wow it’s been so long since i used this account... feels weird to be back in tumblr and it being exactly the same. but at the same time it makes me smile fondly to recognize mutuals, tho i’m guessing most of you have changed URLs like i did since I used to be nearlyheadlessfinnick. but anyway just showing up for a bit, hope you guys had good 2018 and make great memories in 2019!
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slyth-princess · 5 years
I was tagged by @bellamyfknblake and I’m bored so why not!
Top 7 Comfort Foods:
1) Pride and Prejudice
Guys, you don’t understand my love for this movie. I’m not exaggerating, I’ve seen it over 100 times. I could probably stop the list here lol!
2) Ever After
I’ve seen this movie a million times too. It’s so sweet and beautiful and perfect. Girl power but still romance regency shit. I’ll watch this any day.
3) Newsies
This is the stage version, not the movie. Though I do love both. I am obsessed with Javey and Jeremy Jordan is a treasure. I have seen this show soooo many times!
4) Love Actually
Look, I understand this movie is problematic. There’s so many questionable bits. But I absolutely love it. This movie is Christmas for me. I will never let a holiday season go without watching this film.
5) Harry Potter
I’m cheating with this one because I can’t pick one but, like, look at my name?!?!?! I love this series. Hogwarts will always be my home and I am so happy to be a part of that world. I may not be as deep as I once was but it’s still my thing. Drarry forever!
6) Tangled
This is my favorite modern Disney movie. I’m obsessed with the music and Mandy Moore will always be my fav. Plus pascal is my spirit animal, I’m telling you I love that sassy chamelon.
7) 10 Things I Hate About You
Even though it makes me sad because I will always miss Heath Ledger, this movie makes me smile. This was the movie I always made my dad rent from blockbuster back in the day. It still makes me so happy and I’ve read so many AU’s based on it.
Honorable mention:
The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Society
I love Lily James and this movie is so sweet. I want all of her dresses and it makes me want to just run away to a little farm in the UK and start a small world life to have a book club. It’s such a great Netflix movie and I had to at least put it out in the world.
Mom just going to tag 10 random people so if you don’t know me and I tag you and you don’t want to do it no worries!
@drarryking @slightly-weird-book-worm @talkdrarrytome @bellarkesdaily @overrunbyscots @fishingboatproceeds @watchportraitofaladyonfire @patrik-star @gxnnyweasley @nearlyheadlessfinnick
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So, I was tagged by @5-seconds-of-animals. Thank you!!
Dream vacation? A vacation to Iceland of a few weeks. Riding horses in the north and hot tubs at every place we stop!
Travel by plane, train or car? Train. Although I think it depends on the view, but I love how relaxing a train ride can be.
If you could for one day be a character from a show, who would it be? O GOD...... I don’t know???? Shows aren’t books so I really have no idea. Let’s go with Erza Scarlet.
What language would you like to learn the most? Japanese and Korean. It’s a tie. I want to be able to understand my favourite anime and songs AND the culture is so much more interesting than my own.
Favourite bands? OOO I guess i’ll go with The Script?
What is something you have always wanted? Having an idea of what I want with my future and how I am going to achieve that.
If you could ask a person a question, who would you ask and what would the question be? ‘Why do you hate me?’ To that one ex-classmate who suddenly started to turn everyone against me out of nowhere and bullied me into a depression a few years ago.
Best compliment someone could give you? That I am a good friend.
A night out or an evening in? Evening in with Harry Potter and a cup of tea.
Favourite food? Pizza any kind. Just give me the pizza.
Questions for @wolverrina and @nearlyheadlessfinnick and/or anyone else who feels like answering questions!
1. Can you describe your best friend with one word? If so, what word?
2. Do you like your eye colour?
3. What would you like to do in life what you haven’t done yet?
4. Would you like to be in a relationship at some point in your life? Why? If you are in one, how long have you been?
5. Favourite thing you own?
6. Thing(s) that will always get you passionate?
7. Where do you want to grow old?
8. Biggest fear?
9. What would you want your last words to be?
10. Last book you read?
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capitolhost · 8 years
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          ‘ can you show me how that works ?   '    fingers easily laced the knot together, undid it without so much as thinking about how it worked.    A DISTRACTION,    that was how much he had figured out about finnicks’ technique     by now    only   through watching it the past days.  13 was bleak, awfully grey wherever one went,  &  no escaping to witness anything apart of war, pain, and the heavy grasp of death lingering around every corner.    ‘ is annie feeling better ?  '
// @nearlyheadlcssfinnick
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books-and-cookies · 8 years
Hi! Have you read the Black Dagger Brotherhood series?
I read.... 2 or 3 of the books a few years ago and honestly loved them. They surprised me and I think they’re really well written and with a really really interesting interpretation of vampires. The smut doesn’t hurt either :D And Wrath was my fave :D
Have a lovely day!
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clintsbirdie · 9 years
1, 3, 8, 18, 21, 22, 32,
1. How did you get into graphics / gif making?
When I started roleplaying, I was really impressed with all of the graphics that others were making, and I just wanted to try it myself. 
3. Who/what inspires your graphics / gifs? 
Generally quotes or lyrics do if it’s something specific. (Bonus points if the quote and the graphic/gif subject are from the same source.) Other times I just play around with resources and tools until it looks decent.
8. Your favourite graphic and or gif created by yourself?
My 10 Cloverfield Lane gifset was probably my first truly decent general gifset honestly, and I just love it. I also love this Crimson Peak gifset I made, as well as this shade Age of Ultron AU gifset and this beauty. As for graphics, I love my book cover variants, this Maximoff twins set, and this Dramione one.
18. What is your go to adjustment / PSD for colouring?
I generally change it up with each one or at least don’t stay with a psd for very long. I also layer PSDs, so there’s that... However, I do enjoy using this one and this one. And this one and this one.
21. How much time do you spend on a single graphic / gif?
It varies. At least a couple of hours each. I play with layering images, textures, and PSDs until I am absolutely satisfied with something.
22. What is your biggest improvement since you started making graphics and or gifs?
32. The least notes a graphic / gif of yours has ever gotten that you feel deserves way more. (Link it!)
My book cover variants (again). Also this MJ Watson set and this Penelope/Odysseus set. (Not because they’re my best work but because the characters deserve more love.)
Ask a graphic/gif maker.
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gerroys · 9 years
dude. your recent office edit is brilliant
why thank you!!
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isabellamswann · 9 years
14, 21, 29
14. What makes you laugh no matter what?
I like to watch The Office. Sometimes if I get really bad anxiety I just watch it and I can’t stop laughing and I feel better.
21. Who was the first person you talked to today?
My sister. I think. TBH, i can’t remember.
29. How many true friends do you have?
Literally like 3. I only have three friends.
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sassy-hook · 9 years
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ahfshfsfhafdjgdjgdu 😍😍😍😍😍
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asheathes · 9 years
You have such a great graphic design talent, I hope you pursue it as a creeper
Thank you, ah hopefully I can get a job in design or editing but idk the future is scary
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qvibbler · 9 years
Broken chair by Chris and Thomas
Song: not really my thing | okay | like it | love it  
url:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
posts:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | +follow
overall:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
thanks so much !! this song’s lovely o.O
send me a song !
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theatrevampire · 9 years
Your blog is fantastic! So glad I found it!
oh wow thank you so much!! :) you’re so sweet!
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cupcakesandtv · 9 years
fuck marry kill : Solo, Illya, Gaby
Fuck Gaby
Marry Illya
Kill Solo
Join the Saturday Sleepover
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captianstydia · 9 years
thank you!
url: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | 10 | SCOTT MCCALL
icon:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | 10 | LYDIA MARTIN
theme:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | 10 | ALLISON ARGENT
posts:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | 10 | STILES STILINSKI
updates tab:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | 10 | MALIA TATE
sidebar:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | 10 | KIRA YUKIMURA
overall:  5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | 10 | DEREK HALE
following: no sorry :( | yes! | TILL THE END OF TIME ITSELF
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iheartnewt · 9 years
Have you seen you're next or vhs?
I’ve seen them! thank you, sola
recommend me some of your favorite (preferably horror) movies, maybe?
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bevsi · 9 years
I cannot wait for the day I see an animated show or a movie trailer and immediately recognize your style because I've seen your work through Out the years here ... It's gonna be beautiful
what a sweet message ;__; thank you. i hope that day comes too!
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