#nephelomancer is the artist I mean
grimae · 3 years
It blows my mind that anyone would make jokes about your art. Seriously. Your work is beautiful and strange and inspiring and seeing it brings me genuine joy.
Thank you a lot!  Yeah tbh I don't know what is going on there either. An artist I admire a lot, who is on twitter, once said once they had passed a certain threshold of followers, the comments became more and more harassing, more typical “dudebro”-stuff appeared, people made fun of their work more. Been thinking about this a lot now. I don't want to become inaccessible to the people who want to interact with me and my art because they like it, but I know I can't deal with this on the long term.  I also know that horror artists gets a lot of stupid comments on their art. While I'm not drawing horror, but often still some dark stuff, I think that invites that kind of comments, too. 
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