#near me pg room
primepgtest · 2 years
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jindalservices1 · 1 month
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PG Rooms in Derabassi Near Sukhmani College
Discover comfortable and convenient PG rooms in Derabassi, just a stone's throw from Sukhmani College. Our well-furnished accommodations offer a peaceful environment for students and professionals alike. Enjoy modern amenities, including Wi-Fi, meals, and laundry services, ensuring a hassle-free stay. With easy access to transportation and local shops, you’ll find everything you need within reach. Experience a welcoming community while focusing on your studies or work.
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pihugirlspggurukul · 2 months
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Staying in Coliving spaces in has become popular due to the rise of rent in the city. Browse over coliving spaces to find your dream coliving space
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pseog · 1 year
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zolostays-coliving · 1 year
Unveiling the Best Rooms for Rent in Your Area: Your Home Away from Home
Finding the perfect place to call home, even if temporarily, is a paramount concern for individuals who are traveling, relocating, or simply seeking a change of environment. Renting a room in a new city or area can provide a unique opportunity to experience local culture, make new connections, and create lasting memories. With the advent of online platforms and increased connectivity, finding suitable accommodation has become more convenient than ever before. This is where Coliving Paying Guest comes into the picture. Coliving PG has emerged as a popular option for individuals who are looking for affordable and convenient living arrangements. It is a modern housing concept where individuals seek out hostel rooms near them within a shared living space. This type of accommodation offers numerous advantages that make it an attractive choice for many.
One of the significant benefits of coliving PG is its affordability. Renting a room in a shared living space is often more cost-effective than renting an entire apartment or house. The expenses associated with utilities, internet, and maintenance are typically shared among the residents, reducing the individual financial burden. This makes coliving PG an excellent option for individuals on a budget or those who prefer to allocate their resources towards other aspects of their lives, such as exploring a new city or pursuing personal interests.
The accommodations are often fully furnished, eliminating the need to invest in furniture or appliances. Additionally, many coliving spaces offer amenities like housekeeping services, laundry facilities, and common areas for socializing or working. This level of convenience allows residents to focus on their priorities without worrying about the hassles of setting up a new living space.
Coliving PG also fosters a sense of community. Living with like-minded individuals who are in similar situations can lead to meaningful connections and friendships. Shared spaces, such as common kitchens or lounges, provide opportunities for interaction and socialization. Residents can engage in group activities, collaborate on projects, or simply share experiences and stories, enhancing their overall living experience.
for more details click here
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rachelhalld90 · 2 years
Best mens PG near Hitech city | Single sharing PG in Hitech city
Enjoy a comfortable yet affordable living experience with ISTHARA Parks Private Limited. Our Best mens PG near Hitech city offers the perfect balance of luxury, convenience, and affordability. With single sharing PG rooms packed with modern amenities, our accommodation provides you with all the comforts of home. Choose from our range of fully-furnished rooms equipped with AC, Wi-Fi, TV and more. With 24x7 security services and a friendly neighborhood, Best womens hostels in Hitech city is the perfect place to call your home away from home.    
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letsrentz · 2 years
Make Your Rental Home Feel Like Your Own with These Decor Ideas
Decorating a rental property can be a tricky business, especially if you’re limited by what you can change in the space.
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dewdropdinosaur · 6 months
Green May Be His Color
ALASTOR x READER Summary: Alastor has a crush on you and gets...shall we say - possessive. Warnings: Make-out scene and implied smut. Rating PG-13 For the dearest @anon-of-the-void REQUESTS OPEN
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In the bustling underworld of Hell, where demons and overlords roamed freely and the souls of the damned wander, there existed a peculiar yet charming figure known as Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon. With his toothy grin, a penchant for chaos and macabre humor, he was a force not to be trifled with. Except by one. 
Amidst his devilish and intimidating face, there lay a side and secrets only known to one other: Rosie, a fellow overlord and Alastor’s best and one of few friends. Rosie was well-acquainted with the inner workings of Alastor's mind, particularly his peculiar fascination with a certain dead mortal soul named Y/N. Y/N was unlike any other sinner, with a charm that transcended the boundaries of Hell itself. She had caught Alastor's attention with her old fashioned wit and grace, though he dared not confess his infatuation with the cannibal town resident.
Little did Alastor know, his affections were not as clandestine as he believed. With mischief gleaming in her eyes, Rosie concocted a devious plan to bring the two together.Rosie, with her sharp wit and mischievous nature, saw an opportunity for amusement. She knew of Y/N's fondness for tea and gossip, often indulging in such pastimes with Rosie herself. 
One evening, as the flames danced in the infernal sky, Rosie extended an invitation to both Y/N and Alastor for a tea gathering at her lavish abode. Unbeknownst to Y/N, Rosie had already informed Alastor of the rendezvous, igniting a spark of excitement within the Radio Demon's heart.
As Y/N arrived, her presence brought a sense of warmth to the dimly lit room. She greeted Rosie with a warm smile, unaware of the scheming glint in her friend's eyes. Alastor, ever the gentleman, tipped his hat in acknowledgment, his crimson eyes alight with hidden desire at the more free flowing attire his secret paramore was wearing. 
The tea flowed freely as conversation drifted from trivial matters to the depths of the underworld. Rosie, with her quick wit, subtly steered the discussion towards matters of the heart, all the while casting knowing glances at Alastor. The Radio Demon, though adept at masking his emotions, felt a tinge of unease stir within him. He knew what Rosie was playing at and was thankful for the oblivious nature of his crush. 
As the evening progressed, Rosie's playful banter grew more pronounced, her words laced with feigned flirtation directed at Y/N. Alastor, unable to contain his jealousy any longer, felt the inferno of emotions raging within him. With a sharp inhale, he rose from his seat, his gaze locking onto Y/N's. Rosie, with her devilish grin, played her part to perfection. She engaged Y/N in playful banter, leaning in a tad too close, and fluttering her lashes in feigned innocence. Alastor, observing from the sidelines with a mix of amusement and jealousy, felt his heartstrings tug tighter with each passing moment.
As Rosie's antics escalated, to actually near caress and Y/N embracing her friend back - Alastor's patience wore thin. Unable to contain his emotions any longer, he stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of both Rosie and Y/N. With a flourish of his cane, he rose and coughed loudly. 
“Pardon me ladies, may I borrow you for a moment Y/N? I wish to discuss something outside.”
“Oh..of course Alastor. One moment Rosie.”
Placing their cup down on the side table, Y/N rose and followed Alastor down a long hallway till he stopped abruptly. 
In a moment of recklessness born from desperation, Alastor pinned Y/N against the nearby wall - encasing them between his arms as closed the distance between them in a swift motion, his lips capturing Y/N's in a fervent kiss. The room fell silent as time seemed to stand still, the air thick with anticipation.
After the kiss, Y/N's heart raced with a mixture of surprise and warmth. She pulled back slightly, meeting Alastor's intense gaze. Each one’s breath heavily with affection and lust.
“Alastor... I... I didn't expect…”
Alastor, his crimson eyes ablaze with a possessive fervor, cut her off before she could finish. “Expectation is for the mundane, my dear. But your presence in this infernal realm has ignited a spark within me that defies logic and convention.” 
“I suppose love has a way of doing that, even in Hell.”
Alastor's jaw tightened, a flicker of jealousy crossing his features as he glanced towards Rosie, who observed the scene with a knowing smirk and a low growl. 
“That infernal minx... She knew exactly what she was doing, toying with my affections like that.”
Y/N chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on Alastor's arm “It's alright, Alastor. Rosie's just... playful, you know?”
Alastor's grip on his cane tightened, his frustration evident as he struggled to rein in his emotions, gritting his teeth.
“Playful or not, I won't stand for anyone else trying to claim what's rightfully mine.”
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at his possessive declaration, a blush spreading across her cheeks as she whispered softly, staring at his lips. 
“And what exactly do you consider to be "yours," Alastor?”
Alastor's gaze softened, the fiery intensity giving way to a tender warmth as he reached out to cup Y/N's cheek.
“You, my dear. Your laughter, your company, your... affection. All of it. It belongs to me, and me alone.”
Y/N's breath caught in her throat, her eyes locked with Alastor's in a silent exchange of understanding and acceptance.
“Well then, I suppose you'll just have to keep me close, won't you?”
Alastor's lips curled into a devilish smirk, his possessiveness giving way to a newfound sense of determination as he leaned in close once more. 
“Oh, you can count on it, my dear. I intend to keep you closer than anyone else ever could.” Slamming his lips back into hers, that hallway ended up being taken of its innocence. 
And as Rosie listened on with a satisfied smirk, she knew that her mischief had borne fruit, paving the way for a love that defied the very fabric of their world.
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beekeeperspicnic · 3 months
Can't believe this blog has existed THIS long, and I've somehow never shared this Sherlock Holmes fanfic by PG Wodehouse. As far as I know it predates Conan Doyle publishing any stories which mention Holmes retiring to keep bees, which presents the delightful possibility that ACD discussed his future plans for Holmes with his young friend Plum, whose first reaction was to go off and write (and publish) a cute parody of it.
The Adventure of the Missing Bee
Sherlock Holmes is to retire from public life after Christmas, and take to bee-farming in the country.
"It is a little hard, my dear Watson," said Holmes, stretching his long form on the sofa, and injecting another half-pint of morphia with the little jewelled syringe which the Prince of Piedmont had insisted on presenting to him as a reward for discovering who had stolen his nice new rattle; "it is just a little hard that an exhausted, overworked private detective, coming down to the country in search of peace and quiet, should be confronted in the first week by a problem so weird, so sinister, that for the moment it seems incapable of solution."
"You refer—?" I said.
"To the singular adventure of the missing bee, as anybody but an ex-army surgeon equipped with a brain of dough would have known without my telling him."
I readily forgave him his irritability, for the loss of his bee had had a terrible effect on his nerves. It was a black business. Immediately after arriving at our cottage, Holmes had purchased from the Army and Navy Stores a fine bee. It was docile, busy, and intelligent, and soon made itself quite a pet with us. Our consternation may, therefore, be imagined when, on going to take it out for its morning run, we found the hive empty. The bee had disappeared, collar and all. A glance at its bed showed that it had not been slept in that night. On the floor of the hive was a portion of the insect's steel chain, snapped. Everything pointed to sinister violence.
Holmes' first move had been to send me into the house while he examined the ground near the hive for footsteps. His search produced no result. Except for the small, neat tracks of the bee, the ground bore no marks. The mystery seemed one of those which are destined to remain unsolved through eternity.
But Holmes was ever a man of action.
"Watson," he said to me, about a week after the incident, "the plot thickens. What does the fact that a Frenchman has taken rooms at Farmer Scroggins' suggest to you?"
"That Farmer Scroggins is anxious to learn French," I hazarded.
"Idiot!" said Holmes, scornfully. "You've got a mind like a railway bun. No. If you wish to know the true significance of that Frenchman's visit, I will tell you. But, in the first place, can you name any eminent Frenchman who is interested in bees?"
I could answer that.
"Maeterlinck," I replied. "Only he is a Belgian."
"It is immaterial. You are quite right. M. Maeterlinck was the man I had in my mind. With him bees are a craze. Watson, that Frenchman is M. Maeterlinck's agent. He and Farmer Scroggins have conspired, and stolen that bee."
"Holmes!" I said, horrified. "But M. Maeterlinck is a man of the most rigid honesty."
"Nobody, my dear Watson, is entirely honest. He may seem so, because he never meets with just that temptation which would break through his honesty. I once knew a bishop who could not keep himself from stealing pins. Every man has his price. M. Maeterlinck's is bees. Pass the morphia."
"But Farmer Scroggins!" I protested. "A bluff, hearty English yeoman of the best type."
"May not his heartiness be all bluff?" said Holmes, keenly. "You may take it from me that there is literally nothing that that man would stick at. Murder? I have seen him kill a wasp with a spade, and he looked as if he enjoyed it. Arson? He has a fire in his kitchen every day. You have only to look at the knuckle of the third finger of his left hand to see him as he is. If he is an honest man, why does he wear a made-up tie on Sundays? If he is an upright man, why does he stoop when he digs potatoes? No, Watson, nothing that you can say can convince me that Farmer Scroggins has not a black heart. The visit of this Frenchman—who, as you can see in an instant if you look at his left shoulder-blade, has not only deserted his wife and a large family, but is at this very moment carrying on a clandestine correspondence with an American widow, who lives in Kalamazoo, Mich. — convinces me that I have arrived at the true solution of the mystery. I have written a short note to Farmer Scroggins, requesting him to send back the bee and explaining that all is discovered. And that," he broke off, "is, if I mistake not, his knock. Come in."
The door opened. There was a scuffling in the passage, and in bounded our missing bee, frisking with delight. Our housekeeper followed, bearing a letter. Holmes opened it.
"Listen to this, Watson," said Holmes, in a voice of triumph.
"'Mr. Giles Scroggins sends his compliments to Mr. Sherlock Holmes, an' it's quite true, I did steal that there bee, though how Mr. Holmes found out, Mr. G. Scroggins bean't able to understand. I am flying the country as requested. Please find enclosed 1 (one) bee, and kindly acknowledge receipt to 'Your obedient servant, 'G. Scroggins.
"Holmes," I whispered, awe-struck, "you are one of the most remarkable men I ever met."
He smiled, lit his hookah, seized his violin, and to the slow music of that instrument turned once more to the examination of his test tubes.
Three days later we saw the following announcement in the papers: "M. Maeterlinck, the distinguished Belgian essayist, wishes it to be known that he has given up collecting bees, and has taken instead to picture postcards."
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primepgtest · 2 years
Near Pg For Gents | Near By Pgs | Near Me Pg Room
Prime PGs are available in Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Chennai now. Prime PGs platform also helps to find your accommodation as per your budget.   Its Mobile application is an easy platform for searching & booking near me pg room.
Prime PGs are coming up in various locations across Bangalore.
It provides gent's/men's pg and ladies' pgs. Each location of the PGs is very well-maintained & hygienic.  They conduct the best events for the residents & also add gaming to all other fun activities.
They make your stay as hassle-free as possible by Providing you with luxury PGs and the best Facilities such as WIFI, power backup, TV, security, parking space, furnished rooms, washing machine, CCTV cameras, AC rooms, and many more.
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jindalservices1 · 2 months
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Boys PG: AC Rooms Available in Zirakpur
Discover comfortable and convenient living at our Boys PG in Zirakpur, featuring well-furnished AC rooms designed for your comfort. Our accommodation offers modern amenities, including high-speed internet, 24/7 power backup, and daily housekeeping. Located close to major transport links and local amenities, it's ideal for students and young professionals. Experience a vibrant community atmosphere and a secure environment for a hassle-free stay.
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pihugirlspggurukul · 3 months
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Staying in Coliving spaces in has become popular due to the rise of rent in the city. Browse over coliving spaces to find your dream coliving space
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title: dancing in the rain
author: sciencebecameouraddiction
fandom: hazbin hotel
rating: PG
genre: slight, baby angst/ major fluff
pairing: Alastor x Reader
summary: all hell had was acid rain, and all you wanted was the rainstorms you knew on earth.
Rain hardly ever was an occurrence in Hell. And when it was, it was acid rain. You sighed, looking out the window and watched the green acid pouring down on everything, missing desperately the rain storms that you had on earth. Being the youngest at the hotel, you remembered more clearly the burn of the sun on your skin, the cool breeze on a fall day and even the mix of the humidity in the air that felt like it would choke you but the reprieve as a rainstorm came and fell from the heavens.
“What has you so melancholy, my dear?” A voice asked behind you, shockingly quiet all things considered, toning down the announcer quality in his voice.
“Hey Alastor, just thinking is all.” You replied and smiled at him, not wanting to explain that the acid rain made you sad.
“Now, whatever it is that you’re thinking about is casting a dark shadow over your usually lovely face. So, tell me, what’s wrong? What kind of hotelier might I be if I didn’t ensure that all the patrons here were happy?” He said, the announcer tone coming back into his voice, which made you wince. Knowing that meant he knew you were lying so he was going to put on a show if you were. You sigh.
“It’s the rain.” You explain.
“The what now?” He asks, all effects gone from his voice except shock and a bit of confusion.
“The rain. I miss the rain. Not this rain. The rain on earth. The smell of the earth after a good rain storm, the way that especially in the summer when it was so hot, the rain was a cool reprieve. It always felt like…” You trailed off.
“Forgiveness?” Alastor finished, looking outside the hotel now too. You blink and look up at him.
“Yes. Are you sure you don’t read minds?” You chuckle, resting your head on your hand. You suddenly feel his microphone tap your head. You look up at him as holds his arm out to you.
“Come with me.” He says, not giving you time to feel confused. As when you take his arm you shadow travel with him to the other side of the hotel appearing at the door of his room.
“This is your room.” You say, confused now.
“Ever observant. A skill many would kill for I’m sure.” He smiles at you, but the sarcasm is evident as he holds open the door for you and you step into his room.
“Just a certified Sherlock Holmes.” You roll your eyes, taking his sarcasm.
“I never had the chance to read those books.” He mused for a moment, as he shut his door and walked around you heading to the forest area. You stayed near the door.
“I have the collection if you’d like to borrow it and read them.” You explain. “They are annotated though, so you’ll have to put up with my notes.” You explain.
“That would be lovely, dear.” Alastor says stepping on the grass and you watch as he takes off his coat and hangs it on a coat rack that appeared suddenly. He turns to you. “Aren’t you coming?”
“I-I guess?” You say, more like a question. You jog over to him and start walking next to him. “Are you killing me in your forest because I complained about acid rain?”
“Oh, no. Not you at least.” Alastor chuckles. “I want to show you something.” You look up at him skeptically.
“Hey Alastor, can you take smaller steps?” You ask having to jog to keep up with him. He looks down and hums seeing how you were almost running next to him.
“Good to know that if I had to catch you I could do so without breaking a sweat.” He says, as he walks slower and taking smaller steps, allowing you to actually walk, instead of run.
“Har har.” You say deadpanned and roll your eyes. You walk into a clearing that has a cabin in the middle. The whole forest felt like it was shrouded in the twilight of fall when lightening bugs gently floated around and the sky was a perpetual shade of blue, purple and pink. You finally looked up and around, seeing the trees, the bugs, the animals, the sky. Tears formed in your eyes. “Alastor, this is beautiful. It looks just like-“ You stop, your throat constricting as emotion overtakes you. You feel Alastor’s clawed hand rest on your shoulder.
“Just like earth?” He finishes, speaking softer than you had ever heard. You nod and look at him, watching him take everything in and then looking down at you.
“Come, let me show you something else.” He says, walking away and heading to the cabin. You walk in and suddenly feel at home. The decor is a little dated and you feel transported to the 1920’s, but it’s all homey. There’s a kitchen, a living room, a lounge and a hall way leading to what you assumed to be a bed room. You walk through the living room, taking it in but trying not to pry at the photos Alastor had in frames along the mantel of the fire place, you see at the back door there is almost like a deck, with a more modern porch swing.
“The porch swing is a nice addition.” You mention, smiling a bit at the modern accessory in what felt like a time capsule.
Alastor chuckles as he sets his microphone down and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt. He joins you next to the window. “You haven’t seen the best part.” He murmurs, unusually quiet and reserved. You don’t mention the change in demeanor though, wanting to savor the quiet and this almost more authentic view of the Radio Demon.
“What’s the best-“ You stop when you hear it. The start of a pitter patter of rain on the roof, that builds and when you look outside, it’s raining. “Is that?” You blink a few times.
“It is. Safe for you to touch as well. You won’t get hurt.” He smiles a genuine looking smile as he goes over to the record player and starts playing music. Your hand touches the door, feeling the coolness of the water slide down the glass pane. You can’t stop yourself as Alastor fiddles with the record player, you open the door, quickly closing it so no rain would get in the cabin and rush outside off the deck. Twirling in the grass as the rain poured down soaking you.
“What are you doing?” Alastor yelled from the door, watching you like you had gone mad.
“Dancing in the rain!” You yelled back, a smile feeling permanent on your face.
“You’ll catch a cold, get back inside!” He says, looking up at the sky and then back at you.
“No! Come join me! It’s amazing! This is exactly what I remember.” You say holding you hand out to Alastor. His smile looks more like a grimace as he takes you in looking like a wet dog. He looks back inside and waves his hand at something and you see towels appear and the record player is louder so you can hear it outside. He takes off his shoes and socks and places them neatly at the door but far enough away that when you come in, water or mud won’t get on them.
He walks out getting drenched almost immediately as you run up to him and grab his hand and pull him on the grass. You take both his hands and start trying to spin around in a circle with him, as you see his eyebrow raise. You stop and look at him, a little disappointed when he doesn’t spin with you and you start to let go of his hand, until his hand tightens and pulls you to him.
“We can dance in the rain, but we will be actually be dancing.” He says as he proceeds to guide you through a dance that was popular when Alastor was alive, morphing into an odd mash up of a swing dance and you dancing like you were at a rave. You both settled down and were now just slow dancing as the song had turned a bit slower. You watched as Alastor’s eyes were closed as his face angled up to the sky. You made a spit second decision, and rested your head on his chest, really it was like the start of his abdomen but it was as tall as you could reach. You didn’t see his head snap down to you and watch as you seemingly relaxed in his arms, drunk off the warmth he gave and the cool from the rain still coming down. His hand moved up, and grabbed your chin, encouraging you to look at him. As you did, you saw his eyes widen and his cheeks turn bright red.
“What’s wrong?” You ask quietly.
“I’ve never… done anything like this before.” He says quietly, and it breaks the fogginess you felt before.
“You don’t have to be scared. It’s just me.” You say, as if it’s the most simple thing in the world.
“Just you? Darling, just you is enough to have me go to war.” Alastor murmurs and then his eyes widen again, shocked. You realize that he is just blurting things out and there is no filter. You smile.
“Well, I’m honored that the Radio Demon would want to be in my corner.” You say as your hand reaches up to touch his cheek, stopping just a few centimeters away, allowing him to close the gap if he wanted to. He leans into your touch shaking his head.
“Not the Radio Demon, dear. Just Alastor.” He says, looking at you with a vulnerability you had never seen before. Your eyes widen and you smile.
“Even better.”
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seonghwaddict · 8 months
falling and sleeping — choi jongho
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in which falling in love with you felt like falling asleep; natural and unnoticed.
best friend!choi jongho x fem!reader. genre. fluff, crack, friends to lovers. warnings. cursing, none he's just a little nervous. wc. 1.5k. rating. pg-13
lilo’s notes. hiii here's a fluffy little jongho fic because i love him. this isn’t proofread btw i’m sorry for any errors! also, my upload schedule is now on saturday's :3
listening to. from the start, laufey
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jongho burst into the living room of his shared dorm with wooyoung and hongjoong. hongjoong was nowhere to be found, likely at the studio or something, and wooyoung sprawled on the couch, watching a drama on the tv, scrolling through his phone, and taking occasional sips of his comically large coffee cup simultaneously. at the sound and sudden appearance of jongho, he looked away from the screen.
“something wrong?” he yawned, turning his phone off and dropping it on his chest.
“yes. i figured out my problem-“
wooyoung snorted, eyes drifting back to the television screen. “yeah? which one?”
“shut the fuck up, i’ll strangle you,” jongho paused what was supposed to be his dramatic monologue to glare at the dark haired fox-resembling man on the couch. he waited a second before sighing. “my y/n problem. i figured it out. so-“
“you have a problem with her?” at the mention of jongho’s best friend’s name, wooyoung’s attention was captured. if he had a problem with you, that meant something terrible must have happened. truthfully, wooyoung would hate that. he’d been rooting for the two of you for years, even if neither of you were aware of how perfect you were for each other.
“hey! stop interrupting me,” jongho kicked his shin lightly before continuing, “well, no, we don’t have a problem but things felt weird for some reason and i have come to a conclusion.”
“okay… and…?” wooyoung gestured for him to continue, his dramatic pause putting him on edge.
“i’m allergic to her.”
“… excuse me?” it was then that he decided to turn off the tv, giving his full attention to his younger friend.
“i’m allergic to her.”
“oh, for the love of-“ wooyoung groaned and threw himself back on the couch, screaming into a pillow, “CHOI JONGHO YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH HER!”
a confused expression crossed his face as he watched his friend’s dramatic antics and jongho sat down, forcefully pulling the pillow from wooyoung’s face. he should’ve found hongjoong instead, maybe he would’ve been more helpful.
“no, no, don’t be silly,” he tossed the pillow aside and spoke, hands flailing around to emphasise his point. wooyoung was on he verge of banging his head against a wall, “lately when i go near her my stomach itches and i feel all warm and sometimes it gets hard to breath and…”
the realisation that spread across his face was a picture wooyoung wanted to take and print out, plastering it on his wall and also adding it to his resume with the caption ‘i’m literally cupid.’
“… and oh my god i’m in love with her.”
a loud cheer left wooyoung as he sprang up from the couch, going on a five minute rant about how long he’d been waiting for this and how he always knew there was something. “you should go tell her right now.”
“w-what- no! i just figured out i’m in love with my best friend and you expect me to just… go and tell her?”
“that’s exactly what i expect,” he nodded, crossing his arms and leaning his weight on one leg, “didn’t she tell you about how she overheard someone say some guy from her workplace wanted to ask her out for valentines?”
“well, yeah… but-”
“no buts!” he held his palm up, silencing jongho. “you can’t let that home-wrecker ask her out before you. so, get your ass off that couch, change into something nice and go tell her you love her. and buy some flowers in the way.”
“it’s not home-wrecking if we aren’t even toge-“
“that’s besides the point, now do as i say if you ever want a relationship with her.” wooyoung rolled his eyes and turned on his heels, walking to where his jacket hung on the coat rack. he pulled out his wallet and, surprisingly, fished out his credit card to give to jongho. “this is for flowers and some chocolates only.”
and so half an hour later he was walking down the hallway of your floor of your apartment building, wearing an all-black ensemble of slacks a shirt and a trench coat, holding a bouquet of various flowers he didn’t know the names of in one hand and a small box of your favourite chocolate ms in the other. he could still abort and leave without you ever knowing he was there in the first place. you’d given him a key to the building a while ago, trusting him with it since your apartment was practically his second home.
he considered doing just that again, but the bought of you going out with another man who wasn’t him had his heart aching, giving him some courage to finally step in front of your door. he practiced what he wanted to say to you under his breath as he stared at the familiar dark grey door. when he thought he was ready, he reached out to ring the doorbell.
only to pull away at the last second and begging pacing back and forth nervously. eventually, he stopped, clenching his eyes shut and forcing himself to ring your doorbell. there was no going back now.
when you opened the door and you looked at him with your bright eyes and enchanting smile, he felt the nervousness in his stomach melt away and get replaced by butterflies and a soft pink tint on his cheeks. “oh, hey, jjong-“
“i love you.”
you blinked at him, not noticing the very obvious items in his hands, eyes fixed in his face. not quite understanding, you chuckled lightly, “you know i love you too.”
“no, you don’t get it. i mean, i in love with you. i fucking love you and i’m not sure if i’ve ever felt so strongly about someone in my life. i smile when someone mentions you, my heart flutters when i’m around you, fuck, when i see your smile it feels like all my problems have been solved and… your presence, god, it just fucks me up in the best way possible. i can’t believe i didn’t realise this sooner, but i’ve fallen for you, y/n. though, i suppose i didn’t realise it because falling felt like sleeping and sleeping feels so natural and easy that i never realised it until now.”
you stared at each other. he stared with all the admiration he could muster and you stared with mild shock and, under that, relief. “you… you love me?”
“oh my god, i… i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have- i’ve made things awkward, haven’t i? just- just forget that-“
you soft palm covering his lips drove him to silence, looking at you with wide eyes as you pulled him into your apartment, closing the door with your unoccupied hand. his heart skipped a beat as you grinned and whispered your next words.
“jongho, i love you—in that way—too.” you dropped your hand from his mouth slowly, looking down at the flowers and the chocolates, giggling, “you really didn’t have to get all this.”
you took them out of his hands slowly, avoiding his gaze, flustered as you placed his gifts on the marble counter of the kitchen behind you. he hadn’t said anything since your confession, cheeks burning and jaw dropped slightly. he couldn’t believe it. he couldn’t believe you liked loved him back.
he drew your attention to him, breathing out your name. “you… you love me too?”
“yes, you dense cabbage, i love you,” your laugh was melodic as you took both his hands in yours, nodding, “now shut up and kiss me.”
jongho’s expression finally changed into a giddy grin as he pulled his hands out of your grasp to hold your waist, leaning forward and brushing his lips against yours. when you didn’t protest, not that he expected you to, he deepened it into a proper kiss that he hoped conveyed his need for you. he felt like his knees would go weak as your delicate hands trailed up his torso to his head, brushing his hair absentmindedly as you kissed him back with equal intensity.
eventually, you had to separate to catch your breaths and jongho mentally cursed the human need for oxygen. he liked kissing you, your lips slotting together like puzzle pieces. when he felt like the tension had gone completely, he leaned forward to press repeated pecks to your lips, basking in the way you giggle and tried to meet each one of his quick kisses.
“i think i have a tiny crush on you,” you muttered once he decided he kissed you enough (it was never enough, really, but he wanted to let you breathe), fighting back a stupid grin.
“you think?” he snorted, one hand coming up to cup your cheek, thumb tracing your jawline and eyes full of affection.
“yeah, a teeny tiny one.”
he laughed heartily, giving you one more peck “i paid with wooyoung’s card, by the way.”
“in that case you should’ve gotten at least five more bouquets.”
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