#nearly broke my fuckin nose cause some asshole would sit in the front seat and trip me every time i got on for like a solid week
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 2 years ago
"unicron" being a serious term in transformers lore is bringing me back to my blue sky days. guy with a cigarette looking out the window. i havent heard that name in 84 years
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ughthatimagineblog · 7 years ago
not your baby (part two)
steve harrington x reader | part one
requested:  Okay first off, “I’m Their Healer” is AMAZING and i loved the plot twist at the end!! You are extremely talented! Could you maybe do a Steve Harrington x Reader that involves the reader being a shy, but really sweet and caring new girl that accidently pisses off Billy somehow and Steve comes to the rescue? Id love for him to get revenge and kick his ass. Then the girl meets the Party (and loves Max cause they both have red hair?) WOW thats specific sorry so dont do it unless you want to!
warnings: cursing (a lot), fighting, billy being a major butt, kind of sexual assault? kinda. kinda.
word count: 2017 (lol)
a/n: so i changed it to where the demodog doesnt come crashing through the window and Elle just kills them all. some other small details are changed im sure but other than that I stuck to it. hope yall enjoy! :)
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 Your personal dramas were all cut short when the reality of the Upside Down really set in. You were on your way to Nancy’s, only to find she wasn’t home. Then, you were picked up by some kid named Dustin and Steve to help catch what he called a demodog. Cut to you, now scared and skeptical, in the backseat of a bus in the old Hawkins junkyard with three of Mike Wheeler’s friends.  “Guys, I’m not even sure if I want to be here, can’t I just go home and you can play your game without me?” You complained and Dustin glared at you. “It’s not a game.”  You looked at Steve, for the first time all night actually, and he nodded. “It’s not.” He confirmed. “You’re in on this too?” You asked. “Unbelievable. A bus filled with two redheads, which Max, I’m a fan of the hair believe me,” You smiled despite going literally insane about the events happening before you. “Two eighth graders and a senior who are all psy-” You couldn’t finish your sentence when a loud growl was heard outside. 
 “What was that?” You were quick to ask. Steve immediately stood up. “They’re here.” He stated, grabbing his bat and moving to the front of the group. Lucas, who was also Mike’s friend, came crawling down the ladder. “Shit, shit, shit.” He muttered on his way down.  “Is he out there?” Steve asked. “Yeah but he isn’t going for the bait.” Lucas reported. Your eyes were darting between the two, starting to get scared that they were serious and a monster that ate Dustin’s cat was truly out there.
 Steve’s eyes darted to you and you saw something in them. Something you saw that day Billy showed up. When you exchanged glances and he switched seats almost to. . . protect you.  Something was felt in your heart that you couldn’t explain, but you couldn’t voice it before Steve was handing Dustin the lighter and walking out the door. You moved up the ladder with Lucas to watch what was going on in the yard. You could see a creature on four legs in the distance. You were about to make the excuse it was a dog, when it’s face opened up and released a blood curdling growl.  You clasped a hand over your mouth and Lucas leaned over to whisper. “Now you believe us?” You nodded. “Steve is going to fight that? Alone?” Lucas nodded. You looked to your right and your stomach dropped. “But what about those.” You pointed to the other creatures that entered the junkyard. Soon there were about five or six and Steve was well outnumbered.  You and Lucas rushed down the ladder and slammed open the bus door. “Abort! Abort! Steve!” You called after him and it was almost too late when he noticed he was outnumbered. You held the door open and he rushed in, making his escape. You shut the door and were about to go back up the ladder to scout the area when thuds were heard on the roof and a terrifying face popped through the fire escape hatch.  You screamed and Steve nearly knocked you over, pushing himself in front of you. “Out of the way!” He shouted, waving his bat at the ‘demodog’. His face opened up but before it could bite, a distant screech was heard and its head popped up. Deciding you all weren’t interesting enough, it changed its mind, and retreated. Leaving most of you dumbfounded.  “It left.” Lucas said, breathing heavily. “No, no, they didn’t leave,” Steve said, opening the door and looking to the distance.  “They are going somewhere.”
By the time you reached Hawkins lab and piled everyone into cars, your feet hurt and you were crying. Sobbing even. Never in a thousand worlds or lifetimes would you expect all this to be real. And to hear someone died made it even more surreal.  You were in the back of Hoppers cop car with Steve and the ‘Party’ when you felt a hand on your knee. It was Steve’s. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. I know this is all overwhelming but it’s going to be okay. Come here.” He offered his arms out to you and you sniffed, wiping your nose on your jacket.  “Like you said, Steve, I’m not your girlfriends best friend so you don’t have to be nice to me.” You said back, bitterly. “I know.” He said. You looked to his face. There was no sign of sarcasm. No smirk. Just a pure gesture.  Reluctantly, you scooted to the other side of the back of the van and sat next to Steve, who wrapped his arms around you, allowing you to lay your head on his shoulder where you fell asleep. For the time being.
 When you woke up, you woke up on Joyce Byers couch. There were no adults to be seen and only Lucas and Max were sitting in a chair across the room. It was unfamiliar. You didn’t know where Hopper was or even Steve. Steve. Where was he?  You sat up quickly, catching the attention of Lucas and Max. Seeing you in your panicked state, they rushed to your side. “It’s okay. Hey, Steve’s in the kitchen talking with Mike and Dustin.” Max explained while Lucas called Steve’s name.  He came in and explained everything. Where Joyce and Hopper were, where the rest of the team were, what had happened and how they kept you safe.  “So this girl, Eleven, she took the dogs down?” You asked to clarify, sitting at the table with a glass of water. “Yes.” Steve confirmed and you nodded slowly. “Okay.” You said calmly. “Are you good now?” He asked. You nodded. “I have to be. It’s my reality. Besides, if any of the dogs come back, i’ll kick their asses.” You said confidently, finding the best way to cope with your fear was to fight it.  “Alright.” Steve nodded but was cut off by Max and Lucas arguing in the living room. You both got up to see what the commotion was all about.  
 “What’s going on?” Steve asked and you stood beside him. “Billy’s here. He’s looking for me. If he finds me I’ll get killed, or worse, we will.” She gestured to both her and Lucas. You and Steve looked to each other.  “I’ll handle him.” You stepped forward. “What? Y/N, no!” Steve protested but you held a hand up to his chest. “Listen, hot stuff, you’ve protected me from this asshole enough. Let me handle this, okay?” You said, and he shrugged, backing off. “Good to know the old you is back.” He made the snide remark before watching you go. From the inside, he surveyed the situation from the side of the window.
 Outside, Billy was just turning off his car when you stepped out the front door. “What are you doing here, Billy?” You asked, arms crossed.  “Ooh, Y/N. Funny meeting you here.” He smiled a sly smile and you felt bile rise in your throat. You wanted to spit. “Not that funny. You aren’t laughing.” You replied, not letting emotion cake your features.  Billy approached you slowly, his cigarette hanging between his lips. “Feisty. Nice.” He commented and lifted his hand to brush one of your hairs away but you pushed his hand away.  Inside, the gesture made Steve flinch. He wanted to walk outside and deck that guy. But Dustin held him back. They both knew you could hold your own. For now.  “Too bad I’m not here for you.” He stated, crossing his arms and taking another drag. “Yeah, then what are you here for?” You replied. “My little sister.” He turned from looking behind you and looked straight at you. “Who?”  “Shot, redhead, bit of a bitch?” Billy asked, flicking his cigarette into the ground. You nearly rolled your eyes. “Never seen her.” You shrugged. “Oh yeah?” Billy commented. “Then who’s that?” He pointed behind you and in the window you saw four heads duck down.  “Shit.” You muttered to yourself before you felt two arms wrap around you, spin you around and back you into the door of his car. Billy pressed his body against you and you leaned away best you could, trying to escape the stench of cigs and cheap cologne.  “Now, I could let this go, if I get one night with you. . . What do you say, baby?” He whispered grossly into your ear, ghosting his lips over your neck. If this was anyone else, if this was Steve you’d be turned on. But it wasn’t. So you were disgusted.  “She isn’t your baby.” You heard Steve say and a door slamming open. He was quickly making his way across the front yard and Billy was just pulling away from you when you saw Steve’s fist collide with Billy’s face. You were so surprised it took you a moment to recuperate.  “Now this is the King I’ve been hearing so much about. And last I heard, she was single. So who’s baby is she?” Billy shouted, gathering himself from the pavement, a smirk plastered on his lips once again.
 Steve’s face had a look you had never seen before. It made you scared. He was angry. More than angry, he was seething. “Don’t you fuckin’ touch her Billy or I swear to God I’ll rip your fuckin’ face off, you hear me?” Steve shouted and ran at Billy again, tackling him to the ground. From there, Steve took a few blows. Two to the side of his ribs and one to the face but all of them he was quick to recover from.  You decided to run inside and take action. You grabbed a needle and filled it with the sedative you assumed was used earlier to sedate Will.
 You were pushing through the kids at the doorway when you saw Steve repeatedly punching Billy, who was smiling the whole time. “She’s fuckin’ mine, that’s who.” Steve grunted and your heart leapt, stunning you in your place for only a moment.  She’s fuckin’ mine.
It was Max who broke your daze and stripped those words from echoing in your mind. “Y/N!” She shouted and you jumped, finally snapping out of your trance and rushing up to the scene. You plunged the needle into Billy’s neck which made the struggling boy go limp. You pulled Steve off of him, repeatedly saying it was over and he won.  He stopped resisting when he looked at you, realizing why he got so angry.
Inside, Billy’s passed out body was laying on the couch while the kids left you alone with Steve in the kitchen. You were cleaning up his wounds when you decided to comment on what he had said.
 “Steve-” You began but he cut you off by putting his hand on the one that was dabbing the wound on his lip. “I know what I said. And I’m sorry.” He looked at you. “Why?” You asked, breathless and heart speeding at a million miles an hour. “I don’t know. I just. . . When I saw you and Billy out there and he had his hands on you, and his body on yours. . . It just made me so angry. And I realized that maybe I like you more than just a friend.” Steve explained. “I know it wasn’t right of me to call you mine. You’re not and I-” You held up a hand to stop him in his tracks. “I will gladly be yours. All you had to do was ask. Truth be told, Harrington, I’ve always liked you. I just didn’t know I did until the night of the party. So, no need to apologize.” You gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.  “What about Nancy?” He asked, lacing his fingers through your free hand. You thought long and hard about that for a moment. “She has Jonathan now.” You shrugged and smiled, leaning in for a kiss, one Steve gladly returned.
You broke away by the sound of Dustin’s voice. “So are you our mom now?”
@izzy-zzz I hope you enjoyed!
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