monthlyfugo · 5 years
Can i pet Purple Haze?
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“He’s a monster. If I, his user, am willing to admit that, you should be able to as well.”
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headoverjojo · 5 years
That BucciG with an s/o that owns a lot of unusual pets killed me! It was extremely cute and funny. And i was wondering if i could request BucciG with an s/o that owns a Hedgehog? Bhaha sorry it's a little bit ridiculous but im kinda intrigued, i own a tiny friendly 🦔 and it's funny how people just go "uuuhhh spikes" or "does it bite" 😆
Hiiii honey!! Aaaaaa I’m glad you liked that :,) It had been so fun to write!! And I hope that you’ll like this one too :3 Here we go!
Bruno’s gang with a s/o who owns a hedgehog
(Under the cut for length!)
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno was visibly surprised when his s/o informed him about their domestic pet. A hedgehog? He had no idea that hedgehogs could also be domestic pets! He’s utterly curious to meet the little one, asking his s/o what should be the best approach to befriend their hedgehog. He loves them and he knows they love their opet, so he wants to do his best to befriend them!
As they suggested, he approached the little one when the sun was setting down and the hedgehog was more active. he let it sniffle his hand, covered by a glove, to study him, patient. They had told him that the hedgehog would have needed some time to grow accustomed to him, so Bruno didn’t feel sad or demotivated when they trotted to their owner to get their food. It was just the first step!
Bruno is a calm person and this helps immensely. Thanks to it, the little one doesn’t freak out due to sudden movements and feels safe around Bruno. After some time, Bruno finally manages to befriend them! It’s a great day for him! Now he can say he’s part of the family for real, as also his s/o’s pet has accepted him!
Leone Abbacchio
Abbacchio frowned. Intensely. A hedgehog? Really? Why not a dog or a cat, even a hamster? Why a hedgehog? He wants to know! He makes them explain in details why they chose such a peculiar animal, listening intently to their answer. In the end, he just sighs, agreeing to meet their pet; it’s clear that they love them and he doesn’t want to disappoint them refusing to meet the hedgehog.
Even though he thought that he would have felt pretty neutral towards the hedgehog, he just fell in love with them. They were so small, so timid… Abbacchio had a soft spot for small animals, and the hedgehog is just as cute as their owner. Not that he’s going to say that! Being him a calm and collected person who doesn’t make weird or sudden moves, the hedgehog never felt fear around Abbacchio, growing quite fond of their owner’s boyfriend in a relative little time. Even Abbacchio’s s/o is surprised!
Abbacchio usually can’t sleep a lot, so he likes to spend time reading on the couch, usually, not to bother his sleeping s/o. These are the moments when he and their hedgehog can bond, as hedgehogs are more active at night. Abbacchio takes care of them, watching them trotting around when they’re near, cleaning their cage, even giving them some worms as reward when they do a lot of movement! In the end, the hedgehog almost seems to be more attached to Abbacchio than to their owner!
Guido Mista
During his childhood and early teenage years, Mista had a ton of pets. Most of them weren’t even domestic pets, but strays that had, in fact, adopted his family. Cats, dogs, even a couple of seagulls… there was always an animal around his house! But he has never seen a domestic hedgehog. He’s so curious to meet them!
His s/o told him how to behave with the little one, and Mista did his best to act as they said. No sudden noises, no weird movements… even if inside he was screaming and dying due to too much cuteness, externally he stayed calm and chill, letting the hedgehog sniffing his hand. The Pistols were watching them closely, curious; it was something new and strange for them too! And, among them all, in the end the hedgehog chose as their favourite Number 5, as he was the softest and quietest, when Number 3 didn’t make him cry, of course.
Mista is an attentive person, both to his s/o and their hedgehog; he’s up to share their cage’s cleaning duties, to feed them when his s/o isn’t at home… it’s not a burden! And he has time to bond with them. Even if he knows he shouldn’t give them treats, as hedgehogs tend to become fat, he can’t help but doing it, sometimes! Once, the Pistols, when he wasn’t watching, even tried to give them a piece of salami!
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia is absolutely ecstatic when he hears that his s/o has a pet! He could never own a pet, when he was a child, aside from a orange cat that his mother adored, and, after her death, they simply disappeared. So he’s happy to know that his s/o has a little friend at home! And maybe they can be his friend too? He’d love it so much!
His surprise when he sees it’s a hedgehog is immense. Hedgehogs can be domestic pets?! Since when?! And how do they take care of their hedgehog? Do they bite? Or throw their stings?! Some of his questions are so innocent and funny that make them sincerely laugh. So, they sit down with him, explaining in detail how the life with a hedgehog is, while gently caressing their hedgehog’s small muzzle and belly. Narancia is dying inside; he wants to pet them too!!
However, he has to be patient; the hedgehog needs time to grow accustomed to him! He’s impatient, however; when will they finally be accustomed enough?? Now? In two hours? One day? His s/o has to be very patient and to bear with his pouts and even demotivation, reassuring him that the hedgehog just needs a little time! And, as they said, when the little one finally warms up and goes near to Narancia to get their food, he’s ecstatic again! They’re friends now!
Pannacotta Fugo
Fugo never had the chance to own any pet in his life, as his parents didn’t want a “ball of fur”, as they said, and a distraction in their home. So, Fugo is quite happy to know they have a pet! It may also be sort of therapeutic… until they say it’s not a dog or a cat, but a hedgehog. What? Has he heard well? How strange, a hedgehog as pet…
Before even trying to approach the little one, Fugo does some research about domestic hedgehog. He sincerely wants to do the right things! He’s used to break things, but this time he’d like to do something good and positive. So, he approaches the little one with method, following the instruction he has read, by letting them sniff his gloved hand and study him all the time they need, staying calm and quiet. In the end, he’s rewarded with the hedgehog’s friendship!
Fugo is a really responsible man, ready to share everything with his s/o, being those pleasant things or less ones, such as cleaning the hedgehog’s cage. He shares the hedgehog’s care with his s/o and in the end this repays him with the hedgehog’s love! Fugo always beams in joy when the little one trots to him to sniff him or to get a worm or two, and his s/o can’t help but to smile sweetly when he sees them interact. They’re so cute!
Giorno Giovanna
Even if he never owned a pet -his mother already did a horrible job with her child-, after awakening Gold Experience he grew used to the most extravagant animals, such as frogs, snakes and so on. In order to use Gold Experience’s power at its best, Giorno studied various animals and how to better use them; so, he’s not totally unprepared when his s/o tells him that they own a small hedgehog. Now he’s curious to meet them!
Giorno is a patient and determined man. If befriending the little one will require days, even weeks, he’ll brace himself and be constant for all the needed time, letting them slowly approaching him, sniffing his gloved hands and he’d slowly gain their trust by sticking around and giving them food when it’s time for them to eat. He’d do his best to help them to associate him to positive things, slowly, without any rush. And when the hedgehog is finally comfortable around him, Giorno’s smile is so happy that he seems the teenager he is, for once!
Even if it doesn’t seem, Giorno spoils them. They’re so cute, with their little muzzle, their soft little belly… he just can’t resist. He surrendered the first moment he saw them and he goes on even now! Of course he’s careful, for example, to not give them too much food, as he knows that hedgehogs tend to become fat and he doesn’t want them not to be healthy! He’s also really careful to the room temperature, always checking to see if it’s right for the little one. More than one time his s/o catched him with the hedgehog on his lap; he’s really warm and their hedgehog is not stupid. Again, they’re so cute together!
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