#need to draw more Alice being a lil weirdo
fox-pr1nce · 3 months
I gotta say I'm fucking obsessed with Alice. You may have already addressed this but are they into their siblings at all or is it more of a Whatever The Hell They Wanna Do type deal? In that vein, did they sorta stalk Julia and, if they did, to what end? :0
Aaaaaa thankyu for the ask! ^-^
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1) Oh no, they are into their siblings :) Verrrrry into their siblings. Their siblings are the only people they truly like (with the exception of exactly one person. Just not in the same way they’re into their sibs. I haven’t decided if I want to make this oc canon yet.)
2) They did, in fact, stalk Julia as well. I think it sort of started when they realized Julia was really only friends with Ashley and them to get to Andrew. How dare she use their sister like that! And to steal away their brother, no less!
The stalking becomes much more intense once Andrew starts dating Julia. Watching and waiting and listening for anything that could be used against her. Any juicy information Alice gathers, they tell Ashley. Of course, they don’t tell Ashley about how they actually got the info. “I just happened to overhear.” Or “I found out while I was hanging out with her.”
Julia has tried to tell Andrew she thinks Alice is stalking her. But he never believes her.
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Thankyu again for the ask, and I wish you a good day/night <3
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
do u remember the characters who were complimented the most by their beauty in the books?
off the top of my head (and keeping in mind i’m still on asos and haven’t reread feastdance at least since the show ended so like 3-4 years) characters who get complimented most often for beauty are -
jaime (not joking, he doesn’t get called handsome, he gets called beautiful. think more brad pitt and less george clooney)
joffrey (similar to jaime, altho tbf most of the comments on his beauty come from sansa)
characters who are less complimented mostly due to them not being in every book but still notable beauties include-
catelyn & lysa - i’m like 80% sure people comment on lysa being beautiful when she’s younger & less so now, but don’t quote me there. i know people comment on cat being hot af when she’s younger, and multiple people remark on her hair so she clearly still Has It, she’s just not in a position where men are throwing themselves at her feet in the series given, ya kno, the war
roslin frey
margaery’s lady’s court - her girls, taena, and alerie are all described at some point or another as being beautiful
taena of myr - wanted to mention her specifically, people tend to think of her as striking
val the wildling
ygritte the wildling - notable that this is incredibly conditional bc jon only starts referring to her as beautiful after they start sleeping together BUT the wildlings consider her beautiful bc of her hair
rohanne webber
characters noted to be beautiful by people who are clearly fishing for a compliment to pay her (aka, She Is Beautiful To Me, I Understand Her)-
jeyne westerling - i want to add her bc you have cat, robb, and jaime all acknowledge she’s “pretty enough” but are won over by her after talking to her, which probably speaks more to how she carries herself than her actual looks. but as a westerling stan, it’s notable To Me haha
brienne - i need to include this bc the “she could almost be a lady she could almost be a knight” is one of my favorite lines in the series, it makes me crazy and i think any post about beauty that doesn’t include brienne isn’t complete. that brienne gets the “brienne the beauty” moniker bc she’s ugly even as jaime keeps thinking about how she’s beautiful in some way or another is, imo, notable in how george sees & defines beauty (very much in the eye of the beholder, and that love can make you search for beauty in someone who is objectively not beautiful according to The Societal Standards)
arya - ned compares her to lyanna (and obviously ned isn’t gonna tell his daughter “you’re an uggo my sister was hot as fuck tho”) & gendry & edric both get a lil flustered over her
ellaria sand - noted that she’s not strictly beautiful but “something draws the eye” which seems like jeyne it’s about how she carries herself than her actual looks
jeyne poole - i mean. lots of comments about how she’s pretty ish and they’re clearly meant cruelly, almost as a way of tormenting her (no fancy last name, no wolf’s blood, not even pretty enough to get someone to rescue her)
pre-asoiaf mentioned in the main series for their beauty include-
lyanna stark
ashara dayne
missy blackwood
barba bracken
rhaegar targaryen
and pre-asoiaf characters noted to be beautiful in twoiaf or f&b-
rhaenys targaryen (the conqueror)
nymeria of ny sar
rhaena the lesbian
alyssa velaryon
jocelyn baratheon
viserra targaryen
rhaenys velaryon
rhaenyra targaryen - notable that she’s considered beautiful as a child but less so as an adult (bc westeros is full of fucking weirdos)
helaena targaryen - described as being more beautiful than alicent and that’s really it
daenaera velaryon - ditto on westeros being full of weirdos lol
jaehaera targaryen - again. she is like 12 when she dies but half the realm is commenting on this beautiful child. i hate these people so much.
baela targaryen
lady sam hightower
something that’s notable is that george makes a continued distinction between “pretty” and beautiful - alysanne targaryen is considered pretty but not beautiful, for example. so there’s people like jeyne westerling who are “pretty enough” as in, not ugly, not plain, but not, as jaime puts it “beautiful enough to lose a kingdom over” as in they are drop dead, model, helen of troy type gorgeous.
that’s also why i wanted to include the “fishing for compliments” type girls bc these women are very aware that they’re not pretty enough and often wind up carrying themselves differently as a response to this - if they can’t be gorgeous they’ll be so disarming, so striking, that people will spin back around to beautiful. ygritte is the biggest example of this imo because how jon perceives her beauty is very tied to how his relationship with her develops - he purposefully conflates her beauty with her violence bc he wants to find her violence beautiful bc that would make his life infinitely easier, and after she dies he’s very clear headed that she isn’t that pretty but she is TO HIM, she is beautiful in his memory because of his feelings for her. it makes him very wary of melisandre & val as a result - because he conflates beauty and violence in ygritte, it makes him wary of other harsh & beautiful women. or take lyanna, who is remembered often as being beautiful yet in ned’s memory, this beauty is part of what dooms her and he is outwardly hostile whenever people mention her beauty - to ned, that beauty brought only horror so he doesn’t dwell on it.
there’s lots of commentary here on what “beautiful” actually means from person to person, so while i would say the first group are more objectively beautiful, it’s also important to think about context - who is thinking they’re beautiful, why they’re thinking this, and what their relationship is.
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