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alaoar · 5 months ago
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une idée porno, por no decir, decidir!
amour à paris
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laviedebosso · 6 months ago
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Porte de La Lune.
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motherearthday · 9 months ago
INC-4 on plastic pollution: Press Conference.
Press conference at the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4) taking place from 23-29 April 2024 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Canada.
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orbesargentina · 1 year ago
United Bank: United Bankshares, Inc. es una sociedad bancaria con doble sede en Charleston, Virginia Occidental y Fairfax, Virginia. La compañía ofrece servicios bancarios a los residentes de Virginia Occidental, Virginia, el Distrito de Columbia, Maryland, Ohio, Pensilvania, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur y Georgia en los Estados Unidos. A pesar de que la empresa tiene una gran presencia en estos estados, hay muchas razones por las que los clientes deberían evitar United Bank.
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jartita-me-teneis · 5 months ago
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🚨Lo del PP y las famiglias es un no parar👇
⭕️Díaz Ayuso y Moreno Bonilla multiplicaron las adjudicaciones a la empresa donde es directiva la hermana de Feijóo
▪️Cuando uno cree que ya lo ha visto todo en la política española, siempre hay algo que te recuerda que no. El último escándalo que sacude a las administraciones gobernadas por el @ppopular no es más que otro episodio en la larga saga de la desvergüenza. Isabel Díaz Ayuso y Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, tan amantes de la patria y defensores de lo público, han encontrado la fórmula perfecta para mantener a la familia unida: adjudicar contratos a la empresa de la hermana del jefe. Claro, ¿quién mejor que la familia para manejar el dinero de todos?
Hablemos claro. Desde que estos dos ilustres personajes se hicieron con el poder en Madrid y Andalucía, los contratos del Grupo Eulen, donde Micaela Núñez Feijóo, hermana del presidente del PP, tiene un puesto directivo, se han disparado. Y no estamos hablando de calderilla. En Andalucía, los contratos se han multiplicado hasta en un 90%. En Madrid, lo de Ayuso ya es de traca: de menos de 600.000 euros en cuatro años a más de 15 millones desde que esta señora está al mando. Porque si vas a trincar, que se note, ¿verdad?
Lo de la Xunta de Galicia no se queda atrás. Desde que Alberto Núñez Feijóo, nuestro querido paladín de la regeneración, llegó al poder, Eulen ha visto cómo sus contratos se disparaban de los raquíticos 800.000 euros al año de la época del bipartito a unos generosos 3,6 millones anuales. Porque, claro, ¿cómo no iba a beneficiar a su hermana? Si hay algo que este partido sabe hacer bien es proteger a los suyos.
Pero, por supuesto, estos contratos no son un fenómeno aislado. Murcia, con Fernando López Miras al frente, también ha hecho lo propio, repartiendo contratos a Eulen como quien reparte caramelos en una fiesta infantil. La empresa, que en otros tiempos apenas rascaba unos cientos de miles de euros al año, ahora se embolsa más de 700.000 euros anuales. Todo queda en casa, que para algo se montan estas redes clientelares.
Y si alguien tiene la osadía de preguntarse si esto es corrupción, que se vaya olvidando de obtener respuestas. Ni Madrid, ni Andalucía, ni Murcia han querido dar explicaciones. Porque, en este país, cuando te pillan con las manos en la masa, lo mejor es mirar para otro lado y esperar que la tormenta pase. Mientras tanto, la hermana del presidente del PP sigue haciendo caja, y ellos siguen con su discurso de honradez y transparencia, como si aquí no pasara nada.
El PSOE, en un arranque de decencia, ha pedido que se hagan públicos todos los contratos de la Xunta con la empresa de la hermana de Feijóo. Ingenuos. Aquí la transparencia es como el sentido común: escasa y mal repartida. Porque, al final, lo que importa es que la familia esté bien cuidada, que los negocios sigan funcionando, y que todo se mantenga en silencio. Que para eso están los amigos en el poder, para taparse unos a otros.
En definitiva, aquí no se trata de gobernar para los ciudadanos. Se trata de perpetuar un sistema que beneficia a los de siempre. Ayuso, Bonilla, Feijóo, y López Miras: cuatro nombres que, lejos de ser ejemplo de buen gobierno, son el reflejo más crudo de una política de amiguismos y favores. Que no se extrañe nadie si, en unos años, descubrimos que todo esto era solo la punta del iceberg. Pero, claro, para entonces, ellos ya estarán muy lejos, disfrutando de su jubilación dorada, mientras nosotros seguimos pagando la factura de su desvergüenza.
#LaFamimigliaDeFeijóo #LaTramaHermanaDeFeióo #ElCasoFeijóoEulen #LaGranFamigliaPP
⬛️Toda la información aquí👇
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uroborosymphony · 10 months ago
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In her signature black, Ara catwalks through the premises. Every single ground her leather heels touch is a new playground for her. And Oh, the electricity running down her spine could testify of that. Here, in this world of wealth, of power, the world of the untouchable. "Don't you think it's a little funny, my Love, King of my days and nights," The feline speaks, turning around to stand in front of Taiyang ( @velvetineblue ), placing the palms of her free hand against his torso as the other one catches a glass of champagne from the tray of a walking waiter. "Ever since Money is attached to our name, invitations have been raining on us. Isn't it a little upsetting mmm, and here I thought it was our impeccable sense of style and cunt that got us so High on the social ladder." While her fingers delicately fix his tie, her eyes wander from side to side. What a tempting environment to evolve in. Every single face she recognizes - not for facing them no, it is Taiyang who handles the negocations, the alliances and the diplomatic aspect of their businesses. Her? The names, the backgrounds, the aspirations, the alliances, the enemies - it is all drawing as a map inside her head. Such a tempting environment, to cause chaos, to cause havoc, to destroy, to burn, to explode. She blinks once, re opening her eyes on Taiyang, focusing her mind like a camera that tends to blink out of focus. Focus. It happens more and more, through her mind are running images like the lights, blinding, confusing her mind into projecting herself in scenes from the past. Images of events that she cannot say are real or not. Focus. She blinks again, anchoring herself forcefully, her eyes staring at her fingers, widening as soon as she sees powder of explosive on it. Is it .. real? It snaps back to reality again. It's not. Standing here, her hands are clean, perfectly manicured of nails like red claws. Dissociation. She is dissociating, remembering piece by piece what happened on Many Nights that did not seem to belong to her. Was it truly... Her? Her eyes look around, shifting, from one side to the other as if she is being observed, as if the rich people, all of them here, under this roof knew what she did. Snap. Ara takes a step back, the glass in her hand falls and hits the ground as her eyes remain on the shattered glass. Her hand does not belong to herself any longer. Depersonalization. The sound of the breaking glass brings her back to reality once in for all, the eyes around them staring while the waiter hurry to clean up the mess.
Where are we.
The disoriented look on her face gains the rest of her traits. "Not here." She whispers to herself as if trying to shut something inside, something she realizes she does not fully control anymore. Not here, not in public, not here. She looks up finally, landing her eyes on Taiyang.
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corrupcionenpr · 1 month ago
Súper PAC Democracia es Prosperidad no revela la inversión que hizo por cada candidato que apoyó
El súper PAC gastó $2.3 millones principalmente en servicios provistos por DEP Publicidad, una agencia usada exclusivamente para hacer negocios con este comité empresarial, pero la corporación detrás de la estrategia publicitaria es Guardarraya Communications, una empresa establecida por el fundador de ARCO Publicidad.
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tradmais · 1 month ago
O que determina a rentabilidade da negoc... https://forexlucro.com/lucros-psicologia-negociacao?feed_id=21745&_unique_id=6759f22651e1f
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kachetsdesibylle · 4 months ago
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noticiassomosponce · 5 months ago
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alrosa11 · 7 months ago
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thequickfl · 9 months ago
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"No hay nadie con quien hablar": Lavrov sobre las negociaciones entre Occidente, Ucrania y Rusia
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entre-letras-por-ti · 9 months ago
Una noche cualquiera me encontre con la estrella que acostumbraba a escucharme y aconsejarme .
Me encontro nuevamente perdida, con incertidumbre y melancolia justo en el mismo lugar donde acostumbramos a conversar en años pasados pero hoy notoriamente somos diferentes. Quiza lo que ayer nos aquejaba hoy solo causa risa y lo que antes no nos preguntabamos hoy es la mayor incertidumbre del dia.
Mi vida a cambiado y supongo que asi la suya , hemos aprendido en el camino , hemos tropezado y tambien reido , pero seguimos siendo ellas, principios, valores y corazon intactos .
Reconocimos que hoy somos grandes y maduras, nos aquejan problemas de la vida adulta, situaciones que debemos poner en manos del ser supremo y confiar en su plan , pero ...
¿Y si su plan no coincide con el nuestro ?♡
¿Y si salto al abismo y cuesta salir de ahi?♡
¿ Y si en el intento me olvido de mi, de lo que soy y de lo que muchos me han reconocido como virtud? ♡
Le platico entre lagrimas que mi coraje esta agotado, que mi mayor miedo ha crecido y mis valores se encuentran ofendidos, pero tengo algo claro dentro de todo esto , tengo voces en mi cabeza pidiendo que tenga fe , que no me defraude y que no olvide que soy, a donde voy y que no es negocible.
¡Paz! Me gritan costantemente las voces.
¡Tu primero! Me grita mi cuerpo.
¡Coraje , resilencia , amor propio! Me grita el corazon.
¡Necesidad, miedo, angustia,incertidumbre y pena! Me grita fuerte mi cabeza.
¡ORGULLO , CONFIANZA , AMOR PROPIO , RESILENCIA, CORAJE , PAZ Y SALUD ! Me grita ella, mi pequeña estrella soñadora, fiel y siempre mia .
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referralhub · 10 months ago
Sign up using the referral link and get $25 off your first purchase of $99 or more. A referral code will be sent to your email during the signup process. Remember to apply this referral code during checkout. Link to referral code
#referralcode #referafriend #discountcode #DeNegoce
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jartita-me-teneis · 6 months ago
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🚨Ojo con esto👇🏻
💢La Red Feijóo: Donde el Dinero Familiar Nunca Deja de Fluir
▪️Ah, la familia Feijóo. ¿Qué sería de Galicia sin ellos? Parece que no hay rincón del Servizo Galego de Saúde (Sergas) donde no resuene algún eco de su influencia, y qué mejor ejemplo que la historia de Eloína Núñez Masid y Micaela Núñez Feijóo, las dos piezas maestras en el ajedrez familiar de los contratos públicos.
Empecemos por Eloína Núñez Masid, prima del todopoderoso Alberto Núñez Feijóo. En 2009, cuando su primo asciende al Olimpo gallego como presidente de la Xunta, ella, ¡oh sorpresa!, asciende a la gerencia de los hospitales de Ourense. Desde entonces, su carrera no ha sido más que un desfile de ascensos y contratos lucrativos para Eulen, la empresa que, casualmente, dirige su prima Micaela en Galicia.
Hablemos de cifras, porque los números no mienten. Dos contratos del Sergas que suman casi cuatro millones de euros fueron adjudicados a Eulen bajo la atenta supervisión de Eloína. El primero, un generoso contrato de casi 3,9 millones para servicios de seguridad en hospitales y centros de atención primaria. El segundo, una suma más modesta pero igualmente reveladora de 32.866 euros para instalar cámaras de seguridad en las unidades de psiquiatría. Ambos adjudicados con un proceso tan transparente como el barro.
Eloína, exconcejal del PP en Ourense, no solo ha escalado en el Sergas gracias a su linaje, sino que también ha ocupado un asiento en la ejecutiva del PP gallego, cortesía de su primo Alberto. Con una carrera tejida en la red de influencias familiares, su destitución reciente por negligencia en el tratamiento de pacientes de cáncer se asemeja más a una leve sacudida que a un verdadero terremoto.
Y luego está Micaela Núñez Feijóo, la hermana menor de Alberto, cuyo currículum en Eulen parece un manual de instrucciones sobre cómo escalar posiciones a base de influencias políticas. Desde su entrada en la empresa poco después de que su hermano obtuviera un cargo de poder en la Xunta, hasta su ascenso a directora de Eulen para el noroeste de España tras romper récords de facturación con contratos públicos gallegos, todo grita nepotismo.
Durante los mandatos de Feijóo en la Xunta, Eulen no solo prosperó, sino que floreció como una planta carnívora en un pantano de contratos públicos, recibiendo más de 37 millones de euros. ¿Coincidencia? Claro, y los cerdos vuelan. Los expedientes de estas adjudicaciones están llenos de "indicios" y "evidencias" de trato de favor e información privilegiada. Pero, tranquilos, el Sergas asegura que todo se hace "de forma escrupulosa" y conforme a la ley. ¡Qué alivio!
En resumen, la familia Feijóo ha convertido la administración pública en su propio feudo personal. Mientras Alberto predica la transparencia y la legalidad desde sus atriles políticos, sus parientes cercanos llenan las arcas de sus propias empresas con dinero público. Todo esto, envuelto en una capa de legalidad tan fina que se deshace con el primer soplo de escrutinio real. Y así, la rueda sigue girando, con la familia Feijóo siempre en el centro, disfrutando de los beneficios del poder mientras el resto de Galicia observa con una mezcla de incredulidad y resignación.
#LaFamigliaFeijóo #PPGalicia #GrupoEulen #LaTramaMicaelaFeijóo
⬛️Toda la información aquí 👇🏻
publico.es/politica/negoc… @nenedenadie en X
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uroborosymphony · 2 years ago
Quinn & The Black Knight.
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In the heart of the night, her senses are sharp, like blades in a deep thirst for blood and justice. On her ride, one of her heels is resting down the ground as she awaits, posted in the darkness like a shadow. It only is a matter of time before her target surfaces, causing her eyes to narrow, eyes of rage and anticipation as a shiver is running under the skin through her apparel of leather. A shiver of hunger.
He has to pay.
Out of a restaurant is walking Kang Sungwoon, a politician the vigilante doesn't let go out of her sight. Her trophy he will be, as soon as his head ends on her spikes.
Justice. It's all for you, Justice.
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To make example out of him, shall we? In this world of persecution, our fires will never be grand enough to fight the corruputed, the lying and the evil. This inferno knows no end, greedy of the innocent minds and souls that became nothing but a currency to bargain with. Bargain for a life, bargain for a survival. No more. End of the negocations. We have to take it back, that power, tonight, it will be ours.
Whispers the voice inside her head.
Quinn has been following him in the night, watching him from afar as the pig was now off to one of the most important event for the high society here in Seoul this month, a fundrising event hosted at the Shangri La hotel, one filled with what Quinn despises the most : the Rich. The motor of her engine, a black Kawasaki, is roaring as she presses the handlebar firmly, the tires screeching, fuming down the coldnes off the tarmac. Quinn is fast, slaloming in between vehicles, the city lights opening the road for the panther she becomes in the night. The mission is simple : to make the man pay for his sins. She figured it out, how tight he was with the police, how serene the man was when it came to using the city resources without the law lifting a finger to stop him, judge him, punish him. Like all of them, like all of the Rich getting away with anything. However, for Kang Sungwoon, he was particularly good at it. The masquerade was digging deeper as this scum was actively recruiting and forming small meaningless gangs of helpless young foster kids he was using as a cover and distraction. His own crimes were pinned on their innocent backs meanwhile the man was filling his pockets with the city's money, appearing on national television posing as some sort of hero working on brand new programs to give more power to the police, to increase the brutality... in order to make the city safer - How ironic. Wasn't it always the easy way, to blame the Poor and the Destitute? It was all over the news, how the youth from these difficult neighborhoods had to be put under control, to be taken down, treated like dogs due to the escalating criminality. It was making Quinn's blood boil to the bone, how money and power and the media manipulation kept on creating the same narratives over and over. And that man, that man was the representation of it all.
The case was big, one of these matters that should be handled by her gang all together, Black Fang, however this morning, as more news came out, Quinn read the names, the names of young girls she had promised to keep safe yet ended up enrolled and used as scapegoats by this man. What else have he done to these girls. Years ago, Quinn could have been one of them. The rage she entered had no return point, a rage that was guiding her, a rage her mind was whispering her to sacralize, tonight. Her head was filled with fantasies of him chained down a chair as her knives would explore and cut deeper and deeper into his flesh until he admits his wrong doings, until he begs for both mercy and pardon. A confession was what she needed, one to show the world who he really was, with no intention whatsoever to set the man free.
It's your duty.
Was whispering the voice inside her head.
Her ride is left near the building as she runs down the tarmac, like a shadow in the dark alley behind the Shangri La. Each one of the attendees booked a room for the night. A room they all will join after the festivities. The penthouse was especially reserved for Him, like the guest of honor he was. Quinn knew the building by heart, after studying the blueprints, every single corner, every single position of the security cameras, every single function of every single floor is memorized. To reach his penthouse, the vigilante aims for the roof, avoiding the public and service elevators, like a ghost in the stairs, going in and out corridors to avoid crossing paths with any civilian nor employee. Fast, effective - she is. Once on the roof, it's through the ventilation she sneaks in, obviously enable to go through the front door of the penthouse as of course, the two security guards awaiting in front of the place would immediatly catch her. Her driller is used to unlock the air vent screws, quietly. She knows his apartments are free of all cameras and microphones, in order to protect the politician from scandals that might involve cocaine and prostitutes : convinient. And finally she lands, on the ground after jumping from the air vent, like a feline.
This is it.
The room is empty, the stage is wide open. A stage for her to perform what have been spinning and spinning inside her head : to take down The Persecutor. And her smile widens as she takes a deep breath in, her eyes closing in as her arms are spreading like wings. He dies tonight, and the world will know, the world will receive the message.
"Why do people worship the devils?" Asks a voice inside.
"The red threads connected from their heads to the ilusion they are being served on a plate has to get cut. And I, hold the weapon to do it. To free the minds from his monopoly, from ALL of their monopolies, to end this masquerade once and for all."
It's your duty.
"Ohh it is. In flames, like the sacrifice lamb he is, he will burn. And they will know, the world will KNOW. I will not stop until there is not a single rotten soul LEFT. This is just the beginning. " She breathes in, she breathes out. Her arms falling down her sides, her eyes wide open. "This is the beginning." She repeats, her smile never leaving, her pupils widening. "This? This is the beginning, " She chuckles out loud at her own words, deranged, trapped in her own theater as she's boiling of excitation.
Her eyes narrow. She is not alone. Her senses are sharp as she's in high alert : she focuses. Both of her hands are extracting the daggers out of her belt, long, black blades, sharp like razors, her signature weapons. She knows it, she can feel it, she's not alone as she starts wandering through the apartments.
"Come out little birdie. I can hear youuu~ I can smell you. " She chants on a playful tone, like a cat on a hunt. Something is lurking in the dark, this isn't the politician, this isn't any form of security or else they wouldn't have been watching her so quiety, they would have tried to pull the alarm already : civilians, even trained have no sense of self preservation. Her silent heels lead her through the suite on velvet steps, with only the light of the moon traveling through the windows as guidance, dimmed, the curtains whipping against the woodden frame in the living room. Did it come through the window then? The furnitures project their own shapes on the floor and finally, she stops, standing still in the middle of the living room. "My vest is fuuull of explosives Darling. I have them all ready for my very special guest but I do not mind using one or two on you." Her tone however, switches from playful to austere, her features hardening. She's losing patience. "I do not like lurkers."
She then looks above her shoulder. A shadow in standing there, three meters away, finally revealing themselves from the shadows. Slowly, Quinn turns around.
"Well, well, well,"
The events just took a very interesting turn, she thinks as her sight is adjusting, watching the man, her smirk growing like a razor on her lips. Quinn's excellent knowledge of the city could, of course, never leave the The Black Knight out of the list. A man working in the dark, just like her. His affilations, interests and goals however were unkwon to Quinn.
Oh this is fun.
"To what do I owe the pleasure? It's lovely meeting you, do not get me wrong. I however would have loved it all around a cup of tea, I'm slightly in... Let's say, the middle of something." Adds Quinn, perfectly static however, the blades still in between her hands into a firm hold, ready to rise, ready to cut as her head tilts to the side. "So tell me now. Will you be kind and let me have my fun, or will I have to make you, Black Knight?"
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