#need him in ways that would get be banned on this site
habunshu · 6 months
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photos i’m keeping safe for when i’m next ovulating
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steviestits · 4 months
In The Family Way - Part 1.1
Written for an anon prompt, which can be read in its entirety on this fic's masterpost.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Background Argyle/Jonathan Rating: T (E in later chapters) Summary: The Munson family has never had the typical values that most modern Americans have as they find thrill in all that's mysterious and spooky. Steve Harrington, a black widow omega, hadn't known this when he mated with the family's eldest alpha, Eddie, and thought that he'd be another easy mark that he could kill to inherit the millions that Eddie owned. However, not only do all his murder attempts fail, but Eddie actually enjoys them! And to make matters worse, the alpha wants to try for a pup! Steve has to find a way to off Eddie for good, before he gets pregnant and maybe actually falls for the death-crazed alpha. (Addams Family Values au set in the Omegaverse after the events of the movie with Steve as Debbie and Eddie as Fester) Trigger Warning: Attempted Murder as a love language
The day Eddie met Steve Harrington was honestly the most horrendous day of Eddie’s life, and to be honest, Eddie couldn’t be happier. They met through Eddie’s adoptive brother, Argyle, of all people, after his omega, Jonathan, had a baby. The omega ran a photo studio out of their home, taking morbid pictures of newlyweds and family photos. He thought he would have to close the photo studio as he also had two younger siblings, El and Will, so Grandmama Joyce had her hands full with them and couldn’t help watch over the baby, too. However, Argyle insisted that Jonathan continue his dream and suggested they get a nanny instead to help out during his working hours. Jonathan had been hesitant at first, but since his studio was at home, if the baby needed him then he’d be only a few rooms away.
Finding a nanny proved to be a problem since most of the ones the agency sent over were quite disturbed. They ran away at the first sight of a bloody knife or a severed hand, leaving the baby unattended in the process. Eddie helped Argyle complain to the agency several times about their carelessness and demanded that the nannies be reprimanded for the neglect they showed in their duties. Instead of seeing the flaws in their hiring process, they proceeded to ban them from using the agency's services. At least, that’s what they had thought until another nanny showed up out of the blue. That beautiful vision was Steve, a very kind and sweet omega.
Steve took to the children well, and quickly became their confidant. Though El and Will denied it, Steve insisted that the kids desired to go to summer camp. And from what Eddie heard, the kids had a truly dreadful time. They made some new friends, led a rebel uprising, scalped some puritans, and set fire to a stage. Honestly, if Eddie had known summer camp was so much fun, he would’ve insisted that his uncle send him when he was a lad.
The departure of the children did make Steve lonely, however, but Eddie was there to comfort him and over the course of their interactions, the two of them fell in love. They eloped nearly the same day then took a flight directly to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Eddie hadn’t thought he’d like Hawaii because of all the sun, but Steve went the extra mile to make sure Eddie had a good time. He started by electrocuting him in the bathtub then introduced him to sex directly afterwards. And there was the impromptu shark tank swim that Steve sent him on, and the tour of the local volcanoes. One of which Steve, the seductress, tried to shove him into when the guide brought them to an active site.
Eddie had been worried that the magic would end once they returned home, but Steve continued to be affectionate and thoughtful. Their first day back, in their beautiful new home, his darling omega made him an explosive home-cooked meal after he placed a bomb in the tuna casserole. He then shoved Eddie off a two-story balcony onto a bed of spikes and dropped a grand piano on Eddie once after he returned home from visiting his brother.
Argyle had been worried about Eddie given Steve’s love of pastels, but Steve proceeded to set their minds at ease by staging a family execution. It was then that they were all convinced that even if he dressed differently from them, Steve was still a Munson through and through. The rest of the family welcomed Steve with open arms, happy that Steve would be able to make Eddie absolutely miserable for the rest of their lives.
Even now, several months later, Steve was still looking after Eddie. He could feel his mate’s love as he drank the whiskey the omega prepared for him. His mate was feeling feisty today as Eddie could tell that he had dumped a full bottle of arsenic into the alcoholic drink then added two spoonfuls of rat poisoning for some zest. He honestly didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky as to find an omega who took care of his needs as well as Steve did.
“How’s your drink, dear?” Steve asked through gritted teeth.
Whenever Steve fixed Eddie a drink, he’d always hover around him, waiting for confirmation that the drink he made was especially murderous. Such as today, Eddie had been reading in his study when Steve brought over the drink he had mixed for him. He then proceeded to hover around the room, pretending to be interested in various items all while keeping watch through the corner of his eye for Eddie’s reaction.
“It’s positively poisonous as always, my pet. Your best work yet.”
Steve’s knuckles clenched until they turned white as he said, “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He then stormed out of the room, stomping his feet as he grumbled about adding more cyanide next time. It was flattering that Steve dedicated so much of his time to thinking of ways to please him, but a little worrying as Eddie thought the omega needed activities outside his devotion to his alpha, otherwise the spark the two had might fizzle out from overindulgence.
That’s why Eddie had decided to visit Argyle today, to get some advice as to how he kept his relationship with Jonathan from becoming stale. Eddie finished his drink then went to the attic door, where Steve sweetly spent most of his time plotting Eddie’s demise, and told him that he was leaving. Steve replied by shouting that he hoped the alpha’s van didn’t crash, which made Eddie swoon as his omega had clearly gone through the trouble of cutting his breaks.
Masterpost ~ Part 1.2
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stxrr-strxckk · 2 months
hi! can you do headcanons of what is it like to date quackity in 2018/2019? your writing is really good btw 🫶🏻
Aww, ty! Gonna be honest, I don't know too much about 2018/2019 Quackity (I didn't watch him as much as I did in 2021/2022) but I'll try anyways!
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You're just one click away!
(Dating 2018/19 era quackity!)
Pairing: Quackity x gn!reader
Any warnings?: Nope!
Whats that on the record player?: Hello?; Clairo
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✭First off: You probably met him online. Whether that was during one of his raids, in an online chatroom, discord's got talent, or just through common interests, one things for sure: he was smitten.
✭Always calling you, texting you, inviting you to hang out, whatever you want. Anything for his princesa <3
✭Probably tells chat about you.
"Gamers, I have to confess something." Alex states dramatically. "So, there's this person, right? And they're SO cool. Like, the coolest person I know. And I need to impress them so lets make this raid turn out good, okay?"
✭You have a feeling it's you and it's a bit silly seeing him be so whipped
✭When you guys get together he's so happy he's yapping about it to all of his friends and fans.
"Gamers, remember that person I told you about? Well I finally fucking pulled them, thank god! Yeah, hide your girl 'cause I've got game over here. The ladies love me!"
✭Invites you to judge Discord's got talent with him and spends the entire time flirting with you.
"Okay, so you're talent is singing, correct?" Quackity asks. The contestant replies and you smile. "I love guys who sing. It's so romantic!" Alex perks up at this. "Actually, you know, I'm a pretty good singer myself. Yeah, uh, I'll actually- I'll actually serenade you guys right here. Right now." He grins when he hears you and the other judges laughing at his singing. "So, how was that?" he asks when he's done. "It's gonna be a no for me." you laugh, and the other judge agrees. "What? After all that? This is crazy. You guys can't judge anymore." He laughs, kicking the other judge from the call. "Aah, don't kick me! I'm too young to die!" you joke. "Okay, fine. You're too pretty to kick anyways..."
✭Also features you in raids like all the time. Lets you pick out the games he raids.
✭You two make so many roblox videos with the craziest fucking clips ever. They're titled stuff like: Roblox with my s/o is the funniest thing ever and roblox sucks way less with my s/o (kinda corny but still really cute)
✭You two play crappy games together and make fun of them in videos
✭When he gets banned from twitter and discord and other sites he has you make a cameo in his video and ask for his account back.
"Okay, so I just read the card?" you ask Alex, who's behind the camera. He nods. "But this doesn't sound like me at all." You deadpan, and he laughs, almost dropping the camera. "Just read it anyways, for the clout!" "Fine." you roll your eyes. "You're lucky I love you." you clear your throat as Alex straightens the camera and focuses the lens. "Dear twitter: please please please give my super handsome boyfriend his account back. He is too hot and too cool to be banned, and it makes me very very sad. If he remains banned I'll cry forever- Q, this doesn't sound like me at all." you laugh. "Hey, you're not getting paid to complain!" "I'm not getting paid at all." "Shhh, they don't know that!"
✭Overall very cute and funny. 10/10 would ship again.
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A/n: first set of hcs! Hope you enjoyed, make sure to like, follow, reblog, and submit any requests!
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Your answer is complete bullshit. What the dazai anon did is nowhere as serious as what you are doing. You want her personal life basically sabotaged, and all she did was send you a couple of cruel messages that made you have a bad day, guess what? That’s everyday for the dazai anon. She’s just fucking tired of the treatment her favorite character faces form this shitty fandom, even his own “stans” join in the hate against him but there seems to be some hypocrisy against chuuya or even the fucking pedophile mori.
All she did was send mean things out of frustration and anger, she deserves to feel that way. I don’t agree with death threats, but nothing about her behavior is “harassment” or “grooming minors” you’re all dumb fucking idiotic children and it shows seeing how you label petty internet fights as “crimes”, at the end of the day, did you lose your degree? did you lose your job? are you in constant fear and suicidal ideations because you’re scared you’re going to jail over THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CHUUYA NAKAHARA of all things???? No! You are completely fine and living your life with no fears or anxieties as she is. Your blog is also completely useless btw! No one is gonna make a case on this, your parents didn’t which is why they asked u to delete the previous blog. Follow their advice again and leave the Dazai anon the FUCK alone and have the balls to actually face her without holding legal threats over her head. You pieces of shits.
What she does is tell people to kill themselves and say that she hopes they die, that their pets die, that they fail their finals, that their mental health/life gets worse. All over fictional characters, and we are just documenting it. At most she might get a fine, or have her Tumblr/Twitter privileges removed. I'm not sure how that second one would play out but I know people have been banned from sites.
As for the. having a bad day bit. I've mentioned this to her before but I have several disorders that make everyday hard for me too, most notably that I've been either passively or actively suicidal for the last 6 years. How do you think her damn near constant hate and harassment of me and my friends affects my mental state? I say it doesn't get to me because it doesn't incapacitate me and I don't want my friends to worry. The shit builds up. I have blocked her, I have reported her, I have ignored her, I have asked her to leave me alone. None of that has worked.
I understand the frustration she goes through, that's the whole reason I don't interact with the pjo fandom anymore. I was taking everything personally, I couldn't play nice with others and I realized that I was problem so I stopped interacting with it. That is my oldest special interest that has kept me alive multiple times. I do not post about it. Because it is unreasonable for me to ask everyone else in the fandom to only see it my way.
She has become the problem here and needs to deal with that. It is not fair to everyone else here for her to decide that her way is the only right way and everyone who disagrees is against her specifically. She absolutely has every right to feel angry or frustrated but she does not have the right to take that out on everyone else, if she doesn't want to block people and respect people blocking her she needs to leave until she can play nice.
As for the legal action, she can stop harassing people right now and case will likely go nowhere. And I have tried to talk to her about the things she does without "threatening legal action" and she called me a cunt and stupid and jobless and a dickrider and a doormat. She isn't willing to talk things out and treat others with respect, so we have this blog. And we have gotten a few asks regarding legal action, we haven't answered them publicly because Kavya tends to harass anyone mentioned here.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
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Elements of this Character Profile is STC.
Keep in mind that all my OCs in this blog are from a shared universe and that the story/character elements might change as I work on the series. Some works here are also non-canonical to the character, and as such may contain a different plot/setting/character backstory entirely.
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AGE: 21 (As of 1896)
HEIGHT: 6’8” (203cm)
WEIGHT: 250 lb (113kg)
RELATIVES : The Ban Clan
— Ban Gabrielle (Descendant)
— 11 Siblings
— Parents
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Featured In:
Tumblr Works / As a Yandere Character :
— Hairpin | Popped
— 1K Celebration | Underwear
(note that the earlier stories are separate from his actual lore and are the connected at all to the comics he’ll feature in nor his backstory in the overview)
Comic Series :
— Make Money Not Love!
— Midnight Darling
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Main Storyline ( In the Comics ) :
Mori comes from an extremely poor background. He’s the 8th out of all 12 siblings, and was only ever given attention to due to his hair and eye color presumably given to him by Celestial Tower [more on that in future, will link a separate post explaining the Tower].
As such he was forced into school despite wanting to help out by working instead. He’s faced with great pressure to graduate and eventually join the new Reconnaissance of the Otherworld • Special Unit ( RO•SU ロ•ス ). However, his mana was found out to be corrupted and he’s quickly dispatched (killed) on site.
He is reborn many centuries earlier as a delinquent, back before the Celestial Tower’s appearance. His arc on the comic “Make Money Not Love” is about his struggles with finances and the expectations of an Asian society that places value on monetary success.
Mori is abnormally tall. He used to be AMAB in his original timeline and his height (along with his hair and eye color) carried over despite the new biological sex. His height is presumed to also have come from the Celestial Tower since such an incredible height is rare not just from his family but the country he lived in.
Due to the value put on his looks (i.e. hair and eye-color) he abhors people touching him. Afraid that even the slightest change, or damage would affect his value as a person. Even in fights he makes sure that neither gets in harms way.
As a Yandere (for x you/reader people):
Now as a Yandere, Mori is extremely materialistic. Whether consciously or unconsciously, he likes when he’s given objects of value. He’s also extremely masochistic, as he likes to get into fights or annoy people for the sake of attention.
Mori has extremely low self esteem. The slightest bit of kindness will have him falling, but that feeling is usually fleeting unless the other person maintains their affection towards him.
If you’re to be his darling, you’d need to be extremely patient or at least be resistant to teasing. He can’t help it, he does it out of love, you see?
His ideal darling would be the type to be rude when it comes to words but soft when it comes to actions. A tsundere one might say. He’s also into the cool, collected types (but it would be even better if they insulted or beat him up once in a while)
His worse match would be a shy, demure, compliant darling. He enjoys challenges, thrills. His previous life basically wired him to enjoy hardships. If the Darling gave into him easily he’d find them boring.
Is probably the only yandere I’ll ever write that’s okay with being cucked. Might even like it a little too much.
Sub leaning switch.
[to be added upon]
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[to be added upon]
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©️ hana.no.seiiki | yun. please do not redistribute, repost, translate this written / painted work without credit or permission.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Goo Kim: Office Routines
Ok, here's an actual response to the earlier ask (sorta).
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Goo likes to practice his smiles in the mirror.
Going for a particular flavour of wild and feral that is his trademark. In the early days he used to do it when he was bored, whenever and wherever, admiring his reflection on his phone. Then fucking Gun said he looked like a moron.
It resulted in five broken fingers (Gun's), one broken phone (Goo's) and one destroyed office (Crystal's).
On a completely unrelated note, they have been banned from stepping foot into Crystal's office.
On another completely unrelated note, that ban was revoked once Goo started shouting unsavoury things about the Four Crews from her doorway for anyone to hear.
Goo now practices his smiles in the morning before he leaves for the day. A daily affirmation of sorts, to get him in the mood. His winner's mindset.
"Morning!" Goo greets everyone with a grin, open-mouthed and completely insincere.
Recently he also began adding in some finger guns. Flipping off Gun after so many years did lose its effectiveness, after all.
But the first time he pulled out the finger guns at Gun, the aforementioned only said "Don't ever do that again." and walked away.
Well you can't just dangle something like that in front of Goo and expect him to a) listen to Gun fucking Park and b) stop.
So Goo does it all the time. To everyone. And he relishes how Gun twitches at the motion.
"Finger gun for Gun Park," Goo would laugh, as his partner tries to slap him away.
And when Goo has to do desk work. Which he really really hates, by the way.
Some report or another he needs to fill in or something about some gang uprising he should pay attention -
"Why?" he would ask whoever is within ear shot, "What's in it for me?"
"Your job," Charles had responded that one time he caught Goo whining.
"Sure thing, boss!" Goo responds with one of his smiles and finger guns, wishing it was an actual gun.
- that eventually Gun or Crystal or some poor lackey would have to sort because Goo never does it.
Instead, he reaches for his favourite intranet sites. The office message boards that he is the Great Overlord of. The one and only admin.
Goo catches up on the office gossip, the office grumblings over his eighth cup of coffee for the day. Grinning in glee at all the juicy tidbits people gladly spill under so-called anonymity.
Someone down on fifth is having an affair with someone on eleventh? Who is going to get fired for gross negligence?
Spoiler: it's not anonymous at all.
Of course these are the more boring office days. The ones filled with money and blood and violence are much more up his street.
Nonetheless, he makes the most of whatever life throws at him. Shitty office days and all.
For Goo and his job (where he's getting paid to fuck about and fuck people up?!) it really is as people say:
Do what you love, and you never have to work a day in your life.
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stardustpinkart · 2 months
So, someone tried to assasinate Trump.
Pity they missed.
I KNOW its wicked to wish people harm but... Some people I dont think you would be sad to see drop dead. Trump, Putin, people who hurt young woman and children. The isarealis! The ones murdering, slaughtering children, bombing homes, raping prisoners, all while LAUGHING and smiling about like its a big game.
At the very least strip them of power so they cant hurt anyone anmore, which I though they were doing, his name dirt, losing money, being cut of tv appearences, losing buisiness... AND yet they allowed him to seriously try for a second candecy?
Im only sorry for the victims who were in the area. Supporters of him or not. I wish they hadent got killed.
Some of the plans Trump has for America include:
Ending gay marriage.
Ban-remove trans troops from the military.
Ban trans healthcare for kids
Outlaw Pornography
Imprison people who create pornogaphy(DEMONIZING sex workers)
Oh and btw the asshole and his platfrom "project 2025" defines transgender ideology as porno, so, YEAH, gunning to get any "dirty trannies" into prioson
National abortion ban
Abortion medication ban, restrict ivf acess, limit acess to conctraception in an effort to end recreational sex( SO your sex life is now the govs buisiness, and if you dont want a baby, there taking away you right to engage in safe sex)
End no fault divorce
Public health clinics must EMPHASISE the important of STRAIGHT marriage
Repeal any programs that support single mothers or LBGT parents
As per the bible the only legally recognized families are those of a husbad wife and BIOLIGICAL children(so I guess adopted dont count)
Limit social media interaction for children via parental and govermental controlls. They claim its cuz its for there own good, but its so they can controll what they see. They dont want confused kids looking up infromation about feeling trans, maybe gay, non binary, whatever, or even Gaza and progessive issues via the net. ITS CENSORSHIP and there thinking "Our kids wont be dirty lil homos and freaks if they cant SEE these sites"
End free school lunches
Infuse public education with christanity
Band education on race gender and slavery
AND thats just some of it.
....TRUMP is a bigoted, STUPID, racist, intolerant, SACK of shit. Hes like one of those old time polictions in the old days where segagration still existed and a woman was still property of her husband. And seems to want America just to be that way again. HOW much misery did he cause the last time he was president?
I dont care who defends him, he is a terrible human being with terrible, EVIL policies. And I wont be convinced otherwise, EVER.
There are some people SO awful, the world truly doesent need them
Voters, please, do your best! I live in England, but I would, I would WEEP, if these policies came into effect in the USA. I thought MOST of the world would.
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thegreatestsandwich · 2 years
Your name has echoed through my mind (Aemond Targaryen x f!reader)
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: You often enjoy testing his limits, but this time, he tested yours.
Warning: Mentions of cringy sex, voyeurism,  really possesive behaviour, read if you want, but if you are a minor, leave! why are you here?!
A/N: Guys, I really don't know what is happening, like my posts are getting shaddowbanned and don't even show on the tags or on my tumblr, I don't know if it's a glitch or something, so I decided to post it again? I hope this time it shows.
Coments, Reblogs and Asks are happily received! I love to read your lovely coments :)
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You waited until the sun set before returning to Dragonstone, the gates of the castle were closed and the roars of the dragons made something inside you to tremble. Guards were patrolling the entrance, some carrying swords. Your lips lifted in a smirk.
Did the little one-eyed prince did this for you?
You thought it was adorable, it wouldn’t stop you though, but the thought that he was putting this much of security made you giddy. You waited for a bit until a guard passed. You breathed deeply and ran to one of the walls, your back pressed against the warm stone and counted.
Seventy. Seventy-one. Seventy-two. Seventy-three. The guard passed once again. ‘So that’s how long it takes to take one round.’ You thought.
Have walked around these streets more than ten times during the last few days while you were looking for the best ideal option to enter the castle. At first, your idea was to climb the walls of it, you were a very good climber, but after noticing how tall the walls were, you quickly left out that plan. So now, your best option was to just enter through the door.
You scrambled towards it, using the shadows as your hiding spot. Your palms scrapped against the floor, they still stung with the last time the prince found you, his rough treatment shouldn’t excite you but it did. Only one of the many reasons of how fucked-up you were.
Sweat began dripping down your spine. There was little to no coverage being out here at the open. The place was heavily guarded and the moonlight was illuminating it. If someone would just stare for a moment, they would indeed find you there.
What would Aemond do if he discovered you on his precious place? Would he hurt you? No, he probably would kill you, display your mauled corpse on the outsides of Dragonstone.
Yes, that sounded just like him.
But, if he wanted to kill you, he would have done it already. That was obvious. You wouldn’t even stan a chance against him on a fight, he was that good. And that was extremely sexy.
You dashed from shadow to shadow, using the walls and trees to cover up, light spilled from the large opening of the entrance door. A few members of the royal family were visible, the oldest son and his twin sister siting around on a horizontal structure, he was boringly looking at her playing with something on her hands. Their long white hair was something recognizable, a token of superiority or something like that.
You hesitated for a moment, you needed to find a way across them. Boots scuffed against the stone behind you. You trembled, perfectly knowing that sound. You slightly turn around, the light of the moon illuminated the stone, there was no sign of life other than the guards. You waited and waited, slowly straightened up.
A large form stepped out of the darkness. Oh fuck. You froze for a second as you recognize his slender figure, a long black leather coat on his body.
Aemond had been watching you, his eye reflecting the light of the moon, accentuating the beautiful violet color. He had threated you before, banning you from Dragonstone and here you were, trying to break in.
He didn’t say anything but still haven’t approached you in any way yet. His fingers curled around his sword, the blade shining as deadly as he was.
You smirked, he wasn’t going to kill you, well, at least not yet. His head nodded to the side, turning around and walking away. You followed him intrigued by his action and completely aroused by him, by his dominant stance, by his silence, by the sword, just everything.
Aemond slowed his pace, accommodating to your steps. He wanted you to follow him but you didn’t understand why, he guide you through the gardens keeping into the darkness, curiously avoiding every guard. He walked with a predatory looseness, the rolling of his hips were calculated, the angle of his head was high and proud, the white of his hair shining against the moon, the straightness of his shoulders were elegant.
He stopped, hiding behind a tree. You walked close to him, brushing your body against him, sharing the darkness and his warmth. He stifled for a moment and you didn’t even bother to hide your smirk.
Moments passed and the silence still surrounded you, your eyes followed his gaze, trying to see what he was seeing as the gardens were empty. You frowned, what was he waiting for?
Suddenly, a set of footsteps starteld you, taking away your gaze from Aemond, you manage to catch the sight of Alicent Hightower. The queen. His mother.
Aemond’s hands grabbed your waist and pressed you against the tree, your eyes on his mother. His fingers wrapped around your neck. “Don’t say a word.” He lifted you off the ground, your legs quickly circling his waist. “I believe I have told you to stay away from here.” His gaze was dark and wild. “What should I do? You deserve punishment.”
Unable to speak, you tilted your head upward, silently offering your throat. Your form shook with terror and excitement. Not knowing what he would do to you. You were on his control, you couldn’t escape him and as he became scarily still, looking at you so intently that it made your cunt clench around nothing, you force your body to stay as still as possible.
“I give it to you, ñuha byka rūklon.” His eye watched you hungrily, shifting his hand to your shoulder, allowing you to breathe. “And you love that, my hands on your throat, controlling everything.”
You gulped a mouthful of air.
“I’ve never met anyone as you, ñuha byka rūklon.” Aemond lowered his head, dragging his nose over your cheek.
“Aemond? Are you here?” His mother called out.
He chuckled, his lips pressing quickly against your cheek, making you arch your back, pushing your body against him, needing more contact. He growled. “Naughty, my mother is here.”
He was aroused like you. Long, thick and hard, only for you. He kissed your neck, lightly biting it, scratching it, the hurt made you moan.
You wanted to reach for him, to hold him closer, to toss away that horrible eye-patch and he held you, sucking on your skin. “Another noise and I will ripped out your throat without any regret.” Aemond lifted his head, his eye watching obsessively at his handiwork. He smirked. “I wouldn’t even hesitate.”
“You would miss me.” You shuddered against his body. “You would be bored without me.” Your voice was hoarse, raw from his abuse. “So miserable.”
Aemond looked at you with amusement. “You should be afraid of my words, my little wildflower.” He pressed you more into the tree. “I’m quite dangerous.”
“I’m quite dangerous as well, little prince.” You smirked. “You wouldn’t survive at my grasp.” You wanted to do more than play, you wanted him to devour you whole. He grabbed your face and turned it towards his mother.
“Is that a challenge?” He pressed against you, slowly moving against your cunt. “I like challenges as I always win, but that’s not the question.”
“What’s the question then?” You close your eyes as he pulled your head back, licking up your neck, over to your chin.
“Would you be a good girl and stay quiet?”
Your lips parted and he captured them, thrusting his tongue between your lips, both of your tongues dueled for dominance, he growled and you knew in that moment that you were his. He kept his grip on your throat, clenching and unclenching the pressure on it, controlling your breaths. You rocked against him, grinding your cunt against the bulge of his pants.
Aemond’s hands quickly pushed your clothes away from your body, doing the same with his pants. “Do not make a sound, you don’t want my mother to see us.” His hand grabbing his cock, guiding it against your entrance, slowly using the tip to separate your lips, coating it with your slick. He huffed a laugh when you tense as he lined himself up at your entrance. He thrusted deep.
You loudly moan, bucking against him, digging your nails against his still covered shoulders.
“You’re tight.” His jaw clenched, frowning in arousal. “Wet and mine.” He sank deeper into you.
You shuddered at his speed, wiggling trying to get him deeper.
“Be still.” Aemond bit your neck, holding you in place and forcing you to take him all. “My mother could hear you, you want that? You want her to see the kind of whore you are?”
You squeezed against his cock, making him groan at the sensation. You couldn’t even describe the sensation and you became addicted. You panted and clutched to him. Aemond lifted his head and stared at you as he force his mouth to yours, tugging and pulling in sync with the thrust of his hips.
He fucked you like the animal he was, the only way he could do it, driving into you again and again. The dominance he showed you made your brain go fuzzy, the world spinning around you, the thrilling of knowing his family was looking for him. “Yes, yes, yes.” You didn’t care to stay quiet, you needed him. “Harder, Aemond, fuck me harder.”
He growled but complied to your demand, his face contouring with desire. Aemond closed his eye when you clench around him again and you hated that. Your hands quickly grabbing his face. “Me, look at me and only me.”
He opened it once again, his focus on you and only you. He held nothing back, pounding into you as the sound of footsteps came closer to your hiding spot. Aemond bit your neck and you almost screamed, clenching one final time. He stopped, his eye closing as he began cumming, splattering the inside of your cunt, painting your walls with his seed.
Your face hide against his neck as he held you closer, your arms and legs weak and his body supporting your weight against his. He gently rocked, trying to keep the feeling a little bit longer, his cock buried deep in your cunt. His mouth searching yours.
“Your mother.” You whispered against his lips, as he throw away his pants, beginning to walk with you on his arms, at some point he had slipped out of you and you felt his cum leaking out of you. “She will see us.”
He shushed you. “She will only see us if you keep talking.”
“Someone will see us.”
“Trust me.”
“Good girl.” He kissed the side of your head, as he made his way to his room. This wouldn’t be the only time he would fuck you on this night.
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toyhouse-code-hell · 1 month
Pinned Post/Rules
Hello, I'm Clay (he/him, adult, very queer) I give out toyhouse codes from my account PhalarAluve.
Asks open when I accumulate 50 codes and code status is always in my bio. And because of this, I am limiting things to:
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What is toyhou.se even??? Toyhou.se is an invite-only character storage website where you upload your own characters (their art, literature, even au versions if you want) to your profile.
Do I need to understand HTML to use this website? A little bit if you choose to use html coding for profiles... But unless you want to make your own code, you won't need to know more than adding an embedded link or image.
Can I dm you for a code? I would prefer asks only, so no. I want this to be a touch-and-go sort of deal.
I've seen these codes traded for art and designs before, why are you giving them out for free? A month's premium code worth is 0.61 USD per code. Yearly premium's code worth is 0.23 USD per code. No art is worth that little. It's scummy to give codes in exchange for ANYTHING at that price. I am staring directly at r/toyhouse and r/codesfortoyhouse.
Please turn anon asks on, I'm shy/anxious/etc... I can't reply privately to anonymous asks to send you back a code :( It's one ask and then you never gotta do this again.
Why can't I see your profile/Why am I blocked??? If you are under 18, I have maturity block on! If over 18, I've IP blocked someone and you just share that address! If you're over 18 and I haven't blocked you and you have no code yet, I've turned on guest block due to AI scraping as of recent. Either way, sorry!! </3
Can I have a code please even though I'm in X fandom?? I do not care what fandom you're in <3
Do you give codes to people with CBCs/Dekudogs? I do not care what ocs you have <3
Can I pleeeease get two codes...? It's for a sales account. 🥺 No <3 Them's the breaks.
Did you really read my questions? Put the snail emoji in your ask (required) or give me a song recommendation (optional).
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Codes: Pinky, Aurorean, Sealkitty, AsheCodes, My HTML Faves Folder (!!! TURN OFF WYSIWYG !!!)
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DNI ?? idk chief i just work here
Basic DNI Criteria™️(no racists, no queerphobics, you get it)
If you are using this to ban evade/block evade. (you're a douche)
If you post nothing but AI art, site mods will ban you. So don't?
"Come on there can't actually be racists or queerphobes on toyhouse." I wish. I fucking wish.
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⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ Disclaimers ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ I am not associated or affiliated with anyone I give codes to. If anyone has ban evaded, block evaded, or has done or will do any future harm with their toyhouse account, my hands are clean of it. If you come in here like "YOU GAVE A CODE TO USER BILBIPPITY AND THEY SCAMMED ME AND ITS YOUR FAULT" That is not my fault.
✨ Star Dividers Credit: cafekitsune
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 5 months
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"What are you doing, my companions?" Tarou asked, finding that Haruka was hunched over a tablet while Saruhara looked vaguely disapproving.
"I want to download this emulator so I can play it and make it more accurate for my manga, but I can't figure out how to do it! This game is as old as me, can you believe it?"
"Which game?" Tarou came over to look at the screen, finding it was Pokemon Fire Red.
"I asked Kijino if he had an old Gameboy hanging around, and he said he didn't have one! I thought he was target audience age for that, though? Ugh, he's so not helpful."
"And now, a haiku:
Seasons pass slowly Animals live their short lives And time will move on."
Tarou and Haruka ignored him.
"You know how to do this stuff, right, Tarou? All this fancy tech stuff?"
"Does your aunt have a Gameboy?" Tarou asked, accepting the tablet without answering the question. He wasn't sure if he knew the "fancy tech stuff" but then again, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
"I've been banned from touching a lot of her stuff," Haruka sighed, tossing her hair. "Even though I'm so cute and perfect."
Tarou looked up at her for that one, before looking back at the tablet.
"Hey, actually, what's everyone's favorite Pokemon, I should draw that too! Saruhara-san?"
"I don't know what you are speaking of."
Haruka took out her phone and searched something up. "Here's the Pokedex, pick one!"
Saruhara took the phone, scrolling through whatever Haruka had found. He'd tilt his head every so often, making faces at the screen like he wasn't sure he liked what he was looking at.
"Woah, you have a phone now?" Tsubasa asked as he slid in next to Saruhara, grabbing a menu and hiding his face in it.
"No, this is Haruka's."
"Tsubasa-san, what's your favorite Pokemon?"
"Mr. Mime."
"Shit, bye," Tsubasa said as an officer came into Donbura, making him open a Door and leave.
"Did you figure it out?" Haruka asked as Saruhara handed the phone back and went back to drinking the tea that had been ignored in front of him.
"What is Tarou figuring out?" Sonoi took the place Tsubasa had been in.
"Haruka wants to download an emulator for Pokemon Fire Red," Tarou explained.
Sonoi frowned. "Isn't that illegal?"
"Nope!" Haruka sang out.
"You should just get the original version," Sonoi said, taking the tablet away from Tarou.
"But he can figure it out, I know he can! Besides, if I could get the original version, I would have!"
"Can't you just use your Points for that?" Sonoi pointed out.
"That's a waste of Points, come on," Haruka said with a roll of her eyes. "Still can't believe Kijino didn't have one, otherwise I would have used his!"
"Why do you need to play this, again?" Saruhara interrupted.
"Because last time Sonoza said it was clear I had never touched the game, and ate all my paper."
Tarou took the tablet back, trying to figure out the site Haruka was using.
Sonoi yanked it out of his hands, turning the tablet off with a huff.
"If you must play this, find a different way to play it that doesn't involve…this," Sonoi commanded.
As Haruka protested, Master watched the whole thing with bored eyes, a Gameboy right next to the register.
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secretgamergirl · 1 year
Twitter is dead. Get off it. This is an intervention.
So, back in... what was it, November? Elon Musk was forced via legal action to make good on a boisterous offer to buy Twitter. At the time, the reaction of literally everyone I know was roughly “oh damn, that’s the end of this place, that idiot’s going to kill the whole site. Where are we bailing to?” I feel like if there was a clear answer to that, maybe people would really have done it, but... a dozen people came out of the woodwork with really hastily thrown-together Twitter clones which all had weird quirks that one could be leery of, regarding security mostly, and thanks to choice paralysis, the general consensus seemed to shift to “watching this idiot try to speedrun killing this website is comedy gold, I’m going to ride this sinking ship to the bottom of the ocean, then deal with ditching it.”
The problem though is, that already happened. I guess people thought the metaphorical ocean was maybe deeper than it is, but that site really is on the bottom of it, and it really is time to move on.
Clearly, there’s some benchmarks people were waiting to see that just aren’t ever going to happen. A lot of people really expected there’d be a point where they’d just try to load up the site and get a 404 page because the servers are all permanently disconnected. Mostly people figured this would happen because Musk would realize that the site is absolutely bleeding cash like there’s no tomorrow and there’s no way it’ll stabilize again, but that’s not going to happen. He didn’t buy it to make money, he bought it to pressure bootlickers to pretend they think he’s cool, and that’s totally been working out for him. It’s costing him an absurd amount of money, but he has basically infinite money and doesn’t care.
Some people also thought this might happen because, well, he immediately fired like most of the staff and started randomly deleting huge chunks of load-bearing code and breaking contracts and not paying rent and stuff but.. yeah somehow that didn’t do the trick. A skeleton crew is mostly keeping the lights on. A lot of stuff keeps breaking temporarily but it’s held together with duct tape and someone seems to be restraining Musk from finishing the job. It’s as broken as it’s getting.
I’ve seen goalpost moving like “I’ll drop the site when it gets to the point where marginalized people are getting banned en masse and it’s just wall to wall nazi propaganda. That happened already. In November. Countless leftists, many celebrities, got taken out like day one. I got knocked off literally for the crime of being trans within the first week or so, as did a ton of other people. These are all bans that can’t be repealed. You’re hanging out in an online country club that doesn’t allow in a bunch of “undesirables” and that’s you actively propping up white supremacy if we’re really being honest about it.
I’ve seen the argument made that freelance writers and artists “need to be on twitter” in order to get commissions, and there’s a few ways to approach this one. First, do you really? Have you not reached a point in your creative career where there’s regular clients who hit you up, and don’t need to see you actively posting on Twitter to remember you exist? Do you not get any work from anywhere else? If it has traditionally been just Twitter, ARE you still getting work there? Because they don’t let you post off-site links to promote your stuff anymore, and they murdered all the discovery algorithms to instead promote far right conspiracy theorists and weird Musk sycophants to everyone instead of people whose stuff they might be interested in.
If though we live in a world where with all that being said, and all the massive bleeding of users we’ve already seen, you still want to insist that Twitter is the only place in your field one can get work offers though, then in sticking with it for that reason, you ARE kind of uh, you know, actively benefiting from your status as someone the open bigot running the place doesn’t have it out for? Again, would you join the whites-only country club? Would you apply to work at the business that refuses to hire any women or queer people? Some of us out here are literally facing homelessness because we ALSO rely entirely on commissions, and we aren’t allowed to be on that site, so, the longer that site remains the place you get commissions from, we can’t find work. Please hasten it’s fall for our sake.
Setting that aside though, there’s also the moral argument that you really should not be supporting what is quite plainly at this point a site maintained by nazis, explicitly to cater to other nazis. Like, the easy joke here is that the people who previously ran Twitter were cryptofascists, while the guy running it now is instead a crypto fascist. This of course ignoring the powers that be at Twitter also going all in on that, remember the hexagons? But seriously, with no investors to keep happy and no interest in keeping advertisers happy, Musk and the policies of the site both official and unofficial are just... full on mask-off nazi stuff now. Everyone who’s ever been kicked off the site (which traditionally had a bar of like, actually personally trying to have someone killed or personally threatening a celebrity) is back. There’s some stated transphobic policies on the books, Musk is personally posting a bunch of weird George Soros crap and hardcore propaganda like “nearly all crimes are commited by black people” and hardcore anti-vax stuff, and not only is none of this going anywhere it’s being actively pushed into everyone’s feeds constantly. You’re basically hanging out on a mirror of Gab, and your very presence there is feeding it, not financially per se (I mean, what income Twitter does have IS still advertising based, which in turn directly translates active users to dollars, but again, Musk has basically infinite money), but like, the nazis don’t just hang out on Gab is they need the attention of non-nazis and the legitimacy of hanging out in the same spaces.
So far this is me making moral arguments, but also, like... are you getting anything at all out of being on that site these days? I’m banned but private windows are a thing, and there’s still people I care about who adamantly refused to just like, be present on Discord or something so I can check in, so I do glance at people’s feeds now and then, and literally all I have seen from ANYONE in the past uh... 7 months from anyone on Twitter is just people’s live reactions to the site dying, the owner being an idiot, and having nazis shoved in their faces.
In the before time, one of the things that arguably made it worth having a presence on that site was people setting up a bunch of automated accounts to like, give weather reports and such (which you can just look up on a dedicated weather site/an app on your phone you don’t even need to open by the way) and stuff like those accounts that post a cute picture of a cat/wolf/fox/skink/whatever every hour on the hour. Those are all dead now I believe, because the idiot in charge heard someone saying that hated “bots” and thought people meant actual automated accounts, not the fascists shilling crypto and shrieking at marginalized people from their hundreds of burner accounts.
The thing though, that I’ve heard from quite a lot of people, is that not only did those feeds go poof (also anyone who hasn’t logged in in a month- dead friends, old joke accounts, etc.) but if you look for a replacement by just searching the site for say, “dog” or “cat,” because it is now a site by and for nazis, you get domestic animal snuff film gifs. The sort of thing nazis pack all their favored haunts with to deter people whose souls aren’t dead from looking at what they’re posting. I saw a lot of that stuff back in the day helping get other dedicated nazi sites offline, and that crap’s been haunting my dreams since. Why the hell are you there still?
You could jump ship and flee to some mastodon instance or whatever else is out there, or hell, you could also just... not. People had web presences before freaking Twitter. I’m just posting stuff on Tumblr here. I’m on some forums with people I’ve known for years. I’ve got Discord for live conversations (although wow, it’s really looking like it’s time to scout out the next thing there), there’s e-mail to randomly shout at people. You don’t need a doom scroll site replacement, honest.
And like, I get it. You don’t want to just be trickling out one by one. You want some oomphf, some momentum. So here’s the plan, share this around: You post whatever “here’s where to find me” stuff you need to now-ish. Then you wait... about 3 weeks. Then the date is going to be 6/9. You wait for the date to roll over, you make a single post where you just say “nice” and then you never touch the site again.
Oh and meanwhile, hey, again, I really do live off commissions, and I’ve had a hard time getting new ones since... well some former clients decided to not work with trans women anymore apparently, really, so I kinda need to beg for money to live, if you want to maybe toss some my way? Also there’s a new Zelda game out and that weird Bayonetta prequel thing, and I’m literally putting every single cent I can get my hands on towards paying my rent and utilities (the government’s covering groceries). I can’t even afford one of those streaming services. So uh, anyone feel like maybe doing the wishlist thing?
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hollowsart · 2 years
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So I was talking with some friends, and @itschr1spy brought up a character from the TNAS cartoon I've never seen, called Christina, and had some really great ideas about her and what she could look like and be like in my Spiderverse.
So here's my little design of her! She's very unwell.
A little info:
Regularly banned from “The Cryptic Crawlers“ fan website dedicated to collecting any and all photos and footage they can get of Acedia, as well as articles from The Daily Bugle that talk about “The Cryptid Crawler”. There are forums for discussion regarding various new images and even interviews with people who had “close encounters” with Acedia, or at the very least were close enough by as a physical witness. Everything is left anonymous.
(all the photos are in poor quality, not a single one is clear enough or close enough to make out much detail, so a lot of discussions are just theories, speculations to what “The Cryptid Crawler” actually is)
She keeps making new accounts to bypass the bans, using whatever hacking knowledge she has obtained over time. Her behavior started off rather normal but soon enough devolved into obsessive and concerning. She gets into heated debates and arguments with various users of the site.
She usually carries around a large military grade duffel bag filled with tools for getting into places she shouldn’t be able to get to. She also has a crazy lack of fear as she can and will attack and capture Chameleon to retrieve a costume he wore during a fight with Acedia-- His own Cryptid Crawler costume. She needs it. She wants it. And she is going to get it.
Her only desire is to have Acedia, she doesn’t really care about anything else and will let him go free as soon as she has it.
All in all: she is a crazy obsessive fan who develops unhealthy behavior.
She also patches up and slightly alters the sloth suit she obtains from Chameleon. Utilizing her own makeshift tools and pretending to be ‘Acedia‘ except.. it’s very clear that’s not Acedia. It’s incredibly uncanny and off-putting, much like her personality and behavior.
The claws Chameleon would have used during his disguise were broken and destroyed, no way of retrieving and repairing them. So Christina went with changing the overall hands of the costume.
Also, due to her hair being short, there’s no way for it to stick out, and wearing a wig would be silly for her (even tho that’s what Chameleon did), so the back of the mask was sewn up and patched over.
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soyouareandrewdobson · 9 months
What IS the reason you think Dobson left for good? I've heard all kinds of weird theories and rumors, usually "His parents made him!" But that doesn't make sense to me. He is an adult and they can't make him do anything, even if he lives in their house. I mean, if that's the kind of relationship he has with his parents, that's his problem but I think that's rather regressional. Unless they found out what he did, were embarassed, and threatened to boot him if he didn't stop? But that also doesn't make either because we KNOW he's been online since he quit, like when he was found commenting on a YouTube video...and then emptied his account. He also emptied his social media and web sites over time. Maybe someone else did it, but he'd need to give them access. Also, where would the parents rumor come from when there's no evidence for it? I think he was just being the ultimate whiny baby, couldn't take the criticism and injury to his ego and decided it's not worth it. He doesn't NEED to make a living anyway so why bother? I do think he's that pathetic and lazy and the answer is no more complex than that. But what do you think?
I honest to god have no idea.
The problem for me is the following: Dobson already had in years prior multiple reasons to "leave" the internet for good, but always still remained. He lost his gick with brentalfloss, his original comics failed, he got mocked on multiple plattforms, his patreon ended up earning him less than most people make in a day, he got twitter banned...
and yet he never left for good, deleted all traces and stayed out of the public ire as he did since 2020. Yet somehow, getting a bunch of shitty panels of a badly thought out comic idea leaked, as well as some tumblr users calling him out on recent shit was finally the last nail in the coffin? It somehow never added up to me, even if I assume that his mental health state was already wack.
And the rumor, that he left the internet because background checking him had cost a relative to get a governmental job, while an interesting theory, never really sounded too legit for me either.
The closest idea I have is, that perhaps his family became aware of the most recent failure of his online career and after realizing how self destructive he is for his age, particularly in the time of COVID, that they put their foot down and told him to go cold turkey or else they would have cut him out of their lives or something else.
Cause as far as I see it, the only way how to make someone like Dobson actually just "quit" with his bullshit, is if they have to face genuine consequences for their actions. And getting banned online is not consequential enough.
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ovaryacted · 7 months
Ok to give context. I think a popular trans woman on tumblr was banned for a raunchy photo (I think? It might’ve just been a normal photo) and she made a loony-toons style threat to the CEO (something about hitting a car with a hammer and exploding?).
The CEO, in an elon musk ass way, went fully dick and just straight up deleted her entire blog. And I THINK the reason given is the “NSFW photo” or something.
There’s also been a trend of pro-trans posts getting flagged as mature for no reason at all.
Meanwhile, Leon, in furry BDSM gear and his cock out, gets 1# trending, is reblogged by tumblr staff and not even marked as “mature”. Which exposes tumblr staffs unfair treatment of trans posts.
Yea, Leon with his cock out has helped expose the transphobia with this sites staff making him a 100% trans ally.
Okay see, I literally didn’t know any of this so thank you for the added context cause otherwise this would just pass by me.
That’s actually crazy though. Now I get why that gif brought so much concern and yeah, the double standard is stupid. I’ve always hated how trans people in particular and queer people over all are always policed for how they choose to express themselves even in NSFW content, but when you have cis-appearing individuals even fictional ones literally naked as hell, then it’s no issue.
Tumblr’s censoring issues always show some form of favoritism, like there’s other things that really should be addressed but sure, let’s rave about the Leon Anubis dick and balls mod and censors everything else yay! It’s also icky cause yeah that was funny at first but now it just highlights the hyper-sexualization of male characters across the board. Leon doesn’t even have a bulge or bouncing mechanics in the game, but people who make these mods be going crazy on not just Leon but all the characters too so yeah. I do get why it’s done, it’s for fun, but still sometimes I just go ???.
Glad that the Leon gif exposed the hypocrisy though, very much needed and necessary. Fuck the TERFs. Leon is an ally no question about it.
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winterpinetrees · 1 month
The Wilderness (The Gap Years part 27)
July 20th 2019
Scapegoat Wilderness, MT
The road trip crew hike through some of the most unbroken wilderness in the Lower 48 to reach an enchanted prison. The humans have an unsettling discussion along the way.
Teddy Roosevelt was a conqueror. He broke monopolies, created the FDA, and most relevantly, fought to conserve natural resources, but he became president in 1901. Claiming he was better than the average man of his time is passing a low bar. No matter how diverse his battalions, this was the man who got elected with the promise that “speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”. Thanks to him, there are 1.5 million acres of wilderness in Montana. Thanks to him, Guam and Puerto Rico are governed from Washington DC. He wanted the Philippines too. 
There are no roads here, and motor vehicles of all types are banned. The prison lies deep in the woods, built underneath a glacier that google says hasn’t shrunk as much as it should. That was phase one of their research: the internet. Sierra’s an expert in weird conspiracy theories and old forums, they didn’t end up finding much. Disappearances in 1.5 million acres of wilderness could just as well be caused by bears, not elves. Then, phase two was more personal. They circled the Scapegoat Wilderness, talked to locals, and tried not to react when their vision flashed blue while talking to a young-looking farmhand at a general store. Usually, Brian is their go-to for intel, but Sierra started talking to her about truck stuff and suddenly the elves thought they could risk a bit of mind control. She didn’t end up knowing anything useful though. 
They’ve gotten good at identifying elves in a crowd. Pointed ears are a dead give away, of course, but many elves hide theirs or have them altered. Anyone too graceful is suspect, especially if they are mostly wearing a single color or animal motifs. Every elf they’ve met has been a blue-collar worker, a pattern that Marin and Zerada expect to continue. They haven’t met any prison guards, but they did meet a half-elf plumber who’d worked in the prison. Supposedly there was no risk in charming half-elves. They have no magic, but also none of the dangersense that might alert a real human to the same attack. Clay and Zerada stalked him home, charmed him into leaving his door open, and took photos of what looked to be his notes. It still felt a little wrong to be in his house though. Clay tresspasses a lot, but that’s always on abandoned sites. There were kids in the house. 
He’d asked if half-elves would be immune to the plague, or if the Mercurali had decided they were a necessary sacrifice. He almost said nobility instead, but caught himself. He needs as much goodwill as he can get, especially if that hunch is true. Zerada hadn’t had a clear response. She’d never studied biology beyond the basics. Only commoners, or weirdos like Gullin Eburos, (she clarified that he was a high noble who became a doctor for some reason) properly studied natural sciences. What did the nobility do then? Seemingly a lot of war, politics, and obeying their own elaborate social etiquette. Clay would make a joke about human and elven nobles being the same if he didn’t think it would cause a week-long argument. 
Once they gathered their intel, they had to gather supplies. The glacier-prison is not only in the elven world, but also twenty miles deep in the woods. Clay thinks he could hike that distance in a day, but with Sierra and the elves it would take two. Considering the thousands of feet of elevation change, they blocked off three days to do it, and are planning the prison break for the night of the 20th. The return trip will be much faster, as they’ll have dozens of magic elves with all their skills to whisk them away, or they won’t be returning at all. Marin’s messenger bag also makes it easier to pack. 
They have food for a week, tents, and sleeping bags rated for colder weather. They also have hand tools for Sierra, climbing gear for Brian’s disguise, and two more human handguns for the anti-magic zone under the glacier. They haven’t bothered with suppressors. Those things don’t work like the movies anyway. Marin has assured them, a little uncomfortably, that the guns will be especially lethal because elves won’t be able to deflect the bullets to the parallel world. Brian is even more uncomfortable with this, as if he hasn’t been swinging that ice axe around like it was meant for war. 
Then they began to hike. It’s a little odd to travel without the car after so long. Sierra’s fancy electric prototype had kept them all grounded in reality, but deep in the woods, this feels more like a fantasy story. They are the outsiders with their brutish gunpowder guns intruding into a magical otherworld. The pristine nature around them doesn’t help the feeling. Some nights, Marin would share the history of his world. Ten thousand years ago or more, elvenkind industrialized through a period a lot like what the human world is experiencing now. The wilderness was reduced to a few small patches like this, and the sea levels began to rise. After centuries of turmoil, they stopped it, and brought their world to a place of nearly-sacred stability. It’s clear to Clay that he doesn’t think humanity will have the same success. 
Marin’s faint smirk while describing the first truly massive wildfires to ravage the west coast is the final straw. He’s killed for this elf, (and bragged about it to another) for what? For the plague laboratory that had clearly been running since before the Mercurali took the throne? For Marin’s admittance that his mother attacked Project Excalibur? For Zerada’s cavalier attitude about mind-control against anyone without magic, or the way that Marin will do the exact same thing but with a vaguely sad look on his face?  Clay isn’t sure if they could stop the conquest if they did retake the throne, or if the cat, maybe a sabertooth, is really out of the bag.  He is sure that the elves don’t want to try. 
Clay somehow goes to sleep that night with the fitting howling of wolves all around him. He can’t even tell Brian about it, because he’s also sharing a tent with Marin and while the elf can fall asleep anywhere, he also wakes up if they so much as ruffle a sleeping bag. He can’t snap at the elves without risking all of their lives, but even his level-headedness has limits. When the sun rises the next day, he stands in the gray overcast dawn and makes a decision. 
“Hey, we humans are carrying this plan. Can we get a moment alone?” When he talks, he thinks about the mild inconveniences like Zerada’s feet on the dashboard or Marin demanding they stop at tourist traps. Not the visceral fear that they’ve been tricked into being the servants of conquerors. The elves casually agree to go off on their own for a bit. He holds Sierra’s magic tracking gadget to make sure they’ve left, then turns to his bleary companions. 
“We’re the butt of a joke right now. The Lazarins had definitely been trying to take over the world first”. Clay explains his reasoning very quietly in the forest. 
He expected the big reaction from Brian, but Sierra speaks first. “You sure? His mother attacked Project Excalibur, but she really seemed to like the human world. I don’t think someone who brought her son to a New York music festival would be out to conquer the place”. 
Luckily, he thought of that too. “Conquerors can like the aesthetics of the places they destroy. That doesn’t mean anything”. 
Brian kicks a rock with his foot. “I know you’re saying we can’t trust Marin, but what he said made sense. He said his family hadn’t wanted to conquer the human world, but public opinion was different. That’s the sort of backing that could drive a coup”. 
“I thought coups didn’t care about public opinion?” Clay snaps.
“I’m using the word coup because that’s what they’ve used. Regime change, revolution, whatever. We’ve been seeing all summer that common people are involved”. 
He’s right. They have. Brian runs a hand through his hair. He’s nervous. “ I don’t think Emer Sondaica was planning anything, she just had a grudge against nukes that brought down Excalibur”.
Sierra smiles back. “Her twin really liked that stuff. Sibling rivalry, maybe? She attacked the lab because Cai was there?”
This isn’t going as planned. “How do you explain Marin and Zerada then? All the little comments that they make? The mind control? Trust me, I can tell when I’m talking to someone who’s talking down”. 
“People do that to me a lot more than you” Sierra scoffs. “I hear you though”. 
“So what are you saying? Emer only killed humans over a grudge, but her spare son is out here to grow an empire?”
Brian and Sierra look at each other and nod. Brian crouches on the dark ground and takes a deep breath. “Political movements have… inertia. Something seems impossible until it can’t be ignored anymore, and then the same people claim that it’s impossible to stop. Maybe our friends weren’t raised to conquer the earth. Maybe they were. What matters now is that Ishtar Mercuralis is and it will be a lot easier for Marin to stage a coup and replace her at the top than to stop the process entirely”. 
Sierra stares down. “So…”
“Why are you asking me? I’m the dumb blond”.
She throws her hands in the air. “Oh great and intelligent Brian Whitaker! Who never used sparknotes in his life! Share your wisdom with us!”
“Our friend, Dirt, is right. We’re totally the butt of the joke, but if we make ourselves essential and don’t get brainwashed, then we’ll have power when it actually matters”. 
That’s really what it’s come down to, isn’t it? A month ago he proposed they betray the elves in return for their own safety, but with a plague brewing there won’t be any safety without a cure. The heirs’ lives are in their hands, but there’s nowhere for the three of them to run. Best case scenario, they somehow win and get the elven world to go back to sleep. More likely they’ll be collaborators standing beside the eighteen-year-old-looking elf who crushes the human race. They’ll be legends. Maybe the elves will put their faces on a new mountain. 
“Don’t get brainwashed,” Clay parrots. 
“Maybe you should stop sleeping with the Spiders Georg of brainwashing people then”.
Brian stammers and awkwardly points back inside the boys tent, where his sleeping bag is. He has the look of a kicked puppy. 
Sierra raises her hands. “We don’t have enough data to tell if she’s an outlier! Marin brainwashed us at the start”.
Clay picks a stick off of the ground. “So what? You hate her!” He breaks it over his knee. 
“Yep. She’s creepy and Brian’s an idiot. No normal person would leave the elven world, come here, and choose to be treated like a James Bond love interest. There’s something up with her”.
“Parties and outfits can be fun, actually,” Brian replies. 
“Good for you. You make a great couple”. 
They do not manage to get back to the topic at hand before the elves return. They don’t bother to talk like that again before the next morning when they break down their tents and hike towards the glacier prison. At the top of a jagged cliff looking down at the broken blue ice below them, the team splits in two. Zerada, Sierra, and Clay will use the vents to find the engineering center and one cell block, while Brian will hunt for the other block alone.
Clay gives him a pat on the head, over his climbing helmet. “Don’t get brainwashed. Love you”.
He smiles back “You too. Don’t screw up.”
Sierra rolls her eyes and hands both of them a second magazine for their guns. 
History fun fact: Teddy Roosevelt was elected vice-president, not president, specifically to neutralize him with a useless figurehead position. Then McKinley got shot, and Roosevelt got a fancy new job! Pretty weird when the line of succession actually happens.
The Scapegoat Wilderness is real. The specific glacier is not, and I don't believe there are any glaciers in that area.
Next week, the prison break!
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morgana-ren · 9 months
so the guys keep the awful things they do away from their kids right? but how would they deal with their kids getting older and realizing the sort of stuff that happened to their mom/s before they existed or during? you don't have to though just curious
Oh, yes. Absolutely. Even Reaver would keep his degeneracy away from his children as much as he physically could, on the off-chance he knocks ya up.
Truthfully, if most of them they have their way, the children, even when grown, would never know or ever be privy to any of it. Sorry this kind of goes off on a tangent but my ADHD is wilding out, and the information felt pertinent at the time. The short answer is no, the children are not impacted at all, and the lads have ways of circumventing their wretched pasts.
Corvus is very capable of this canonically, but he's the only one that has an AU where he has children. When he settles and marries and decides he wants children, he makes a decision to put his family first. No more open degeneracy in the home. He is a normal, deeply loving father. His children will be raised in a stable, normal environment. Collars are switched out for more 'subtle' expensive necklaces, toys are stored off-site and on his ship and retrieved with a teleport when needed. No visible chains on the marital bed. Everything is very well hidden with magic beyond what his kids are capable of right now. Etc.
Corvus is a fucking PTA Dilf. Just so you know. He is VERY active in his children's lives and education. Like, we're talking father of the year shit here. His kids will be tiefling-draconic in nature, so he will work on teaching them magic early so they can properly disguise themselves if they attend a normal school, and he will be very strict with them on how to behave around mortals.
That doesn't mean you're getting off the hook. The bedroom is soundproofed and when night falls and you two have alone time, he's very much transforming into a pumpkin. When the kids are gone, daddy comes out to play. He is still Corvus. However, he will not leave open marks on you where they can see and anything damaging he does, he heals. I mean, you both have children to raise. He can't have you bedridden with sex injuries when you have to cook the family dinner and bathe the children and your other motherly duties.
If he's having a family with you, he very much is in love with you and wants to spend the rest of his eternal life with you. He might be a bastard, but you and the children come first in any scenario. He will go as far as banning his brothers from the home if they cannot behave themselves around you. Sadism still gets him off, and he runs a very tight ship as a father and husband, but he would do absolutely anything for you and the kids. In the bedroom, he's still the same old Corvus, except he does not want to permanently scar you in any sense, mentally or physically. Hells, you can even get him to get you off occasionally, if you know how to barter with him, which you will by that point.
There will come a day when they will learn that daddy is a monster. They will learn of his atrocities and who he is. But Corvus spends their entire lives preparing for this moment in case it happens. He raised his children well and with his values and truthfully, it's never been a big deal. By the time they're adults, they're going to have... some idea that their daddy is.. strange with intimacy, but mostly, they just go "Oh yuck! I don't want to hear about my dad's love life with mom! Ew!" and it never comes up. All they know is that their father loves their mother very much-- and they miss out on a lot of the details. If they were your children, would you really want them knowing? (Keep in mind, Corvus will not have a family unless you love him back. He will make you love him. He will prove himself.)
Astarion doesn't take to it as effortlessly as Corvus does, but he's much the same way. He will still whisper off-color things in your ear and slap your ass when they aren't looking, but mostly, he manages to rein himself in. He's a bit looser with it (he believes it's normal that his children know how much their father loves their mother) but he's not degenerate about it by any means.
Him feeding is a lot less sexual and a lot more functional when he has children-- at least when they're around. It's much more of a 'sit down to breakfast' affair. He will usually have reserves of blood around so that he doesn't have to feed at all in front of them, if he can help it. He feels strange about it when they're around because it was a sexual act before and that doesn't just fade away, even if he needs to feed to live. It just feels inappropriate.
Astarion is actually capable of having relatively normal sex-- and I mean normal relatively, because in comparison to Reaver and Corvus and even Ilya, he is capable of being the most tame. You flirt with him by being bratty or whatever else have you, but he will always manage to keep himself in check until the kids are gone to school or over at a friend's house. But then you're in for it.
Sex and intimacy with Astarion who has settled down with you is capable of being much more playful than it is sadistic. By that point, if you've really connected with him, chances are you're kind of into it, same with all the others (you know, as much as you can be when your husband is a immoral sadist.) When you get some alone time, he is going to indulge, and he's going to make sure that you want to. He will keep you crawling back and begging. It is a subtle game that is not played when the babies are home.
Any scars he's given you are properly glamored (he will not let Corvus heal it, it is a sign of his love) and covered when the children are growing. He doesn't play with knives when they're around, as it's not safe for them. He very much switches into vampiric lord father mode. Finest education, finest life, etc.
Truthfully, he would probably prefer that you make up some story about how you met, or at least romanticize the real way. Leave out all of the grosser details. He doesn't want the children knowing anything inappropriate at all. To them, he is a normal loving father and you are a normal loving family. He just happens to be a vampire.
If they're half vampiric (or even full blood vampires) he would want them homeschooled. He wants them in a safe place where they will be kept clean and on the up-and-up. He remembers the early years of his thirst and how uncontrollable it was, and he doesn't want to risk the family getting isolated and singled out. He would scour the globe to ensure his children had friends and could properly socialize and maintain friendly relationships. If he's established a coven, he would have a school set up for the children where they could be with children like them.
While he is nervous at first, he blossoms into an excellent father. Corvus had more of the atrocities attached to their name, so realistically, the only thing they will ever learn about their father is that he is a vampire lord, and being his children, they understand he has to feed on mortals. His relationship with you will be far more consensual and loving at that point, and chances are neither of you would feel the need to bring up the nastier past, especially how you met or the kind of monster their father can be.
Reaver probably struggles the most. Not because he doesn't want to hide it, but because his idea of normal is just so fucking skewed at this point that he has to relearn it. It backfires. Rather than being too inappropriate, he's too stoic.
He's going to be very anxious. So anxious that he basically wants to raise a nanny to raise the children full time. Obviously, that's not going to work, and it will take years until he's finally comfortable raising the kids like a father truly would. Mostly because at that point, he's afraid he's going to ruin their lives by just being him.
He's going to look to you to teach him right from wrong. You will basically be raising two children: Your actual child and him. He doesn't know what to do, so he's going to try to buy their affection and spoil them senseless. They will have the finest of everything, and attend the finest private school.
He's one of those dads that when their kid gets bad grades, he blames the teacher. He will bribe the school. He will throw money around. Like he is one to do. He does not understand what is wrong with this, so if you want to discipline your children for behaving poorly, you will be doing it with him mostly being silent. It will take some time for him to get the hang of proper parenting, and he still messes up sometimes.
He's going to be very uncomfortable showing any affection to you in front of them, mostly because he doesn't understand. Love, to him, is a naughty word. He's the most staunch about it genuinely because he is trying.
He loves his children very, very much. He just has to be taught how show love. You have to explain to him that it's okay for parents to say 'I love you' to each other in front of their kids. It's okay for him to kiss you and squeeze you.
it's business as usual when the kids aren't around though. The filthy, disgusting, nasty man you came to love. He's going to try to cram (in more ways than one) all of his urges into a very short amount of time. He will have a special hidden chamber that is very different from your standard bedroom that is only opened with a key that he has and never removes. When the kids are away for a while, you will be spending most of your time there, and poor Barry will be tending to your needs like food, water, and the essentials.
When the kids get older and they want to know how mommy and daddy fell in love, he's going to spin an elaborate lie about how you were some lovestruck fan who was enamored with his brilliance, and his looks, and-- it's total garbage. It becomes a running joke. He, like the others, will completely hide your origins.
The hardest part would be hiding his various crimes. Not against you, but just the fucking world at large. He's a celebrity and a ruthless business man known for killing everything. Truthfully, he might ask Corvus to help him move somewhere far off and away so his children are raised out from under the shadow of his influence.
He will not stop killing things though. And he will not give up his business. He's a provider after all. He will ensure that all business is done very far away from his children.
Ilya will be outwardly pleased when you fall pregnant, but inside, he is panicking. Keep in mind, this man had a very strained childhood that left him with a litany of issues that persist to this day. Especially given how you met, he's worried you might decide you don't love him and you'll turn against him and take his child with you. This doesn't make him angry; this makes him afraid.
Ilya is aware of the technicalities of raising children. He, like Corvus, won't have a huge issue with the standard bits. He doesn't struggle not to murder or be cruel in front of them. He can rein himself in easily. He takes to fatherhood very well. He loves his children and his wife a scary amount. It's kind of wild watching him 'grow' all the sudden when he has a family.
Ilya's biggest struggle won't be forgoing degeneracy. It will be his complete and utter fear that he is going to be a father like his father. That you don't really love him, and rather that you're manipulating him because you feel like you have to in order to survive-- even though that might've sorta been the case before.
Do not worry. This can be soothed, and he's actually a very attentive husband and father. Ilya will not have children with you if you don't love him, so rest assured if you have kids, he is dedicated to it. He won't do it unless he knows for goddamn sure. Even when he knows, he won't know. This man needs so much reassurance. It's possible, but it's a weird script flip, as he doesn't like being vulnerable, and it's very strange and uncanny at first. He just calms down and speaks openly and honestly, and when you're used to him being a cold, cruel, manipulative shithead, it's just... different.
Ilya is the most likely to sit down with you and ask you what you want when it comes to the children asking mommy and daddy how they met. Obviously, he doesn't want to scare them or make him think he's a horrible person (he might be, but not in regards to his children and wife, if he can help it) but he doesn't want to deny your truth either. That wouldn't be fair. He thinks the one thing that kept him sane was his mother, and he won't take that from his children. Your experience is important to him. You are important to him. He loves you deeply, but he will not deny the monster he can be at your expense. Unlike Corvus, he won't keep a lid on his secrets if you think it's important to be honest with them. He will impress subtlety and appropriate age, for their sakes, but what you want is important to him.
A lot of the initial fears and anxieties abate in the early years of the child's life, and things fall into a comfortable rhythm-- albeit with a little chaos, like tends to happen wth children. You will take your place comfortably at Ilya's side, and you'd be surprised how respectful he can be, especially in the open.
Obviously that horrible shit gets him off, but weirdly, your feelings will tend to come first. If you're exhausted because the baby kept you up all night, he will respect that and offer to tend to the child the next night. Obviously, intimacy with you is still very important to him, but he knows well enough how exhausting motherhood and fatherhood can be. Maybe Uncle Corvus takes them out for a little bit so mommy and daddy can have some alone time.
He, like the others, will take absolute care to ensure that nothing leaks out of the bedroom. Ilya is one of the few of them that actually really enjoys giving pleasure rather than holding it over your head (cough Corvus cough) and he's capable of being a great lover. So great, in fact, that you can almost trick your mind into thinking things were your idea. They tend to calm down into kink territory rather than terror territory. He will still scare you, and be very domineering, and have... unconventional desires (all of this is put very nicely for all of them btw because it feels odd mentioning in a post about their kids even if they aren't technically real), but at this point, it will likely send shivers down your spine. If he's kept you this long, you connect on a level that makes this possible.
Ilya is partial to homeschooling, as he is extremely educated and is capable of teaching them himself, but if you feel like it's important that the kids get an unbiased view of the world, he will help you school-shop. Ilya is very flexible on most things, although he does have staunch views on some others.
The main point is that your life before the kids doesn't have to come up or impact their upbringing at all. He's still him, but he's masterful at playing the incredible father-- or perhaps just being one, depending on your outlook. He's still a seedy, shady man, and he still has wants and desires that are... dubious, at best, but when he loves you and respects you, he can be rational and respectful.
The biggest issue might be maneuvering Ilya's love for his culture and past (you know, the proud bits) while not outright telling your children "Yes, daddy is a devil who was alive that long ago, actually." He might have to pretend it was a distant ancestor until they come of age and are old enough to truly understand. Thankfully, with Corvus in charge of the hells, it's easy for him to cut ties for the good of his children until they're old enough to understand or be on their own. Your kids will be raised to love and appreciate their ancestry, but um... he's going to leave the hell part out, if he can.
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