#needs to be edited and finished and whatnot but i've been really enjoying writing this one
ellalalala · 3 months
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It's almost 2 am and I'm exhausted but I wrote 1.4k words... hoping I'll be done with this one tomorrow
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16ruedelaverrerie · 1 year
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Your instincts are animalistic and your deductive reasoning skills are razor-sharp! And you were completely correct! Although, I do have to confess, there are more than enough typos and grammar mistakes to go around in things I've written... fics, sure, but also just... comments and tumblr posts and whatnot. My wake is LITTERED with errors. With fics I can go in surreptitiously and tend to them hoping that no one has noticed, but with alarming regularity I will edit a comment reply being like "Sorry to drop this notification in your inbox... I just spotted a typo and I had to fix it..." so you know, you were more lenient than you needed to be in your assessment of my punctiliousness, but you were STILL COMPLETELY CORRECT.
That having been said, you're probably somewhat off the mark with regard to my vibes as person! I mean, I'm not an intentionally bad person, you know, I don't go around being a provocateur, but mostly it's just that people tend to reserve a lot of the energy it takes to be amiable for the real-life relationships they have. Me, I treat all the people in my life like dirt and then I come on the Internet and kiss all the babies in town. (That's a joke! I don't treat the people in my life like dirt! But certainly I enjoy explaining myself or pontificating at length much much less in real life, and maybe something of that willingness to keep talking can read as amiability online. )
As a person who is DEFINITELY IN MY WALLS, could you earn your rent and hang out with my cat while I am away?? Saba keeps throwing up from boredom / loneliness / a desire to protest my absences, and I am as concerned about his GI tract as I am tired of blotting the rug.....................
(💓You are very sweet and this message was a big serotonin boost, thank you)
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No! I didn't! That dating sim mockup remains, as it began, a one-off joke about grabbing Gavin by the throat more than anything else kjfld;hgkld If anyone passing by right now wants to hit up @kenoa-ajisai-no-niwa about putting something together, that would be awesome!
I am the way that I am, so I would only really feel comfortable writing for the game, rather than drawing-- but division of labor aside, I'm just generally anxious about collaborative ventures like this occurring at this stage of the fandom life cycle. I've been part of a few late-fandom projects of this nature, and they've all sort of... dissolved into tears. There's no established graceful way for someone to lose interest in a fandom and step away from their collaborative commitments, you know? The project falls apart without them, but it's also difficult to ask someone to keep putting their time and labor into something that no longer interests them, and won't earn them college credits or a paycheck.
When a fandom is young, there's enough energy in the air to push a project to the finish line, right? Several years into a fandom, I can't help but feel that these projects tend to sink into a kind of "Well... it's a lot of work... and who are we even making it for, anyway... is it worth doing all of this just so that we can get like three comments" is-there-anyone-out-there morass. That's not a rule, of course, just a regrettable pattern that I've personally experienced-- but it's what comes to mind for me, as I ruminate on the possibility of this hypothetical dating sim.
...And yet, I'd still probably write for such a hypothetical dating sim, if it were to hypothetically exist
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dracereads · 2 years
Progress Positive Friday
Hello! How are ya'll doing today? This is my first progress positive Friday since I got back. I skipped last week because I was still figuring out my schedule and how I wanted to approach certain things moving forward. So Now that I'm at least an inch closer in another direction with that, I'm restarting. This one is kinda long so I'll stick it under a read more.
Where's the August Wrapped? So I have decided I won't be making an August Wrapped. Unfortunately, I have sat down and reviewed a lot of the content I made for August, looked at what all I finished reading, and other stuff... and I just feel like there isn't much to celebrate, and what there is was overshadowed by my cancer scare at the end of the month. So. I couldn't decide on a good way to write a wrap to conclude August in a way that I liked. so I'm just going to mash it all into progress positivity. Which is why it's going to be longer than normal. So thank-you to W1 and W2 Drace for working extensively on fixing the broken tag links in the navigation, consolidating and working on the tag list so that we can remember them more when doing posts, and making self-guides and templates so that you can just make things together in a cohesive manner. Consistency is so difficult for me and this makes my life so much easier and more organized. September Goals
Continue to work on Nostalgia November! We have made a lot of progress already, but we need to keep going!
Maybe take some time to revisit some titles? I need to start integrating storygraph and goodreads into this stuff too at some point. So maybe pay a few of my favorites a visit?? could be fun and a new excuse to take pictures with halloween decs.
just0nemorepage's traveling book project
One thing that I got in on in August was just0nemorepage's travelling book project. My own copy of my book should be arriving today, and I am very excited to start chronicling my adventures through Alexis Hall's The Affair of the Mysterious Letter!
with the book club, I am going to be waiting until the end to share additions and edits to the books that I make. I want to show them off all together. You may (or may not depending on how the others feel about them) see what I've done on the others that are part of this project. : ) I am so stoked and ready to go.
Dracereads turns one year old!
Officially, Dracereads has turned 1 this month! That's such a thrilling announcement! Unofficially though, I only started doing posts for this blog in December.
I let my anxiety and perfectionism get the better of me, and I really want you all to know that it was dumb. I've had a blast making mistakes and figuring this out. I don't know why I was so afraid to make the leap after I've made it you know?
I put out a post on Wednesday saying thank-you to everyone who puts up with me, and I want to say thank-you again here too. Why? Because I have been told I am stupidly (and overly) sincere about small stuff.
I am very happy because I have loved every second of it and this blog is exactly what I wanted it to be. My only real goal was to make a blog chronicling my adventures in books, maybe make a whole bunch of bad jokes along the way, and occasionally have good discussions with some awesome people. The past year has been a really fun dive into reading again. The habit of picking up a book and tossing back a couple of chapters to relax is a very good coping mechanism... and I am honestly glad I've gotten it worked back into my life. it has also helped me pick up a few other healthier and creative-ended habits that I can hop to and from as necessary. It's all leading to good things, I swear! Anyway, thank-you as always for reading until the end. I think saying it at the end is a bit of a cliche because like. youtubers and whatnot do it too?? but I like. get why. People really care about the things that they make, and it's always such a fucking amazing feeling whenever someone gives a little bit of their day to enjoy or appreciate in their own way the thing you've just made. Whether it's fanfiction, blog posts, crappy edits. Knowing someone cared enough to actually put the time in and read it is awesome.
--Drace Out.
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cozy-the-overlord · 2 years
17 22 24 37 38 for the writing asks maybe?
Ahhhh thank you!!
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Ooooooooh ... there's so many wips I could choose from lol, but I'll go with the multichapter I've been trying to work on for the past year (rip).
Basically, it's an AU where Loki escapes the Sanctuary in between Thor 1 and Avengers and ends up crashing into a Krylorian farm on a remote planet, badly injured and with no memory of who he is or what happened. I'm really excited for this family-- I've had so much fun coming up with their personalities and relationships with each other and Loki and how each of them will play into the story. I don't know if I want to go into too much detail about them yet because I'm kind of superstitious about sharing details about my writing when it's still in very rough stages of development, but I'm super excited about these characters and this world.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Oh gosh ... I am organized in that I know exactly where everything is, but I don't think a single other person would be able to follow lol. I tend to keep ideas for stories/rough brainstorming on my notes app in my phone-- when I finish the story I move the note to a separate folder so I don't get too confused. I also have my cheap notebook that I use for brainstorming and rough drafts, which I try to label and date for every one but I often end up forgetting. I print out every story I write so that I can read through and edit with a pen-- I find I'm more likely to notice mistakes if I'm not looking at the same Word Doc I've been staring at for the past three months-- and so I have a big filing cabinet where I keep those printed copies, organized by fanfic and original stuff. That's also where I keep loose notes for stories--stuff that I've scribbled or doodled on a random sheet of paper and whatnot (I can't just throw out old school notebooks when the semester is over-- I have to go painstakingly through each page to make sure I haven't written ideas or story notes in the margins). However, I can't take that giant monstrosity on a plane, so when I'm on campus I have a chaotic system of folders for various stories and ideas that I have to go through and organize when I come home for the summer. Then of course there's my notebook addiction-- I have a million notebooks strewn about me at any given moment and random story stuff written in each one. And this isn't even broaching my problem with word docs, which I always give terrible, unhelpful names that I can remember while I'm in the process of writing but seven months later when I'm trying to find it again it's completely lost.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
I'm a heavy outliner. It depends on the nature of the story, of course, but usually I make detailed, scene by scene outlines that I tend to follow to the letter (for the most part). I get distracted with other story ideas pretty easily, and so to stay focused I need to have something providing me with a direction. I actually really enjoy outlining-- brainstorming and coming up with ideas is probably my favorite part of the process, although I do really enjoy the actual writing part too, so it's hard to say. Editing is definitely my least favorite lol.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
That I was one depressed bitch
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
I am very active while I'm writing. This is honestly true for every aspect of my life, but I can't sit still for very long periods of time. So while I'm writing, I'll suddenly just stand up, pace back and forth a little bit while muttering to myself (I talk to myself a lot when I'm writing too), then rush back and type something without sitting down. Half the time I don't realize that I'm doing it-- I've only become more aware of it as my roommate has pointed it out
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