#nemisae de durdael
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
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nini-dirthara-lothlenanas · 6 years ago
Would you kindly draw A2 with Regula and Nemisae?
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istolin · 7 years ago
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𝓓ancing in the streets with @housefortempsknight. So nice to finally meet you in-game! :D
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roses-and-grimoires · 6 years ago
Little late to the diety ask but Nemi would bring the finest silks woven into an extravagant coat for him to wear. And of course a bottle of the finest brandy in Ishgard.
Idristan tilts his heat slightly to one side as he curiously lifts up the garments that had been left neatly folded on the offering table. He hums softly as the light fabric glides easily through his fingers. Silk, crafted into a coat luxurious enough for the highest nobility. Or a god.
He carefully tugs it on, admiring the fit and rich color in the reflection of the nearby pool. A fine gift. A very fine gift indeed, made only better by the bottle of Ishgardian brandy set beside it.
“Someone either knows how to treat a god very well,” he muses. Lately he had taken to talking aloud, far more than he had ever had while he was mortal. Perhaps it was because there were few people that could blackmail him now. Or perhaps, as he told himself, that as a god he was entitled and indeed expected to monologue.
It certainly wasn’t because godhood was lonely.
“Or else they want something very, very badly.” He hums once more as he idly studies the label of the bottle. Then he shrugs as he goes over to retrieve a fine crystal glass. Time would likely tell which one it was--and there was no point in letting good alcohol go to waste in the meantime.
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tangled-boughs · 6 years ago
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(( I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that came out for our first ever runway walk last night!  The judges-  @elegant-etienne, @severine-savage  and myself ( @aethersmoke-and-ash / @rose-and-thorns) were blown away by the creativity, enthusiasm, and kindness of all of our entrants.
Everyone was so positive and supportive of one another - both as entrants and as spectators - it was a delight to see the community come out and cheer each other on!  These aren't the sort of events we usually hold, but with the success we saw last night, we may just add it to our charity & fundraising roster!
Also, a huge shout out to the Enclave members that acted as security, hype squad, and who dressed up for the occasion!
I do so verymuch hope to see you all at the main event, our Gala, next weekend!  We plan this event for months in advance -- it's our big outing for the year -- and is the collaborative effort of not just myself and my FC, but of other partner organizations that lend their time and energy to it! I'm so excited to share it with the community!
All of that said- On to our amazing winners! (and you guys made this so incredibly difficult, they were all outstanding)  
Grand Prize:  Yellow Rose, the Lady of the Mists (Bismarck) @kinari
2nd runner-up: Nemisae de Durdael, Forgiven Mercy (Innocence) @housefortempsknight
3rd runner-up: Adrian Soleil, The Vermillion Bird (Suzaku) @ocarina-of-what And to the rest of our entrants - @fashion-noodle , @esmenanenda, @ffxivquel Cerise Maylithos, Dione Averre ( aaa I can’t find your tumblrs) and @abelaire-cygnnoire , you were all splendid!)
(All screenshots were provided by their entrants!  Please, if you took screenshots at the event, please post & tag us! We would LOVE to share and see them!)  ))
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
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“Funny how a place so mournful can become so comforting after a while...”
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
Prompt #2- Bargain
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Lilac eyes gaze upon the grand scene, a towering cityscape spreading far into the horizon. Did he really make this all for her to see? She couldn’t believe her eyes. It was magnificent, something that was so beautiful yet, so sad.
“Welcome,” She heard his voice from behind, the snide tone in his voice that hid the many eons of pain she knew he had carried all this way for her to see. 
“To the final days of Amaurot…”
She turns her gaze to the man, her vision still clouded with light around the edges. She grimaces as she felt the pulsating burns seared through her back and hands. He knew she was in great pain, for he let it happen to her. She doubles over, trying to keep standing straight, her mind going blank as pain burns through her.
“I see you still have not let it take you, Hero.” He says as he steps closer to the elezen, his slouched form still towering over her. “But I suppose I should ease the pain of your doom just a little.” He raised his hand up, fingers pressing together as he snaps.
She finds herself now sitting on the edge of a building, her attire had changed to something more formal, not her combat attire. She looks around to see him, in his usual fancy robes slouched next to her. 
“Why are you doing this?” She asks, voice filled with empathy, pain for him.
“I figured I’d strike up a deal with you.” He sighs, holding his hand up as a glass forms in his hold, grabbing a bottle and pouring a large amount of the red liquid into it. “That we have one night to ourselves before this chaotic ending….”
“And what would we do on this night?” She asks, brow raised.
He chuckles, lifting a gloved hand to her ashen cheek, running his thumb along the now white tattoo over her eye.
“That’s for me to know, and for you to find out...”
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housefortempsknight · 6 years ago
Thank you so much for allowing me to commission you!!!!
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First emergency commission for @housefortempsknight! Thank you very much for commissioning me.
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housefortempsknight · 6 years ago
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I did some makeup inspired by Nemisae. This was a lot of fun to do and I can’t wait to do it again!!!
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
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Sky Pirate Captain
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
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Black Mage 80
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
Prompt #3-Lost
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White flakes rest upon snow white hair, lilac eyes gazing at the horizon where her city lay. She leans against the cold stone. She clutches the white and red roses in her hands as she closes her eyes, remembering that morbid day….
She pants as she watches Ser Charibert fall to the ground. She glances at her friends that followed her here, Aymeric, Lucia, Estinien and Haurchefant. But the battle was not won just yet. She heard Zephirin call out, telling Charibert to fall back as above, an airship floats into view. Nodding to her comrades, she began to run after the two that were retreating. Running onto the landing, Nemisae looks back to see Haurchefant following close behind– as usual– followed behind by Lucia carrying a limping Aymeric, and lastly–of course, Estinien. There, before them, was the archbishop and Ser Charibert. 
Before she could realize something strange with this image, Aymeric staggered up in front of the group. She watched him beg his father to change his ways, only to be pushed aside once more. She glanced over at Haurchefant, knowing exactly what her good friend was thinking as they nodded in unison. Shifting her form, the two elezen began to run towards the fleeing archbishop and his allies.
…wait… wasn’t there.. another?… Where is… Sir Zephirin?…
“Look out!!!!”
Nemisae turns to see a flash of light, and her lovers shield up. She covers her eyes from the bright light just in time to hear something she wished she didn’t.
A sickening, loud, crack.
In that moment, she knew that his shield couldn’t hold much longer, but she watched in pure terror as Haurchefant stood his ground as his shield gave in. The spear of light pierced through his torso, a choked gasp escapes his lips as blood began to pour down on them. 
She wanted to scream, but her voice would not come to her as she willed herself to move, running towards Haurchefant as he fell to the ground. She looked up to see Estinien and Lucia running towards their fallen comrade.
“Lord Haurchefant!” 
She could hear Aymeric call out as he limped over. She could hear the whirring of the airship leaving, her target now long gone but she didn’t care, she cared more about her beloved that helped her throughout her journey. Her friend that without him, she would have never gotten to Ishgard, she would have never gotten as far as she did. Without him, she was nothing.
She watched as Aymeric propped up the head of her fallen friend, his gaze turning to her tearful gaze. 
“Y-you are.. unharmed?… F-Forgive me.. I could not bear the thought of.. of..”
Hearing his voice, so weak and broken, broke her even more. His hand lifted, reaching for her and she took no hesitation to grab his hand, bringing it to her cheek as tears flooded down from her eyes.
“Shh, don’t speak… I’m going to fix this… I’m not going to let you die here… if you die I’ll… I’ll…” 
Her voice faltered once more as she choked on her tears. She shook her head, forcing herself to believe that everything was going to be okay.
“oh?.. Do not look at me so–
A smile better suits a hero.”
Nemisae looks up to see Haurchefant, smiling that familiar smile that she knew and loved so much. She could help but smile back, giving him a small nod. 
“I’m going to make this better.. I promise.. I…”
She was unable to finish her sentence before she watched in terror as Haurchefant’s expression goes lax and his head lolls back in Aymeric’s grasp. In disbelief, she called out his name once, twice, three times, a fourth time before Lucia place a hand on her shoulder. No, He couldn’t be..
“H-Haurchefant?... N-No… please..” She chokes on her sobbing. “Don’t leave me.. We have so much more to see together.” 
She collapses over the corpse of her beloved, shaking as she hears no beat in his chest. 
Her eyes reopen to look at the night sky, looking up at the clear night sky. The stars twinkling above her.
“Look my heart,” She says softly. “The stars are out tonight, shall we gaze at them till the sun rises?” She looks down at the small mammet that resembled her once lover, who looks up at her and tilts it head, before giving a robotic smile as it lifts its arms up in his signature joyous move he used to do when he was alive. Nemsiae smiles, pulling the small humanoid figure onto her lap, placing the bouquet of flowers to the side of the gave she rested her back on.
“I take that as a yes..”
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
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                                          Fates Intertwined
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housefortempsknight · 6 years ago
Farewell Stormblood!
I’d like to call out a few very special people who has stuck with me for my many wild rp adventures.
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@elezendad, you have been a firm supporter of my creativity and always brightened my day up with your kind words. I truly have appreciated your company and I look forward to it continuing on from today!
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@rahelauillces, my sweet sweet Haurchefant and the cutest catte ever! You have been sooooo supportive of me no matter where I was, even out of game you have continued to be there for me and I adore you for it. I look forward to our relationship growing and I honestly can’t wait to visit you in person.
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@scholarlostintime, my best friend from the start, Fennie has always been there for Nemi and I have always been able to share my struggles to you for wisdom. I do hope to see Fennie and Feldspar in the first with Nemi to go on wild adventures in ShadowBringers. 
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@auliander-ffxiv, truly, one of my bestest friends on here. You have always been by my side, supported me in my trials and tribulations. And of course, have been a pure gem in both Nemi’s and mine life. I really do look forward to these two journeys as ShadowBringers comes up. Don’t forget that I love you so much.
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Last but certainly not least, @louvel-roche, Dearest brother of Nemi and such an understanding friend. It’s always been a real struggle to find time for us, but when we do have time, it is always memorable and it makes me and Nemi so happy to call him brother.
There are a ton of people I could do this for, but unfortunately never had the time to meet you in person to take a photo with in time. But to all of you who have made an impact on Nemisae’s life, Thank you so much. And with that I bid you all farewell until the next expansion!!
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
Prompt #6- First Steps
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The couple make their way up to the gates, their cloaks already bundled up to their necks. Vivienne looks down at the small hand that squeezed around her own.
“We better get inside quickly, find some warmth for our little one.” She says to her husband, who looks down at their daughter with a frown. He then kneels down, scooping the small pale duskwight into his arms. 
“Indeed, we don’t want her catching a cold, however,” He looks up at the gates of Judgement. “I feel she will get used to the cold rather quickly here.”
They make their way up, being a family of duskwights in Ishgard already caused commotion, but hopefully with the help of their coin purse, it will give their daughter and them a good home here. The two climb up the steps to the Kings castle, showing off their noble crest from back home to allow themselves entrance. They had already sent a letter as soon as the signs of the calamity hit, so there was already people inside expecting them.
“So, Lord Dorian and Lady Vivienne, was it?” The man at the throne asks, four other noblemen sitting by his side. 
“Yes, My liege,” Dorian replies with a gracious bow. “We are the ones coming here and hoping for a good home for our daughter.” He looks down to the small girl who steps up in front of her mother and gives a polite bow to the king. “N-Nemisae Durdael.” She squeaks out nervously, be confident, you got this Nemi! You practiced in the mirror for this as mother told you to. 
“I-It’s an honor to meet you Milord.”
THere was a low chuckle from the bearded man at the forefront. “Well mannered,”
“We taught her the best, My Liege.” Dorian says with a beaming smile, placing a hand on the little girls shoulder.
“Now, you say you bring wealth with you?” A voice calls out from the table, a duskwight like them,
“Yes, Lord Dzemael.” Vivienne replies, “We brought everything we could with us.”
This caused the man to hum, a sly smile creeping up on his lips. “My King, I would have these people be places as nobility under House Dzemael.” He states.
“My king,” Another man stands up, clearly protesting the thought. “I would like to have them under house Fortemps instead, I feel they would be a good help to us if camp Dragonhead.”
Thordan raises his hand, “It seems there are two willing to house you, if you so desire you may have a trial period between these two and then decide.” 
“Thank you, my liege.” Dorian states with a bow. “We are ever grateful for your patronage.”
He looks down at his daughter, giving a smile as he lifts the small girl in his arms. 
“Don’t you worry Nemisae, you have a new life here now, we will be safe from people wanting to harm you here..”
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housefortempsknight · 5 years ago
Prompt #5- Vault
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“Lord Commander!” The woman shouted as she saw her dear friend chained in the depths of the vault. Her look of shock turned to horror as she saw what they had done to him. The elezen looks up from his bindings, hair a ragged mess and his blue eyes glazed over with the pain he had endured.
“N-Nemisae?” He mutters softly, only causing her the rage the swell up in her chest even more. She grabs the keys she had taken from the defeated guard. She fumbles with them to get the cage open, throwing the door quite literally off its hinges as she rushes to the Commanders side. 
“Seven hells, who did this to you!?” She says as she all but peels the metal from his wrists to free him, grabbing him and letting him slump into her arms. 
“If I tell you, I dare say you’d not let them live.” He rasps. 
“Of course not! They hurt you! They-” A hand goes up to silence the duskwight, her lilac eyes widening as she takes his hand in hers. He was right, vengeance was only going to burden her more. She takes a deep breath, calming herself as she holds the limp man in her arms. 
“Lucia, in my bag there’s a box, find the white stone in it and give it to me.” She says softly, looking up to the two who were standing there at the door. The knight nods, walking up to her and begins to search the woman’s person.
“Is this is, My lady?”
“...Yes, quickly now.” 
She didn’t have much experience with astromancy, but she knew the basics and knew that she could heal him somewhat with it. She takes the stone and places her hand on the mans’ chest, focusing on her aether and the magicks round them as it shimmered and glowed. Without a relic or planisphere to guide her, the magic was raw and coming right from her body, she could feel her strength sap quickly. Aymeric groaned, blue eyes catching the pain in her features as takes her hand in his.
“Nemisae, that’s enough..”
“But you’re..”
“You’ve done plenty.” He soothes before sitting up, clutching his side where a wound still resides. 
“What of my father and the others?” He asks, face now set with the notion of completing the task she and the others came to do.
“Haurchefant and Estinien followed them up to the rooftops, your father was last seen with the knights there.”
He nods, standing up fully, limping slightly with some wounds still taxing on him. 
“Let us meet up with them then.”
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