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Lair world of the Heg Ravens, Nenime's corsairs.
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Jainas Zhai - yellow star
Maran - planetoid
Neniwe - terrestrial world [moon: Heg's Eye]
Vehterime - macro-terrestrial world [moons: Yav & Talma]
Crumb Trail - asteroid belt
Naica - gas giant [many moons]
Alcar - gas giant [many moons]
Manar - planetoid
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Yavannie the Great
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A lush, humid island, Yavannie the Great is the largest landmass in Neni'Shelwe. Nenime's Heg-Ravens have made this island their stronghold.
Iybraesil wonderers and Exodite refugees have established several villages throughout the island.
Ravenrest: Nestled in the shadow of Rookery mountain, Ravenrest is a small fortress town overseen by Nenime's Heg Ravens.
The City of Leaves: Reclaimed by the island's flora, this strange ruin hints at a grand past, now forgotten.
Springsong Worldshrine: Looming over the dragon turtle hatcheries at the heart of Yavannie, Spring Pillar mountain holds Neni’Shelwe’s worldshrine within its deep caverns.
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Location of neniworld
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The Islands of Springsong
The inhabited island-chains of Neni'Shelwe are strung throughout the world's equatorial belt.
Largely tropical and geographically diverse, these settled islands include the Heg Ravens stronghold and the homes of several exodite clans:
Yavannie the Great
Turtle Top
Crab Saddle
Wasp Mitre
Dragon Fathers
Several smaller isles serve as ceremonial sites, or remain otherwise wild:
Vaul's Anvil
Windrunner's Isle
Beyond the safety of aeldari-controlled waters, the scattered atolls of the eastern equatorial belt boil with embattled feral ork tribes. The major centers include:
Da Bitehouse
Jolly Roger'z Deep
Finderz Keeperz
Flash Rok
Weird Isle
Several landmasses exist beyond the equatorial belt, though these lie within the impenetrable northern-hemispheric / southern-hemispheric vortices, the Veils of Storm. These regions are utterly inhospitable, yet strange structures are observable during lulls in the storms, or so rumors persist:
Tormentor's Cove
The Ocean Monument
The Hulk
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Your Shadow in the Evening
The year is 711.M40, as men count time.
Nenime, Corsair of Iybraesil, has arrived at the haven of Mathlannor to attend a wedding.
Few have heard her name, and those who have believe she is merely an up-jumped hireling.
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Formally dubbed Neni'Shelwe by the reavers who first raised strongholds on its surface, Springsong is a serene ocean world of scattered islands and vast polar cyclones.
Set along the western arm of the galaxy, Springsong is not only the lair of Nenime's corsair warband, the Heg Ravens, but also home to four exodite clans & several wild ork tribes.
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> neninews for the new year!!
looks like it’s gona be a LOOOONG six months of waiting for the new eldar codex to find out what neni is canonically up to
So idk we can finally do chill posting
In character dnd???
I’m determined to finally post the mainline nenilore storypost. 2024!!!!!
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/ hot damn! Almost finished with another nenilore chapter
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/ alright guys the assignment is more neniposts and nenilore OH YEA AND TO POST ALL THE ART LOL
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Y'pollea, and maybe one or two for Naada?
As of the Nenilore 9.0 update, Naada is a Corsair felarch with the children of mathlaan
Naada is a guest in the wedding we’ll see (someday lol!) in Nenime Rising
So one of the things I’ve always had in mind when writing Y’pollea is that she really hates having to feed off others. Simply put, it makes her feel broken
There was never any doubt in my mind that Y’pollea would follow Nenime into the Ynnari
Is this a spoiler? This might be a spoiler but let’s say Y’pollea didn’t necessarily want to be under Nenime’s ‘protection’ at the start
There is a whole unused profile for Y’pollea, which includes her trueborn crony Vyyryka and her hydra gauntlets (which count as her ynnari hungering blade). I guess, with that white saber, she has two hungering blades now, but I think she means to give the saber to some undetermined apprentice
On that note, Y’pollea does not like fighting in glorious melee
Socially speaking, Y’pollea has mentioned hating halfborn drukhari, but like she also says she hates her fellow trueborn? Y’pollea just kinda hates society, man.
Y’pollea likes brewing up poisons, gardening, playing music
Of course, I’m fully committed to Y’pollea having a secret identity as an underground singer songwriter
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/ I’m thinkim of doing a sort of previewposting of the stuff mentioned in the PROLOGUE of Nenime rising, u kno for those not steeped in the nenilore
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Preview of the Nenimap
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/planning to do a open rp Corsair party thread :)
there’s an overarching plot & most of the background characters in the nenilore will be involved, so more than one person can join
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/ procrastination nenilore: Nenime is written as an okay duelist. She’s really really really great at chowing down groups of mooks
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/ procrastination nenilore: i think Y'pollea has always perceived her soulthirst as something that was gross, and beneath her
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