#needless to say i look cool as fuck. 👍
zombzgutzz · 8 months
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what if........i was a zombie.........in real life................and it was COOL.........................
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vinnival · 3 years
As Tricky would say: "HELLO AGAIN!"
This time I'm requesting a reader who obtains another keystone fragment (jebus' halo but it's a wristband) with Main 3, Tricky, and Jeb.
By the way, love your writing, keep it up! 👍
HEYA :o]
SOBBING SOB SOB I love it when,,,, people,,,, love my work,,,, ahdjsjdjd,,,,, enjoy !!!
I Have The Power Of
God (not anime) On My
He is so goddamn paranoid HELP HIM
Always mistakes your power for Jeb's
He apologizes if he lashes out in response
You don't use the powers much, only to show off the occasional cool new thing you find out about the halo-band
When the time calls for it in serious situations though, you're there to help
You're a little confused at first of course but you've obviously got the spirit
You need to reassure him that you won't let anyone else get it
And you also need to reassure that you won't get carried away with its power and become a warlord or smth
That would definitely suck 👍
Also very paranoid
A bit more lenient though
You picked it up when walking home after a mission, and later when you tried it on you literally Freaked out because the power hit you like a truck
Sanford was the first to arrive (he was your room neighbor)
He helped you calm down and became hyper aware of the halo-band
You eventually get used to your cool new superpowers and Sanford is once again a Normal Human/Grunt
Seriously will this guy ever get a cool new gig or what
You do cool things like float around and Sanford gets scared a lot because you're Silent
Fellow Americans
I think we all know where this is going.
"LOOK" *levitates him*
You two fuck around SO MUCH
Its annoying the others but do you stop?
you two just.... chaotic
Definitely fucking around with random grunt enemies you two come across
You both screamed like little children when you accidentally created a zombie HDJSJDJS
Sanford had to kill it (again) and lecture you two
You joke around with it, one time you did a meditation pose and then started floating
Deimos cracked up over it
Deimos has been given the bracelet one (1) time and the amount of shit he destroyed with it... almost envious
Needless to say you weren't gonna let him have it ever again
lol angst
You genuinely considered bringing him back as a zombie with the bracelet when he dies but with enough reluctant convincing, Sanford made you let it go
ANYWAYS otherwise when he comes back as rock man its all chill and cool and you two compare powers a lot while Sanford grumbles in the background (its a little sad, really)
kind of depressing because he gets reminded of Jeb
He doesn't like to think about him but you unknowingly bring up that thought every time you brandish that bracelet
that is all, you're good otherwise
He tries to ignore how similar your powers are to HIM
He knows you're different from HIM, and appreciates you for that
He goes surprisingly quiet whenever he witnesses you use the halo-band in battle
It worries you but he says its nothing
Sometimes you'll catch him staring wistfully at the band
You decide not to inquire about it ofc, respect his privacy pls
He's the one that let you have the new tool, recently developed, all to defend yourself in perilous situations
First thing you said was "I'm gon be like you :O???"
You fly around a lot
He has to make sure you don't do anything terribly stupid with the band
You're mostly (mostly) good with it
Definitely teaches you the ways of ~god power~
You're mostly in it for the funsies!!!
Sometimes you find the occasional new thing and you always bring it to jeb ASAP like "DUDE I POINTED TO A DEAD BUSH AND SAID 'FWOOM'AND IT CAUGHT ON FIRE HELP ME WHAT DO I DO"
Hes a little confused on how the hell you find these breakthroughs faster than him
Simple: fucking around a LOT
this was very interesting to write i loved it ugjfbf tysm <33
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thinmintz · 3 years
uh okay so i think an update is long overdue
3 weeks ago i got involuntarily committed to the fucking mental hospital cuz florida has the dumbass baker act but honestly not mad about it cuz i made friends with a couple really awesome kids there and met a tall fluffy hair mentally ill bisexual skater boy and he was so sweet ?? he asked for my number ??-1!? when we got released me and the kids i met there hung out n we still talk so at least i made some friends out of it ?? fluffy hair boy is still there but he said as soon as he gets released he’ll text me and we’ll link so i am very happy abt that :> the kids there were so fucking funny and so nice too bro my ego is in the fucking air rn cuz on my first day the girls at my dinner table said i was really pretty n looked like a barbie doll LMFAOF ok sure ,?; ig thank god i still had my makeup on cuz i just got admitted. first impressions at the psych ward 😁 two days later 4 more kids got admitted and two of them became my bayside besties fr i was sad i had to wash off my makeup but they said i looked like a fairy and by the end of the week the entire unit nicknamed me fairy and would yell it in the halls when they saw me n the techs were confused why kids were shouting “fairy” but fuck if i knew all the cool bitches were hiding in the psych ward i would have gotten baker acted sooner smh t was basically sleepaway camp but like. prison ? you weren’t allowed to have ANYTHING and i mean aaaaanything you aren’t even allowed to keep your chapstick with you they make you keep it up at the nurse station n i was pissed off we weren’t allowed to have anything so when we were doing a drawing activity in group therapy i slipped two black markers up my sleeve and i did eyeliner on myself and 3 of the other girls in my unit :> the techs got really mad but they didn’t know where i hid the markers so they couldn’t take them but anyway they started me on medication there, my psychiatrist at the hospital said she thought i was bipolar but i told her if she gave me mood stabilizers i would refuse to take them so she just put me on wellbutrin instead and uh. had to get a new psychiatrist once i was out of the hospital and she thought i had depression so she raised my dose of wellbutrin and started me on an antidepressant which. rule fucking #1 is don’t give a bipolar bitch antidepressants so guess what happened hmmmm perhaps i got launched into a week-long manic episode in which i was posting my fucking lewds on my instagram story and running into oncoming traffic because i thought it was funny to hear the car horns. needless to say i was embarrassed when i was out of the episode and looked back on the shit i posted. so now i’m back home, haven’t been to school in 4 weeks, and getting sent to another psych facility but like. a fancy one ? idk cuz the one i got sent to 3 weeks ago was just the hub for my county’s baker acted kids it’s just a “crisis center” so you’re only there for two weeks or so until you’re stable and then they throw you back out into the world. which. not really helpful? probably why 80% of the kids in the adolescent unit have been there more than 4 times, some as many as 14;.? def some crazy backstories on those kids. nothing like you and your roommates sitting in the dark trauma dumping your entire life stories at 2am 👍 but anyway the place i’m getting sent to in 4 days is kinda far it’s in orlando and i’m on the coast so it’s like 2.5 hours but it’s not a crisis center it’s a residential treatment program they said i might be there for 2 months so uh. wouldn’t be mad abt missing christmas cuz my family is german so we open presents on the night of the 24th and have a whole family reunion which is an absolute nightmare. i keep going off topic this is rly something i should just keep in my journal but it takes too long to write by hand so i’m dropping it here !
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