#neck warminator 9000
mapplestrudel · 1 year
Doodle times yes!!! Can you make a quick doodle of a craft you've made that it's your favourite? :3
Ohoooo! It was hard to choose, but I present you -
✨✨✨The Neck Warminator 9000 ✨✨✨
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It's a gigantic Shakarian scarf I made for the Mass Effect Holiday Cheer back in January, and it's squishy and comfy and warm and cozy - like hug from Garrus himself ^_^
(btw: that Archangel logo? easier to crochet than to draw, good grief! xD)
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proserpiiart · 2 years
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Omg my holiday harbinger secret santa went above and beyond to treat me!! The scarf is AMAZING and perfect timing since its super chilly right now, I will love it and wear it forever 😭😭 the stickers and tje card are super cute too and the treats will absolutely find their way into my tummy. Thank you so much @mapplestrudel I absolutely GASPED when I saw the neck-warminator 9000 and it will be well used!! I am so so so happy thank you so much!!
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