#nemeses can break my spine n i would thank her
weirdasshomo · 5 months
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Height difference etc etc
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Summer Nights- Chapter One
Ben Hardy x Reader
Summary: you finally land the summer lifeguard gig you’ve wanted since you were a kid, but your childhood nemesis Ben becomes your coworker, initiating a summer of pranks, flirting, and your first real romance
Warning: it’s my first attempt at writing fanfic so might be wack. Fluff and smut coming soon 😏
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The whir of the small pink fan in your room interrupted the silence you sought, gradually growing more annoying like an itch in the back of your mind. You groaned, pulling a fluffy pillow over your head in an attempt to quell the noise, but alas it did not work. So instead you launched the pillow at the fan, perfectly hitting the off switch. But within a few minutes the heat burst into the room, turning it into a sauna. Since the air conditioner broke there’d been nothing to stop the summer heat from ruining the first week of your break.
The only relief to the issue was your impending job interview at your community pool. Sure it was dingy and half the people you knew had probably peed in it at some point, but you didn’t care. You’d dreamed of becoming a life guard there since your sister had the job when she was eighteen and you were five. She used to buy you push pops and launch you into the deep end. Those fond memories of her left a soft pang in your gut, knowing that you’d never be able to have such fun with her again.
Your phone buzzed, the screen displaying a message reminding you to start getting ready for your interview. Frankly you had no clue what you were in for. Would it be something formal, a standard list of questions in an office? Or would they throw you a curve ball and ask you to perform CPR on some deformed practice dummy? The wide range of tasks you could be asked to perform stumped you and made it hard for you to decide what to wear. In the end you decided to go with a simple white crop top and frayed jean shorts, slipping a red bikini on underneath at the last minute. **************
Sweat dripped down your tan legs as you emerged from your steamy BMW. You’d discovered to your dismay that the air conditioner in the car was broken as well. But the burning furnace that you’d just escaped from could not compare to the hellish heat that now enveloped you. Living in California you were used to the hot weather, but never before had you had a summer like this. It had to set multiple records, you thought.
When you opened the rusted gate, a pool full of children playing and splashing around greeted you. Seeing the kids having such a good time made you smile, and you paused for a moment to take it all in. But in that split second a water balloon splattered right on your chest.
Hearing a bout of laughter, you turned to see that damned Ben Hardy smirking at you. You and Ben had been rivals, no more that that, nemeses since kindergarten when he ruined your lily drawing. You responded by mocking his accent, like any mature five year old would do. He’d moved to California from the U.K., which you liked to think was because the Brits were tired of his lousy ass. And now here he was, interrupting your fantasy.
“Y/N, wow it’s been a while,” he said, his glance shifting towards your soaked shirt. You looked down, noticing that the water had practically made your white shirt invisible and the red bikini made your breasts stand out.
“Perv,” you replied, turning and with a devilish grin whipping your shirt of and throwing it backwards. You heard the slap of the top hitting him in the face and laughed.
“Very mature Y/N, I’d almost forgotten how barbaric Americans can be.”
“Glad I could remind you that we don’t want you here. What are you doing back anyways?”
“My familys here visiting my grandma. But to be honest she’s asleep half the time so I came here seeking some form of entertainment.”
You grinned, imagining being able to be an even greater pain in Bens ass once you got the lifeguard position. It was perfect.
“Alright pipsqueaks,” a loud voice bellowed in your ear. You turned to find a stern faced woman with a military coat draped across her half naked body.
“You must be Ben and Y/N. Well, we’re not very formal, and by we I mean me and snack stand Joe. So the two of you are hired!”
You froze. Just like that, your perfect summer was over. Finished. Time of death 1234 am. Glancing at Ben, you saw a malicious smile creep over his face. Working with Ben was going to be a nightmare. Or so you thought. ********* ******** ***********
Sitting in the tall, red lifeguard chair, you felt completely satisfied. An umbrella gave you just the right amount of shade. You had a Diet Coke in your hand, which you slurped lazily. Ah. All was right in the world. Until another dreaded splash nearly dashed the soda from your hand, drenching your shirt which had just begun to dry. You removed your soaked shades to see that asshole Ben smirking at you again.
“Fuck off,” you hollered, then noticing the hoard of children around you, quickly muttered, “sorry.”
Ben chuckled, paddling towards you. “Come on Ace, you gotta learn to have some fun.”
“Oh I was having fun, until you drenched me asshole.”
“Kinky,” he said sarcastically, wiggling his eyebrows.
“In your dreams ken doll.”
With another signature smirk, Ben dove back under the water, soaking you yet again. You muttered a string of curses under your breath, too frustrated to care about who heard you. You doubted sergeant what’s her face would mind.
“Y/N!” A high pitched voice squealed behind you.
“Jackie thank God,” you cried, turning to help her up to Bens seat.
“Should I be sitting here?”
“Eh who cares, better than aquaman over there,” you muttered, pointing at Ben who was swimming laps in the deep end.
“How could you complain about such a dreamboat,” Jackie swooned.
“Dreamboat? Nuh uh, don’t be a cliche. Besides he’s far from a Prince Charming. All he’s done is try to get me wet so he can look at my boobs.”
“Oooooooh steamy. God I’m so jealous. Can you imagine how hot sex in a hot tub after hours would be?”
“Gross Jackie. First of all, I could get fired. Second of all, I’m a big fat virgin so no, can’t imagine.”
“Oh come on Y/N, we read a looot of tumblr fanfics freshman year. I’m sure you could imagine just fine.”
“Well I’m not having sex with him. He’s a total asshole. When I do have sex, I want it to be magical-.”
“Blah blah blah I’ve heard the story. In the end it doesn’t matter how perfect the moment is, or even the location, or the guy. All that matter is how big it is. That’s what I learned from screwing Pete Wilfred.”
“Ugh I hate that guy.”
“I do too. But when you’re there, about to have sex, just the one thing matters. And Bens cute. Who knows, maybe this job will be even better for you than you thought.”
You glanced at Ben, allowing yourself to ponder what it might be like with him. Droplets of water glittered on his bare chest in the afternoon sun. He was well built, a six pack was rare in most teens. And the way he would bite his lip after losing to you in a scrimmage or getting a lower grade than you was kind of sexy now that you thought of it. Suddenly he met your glance, and his beautiful green eyes sent shivers down your spine.
What was happening? You seriously were not this stupid. Yet you couldn’t help but wonder. People always said that boys teasing you is a sign that they have feelings for you. But that couldn’t be true. You hated Ben Hardy. And he hated you. Nothing romantic could ever happen between the two of you. Right? But looking in those green eyes, seeing a smile spread across his face, you couldn’t help but wonder for a moment if something would.
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