#need to her her big hands next to my little racoon paws
leaderpinhead · 1 year
Grim - The Great Grim
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"Honestly, he looks like some kind of rodent.” 
Grim choked on the tuna sandwich he devoured. He glared at the table of giggling girls next to them. They sounded like a pack of hyenas, and not even the really sneaky ones like Ruggie! 
Speaking of Ruggie, the hyena snickered when Yuu dabbed at Grim’s chin. “Did you suddenly forget how to eat? I’ll handle the rest of your sandwich for you.” 
Grim sputtered and held his sandwich as far away from Ruggie as possible. “Yeah, right, you moocher! You weren’t even supposed to be with us today.” 
Yuu practically shoved the napkin into his mouth, which only made Ruggie snicker louder. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Grim. You might choke again, and I’m not first aid certified yet.” 
Grim shoved her hand away from him in a huff. “I’m not about to choke again! Didn’t you hear them? They think I'm some kinda rodent!” 
“I mean, they’re not entirely wrong, shyeheeheehee.” Grim snatched a chip off Ruggie’s plate and shoved it into his mouth. Ruggie’s snickering immediately shifted into an angry scowl. “Hey! Keep your paws off my food.” 
Grim’s snickers morphed into a noisy, wet cough when he inhaled a chunk of the chip by accident. Yuu sighed and roughly thumped his back. “Chew, please. I don’t want to have to start feeding you like a baby chick.” 
The twittering from the other table grew louder when one of the girls emitted a fake gagging noise. “That’s so gross. It can’t be sanitary to have him sitting at a table.” 
“I bet the café owner doesn’t even know.” 
“You should report them.” 
Grim glared at the girls again. They didn’t look like residents of Sage’s Island, with their big camera bags and fake eyelashes. They had ordered the "cute” portion of the café's menu too, which wasn’t nearly as appetizing as their regular items. Not even Cater ordered those dishes when he came into town with them. 
A rough pat on the head turned his attention back to Yuu. She took the complimentary pickle from his plate and bit into it with a loud crunch. “Finish your sandwich, Grim. We need to be heading back to campus soon.” 
Ruggie shot the other table a bored look while he quickly finished off the remainder of his chips. “Yeah, Leona’s probably gonna be waking up from his fifth nap soon. He usually wants some jerky around this time, which means a free treat for me.” 
“You just ate three bacon, ham, and cheese sandwiches.” 
Ruggie proudly patted his belly. “And there’s still plenty of room for dessert, shyeheeheehee!” 
“I bet he carries some kind of disease.” 
Grim jumped to his feet and spun towards the table of girls. He jabbed a paw in their direction. “You three better watch it before you have to face the wrath of the Great Grim!” 
The head girl—a dark haired girl with enough eyeshadow to make her look like a racoon—sneered. “Excuse me? You better mind your own business, you little rat.” 
Grim hissed between his teeth. Before he could spit out an even better insult, he was lifted into the air. He wiggled in Yuu’s hold. “Let me at ‘em!” 
“Grim.” Grim wouldn’t admit it, but he felt almost betrayed by the disappointed sigh in Yuu’s voice. Ruggie snatched up the rest of their food and threw it in a box the staff had given them. “Calm down. You know you can’t attack someone with a disability.” 
Grim’s betrayal fled with a snicker. The girl’s eyes widened, and she stood from her chair. “What did you just say about me?” 
“That you’re disabled.” The girl owlishly blinked at Yuu as if she hadn’t expected an answer. Yuu blinked back at her. “I mean, that’s the only reason you would be making such grossly ignorant statements, right? You must have a vision impairment. I wouldn’t want to assume it’s something mental because that would also be rude. But if you were a little mentally slow, I wouldn’t judge too harshly.” 
“Yikes,” Ruggie mumbled under his breath. “Protective Prefect engaged, shyeheehee.” 
“I’m not the one with a literal rat eating with them,” the girl spat after a bit of sputtering. 
“Didn’t you hear him?” Yuu’s tone had taken a harder edge. Grim smiled widely and wiggled into a more comfortable position on Yuu’s shoulder, freeing her arms for her to judgmentally cross them. “He’s the Great Grim. How many rats do you see with ensorcelled fire around their ears? He’s a full-fledged student at Night Raven College. Last I checked, they didn’t enroll rats. So shut your mouth and get your cute little pics for Magicam. Leave the big thinking to those who are clearly more capable of doing it.” 
Yuu turned on her heel before the girl could work out a retaliation. Grim twisted around on her shoulder and shot the stupefied girl a crooked smirk. The other girls started muttering between each other, which made the head girl snap back at them. 
Ruggie quickly caught up to them. He emitted a low whistle. “Talk about overkill. You remind me of a mama bear protecting her cub.” 
“I wasn’t that mean,” Yuu countered. She held up one arm to help Grim balance while he repositioned himself to sit on both of her shoulders. “I just gave back the same vibes she was giving us.” Yuu paused. “Now, overkill would be that I just happened to notice all three of them were constantly flicking through Vil’s Magicam account, and I might have overheard them squealing about him going live later today while we were all standing in line waiting for our food. And I might just stop by Pomefiore right before the stream and offer our services as models so we can bask in the knowledge those three will see us interacting with Vil one-on-one and froth at the mouth with mean girl anger...that might be a bit overkill.” 
Grim cackled and patted Yuu on top of her head. “That’s my human minion! Let’s go show those girls who the Great Grim really is.” 
Ruggie sighed, but Grim caught his short tail wagging behind him. “Remind me never to get on your bad side...” 
Grim cackled all the way back to campus. He didn’t put up a fight later when Vil made him wear a fancy ribbon and hat either. He strutted around in front of the camera while Vil used Yuu as a guinea pig for skincare products, making sure the camera got him from all his good angles. 
No one would mistake him for a rat again. 
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the-huntress · 3 years
Little Moth - Chapter 3 - Rebirth
[Thank you so much to everyone that has read my story so far and thank you again for liking and sharing the chapters and master-list, it means so much to me and spurs me on to write more]
Y/N Protagonist, female. Reader X Karl Heisenberg. [18+]
Summary: What happened during the attack leaves you with questions for the ever-enigmatic Duke. You took down a beast that was like nothing you’ve ever seen before, but what lies beyond now that you’ve reached your destination?
Trigger Warnings: Chronic joint-pain, menstruation, nudity & genitalia.
Soundscapes Ambience Suggestions: Forest
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It made sense to stick with your newfound comrade for the remainder of the journey, for it wasn’t long until you approached the sight of lights in the distance. Night soon fell after the attack, and now, at the edge of the forest, atop a sudden drop you could see the golden glow of candlelight scattered around the village. Though it was not full, the moon’s light helped to pick out the odd detail here and there, and you could see it looked not to dissimilar to many villages that you had seen before from afar, but yet in closer detail it looked somehow as though it was stuck in time. In the distance you recognised it now from Leon’s photographs, the castle or mansion, you weren’t quite sure which.
“Are you sure I can’t escort you directly into the Village, maybe find you an Inn, somewhere at least a little less exposed and safer than out here?” The Duke, for that was how he had now introduced himself to you, asked politely.
“Not today.” You replied. You needed to be alone, and despite the dangers, out here in the forest you were beginning to feel more like yourself than you had ever felt before.
You stopped for a moment, eyes looking down, and then across to the bow that you held still in your hand. “Back there, in the forest, what happened? Who was that?” You asked, turning to look up at the Duke. He looked down at you, fondness masked a little behind mystery, “A friend.” He replied.
“But who?” You demanded, taking a step towards him without meaning to.
The Duke began to turn his carriage, now patched up as best as it could be for the remainder of his journey, and he turned his head to face you one last time.
“It is a very dangerous thing to know one’s friends.” He smiled, but something else lay behind the smile, some knowing. “Keep the bow, it is a gift. When one wields a bow, it can feel as though it becomes a part of you.” He paused, “There is more to you than meets the eye, you bring your own darkness to this place; but promise me this little moth, you know where I am should I be of any use to your crusade.” You nodded silently and watched him until he was all the way out of sight. Your attention was caught by something where the carriage had been stood; your small luggage bag. How?
You pulled it up and threw it over your shoulder. Arghhh! Tears welled at your eyes which darted back down to your knee and you drew a sharp breath through your teeth. After all that and it’s my knee that’s causing me to howl. You could feel it, at some point the joint had slid, the cartilage had pinched the softer tissues. It had happened before during dislocations. This was not the right time for this. At the very moment as these thoughts a sharp pain then hit your lower abdomen and more tears welled in your eyes. A mixture of cramps and the pain from where the arrows had made their mark made you feel weak. I need to find a place to rest. You dragged yourself back into the forest, deep enough to feel alone until you found a place that at least had some shelter from the elements.
A very small clearing between a tangle of thick tree roots, forgotten by time. You found a couple of long, sturdy sticks to hold up a small tarpaulin that you’d had folded away into your bag and pulled out a thin sleeping bag to put under it. It was a risk to make a fire for warmth, but a risk that at this point you were willing to make, and created a small circle of stones, filling the centre with a turret of dried wood and kindling inside, lighting this quickly with your lighter. It finally dawned on you to check your wounds; despite it all you weren’t too bad, the obvious scrapes and cuts here and there; arm, knee, cheek. Those would heal. You pulled up your layers to expose your stomach to the cool air of the forest, cool now becoming icy with the moisture that hung in the air. You winced, hissing. It stung, it stung bad, but it would be ok once you cleaned it. You set to work; water from a hip flask, antiseptic from the medi-kit. You considered the stitches, but you knew that you could heal this without that, it would be slower, there would be very obvious scarring, but you had a feeling those stitches might be more of a necessity further into your mission.
“’Cause the Red Storm hits me today.” You mumbled to yourself, hand back over your abdomen and closing your eyes against the pain, wishing for a hot water bottle. You ate a little; dried meats and fruits from packets that you’d brought with you, and then you took to sitting beside the fire, poking it with another stick to keep it going, and lighting yourself a cigarette. The night was full of many sounds, the sounds of owls and small mammals were sounds that you had missed from your childhood. You’d grown up in a house sat next to a field, beyond that a vast woodland, not too different from this. Then there were the sounds that unsettled you; blood curdling screams and wailing. Although all in the distance, each one sent a ripple of fear through your entire body. You weren’t too sure what else to expect from this place, how long you would be here or what else you would face, but you kept reminding yourself of what you and Leon had faced together not so long ago in Racoon City, and why you were here in the first place. With every scream that filled the air, you listened close to see if it sounded like him.
“So, the light bringer has arrived.” The words made you jump out of your skin and you turned to see an old woman now perched besides you, learning forwards against a large stick, which was adorned with small trinkets and bones.
You didn’t say anything but just stared at her, a knot in your stomach. “Come now child.” She cackled softly, a warm smile on her all-knowing face. “Enlighten your elder, what do you seek on your travels?”
“I’m looking for a friend, if you must know.” It wasn’t like you to be this blunt, especially to the elderly, but it had been a rough day and this woman was making you feel uneasy to say the least.
“Perhaps the friend that you have come to find, is not the one that you think you seek.” She replied without hesitation. You raised an eyebrow at her, surely, she didn’t mean herself?
“Who are you?” You asked, looking her straight in the eyes, one of which you noticed was frosted over. Her face fell slowly, turning to look into the fire, before she began to pull herself back up to standing with her stick, the little beads clinking as she did so.
“I am everyone, and I am no one. They see me, and then they don’t. I know all, and yet I know nothing.” Her voice already seemed to start disappearing, things seemed to somehow grow a little hazier, was it the smoke from the fire? “He goes north, and he goes south, he can push as hard as you feel his pull. He can take many forms, you will know him when you seem him, but heed my words; the gravity between destined souls is a dangerous one, and can crush you with the force of nature.”
Everything went black and you passed out.
Song Suggestion: ‘Chimera’ by Hana
The night is silent, and you are forever alone in the forest’s green pasture deep, dark and timeless. In a trance like state, you stand, slowly but nimble, the night air cool against your bare flesh, for you are fully exposed in your natural form and beauty. You know not what guides you, but you find yourself back at the clearing where the beast that you had slain fell, it’s body intact, but a heap of blood and muscle circled up now into the foetal position. Lifting its head up towards you, out from under the big paw he’d held over it in his eternal slumber, you give him a new face; a mask. The skull from a giant deer, with antlers wildly big, adorned with beads, and bone and warning.
You take a fragment of slate from the ground and cut your palms, squeezing them, with pain, and yet with a hidden joy too, over the body. You feel the forest hum around you and bristle. Opening your eyes, still glassy with fog you see swirls and cascades of moths now, flying up from both yourself and the beast. The body stirs and then trembles, you reach out and take its hand, guiding it with you through both the crunch of snow and the moist welcome of the moss.
You come to a clearing, slightly larger than the one where you’d made the conscious decision earlier to set up camp. Here the ground was completely covered with different mosses, surrounded by ancient trees, their roots gnarly, like a wooded fortress around you. You could feel the innocent eyes of small woodland creatures watching you with curiosity, as you lead your beast down the moss-covered rocks towards a natural spring. He did as he was told and waited besides the pool and you descended further down the natural steps, the cool water climbing up your legs and meeting the warmth that was dripping ever so slowly from your womanhood. You let go, sinking your entire body into the cold waters, up to your neck, letting yourself lean back enough to see snatches of the starry sky through the trees. Your beast sat on his haunches, arms over his knees, leaning forward, drinking you up hungrily, thirsting for you, saliva dripping from the deer’s skull, his member tense and swollen from the mere sight of your hardened nipples breaking the surface of the water. But he wasn’t the only pair of eyes drinking you in this way. You floated in the black pool, the mirror of stars holding up your heavenly body as the water between your legs bloomed crimson and then you submerged yourself fully, completely disappearing. Your creature turned his head to the side and lurched forwards unsure for your safety, the life of the forest bristled in anticipation.
Not one crown broke the surface but two; Your hair wet and plastered to your face as you gasped for air, your eyes fully glazed now, entranced by the form in front of you. Somehow you couldn’t take in all the details of his face, but his godly size, the brawn of his shoulders, the lust he was trying so hard to hold back rising in his broad chest, keeping his face down turned, but his cold gold-silver eyes looking at you through a tangle of silvered black hair. You held each other’s gaze, seeming like forever, like your world could end in the blink of an eye. You raised your hands to touch him, and he for you, both knowing somehow that it was not fully possible, not believing that what you were seeing and feeling could be real, and yet; your hands found his, palm to palm, fingers lacing together, fire and lightning burning and sparking between the two of you.
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rextasywrites · 3 years
Open Up Jill - a Jill Valentine monsterfucking story
Note: this is the dirtiest thing I have EVER written! monsterfucking is something i always wanted to try out but this came out dirtier and nastier than i expected it to be, but the person i wrote this for was very happy about it
Warnings: Monsterfucking! could count as rape! violence! heavy TW!!!
Racoon City.
Hours after the outbreak.
Just to take a deep breath. A single deep breath and they’d continue their journey through the crumbling ruins of what used to be a city. Fires and enemies attacking had made their journey a risky one, often barely escaping with their lives. The bench inside of a building used to be part of a waiting room. Now it was filled with death, guts and gore.
“And how many animals are infected?”, Jill asked as she handed Carlos a water bottle, sweat rolling down her temples.
“I have no idea. I have seen some stray dogs running around, but nothing too...dangerous? Nothing that we cannot deal with.”, Carlos said after he had taken a few sips from the bottle, holding it in his hands. He had seen a weirdly mutated dog once which appeared to be larger than an usual dog, but that was a single time. He handed Jill the water bottle back, saving up the last few sips for her. Jill was thankful for this, finishing what was left before placing it on the bench next to herself.
“Can you check the door for a minute? I need to check my gun out, something isn’t right.”, she said. Carlos obeyed to the wish of his new mate, heading to the only non-blocked entrance of the room. Jill started to take her gun apart in the meanwhile, cleaning it of waste and other stuff which had blocked the trigger from time to time. It took its sweet time, cleaning zombie organs wasn’t part of Jill’s to do list. Hydrogen peroxide was good against blood, but what helped with guts of half dead...things?
“Jill, are you done?”, Carlos asked, to which she replied a simple ‘No’. Suddenly, the two heard a door being thrown shut close to them. Carlos raised his assault rifle to the place where the noise came from. One of the blocked entries… Jill frantically tried to put her gun back into one piece, failing as the entry was busted open. 
In the opening of the doorway, now a huge gap in the wall, was a dog- like thing, standing on two paws as it scanned the room. Carlos, after a split second of surprise, started to fire at the mutant. To his unpleasant surprise, the bullets hardly did any damage to the animal. With a quick look, the animal saw Carlos and how uncovered he was. It grabbed hold of a chair which had been used to block the entry. In a swift motion, the animal threw the chair at Carlos, hitting him at full speed.
“Carlos!”, Jill screamed as the mercenary went to the ground, a pool for blood forming under his body. She couldn’t help herself and hurried over to the man, while the animal watched with fascination. “Hey, hey, you are gonna be okay…”, she begged, reaching over to feel on Carlos’ throat… There was a pulse! Carlos wasn’t dead!
The moment of celebration was cut short as the animal hurried over, grabbing hold of the defenseless Jill. Without a gun and with Carlos passed out under a chair, Jill was at mercy of this dog-looking creature. And she knew, it wouldn’t be gentle at all. In the best case, she’d escape with her life and a few broken bones. Worst case, death. But there was one case she hadn’t thought of before she felt it.
Was this massive...werewolf...having a boner?
Jill dared to glance down while the animal carried her, and her worries were confirmed. This thing was having a massive boner, poking right up to her ass as it carried her to the other side of the room, away from the passed out Carlos.
“No…”, Jill whispered as the thing placed her down on the floor, its cock slapping her face as she was forced down. What a weird smell, she thought, as the mutated animal towered above her, caging her in as her only way of escaping was to obey.
The mutant above her let out a grunt as it started to slap its cock against Jill’s cheeks, making her grimace at the weird feeling. She had taken several cocks before, but that was a new one..
Each slap was harder than the previous one, forcing Jill to gasp in pain as red marks showed up on her cheeks. “What the fuck?”, she asked and rubbed the painful spots once the mutant stopped for a bit.
A growl ripped her out of her pity, and the tip of the mutant’s cock was pushing against her lips.
It would never ever fit in her mouth! Shit, not even her pussy could take it!
But the mutant wouldn’t care about it.
By holding her nose shut, the dog creature tried to force Jill to breathe through her mouth. The woman fought bravely against it, but the instinct to survive came out. Jill gasped for air and in the same second, any air in her mouth was replaced by a huge cock. Her cries of pain were muffled by the sheer giant size of the mutant’s cock, minimizing any chances of her crying for help.
The mutant slowly pushed its way through her mouth and down her throat, making her gag as it was probably halfway down to her stomach by the time her nose hit its knot, no chance of getting further as her jaw was pushed to its limit. Jill tried to push it off, tears running down her cheeks as the mutant slowly dragged its cock out of her throat. By the time the tip left her lips, Jill felt as if she was about to pass out. Stars circled her vision as she was able to breathe again, spitting out all the salvia in her mouth as the mutant watched her.
“You sick fuck!”, Jill cried out, wiping the tears off her cheeks as she looked up. Her gaze caught the spit covered cock, throbbing in plain sight, showing that the mutant wasn’t even close to being done. And the sounds coming from the mutant sounded just so closely to a chuckle.
The mutant grabbed hold of Jill, throwing her across the room onto the floor, closer to Carlos, who was still laying under the chair, passed out from the impact. Jill whimpered, her last hope vanishing into thin air. Her last hope for safety, to security.
Jill had to cough as the mutant dog walked up to her, its cock still twitching as a warning sign for her. “Please not…”, she whimpered to no avail. The monster grabbed her once more, slamming her face first into one of the tables surrounding the area, her nose bleeding as she looked up. Everything felt ‘white’ at this point, as if this moment wasn’t real. But the taste of blood in her mouth and the monster’s paw on her back indicated that this was her harsh reality.
With a quick movement of its free paw, the mutant ripped her jeans open, just a big enough rip to reveal her pussy, free of any cloth which could protect her from the wolf’s wrath.
"It's not gonna fit!", Jill cried out, a last attempt to resonate with the beast behind her - to no success. The beast just huffed a breath and pressed its cock against her entrance. All the wiggling and groaning did not help as it slowly pushed inside of her, making her yell out. Pleasure? Pain? A mixture of both? Jill didn’t know anymore at this point.
Inch by inch, the monster forced its way inside of her, Jill had stopped thrashing around by now. Replaced by bliss, watching as the mutant’s cock bulged out on her stomach, twitching visible from the outside. She had never felt something like this before and probably never will again.
“Wow…”, Jill muttered, placing a free hand on the bulge, feeling every little movement that was happening inside of her. Slowly, the mutant retreated its cock from inside of her, leaving her empty and needy...just to push right back inside, making her scream out.
This very scream made Carlos blink awake. He rubbed his eyes, taking some time to realize what was going on. By this time, Jill’s pussy was fucked raw and the mutant about to pump its load inside of her. With a loud growl, the monster came inside of her, filling her up to a degree she had never felt before. She whimpered and groaned, trying to get her body away from the load flooding inside of her, and everything went black for her.
“What the hell…”, Carlos whispered as he watched the scene unfold in front of his eyes. He grabbed his assault rifle and fired a few bullets at the monster. Which, in return, drew its attention to Carlos, away from the now passed out Jill. Its cock slipped out of her as it charged towards the mercenary. Carlos got hold of the rocket launcher which landed not too far away from him and hit the mutant right into the face. Guts, brains and who knows what other fluids spew out of its throat as it dropped to the ground.
“...Carlos?”, Jill whispered as she slowly opened her eyes again, her vision a bit cloudy still. As her eyesight came back fully, she was able to see the outcome of her latest fuck session. The mutated animal was dead, Carlos’ rocket launcher had given it its rest as it tried to escape. 
“Get up. We aren’t fucking done yet.”
Carlos grabbed Jill by her upper arm, dragging her back onto her feet. The mutant had left its marks on Jill, bruises, blood dripping out of small wounds, and her absolutely fucked through pussy which still leaked cum by the time Carlos had dragged her away to safety, far away from the now headless dog mutant.
“What the hell was that?”, Carlos asked, pointing to her ripped jeans, at this point they were more decoration than useful.
“This thing? A...dog?”, Jill answered, dropping on the ground as soon as they were in a secure place. She laid on her back, hand placed on her stomach as she felt the afterwaves of this absolute crazy fuck. Carlos watched her with worry in his eyes, placing his hand on Jill’s as he looked at her. “Maybe a dog. Don’t know, I hope my organs are still intact.”
Carlos sighed, letting his hand travel from her stomach to her face, cupping her bruised cheek as he leaned in, pressing a kiss on her forehead. “Let's get you back to the station and patched up. Cannot fight enemies like that.”
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the-coolest-mallard · 5 years
Stealth Operation | Team Sabotage
@urchinxowens @justkeepdancing-nemo @oliversaluki
The boys sneak into the Hunted Deer and make a mess.
The light had faded and night was upon Swynlake. Everyone was asleep in order to build up energy to go back to work the next day. Everyone except Urchin - because he had summer holiday - and hopefully Louie, who Urchin was actually waiting for at their rendez-vous point a block away from Main Street.
Urchin sported his best spy gear which… well, consisted of a black turtle neck sweater, balck jeans and a black beanie that worked very little because his curls were overpowering it more and more by the minute, cascading out of the headgear.
With him also came a large cardboard box with air holes punctured on top. The boy sat next to said box and checked his phone, waiting for his partner in crime to arrive!
Ordinarily, Louie never got rid of his signature green. However, the plan they had was going to require stealthiness. So he also had dressed in all black. Black skinny jeans, black t-shirt, black leather jacket he found around the house. And of course a beanie as well, pushing down his own fantastic hair.
Louie had only one hand free to use (the other in a cast thanks to his genius moped moment), but he utilized his hand as best he could. He brought along with him some spray paint that he’d found at home, as well as some eggs both sort of put together in a bag. He’d feel a little bad about wasting the eggs but…there were a ton of things to toss at Gaston and he was gonna use all of them.
He made his way over with a grin, glad that he managed to find friends who were up for taking matters into their own hands. “Hey Urchin. Listen, I invited Ollie along too. He had some fun ideas for sabotage and stuff which is great and you know…I’ve only got one functioning hand so. Go team.”
Ollie kind of knew this was a bad idea but at the same time why not mess with someone who deserved it. Besides a little egg never hurt anyone and if he was there he could probably try and keep everyone from getting into too much shit.
So he had printed out harmless things, well not that werewolves were harmless but it was a prank that was harmless and his of choice.
Plus it was good to pull his leather jacket back on, pull the dark beanie on, and get out of the house from the crying baby.
It wasn’t hard to find the two other boys. 
“What’s up?” Ollie stated softly dropping to curb beside Urchin. 
“Woah, what happened to you?” Urchin couldn’t help but ask, gesturing at Louie’s arm. He didn’t look like that the last time Urchin had seen him, now did he? In any case, Ollie rolled up soon enough.
“Oh, hello! So it looks like we’re ready, huh? I’m honestly glad we’re not on our own, because I didn’t manage to get any raccoons,” he admitted, patting the cardboard box. The pat made the animal within wake up, though, because it had begun moving. 
“I… got the next best thing. This is Felicia. She’s the cat who always tries to get into our kitchen,” the boy explained. “She’s ferocious. Should give our big dumb friend a headache when he tries to take her out of his business tomorrow.”
Nemo had never snuck out of the Hollow before. 
In the end– it had been kind of easy. He just waited for his father’s light snoring, put on one of his black dance hoodies, flipped up the hood, and then, quick and quiet as the wind itself, flit from outside his bedroom window.
He had to stop first at the Raccoon Hole to see if he could round up reinforcements. Course, he was no animal fairy and his Beast was seriously lacking, but as soon as he flashed the gold of his pixie dust, they were in. Raccoons loved all things shiny– kinda like magpies in that way. With his new comrades in tow, Nemo flitted fast as he could and tried not to think about how he had used up more than half his dust by the time he finally got to town. 
He walked the rest of the way, hood up, skirting from shadow to shadow until he saw what he thought were the three boys he had never met before. His steps slowed, hands going into his pockets, heart rapid-fire, though from his flying or nerves he didn’t know. He swallowed and put on a big grin, sauntering forward. 
“Um– hey! Are you erm, Louie, and Ollie and…?” he blinked. He didn’t know the other bloke. “Um. I brought Blueberry and Denise!” He blurted and pointed at his raccoon mates. 
They chattered and lifted their paws in a friendly wave.
What had started as an awful day had quickly turned into something incredible. He had gathered three other boys to do something important: sabotage the old geezer Gaston. It was the perfect union, with every one pitching in the best of plans (and one fantastic fairy delivering the raccoons of destiny). He almost forgot about the wrist, though he held it up with a sheepish grin. “Crashed my moped. It happens. Won’t get in the way of awesome though.”
And this was truly awesome. Ollie was there, Urchin brought a CAT! And then finally, the other hero of the night Nemo there with the raccoons! Who needed brothers for mischief when you could make friends like these? “Mwahaha,” Louie cackled quietly, rubbing his hands together because this was better than he could have imagined. “Team Sabotage…we’ve come together this dark night to take down an old man’s ego.” He glanced over at the cat and the raccoons. “I welcome Felicia, Blueberry and Denise to our super good cause.” 
He turned toward his fellow conspirators, the smile only growing on his face. “Urchin, Ollie, Nemo…you guys are the best of the best of the best with the coolest ideas. And I’m excited to pull off this mission with you. But first…we should probably have a sort of escape plan. My moped’s trashed so we can’t take that quick exit.”
Ollie really wasn’t quite sure what he was getting himself into at this rate. There was a cat and two raccoons? They couldn’t be too much damage? Or too dangerous. Either way Ollie was going to make sure they didn’t get into shit. Or try to.
He just lifted a hand in a greeting.
“I can double back and get my car? It’s kind of noticeable for the small town so I don’t know how much of a good idea that is for stealth.” Ollie mused with a shrug. “We gotta worry about cameras too and what not. I’ve never been so I don’t know what’s there but he’d be even more stupid not to have some sort of security.” Leaning forward Ollie rested on his knees trying to think of all the necessary things.
“Urchin,” the boy quickly said when the stranger asked for his name. Eventually, he managed to associate each person with their names, and smiled at the small collective of revenge-getters.
“Uh, we should probably try to stay out of very visible areas as much as possible, then,” the curly-haired boy pointed out after Ollie’s statement. “We can also ask the raccoons or the cat to disconnect anything we can find, if that’s even possible… and if anyone can talk to them.”
He stood up from his sitting place and grinned. “In any case, he’s getting what he deserves! So destiny will probably thank us for it or whatever. We will probably not even get grounded because of how much everyone probably dislikes this guy.”
Nemo’s eyes flicked imperceptibly to his pocket. Tucked inside was his pixie dust pouch-- and in another world, Nemo would pull it out, grin bright, and show them all how to use it. Why need a moped when you could fly anyway, right? 
But if he ran out of pixie dust, he’d never get home, and his dad would wake up and see he was gone, and he’d totally flip and Nemo would be grounded (literally) for the next forever. 
He felt guilty, but he kept his hands in his pockets, fingers around that pouch, all to himself. 
“Erm, I can’t-- explain electronics to them,” he said, rolling from the balls of his feet to his toes and back again. “My beast’s not that good and they’d definitely not listen. But um, I can fly in before hand and maybe turn ‘em off?” 
“You can fly?!” Louie blurted first, instantly putting Nemo up there on the list of coolest people he’d ever met. That was awesome! He’d met this other guy who could fly once (Peter) but they hadn’t really spoken much since the incident at the ice cream shop. Nemo though, Nemo seemed like a super cool dude. So did Urchin and Ollie really. Immediately in for the world’s best sabotage team.
“Good idea on the security front too...hmm. If the car’s not the best option and the raccoons can’t tell...yeah okay. Here’s the plan,” Louie started, and honestly he wasn’t one hundred percent sure they’d just listen to him on this but what the hell. Act confident and like you’re the best option and eventually others will believe you.
“Nemo will fly in and turn off the security. From there he’ll call in the racoon pals to trash the place and the cat too. Phase two’ll be us swinging in there to egg the place and spray painting it. The werewolf pics will have to be more carefully put so they’re phase three. Ollie, you seem pretty like...responsible and shit, are you up for keeping watch? Make sure that the cost is clear?” 
Well if Ollie had to have a title of being responsible, you know what he was okay with that. The more he thought about it the more he worried about it he was. This wasn’t New York where you could get away with shit because no one paid attention to you. This was Swynlake where anything that could go wrong would go wrong.
Call him boring. He was not getting tossed into jail for this though even if he could bail himself out. 
“Honestly yeah I’m good with just keeping watch.” Ollie stated simply. “You guys can do all the trouble and we can make a simple signal that someone is on their way. Three knocks in quick sucession or something like that. So you know don’t be too loud in there.”
Urchin was disappointed they couldn’t tell the animals to do everything for them, mostly because it’d have been so cool, but the plan seemed solid either way. He listened intently to Louie’s words and tried to picture it in his mind - it’d probably involve a fun montage of crudely-drawn caricatures of the boys doing all the things if it were a TV show.
“Great! I think we’re all set, then,” he announced, picking up the box Felicia the cat was in, which shook almost uncontrollably as it was picked up. “Evidently, Felicia’s ready to move, too.”
Right-- that meant he actually had to fly. 
Instantly, Nemo got self-conscious, his hands fisting deep in his hoodie pockets. So dumb-- it wasn’t like they were gonna see his wing or anything. It just kinda felt like...well, his pixie life was in the forest and his human life was here in Swynlake. He’d never been in his pixie form here.
But Louie beamed at him. Nemo wanted to help. He didn’t have any other choice. 
“Er, okay. Yeah-- okay then, I’ll um-- do that!” said Nemo. His eyes flicked back to Louie and his smile dropped as fast as it jumped onto his face in the first time. “Uh, now right? I should do that now?” 
“Hmmm….the knock’ll work once we’re all in there, but I think Nemo you’ve gotta give us a bit more of a cue.” They’d be close by, but not too close, obviously. They couldn’t exactly be spotted by the cameras or anything. What would work better for that? “How about...Nemo you can do like an owl call or something. Hoot or something once you’ve got the cameras out of the way.”
He glanced around the group of misfits, a smile slowly lighting up his entire face. This was the kind of thing he lived for. Bringing together some cool kids to cause trouble for a man who absolutely deserved everything they threw his way. This was going to be the best. “Yeah okay. Nemo first uh huh. But maybe demo your call or whatever so we know what we’re listening for. But then yeah. Fly like an eagle or something.”
Ollie nodded, more than fine taking a step back. He wasn’t ever the leader type. It just wasn’t in his bones. So he listened to the plan. What an interesting group he had found himself in. Pushing himself into a standing position Ollie stepped back from the box with a potentially unruly cat. 
“Are we gonna make code names at his rate?” Ollie joked. “Eagle one, Eagle Two. If I had to pick a dude and what not.”
Urchin frankly loved the idea of getting code names, but he wondered if he’d start confusing them. “Okay, okay,” he said. “But I want memorable code names. Otherwise, I’m gonna confuse everyone, honestly.”
He looked around and at the rest. They all seemed ready and eager to start. The box shaking in his hands seemed to imitate his own anxiousness to get started. “Not to hurry us up or anything, but if this cat manages to escape the box there’s no way we’re getting her back in. So, let’s make sure she does it once she’s inside, and pronto.”
The idea of code names distracted Nemo from his erratic, buggy jitters firing off in his belly. He brightened up-- especially at Eagle one, Eagle two.
His hand shot up into the air. “Dibs on Eagle One!” he preened. He grinned wide, shooting the grin from one boy to the next. 
He’d always wanted to be like an eagle-- strong, intense, fierce. Fast. 
He then cleared his throat. “Erm, okay how about somethin’ like--” and he whistled sharp and loud, the sort of call he had mimicked before from the animal fairies. 
It made Blueberry and Denise startle, then perk up on their hindlegs and wiggle their noses in the air. 
“Alright great. Nemo’s Eagle One. That’s good. Hmm… Ollie can be Hawkeye or something you know, cause he’s keeping watch.” Louie probably wasn’t any better at this code name thing, but he could sure try. “Urchin you’ll be 007. You’ve got the whole look down. Leaving me with…” he hummed, debating for a long minute. “Rebel Leader.”
He jumped a little at the whistle, knocking into Urchin a bit and patting his shoulder as his form of sort of apology. “Okayyyy. Yeah. Good. That’s good. Eagle One...you’re clear for take off,” he added, grinning like an idiot and giving them all the thumbs up. This would be amazing. Team Sabotage was ready to go. “The rest of us, we gotta chill, till we hear Nemo. Alright?”
Ollie couldn’t help the snort of laughter as all the code names. He had been teasing but he was glad they took him seriously. It made him feel more like they were part of a group than he had in a long time. Sure he couldn’t be sure everyone had each others backs but it felt like they did.
Blinking at the animal call Ollie nodded. “Hard to miss but it should blend in.” Ollie mused with a nod. “Have any of you guys pulled off anything like this before?” Ollie questioned already starting to glance around and make sure he took his task seriously during the whole time.
Urchin grinned at his code name. It was probably the best one out of all of them, so he certainly didn’t complain. He did jump a bit when Louie knocked into him, but was quick to regain his balance and smile as a silent way to tell him not to worry.
“And chill we shall,” the boy declared. He put down the box for a few seconds and made sure his cap was on correctly, and then shrugged at Ollie. “I mean… You know what they say, there’s a first time for everything, right?” he said, grinning.
First time for everything. 
Wasn’t that the truth? 
And Nemo-- Nemo was excited, especially as he glanced around at these other boys’ grins. It gave him the jolt of confidence he needed. He dug his hand back into his pocket and this time he pulled out the pixie dust pouch. “Okay! Okay okay, I’m um, I’m goin’!” he said as he skipped back, gathering a little bit of air on his heel that helped him glide. “Oi, Denise, Blueberry, follow me!” He took out a pinch of pixie dust, tossed it in the air, and leaped into the golden cloud-- 
In an instant, he was a small blur of orange and gold, zooming sharp as a rocket toward the Deer. The raccoons chattered and followed after him, their black and gray hides disappearing into the shadow. 
It didn’t take long for Nemo to fly all the way up to the Deer’s thatched roof. He skittered around the panels then found the chimney and dived down into it.  The raccoons, meanwhile, took the long way round and clambered up the gutters. Their claws scratched against the pipe work and the roof tiles. 
Nemo emerged into a dark, dim, silent pub. It was actually a bit creepy how quiet it was-- Nemo used to humming cicada and whistling crickets and the wind, always there, murmuring into his ear. There was no wind here. The air was still, so still it felt-- dead. Dusty. Nemo didn’t like it and he scrunched up his nose before zooming on. 
He found the cameras and scrambled on top of one, where he had to stop and rest. His little wind fluttered weakly and his lungs burned from all the effort of it. Breathing heavily, he drew his hands through his hair once before resecuring the hood over his orange hair. And then, squinting through the dark, he yanked hard on the tiny switch below the flashing red button. It didn’t budge. Nemo grimaced. This was the downside of being so small sometimes. He yanked again and again and the plastic rubbed against this tiny hands. And then one more time--
Nemo yelped as the switch gave way and he nearly toppled off the camera. His wings fluttered frantically and righted him again. 
This was way harder than it looked. 
It took him another five minutes to get the other three cameras all turned off, and then Nemo landed in a tired heap on the ground where he pinched out some pixie dust to help him return to his human-form. Nemo put his hands around made his call then and skipped over to the door to open it up for the boys when they arrived. 
He poked his head out. “Coast all clear!” he announced. Something smashed behind him and Nemo giggled. “I think that was Denise.”
The mission was going off without a hitch. Nemo went for it, and the rest of the boys had a little while before they could be called in. “You know, I pull stuff like this with my brothers...but they’re usually too them to want to go for something really interesting.” Well, Huey more than Dewey, but it took some nudging to get them to want to cause some serious trouble.
But soon he heard the call, and he gestured for Ollie and Urchin to follow him as he rushed over to the entrance of the Hunted Deer. “Nice one Nemo. Your heroics will be remembered forever.” He carefully stepped into the building, holding onto a can of spray paint. It was time to mess up this newly prettied up place. Yesss. “Okay. Ollie, stick by the door yeah?” This teamwork was seriously going to rule. He’d never have a shot at something this good without them.
Louie moved toward the nearest wall, shaking the spray paint he had and considered it carefully. This would be his artistic masterpiece. “I know we should probably be beyond the immature dick art, but Gaston is one...so is it really so bad?” He considered the wall carefully. “Guys? Ideas on what we should put on the walls? It’s gotta be good.” He started ‘Gaston is a dick’ on one part, figuring it was both true and fun to write. The rest...well. He could probably paint something fun.
That wasnt that reassuring. People having only done this for the first time could be dangerous. Sure ollie hadnt spray painted or edges someone's place but he liked to think his own excursions in New York would count for it. 
He didn't technically have a criminal record at least. (Not that he hadn't ever been caught but because people took pity on him as a kid)
But that's almost why he was starting to feel responsible for the group of boys. He didn't want any of them to get in trouble for this. At least trouble they couldn't get themselves out of. 
Crossing over to the door Ollie nodded his head giving Nemo a heads up. "Okay you guys do your thing. I'll let you know if someone is coming. Stay as quiet as you can with you know Denise and everyone breaking things so you can hear if I have to give you guys a signal." 
Loud meowing followed Ollie’s instructions, totally being louder than intended, as Felicia finally found her freedom when Urchin unsecured the box and let her out. Immediately, the cat started running and hopping around the place, uncertain of her location, and had already knocked down a pair of bottles from behind the bar. That’s what Urchin would call a resounding success!
“Uh - Draw him!” Urchin suggested. “Except make his nose a dick,” he added, because hey, dick drawings were in like 50% of graffiti, right? It felt like a crime not to do it.
Nemo started giggling.
He’d never done anything like this before. It was like somethin’ outta a TV show, y’know, something he might watch at Roo’s house during one of his rare sleepovers. He didn’t realize this sort of thing happened in real life. That kids really did go out and-- and teepee places, and mess up houses, and use spray paint and markers and all sorts of things. 
He felt a little guilty, but it was a feeling as fast as a blink. Mostly he thought about how pissed his dad would be if he knew. Not only was Nemo breaking a whole handful of Marlin’s rules, but he was doing that in Gaston’s pub. 
He made a grab for a can of spray paint. “I’ll draw dicks on all the booths!” he announced and then scurried off to do so. 
Meanwhile, there was more glass-smashing as Denise and Blueberry had their way with the storage room. 
Never was there a better group of boys than now. He was sure of it. “Dicks on the booths yesssssss. Great idea Nemo!” Louie was delighted by the whole thing. And Urchin coming out with a dope drawing idea. Oh yeah. Louie would make Gaston as ugly as possible.
He smirked, taking one of the spray paint cans (a wonderful green) and studied the wall before him. “Good call good call. Alright, while I do my masterful art of Gaston….Urchin, put up those werewolf pics. Scare the pants off of him when he goes anywhere!” 
He started spraying a sort of rendition of Gaston. If Gaston were more of a blob person with a dick nose. What? He was still working on improving his art. Maybe he’d bother Lou Bonfamille for more lessons. For now? Well he added some extras like a fart cloud by his ass and a speech bubble by his mouth saying ‘no one farts like Gaston’
Then he took a step back to admire his work. “What do you guys think? Pretty good right?”
Urchin nodded and saluted before heading off to do as ordered. He gathered the expertly-crafted werewolves and began making rounds about the place to find locations for optimal scare factor. 
He decided to place the first one under the bar, hiding so that you’d only be able to see it if you were on the bartender’s side of it. The next one hung right by the bathroom doors, so you’d round that corner and piss your pants off on your way into the bathroom. That, of course, meant that he had to also set one up within the bathroom in place.
After setting up the rest in the general vicinity of the bar, the boy returned just in time to admire the drawing on the walls. “Perfect,” he commended. “I’m sure he’s going to love it.”
Nemo got to work on the drawings, giving the spray cans a good shake. It took him a few seconds to get a handle on the paint-stream, but once he’d got it down, the dicks were pretty easy. He went booth to booth and spray painted them big across the seat, though he made sure to switch it up a few times, y’know, vary the size and direction and all-- artistic license. He knew it was all a bit silly but, well, he couldn’t get Louie’s compliment outta his head. 
He thought Nemo was cool. And brilliant. And that he had great ideas. 
And sooo… Nemo wanted to show off. 
He jogged back over to Louie and tapped him on the shoulder. “Hey, Louie, I ah-- I got an idea. Wanna see somethin’ cool?” he said. 
And then Nemo drew his hands together, palms flat. And then, in one quick motion, he folded his fingers in one after another after another, then back again, until he had gathered a swirling ball of wind in his hands. 
And then Nemo shoved the heel of his hand across the palm of his other one, pushing the blast of wind out--! 
It blew out the napkins outta the napkin dispensers on several of the tables. “Nice, right!” He said, jumping up and down again. “I can do a windmill and probably knock everything over!” 
Louie was easily distracted from drawing something else spectacular (maybe Gaston cowering before a werewolf or something) by his new friend Nemo. He twisted around, watching the guy carefully as he gathered wind into his hands and knocked napkins out of this dispensers.
“Holy shit, you’re the avatar!” Louie blurted and then grinned. “Sorry. It just looks like something out of a cartoon.” He glanced around to see that Ollie was still properly keeping a look out, and that Urchin was placing the werewolf stuff. And wow he picked great spots.
“Nice move by the bathroom mate. Hilarious.” This was the best bunch of guys he’d ever met. They’d be bound together by a common bound of mischief with this. Maybe he’d get them to make some sort of pact. Or something. “Okay. I’m gonna draw one more thing. Nemo...definitely knock shit over. That’s fantastic. Everyone do one last ridiculous thing and then we’ll get the fuck outta here. Ollie...you do something ridiculous too. Come on. It’ll be worth it.”
Ollie was perfectly fine chilling by the door. It wasn't like there was anything to scare him out here. The only thing that worried him was that some random adult would see them wasn't he an adult too. Was he supposed to be turning people in for their hijinks. 
"You guys look to be doing perfectly fine." Ollie mused with a small laugh stepping back for a moment. "Plus I'm more musically inclined then I am artistically." Even with Gaston being a douche ollie doubted himself. Not that either one of his parents would care if he had to guess what they would think. 
"Wait this place has a kitchen right? What about saran wrapping most of the stools together or something?" 
Urchin was happy to be complimented for his ideas. Everyone else was doing pretty great too, which made him even more satisfied! After Ollie’s suggestion, though, the boy’s eyes seemed to outright gleam in delight.
“Ooooh, yes! He’d probably use that wrap to attack some deers and hang them on his wall or something evil like that anyway,” Urchin said, and immediately bolted into the kitchen. He took a while but trashed the place while he looked around, and Felicia even helped unintentionally by walking in and finding some leftovers on a counter.
Eventually, Urchin found a roll of something that people would likely use to wrap up take-out. “Here we go!” he proclaimed, tossing the few rolls he’d found out onto the main sitting area of the bar for the others to pick up.
While they waited for Urchin to appear, Nemo did his fairy best too. He could feel the slight draft from the chimney where he’d flown down as well as the slightly open door where Ollie was standing guard. It was always much easier to play with already-moving air and so he splayed his fingers wide and gathered it in his hands. Once he’d rolled it all into a ball, he pushed it toward the booths and the mini wind-funnel skirted over the tables, skittering one after the other. Napkins blew from the dispensers and the salt and pepper turned over and got all over the table and seats. 
Then Urchin came back and Nemo’s smile leaped back onto his face. He jumped up and caught it. “Nice!” he crowed and then went to work saran-wrapping everything together.
He forgot all about the guilt he’d felt earlier-- the slight panic, that stray thought whispering what would happen if he got caught? Now, all he was thinkin’ about was how fun this was. 
Soon they finished, all the saran wrapped up. “Are we done?” Nemo said as he popped up, going back to Louie’s side since he seemed-- well. He was in charge, wasn’t he? He bounced a little on his toes, ready to perform a few more wind-tricks if he needed to. 
Louie glanced around the room, looking at all the chaos around them. They had done a spectacular job on sabotaging the place. He was honestly impressed by everyone’s initiative. He needed to keep a note of this. From this day forward, if there ever was a guy that wronged one of them, Louie felt they had the perfect solution.
“I’d say so. We’ve definitely made a mess of the place. Suck it Gaston,” Louie added, as if the man was around to hear it. Well...maybe he’d just write it. No. They’d done a good job without that. “Time to make a hasty exit. Ollie, look and see if the coast’s clear? From there we get the hell outta here. We’ve done important work lads. I’ll never forget it.”
Ollie let out a laugh, so many of his ideas had been thrown to the literally as everyone took it and ran with it. A part of him felt bad until he remembered it was Gaston and he didn’t feel bad anymore. Ducking his head out Ollie listened to everything around the place.
“We’re good to go. Remember what happens at the Deer stays at the Deer.” Ollie teased ushering the guys out. “Let’s get out of here.”
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metalshootingstar · 7 years
Mr. Raccoon
Summary: After a string of robberies, Osomatsu decides to let his kids stay in the restaurant while he works....when his youngest three find the culprit. A tiny raccoon!
“ Why do we have to stay in here?” Asked Megumi, as he and his brothers and sister sat at their designated spot against the wall. Osomatsu stood there, hands firmly on his hips dressed in his work clothes. He was just glad the restaurant he worked at was so lenient. 
“ Because with all the robberies happening, I want you to stay where I can see you. Now behave yourselves alright? I’ll bring you guys dinner soon, but in the meantime I’ll be at the bar so don’t be afraid to call me if you need something.” Said Osomatsu, before getting back to work. The kids groaned lightly. Lately, a robber had gone around Akatsuka. Pilfering people’s trash, taking people’s valuables, and/or their food. 
Ever since, dad hadn’t wanted them out of their sight for even a moment. 
“Kyouya-niisan I have to go pee.” Said four year old Yuki, lightly pulling on his brother’s sleeve. 
“ Ok,” Said Kyouya, before the 6 year old hopped off his seat. “ Papa! I’m taking Yuki to the bathroom!” 
“Ok!” Said Osomatsu with a smile, greatful his kids were letting him know so he wouldn’t worry. The two boys looked up, as Isuzu was reaching for them from her high chair. The toddler whimpered and groaned. 
“ Does Isuzu-chan have to go too?” Asked Yuki.
“ Nii-cha!” She cried out, Megumi went over and set her down beside them. 
“ Don’t wander off with anyone strange, and come straight here quickly alright?” Said Megumi, the three of them nodded before scampering off. The bathroom was thankfully, not too far away. Kyouya stood there with Isuzu while Yuki went in. He froze when he heard something clash and bang outside. Isuzu gasped and immediately went to the exit door. 
“Suzu-chan!” Exclaimed the six year old, going after his sister. The hallway was pretty narrow, with only the janitor’s office, the door that led outside, and the bathrooms there but. It sure was creepy. 
“ Kyou-niisan, what is it?” Asked Yuki after he was finished. 
“ Suzu-chan heard something outside.” Said Kyouya, Yuki ever curious went over and opened the door. “ Yuki!”
“ There’s nothing here.” Said Yuki, as he peeked outside. The three of them poked their heads out into the darkened alleyway, and peered left towards the street before peering left to the other end...and found nothing. 
“ I wonder what made that sound then.” Said Kyouya. 
“ Puppy!” Exclaimed Isuzu, pointing at something in the trash. Both boys looked over, to a nearby trashcan that was on its side, with noise coming from it. Kyouya being the eldest of the three slowly went outside. 
“ Yuki, stay there with Suzu-chan, if something happens then go get daddy.” He replied, both Yuki and Isuzu nodded as Kyouya went over to the trashcan. His eyes widened, when he saw it was a baby raccoon. The baby raccoon turned around and sneered slightly growling a bit. 
“ Hey it’s ok, I’m a friend!” Said Kyouya, when he saw some bits of glittering chains on the raccoon’‘s paws, and his neck, and he actually looked a little sick. Not to menton, there were bracelets still on his arms and they...looked a little swollen. 
“ You’re the thief.” Said Kyouya softly. Now everything made sense, why there was trash pilfered and why food was missing. As well as some jewelry apparently. He’d probably just gotten tangled up in the necklaces, and bracelets and left. “ Don’t worry Mr. Racoon, my name is Kyouya, I won’t hurt you.”
“ Kyouniisan, what is it?” Asked Yuki. 
“ Hang on!” Replied Kyouya, before turning to the raccoon. The six year old reached in his pockets, and pulled out a cookie he’d saved from his snack earlier before holding it out to the animal. “Here you go, it’s a tart cookie.”
The raccoon slowly sniffed at it, and licked the cookie a few times before taking it and gobbling it up. The tiny baby blinked a few times, before looking up at Kyouya and squealing a few times. The tiny six year old opened his jacket and the raccoon slowly entered clinging to his warmth. Kyouya zipped up the jacket, and hugged the baby raccoon before heading back inside. 
“ Woah, what’s that?” Asked Yuki. 
“ It’s my new friend Mr. Raccoon.” Said Kyouya. 
“ Oooh.” Said Isuzu, as she and Yuki looked into the jacket. The raccoon however delved deeper into the jacket and made a small sound that worried Kyouya. Hurriedly, the three of them rushed over to the bar where Osomatsu was. 
“ Papa!” They exclaimed. 
“ Hey every...uh what is it you have there Kyou-kun?” Asked Osomatsu. 
“ I found the thief.” Said Kyouya, making Osomatsu gasp slightly. “ He’s in my jacket!”
“ His name is Mr. Raccoon!” 
“ Mr. Raccoon!” 
Exclaimed Yuki and Isuzu simultaneously. Osomatsu peered inside his son’s jacket, and saw the tiny raccoon looking incredibly sick, as well as having bits of jewelry on him. He sighed in relief, it was just a raccoon this whole time. Still, perhaps he should go take it to the vet. 
“ Wait here ok.” Said Osomatsu, the trio nodded, and after explaining everything to his boss, he was granted a few minutes of leave. “Ok, we’re going to go get Mr. Raccoon to a doctor alright?”
“Is something wrong with him?” Asked Yuki worriedly. 
“ He’ll be ok, he just...needs a little help from us ok?” Said Osomatsu comfortingly. He looked up at Nagisa and Megumi seated at the table doing his work. Now that he knew who or rather what the thief was he could rest a little easy. “ Nagi-kun, megu-kun stay here alright? I have to take these three and their friend to the vet.”
“ Ok.” Said Nagisa and Megumi, Osomatsu exited the restaurant with the other three. 
“ So where did you find him?” Asked Osomatsu curiously. 
“ We found him outside in the garbage. “ Said Kyouya as a matter of factly. 
“ Wait you went outside? I thought you were going to the bathroom.”
“ We did, but then we heard noise outside and decided to go check it out. Which is when we found him.” Said Kyouya. 
“ Papa, uppy!” Exclaimed Isuzu, Osomatsu gently picked up his daughter, and placed her on his shoulders. 
“ Well, on the one hand I’m glad you guys caught him, but on the other hand, next time that happens don’t go out yourselves alright? You could have gotten me instead.” He replied. 
“ Why?” Asked Yuki curiously. 
“ Because it’s much safer.” Said Osomatsu. “ You could have gotten really hurt.”
“ Yeah, but then you would have come! We weren’t scared, because if something bad did happen then you would come and save us!” Replied Kyouya, Yuki and Isuzu nodded in agreement. Osomatsu was shocked at that, but it was sweet to know his children put that much faith in him. 
“ Yeah! Papa will always save us!” Exclaimed Yuki. 
Osomatsu smiled softly, once they were at the vet they explained everything and after the vet consulted the police the raccoon was taken to the back room. The police came by, to pick up the jewelry the vet took from the Raccoon’s wrists, tail, and neck but..he still looked sick. 
“ What’s wrong with him?” Asked a police officer. 
“ My guess is, the poor thing must have also swallowed some of the jewelry, poor thing. I’ll take X-Rays, and if it’s true we’ll have to perform surgery.” Said the Vet, before turning to Osomatsu. “ Thank you, for bringing him in, I will notify you if there’s any changes.”
“ Thank you.” Said Osomatsu, before turning to the three children. “ The vet’s going to make Mr. Raccoon all better now, alright? He’s going to stay here for the night, but we’ll know tomorrow if he’s ok or not.” 
The three nodded, as Kyouya went over to the vet, and held up a thumbs up. 
“ Vet-san, please do your best!” Exclaimed Kyouya. 
“ Of course.” said the vet with a small chuckle. “Don’t worry, your friend will be just fine.”
Yuki and Isuzu went over to the baby raccoon whom glanced up at them, with those big dark eyes of his and purred. Yuki gently placed a hand on his head and petted him. 
“ You try your best too Mr. Raccoon.” Said Yuki. 
“ Try best!” Exclaimed Isuzu. 
“ Osomatsu smiled softly, as the three children left, with both Yuki and Kyouya holding on to his sweater. 
“ I hope he’ll be ok.” Said Kyouya. 
“ Don’t worry, I’m sure he will be. I promise.” Said Osomatsu with a smile. The three smiled back at him, believing him because if papa said it then it had to be true right? 
“ Can we keep him once he’s all better?” Asked Kyouya. 
“ For a bit, but then we’ll have to release him back to the wild. A raccoon isn’t a domesticated pet, like cats and dogs. An animal like that should be free.” Explained Osomatsu. 
“ But I don’t think he was. He wouldn’t go into people’s homes and look for food and get into trouble if he didn’t belong to someone. Other raccoons go outside, they don’t usually come in.” Said Kyouya, “ That’s what uncle Ichimatsu says about cats.”
“Well, we’ll see then alright?” Said Osomatsu softly, as he gently patted his son’s head. The next day, Osomatsu took the kids to the vet after getting a call about the raccoon. 
“ Ah, Matsuno-san. The raccoon has made a full recovery, though he is a little weak. The police also tracked down the owner, apparently, he belonged to a young man and we notified him about the raccoon he said he wanted to euthanize him. Naturally, we wouldn’t euthanize a baby, so we were wondering if you wanted to keep it.” Said the vet, immediately all five children’s faces immediately lit up. 
“ Alright now wait a minute, before we do. A pet is a very big responsibility, you’ll have to promise you’ll play with him, and give him love and attention alright?” Said Osomatsu. The five of them nodded, and immediately began to clamor in agreeance. Osomatsu smiled softly. “ Alright then, we can keep him.”
“Hurray! Welcome yo our family Mr, Raccoon!” Exclaimed Kyouya, the Raccoon, went over, and clambered up to the six year old’s shoulder, before nuzzling up to him. He giggled, and lightly scratched behind his ear, which the raccoon seemed to enjoy. 
After paying the vet, the family headed back home with new pet raccoon in tow. As long as his kids were happy he was happy..even if Osomatsu did have to endure a lecture from Ichimatsu on proper pet care. 
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Dog Gone Problems: How can we train our dog to go out the dog door and potty on his own? | Momaha.com
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/dog-gone-problems-how-can-we-train-our-dog-to-go-out-the-dog-door-and-potty-on-his-own-momaha-com/
Dog Gone Problems: How can we train our dog to go out the dog door and potty on his own? | Momaha.com
Dog Gone Problems is a weekly advice column by David Codr, a dog behaviorist in Omaha. David answers dog behavior questions sent in by our readers. You can reach him at [email protected].
I just got a 5-month-old double doodle. He goes in and out the doggy door, which opens to a deck, by himself. I trained him in two days. He will go down the stairs into the yard to use the potty just fine. How can I train him to go out to potty all by himself? I’ve only had him three days, so hoping it will just take some time. I would love some tips to speed the process along.
Congrats on your new dog. Sounds like a smart one, which should make solving this problem pretty easy.
First off, you need to come up with a fun word that means to go outside. Dogs are the only animal on the planet who can read a human’s facial expressions, so coming up with a word that makes people smile and laugh can provide your dog with added motivation.
Next, have a family member or friend outside with a plethora of wonderfully stinky high-value treats your dog loves. I often use chicken liver.
With your dog and you inside near the dog door, have the person outside call your puppy by name. When your pup goes through the dog door, they should find this person right outside the dog door. When the pup is completely through the dog door, have them give him a treat and then say the command word after the treat goes into hi mouth.
Call your dog back inside, pet him under his chin and say sit. Have the person outside call the dog again, but this time move one step farther away from the door. Keep repeating this process for 10 treats, then have the humans swap places. When you go outside, stand where the other person was standing when they finished. Practice the routine for another 10 treats.
The next time your practice, the person should be at the same distance from the door as they were when they stopped last time. Maybe a few feet closer. Practice for another five to 10 treats.
At some point, when the dog is running through the door with glee, try saying the command word when the dog is inside with you and someone is outside waiting. If the dog goes through the door on his own, have the person on the other side give five treats in a row, saying the command word after each one. We call this a jackpot, and its a great way to reward a big accomplishment like responding to the command word.
Once you can say the command word and have the dog go out, you need to start providing the dog with things to discover and motivate him to stay outside and explore. You can leave a small trail of treats from where the person was standing to the grass the first time. The next time, leave another trail, but add a small pile of shredded cheese at the end of the trail (which should be in the grass).
The cheese promotes sniffing the ground, which is healthy and may lead to other exploring. The goal here is to provide motivation to go outside and progressively increase the length of the stay.
Practice this a few times, but keep moving the shredded cheese farther into the lawn — maybe one foot farther each practice. While you are doing this, use less treats for the trail, spacing the treats farther apart. At some point, you will stop with the trail and just leave some shredded cheese on the lawn for your dog to find.
You can also leave new toys outside, as well as chewy items like bully sticks, cows ears, etc. The idea is to leave good stuff outside for your dog to find, which gives him more incentive to go out and explore. With enough positive exposures, your dog will go out often looking for them and this should lead to going potty on his own as well.
Good luck and remember — everything you do trains your dog. Only sometimes you mean it.
Despite being a senior cat at 10 years old, Baby is full of energy and mischief. Here, she dangles from a bannister in her house in Gretna.
Karen Windle, copy editor
We’re Bruce and Ernie (left). We love sneaking raw bacon off the kitchen counter, lounging around the house naked, er, without our collars and making friends with deer. (The deer *love* to play tag, but for some reason we’re always “it.”) 
Katy Glover, online editor
Buster can put a smile on your face like no one else, including those of neighbors who spot him dragging me along on a walk or run. Unfortunately, this high-energy guy recently has been sidelined by the doggie version of a torn ACL and subsequent knee surgery. He could use a little boost, so I’m nominating him for the OWH Pet Parade.
Julie Anderson, news reporter
At left is Clyde. He’s a dog. He’s 2 ½. He’s deaf. At right is Pieces. He’s a cat. He’s 13. He can hear. They would like very much for you to pick them!
Brad Davis, business editor
If you’re an avid reader of the World-Herald, maybe you’ve heard of Cooper. Features reporter Chris Peters has written about raising Cooper. Here he is on the custom pallet bed his mom built for him.
Chris Peters, features reporter
At left is Daisy. Her best friend is a reindeer, who comes to visit a few weeks each year. She complains a lot to the non-magical beings she lives with, for obvious reasons. At right is Diaz. He’s a handsome  boy who doesn’t care about that. He loves walks and belly rubs, all people, most dogs, one cat, and zero racoons and opossums. 
Rich Mills, copy editor
At the Ducey Farm in Dundee, we have the blackshirt gals who guard the back yard (Mary Stewart and Victoria Holt), and the chickens who help me garden (Brooklyn and Penny). They produce eggs and inspire pillows for the cutest and most fashionable dogs in the world (Phoebe, Gigi and cousin Tyson), who love to bark at the feral cats (Bunny and Butterscotch) who live outside and have matching tails!
Marjie Ducey, reporter
Gator likes eating snackies, expertly posing for pictures, getting floof everywhere and borking (not barking) at neighbor dogs.
Cory Gilinsky, features (and Sarah Jarecki, civilian)
Gracie the border collie and Beau the red heeler like long walks and frequent car rides, especially to drive-thrus that give treats. 
Deb Shanahan, metro desk editor, and Kent Sievers, photographer
Isabel doesn’t enjoy her humans (especially the little ones) a lot, but sometimes likes a good chin scratch. Mostly she enjoys being left alone to sit on top of the piano and watch the birds outside.
Kevin Coffey, music critic
Izzy is 6 months old. She likes to chase her tail (and often catches it), climb up couches (and people), and bother Zake. Zake is 15 years old and unsure of Izzy. After all, Izzy has the high ground.
Zach Tegler, copy desk
Jameson may be named after whiskey, but this five-year-old gal is all sweetness. At first skittish after being rescued from a farm in Oklahoma, now her favorite hobby is stealing hearts — and covers.​
Laurel Foster, online
We say Juni found us after my wife was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. This little Havaton brings our family joy, love and snuggles every day.​
Jeff Robb, news reporter/data geek
Laika is, hands down, the happiest dog at the dog park. She is named after the heroic Russian cosmonaut dog, one of the first animals in space. Ciara loves to pray. When she joins our family in prayer, she sounds like Scooby Doo. She is fiercely loyal and protective.
Susan Szalewski, copy editor and news reporter
Lolo was adopted seven years ago in Louisiana. She’s a mutt, and we think she’s part nutria, otherwise known as a swamp rat.
Hunter Paniagua, digital sports coordinator
Minerva is a very hard worker. Two-year-old “Minnie” likes to spend her time cleaning, inspecting boxes and bird watching. (And looking adorable.)
Brandon Olson, digital content hub editor
Molly, a rat-terrier Chihuahua from NHS, loved everyone she met. She was an excellent high jumper and cuddler and gave us joy for 17 years. She died in April.
Betsie Freeman, features reporter
Nellie is a 10-year-old tabby cat who is more like 5 years old at heart. She enjoys sleeping in fresh, warm laundry, eating, chasing lasers and listening to stories with best friend, 4-year-old Sam.​
Ashlee Coffey, Momaha.com editor
This is Oliver. He has three legs and a bullet permanently lodged in him. (We didn’t put it there). He pretends like he’s surly and tough but deep down he’s very snuggly.
Roseann Moring, political reporter
Eighteen-year-old cat
Loves tuna, SBH and
A fireside nap
Sarah Baker Hansen, features, and Matthew Hansen, columnist
I’m Sasha. I was a stray in Oklahoma (where my ear was somehow torn) before a shelter rescued me & treated my heartworm. I just tested negative for heartworm, yay! I really like to play dead & get belly rubs!
Alia Conley, news reporter
Slugger, owned by the original Pet Parade Petitor in Chief and saved by Big Red Rescue in Omaha, chases his tail faster to his right than to his left. He ate a hole in the blinds to watch his owner come and go.
Steven Elonich, online editor
Toby is a 4-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix with a big personality. Given the protective tendencies of his breed, he’s very serious about watching over his property — and his owners. Until he isn’t.
Dave Elsesser, features editor, and RyAnne Elsesser
Toothpick loves biting bare legs, gazing longingly at birds outside and dipping his paw into bags of Spicy Nacho Doritos so he can lick off the Doritos dust (which his owners know is gross and bad but are powerless to stop). ​
Erin Duffy, news reporter
Boston Terriers, Willow, 8, and Dexter, 6, have a closet full of costumes, sweaters, scarves and even some pajamas. They only sit this nicely for photos because there are LOTS of treats involved – but really – they are crazy little puppies!
Tammy Yttri, copy desk chief
Nine years ago, we found Zed roaming the earth (it was a ruff life). He’s a good boy. He likes his toy lobster, pepperonis (which we call pupperonis) and keeping up with his fans at Zedwin.org. 
Graham Archer, digital editor
Hi, my name is Zeus, I an eight-year-old American Eskimo looking to get back in the game. They say I am fixed, but I think my only problem is you aren’t in my life. I love long walks and treats. I want someone to chase squirrels with.  Won’t you paw right?
Chris Machian, photographer
‘); }
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Dog Gone Problems: 18-month-old Goldendoodle doesn't respect its 14-year-old owner | Momaha.com
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/dog-gone-problems-18-month-old-goldendoodle-doesnt-respect-its-14-year-old-owner-momaha-com/
Dog Gone Problems: 18-month-old Goldendoodle doesn't respect its 14-year-old owner | Momaha.com
Dog Gone Problems is a weekly advice column by David Codr, a dog behaviorist in Omaha. David answers dog behavior questions sent in by our readers. You can reach him at [email protected].
I have an 18-month-old Goldendoodle who is a very kind and loving dog. My family’s intent is for him to work as a therapy dog. The problem is I am a 14-year-old small girl who this dog doesn’t respect at all. I feel like I have tried everything. My family has hired behaviorists and trainers. I walk him 30 minutes a day — morning and night — and I train him for 10 minutes after each one of those walks. No matter what I do, he doesn’t respect me. However, he respects the rest of my family. All my dad has to do is walk in the room and he will drop whatever he has. It’s the same with my brothers, who are 11- and 16-years-old.
The next issue is that he has possession aggression. He is very fast. He grabs everything and does not let it go (at least for me). For example, he loves socks and will swallow them. Because of this he has had to get two surgeries and has had multiple visits to the vet to induce vomiting. We have buckets with lids and locks, but he can also open doors. When he gets something to chew on and I try to take it away, he growls — a lot. Then when I try to open his jaw, he bites me.
I need help. How can I make him respect me? Is it my fault or the dog’s? 
Wow. It sounds like you have quite a few issues going on. From what you wrote, it appears you are doing some good work already. Maybe we just need to add a little fine tuning. I can share a few tips.
Let’s break your letter down into individual sections so you can focus on one thing at a time.
First, respect for dogs can be confusing. Some of the factors may be related to your age and stature. Size matters to dogs. That said, one of my former apprentices has gone on to become a dog behaviorist and she is just over 5 feet tall. So it’s something you can get past.
While the walks are great, they may not be enough. Your average dog needs an hour of exercise every day, but some dogs may need even more. From what you wrote, I’d guess your dog falls into that category. This video on creative ways to exercise dogs can help you supplement your walks with some easy indoor exercise options.
I’d look for some ways to build in compliance before your dog gets what he wants in your day-to-day life. Petting with a purpose is a wonderful way to help your dog learn to respect you as a leader and help him practice asking for things instead of telling you what to do.
Do you enforce rules with your dog? Dogs often see those who enforce rules as the leader. Enforcing rules gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership in small, subtle ways multiple times a day.
I’d suggest you also start developing a strong leave it command with your dog. Once established, you can pull out high-value items and leave them on the floor when you can supervise and give the dog the leave it command. The more you repeat this, the less the dog will try to take things you want them to leave alone.
Lastly, this video includes a really easy and sneaky way to condition your dog to come to you — even when you don’t call him to come over.
Remember, training and behavior are separate. While training is awesome, I’d suggest you work more on these structural changes and behavior exercises to help your dog learn that listening and respecting you cause good things to happen.
Good luck and remember — everything you do trains your dog. Only sometimes you mean it.
Despite being a senior cat at 10 years old, Baby is full of energy and mischief. Here, she dangles from a bannister in her house in Gretna.
Karen Windle, copy editor
We’re Bruce and Ernie (left). We love sneaking raw bacon off the kitchen counter, lounging around the house naked, er, without our collars and making friends with deer. (The deer *love* to play tag, but for some reason we’re always “it.”) 
Katy Glover, online editor
Buster can put a smile on your face like no one else, including those of neighbors who spot him dragging me along on a walk or run. Unfortunately, this high-energy guy recently has been sidelined by the doggie version of a torn ACL and subsequent knee surgery. He could use a little boost, so I’m nominating him for the OWH Pet Parade.
Julie Anderson, news reporter
At left is Clyde. He’s a dog. He’s 2 ½. He’s deaf. At right is Pieces. He’s a cat. He’s 13. He can hear. They would like very much for you to pick them!
Brad Davis, business editor
If you’re an avid reader of the World-Herald, maybe you’ve heard of Cooper. Features reporter Chris Peters has written about raising Cooper. Here he is on the custom pallet bed his mom built for him.
Chris Peters, features reporter
At left is Daisy. Her best friend is a reindeer, who comes to visit a few weeks each year. She complains a lot to the non-magical beings she lives with, for obvious reasons. At right is Diaz. He’s a handsome  boy who doesn’t care about that. He loves walks and belly rubs, all people, most dogs, one cat, and zero racoons and opossums. 
Rich Mills, copy editor
At the Ducey Farm in Dundee, we have the blackshirt gals who guard the back yard (Mary Stewart and Victoria Holt), and the chickens who help me garden (Brooklyn and Penny). They produce eggs and inspire pillows for the cutest and most fashionable dogs in the world (Phoebe, Gigi and cousin Tyson), who love to bark at the feral cats (Bunny and Butterscotch) who live outside and have matching tails!
Marjie Ducey, reporter
Gator likes eating snackies, expertly posing for pictures, getting floof everywhere and borking (not barking) at neighbor dogs.
Cory Gilinsky, features (and Sarah Jarecki, civilian)
Gracie the border collie and Beau the red heeler like long walks and frequent car rides, especially to drive-thrus that give treats. 
Deb Shanahan, metro desk editor, and Kent Sievers, photographer
Isabel doesn’t enjoy her humans (especially the little ones) a lot, but sometimes likes a good chin scratch. Mostly she enjoys being left alone to sit on top of the piano and watch the birds outside.
Kevin Coffey, music critic
Izzy is 6 months old. She likes to chase her tail (and often catches it), climb up couches (and people), and bother Zake. Zake is 15 years old and unsure of Izzy. After all, Izzy has the high ground.
Zach Tegler, copy desk
Jameson may be named after whiskey, but this five-year-old gal is all sweetness. At first skittish after being rescued from a farm in Oklahoma, now her favorite hobby is stealing hearts — and covers.​
Laurel Foster, online
We say Juni found us after my wife was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. This little Havaton brings our family joy, love and snuggles every day.​
Jeff Robb, news reporter/data geek
Laika is, hands down, the happiest dog at the dog park. She is named after the heroic Russian cosmonaut dog, one of the first animals in space. Ciara loves to pray. When she joins our family in prayer, she sounds like Scooby Doo. She is fiercely loyal and protective.
Susan Szalewski, copy editor and news reporter
Lolo was adopted seven years ago in Louisiana. She’s a mutt, and we think she’s part nutria, otherwise known as a swamp rat.
Hunter Paniagua, digital sports coordinator
Minerva is a very hard worker. Two-year-old “Minnie” likes to spend her time cleaning, inspecting boxes and bird watching. (And looking adorable.)
Brandon Olson, digital content hub editor
Molly, a rat-terrier Chihuahua from NHS, loved everyone she met. She was an excellent high jumper and cuddler and gave us joy for 17 years. She died in April.
Betsie Freeman, features reporter
Nellie is a 10-year-old tabby cat who is more like 5 years old at heart. She enjoys sleeping in fresh, warm laundry, eating, chasing lasers and listening to stories with best friend, 4-year-old Sam.​
Ashlee Coffey, Momaha.com editor
This is Oliver. He has three legs and a bullet permanently lodged in him. (We didn’t put it there). He pretends like he’s surly and tough but deep down he’s very snuggly.
Roseann Moring, political reporter
Eighteen-year-old cat
Loves tuna, SBH and
A fireside nap
Sarah Baker Hansen, features, and Matthew Hansen, columnist
I’m Sasha. I was a stray in Oklahoma (where my ear was somehow torn) before a shelter rescued me & treated my heartworm. I just tested negative for heartworm, yay! I really like to play dead & get belly rubs!
Alia Conley, news reporter
Slugger, owned by the original Pet Parade Petitor in Chief and saved by Big Red Rescue in Omaha, chases his tail faster to his right than to his left. He ate a hole in the blinds to watch his owner come and go.
Steven Elonich, online editor
Toby is a 4-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix with a big personality. Given the protective tendencies of his breed, he’s very serious about watching over his property — and his owners. Until he isn’t.
Dave Elsesser, features editor, and RyAnne Elsesser
Toothpick loves biting bare legs, gazing longingly at birds outside and dipping his paw into bags of Spicy Nacho Doritos so he can lick off the Doritos dust (which his owners know is gross and bad but are powerless to stop). ​
Erin Duffy, news reporter
Boston Terriers, Willow, 8, and Dexter, 6, have a closet full of costumes, sweaters, scarves and even some pajamas. They only sit this nicely for photos because there are LOTS of treats involved – but really – they are crazy little puppies!
Tammy Yttri, copy desk chief
Nine years ago, we found Zed roaming the earth (it was a ruff life). He’s a good boy. He likes his toy lobster, pepperonis (which we call pupperonis) and keeping up with his fans at Zedwin.org. 
Graham Archer, digital editor
Hi, my name is Zeus, I an eight-year-old American Eskimo looking to get back in the game. They say I am fixed, but I think my only problem is you aren’t in my life. I love long walks and treats. I want someone to chase squirrels with.  Won’t you paw right?
Chris Machian, photographer
‘); }
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