#nepheli.closed starter
sclitvde · 2 years
       Axe cuts clean through flesh, tendon, and bone, severing the head of the adversary with ease. Long has it been since Nepheli has wielded her heavy blades in combat          in the lands she lords, she has long since wielded only an executioner’s sword, for the Lord that passes the sentence must fell the sword. But this skirmish, of raiders and defilers come to bestow waking nightmares upon her lands, is one of great importance to her. She has seen the unnecessary horrors the beguiling strong wreak upon the weak, and though she was just an infant when her own village was levelled by such oppressors, this Lord has always meant to mete out justice.        She is Nepheli Loux. Lord of Storm. Warrior. And evil will never bring foulness to her lands and leave unchecked.        There is a sense of catharsis, having bestowed the final blow to the last unforgiving pillager, though the village around them still smolders, homes, families, lives lost to flame. She cleans the blood from her axe meticulously with the cloth around her armored waist. In her periphery, a familiar figure approaches, tall and proud in its stature, cultivated, in part, by her own warrior’s wisdom.
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       With her stormhawk having perched himself upon her shoulder, she turns. “What do the scouts say, Jonos?”                                     @coldrealm​
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