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Prediction for Next LaDS ML
Note : This is only a prediction. Nothing is Certain until Infold’s Official Announcement. Do not take this seriously.

Most of LaDS Girlies Especulated that this guy above is the next ML. And there is a good chance that he is. Not only his identity is hidden, but Ever Group has been showing up more often in conversations lately and this guy is from Ever.
Same thing happened before Sylus’ formal introduction. Onychinus was mentioned a lot and it turns out that Sylus was the leader of Onychinus.
I think (not confirmed) that his name would be Levi. In Zayne’s recent memory (Immediate Disorder) Levi was from Ever who has the names the people’s who are experimented on Preadetors. Meanwhile, the guy above maybe one of those people who knows about the experiment on MC.
One thing I also noticed, is that Zayne was able to (intentionally or not) has able to came across the next ML (personally or through information). He personally knows Caleb and warns MC about Onychinus. Zayne was also able to appear on the main story update for the new ML. We all know that Zayne is shown in Caleb’s Story update. Here is when he appears on Sylus Story Update.

As for the next ML, Zayne was able to touch the (possible next ML) in the alternate universe (Immediate Disorder) here is the sample:

As for the new ML plushie representation, he might be the frog.

Reason why I think he is the frog? As we all know by now, our MLs represent a Disney Princess/Characters and the next ML might represent the Frog in the Princess and the Frog. We all know that the prince doesn’t have a good reputation but he changes when he fell in love with Tiana. Same can go to the next ML. He is from the bad company but redeemed himself because of his love for MC. Isn’t that a good trope? Enemies to lovers?
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Before I was Murdered.
They say most of the time people are hurt or killed by someone they knew , they make it sound like it was that victims fault like they asked to be killed I never really gave anything like that much thought I was a twenty two year old girl in a new city I was just living my life my name is Mia I was murderd by a man on December twelve only a few friends and some family members came to my funeral
My mother had to be lead away. Unlike what most people think I never knew this man who killed me I was just doing my job I was a secretary at a lawyers office, I noticed this man one day he was a client of the lawyer I work for he was angry at his lawer for losing his case he wanted full custody of his kids but he lost his case to his wife his ex wife then moved out of state and he had no idea where they went When I saw him today he was standing by my car putting a note in the windshield this sent shivers down my spine but I decided to check it out on my lunch break I didn't see him around any more so I figured it was safe I took the paper from my windshield unfolded it to see that it simply said " your beautiful" this creeped me out a bit So I went back inside to tell me boss he said its probably just his was of messing with you he's mad that he lost his case just ignore him, ok I said I figured I was just making to much of it that I probably wont even see this man again. But I did he came up to me a few days later at work when I was getting in to my car to go home he said hello and I jumped and turnd around Sorry I didint mean to scare you I just noticed you at your desk and how beautiful you are I thought I would ask you out Oh I said I dont think so, this seemed to make him angry I saw his eyes turn from brown to almost back this scared me, I honestly dont know what he's thinking he's fifty years old I don't want to date him I didn't want to date anyone really I liked my job and I liked the freedom of being single. Cant we just try a cup of coffee? he said in a rather flat tone of voice No I said a little louder then I ment to I dont date my bosses clients I said oh but im not a client anymore he said to me that dosent matter I said the I said no and I mean it I dont appreciate you sneaking up on me like this please leave me alone well see he said and turned and walked away. Those words bugged me what does he mean by well see? I was scared by this point so I talked to my boss about it the next day he said he'll probably leave you alone but if your worried tell the police about him ok I said maybe I'll do that by lunch break When lunch break came I thought about going to the police but I didn't see him around and thought maybe im making to much of this so I let it go and went about my work and life it wasn't until a week later that I knew this was far from over When I got home from work I noticed someone had slipped a note under my apartment door it was like the note on my car that day this one simply said you should have said yes I folded it up and put it in my purse and headed back out to the police station. When I got there I told a woman officer at the front destraction what was going on and she told me to wait and she would have a detective take my statement about twenty minutes later a male officer came and took me to a small room with just a desk and two chairs I sat in one and he in the other and I told him all about this man in his fiftys named Joseph porter and the officer told me that I shouldn't be worried he's probably judt mad I said no but will get over it and move on with his life That's it? I said annoyed by this point because everyone says probably to me but so far no one has done anything arnt you going to question him or just talk to him or something I can get you his address, that wont be necessary mamm he said he hasent done anything against the law he's just annoying right, so your telling me my life has to be in danger before you'll do anything well I wouldn't put it that way but yes he said Fine I said im sorry I wasted your time and walked out. When I hot home it wss late and I was tired and angry i dont think im over reacting but aparintly I don't know anything. I had a shower and sat down on my couch to watch some t.v before bed so I could calm down a little when my phone rang I picked it up and it was just dead air I hung it up and not even ten minutes later it rang again I read the screen and all it said was caller unknown and again it was just dead air on the other end this happend for two hours safe to say I didn't sleep that night at all thankfully the next day was saturday so I could just stay in bed when it was almost noon the called started again I picked up the phone this time and yelled leave me the fuck alone to no reply the calles stoped until the next day only when I picked up the phone it was his voice and all he said to me was see you soon I went back to the police the next day and told the same detective what happend I said isn't this some kind of harassment? It is agreed the offecer and took all the information I had and agreed to go to his place and talk to him. Later that night though I woke to a pounding on my door and Joseph yelling on the other side telling me to open it I didint saying anything at first it wasn't until he startef forcing it open I ran to call nine one one the police showd up in minutes only it felt like hours to me and arrested him the detective told me to get a restraining order Which I did he was let out of jail by the nect day though and I couldent get the restraining order filed because he didn't show up at court so the judge just threw the case out. The phone calls and now thereniting letters went on for weeks everytime I called the police they said theres nothing they can do unless he hurts me or is at my house when he does show up at my door they aresst him but his out the next day I moved changed my phone number I even bought a gun but nothing helps A few months into this I decided to tell my parents what was going on they were wortied about me being alone anyway and said I could stay with them I declined because he would just find me anyway and I didn't want my family involved or hurt by him . I went home the next day but it felt like somthing was wrong there'd was a strange smell like someone else had been there but nothing was out of place until I went to my bedroom when I open the door I was hit by a awful smell and found a dead cat on my bed bed with a note that said your next held to it with a knife stabbed through it I screamed and ran to my phone crying histaricly trying to call nine one one but the phone was dead so I got out my cell phone and called them they came out in an hour and removed the cat and dusted the place for prints of course they didn't find any but mine We have no prove it was him mam the officer said to me what about the note? I said its just a piece of paper with big letters in marker the others were in pen so it doesn't even really look the same thanks I said sarcastically and closed the door behind him I didn't sleep at all that night I don't know what to do I cant focus at work and I keep snapping at people so my boss gave me time off until I figure this out he Sid I can't oford to move anymore and he would just find me anyway im going to have to leave the state like his ex did I thought to myself so I called my parents told them everything that had just happend and asked if they would help me of course they said and wired me some money so I could afford to move to a different city and start over the next few weeks the calls keep going but I was almost used to them now On moving day I couldent wait to leave and be free of him I parked ip everything and headed to my new life when I arrived to my new place I was surprised to see it was smaller then I thought it was from what I advice it online but other then that it was great its only me here anyway when my phone rang I jumped but it was just my mom calling to see if I got there ok I did I replied and dont worry I will pay you guys back as soon as i can dont worry dear we just want you to be safe thank you for everything I said I love you I love you too my mom said and we hung up. It was then I knew somthing was wrong I smelled that older again that I smelled when he left the dead can with the note in my apartment I dont care what the police said I know it was him. I turned slowly to see my closet door creak open I felt a scream get caught in my throat and turned to run out of the room I called nine one one white I knowd over a bunch of boxes he was right behind me I told the operated help me its him before he hit me and sent my phone flying to the floor he kept on hiring me no matter how hard I tried to fight him it was like he didint feel it I told you he said I told you you would be next you really thought I was going to let you get away from me? Why are you doing this I managed to say but he didint reply right away it wasn't until I saw a knife in his hand he said to me because I want to and because no one can stop me I screamed until I felt the knife go into my body I don't know how many times.. eventually I didn't feel it anymore everything went black and I slipped away. From outside of my body I saw the police show up they arrested him and read him his rights he got charged for only my murder and sentenced to seven years he only served three before he was released he visits a porole officer once a month he still says I deserved it that I deserved to be terrified for months and brutally murderd at the age of twenty two my family is distroyd my parents cant cope and now they dont even get the satisfaction of him in jail he's free to do it again and most likely will sadly im far from being the only victim.
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