability matter a lot too, and aren’t the same thing: just because you trust someone to keep your secrets and maintain loyalty doesn’t mean you can necessarily rely on them in a pinch, and Mirta needs someone whom she can trust will be both -- not just faithful, but competent at the same time. She’s not real big on the “rescuing damsels” thing, in either role. Mirta wants someone who can at least keep up with her most of the time; they don’t have to have the same level of skill in all the same areas (better to have a wide and diverse range; then you can compensate for each other’s weaknesses)and it’s okay to need rescuing -- or to be the one doing the rescuing -- on occasion, but it shouldn’t be perpetual. That’s just weakness, and there’s nothing attractive about that -- not matter what some aruetiiseromance writers seem to think.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
Mirta is much more of a romantic than she likes to think she is. Oh, she’s a hard-boiled cynical little chakaar...but underneath that shell she’s pure unadulterated idealist. It’s a bitter, sour sort of idealism that’s more likely to punch you in the face and scream at you to get your shebs in gear than to stand serenely in front of a crowd and inspire them with pretty speeches -- but it is idealism. There’s no adherent like a convert, and Mirta has embraced the manda all the way down to the toes of her boots. She believes in Mandalorian society, in Mandalorian glory, with the same fervor and intensity as the late Fenn Shysa did -- and she’ll drag everybody else with her if she has to stun them so she can do it bodily, starting with her grandfather. Fett is going to be a decent Mand’alor if it kills him; otherwise, she will.
Her romantic sense of romance is less intense, but it stems from the same source. Mirta may claim she doesn’t believe in nonsense like “true love” and “happily ever afters” but she’s full of osik. She absolutely does -- even if the examples she’s been able to find that she thinks qualify for it are few and far between.
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mandomirtagev · 5 years
E   :   EMBRACE.  does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
She does, although it takes her a while to get comfortable enough with someone to get comfortable with embracing them. It depends on the person, too. Goran Beviin has been giving her companionable claps on the shoulder and easy half-hugs since the moment she set foot on his farm and didn’t seem to mind that she bristled the first dozen times; he just kept doing it until she realized she liked it. 
(Has she ever hugged her grandfather? She doesn’t think she has; she doesn’t think she ever will. Trying would be uncomfortable to an extreme…and besides, he probably doesn’t even know how. He’d just think it was an attack and probably stab her.)
For the most part, she’s learned to tolerate – and in some cases, even like – the quick, companionable embraces of fellow warriors: all rough, strong arms slapping hard against armored plates, clattering together briefly then releasing just as quick, ready for whatever comes next be that battle or relaxation. Those sorts of hugs feel like acceptance, like a way of saying you’re one of us. You belong. Mirta likes that feeling, even if she still goes a little stiff at the actual embrace.
She’s learning, though. She gives almost as good as she gets these days, when she’s in a good mood. The Beviin-Vasur Clan helped there even more than the Orades – although patient, amiable Ghes certainly did his fair share, too.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
If asked, her glib response would probably involve something about shooting someone – but really, a quiet walk under the pale moon of Mandalore in the peace between battles or contracts, with the scent of uj cake still lingering on their sticky fingers and their eyes still a bit watery from the hetiklesof a good dinner, the chatter of whatever family they’ve left behind too far away to hear clearly but still loud and happy in the night, perhaps with the faint notes of a bes'bevwinding through the air somewhere not too far off…that’s what Mirta would like, more than just about anything. Out of all the things she would like that are reasonable, that are possible, that ranks at the front.
As for who, it depends on the verse of course: in canon it’s Ghes. But whoever Mirta gives her heart to, they would have to be someone who could at least appreciate what makes life good on Mandalore even if they don’t wear the armor themselves, so the scenario itself remains largely unchanged despite the potential participants.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Definitely. Pet-names are an integral aspect of Mandalorian culture. (Perhaps in a society where you’re more likely to have your face hidden than exposed, verbal displays of affection – and exasperation – take on more import? Or at least more commonality.) Even if it’s just simple labels and generalities – ner vod, jettii, burc'ya,vaar'ika– Mandalorians are quick to throw nicknames at anyone in their vicinity (and terms of abuse too, of course, which can be used both affectionately and not) and popping the diminutive ‘ika on the end of someone’s name or title is absolutely ubiquitous.
The fact that said nicknames can almost always be used as easily for insults as for affection or camaraderie – or both simultaneously – is just icing on the uj'alayi.
If Chewbacca were still alive, and Mirta continued hanging out with Jaina long enough to get to know the Wookiee, it wouldn’t be long before he was Chew’ika. Size, after all, doesn’t matter much to Mandalorians either…and when it does, it’s sarcastic.
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