#needs to cool their jets 😡
Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 24!!
my internet has it out for me personally I swear 🙃
The Bad Batch 2x04
Omega vs Wrecker 🥰 "now you owe me 2 cartons of mantell mix" they're adorable
Hunter and Echo on their door dash mission lol
when Hunter and Echo are away Tech is the designated dad hehe
Tech dramatic sigh count: 4921
Omega and Wrecker are so happy to see the riot racing 😁😁
"you wanna challenge TAY0? Tech: sure why not
"spectacled spectator" 😂
Ciddarin scaleback now I know what to put on the wanted poster
Tech and Wrecker stepping up to protect Omega 👌
Millegi giving me jedi fallen order flashbacks 👀
Jet Venim is a cool name actually
"Safa Toma Speedway is not liable for any injury, death or disintegration" Tech Wrecker and Omega: 😳😳😳 y'all I had to take a photo of Tech's face so excuse the phone pic lmao
"whats wrong with the left tunnel?" it's a surprise tool that will help us later
TAY0 crashes, Tech "this speeder is in bad shape" = "where there's a farm, there's usually a farmer" 💀
Tech and Wrecker slowly reaching for their weapons 👌
Omega is the mediator 🙌
"they're gonna hurt cid if we do nothing" GOOD
Wrecker taught her to gamble 💕
TAY0 "😯 where are my arms and legs" bro Wrecker's got them chill
Techs so done 💀 his face when TAY0 tries to tell him how to fix him lmaooooo
THANK YOU TECH !! Cid is a problematic pattern
bro Millegi is right I'd be trusting him 🙌
"I might surprise you" kriff off Cid
Tech is smarter than this droid 100%
oop wipeout 🤭
Wrecker ready to thrash the driver 😂
Tech 🤔
I'm cheering for him 🥳
lmao is this race televised on other planets ??? can you imagine like Cody or someone just watching the race and seeing Tech like that Leo DiCaprio meme 💀
The Kiner siblings went so hard fr 👑
Tech: "Its called strategy" Wrecker: 'its called losing" bro 😂😂
sometimes I play this soundtrack in my car and it feels like I go faster lmao (don't speed 👀)
"I need more speed" iconic 👑
"the speeder can't make that jump" Tech really said challenge accepted
Phee is so right he has such pretty eyes I'm smooching the animators again 😘
"I thought you were a goner" BUT HE'S NOT SEE FORESHADOWING 👀
"I'll make it up to ya" I am infuriated 😡
"watch your backs" yo take his advice he has nothing to gain from lying to you
ayyy our boy is gonna become a professional mario kart player living happily ever after on pabu am I right
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its-all-ineffable · 2 years
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I posted 6,149 times in 2022
That's 3,109 more posts than 2021!
98 posts created (2%)
6,051 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,384 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#amc interview with the vampire - 723 posts
#amc iwtv - 722 posts
#amc iwtv spoilers - 586 posts
#amc interview with the vampire spoilers - 585 posts
#the batman 2022 - 484 posts
#loustat - 396 posts
#stranger things - 330 posts
#louis x lestat - 316 posts
#the sandman - 296 posts
#the sandman netflix - 274 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but if it was your daughter who'd been raped and was now dead daniel and couldn't consent to likely graphic sa being shared with the world
My Top Posts in 2022:
So Interview With The Vampire is apparently airing? Or available on AMC+ now? A Twitter friend just tweeted about how good the 1st ep was. The time difference between America and the UK is crazy.
Here it's the 30th of September, 4am, and right now, the UK has no way of watching the show.😭😡
It is likely to be included with BT TV since their package includes AMC, but I don't have that, & it involves talking to them about wifi and getting a box etc. We don't get AMC+ here in the UK yet. And they've not said if they're giving it to Disney+ or Prime like they've done with other things.
So, I don't know when or where this show is coming out, and I honestly feel a little fucking cross. I'd just like to watch the gay vampire show without having to learn how to do piracy or do a million and one internet searches!
So I'm gonna block the tags for it, and also...TAG YOUR SPOILERS PLEASE! Thank you.
I really want this show NOW, you have no idea. Ffs AMC, you assholes. 😠😭😭😭
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UPDATE: An AMAZING friend of mine has helped my learn piracy and I have now watched both available episodes!!!!!! I am obsessed, this is my newest thing, I am not sorry and my blog is about to be filled with gay vampire content.
22 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
This is now my header:
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Yes it's Louis and Lestat snogging right before they have sex.
No I'm not ashamed.
Yes I'm very happy. Thank you.😊😎
27 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
So my BatCat fic that I wrote and posted last night (Call It What You Want To) did really well and I've had 3 lovely comments on it!
This has inspired me to write another BatCat fanfic, but I'm not sure what to do for it! So, I want to ask you awesome people on here, should I write:
a) a reunion fic that follows Call It What You Want To?
b) just a random reunion fic, possibly with an identity reveal?
c) missing/extended BatCat moments from the movie?
d) identity reveal fic with Bruce Wayne & Selina interactions beforehand?
Let me know which one sounds best, cause I wanna write some more BatCat asap!
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I have written the sequel, and these ideas will now be a series of one shots! Here's the sequel: My baby's fly like a jet stream, high above the whole scene, loves me like I'm brand new
28 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
I am afraid to go into the Interview With The Vampire tags right now....I know episode 5 was a lot, and it definitely needed trigger warnings for sure, but I...
I hesitate to say I enjoyed it, but I found it interesting to watch and will keep watching the show, and I also don't feel that the wave of panic about Lestat's character being butchered is true.
Also the people crying about not being able to ship Loustat after this when a lot of you ship Hannigram.....do I need to explain?? Really?🤨
I just don't wanna see the hate and negativity, I just wanna see nice gifs and art etc. and I have a feeling I won't get that.
33 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You're his destiny
A Loustat fanfic, and my first one in the fandom!
Available here: You're his destiny - TheImpossibleDetectivesAngel - Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own]
“For one horrifying second, as Louis curled against the cool metal, he thought that Lestat may leave him there, only protected from the deadly sun by the small terrace. […] He dismissed the thought as quickly as it appeared. Lestat had tried to warn him before he left, but Louis had been too scared, to wrapped up in his own mind to listen to the man. His new lover may be petty and vindictive, but he’d never leave Louis to die, not after everything he’d done to keep Louis with him so far.”
An extended cut of what happened between Lestat opening the gate and him carrying Louis up the stairs, and then a little extended cut of them after Lestat invites Louis into the coffin.
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39 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Cool your jets
Yes, it still needs maitence
It's called that for Magos Land
Stop asking
This is my face
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ebonyslasher · 3 years
Can you do slashers with a s/o where they go out somewhere and people start being rude to the slashers so she goes off?
Sorry if this sounds confusing!!
I had to take a bit and try to think of responses to some rude scenarios cause I'm not very quick on by my feet on stuff like that 🤣🤣
S/o goes off on people tryna be mean to their slasher:
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At a local coffee shop named The Naked Bean, you and Carrie were hanging out at one of the tables inside, enjoying the coffee
It was a really nice day, you two were really enjoying your coffee date ☕
Things were great until 3 bullies from school walked in
You noticed carrie's demeanor change immediately
She put her head down slightly, eyes shifted, voice got low (which was the biggest sign)
They decided to sit two tables away from y'all.... trying to be slick
They kept looking at you two and audibly whispering, acting shady
Like damn, they didn't even order anything! Mean asses all in y'all's business!
Although she's been bullied times before, she still isn't used to dealing with situations like this (and she shouldn't need to). You just peep what they are doing and focus on Carrie, making sure she's ok
After a few minutes, they pop up at the table and start asking the typical condescending questions bullies always ask
" You don't need to reply, not worth it"
" Not worth it?! So you think this fre-"
"ok let's go, I'm getting tired 🥱"
You get up and grab your stuff
Carrie grabs hers (plus your hand) and y'all jet
You could've went off there, but it's in public...in a small town. Didn't feel like possibly hearing any lectures for the both of you, especially for Carrie’s sake
You were, however, gonna say a lil something to them alone. Which you got your chance the next day in the hallway at school
“So, y'all think y'all intimidating with this 3 musketeers ass routine? When y'all see us out again; I'ma need tweedledee👈🏾, tweedledumb👆🏾, and tweedledookie👉🏾 to keep that mouth shut. Ok, thankyouhaveahorriblelife”
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This is extremely rare, but Jason joins with you to leave camp
There's no people at the lake and all his chores got done early sooooo
End up going to a botanical garden to see the different species of plants they have🌻🌵
You hope to take whatever is available with you to grow and expand the species at camp, if possible
Jason wants to see the cool plants, esp ones He's never heard of before.
Usually the place has one or two other people in it. Plus it's huge, so you could possibly never interact with anyone else there
Jason is pretty comfortable with that
So you two go! And unfortunately, some rude and loud tourist are there
Two guys with their phones out, touching all over the plants, and even throwing some soil at each other. Highly irritating🙄
Then they spot Jason at one point and that's when it turns sour
Phones are recording as they talk about how ugly Jason's hair and head shape is while laughing
Jason just ignores them since he can't murder them, it would cause too much trouble
However, It pisses you off 😡enough for you to break away from Jason and walk right up to them
“One thing you're NOT gonna do is come around here being nasty and ignorant towards my man. Who could obviously snap you two in half without breaking a sweat. Messing up the fucking vibes, somebody didn't raise y'all right”
Your speech doesn't seem to faze them much, as they continue to heckle at you. But one of the owners come in and throw them out
And everyone starts clapping......lolololl🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm jk, I won't do that fake tumblr stuff
Everyone is grateful for you, especially Jason! he's never had anyone else (besides his mom) to stand up for him before.
It makes his heart fill with warmth as you two hold hands and continue looking at the pretty plants
He's nodding and listening to you as you explain some of the species you know
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Posted up at the bar 🍹in the Malibu Nights club, you and Chromeskull were chilling out before going to dance
There’s this group of 3 rowdy people at the end of the bar, just drunk to hell. Normal shit.
While you order more drinks, they attempt to make their way to the dance floor...but they are slizzarrrrrrddd 😵and keep bumping into everything like they playing bumper cars
One of them bumps into Jesse and tells him to watch out
He just 😐 and goes back to minding his business
Unfortunately, a drunk mind is a stupid thing. So they keep going and start getting rude
“So big BALD headass can’t say excuse me? You stupid or something?”
Chromekull just ignores cause he’s just wants a chill and fun night, being danced on by you
But they keep going on....and on...and on with their lil friends hyping them up. Until they said, “You wanna fight or something bald bitch?!”
Ah, so they wanna get to scrappin’....ok. See whole time they was talkin that shiiiii📣, you was scoping out the area🕵🏿. Taking your jewelry/accessories off. Putting your hair back. Putting vaseline that you always carried on your face. 
Once they said that...you said “I DO BITCH!” and start to swinging
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Those lil friends try to jump on you but Jesse don’t play that....so y’all know he steps in
All everyone could see was fist and feet flying. The squeaks of shoes and clothes being torn off and you saying “Fight back nigga fight back”
Y’all tore they asses up!!! All of them knocked out. Felt like you came out of the ring🥋🥊
You and Jesse leave the club before the police start showing up
Jesse normally doesn’t want you doing stuff like that (just in case you get hurt/or he can control the situation), but damn...that was hot and chaotic!
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saphyrenights · 4 years
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i keep asking this, but seriously, what kind of bizarro universe have we entered? who tf decides to just drag an 80s soft rock icon for no apparent reason? what is happening in this timeline?
whichever one of y'all that's out there time travelling all willy nilly with no regard for the fabric of space and time needs to fukkin stop it. this isn't funny anymore. we got a global pandemic, tr*mp in the white house, people obsessively hording toilet paper, and now y'all got randos going after the st. elmo's fire dude for nothing on twitter (eta: he didn't sing it i guess i remembered wrong, which is further proof of timeline tampering! 🤯)
this is the worst of all possible worlds 😩
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