tarotwitch · 5 years
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☠️ Death ☠️ & 🍀 the Eight of Pentacles 🍂
To continue the theme of hard work. The time is now to kill the parts of you that hold you back, that prevent you from growing, that make you complacent in how things are now if how things are now is not how you want them to be. Like any skill, this takes active work and perseverance. No one ever became a better person by waiting to do so. No carpenter ever learned to build a house, no painter ever created masterpieces, no scientist ever discovered something new just by sitting there and wishing. In addition to spells and mantras and meditating and all that, action is needed as well. Build your future with your own two hands, and you will have a future you worth being.
This reading is as much for myself as it is for anyone who needs it right now. Also, the bigger version of this is my new phone wallpaper, as well as Instagram icon. A year ago, I set my wallpaper as the Sun and the Nine of Pentacles as a way of gaining my self confidence back and moving forward into my future. They served me well, and now it's time for a new message.
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tarotwitch · 6 years
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🗡 Five of Swords says: Pick your battles today, because if you're not careful, you could end up in one that you'll lose. Or you'll end up saying something you'll regret that you can never take back. So take a deep breath, and think, "do I need to make this a fight today? Or is this a time where I need to step back and think about the consequences of my actions before I take them?" #tarot #dailytarot #silhouettestarot #tarotreading #neonasreadings
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tarotwitch · 6 years
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Day 1 of @lionharts July tarot challenge! This will be my first Instagram tarot challenge so I'm excited to start and get back in touch with my cards ❤ What energy is available to me this month? 💱 Two of Pentacles, reversed. I need to be careful what plans I make and what preparations go into them, because if I'm not careful enough, there's a very high chance they'll fail. I also need to be decisive about how I spend my time, energy, and money, because again, if I'm not careful, they could be wasted or I'll give too much and be left wanting. How do I best use this energy? 🗡 Four of swords, upright. I need to relax, ask for help if I need it, rest when I need it, save money when i need to. The toy soldier on the card has the right idea, to just chill and wait for when the time is right to get moving again. What am I moving towards or past? 💱 Three of Pentacles, reversed. If I follow this advice I will be moving past a period of poor planning, spending too much money, and overworking myself again. I'll be moving towards pride in myself and my efforts, and rekindling certain skills along the way. A definitely major theme in this reading is the Pentacles and the color green, which absolutely point towards the money issues we've been having since I lost my old job and started my new one, and the trying to get everything situated again that we've been dealing with because of all that. I do also like the Swords reminder to take a step back and relax when I need to, so i don't burn myself out like I used to all the time at my last job. I really do feel like this has given me some major insight I've been needing and I'm looking forward to continuing this challenge 😁 #tarot #tarotreading #silhouettestarot #thejulytarot #neonasreadings
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tarotwitch · 6 years
If y'all like my stuff, consider buying me a ko-fi? No money left to eat for the next two weeks 😭
Bills were just paid, meaning my fiance and I have only enough money left for gas for the next two weeks to get to work, but none for food. I can do readings in return for donations, $3 will get you a 3 card reading, every dollar after that will add another card.
Anything anyone can do to help would be much appreciated, as I would like both of us to be able to eat for the next two weeks.
You can find examples of past readings in my tag neonasreadings and my Instagram at instagram.com/neonastarot, and finally my ko-fi at ko-fi.com/neonastarot. (can't link because I'm on mobile, sorry)
If you donate, send me a message with your info, question, and how much you donated and ill send you your reading 🔮
Even if you can't help out with money, spreading the word is also much appreciated.
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