#nct dubcon
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Fica com raiva não, tá? — Na Jaemin
avisos: dubcon!! jaemin +/- soft dom (+/- por conta do dubcon), pet names, thigh riding, big dick(?), pequeno subspace (eu acho), n sei si eu esqueci de alguma coisa
a/n: primeira vez escrevendo c dubcon, espero q gostem, n sei se chegou as expectativas de vcs, mas eh isso ai, pelo amor de deus leiam os avisos, eh isso ai, se vcs gostaram me mandem oq acharam aq nos comentários ou na ask, vou amar saber oq vcs tb pensam💋 se divirtam lendo!
Estava mais uma vez sentada nas coxas de Jaemin, as mãos dele pousando na sua bunda, algumas vezes ditando o movimento, acreditava nele dizendo que se você se esfregasse nele, te aliviaria mais.
Jaemin poderia muito bem te foder, mas você negava, dizia que queria manter sua pureza, sua virgindade, acreditava em ‘pessoa certa’ e com certeza o Na não seria a pessoa que estava a procura, mas provavelmente a pessoa certa que com certeza te satisfaria.
Gostava muito da proximidade, a forma com que sentia o pau por baixo da calça dele, raspando repetidamente na sua buceta coberta pela calcinha, ele sorria, via seu sofrimento, as gotinhas de suor se formando na sua testa, o peito subindo e descendo com a respiração ofegante, as perninhas tremendo de tamanho esforço que fazia pra poder gozar.
“Sabe, eu poderia te fazer gozar tão rapidinho, deixa o Nana te foder, hm?” ouve a voz grave se fazer presente, puxa um pouco mais de ar para conseguir responder “Nana, sabe…que não pode…” um certo frio na barriga te atinge, você estava confusa, queria experimentar dessa sensação com Jaemin, mas ao mesmo tempo não queria aceitar perder a virgindade com o Jaemin. Estava extremamente confusa sobre o que queria.
Ele sorri, “Eu prometo não te machucar gatinha…”sobe uma mão de sua bunda para suas costas, apenas para te puxar pra perto dele e sussurrar no seu ouvido “…gostaria tanto de estar dentro de você, te fodendo com tanta força, pra você ficar bobinha e insignificante embaixo de mim.”
Ali é o ápice, você chega ao seu êxtase, sente o orgasmo vir tão forte ao ponto de ficar molinha, deita a cabeça no ombro de Jaemin, a respiração continua ofegante e dentro do peito o coração parecia querer pular pra fora.
“Foi tão bom assim, gatinha?” ele pergunta, você grunhe, tão bobinha ao ponto de não conseguir formular uma frase.
“Tá tão bobinha que não consegue nem formular uma frase?” ele da um risinho soprado, você sente o ventinho do riso bater na sua nuca e arrepia, começa novamente a se sentir excitada, odiava estar no seu período mais sensível, qualquer mínima coisa te excitava, a deixava com vontade de realmente pedir para Jaemin ou qualquer outro garoto que te atraísse, para te comer.
Jaemin sentia a própria calça totalmente molhada, bem onde estava sentada ali, decidiu fazer algo, sendo totalmente seduzido pelo impulso de te colocar na cama e te foder.
Você dizia que não queria, mas seus olhos não diziam a mesma coisa, era um olhar confuso, não sabia o que queria, sendo assim, talvez Jaemin decidisse por ti o que você deveria ter escolhido.
O garoto te deita na cama, fica por cima, extremamente fascinado com a visão que ele tinha por cima de ti.
“Boneca, o Nana vai fazer algo, mas não fica com raiva não, tá? Uma boa parte de você também deseja isso.” você ouvia ele dizer algo mas o êxtase presente ainda não a deixava entender muito bem o que foi dito.
Jaemin abaixa a calça e a peça íntima que vestia, pega o pano fino que era engolido pelos seus lábios íntimos encharcados e desce até estar totalmente fora de seu corpo, ele encara sua intimidade totalmente molhada, passa o dedão por cima de seu pontinho inchado apenas para poder sentir o quão molhada estava, recebe um gemido sofrido seu.
Sorri e volta para cima de você, entrelaçando as suas duas mãos nas mãos dele, deixando-as acima de sua cabeça. Molha o próprio pau com seu líquido e logo invade cada centímetro vazio dentro de você, beijava seu rosto e seu pescoço para tentar de alguma forma distraí-la do desconforto que provavelmente sentia por sentir pela primeira vez algo lá dentro, sabia que provavelmente estava sentido isso pela tamanha força que arranhava as costas da mão do garoto.
“Jaemin…” chama o nome dele como se estivesse reclamando, “Diz princesa…” diz abafado contra seu pescoço. Faltava apenas um pouquinho para que finalmente você tivesse abrigado todo o comprimento.
“Isso…é bom…” você diz com os olhinhos entreabertos, “É, não é? Eu disse que não iria te machucar, nunca machucaria minha princesinha.” Lentamente o Na começa a se mover dentro de ti, fazendo você se acostumar com a sensação nova, você fecha os olhos, apenas sentindo todo aquele
“Nana…eu quero…mais…” diz pausadamente por conta de sua respiração descompassada. “Mais? Mais rápido?” começa se mover um pouco mais rápido e forte “Assim?” ele pergunta respirando fundo, vendo sua carinha de sofrimento, você geme em satisfação.
O Na abaixa o rosto à altura do seu e deixa leves selares por todo o seu rostinho, você sorri, abre os olhos quando sente Jaemin se afastar e o olha, ele estava olhando sua boca, se aproxima lentamente e deixa ali um breve selar bagunçado.
Levanta o dorso, soltando suas mãos, sentando-se sobre as panturrilhas, leva as duas mãos até sua cintura, a puxa para mais perto, deixando a parte onde segurava mais elevada, para que pudesse enfiar tudo até o último átomo dentro de ti, a fazendo senti-lo bem fundo.
A cada vez que ele se enfiava por inteiro o seu corpo almejava cada vez mais por aquela sensação relaxante, seus gemidos saiam em forma de chorinhos que quase imploravam para chegar logo a um orgasmo.
As mãos do Na seguravam com força seu corpo, se agora mesmo ele tirasse as mãos de sua cintura, ali estaria a marca avermelhada na sua pele. De tanta força que o maior fazia.
Antes que percebesse seu corpinho todo se tremia e uma grande quantidade de líquido era despejada de seu íntimo, Jaemin se retira de dentro de você e goza na sua buceta, mela tudo para depois pegar com o dedo e colocar dentro do seu buraquinho.
Soltava gemidinhos baixinhos, seus olhinhos se fechando lentamente, se sentia exausta por ter gozado mais vezes do que costumava.
Jaemin se sentia no céu por ter uma visão daquelas “Tá vendo gatinha? Prometi te fazer gozar rapidinho e prometi não te machucar, fiz como prometi.” ele sorri, de alguma forma se sentia extremamente aliviada por aquilo ter acontecido, mas com certeza o que precisava agora era de uma soneca, ou um banho, mas banho apenas se o Na te levasse à banheira, te lavasse e te comesse de novo ali.
espero ki tenham gostado😞😞😞😞😞😞
#na jaemin#nct dream smut#nct dream#nct smut#jaemin dubcon#nct dubcon#na jaemin scenarios#nct x reader#nct
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girls goon too
pairing ↠ jeno x (f) reader x haechan
genre .. warnings ↠ smut, stepcest, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving) / face fucking, virgin!reader, dubcon
summary ↠ jeno can’t take it anymore. you just won’t stop gooning in your bedroom for all the world to hear, and he’s tired of it. he’s pretty sure all you do with your spare time is watch porn. haechan suggests that he just jerks off, but his morals won’t let him; until he decides that he can’t hold back anymore. he has to shut you up.
wc ↠ 5.3k
a/n ↠ um… i know i said No to Nohyuck but i saw these pics of jeno and started hearing The Voices. i hope you guys appreciate me losing sleep over this. as always, feedback is appreciated!
don’t like it, don’t read.
“she’s doing it again,” jeno grumbled, walking into haechan’s bedroom. only because the door was ajar, though. he knew the sight he’d walk in on if it was completely closed would be worse than what you were surely doing.
haechan snickered, eyes fixed on his computer. “what’s the occasion? sixth-month gooning anniversary?”
jeno scoffed. he didn’t know why you did it. he thought jisung was bad, but you were next level. “i thought surely she would give us a break for november.”
“and she did,” haechan quipped, moving his mouse. “for all of three days.”
that was true. for the very first three days of november, the house had been relatively quiet apart from haechan’s shouting when he was losing. then, on the fourth day, it was back to hearing your annoyingly perfect fucking moans in the afternoon.
and god forbid your parents would be coming home late. you were relentless on those days, touching yourself to no end. jeno couldn’t stand it. he hated minding his business, trying to rest or work or do anything that didn’t require thinking about the sounds you were making as you persistently edged yourself.
but he couldn’t help himself. sometimes, he could hear your moans even when you weren’t there, and that was when he knew he was finally losing what little bit was left of his goddamn mind.
haechan, on the other hand, didn’t seem as miffed. jeno was certain his brother could hear the noises you were making down the hall, but he was sitting here without a care in the world, typing an email to his professor of all things. which made no sense to jeno, considering he knew how much haechan liked noisy sex.
“okay, i’ll bite,” jeno said, crossing his arms. “how in the hell are you okay with this?”
haechan shrugged, trying and failing to suppress a smirk. he was well aware of the fact that jeno always got worked up when it came to you, which was fair. you were the biggest minx this world had ever known. “well, first of all,” haechan started, snickering again. “there’s a thing called jerking off. i’m sure you’ve heard of it. it’s really popular amongst guys we know.”
jeno looked almost scandalized. “i’m not jerking off to my stepsister.”
“then, you’re an idiot,” haechan retorted. “she’s given us enough material until new years. of the year after next.”
“it’s wrong.”
haechan rolled his eyes. “you’ve got such a stick up your ass, like a proper princess or something.”
“i’ll beat your ass, hyuck,” jeno warned.
haechan threw his hands up. “i’m just saying. i’m not telling you to stick her in a washing machine, bro. but the answer’s obvious. just jerk off. you know you want to.”
jeno sighed. had he thought about it? obviously. but he couldn’t shake how wrong it felt, even if you made him perpetually horny. “i want to smack the shit out of you right now, but i haven’t done it yet.”
rather than recoil, haechan laughed. that asswipe finds humor in everything, jeno thought to himself, irritated. “and i commend your patience, man,” haechan replied. “but it’s only making you more frustrated when you could just bust a nut and be happy.”
jeno was thinking about it now. well, he had thought about it countless times, but he had never allowed himself to stoop that low. you were his younger stepsister and it was his responsibility to take care of you. not picture your face as you moaned and imagine how you would feel, tight and sticky and creamy as you wrapped around his…
haechan broke the silence, musing more so to himself, “maybe we should put her in the washing machine.”
jeno’s eyes flickered. “what the hell, man?”
“my bad,” haechan replied, although he didn’t look very apologetic. “i was just thinking out loud.”
fuck, now jeno was picturing that too. your house had one of those washing machines that opened from the top, not the front. too many times had jeno seen you struggle to take your clothes out, dangling over the washing machine and nearly falling inside. he would offer to help, every now and then, but he liked watching you climb the washing machine just to get your clothes from the very bottom.
it was much more realistic for you to get stuck in that than the kinds of washing machines in porn.
haechan broke the silence again, still thinking. it was his greatest skill and simultaneously his worst habit. “if you’re so against it, why haven’t you just asked her to shut the fuck up then?”
that was a good question. jeno wasn’t the kind of guy to shy away from an altercation, not with friends and not with family. he had certainly never shown haechan any mercy. he loved his brother, but he was annoying as all fuck.
“i see,” haechan said, smirking. see, annoying. “it’s because you don’t really want her to stop.”
jeno sighed. “yeah, fine. i don’t want her to stop. happy?”
haechan burst out laughing. always laughing, always scheming. he was going to get a stocking full of coal for christmas. “i have an idea.”
“oh, god,” jeno groaned.
haechan finally pressed send on his email and turned around in his desk chair. “hear me out. we should fuck her.”
jeno gawked in disbelief. then again, none of haechan’s ideas were ever truly brilliant. “you’re insane,” he murmured.
“thanks,” haechan chirped, the insult rolling off his shoulders. “just sleep on it.”
“you know what? sure,” jeno replied, walking out of his brother’s room and shutting the door. he didn’t want to hear another word.
he went about his day like everything was normal, going on a walk so that he didn’t have to hear you, eating dinner and watching netflix in the living room to ignore the fact that you existed altogether. and then he went to bed.
jeno couldn’t fucking sleep. on it, over it, under it. he couldn’t sleep whatsoever.
it wasn’t like you were just loudly moaning all day long, that would be absurd. but every now and then, there would be a whimper you’d let slip. jeno could tell that you were actually trying to be quiet. but this was one of those nights where your parents wouldn’t be back and you were taking advantage of that. again.
jeno decided that he was at his breaking point. the need for you was too goddamn strong and he was tired of pretending that he was better. he couldn’t ignore it anymore. he couldn’t fight it, suppress it.
he threw the blankets off his bed and went to haechan’s room, the door closed this time. he knocked on the door and called out, “stop jerking off and get your ass out here.”
jeno heard a groan, one of the disgruntled sort. a few seconds later, haechan opened the door, a scowl on his face. “what the hell, man? your voice ruined my nut.”
it was jeno’s turn to laugh. he clasped a hand on haechan’s shoulder. “don’t worry. you’ll be in the mood again in no time.”
haechan lifted a brow. “are you saying what i think you’re saying?”
jeno nodded.
“we’re gonna teach her a lesson.”
“we’re gonna put her in the washing machine?”
jeno’s smile instantly dropped and his hand fell from haechan’s shoulder. “why the fuck are you both so addicted to porn?” he asked.
the excited shimmer in haechan’s eyes died a little. “no, i was… i was just kidding. let’s go.”
jeno sighed and started down the hall to your bedroom, deciding not to argue haechan on that. it would be a waste of valuable time.
jeno knocked on the door and called out your name. “can we come in?”
there was audible shuffling as you called back, “just a moment!”
haechan glanced over at jeno. “so, how we doing this?”
jeno looked calm, collected. as if fucking his stepsister was something he did on the regular. “just follow my lead.”
you opened the door, a towel thrown around you. but your skin looked damp with sweat, not water. your face was a little flushed. it was obvious that you were naked. “um, can i help you guys?” you asked, somewhat breathless.
jeno looked you up and down subtly. haechan, on the other hand, was damn near ogling you. the former repeated, “can we come in?”
“um, i guess,” you murmured, stepping out of the way so that they could enter your bedroom.
haechan closed the door behind himself, not that there was anyone to worry about. it was only the three of you in the house at the moment.
jeno glanced away, looking for traces of what you had been doing. he found them very quickly; your laptop shut on your bed, the blankets messily thrown on top to conceal the damp spots in your sheets, and your shirt and shorts on the floor by your bed, implying you were only in your underwear.
“is there something you guys need?” you asked, a bit annoyed at having been interrupted.
jeno walked towards your desk where your laptop probably should have been, though he saw something fearful flash in your eyes. his brows furrowed, but he didn’t inquire about it. he would figure it out on his own. “do we have to need something to want to visit you?” jeno asked, a small smile on his face. “i haven’t seen you all day long. we just wanted to make sure you’re still alive.”
“oh, that’s… very sweet of you,” you murmured. “as you can see, i’m perfectly alive and breathing.”
“yeah, you’re breathing a lot,” haechan commented.
jeno chuckled. he moved away from your desk and instead towards your nightstand, noticing your eyes still watching him like a hawk. “relax. what’s got you so worked up?”
“i’m not worked up,” you lied, eyes darting between him and your bed.
that was when it clicked in jeno’s brain. the bed. you didn’t want him to see the bed. he chuckled again, sitting down on top of it. “are you okay? you look a little… flushed.”
“yeah,” haechan chimed in, moving your hair out of your face. you jolted. you had been paying so much attention to jeno that you failed to notice haechan had creeped up behind you. “and sweaty.”
you released a shaky breath. you were nervous, but you couldn’t tell them that. because then they would start asking questions. “i’m okay, guys. you can go.”
“why are you trying to get rid of us?” haechan asked, leaning in a little too close. “it’s almost like you’re hiding something.”
“what are you watching?” jeno asked, grabbing your laptop.
your eyes widened in horror. “no, wait!” you exclaimed. you tried to stop him, but haechan was quick to pull you back against his chest.
jeno opened your laptop, being met with a twitter porn browser. he feigned surprise. “oh, wow,” he said, merely blinking. “wow.”
“what is it?” haechan called from the other side of the room.
jeno turned the laptop to face you and haechan. “guess she’s really into… creampies, sucking dick, and doggy style.”
your face was hot with embarrassment and you thrashed in haechan’s arms. “this is an invasion of privacy! you guys jerk off, don’t you?”
“jerk off? sure. watch porn for hours on end? no, i don’t,” jeno answered, setting your laptop down. he moved your blankets out of the way, revealing a few damp spots on your bed. “how long did you have to sit here for this to happen?”
you felt very exposed at the moment. like your deepest, darkest secret was steadily reaching its way around the whole world. “i’m not that bad,” you murmured, shy.
haechan laughed. he tugged at the towel and brought his hand to your chest, pinching your nipple. “not that bad? you almost gave poor jeno over there an aneurysm with how enticing you’ve been.”
your whined when haechan squeezed your chest, tearing your gaze away from jeno to look up at him with wide eyes. “what are you doing?”
“fuck. yeah, that’s what i’m talking about, princess,” haechan groaned, pressing himself against your ass. “those sweet sounds have been driving him mad.”
any other moment, jeno would have narrowed his eyes at haechan and called him disgusting. but this was different. jeno didn’t care about what was right or wrong anymore. maybe he never truly had. what was certain right now was that any desire to behave in a morally acceptable manner was outweighed by the desire to fuck you brainless.
“bring her over here,” jeno said, shoving your laptop of the way to make room.
haechan grabbed your waist and led you towards the bed, pushing you towards his brother. jeno grabbed your chin, smoothing his thumb over your cheek. “gooning isn’t healthy,” he told you straightforwardly. “you know what you need?”
you glanced at him, fretful. the towel had completely fallen at this point, leaving you solely in your water, just as jeno had pieced together. “what?” you whispered.
“a fuck,” jeno replied unabashedly. “you’re so damn touch-starved. always complaining about how you want a boyfriend, but you never go out, because you’re too busy playing with your clit.”
your face was hot. honestly, they hadn’t given you the opportunity to cool down. but you had to admit that he was right. compared to how much you touched yourself, you didn’t go out enough.
“have you ever even had sex?” haechan asked, running his hands up your thighs.
you wanted to hide so fucking bad, but that clearly wasn’t an option. “no,” you replied, ashamed.
jeno snickered, because apparently that was funny. “obviously,” he said, moving his thumb to your bottom lip. “this pretty body has gone untouched for too many years, that’s all. once you get fucked, you’ll be as good as new. worked for jisung. didn’t it, hyuck?”
“yep,” haechan chirped, nodding. “he was the biggest gooner i’ve ever seen. jaemin had so many roommate horror stories. then, we got him some pussy, and he’s all better now. actually goes outside and gets light that isn’t from his laptop.”
“so, what do you say?” jeno asked, turning your head back to him. “want something other than your fingers inside you?”
your heart racing. were you really about to agree to getting fucked by your stepbrothers? when it was over, you could blame it on the fact that you genuinely were touch-starved and desperate for a release for all this pent-up frustration.
and because you really, really needed to come after having avoided it for hours, you nodded your head.
“words, princess,” haechan said, his hands still gripping your thighs as he thought about how soft they were. “say it. say, ‘i want you to fuck me, haechan.’”
you swallowed, but you weren’t going to disobey. “i… i want you to fuck me, haechan.”
“jeez, you don’t have to beg. i’ll do it,” haechan replied, playful as ever. “and because it’s your first time, i think we should do missionary. is that okay, princess?”
“that’s… fine,” you murmured timidly. it didn’t really matter to you how he fucked you. you just wanted someone inside you.
haechan was beaming, like he had prayed for this day and it was finally happening. “good. and if you ever want me to fuck you on all fours, you know the way to my room.”
the way haechan was looking at you was entirely overwhelming, so you glanced over at jeno instead, though he was also watching you intently. “what about… you?” you asked.
jeno chuckled, thumb sweeping over your lips. “i don’t need to fuck your pussy. i’ll leave that to haechan. i just want to fuck this pretty little mouth that’s been keeping me up at night.”
haechan, growing impatient, tugged at your panties. you lifted your hips, watching him drag them down your legs. “jesus,” he murmured. “they’re fucking drenched.”
“they better be,” jeno replied with a chuckle, stepping out of his pants. “long as she’s probably been wearing them.”
haechan spread your legs, wanting to get a good look at the treasure hidden between them. he moaned at the mere sight of your pussy, dripping with arousal. “fuck, you don’t even need prep,” he mused.
as if you couldn’t get any more embarrassed than you already were. they knew exactly what to say to make you want to hide your face beneath a pillow and hopefully suffocate to death.
despite his declaration about you not needing prep, haechan couldn’t help but drag his tongue along your folds, which made you gasp in surprise. it wasn’t a tentative lick, either; he was confident and unreluctant. you were clearly sensitive, but he didn’t seem to care, eager to suck and lick at you.
“haechan,” you whimpered, involuntarily trying to close your legs. he swore his dick twitched when you said his name like that.
all the while, jeno was stroking himself beside you, half hard. for the first time thinking about you at the same time that he touched his dick, and god, he really should have done it sooner. just the thought of you made his blood pump harder.
haechan pulled back after a moment or two when he was finally sated. “sorry,” he apologized, completely inauthentic. “just wanted a taste.”
jeno tapped your cheek. “open up, baby.”
you slowly opened your mouth, wide enough for him to push inside. which jeno seized the opportunity to do as soon as it presented itself. he was impatient now, tired of waiting. you had tortured him long enough with those pretty noises; it was time you paid him back for tolerating your horniness.
“fuck,” jeno cursed upon feeling the warmth of your mouth around his cock.
haechan snickered. it was amusing to him that only a few hours ago, jeno said he was insane for suggesting that they fuck you. and now here he was with his cock down your throat. a few hours could truly change a man, for worse and for better. “how’s it going?” haechan asked.
jeno closed his eyes, trying to go slow before he started fucking your throat with a purpose. he didn’t necessarily want to hurt you, but damn, he was getting pretty damn close. “how do you think?” he retorted.
you watched jeno as he slowly moved inside your mouth, though his patience was obviously dwindling by the second. part of you wanted to see what it would look like when he lost it all, but the other dreaded it, uncertain whether or not you could handle it.
you were still a virgin, after all. in the important and unimportant ways. you had never been fucked. you had most certainly never had your throat fucked until this very moment. the furthest you’d ever gone with a boy was a little bit of groping while kissing and even that was awkward.
haechan licked his lips, appreciating that they were coated in your arousal. “taste so good, princess,” he said, dropping his hands down to his shorts.
you would have gawked when you glanced down and noticed the dent in them, even if it weren’t for the fact that your mouth was preoccupied. when did he get so hard?
haechan started to undress himself, pleased now that he had gotten a taste of you and eager to be inside you. he was quick to shed his shorts and the layer underneath, unafraid to show just how desperate he was. for him, it was easy to accept his attraction to you and even easier to act on it now that he had your consent.
he climbed onto the bed, grabbing your thighs again and spreading them apart. he gave them a few affectionate, departing kisses and sat up to grab his cock, bringing it between them. “say ‘goofer gooner’ if you’re ready,” haechan joked, knowing you couldn’t speak.
you furrowed your brows, but you couldn’t even focus on his nonsense because jeno was noticeably forgoing all restraint. could you blame him? your mouth was warm, alive, and everything about you seemed to drive him straight through the brink of insanity.
“you know, jeno,” haechan started, gazing down at the little distance between your bodies. “you were right. i’m already in the mood again.”
you had that effect on him, on them. haechan knew he probably should have fought it better, but he truly saw no point. it was easier to fold and surrender to the fact that he found you infuriatingly sexy, despite your tendencies. and with nothing more to say, he slowly but surely pressed himself inside you.
haechan tipped his head back, already moaning like a bitch and he wasn’t even fully sheathed inside you yet. “holy fuck,” he said, his grip on your thighs tightening.
you whimpered, the sound muffled by jeno’s cock as his balls slapped against your chin. you immediately pulsed around haechan’s cock, clinging to him like now that he was there, you would never let him go.
“holy fuck,” haechan moaned again, stopping for a moment as if the breath had been completely sucked out of him. “so fucking wet, my dick just slides in.”
he was damn near flabbergasted. maybe there was benefit to you gooning for hours on end, a benefit that he got to reap. he had never seen anyone this wet before, much less felt anything this wet, and it was taking a toll on him. his head was already reeling.
“okay,” haechan said, more so to himself. he was adjusting. “okay. fuck. i’m gonna move.”
and he did, growing more and more mesmerized with every thrust of his hips. his mouth hung open, moans of your name and explicit curses dangling from his lips with a shrill touch to them that only made you even more aroused.
to say nothing of the sounds jeno was making, almost directly in your ear. he was so close to your face that you could explode. he was finally moving comfortably, fucking your throat with a rhythm that almost made it hard to breathe.
though you had no intention of making him stop. you had fantasized about making yourself available for this purpose many, many times. not necessarily to your stepbrother, but well, it wasn’t like you were discriminating. especially not when he sounded so goddamn sexy and his face was tensing the way it was in pleasure.
it was strange, but you found yourself going from solely craving the experience to wanting to pleasure them. and it would appear that you were doing a fantastic job without hardly even trying, all things considered.
haechan was gripping on your thighs for dear life as if without the support, he would get blown away into the eighth dimension. or maybe drown in how wet you were, gushing around his cock, if not for him using your soft thighs as an anchor to keep him afloat.
“this sweet fucking pussy,” he sighed, losing himself in the vice of you. he had set a pace too, fucking you without intention of stopping. with every fiber of his being, deep and hard. “i could fuck you forever.”
you could sit here and take it forever. you had never felt so full in your life. your fingers hardly did the job, always reaching just shy of where you needed them instead of completely offering you the satisfaction you’d long craved. and here haechan was handing it to you on a silver platter.
the only problem was that you felt slightly overwhelmed with so much happening at one time in two different holes. you didn’t know who to pay attention to; jeno fucking your throat with a vengeance, eager to gain something out of your mouth for once, or haechan railing you to kingdom come, making you feel hot everywhere.
you found yourself trying to juggle both, eyes flitting between them, moaning around jeno’s dick at haechan’s angled thrusts and throbbing around haechan at every guttural groan that slipped from jeno’s mouth. you couldn’t help yourself; it was too goddamn arousing.
jeno noticed how fucked out you looked, eyes rolling back to another timeline, and it was doing unimaginable things to his cock. you looked better than he could have ever imagined and he knew that he wouldn’t be satisfied until he left you hoarse and rasping.
with that thought, he grabbed your hair to push you down and started to fuck your head against the mattress rather roughly, which caught you by surprise. you tried to take it, you really did, but it was overwhelming. you could barely breathe.
“take it,” he hissed, holding your head in place. you looked pretty like this, struggling to keep up with his hectic movements.
your eyes were watering as his cock went too deep for you to handle, and you started gagging. jeno moaned, but pulled your head off him to let you relax for a second, a string of saliva connecting your mouth and the head of his cock.
“breathe,” he said, letting one hand run through your hair almost tenderly.
you nodded, willing yourself to relax. all the while, jeno marveled at how pretty you looked with saliva on your face and tears strolling down your cheeks.
“you guys okay up there?” haechan asked from between your legs, having noticed the action.
“we’re fine,” jeno answered on your behalf. he moved his hand from your hair to your cheek. “you ready?”
you nodded your head. you couldn’t shake the urge to really make him proud, to satisfy all his inappropriate cravings. it was the least you could do when you had been tantalizing him for months on end.
“good girl,” jeno whispered, guiding his cock back to your mouth and this time using your hair to push your head onto his cock as he fucked your throat.
you moaned at the pet name, because something about the way it sounded coming from him made your head spin. maybe you were just horny and in dire need of a fuck like he’d said. maybe after you came, all of these feelings would wear off, and you would feel somewhat sane again.
but you couldn’t deny that you were somewhat indulging in your fantasies here. you didn’t necessarily hate the the way jeno was treating you, even if it was a little beyond your limits and more than a little rough. but limits were just boundaries you’d yet explored.
haechan was a different situation altogether. your pussy was still sensitive from the hours of playing with it and you were already about to come much before him. there was a familiar heat in your stomach and festering throb of energy in your core, only more intense than you had ever experienced.
but haechan recognized it, even without being able to hear your sweet moans of his name. he could see it in your body language and it flattered him in a way; he always felt proud when he lasted longer than the person he was fucking, especially without necessarily even trying to finish them quicker.
“she’s gonna come,” haechan pointed out, grinning. “come for me, princess. come on this dick. you know you want to.”
it was like he your voodoo doll or something, because merely seconds after those words parted from his mouth, you were shuddering and tightening around his cock with climax, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your toes clenching.
haechan let out the pitchiest moan ever when you throbbed around him repeatedly. words could not describe how good it felt, but sounds could. and the sounds he was making were sensational, only contributing to the mind-numbing pleasure wrecking you from within.
“goddamn,” haechan said, mesmerized by how hard you came. it was probably warranted after hours of resisting.
but the other thing on haechan’s mind was how much wetter your pussy sounded, sticky with your release. he whined, literally going mad. he knew that his own orgasm wasn’t far out and just the squelch of your cunt could easily finish him off.
jeno was facing a similar predicament, fucking your mouth without restraint and not letting you escape his thrusts. “fuck, i’m gonna come,” he groaned. “swallow it. or don’t. it’s your sheets.”
the last thing you of all people cared about was having your sheets ruined. at the moment, you were more burdened with how sore your throat felt and how overstimulated your pussy was being fucked despite having already orgasmed. it literally felt like you’d had the soul fucked out of you.
you didn’t even know it was possible at this point, but jeno’s hips went faster. it was a brutal but steady pace, which was somewhat admirable. he was trying to get himself there, right over the edge, knowing release was only seconds away.
with a few more smacks, jeno released down your throat with the sexiest groan you’d heard, one that claimed every award. when you’d milked him of every drop, his hands tight on the sides of your face, his grip on your head slacked and he slowly pulled your mouth off him.
you swallowed what you could, but he had came so goddamn much at once, it was borderline ridiculous. what you couldn’t take dripped down your chin, blending with the saliva from the messy fucking.
haechan glanced up at you and the sight of your cum-stained face triggered something so primal in him that he knew he wasn’t going to last another minute. “princess, where do you want me to come?” he asked breathlessly.
“inside,” you replied with maybe half your voice, if even. it hurt to speak. the sound pleased jeno.
the thought of coming inside your pussy had haechan levitating and was the last push he needed to bring himself past the cusp of ecstasy. his hips stuttered as he came inside you, crying out half of your name, leaning on top of you as he buried his load inside your warm, wet, gushing, sticky hole.
a satisfied hum escaped you when you felt his cum seeping inside your pussy. why did it feel so good?
“d-don’t move yet,” you whispered, because it was all you could muster.
haechan glanced up at you, recognizing the look of pleasure on your face. if he had the energy, he would tease you about how you wanted to feel him cum inside you, but he needed to catch his breath. so he answered with a nod.
jeno whistled. this had gone better than he’d hoped. “well goddamn. you’re just a virgin slut aren’t you?”
haechan chuckled breathlessly. “she took that shit like a champ. i’m impressed.”
jeno kissed your forehead. “you did so good,” he whispered, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “i’ll get you some water in a second.”
you nodded, appreciating the tender side after all that had just happened. your heart felt a little lighter than usual, despite its racing. you had so many questions, but you didn’t want to strain your voice. was it normal to feel like a different person after having sex for the first time?
haechan was going to pull out, but seeing the look on your face, he decided to stay nestled inside you for a little longer. “you okay?”
you bobbed your head. “i’m good.”
haechan snickered and teased, “whoa there, batman. what have you done with my sister?”
you rolled your eyes, but giggled. jeno joined in on the laughter, but he added, “don’t speak. you’ll make it worse.”
haechan sighed contentedly. knowing that you wouldn’t say anything in response, he decided to tease, “our little gooner.”
you glared at haechan wordlessly, conveying a lot of different things with your eyes.
jeno translated playfully, “i think that means ‘fuck you.’”
“again?” haechan joked. “what can i expect from a gooner. but hey, i guess girls can goon too.”
#lee jeno smut#jeno smut#lee haechan smut#haechan smut#nct dream smut#nct smut#tw: dubcon#tw: stepcest#revehae fics
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cw nsfw under cut, female reader, dubcon, infidelity, choking, p in v
you’re the girl best friend haechan tells his girlfriend not to worry about. he tells you everything, things he doesn’t tell her. you’re too close for her comfort, acting more like a couple than he does with her. she’s pretty sure you’ve fucked, but each time she confronts him on it, he denies it.
haechan is a really good liar.
“oh, fuck,” he groans, head thrown back as he pounds into your tight pussy. you whimper, nails leaving red lines down his back. your legs are wrapped around him tightly, not allowing him to pull back anymore than he has to. in the back of your head, there’s a muffled vibrating sound.
your head turns and you can see his phone vibrating on your bedside table, reaching a hand out to tap haechan even as he’s thrusting inside of you, “hyuck. i— someone’s—“ you blink repeatedly as stars blur in and out of your vision. “someone’s calling.”
“don’t care,” he grunts, hips smacking against each other’s skin. he lifts your legs above his shoulders and the new angle makes you shriek, grabbing his hair. he groans, sinking into you slowly before almost pulling all the way out. “fuck, you’re so tight, baby.”
you decide to ignore the caller, too, whimpering as he grips your thighs and hits your soft spot. your tits jiggle with every thrust, him leaning over to pull your nipple in his mouth. the vibrating starts again and honestly, you’re a bit annoyed now. you manage to grab the phone and roll your eyes when you see the contact, “it’s your girlfriend, asshole. are you gonna answer?”
“don’t— fucking bring— h-her up,” haechan hisses, suddenly gripping your jaw in his hand to make you look him in the eye. the look on his face has you clenching around him once again, but not on purpose. “i’m here, inside of you, aren’t i?”
you don’t look away from him, stubborn as ever, “then break up with her.”
“jesus chr— stop this bullshit, already,” he rolls his eyes, making sure to thrust hard and deep this time to make a moan come out of you. he smirks, caressing your cheek lightly. “you don’t want me to actually break up with her, do you?” he hums, pressing a kiss to your nose as his pace slows. “you like the thrill of being caught too much.”
“shut up,” you huff, almost rolling your eyes but catching yourself, “keep moving.”
“i’ll move when i want to,” his hand abruptly wraps around your neck, starting to squeeze with no mercy.
you gasp, body straightening as your air is cut off. the more he squeezes, the more your vision goes blurry and you’re seeing stars, but the clenching of your hole tells him you like it.
he lets go, and you gasp for breath, vision focusing on haechan. “are you going to be a good girl, now?” he whispers, leaning in closer to you. you blink blearily before nodding. he caresses your cheek with his finger lightly again, “i knew you would, sweet girl.” he leans down, voice lowering to a whisper, “now show me how much you love me… answer it.”
#cw dubcon#haechan.txt#nct.txt#writing.txt#nct hard thoughts#nct dream hard thoughts#haechan smut#nct smut#nct dream smut#nct dream hard hours#nct hard hours#kpop smut
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ok it's short but fuck do i need him bad pls god
18+. mdni.
pairing: mean!chenle x fem!reader
warning: dubcon.
chenle didn't think you would've been desperate enough to accept — or to beg him, rather. glistening eyes staring up at him, pleading look drawn on your face, hand pulling on his hoodie... he thinks he's never seen you so pitiful.
he tries to hide his grin, but it's difficult to stop the corner of his mouth from tugging upward, chest swelling up in pride like he's just won a prize.
you can't afford another bad grade, and so chenle is your last chance, even if it means your dignity will take a bad kick.
"i'll- i'll do it," you cry, "please, just help me. i can't fail," you say in a broken whine, lips trembling.
your hand wraps around his arm, refusing to let him go. his back is leaned against his car, the icy air of autumn hitting him in the face, brushing his hair away from his forehead.
chenle wants to laugh, but he holds back. if you're up to whoring yourself out for good grades, so be it. not everyone's blessed with great intelligence, and it's fine, he can't blame you for not being as smart as him.
he lets you in his car, going to the backseats and making you kneel between his spread legs. you know what to do, you're the one who begged to suck his cock after all, not him.
your lips glide over his length, throat constricting around it in a way that has him moaning out in pleasure. your eyes are still glossy, still looking at him like he's the only one that can save you.
he feels it how desperately you need his help, how badly you want that good grade, and chenle will sure be happy to give it to you.
"fuck," he sighs, head rolling back on his shoulders, hitting the headrest behind. he gazes down at your mouth, at your lips wrapped around his cock, moving up and down hastily.
you tuck your hair behind your ears, eyebrows frowned, making yourself seem oh so miserable. you want to be pitied so bad, but you're just another girl who thinks she's worth something when the only thing she's good at is being a slutty hole to fuck.
#tw dubcon#nct smut#nct x reader#nct hard hours#nct dream smut#nct dream x reader#nct dream imagines#chenle x reader#chenle smut
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pairings: lee jeno x f! reader
warnings: noncon to dubcon + breeding + babytrapping + creampies + manipulation + mommy kink + daddy kink
💌: this was inspired by an anon asking for gym trainer! jeno + breeding but i decided to do my own lil spin on it >< hope u guys enjoy
you start to panic when jeno’s balls deep in your cunt, having made you cum twice already he’s working on chasing his release, wanting nothing more than to make you take his thick load. and that’s what you’re afraid of. you know your boyfriend dreams about starting a little family with you but you didn’t know just how far he’d go to make it happen, and now that he’s fucking you raw you wish you’d stopped his fantasies earlier. you’ve been begging him to pull out but it’s like he doesn’t even register that you’re a human being right now, uses you like a fucking fleshlight and kisses you sloppily in an attempt to shut you up.
his thrusts becomes sloppy and uncoordinated making you cry because you know he’s close. “shut the fuck up, god, can’t you just do this for me?” he sounds so annoyed and it makes you whimper, “you’ll be such a good mommy, i know it. gonna fuckin’ — shit — gonna knock you up.” you can’t do anything but take it, creaming ‘round his dick again as he empties his balls, forcing his length as far as he can. “can you feel that, baby? feel my cum flooding your fuckin’ womb?” you’re ashamed that you enjoy the feeling of him using you for his pleasure n his words make you melt. “yes daddy.” you moan, “swear i can feel it in my throat.” his cock twitches at that and you know he’s far from done, clenching around him because you want him to breed you til he’s satisfied.
#mind empty i wnt him😵💫#so big n large n beefy#such a hunk#lee jeno#nct dream#lee jeno x reader#lee jeno smut#nct dream x reader#nct dream smut#♡.the honeypot#💌.babytrapping#💌.breeding#💌.daddy kink#💌.mommy kink#💌.creampies#💌.noncon#💌.dubcon#💌.manipulation
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Suffocating || n.jm
First part of: The Friends of Lee Jeno Summary: Jaemin is the prized student in the university, everyone adores him. But, behind closed doors he's a bit different. Pairings: Univeristy! Jaemin x reader Warnings: 18+, smut, noncon to dubcon, dark content, bullying, coercion(?), university au Wc: 1.5k
Dark Content, Minor please DNI
Disclaimer: this is a work of pure fiction. I do not condone the actions of any characters in this story and the actions do not reflect the idols in any way.
Everyone knows about Na Jaemin.
Jaemin’s sweet. He’s all smiles and sugar coated words as he charms his way into the hearts of everyone on campus. It’s no wonder that his pretty face, paired with his honeyed tongue has turned him into a campus celebrity. It’s common to see people join the organizations, clubs and classes Jaemin is in just because he’s in them. When he shows up to club events, especially volunteering, it’s common to see spectators unaffiliated with the club come just to watch Jaemin.
Jaemin isn’t just a pretty face and it shows with his 4.0 GPA and his awards at dance competitions. He excels at everything he does and isn’t afraid to put in the effort to achieve what he wants. When asked about how he excels so much, he thanks all his adoring fans. Stating that he owes everything to them, he’s thankful for the support and opportunities he’s been given.
And it’s somewhat true that he’s sweet, at least Jaemin is like that with other people. It’s just that behind closed doors when he’s with Lee Jeno, he’s different. He’s less syrupy sweet, more blunt, more serious, sometimes even more quiet, but he’s always sure to revert back to his persona whenever he needs something from others in the group. Jaemin’s doe eyes, wide smile and words always guarantees him what he wants.
You’re wary of him, scared of Jaemin and how easily he’s able to get the things he wants, so you try to avoid him, hiding in your room, whenever he comes over to you and your roommate Jeno’s shared apartment. But Jaemin never seems to take the hint that you want some space from him and it shows in the way he treats you.
Jaemin isn’t shy about showing his affection for you in front of his and Jeno’s friends. It’s not uncommon for you to be seated between Jaemin’s thighs on the couch when ‘the Dreamies’ are over. Jaemin’s arms wrapped tight around your body, groping at flesh as he bends down to nuzzle his head in your neck, pecking your neck and the top of your head. It’s uncomfortable when he does this, you can feel stares, especially Haechan, burning holes into you as Jaemin dotes on you. You always avoid eye contact with 'the Dreamies' and try to fight the red creeping onto your cheeks, sometimes squirming in Jaemin’s hold, whispering quietly for him to let you go, only for him to whine and tighten his hold on you.
Ignoring him is futile though, always hearing Jaemin whine through your door when he doesn’t see you in the apartment when he visits Jeno, demanding to see you, even threatening to drag you out himself if you don’t come out yourself. Jeno can only sigh as he relents, knocking against your door or sending you a text to come out for Jaemin.
Jaemin is no stranger to forcing you into his arms when he doesn't want to, hand wrapped tightly around your wrist as he pulls you out of your room and into his lap. You fight the discomfort as you feel his warm hands roaming under your shirt, squeezing and prodding at your flesh and skin, squishing your cheeks, cooing at your full cheeks and calling you so "sweet and cute". Gushing over how “nice you feel”, how “soft” you are.
You’ve never been the best at setting boundaries, too used to being walked on and treated as a doormat, and Jaemin is no exception.
Jaemin is suffocating, crushing you in his affection and hold, uncaring for your protests and boundaries. You dread whenever he comes over, but there's nothing you can do. You've tried your best to prevent Jaemin from coming, begging Jeno to talk to Jaemin. Jeno only responds with a shake of a head, stating that that’s just how Jaemin is, how stubborn he is and that you’re better off just complying with him.
You're feeling especially sensitive today after you hadn’t scored as high on a midterm as you wanted to, words floating in the back of your mind about how useless and stupid you are.
You’re seated between Jaemin’s thighs again on the couch as ‘the Dreamies’ converse around you. It’s become a normal occurrence now, but it never stops the stares from ‘the Dreamies’, at least not from Haechan. Haechan, the one with the body count triple his age. Haechan, the only one who actively shames you and makes rude, out of pocket comments regarding you. Haechan, the only one who acted like you were inconveniencing him by just existing.
That’s why it hurts especially when Haechan makes a regularly scheduled comment about your appearance, calling you “Jaemin’s useless lap toy” among other things. You can’t take it anymore as you begin silently, breaking free from Jaemin’s unnaturally gentle grip as you excuse yourself in a shaky tone. You miss the stares at you and Jaemin as you rush to your room, Jaemin rushing to get up from his spot on the couch and follow you into your room.
You’re overwhelmed, tears blurring your vision, as you blubber in the safety of your room to Jaemin about just how mean Haechan is. How awful he is when he sees you. How you wish you weren’t ever roommates with Jeno because that meant you had to deal with Haechan and his comments everytime he comes over. Jaemin can only pretend that he’s listening to you while nodding, mind telling him to just take what he wants.
“Shhh, it’s okay, it’s going to be okay.” Jaemin shushes you, running his thumb across your cheek to wipe away your tears. “Let me help you. Let me make you feel better.”
You miss the way his eyes gleam, the way he licks his lips and his expression of pure hunger as he stares at you, eyes focused on the tears rolling down your face and your puffy, red eyes.
You shakily nod your head, confused at what Jaemin means and thinking that he only means to comfort you with his words. But that idea of comfort fades when Jaemin drags you back into his lap and kisses you, one hand coming to the back of your head to hold you there while the one on your face forcing you to pout your lips to receive him. You immediately recoil, fighting against his hold until Jaemin’s hand on the back of your head slides down to the back of your neck, giving it a firm warning squeeze, before going back up. It doesn’t take much to understand his warning as you stop resisting, more of your tears slipping down Jaemin’s fingers.
You feel gross as Jaemin works you open on his experienced fingers in his lap, your cheeks tinged red in embarrassment and guilt as you bite your lips to muffle the noises Jaemin is able to pull out of you from his fingers alone. Jaemin’s arm is wrapped tightly against your waist, pulling you flush against his chest while his mouth latches onto your neck, alternating between harsh sucks onto your skin and gentle kisses to soothe the red splotches starting to form.
You’re not sure when it starts to feel good, the burning stretching turning into pleasure as Jaemin skillfully hits that pleasurable spot within you again and again, your brain slowly turning hazy as Jaemin gives you orgasm over orgasm. It doesn’t seem to care when you begin to fall slack in his arms, watery eyes now glazed over as you forget about Haechan and focus on the pleasure Jaemin gives to you instead.
“You’re so soft, so cute and so inexperienced. You’re too sweet, way too nice.” Jaemin mumbles into your neck. “You’re all mine, right? You can only be mine.”
You can only nod dumbly at Jaemin’s question, words not fully processing in your mind. What Jaemin says now becomes background ambiance to your soft moans and pants as you become pliant in Jaemin’s arms.
It’s not until you hit your 4th orgasm that Jaemin lays you down on your bed on your back, head propped up on your own pillows. Jaemin quickly tugs down his pants and frees his length as he sits himself on his knees between your legs. You look towards the ceiling as you hear Jaemin moan as he tugs at himself, not taking long for him to coat your stomach with his cum. You don’t fully feel him run his fingers over your stomach, collecting his cum.
“Say ah,” Jaemin says playfully, tapping your lips with his cum covered fingers. “Open-wide.”
You blink at him, confused before opening your mouth and attempting to wrap your lips around his fingers, your tongue lapping sloppily at his fingers as drool begins to leak from the corner of your mouth. You can hear Jaemin sharply inhale as you begin to drool on his fingers, hearing him mumble a “next time” before wiping his fingers on your cheek.
Jaemin smooths back his hair and crawls next to your side, using your blanket to cover the two of you. He lets out a satisfied hum as he wraps his body around you, clinging to you and placing a kiss on your cheek. It’s comfortable, almost intimate like this, and Jaemin thanks Haechan in his mind for finally giving you the push to be his.
Next part: Mean || l.hc
#dark nct#nct dream#nct hard hours#nct hard thoughts#nct x reader#nct dream x reader#nct dream smut#na jaemin#jaemin x reader#jaemin hard thoughts#jaemin hard hours#yandere jaemin#jaemin smut#dark nct dream#The Friends of Lee Jeno#tw: noncon#tw: dubcon#tw: dark content#university au
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Pairing: Jeno X Haechan X Reader
Warnings: friends to...?, Smut, oneshot threesome(mmf), dubcon, double penetration, mxm action, manipulation, overstimulation, spitting, insecurities, ouija board, demons, usual filth
Word count: 9k
18+ no minors! Read tags beforehand.
so this was meant to be released for Halloween but I went on hiatus for the next couple of months. Since I'm back, I can share this with you all. ignore any errors bc i haven't even edited since.
Summary: When playing with an ouija board goes wrong...
A year ago...
It was completely dark in the room, yet Jeno’s thoughts were feeling corrupted. A mistake he made by becoming curious may have costed him to live an entire nightmare, only to be startled by a familiar presence.
“Jeno..” A soft yet deep like voice called out making jeno snap his head up only to see a bit of light surface. He gasps at the sudden call, almost like his breath got taken away, slowly opening his heavy eyelids to see what’s ahead. He knows too well who this is and he probably thought he wouldn’t come across this once again.
Jeno thought this would be over, perhaps forgotten since it’s been years. But alas. Haechan always made his presence well aware, often times entering his mind throughout the days, reminding him of a particular offer he had placed.
“Did you really think I’d forget?” A loud chuckle is heard as Jeno watches the gorgeous red headed man near him. However he wasn’t just a man, a beauty with horns, devilish. He’s mocking Jeno’s reactions at the sight of him knowing what is to be expected, he was told this would happen soon.
But maybe Jeno didn’t think it’ll come. Maybe Haechan would forget since its been a while but no. He’s tired of the demons continuous counters, reminding him daily about the past mistakes. “Just leave me alone!” Jeno huffs out in annoyance.
Haechan pouts, “But you don’t want me to. After all, who do you even have besides me?”
"No, I have friends!" Jenos inner monologue repeats in his head. The thought torments him. He wishes he never indulged in anything that particular day. Hating how his curiosity lead to this pathway.
A finger is placed on Jeno’s chin lifting it upward, “You needed me. You called for me. And I came. I gave you my company, became a friend, helped you to get whatever you desired.. ”
“Stop!” Jeno shouts, pushing Haechan’s hand away from him completely. ”I don’t need you.”
Haechan shouts back, “You’ve always needed me!
He hates this. He hates how right Haechan is. Jeno was always a lonely child, often finding it hard to fit himself with people. Until he came across the demon, Haechan.
“I- don’t.” Jeno closes his eyes, finding ways to escape the lies telling from his eyes.
Haechan smiles, watching him convince himself from the utter truth. “You could have said goodbye Jeno but you never have. Shall I tell you why?”
He gulped knowing the exact reason why. He’s aware having the ouija board he can end this by saying goodbye, one of the rules to initially do once you’ve finished using it. Anything can be done to get rid of a demon. So why doesn’t he?
Lowering himself as a breath rushes to Jeno’s ear, “Because your a troubled lonely boy who craves company, desperately.”
And there it was the reason to why Jeno even befriended a demon. Though thinking it was harmless at a young age, Jeno grew attached to the presence of the demon. Especially during the times he had no one.
But demons don’t just befriend people without having something for themselves. And that’s Haechan always reminded him there’s a price to pay. What you didn’t know was, that price was you.
It terrfied Jeno once he started taking a liking towards you after finally finding a group of friends. You stood out. You was the opposite of Jeno. Kind but fierce, confident at what you always wanted. Something Jeno wishes he had.
But most of all, Jeno felt flutters in his heart having you around him. He knew he was screwed, who wouldn’t fall for a beautiful person like you?
And that’s when Haechan entered wanting to find a new prey. Convincing Jeno who initially was hesitant. But it worked. Maybe Jeno did have a sick mind to have you in this way too.
Halloween was always something you looked forward to. The moon tonight was illuminating when you stepped outside with the group as you all made your way to a Halloween party.
Dressing up was one of your favourite things to do. Looking like a straight vampire out of the movie, fangs on your teeth with smeared lipstick stain on your bottom lip. An extremely short black dress with see through tights, barely covering you up.
Later that night, everyone returned home from the party to Jeno's house. It's always something the group does, a cosy and huge place to come back to was the best. Everyone was drunk off limits, playing a bunch of card games, ordering food and what not.
The time arrived when everyone began to get up and finally going back to their house. However, you felt slightly lazy today. It's not unusual for you though, having to stay over at Jeno's was a normal occurrence. He was such a great friend, always helping you out during your drunk times, taking off your make up before you doozed right off. You really appreciated having Jeno.
Although this time, you wasn't really too drunk at all. But you still wanted to stay the night over. Jeno's house was huge, thanks to having rich parents. Hence there was always enough room for anyone to sleep over.
And tonight you was staying over.
Laying on the long sofa scrolling away on your phone, your other hand putting snacks in your mouth. Jeno finally enters back in the room but with something in his hand. Your eyes fluttered over at the very thing he’s holding on to, walking across to the table.
“Jeno what’s that?” You asked, brows raised when you shift your eyes away from your phone and on to what he is carrying in his hand.
Whatever it was seemed to be quite rusty, dust scattered above it as Jeno rubbed it off with his hands. It looked like an old board as you watched.
It would be a lie to say that Jeno wasn’t scared. Truthfully this could either work or not. And hearing your innocent voice calling him to ask makes his heart churn. The way you have no idea..
He clears his throat nervously before he speaks, “It’s a ouija board."
Your eyes widen at the statement, “No way, an ouija board?”
He saw the way your eyes popped open, attention leaving away as you dropped your phone down and watched what’s in front. Unable to tell how your reaction towards this is.
You came closer to Jeno, your fingers touching the old board as some dust particles remain on your finger. You’ve heard of ouija boards but never have them in person. You visibly feel shocked. “Wow...” this is...
The guilt slowly forms up to Jeno as he inhales deeply before he speaks up, “It’s okay we don’t have to play—
Only to get abruptly stopped as your hand reaches on Jeno’s arm. Jeno was confused at the reaction, genuinely thinking you felt creeped out by this but the glint in your eyes spoke otherwise.
“I want to play�� You quickly shout out.
Jeno’s eyes widen, a fast inhale retrieves out of his mouth, “Really?”
He still cannot believe you want to go ahead with this and tries to find ways of convincing, perhaps the one who needs convincing is him.
You almost looked like a a kid begging to play with their favourite toy, a grin slapped across your face as you pester him more. “Yes, let’s play it! I think this will be fun.”
Fun. It will be everything but fun, Jeno thought. As much as he hates doing this, the sick part of him is happy your wiling to try it out. It’s why he would often mention to not be so willing to do just everything in the pretext of risks. What if these risks put you through dangerous places?
What if it put you to dangerous beings, people like him?
But you was fearless. Always striving to do whatever you can to gain experience. Something Jeno was fond of yet jealous.
However in this context it was far from such. Unfortunately your determined nature just makes it easier for anyone to coy you around.
He licks his bottom lip as he fights back a laughter, “Okay fine, let’s do it.”
Both of you sat down together with the board below. Though it seems like a dusty old board, you could still see the words that are written on it. The various letters in bold with the Yes and No at the top corners.
“Do you want me to go through the rules?” in which you had nodded, waiting for him to tell you more.
Rule number 1 Never use this alone. Always play with others
Rule number 2 Always set the mood during the night, use candles before initiating
Rule number 3 Dont forget to say goodbye
Rule number 4 Be careful what you wish for..
You’ve watched many movies growing up about these things but never actually coming across it in real life. You don’t exactly know how to feel at this given moment except to listen to everything Jeno is mentioning, after all, he knows well doesn’t he?
Going through the rules makes Jeno feel so fake. Because he always end up doing the exact opposite of what was to expect, but could he be to blame? He was just a child. A vulnerable child who knew nothing with a curious mind.
Jeno gets up and retreats to a different room as you waited in the living room, only to come back whilst closing the lights behind him and placing a few candles around the board. He uses a lighter above the candles as it burns ahead.
Now that the mood has settled in you definitely feel a bit nervous about this whole thing, your hands shake but Jeno calms you with his own above.
“We got this’’ He says in comfort making you feel at ease knowing your not alone in this.
You closed your eyes as you inhale a deep breath ready to face your fears.
The planchette is directly placed on the board, Jenos hands merges with yours while you both move it around in circles until you stop. You gulped as you awaited for what’s next. Jeno suddenly speak up.
“Are there any spirits that’d like to come in contact with us right now?”
An eerie vibe comes along as you wait for a reveal, your hands suddenly felt cold, chest slightly heaving on what’s to come ahead. Is it true? Do spirits exist? Does this even work? Slowly, it felt like time was dragging on having no response, no movement to answer the question.
Jeno looked with worry in his eyes but the smile remained still on his face. You can’t pinpoint what he’s feeling, maybe he’s scared?
“I think you should ask a question” He spoke, a small grin on his face. You blinked a couple of times before it sinked in what he had asked, you licked your lips returning a smile back towards him.
“Are there any spirits present here who would like to come in contact with us right now?”
Utter silence.
Maybe this doesn’t work. Maybe these things are just for fun purposes, nothing to indicate how real these things are. It felt lowkey as a relief, because you felt yourself feel light hearted about the situation. So you asked again.
“Are there any hot spirits present here who would like to come in to contact with us right now?” You playfully joked, emitting a laugh from Jeno.
You both giggled, feeling light hearted about what is happening right now, maybe this is just a fun game to play and has nothing real about it. So why not make some jokes?
Both of you were immersed in yourselves when all of a sudden the planchette slowly shoots up the corner, YES.
You felt your heart sank, your stomach feeling physically sick. You cannot believe this is real. This actually works.
“Holy shit” you gasped in shock. So this shit really does work? Surprised at what just happened. Just not long ago you was thinking how this may just be some made up game, only to be shooked to the core.
Jeno just watched your face, as if you’re trying to dim down the effects of being terrified. Its normal for him though. However for you its not. He knows you must be feeling all sorts of ways, once like ye did too.
“Are you okay?” he questioned in concern, not knowing if is something you still wanna go ahead with.
Your pupils dilated, you cough up, “Y-yeah totally didn’t just get scared at that..!” trying to brush off acting as if it didn’t affect you. Your words are stammering as they fall out your mouth, of course your shit scared!
“I.. just.. can’t believe.. this... spirit has a praise kink!” You shouted out. If you really think about it, whoever it was only revealed themselves after you called them "hot".
Only to begin go laugh and making Jeno laugh along. Seriously, even in such situations you still somehow make light of your situations and that’s one thing Jeno really admired about you.
“You’re unbelievable” Jeno shakes his head as he chuckles at your jokes. At least in this way you can make jokes rather than giving up on this.
This is interesting you thought. Halloween night playing ouija board with a hot spirit? Like hell does that stuff really exist?
“Technically I’m right, whoever it was definitely responded because I called them hot,”
If only you knew.
You started feeling bold, wanting to find out more about who this spirit is thats decided to communicate with you both.
“What’s your name?” You asked, but this time the planchette moved rather quickly than last time, spelling the name out as you begin to read what is said.
“Haechan" You spoke up, you don’t think you’ve ever heard such a name before today. Guessing its definitely a male speaking with you right now. What you didnt notice beside you was Jeno’s eyes stayed still on the board, not blinking one bit hearing Haechans name came out of your mouth. Causing goosebumps grazing on to his skin. Things are beginning to feel real once again, feeling sickness in his stomach already.
“Have you ever heard of this name, Jeno?” Looking up to him as he breaks out of stillness, before replying, "No."
Such a liar. Even when Jeno lies, it still does not sit right with him, wondering if you’d be able to catch his bluff. But you haven’t so far, a sick feeling of relief washes past him.
You prompt another question, almost like you’ve gotten the hang of this game. So far whoever this spirit is seems friendly, it seems.
“Why are you here tonight?” You asked further, curious what made this specific spirit is seeking tonight.
Tonight was the day a deal was formed between the demon and Jeno something you’re completely unaware of. You have no idea what your getting into at all. Your innocent and curious nature yet again deceiving you.
The planchette moved, something that still sends chills to your bones, forming a response.
Goosebumps form as the answer shoots you completely. Things were seemingly creepier as you interrogated the spirit more. Collect what and who you thought?
You seemed to still be in shock so Jeno took over and asked. “To collect who?”
It was silent. Unlike the previous times where the spirit communicated rather quickly, this time there was nothing. No urgency of a response, making you frown.
Maybe this wasn’t a good idea to do, maybe the spirit didn’t want to communicate any longer so you sighed and was just about to say to end this, only to be startled by the planchette moving itself towards the alphabets.
You both looked at one another in shock, not expecting such answer which only leaves you both confused on who this is talking about. You kept thinking of multiple scenarios of how this spirit must have had a past lover whom they’re still trying to connect and vice versa.
“Who is?”
You felt your breath get sucked out of your body, panting on the new information. This is becoming worse as it goes on, you have no idea who even this spirit is except his name, Haechan. You look towards Jeno absolutely freaking out, “Jeno.. w-what the fuck!”
Jeno saw the way your eyes bulged out, fear written over your face. You seemed so scared and conflicted, he knew this was to come.
“Maybe he’s just flirting with you,” Jeno snapped back trying to make you laugh, only to watch you huff out. “Well that’s a sick way to be flirting!”
Sick. Everything about this was sick, he thought.
Whilst you're both speaking, not realising the planchette moves once again, catching your eyes below to read out the message its delivering.
Holy shit. No way did this spirit just say this stuff right now. Mouth opened wide trying to process what you have just saw. No way is this spirit really talking dirty to you right this second.
"What the fuck." You froze ahead at what's spelled out, "This is getting weird..." You sighed.
To be honest, even Jeno didn’t like what Haechan just said. Thoughts coming back thinking whether this is a good thing to do, for the demon to have you and do whatever he likes..
However Jeno has to remember what his motive really was, trying to find ways for you to still remain here. “Maybe he hasn’t had any action since,”
Only for you to roll your eyes, “Wow, I mean surely hes on the other side so what action will he be getting." Jeno literally laughs out, a part of him does loath Haechan so hearing things mocking him does make him chuckle.
Your stomach wasn't feeling great about this anymore, all of a sudden your throat began to close up, You whispered quietly, “Maybe we should stop this...”
Before you could even do anything or wrap this up, the candles suddenly leave their flames, darkness welcomes back in to the room. It’s pitch black, not an ounce of light to be seen, you felt restless with your heart accelerating, “Jeno.. I'm-im scared!.”
The silence begins to get creepy, no sound to be heard at all. Now you’re really beginning to feel the effects, not realising your eyes have slight prickly tears formed.
“Jeno..? Jeno..?”
You felt a warm hand tug on to your back, only to aggressive push you in a instant. You screamed, not realising you have fallen into the arms of someone. Face hitting their chest. Not not only is your heart racing but so is another.
Jeno turns one of the candles above his face as you slowly look up “It's me, Jeno" he reassures.
“J-Jeno something.. pushed me i-iswear-"
Jenos coos you on his arms, “I'm here."
The candle light brought out your face, Jeno in awe how you still look so beautiful, even in fear. You was always beautiful to him for sure, but today your features were shown in a different light. Teary eyes and flushed face brought out your cuteness, its kind of sick of Jeno to even see beauty within your fear. The parting of your beautiful lips trying your hardest to exhale with both of your breasts pushing upwards. Your hands tightening as you held on to Jeno’s arm, almost bruising into his skin. But he doesn’t care, his pain doesn’t exist when you’re there. Almost like a cure for him.
That push really shook your core, you perhaps think this may have been the spirit itself. But why would he do that? Matter of a fact you’ve never encountered a real life spirit. Not having any idea how one looks and quite frankly would rather wish not to know.
You stay beside Jeno inhaling his fresh scent, despite partying earlier on with the rest, he still manages to smell great. Like comfort, not overbearing. Your latched against him with his a hand making way towards your hair, giving gentle strokes. He moves you away from him with your face in contact to him, watching him with furrowed brows. His hand moves down towards your cheek, giving slow rubs.
Its the way he was paying attention to your face, like hes searching for something within you. His brows were raised with his teeth grazing his bottom lip. He looked attractive, well you’ve always found him attractive but tonight was different. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this upclose and his strong jawline carved to perfection.
“I’ll protect you” He spoke, unable to help but watch your luscious lips. You look so tempting, hes surprised how well he held off. Whenever you was around him, even giving him light grazes, he would almost flinch. But most of the times it was visits to the bathroom, taking care of his problem of getting hard, fisting his cock completely dry.
How can you claim to protect someone when you invite them to this hell, Jeno?
Your puppy eyes were stilled on Jeno’s face. Admiring his every feature you can see, so strong yet delicate. You lick your lips at the sight of him, thoughts wandering off your head, thinking how nice his lips would feel-
“Don’t do that” Jeno said sternly. You had zero idea of what you was doing to him, making him feel right this second. The way your eyelashes start fluttering with a confused look, is it possible he can read your mind?
“But I didn’t—
“it makes me want to kiss you.” He fought back, biting his lower lip with his eyes below, how managed to contain himself throughout but its seemingly impossible now. Why do you look so frightened yet pretty? How do you manage to have beauty even in darkness?
You swallowed, eyes wide as you hear Jeno’s thought. You can’t believe he would or could ever say such thoughts, you’ve never heard him say anything like this to you. But right now that’s exactly what you want, you lean closer against his body, tipping upwards with a seductive eyes, “Then kiss me.”
Jeno didn’t need to be told twice. No hesitation shows when his lips urgently collide yours. He tilts his head as he deepens the kiss inhaling every breath of yours. It felt like giving him revgererance each time he consumed you. You have no idea how desperately he wanted to do this for the longest time and now he’s finally kissing you.
Saliva begins to form below your chin with Jenk sucking it up inside, his tongue grazes all your mouth and lip. Tasting better than he thought. You took him in gladly, letting your hands roam over his soft hair continuing the kiss.
The candles were perfectly lit bringing light into the living room, the inhaling through your nose as it burns away. A chair is placed right beside you both in which you struck Jeno down below and reach above him. He was a taken back from the gesture, eyes wide but dived into you further when you sat below his lap.
You struct back and forth against his pants already feeling his hard on. It excited you to know how hard he’s already become for you, such an easy puppy. He saw the way you moved backwards, rushing to whatever your going for as he snaps you out of it.
"Trying to cum on my pants?” He huffed out, almost making you stop with his strong hands around you, watching the desperation from your eyes wanting more.
“Yes.” Answering immediately, you’re shameless but you love the feel and its exactly what you want.
“Are you always this desperate?” He bucks his hips further up, hitting his hard on against your sensitive clit. Making your mouth part in pleasure.
“No..” You lied, not used to seeing this side of Jeno. From what you knew, Jeno was mostly reserved, the nice boy. But today he’s different. You didnt think he’d have it in him but right now he convinced you otherwise.
“No?” He questioned, moving his mouth lower towards your neck planting a few kisses, making you curl. He brings your palm below, touching his erection directly, “Do you feel that?” He whispers.
“Fuck” “I—” Moans eclict from you at the contact of his length, the material brushing your hand with roughness. His pupils dilated watching you become so dumb for him, his hand holding yours below his length moving you slowly, “This is all your fault, you know that right?”
You’ve never felt so helpless, wanting to rip out his clothes and let him do you right then and there. You’re throbbing underneath him and you’d do anything to feel your release, “Why.. is it?” You fought back, wanting to play along with him.
He chuckles as he bites his lower lip, enough to pull blood, “Who told you to look so pretty? Do you know the amount of times I’ve fisted my cock because of you? Got me so hard?
Shocked was an understatement. You’ve never thought of Jeno doing anything like this. He gets off about you? Since when? Why haven’t you been made aware of this? Why haven’t any of your friends mentioned this? This is complete news to you.
He saw the way your cheeks blushed, your brows were furrowed in confusion and carried on, “The times you came near me and I backed away? The times I had to always run off to the bathroom? Fuck I was so scared of you finding out, biting my lip so hard so you don’t end up hearing me..”
Now all you could picture is the times you remembered him running off never thinking twice why. Picturing how he’d lean against the shower with the water gliding down, a hand on his erection as he pumps himself. Fuck. So hot.
You felt so needy, rustling yourself on him as you let him speak more about what he does when he’s alone. You wanted to play along, teasingly, “That’s not right to do.”
Jeno immediately stops you from trying to reach your climax, “And you? Fucking your cunt on my thigh whilst hearing the things I’ve done is?” You bite your lip as a moan escapes your mouth, letting him put you in your place. Your thighs ache as your body jolts with the
“Jeno I had no idea..” Finally speaking out, only for Jeno to pull you closer to him with your hands held on his shoulders. He looks up with hopeful eyes, “Of course you didn’t.” He smiles until it slightly drops making you feel some way, “You’ve never noticed me.”
You saw the way his light eyes suddenly dimmed down towards the end, a drastic change of reaction. You genuinely never noticed his behaviours until now, maybe because you never felt the need to. He was a friend, after all.
Well you’ve fucked friends before and its nothing you take seriously, he could have asked you if he really just wanted that you thought.
You gasped as you break out of thought when he suddenly lifts you up from him, feeling a loss of contact with his erection. Picking you up with the dimly light ahead, leading you inside his bedroom. Your eyes open as your placed beneath the bed, coldness hitting your back as you lay down.
Jeno crawled over you, breath fanning over before he kisses into your lips once again. He loves how soft you feel. His hands reaching below as removes each piece of clothing off. Cupping your breasts before he sinks lower and inserts one towars his mouth. You immediately falter, loving the way he sucks on your nipples.
He doesn’t stop kissing your body, letting himself consume every inch of you. You smell divine, it drives him crazy how he’s finally gotten you. He’s happy because he can finally feel you, let him touch you in places he’s only imagined whilst in the bathrooms. Perfect may not exist but for Jeno you do. He reaches lower with his eyes up, drawing his tongue below your abdomen to thighs.
You eclict moans right away, hitting the sensitive spot. He loves making you feel good. You deserve to always feel pleasure. And he will be always ready to deliver. Slowly tearing down your skirt below you knees, as expected to see you full of wetness.
Diving in deep with a swirl of his tongue, hitting you out of nowhere. You reached for his hair as you tugged with the pleasure, “Wetter than my dreams.” He states in awe at the sight ahead of him.
He reached up planting kisses before he connects his lips against yours. Sometbing he can’t keep himself to not do. Always wondering how your lips must feel, soft. It feels good to have you against him, allowing him to do whatever. Jeno felt so happy. For once, his dreams were becoming a reality. For once, he’s finally gotten you, or will that reality hit him like a dream once again..
“Jeno hyung"
A sweet voice was called out from behind, near the door of the bedroom. Jeno’s eyes snapped back, back to reality. The moments he had shared almost forgetting what the truth of reality was. A nightmare living in a dream. His happiness lasted briefly, eyes bulged out in terror.
You’ve possibly never seen a reaction as such before. Jeno turned almost pale, his eyes widen with darkness but a tint of fear behind. He stopped moving, freezing in time. His hand wasn’t touching anymore, it stilled. You’re absolutely deprived and have been edged for too long, trying to bring your hand up to Jeno’s face. Only for him to snap backwards, completely ignoring you.
You tried to call him out but avail. Something snapped to him ever since someone called him out, only to realise there was also another person present in the room. That sent shivers to your bones, watching ahead in fear. Jeno walks towards the door but stops mid way.
The lighting was dim enough in the room, but whatever was standing near the door blossomed with light. From your angle, you could only watch and notice the bright light entering inside closer and closer.
It appeared closer as you squinted your eyes, however frozen when you see the sight ahead. An alluring red headed beauty, sun kissed skin that beams with light. He almost looked like an angel had you not seen the small horns from the corners of his scalp. A fallen angel, perhaps.
He approached closer to Jeno, lifting his hand as it grazed along his cheek watching him in adoration and glinted eyes, “I’ve missed you, hyung.” Jeno watches in shock, it’s finally hitting him how real this is. The touch felt so familiar with him, something he’s not felt in years as he puts his hand above the demons.
“Haechan..” He breathed slowly, someone who was always with him. Someone who he had shared his moments with, his loneliness with. He grew attachment to him and till this moment, too.
Haechan walked closer as his nose scents Jeno’s neck, before gripping it with his hand and pulling himself near his ears with a whisper, “I told you you could never escape me..” He smirks.
Haechans breath fans all around Jeno’s neck, causing his neediness to rupture. It was always a sensitive spot for Jeno, receiving small sigh from his mouth.
You gulped nervously, did you just hear Jeno call out to Haechan? The same one who you played the Ouija Board with? How is this possible? How does Jeno know him? Millions of questions arise in your mind, mind boggled. Your heart begins to accerlate as each second passes, gripping on the sheet harshly as a safety net.
You felt silenced. Not a word formed in your mouth. Just watching the sight ahead, you lated still waiting to see what happens next.
Haechan’s tongue made presence as it shifted towards Jeno’s ear, slowly moving below to his neck. Jeno moaned quietly as the boy felt pleasure, cock hardening as he swirls away. His nose above his ear before tugging his hair back, “So easy and receptive to my touch hyung, you must have missed me quite a bit.” He boasts.
Jeno immediately rushes his lips against Haechan’s, though his kiss was driven more from his earlier events and the demon itself. He felt more alive as the kiss deepens, the only time Jeno feels out of the ordinary. A sense of comfort that only he has for himself, a feeling like no other to be known. Jeno takes in more and more, sucking the demons tongue like thirst.
Haechan pushes himself hard, throwing his hand below the shaft, forming moans through the mouth. Jeno hissed, throwing his head back as his eyes rolled, letting the demon take control over his body. You watched in complete awe on how receptive Jenos falls in Haechan’s hands.
You should be petrified, you are. But the way your legs have been spread out, left lonely because of Jeno makes you feel needy. The redrawl of touch hits you hard. A scene that should make you run for the hills, but what do you do instead?
Bringing a hand on your aching thighs, dragging it down slowly to gain some sort of touch. The hand moves it’s placement from your ankle, towards your abdomen, causing slight shivers to your body. Biting your lip to not make any sounds, the finger ascends above your breasts, cupping before you massage them.
Jeno’s groans feel like music to your ears and a favourite to the Demon. He walks backwards slowly as Haechan continues his pleasure, nearing towards you. However that doesn’t make you stop, you're absolutely needy. The hand cups your breast before you pinch your nipples, swallowing your moans away.
Your finger slowly makes way down, every touch accelerates your reaction. You can see not only Jeno but the sight of the beautiful demon. Wondering how easy you can fall in to his touch, imagining his fingers running down towards your area. You’re incredibly wet, your fingers moving upwards and down before it stops at your swollen clit.
Mouth parting at the sensitivity down below, you know with one touch you’d literally come. You furrow your brows, lifting your head up to see the sight ahead. You cannot contain yourself much longer, before you begin to rub furiously below.
Small moans erupt from your mouth, breathing accelerates as you move. Hot sweats break out against your skin rushing for climax. You continue, only to stop in almost shock at what you see. The demon kisses Jeno’s ears as he opens his eyes at the sight of your arousal.
You immediately froze. Like someone snatched your breath away. There was fear behind your eyes showing evidently to the demon as he curled a smirk on his face. Your heart was pounding feeling like you got caught. Caught in something wrong.
Your fingers almost vibrate with the throbbing below indicating how close you are. For some reason you just couldn’t move your fingers at all. The shock of seeing Haechan catching you literally get yourself off from them makes you feel ashamed. But, don’t the wrong things feel so good?
Remaining eye contact with the demon ahead as he continues rubbing Jeno, you slowly begin to thrust up. It was subtle at first, but Haechan knows you way too well. The fact that you tried to act innocent by stopping with your fingers, yet you start thrusting yourself against your fingers. You begin to bite your lips, letting the demon watch the way your toes begin to curl. The arrival of the release occurs with your eyes rolling back, legs shivering until you can take the achehis before you drop below the bed.
You don’t realise eyes have always been on you. Haechan whispers to Jeno before stopping abruptly, making their way towards the bed. You laid with wetness as it continues to slip on the bed, eyes closed before you open your eyes once again.
“My angel,” He mutters, watching you as you felt exposed within his gaze. The petname immediately made you flush, hoping you aren’t caught once again. “Is this my angel, tonight?” He questions as he eyed Jeno.
Jeno felt nervous before he spoke up, “Yes.”
He didn’t know what to say to you. He didn’t know how your reaction is to see him this way, with a demon alongside. Jeno wants to say so much but so little comes out, knowing you’re shaken by this. Do you hate him? Are you angry? He doesn’t know because your face doesn’t indicate anything at all.
Your eyes are stilled on Jeno, a million questions on your mind but you can’t think. You can’t think when all you want is to feel a touch from them desperately.
“Jeno always had a thing for pretty things,” His hand travelling to your ankles with light strokes, yet you feel electricity running through as you gasp at the sudden movement. “And I have a thing to ruin them completely..” His fingers almost grazing towards your upper thigh before he widens your legs.
You shudder with soreness, exposed at what you’ve been hiding all this time as you softly moaned. Jeno immediately feels his cock harden at the sight of your open legs before Haechan speaks up, “Spread your legs open."
And you did exactly that despite of the burning you felt keeping still. Thinking you’d be receiving some sort of action, but no. Haechan immediately turns to Jeno before putting his mouth back on his once again. This time increasingly faster and rough as they kiss.
Feeling absolutely ignored, you try to close your legs until Haechan eyes loom over yours, “I said keep them open.”
The throbbing immediately begins, wanting to close your legs but remembering you can’t. So you stay still, suffering as you watch them swallow each another. You wanted to get touched, to feel anything at this point. That’s until Haechan backed away, averting his eyes to your sullen face before he looks at Jeno.
“Open your mouth.” He demands.
Jeno does without hesitation, as the demon connects himself against him before he released himself, spitting in his formed saliva into the mouth of Jeno’s. You almost drooled at what you saw, Jeno mouth dripping with his own saliva alongside Haechan’s, reaching just below his chin.
He looks up to Haechan before he moved away from him, mouth being full before entering his liquids inside.
Your legs wide, aching in pain before you see the demon bring Jeno near you before he draws out, “Spit in her sinful pussy.” He demands. You suddenly gasp at how cold it felt as the fluid travels down towards your throbbing hole, making a trail down your thigh.
You felt exposed how they watched in awe at your hole before the demon instructed Jeno next, “Brim her full of my spit, shove your fingers inside.” Jeno doesn’t hesitate at all, his long fingers already making way and fucking inside of your cunt rapidly, forcing the wetness to be shoved all the way in.
“Fuck Jeno,” You gasped at the harshness of his fingers inside. He showed zero mercy on you and fasten as he kept going, leaving you gasping each second. Jeno loved how pretty you looked, breathless and teary all for him and he wanted to see you being a wreck.
You almost forget that you have another visitor, a hand roams around your body heightening the experience further. Your eyes are shut, breathing deeply as you feel Jeno hitting your spot. Eyes opening slowly as a tongue is felt beneath you, swallowing you as it stays between your breasts.
The pleasure feels surreal, all at once hitting you everywhere. Your nipples have hardened, goosebumps forming on your skin before you slowly opened your eyes, seeing Haechan remaining eye contact whilst he sucks on to your breasts before biting with his sharp teeth, electing pain from your mouth.
You don’t even realise how close you are until streams of tears reach below your chest, feeling overstimiulated from the pleasure from both. The demon already looms above you without you noticing watching his prey looking wrecked and beautiful.
Looking prettier as ever, Haechan almost is convinced you're an angel. How can one look so gorgeous as they cry out? Your cheeks are flushed, lips plump red and skin heated as you felt the breath fanning over your face like breeze, cooling you from the heat.
Jeno loves the way you taste, loving how he gets to be underneath you and suck in your wetness when he dives deeply. His mouth finds contact to your clit and flicks it furiously to make you cum.
Your hand tugs below, tears streaming down your face before Haechan brings his tongue out and licks them away. You felt the cold shiver as he continues his lick when every droplet falls, dark eyes watching you falter completely in his hold. You looked so helpless, as your face scrunched up.
He knows you're wrecked and can sense your nearing just before he shoves Jeno’s face down all the way inside of your cunt, “That’s it, give the boy a treat.” Jeno struggled but still maintained his hands against your skin, tugging into you deeply . He was so excited to have you finish all inside of his mouth, groaning along your cunt.
“I’m going to c-cum—”
Your cut off immediately when Haechan latches his mouth against yours, sucking in every moan your mouth can make. He kisses you so raw, a little different to Jeno. It felt animalistic. He wanted every bit of you, inch, sound of you. Feeling almost selfish, wanting you to consume your moans only to him.
Jeno felt the withdrawal of the hand when he peeks up, coated full of your wetness witnessing the demon and you indulging with each another. He felt his heart sinking a little before remembering he’s the reason why he’s able to even feel you, perhaps even inside of you.
He grew needier as he palms his cock out, giving it a few rubs as he watches you both. “Wanna fuck you.” He meekly speaks, “Wanna feel your warm pussy.”
You look up to see Jeno fisting his cock, looking sensitive as ever. It’s exactly how you pictured him doing you in the bathroom, his arms showcasing his veins as he kept pumping with a bite on his lip. You spread yourself open, the urge to feel a cock inside. He smiles, can’t contain himself parting your thighs open while he enters inside with
It catches you off guard as you scream at his intrusion, his huge cock slowly making its way known inside. His eyes remained stilled on yours, softening as he moved up towards you before kissing in to your neck. You’re melting under his touch, his cock hitting you rather gentle.
Haechan is under watching Jeno’s cock go in and out before he scoffs, “I see you don’t know Angel as well as you thought.” Causing a frown on Jeno’s face at what the demon said.
Annoyed, Jeno mutters, “Shut up.”
He continues to kiss your body away, his lips stilled on your abdomen as he continues thrusting inside. You have no idea what the demon and him are exchanging, you just want to feel pleasure.
The demon loves how worked up Jeno’s becoming, only to tease him further. “Come on, fuck her like you mean it.” He teases, continuing his pace before he slows down completely, “Show her how much you like her.”
The last sentence hit Jeno like a bus. Eyes widening at the statement said, you was never meant to know that and he can’t believe Haechan just exposed him about it. He looks over to you in embarrassment, taking his eyes away before you call out his name.
You was surprised hearing this information come out. Watching how immediately Jeno stopped reacting, almost making himself look small. Youve fucked with friends before, no feelings involved whatsoever, so is this true? Does Jeno possibly have feelings for you?
Your eyes widen, “You like me?”
Jeno forms no response, but seeing how you look so wrecked yet cute makes his heart falter even more. The heat rushes towards his face not realising how apparent his answer is towards you.
‘’Aw.” The demon cooed as he watched. “Look how red your face is. “Did I make you go soft inside her?” He chuckled evily as he pokes a tongue against his cheek.
“Fuck you.” Jeno shouts back.
His pace changes quickly, the cock thrusting deeply inside of your walls as he pushes himself further. You feel your eyelids flutter once he goes inside and out. Almost feeling his cock stretching your pussy all out.
The demon wears a smug face on, annoying Jeno thus more. His hand reaches Jeno’s thigh, just for him to throw it back away.
“You wanna be a fucking brat?” He grits out, watching Haechan under him with thirst before he removes the cock from your hole and inserts directly into the demons mouth.
Abusing Haechan’s mouth as he continues ramming inside, the smile still remains in his eyes whilst he chokes himself on it. It’s definitely been a while since he’s had Jeno inside of him and he loved how he can get under his skin so easily.
Haechan licks and sucks him all over as he kneeled below. Jeno puts his hand above Haechan’s before he pushes him further down on his cock, making him swallow. But Haechan coughs up, trying to breath only for Jeno to keep his hand on him firm.
“Didn’t you want my cock? Come on take it all.”
The dynamic between the two wasn’t something you expected. They both can overpower each other yet fall into each others touch so easily. To know Jeno has this side already drove you nuts, your hand reaching your area to relieve yourself from the loss cock.
You felt so turned on just before Jeno throws your hand away from yourself, eyes darken towards you, “You’re not cumming through your hands, you’re cumming on my cock.” He commanded. Lifting his cock out of Haechan’s mouth and pushed it all the way up inside your cunt.
The demon smirked as he licked off the remaining wetness off him, now diverting his attention towards you.
You throbbed hearing him, eyes rolling back, you felt so wet under that you almost can’t even feel a cock. It just felt like a gush of wetness that slides all over hitting the perfect spot. You’re happy he changed his pace because this is exactly what you wanted. To be wrecked.
He delivered brutal thrusts, pining your arms down to the sides as he pushed himself more and more into you. Tears filling your eyes at being over stimulated, Jeno’s cock hits on the spot, already shuddering from it.
“You take me in so good, fuck—” Jeno groans, loving the feel of your cunt sucking up all up. Youre throbbing against him and he knows your about to climax any second. “Wanna cum with you too, hold on will you?” He asks nicely, his forehead connecting yours before he kisses. You nodded biting your lips harder than ever.
Jeno looked so concentrated, so sexy. You held off your climax just to see him use your hole as he could. His face is against your neck, groaning in pain. A sign of him cumming, you hold on to him and let yourself move to feel the same way too.
“Fuck fuck fuck—” He groans, letting his release spill inside of you as you did too. The gush was a lot mixing along yours, eyes turning as your nails dug into his skin. Your leg were still shaking with the orgasm passing along your whole body.
He lifts off from you as you stay laying, until the demon turns you around. Your ass was planted with a kiss, jolting at the touch as your still sensitive.
He spread your legs wide once again, cheeks on display before smacking your lips in between. “Fuck, pervert.” You screeched aloud. You noticed the demon had a thing for you being spread out entirely, only to make him chuckle.
He placed his lips as he puts a kiss, trying to soothe you. “You humans fascinate me, you know?” Quirking a brow from behind, his hand slowly moving towards your core.
Already faltering to the demons touch as you whimper, “Why?”
His hand stretches you more, allowing better access before he shoves his fingers inside. Jolting in an instant, it feels sore yet pleasurable. As he takes them out and continues to move around over your clit.
“So needy for me already,” He rasps, allowing his hand to get coated along your wetness. “One touch and you’re already faltering.” He smirks behind you. Even a singular touch from him causes you to react so fast.
He removes his hand suddenly depriving you off his touch, making you frown as you look back.
Only to see something you’ve never seen before. A cock this huge, you’re sure he’d rip you to shreds. You begin to wonder how it’ll feel, how deep it can get inside of you.
“Scared?” Haechan teases back, a smirk written across his face. He seemed so full of himself you thought, but it only made you like him more. He knows how well you try and hide how you feel, only for you to shrug it off.
The ache between your legs expands, as you wiggle yourself behind his cock. You can already feel the texture, smoother than you imagined. Moving around emitting groans from the demon.
“Such a tease, Angel.” The demon groans biting his bottom lip sounding almost melodic. He let your body smother his cock all around. Despite it not even being inside you yet, your body heat was raised. Even more when you decide to reach lower allowing the cock to slide against your wet core.
“F-Feels so.. nice" You winched. This time you tried to even be daring and tried to grab his length, only to get your hand thrown away. Making you annoyed.
“Did I tell you to touch me, slut?” Haechan spoke offended. A pout forms while you still wiggle around him, begging to feel something more.
Your core was dripping in wetness, something the demon was always awed to see. Humans were different from his kind, almost stupid he thinks. The biggest weakness about them was controlling their temptations, a failure that they adhered and especially you.
“This is what a good human slut need” He rasps, his hands placed on your hips, gliding his cock just above your pussy, teasingly moving back and forth as if he’s already fucking you. Instantly feeling stimulated with this way.
“Look at it angel,” He motions your head down just enough for you to see the small gap between your thighs. You watch how his cock manages to slide through it, feeling every vein as it pulses through you.
It felt so good, like hes fucking you for real. Haechan begins to increase his speed each time he thrusts forward, hitting your ass and core. You both were moaning, little groans from his mouth as he continued to fuck into you in this position.
He loves seeing humans break. Be at their absolute wrecked state. No thoughts in mind, just craving pleasure. Just allowing demons to use their bodies for their gratitiftaction.
You looked so flushed, legs unstable as he holds on tight. His cock constantly brushing along your pussy folds, ravaging through. Feeling your pussy already clenching on him as he moves.
“Angel" He mutters, kissing your back with his lips causing you to jolt. “I haven’t even fucked you yet. Want demon cock that bad?” He says mockingly.
“Yes, please m-more—”
And before you can even react, his cock savagely makes it way from behind, emitting a scream from your mouth as it parts away.
“Omg..” It felt so different to normal. As each thrust comes, feeling it grow more and more inside yourself. Haechan bucks himself up, hands tugging on your arms as they stay behind, “You can take it.” He cooed.
And you could. You felt yourself relax more into it as he continued. He begins snapping his hips against you, balls smacking on to your swollen sweaty thighs at every thrust given.
His hand makes way to your breasts, cupping fully then flicking them around, “See these tits? So hard and swollen.” He then stops his hand just below your core, before he slaps harshly. “This pussy you kept touching because you felt neglected.” He smirks, knowing you all to well with the shenanigans you did earlier.
You moaned in pain, feeling the sting below before he soothes it with his palms and rubs. Feeling exposed within his hold, you knew that he was watching you before and you purposely allowed him too.
“I just—” You mumbled.
“You just love attention baby,” He chuckled, kissing your neck as he reaches towards your ears. “Human slut can’t take not having any attention, can you? Need to always get touched, fucked on don't you?”
The hand leaves and reaches your neck, tightening after every thrust. “See why I love humans, my pretty slut?” He whispered sensually in your ears, ticking you as he speaks. Hearing the demon call you that just made you feel heated below, clenching around his cock.
He brings you closer against him, hands roaming all over your swollen breasts and body, travelling towards your cunt. “Because you’d always allow us demons to take what we can from you.” He smirks.
Haechan rolls his hips before he becomes rough, knocking you out of breath, “Made to be used.” His cock was fucking you all up, physically and mindlessly. You couldn’t think straight nor stand without falling, his grip on you was solid.
Taking any pent up tension he had for you, rocking your world. Your legs tremble in his hold, your mind felt hazy as he rams harshly. “This cunt is mine” with his hands rubbing above your clit, increasing speed all of a sudden as you wither with cries.
“Hae-chan.. can’t, fuck—” You cried out, your legs are shivering out of control. His hand doesn’t stop moving around your clit, rubbing it even more just to see you look like a pretty wreck.
You try to move yourself away from him from the overstimulation only for him to grab on to your arm with force, pushing you back against him. His grip tightening on your flesh so you don’t run off him.
“Best fucking human pussy’’ He praises, causing a gush inside of you immediately. Hands spreading around your thighs to open you more, watching the way his cock hammers inside you, "Made for demon cock.”
Your core begins to pulsate at his praises, moans becoming high pitched as they mixed in with his loud growls. He knows he’s nearing his climax so he makes sure you are spread wide apart, holding onto one leg of yours before he fucks in to you further deeply.
You can almost feel the knot inside of your stomach, his cock was piercing through hitting be spot perfectly, “Gonna... cum” You barely managed to wince out. Haechan can already feel you clenching on him, in awe of your pretty pussy pulsating with his cock.
Your body begins to feel tense, shuddering all along as your eyes closed. The stimulation rid all over your body, toes curled up as it hits you in an instant. Your moans were so loud but its what kept the demon going more, watching your hole drip out cum just before he ruts it further in you.
“Human slut wants my cum, hm? Fill you up good? Your eyes looked back him mercifully before you plead. “Please, fuck, want your cum—” whining as his cock pushes further in your walls, just before his movements turn almost sloppy nearing his release. His hips moves just a little bit more before his cum spurts inside of you completely full.
He turns you over as you face him, picking you up before you squealed. Moving his cock roughly in as some of his cum spills down, with some stuffing you all up inside. His growls become softer with a final release, filling you up. You felt the familiar warmth below, just before he rewards you with a passionate kiss.
You're already knocked out completely, sleeping rather peacefully on the bed. Jeno had cleaned you all up just before he put you to sleep. Words coming out rather slurred as you tried to communicate with him before your eyes closed.
He knew he’d have to see you the next day and explain himself. Something that scares him completely. Would you see him differently? But all he can do is sigh, feeling glad that the deal finally ended. Haechan got what he wanted and in the same way sick way, so did Jeno. But why does he feel this uneasiness in his heart yet? It didn’t feel right.
But did it really end? A voice in his head speaks quietly until it becomes louder and clearer, whether it was his imagination or a message he doesn't know. But he froze completely after hearing it come closer, “You’ve never said goodbye, Jeno...”
©2023 lostlovesoul11 all rights reserved.
#jeno smut#haechan smut#nct smut#kpop smut#nct dream smut#jeno scenarios#nct drabbles#tw: dubcon#haechan imagines#jeno imagines#lee jeno smut#kpop fics#mxm
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Shoot me dead - sadist!jisung
Warnings: dirty talk, pet names (slut, baby, doll, darling, pretty girl, good girl), gun play, mentions of fucking, sadism, dubcon, jisung has a huge cock.(let me know if i missed something, it’s 5:46 am here 😞 not proofread at all)
“Shut the fuck up,” Jisung sneers, pushing the gun to your head. You were a trembling, wide-eyed, whimpering mess, your gaze set straight as you felt the cold barrel against your temple.
Jisung let out a chuckle, looking down at the spot in between your legs, a noticeable puddle of wetness on the sheet.
“Such a slut, getting off to a gun being pointed at your head. What if I shoot you, __? I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Jisung tilted his head, finger on the trigger. You nod your head, completely dumb just by his presence and the cold gun pressed against your head.
He smirked, pulling the trigger, the gun meeting with a click, your eyes shutting tightly, a snicker coming from your boyfriend.
“So scared for what, baby? You know I won’t hurt you, right?��� He said, his eyes flickering with excitement. You nod to avoid any problems, your eyes opening and hesitantly drifting to your boyfriend. He wasn’t the innocent boy you once knew. He made it known that he didn’t want to be treated like a child. It irritated him. It made him angry to be treated something far from his age.
“You think I’m gonna hit you, doll?” He said again, his free hand stroking your cheek as the other presses the gun against your head more. You flinch at his touch, earning a small frown from Jisung. He quickly replaced it with a sick sadistic grin, plunging his fingers into your mouth.
“You don’t wanna use your words, darling? You’re so quiet. Is it because of the gun?” He asked as if mocking you, his sickening grin only widening. You nod again due to him shoving his long, veiny fingers down your throat. He pull his fingers out of your mouth right after to pull your hair, causing a gasp to leave your swollen lips, your head leaning back.
“Pretty girl. Wanna ruin your throat. Will you let me?” He asks, stroking your cheeks and jawline with the gun, earning a quick nod from you.
“Yes,” you finally say, a small smack on your sore, swollen cunt resonating in the room.
“Good girl. Finally using your words, huh?” He said, his honey-filled deep voice sending shivers down your body to your core. You open your mouth to reply but before you could, he shoves the gun into your mouth.
“How about I fuck you with a gun in your mouth, baby? Would you mind that?” He asked, earning a small head nod from you
He licks over his lips before pulling his sweats and boxers down with his free hand, his huge cock coming into view, making you gulp in anticipation.
#nct drabbles#nct hard hours#nct dream x reader#nct dream imagines#park jisung#park jisung smut#nct dream#nct dream smut#nct fic#nct jisung#jisung hard thoughts#hard kink#jisung hard hours#jisung has me on my knees rn#🧎♀️#tw dubcon
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warnings: dubcon, stepcest
wc. 415
i dont like how this ends but im sleepy so this what we gon work with
haechan knew you didn’t really mean it when you begged him not to pry himself between your legs.
rather, you were ashamed of your desire, more so than you were subtle with it. he had seen the way your eyes sometimes flitted to the indentation in his pants for a few seconds too long, heard the barely suppressed noises coming from behind his door when you set your weight against it at night, listening to him get off.
haechan let you get away with everything, both the attention and the cries for help. if anything, you were the pervert. not him. but if it made you feel better, if it oddly made it easier for him to take what he wanted, haechan wouldn’t complain.
acting like you were being forced allowed you to save face in some sick, twisted way; you could feign total disinterest. you could pretend you didn’t want it and say that he had made you do it. that he had folded your knees against your chest and buried himself inside you, his moans louder than your weak whimpers.
just as he did now.
“fuck. fuck. fuck,” haechan chanted, rocking his hips into yours with no intention of being slow. “you’re always so tight for me. you always squeeze me like you want me.”
you shook your head, denying it. your eyes burned, but your thighs did too, being stretched into an uncomfortable position much too roughly. his nails dug burning lines into your hips the more you shuddered with life around him. but to haechan, the only thing that mattered was the burn of your vice-like cunt clinging onto him for dear life.
deep as ever, he pushed himself in and out and in again, making sure you could feel the thick, pretty head of his cock flush against your fluttering walls, heat spiking through you in a sweet throb.
“hyuck,” you called out, pushing against his chest as he hovered over you. “please, just stop!”
“you say that every time,” haechan groaned, but his annoyance was just as real as the effort you’d put into shoving him away. “and i always tell you the same thing. i can’t stop.”
your hands traveled up to his shoulders, watching his face tense with pleasure, and able to do nothing to keep your body from reacting. “hyuck…”
“i know. i know,” haechan stammered out, tipping his head back in a delicious little moan. “fuck. take it like you always do. make me happy.”
#tw: dubcon#tw: stepcest#haechan smut#lee haechan smut#nct smut#nct dream smut#nct 127 smut#nct dream hard hours
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CW : noncon, stepcest, somnophilia (dubcon and noncon) and idk overall fucked up shit.
side note : literally took inspo from this crazy ass story by @ne0pearl and the amount of times that this trope was mention in our messages is crazy tbh so I tried smth with it.. I hope you like it !!
extra extra note : there MIGHT be some errors that I'll definitely fix later ..
extra extra extra note : last fic of the year?? wtf I'm glad I'm ending my year with wayv!!
Day 1 : Your new step brother yangyang that gave you a devious smile when you first met eyes with him, his thin fingers twirling his pyjama strings around his left index while he toys with the other string. He seemed... nice? As anticipation and maybe.. fear bubbles in your gut, a smile creeps up on your face.
Looking slightly over, his father wore a white button up and he looked like a literal snack. His name was Kun or whatever he said.. His hands were fucking huge like they could go around your waist... maybe your neck..?
He was your fucking stepfather.
It's also enough that your mother wasn't going to be back for an exact month so it would be only you three in the house..
I mean what could go wrong?
Day 2 : Creak.. creak~ was that the floorboards? Your thighs feel irritated and there's some sticky.. gooey feeling in between them.. Your eyelashes felt like they were glued shut by weights, you thought about lulling yourself back to sleep out of laziness but the itchiness wouldn't leave. Reaching over to your lamp and flicking it on, you tug the covers away; being met with a splatter of cum. The air forms a bubble at the back of your throat, eyes filled with confusion, your stomach swirls with unsettlement. Quickly pushing yourself out of the bed and cleaning up yourself in your bathroom; too groggy to show concern.
Something that managed to catch your ear was the footsteps fading away in the hallway.
Peeking your head through the door, you definitely notice the brown head of hair going down the stairs.
Day 7 : Laying upside down at the head of your bed, the stillness in the room only comforted your rushing thoughts about what happened 4 days ago. It wasn't until you heard a sound of something ripping? Like plants being torn? Before you even know it, you're at the window; witnessing the scene of Yangyang tearing out your precious plants. At least it's the ones you least care about but still.. WHAT THE FUCK? You ignore the sound of Kun's concerned “Huh?” when the door slams against the wall from being swung open, everything is a blur through your searing anger.
“Yangyang, what are you doing to MY plants!” You cried with stomp to your heel and clench to your fists once he walked in with the dead crops in his gloved hand.
“Well, it's actually our gar–”
“It's not! I put down the soil, I planted the seeds and I care and water those plants everyday!” There was an inquisitive gleam in his eyes now, you bit your lip anxiously as he stepped only closer to you.
“You could run your pretty little lips all you want but I don't care.”
Pretty little?? PRETTY LITTLE?
He thought that you were a fucking joke. He totally wasn't dismayed by your rant also and it only fueled to your frustration more. A stinging sensation traveled from your nose evoking tears in your eyes,
Oh please don't cry...
“But those are my plants..” You whined with a wistful spirit whilst your hands cover your face, trying to hide your tear streaked face. There was a thud on the ground, his hands delicately found yours and guided them away. They smoothly found your waist once you both met eyes, the ire tension now faded whilst your face grew hot. His face inched closer, his doubtful eyes switched from your eyes to your stout lips.
Day 8 : You look over to Kun and immediately look down at your fiddling hands in your lap. Honestly, you wished he wasn't close enough to kiss, those black glasses weren't helping your case either.
“Are you even listening to me?” You blink extra hard even rubbing your eyes dramatically to show that he now had your attention. Even you could tell that he wasn't having it, you sighed, “Honestly.. no.”. Kun could only make it worse by scooching even closer, your attempt to back away quickly became futile when he grasped your wrist; his huge hand practically engulfing it.
“Don't make me do something I'll regret, sweetheart.” His other now trailing up your ridden up pyjama shorts and your heart nearly stops. “Wait– Wait–!” Your fight instincts kick in as you scream but his hand muffles it immediately; he now laid on top of you, his crotch hot against your clothed abdomen. Before you could even object, he smashes his lips with your own; the sounds of your lips smacking together with your moans and grunts both in unison wasn't as favorable, it icked you. “Kun— please..” You whimpered but his hands only traveled thick and through your shirt like a snake wrapped around it's prey.
His hands stopped it's traverse for a mid second, his deep brown eyes filled with desire; his dimple flashes along with a smile which fills your soul with relief but only for a second until you hear a zipper. Kun only chuckles once your expression drops when you look down to his engorged cock slapped against your stomach.
“Why can't I have a turn?” He says with a playful manner and a mocking pout to his lip before his hand shoves down your pyjama shorts along with your panties.
Day 10 : There's a commotion by your ear, tussle tussle. It sounds like your covers being thrown around, don't open your eyes, it isn't worth it..
“Don't act like you're not awake.” Yangyang said with a teasing lilting in his voice. You jolt slightly awake and nearly slap Yangyang that's laying with his chin in his palm with a quirk of curiosity to one of his brows. Everything feels fuzzy; your vision, your mouth, your head and your senses.. especially.. your senses.
There's something moving in your shorts and you don't even register on time that it's Yangyang's hand cupping your pussy, your legs were already trembling and with every second, you intake your vulnerability more. Three fingers then slither up and down your damp folds until one fingers hooks on your clit, he then massages it with a light chuckle at your still expression.
“You're gonna cum all over my fingers, yeah?” He grunted until your legs shook sporadically with a loud scratchy cry...
“Hm~ you're so pretty like this.. Not running your mouth, y’know?” He teased with his tongue poking from his cheek. He loved your pretty lashes caked up with tears, your body only moved to the rhythm of his fingers within your slick walls. His cock was insanely tight in the confinements of his pyjama pants at your mewls, he sworn he nearly came himself when your slick walls clenched around his digits. His fingers work faster, practically bruising your abused pussy and your sounds in harmony grew louder and louder; enough to maybe alert Kun of what was happening over a few doors down.
Definitely alerting Kun.
Day 30 : “This movie is totally boring~” You scowled whilst bating your eyelashes at the brown haired boy above you. He looks down with a slight smile, his hands trailing your forehead then to your jaw. You then diverted your eyes to where your feet layed right on your stepfather's lap; the same male that bugged you both about having a movie night for the past few weeks so you could all “know each other better before mom comes back.” A heat rushes to the back of your neck when you remember the look that him and Yangyang gave you in that moment causing you to simply look back at the screen to the horribly produced horror movie.
With your spine becoming sore from your position, you do what any other person would do and nudge yourself upward (duh). Unintentionally, you provide more pressure to the tip of Kun's cock and he lets out the slightest moan that fully made Yangyang aware..
You managed to get immersed in said horror movie until you felt a grip at your ankle, the heel of your foot was being moved in a constant rhythm against Kun's gyrations on the bone. His member growing erect from the initial contact, you look up at Yangyang if he notices the strangely moving object under the blanket but he somehow doesn't. Kun's jaw is clenched, his glasses are sliding down his nose slightly as his gyrations grow slightly faster; your eyes constantly shoot back up to Yangyang. You never realized that his jaw was also clenched along with his fist that laid over the arm rest..
Oh fuck..
Comically with an eyebrow raise, Yangyang pulls the cover away and analyzes the whole scene, his eyes switching from the latter's expression to yours and back to your foot that you now only decided to pull away.
He huffs dramatically with a puff to his cheeks, you then manage yourself up to sit in the middle of the couch. The tension causing that same anticipation feeling in your stomach you had from the first day you saw them; but it was quickly overcame by the fear part of it.. Your tongue peeked out of your lips, attempting to ignore the lingering finger flipping your waistband. Out of instinct, your hand flies to Yangyang's wrist; your doe eyes meeting his destitute ones.
“I don't think I'm ready.” You cried, your head falling into the crook of Yangyang's neck. “But I think you could..” Kun only beams back immediately, his arms circling around your waist and up your silk shirt; pulling your body slightly towards him in a rough manner but you barely nudged away from the other. The pads of his fingers glide over your hardened buds through your thin bra, arousal swirls in your lower region; eliciting a slight whine from your agape lips.
Your eyes were screwed shut from the euphoria that surged through your body from their lingering hands; you weren't even sure who was who anymore. Your shirt was discarded somewhere, the humid air hitting your uncomfortably sticky skin.. The air came out of you like a balloon with every punch of whomever's fingers was inside of you guessing it was Yangyang's.
Suddenly, one of their salty digits shoved past the narrow entrance of your mouth with a resounding grunt belonging to Kun. Your head attempted to recoil from the fingers once they pushed past your gag reflex but they only pushed deeper but steadily, as if they were trying to find a certain point.
“You're gonna have to open wider if you plan to take the both of us.. so please listen to me for once and open wide princess..”
little extra scene: Cold hands slither in between your own and there's a warmth to your backside, your heart stutters a beat until you notice a strand of black in your peripherals. “Don't scare me like that!” Your scream echoed throughout your greenhouse, your stepfather kun looks at you with a furrow to his brows that makes you feel slightly guilty for your outburst. “I was just wondering if you needed help..” His tone was sorrow, the distance between you both was concerning until he stepped back and walked off with a fuck ton of tomatoes he smuggled in his back pocket.
Who the fuck steals tomatoes, fucking loser.
You later confronted him about it and he claims that it gave him clear skin if it's combined with eucalyptus and honey, it might work and you might even consider trying it.
#nct smut#kpop smut#smut#nct imagines#wayv smut#nct scenarios#nct 127 smut#nct drabbles#kun smut#yangyang smut#kun x reader#tw : noncon#tw : somno#tw : dubcon#yangyang x reader#nct dream smut#whip nae nae
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guilty pleasure
18+. mdni.
pairing: yuta x fem!reader
warnings: religious themes & mention of religious guilt, dubcon, corruption kink, manipulation, perv!yuta.
wc: 2.8k
a.n.: this is part 1 of a series of 2 oneshots. part 2 won't come so soon, but will be much darker with more plot.. i swear.
you’ve never thought you would lose yourself so fast in the hands of a man you barely knew. it goes against so many of your values and morals, goes against all the promises you made to yourself all those years ago when you were just a teenage girl.
the very thing you’ve always told yourself, always knew you would follow, is now your biggest sin.
you swore to yourself that you would not fall into lust with a boy that wouldn’t be your husband, or at the very least, your boyfriend.
you’ve never been the slightest interested in sex; it didn’t bother you to not know certain things, or how it felt. didn’t bother you either to be the inexperienced one amongst all of your friends who are very much sexually active.
your studies have always been more important than all of that teenage rebellion stuff. your parents are proud of you, they see a successful girl with a big future in you, and that’s all you need right now.
until he came in and ruined you to the core. nakamoto yuta.
he represents everything your parents are scared of. everything they’re against.
before that, you couldn’t remember a time you interacted with him. you weren’t interested in knowing him, even though your friends sure would have liked to know him in plenty of different ways.
yuta has always been the rebellious emo guy from your highschool that grew up to be every girl’s wet dream. he smokes, he does drugs, he drinks; any illicit substance you mention, he has done. and this was just one of the many reasons why you didn’t want and couldn’t be with him.
because yuta is the definition of sin itself.
he’s laying in your bed, shirtless, while your eyes are fixated on him, not knowing what to do. your heat is pulsing, your panties always soaked whenever he’s around, something that really never happened to you before.
he’s corrupted your mind, implanted thoughts in your brain that you’re so embarrassed to even acknowledge. if before a half-naked yuta in your room would have made you cringe, now it has you eager to take all of his clothes off and play with his cock until you’re covered in his cum.
you weren’t that down bad at the beginning, on the contrary; you were absolutely scared. you didn’t want this, didn’t want him in such a foul and perverted way.
but you think he’s corrupted you right after the first time.
it was in the library, somewhere you’re sure he’s never stepped foot before until he learned it’s where you’re hidden most of the time. at the far back end of the library, back against the bookshelves and trapped between yuta’s arms, he had whispered “do you ever touch yourself? you know, down there.”
his hand had deliberately brushed over your clothed core, sneaking under your skirt without your permission, but all you did was watch him with big, rounded eyes.
the answer was obviously that you didn’t. again, you weren’t interested, never had the time to really think about it.
“i can show you what you’re missing out on, angel,” was what he said next, and that’s exactly what he did.
fingers pressing tight and low circles on your clit until you came, spasms of your orgasm bringing you to tears.
you couldn’t even see him without thinking about what had happened, couldn’t bring yourself to look at his right hand without remembering where it had been. to say you were embarrassed was an understatement.
he passes a hand through his long brown hair, eyeing you up and down. “come, i’m gonna show you something,” he softly says.
he shows you the spot between his legs, and as you take it, you feel your stomach churning and face heating up. you sit down on your knees and he spreads his legs further apart to make space for you.
“you remember last time, right?” he asks and you shyly nod your head, recalling perfectly what you did. “well, instead of using our hands, i want us to use our mouths.”
your brows raise up, staring at yuta like he just said the filthiest thing ever — and quite frankly, he did.
“yuta, i don’t- i don’t know… that’s nasty,” you wince.
“i don’t think it is,” he replies, slightly shaking his head from side to side. he lets his eyes travel down your body, looking at your cotton shirt hugging your perfectly shaped tits — that he knows fit just right in the palm of his hands — then back up to your face.
he takes your hips and pulls you closer, “don’t you wanna know how my tongue would feel like, hm?” he’s so close to you his nose nudges you, his lips hovering over yours. “i know you wanna,” he breathes out, his mouth staying ajar, tempting you.
just to confirm his words, he slips a hand into your shorts and panties, not even surprised to find you dripping wet. he grins, satisfied that your little mind is running wild on itself, not even needing yuta’s help for that.
“see?” he retrieves his fingers, putting them right in front of your face where you can see your arousal sticking to them. “open up for me.”
as expected, you pull your eyebrows together, thinking there’s no way he will make you lick it. you were already grossed out when he did it himself the last time you were together, his two fingers entirely coated in your wetness.
seeing that you’re doing nothing, he clasps his other hand around your jaw, pulling your mouth open and pushing his wet fingers past your pretty lips.
his hand slides down to your neck, “there you go, angel. suck on them,” he instructs, his eyes focused on the movements of your mouth, warm tongue licking yuta’s digits clean.
you scrunch your eyes shut, feeling embarrassed in so many ways. but you like it. you like it a lot.
he slips his fingers out, now even wetter than before. he smiles at you, “it isn’t so bad, don’t you think?” he wipes his fingers across his chest, movement that you follow closely until he lays his hands back on your hips.
yuta leans further back onto your pillows, “what about we start slow, yeah?” he suggests, his hand hovering over his crotch, your eyes glancing down at it.
you look back up, trapping your bottom lip between your teeth. “okay…” you breathe out.
he then sweetly smiles at you, one that doesn’t fit at all with what he’s thinking about right now. satisfied with your answer, yuta helps you by parting his legs as you lie down on your stomach, hands on his thighs.
“perfect…” he lowly groans, making himself comfortable on your bed. “now, you can just undo my jeans,” he watches you executing yourself, dragging his zipper down and unbuttoning his pants. he passes his tongue over his bottom teeth, already turned on by your overly innocent face. “and pull my underwear down.”
your breath quickens when he says that, looking up at him with frown eyebrows and a pout. how cute.
he lets out a light chuckle and joins his hands to yours, thumbs hooking under his boxers. “need some help?”
you don’t respond to his teasing, only shifting your gaze down to his crotch again, tugging down both his pair of briefs and jeans. he lifts his hips up for you, and you can’t help the little gasp of surprise that escapes you when yuta’s cock springs out, resting over his stomach.
your eyes immediately roam over his body, looking at the few tattoos decorating his skin that you know your parents would disapprove of. you can’t lie that they are magnificent, especially on him. he has a butterfly on his hip and a feather on the other, placed just on his hip bones.
yuta also has a navel piercing, a detail that really makes him so much hotter than he already is. if you’d ever come home with one of these, you’re certain your parents would kick you out without a second thought.
“are you done staring?” you hear him laughing, distracting you from your thoughts.
“sorry,” you bashfully mumble under your breath, blood creeping up to your face.
“spit in my hand,” he suddenly demands, presenting you his open palm.
you’re taken aback a little, still finding it gross. “yuta-” you begin to complain, but he rapidly cuts you off.
“you’ve agreed, baby. come on, do as i say.”
you collect the saliva in your mouth, looking directly into yuta’s eyes as you let a globe of spit fall from your mouth to his palm. he then takes his cock with the same hand, stroking himself and spreading your saliva all over his length.
he grabs one of your wrists and gently wraps your hand around himself, sucking in breath through his teeth when you tighten your hold.
“now what?” you curiously ask.
“can you… can you take just the tip in your mouth?”
you try to not look repulsed by his demand, inhaling before bending down to his hard cock, parting your lips and entering the tip into your mouth.
“oh, fuck-” yuta throws his head back onto the cushions of your fluffy pillows, relishing into the feeling of your warm, inexperienced mouth on him. “yeah, just like that, angel,” he chokes out, gulping down. “suck it…”
you gaze briefly at yuta before deciding yourself to follow his instructions. swirling your tongue around his head, you go a little further down, him watching you with his mouth agape, entranced by the sight in front of him.
you have the unfamiliar taste of his precum in your mouth. it’s neither good nor unpleasant, but it’s still weird to think that you’re tasting him.
you suck like yuta told you to do, slightly bobbing your head as you figure it might procure him more pleasure and you’re right; he almost immediately moans out loud, hand coming directly to hold your hair in his fist.
you gaze up at him and your eyes connect. he’s gritting his teeth, sucking his bottom lip in. his cross pendant is sitting right on his naked chest, as if taunting you, cruelly reminding you of what you’re actually doing. you scrunch your eyes shut, breaking eye contact with yuta, and move your head up and down more vigorously, eliciting melodious moans out of him.
“oh, fuck, baby…” yuta croaks out, his head lolling back on his shoulders. he squints his eyes, watching his cock entering and exiting your mouth, traces of your red lipstick remaining on him. “you’re doing such a good job, continue like that,” he praises.
hearing that somehow makes you more embarrassed than you already are. you shouldn’t be good at this — you’ve never done this before, never even thought about doing it. but yuta’s moans and groans sounding through your bedroom make you so much wetter as the minutes pass. his sounds make you believe you want to do this everyday just to hear them, just to know that you’re the reason he’s feeling good.
it’s like the sexual desire you have for yuta is stronger than the guilt you feel for having those said desires in the first place.
his hand suddenly pushes you further down his engorged cock, forcing you to take more than you’re ready for. he fists your hair, pulling harshly and making your scalp sting.
you whine around him, pleading eyes looking up at him. “it’s fine, baby, it’s fine… you can handle it, my little slut,” he groans out the last words, very much pleased with the idea of you being his own pretty little fucktoy.
on the other hand, you don’t like it at all. it makes your stomach twist in a tight knot, eyes starting to water whether because of the lack of air entering your lungs or because of the unbearing guilt that you feel, it’s not important.
all that matters is that yuta doesn’t let you suffocate around his dick.
you reach up to grab his hand that is holding your head down, trying to unlock his fingers from around your hair to no avail.
but then he pulls your head up, cock slipping out of your mouth and slapping down against his stomach in a wet thud. you gasp, taking in big puffs of air, chest heaving up and down rapidly. you gulp down multiple times and wipe the drool that fell out of your mouth earlier off of your chin.
“shit,” yuta curses under his breath and it’s now that you notice he’s rapidly fisting his cock, all your saliva sticking to his hand and making squelching noises.
he finishes quickly after, his cum spurting out of his tip and dripping down over his hand. his pace slows down as he empties himself completely, little white beads falling over his black painted nails.
“gonna help me clean this little mess,” he says softly, the corner of his mouth tugging up into a smirk as he gently pats your hair.
you agree, getting up on your knees and extending your arm to your nightstand where the tissue box is, but yuta grabs your hand, bringing you back in your initial position.
“you have a mouth, baby. good girls don’t let anything go to waste.”
you wince in confusion. does he really want you to lick all of it?
“yuta, please, i don’t… want to,” you refuse, glimpsing down at his cock softening in his hand.
your disobedience clearly starts to irritate him a little. “you’re okay with sucking me off, but not eating my cum?” he snickers, “stop being so difficult.”
he forcefully pulls you down toward his crotch and with no other option, you stick your tongue out and begin to lick his cum off of him, including his cock and hand. you’re surprised that it tastes nothing, but you’re still not very fond of it. it’s quite humiliating, to be honest.
when you’re done, yuta doesn’t waste any time before pushing you on your back, getting on top of you.
“it’s my turn now. i promise to be gentle,” he grins, lowering himself until his head is in between your thighs. he gets your shorts and panties off of you, greeted with the sight of your aching, wet pussy. “aw, look at this… my baby really wants me, doesn’t she?”
your cheeks heat up again, feeling so not at ease with your bare cunt at the mercy of yuta. especially when he looks at you like you’re his prey, about to eat you alive.
despite all of your conflicted feelings, you can’t ignore the pulse in your clit and the urge to just clench your thighs for some relief. watching yuta cum is surely an image you will have in your mind for a long time. it’ll haunt your thoughts, you’re certain of it.
he licks his lips and asks, “ready?”
you simply nod your head as a yes, taking in a big breath, nervous.
he dives in, his lips finding your clit and sucking on it as soon as he gets his mouth on you. you squeal, hands gripping his hair as if to get him away, involuntarily jerking your hips upward and onto his face.
you’re incredibly sensitive, and the pleasure in your stomach builds up so rapidly, even faster than when yuta gave you your first orgasm. you were already so turned on, that the quickness of his tongue is enough to bring you over the edge.
“yuta, i’m- i’m gonna…” you stutter, but you’re so ashamed of what’s happening, you can’t get the words out.
he doesn’t need to do more until you’re cumming in his mouth, legs shaking on each side of his head, tightly gripping his hair in your fists. his tongue laps at your clit a few more times, driving you through your orgasm.
he withdraws his head away from your cunt, smiling at you, “that was quick. if i knew you were this horny, i’d have taken care of you sooner, baby.” you don’t answer, but accept the kiss he gives you on the lips.
after this, you know you can’t go back. how could you possibly when he tore away the last bits of innocence you had?
#tw dubcon#nct smut#nct x reader#nct 127 smut#nct 127 x reader#nct imagines#yuta x reader#yuta smut#yuta nakamoto#yuta nakamoto smut#nakamoto yuta smut#nct hard hours
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see a cheerleader, breed a cheerleader
pairing ↠ """nerd!"""jake x (f) reader
genre .. warnings ↠ smut, noncon, dubcon, oral (m receiving), male face sitting, face fucking, unprotected sex, blackmail, choking, hitting, virgin!reader
summary ↠ ever since forever, you have always gotten your way with people by whatever means necessary. a wink and a smile is all it takes to make a boy drop to your feet and worship you. no one told you to think that jake sim would be any different. as it turns out, actions do have consequences.
wc ↠ 14.9k
a/n ↠ jeno version of this fic posted on my nct blog revehae. yea, mine. i am her she is me. feedback is appreciated!
don’t like it, don’t read.
▸ short, sweet, sometimes sticky
it was supposed to be like everybody else.
short, sweet, maybe sticky if you considered that one time you’d shaken that sunoo boy’s sweat-coated hands and watched the pale of his face burn the same fierce rose as the lens he saw you through.
you’d laughed lightheartedly to spare him the embarrassment, telling him that everybody got a little sweaty every now and then, especially you. after all, cheerleading was more than skipping around and twirling. and at those words, you’d watched his eyes haze with the image of you damp with sweat, drenched head to toe.
hook, line, and sinker.
far too easy, exactly how you liked them. smart, easy, and utterly unable to resist you.
no one told you to expect something different from jake sim. and why would you? he knew all the right answers, had some of the best marks, and practically lived in the library. he perfectly fit the bill of your standard victim.
which was why you had no qualms about approaching him in the library while he was typing away at his laptop, occasionally sipping from some kind of coffee.
as if he could sense he was in imminent danger and needed to evacuate immediately, jake turned around before you could even make it completely to the table and saw you advancing on him with a pretty, practiced smile. “hi,” you greeted, waving at him. falling, your hands gripped the rear of the chair beside him. “is someone sitting here?”
jake raised a brow at you, but shook his head. “no, no one’s sitting there.”
“perfect,” you replied, pulling out the chair and taking a seat. you turned so that you were facing him. “jake, right?”
jake nodded slowly, wondering where this was going. he got plenty girls, sure, but none ever approached him in the library. “that’s me,” he said, curious. “do i know you?”
“well, probably not,” you replied, giggling as if something was funny. “but, you know… i’m a cheerleader.”
jake hummed. “are you now?”
you bobbed your head expectantly. “yeah, and i’ve heard about how smart you are. i’m impressed, to be honest. i mean, every time i’m in the library, i see you sitting here. i could never spend so much time here. you must have a lot of resolve to do something like that.”
“you think so?” jake asked, pretending to be flattered just to see where you were leading him.
“i do. like, really do,” you replied, brushing your fingers against his forearm. “i just have so many other,” better, “things to do, you know. with cheer, i’m either practicing or resting so that i’ll have energy for practice. it’s really hard on me, you know?”
jake stifled a chuckle and glanced back at his laptop screen. “you poor thing.”
your brows stitched. he wasn’t paying nearly enough attention to you. it was almost like he was uninterested. “and that’s why i was wondering if you could help me. i mean, you’re such a genius. you could probably do it in half the time it would take me,” you continued, lowering your hand onto his denim-clad thigh, and becoming surprised by how sturdy it felt.
jake spared a fleeting glance at your hand on his left thigh before his eyes flitted to your face, watching you wink at him and throw him a smile. “let me get this straight,” he started, slowly caressing the back of your hand with his thumb as it sat on his thigh. “you want me to… do your work for you?”
“hey, your hard work wouldn’t go unrewarded,” you insisted, ignoring the unexpected motions of his thumb. “you’d have my attention. i mean, like i said, i don’t have a lot of time to give away. but i’m willing to spend some of it on you.”
jake snickered, unable to help himself anymore. “are you this patronizing to everyone you meet?” he asked.
your eyes flickered. “p-patronizing?”
jake smiled, patting your hand before setting it on your own thigh. “sorry, was that a big word for you? you know, when you think you’re too good for something, but you don’t want to say it, so you play sweet and act like you’re helping me, when really, it’s the other way around.”
switching on a dime, you narrowed your eyes at him. for such a pretty boy, he had quite the attitude. “i know what patronizing means. and right now, i think you’re the one being patronizing.”
“am i?” jake asked, feigning obliviousness. “how’s it taste, cheerleader? doesn’t feel good, does it?”
your face was set in a scowl. sometimes it hurt you to play nice with people, and now was one of those times. “are you gonna help me or not?” you snapped.
“there it is,” jake sang, chuckling to himself. he put his hand on your thigh now, squeezing the flesh gently. for now. “there’s the real you.”
you swallowed, glaring over at him with a hint of defiance despite the disgusting, foreign feeling rotting in your chest. it had never gone like this before. every situation predating this one had been somewhat predictable, to the point where you’d come to expect certain reactions. this was not that.
“i’ll help you,” jake said after a pause.
you forced a smile. “great, so…”
jake interjected, “on one condition.”
smile faltering, you trailed off, processing his words. now he was making some kind of deal with you? who in the hell did this man think he was?
“on one condition?” you echoed, as if you’d somehow misheard him. your brows scrunched in suspicion. “what condition?”
jake grinned, the look on his face sly as hell and a stark contrast from the disgruntled glower on yours. “give me something in return,” was all he said, the tightening hold on your thigh giving away more than his words had.
you gawked, as if you were offended, and quickly swat at his hand. “i’m not having sex with you, you pervert!”
“sure, you’re not,” jake answered with a chuckle, eyes twinkling with amusement. everything about you was alluring to him for mostly all the reasons unintended. “but you said i’d have your attention. i guess you think it’s not often a poor, busy nerd like myself gets anyone’s attention, yeah? but nerds get tired too, don’t they? they need to de-stress…”
“that’s not my problem,” you spat.
“you getting an F isn’t my problem, either,” jake retorted, shrugging his shoulders. “so what it’s gonna be, cheerleader?”
something about this situation isn’t right to you. maybe it’s the lack of power you currently wielded over him, despite the fact that you had gotten used to having your way with academically competent boys like himself. if he weren’t taller than you and stronger than you, you’d resort to other, more familiar methods.
but jake had changed the entire trajectory of this interaction for the worse, and now you had to determine whether or not it was beneath you to let him treat you as if you were some kind of object. you sulkily mulled it over, arms folded, trying to think of a way to maintain some semblance of power. “fine,” you finally replied, relenting. “but i’m not doing anything that requires me taking my clothes off.”
“you never seen a good porno, cheerleader?” jake asked, a stupid, taunting smile blemishing his lips. “that cute little uniform of yours is the whole appeal to some people.”
“my name is…,” you huffed irritably, tired of being referred to by your title.
“frankly, cheerleader, i don’t care what your name is,” jake told you with brutal honesty. “you’re the one that introduced yourself as a cheerleader, like that’s your whole personality or something. thinking it would make me fold. you can’t be stupid and demanding.”
you gaped, affronted by the sheer audacity of him to even utter those words to you, like you were some dumb bimbo. “i’m not stupid! i’m just too busy.”
“right. too busy,” jake echoed, obviously none too convinced. “sorry for assuming.”
with a roll of your eyes, you stood up from the table chair, feeling utterly disrespected. “yeah, you should be,” you said, despite knowing his apology was completely inauthentic. “where’s your phone?”
jake arched a brow and glanced over to his phone, sitting face down against the table on the other side of him. before he could even respond, you reached over him to grab it and pointed it at his face, unlocking it as if you’d done it a million times before.
then, you started typing away, all the while jake watched you with an amused expression on his face. he had to admit, you were surely something. and though he found you entertaining, he couldn’t shake the thought that you desperately needed someone to put you in your place.
“reach me here,” you said after a moment, handing him his phone back. the screen was on his messages, a fresh contact with you. “pleasure doing business with you.”
with that, you walked away.
jake shook his head, scoffing. who the hell did you think you were?
over the next few days or so, you met with jake to better construct exactly what your expectations were pertaining to your work. or at least, those were the words he’d used. most of those limited encounters had ended with his hands sealing around your breasts.
you let it slide, deciding that a little over-the-clothes stuff was relatively harmless. after all, this was the busiest you’d been all year long, and you were far too exhausted when you got home to be burdened with stupid assignments and pesky discussion posts. the next two months, if not the next two weeks, were going to kill you if you didn’t have someone to carry at least half the workload on your behalf.
it was okay. jake’s inability to keep his hands to himself was fine. it wasn’t like anybody was going to know, or that this arrangement would last long enough for them to find out. you would get to keep your dignity and your grades, without saving one at the expense of the other.
short, sweet, and sticky, remember? maybe the latter was simply manifesting in the way jake’s hands were stuck to you. not that anything about him was sweet.
more like sacrifice.
▸ gilded age
“guess who just made the list of this week’s top ten trending sluts,” jennie said as she walked up beside you and roseanne.
roseanne perked up that, though she couldn’t help but mischievously quip, “you?”
jennie narrowed her eyes. “hoe, as if,” she spat. “i know how to keep my legs closed.”
you snickered. “god, what happened now?”
“a sex tape got leaked. hyeri, and apparently sunghoon.”
your nose scrunched, as if disgusted. “always knew she was a slut. i mean, you should have been there to see the way she acted around the jocks in high school. her eyes were practically screaming, ‘pick me, choose me, fuck me,’” you mocked.
roseanne burst into giggles, downing the rest of what was left in her red cup. “i don’t think that’s how that goes,” she chimed. “but sunghoon? is she crazy? i hope they didn’t do it raw. i heard rumors that he’s got the clap.”
“he sure clapped something, alright,” jennie retorted, much to your amusement. “it was definitely raw. hope it was worth the itch. you guys wanna see?”
“absolutely not,” you said, shaking your head vigorously. “i bet her parents would love to see it, though. on second thought, send me it.”
roseanne gawked. “are you serious?”
you bobbed your head, grinning deviously. “yeah. you guys have no idea what that bitch was like in high school. i tried teaching her a lesson, but she just never learned. it’s like the bitch is addicted to pain or something.”
jennie shook her head, pretending to disapprove, though she was intrigued to see how far you would your obvious loathing. “just sent it.”
your phone vibrated in your hand a few seconds later. you opened your instagram burner account, scrolling through your main’s following to find hyeri’s mother’s page, and dropped the video in her inbox. your sly giggle alerted your friends to your success and you dropped your phone in your pocket, satisfied.
“oh, you’re sick,” jennie insulted playfully, nudging your arm. “i wonder if she’ll say anything.”
you shrugged your shoulders, feigning nonchalance as if you weren’t excited to see how her mother would respond. “don’t know, but i’m more curious about if she’ll talk to hyeri about it. i’d love to be a fly on the myung’s wall when that happens.”
roseanne tapped your shoulder. “hey, don’t look now, but that jake guy is staring you.”
your head whirled around, spotting jake in his own corner of the party, indeed watching your every move as if he wanted to consume you and was waiting for the perfect moment to attack. which, if he was, would not be surprising.
roseanne sighed in annoyance. “i literally just said don’t look now.”
you turned back to face them, shaking your head. “don’t worry about that creep,” you replied, brushing it off. “he’s just begging to get in my pants. didn’t even know he went to parties.”
for whatever reason, jennie laughed. something about what you said tickled her, apparently. “um, yeah. that’s jake for you, alright. he’s either partying with his friends or grinding in the library, no in between. perfectly balanced lifestyle, i have to admit it.”
your brows furrowed. that was news to you. and probably an important piece of information that you’d conveniently missed when narrowing down your targets. maybe you should have asked around about him more. you just didn’t think that someone who studied as hard as he did could also be the life of the party.
what was he doing here, anyway? shouldn’t he have been off doing your homework? useless fucking nerdy-not.
“do you guys know each other or something?” roseanne pressed, noticing the strange tension in the air despite the fact that you and jake were feet apart. which was honestly admirable. “do you think you could get him to put me on with jungwon?”
jennie’s laughter rang out again, only this time, it was much louder, and much more mocking. “please. jungwon isn’t gonna touch any of us after how she broke his heart. you’d have better luck with jaehyun,” she sneered.
roseanne glared, a snarl on her face. “fuck jaehyun.”
“yeah, i bet you want to. i bet you’re still dreaming of that big, thick, meaty dick you wouldn’t shut up about, like, two months ago.”
“a lot can change in two months.”
“oh, it sure can,” jennie replied, humming. “it sure can.”
▸ takes two to tango
jake: come over
you: no
jake: that wasn’t a request
you: no where in our agreement does it say you get to boss me around
jake: not even for an A?
you: that’s what your grabby hands are for
jake: i don’t have to do this, you know. i can let you be a grown up and fiend for yourself like the rest of us
you: i’m otw, chill. jesus
the knock of your fist against jake’s door was incessant, more than likely enough to exasperate his neighbors, given that it was particularly late at night and a good number of them had to have been sleeping.
jake threw the door open with a scowl, obviously irritated. “you are so fucking annoying,” he hissed, dragging you inside and shutting the door behind you.
“ow!” you cried out, snatching your arm away. “stop that, i’m sore.”
jake shook his head, his discontent frown disappearing in favor of an entertained, idiotic smile. “sore, huh? from doing what?”
you rolled your eyes. “if it isn’t obvious, i’m a cheerleader,” you reminded, gesturing down to your uniform. “meaning, i cheer.”
ignoring your snarky attitude, jake glanced you up in down, taking in the sight of you in that tight, short cheer uniform that clung to you rather snugly. sweat still beaded at your damp legs and likely gathered between your breasts and down your back, as jake was imagining. “yeah, you cheer. you won’t let me forget,” he said, amused.
“well, i’m busy,” you said, crossing your arms.
busy, my fucking ass, jake thought to himself. “yeah, you won’t let me forget that, either. and yet, i saw you giggling with your friends at a party two weeks ago, looking completely fine. your poor, exhausted legs seemed to be working perfectly.”
“what, so i can’t have hobbies now?”
“sure, you can,” jake replied, shrugging his shoulders. “i just have to ask, do you ever do anything productive with your time?”
“of course, i do,” you hissed, before quickly deflecting, “but we both know that’s not why you made me come all the way over here. so, what do you want?”
“your attention,” jake said without missing a beat. his hands plopped against your bare shoulders and began wandering down your arms, rubbing them back and forth. “i’m in desperate need of a cheerleader’s sweet, precious attention.”
the disgruntled grimace on your face was the most effort you made to express your discomfort, not that he was looking there anyway. to him, at the moment, the sight of your body was much more appetizing. you watched with a repugnant burn simmering in your gaze as his eyes met your long, slender legs.
without warning, jake grabbed you by your waist and hoisted you into the air, making you cry out in surprise. arms dangling around his neck, you held on for dear life, not an inch of your body feeling safe in his arms. you had been hauled further away from the ground by your cheermates, but this was different; no one wanted to fail, meaning no one would drop you. you had no reason to assume that jake would handle you delicately.
but his burly arms, however, were not lost on you. though you hadn’t yet seen them in full power, your interactions mostly taking form of him forcing your back flush against the chiseled muscle of his chest as he kneaded yours, you could only imagine what the hands that groped you were capable of.
in a matter of seconds, you landed on your back against his sheets, another shrill screech escaping your throat. “jake, what the hell?” you exclaimed.
“i’m not getting on my knees for you,” jake said, the slyest of smiles tugging at his lips. “not unless it’s to fuck you. and you’re just too good to give it up, aren’t you?”
for him, definitely. and you would have said so, but your lips parted in a gasp, surprised and startled. something wet pushed along your sore legs, which were abruptly yanked to pillars far above your head so that they’d be more conveniently within reach of jake’s tongue as he licked long, hot lines at them.
your eyes were rooted on him, fixed in a shape unlike their natural narrowed, black blaze and it would instead be more apt likening them to the fear and fret of a deer in crossed paths. wide, waiting, almost innocent. too used to circumstance to understand its fabric and too unfamiliar to chance to understand its fate.
unsatisfied, jake bent your knee and pushed your leg further as he stood over the edge of his bed, and, in turn, over you, a grip on your ankles that you could feel in your bones. “jake, that hurts,” you whined.
jake didn’t understand why you were bitching. “but you’re a cheerleader,” he echoed. “aren’t you flexible?”
you writhed uncomfortably as he continued shamelessly, tongue even daring to twist against the bone underneath the bend of your knee, a sensation that itched more than you expected. his lips sealed around your skin, sucking and nibbling.
needless to say, it was unlike anything you had experienced before. “stop, that’s weird!”
“stop complaining,” jake groaned, pushing your leg even harder. “it’s like all you ever do is complain about how hard your life is.”
your eyes stung now not only with loathing, but the threat of hot tears. it was stupid; it sounded dramatic, but you felt it was warranted when he was the one actively making your life harder. “you’re a fucking weirdo,” you snapped.
jake heard it. the slight tremble in your voice despite the courage you’d been feigning. that was the sole reason he even bothered to look up at your face, the tears in them stealing his attention away in a heartbeat. he didn’t know whether to be amused or annoyed, or maybe even both. “god, now you’re crying,” he pointed out. “i haven’t even done anything to you. do you need me to give you a reason to cry?”
you shook your head. all you needed was to go home and recharge. you were beginning to doubt whether or not he was worth the trouble he carried with him in exchange for a grade that would keep your parents off your back, especially if he was going to make pulling stunts like this a regular habit.
the last thing you expected jake to do was tug the bottom of your top past the shadow of your breasts, slackening the taut grip on your ankles in favor of your wrists as if he knew you would dare resist him, and burying his face between your chest. you exhaled shakily, mortified by the hot, wet feel of his tongue licking a stripe between your breasts, gathering leftover sweat on its tip.
and you did thrash. but you were getting a taste of that power now; a power that wasn’t your own, a power that you couldn’t reap. a power that grabbed you with its calloused fist with a might so strong you couldn’t move. and it was for the first time that you felt utterly weak. there had to be a word for something as unfathomable as that, but it was so foreign to you that you couldn’t think of it.
to make matters worse, jake was taking his time, sucking bruises onto the skin of your chest in between his licking, as if he wanted to ensure there was no spot left untouched, no drop of sweat left behind. your face strained with discomfort, wanting more than anything to get away from him and this awful feeling rotting inside of your heart.
maybe your cries for mercy were heard, because no sooner had you hoped for an end than it came. “you can go now,” jake said, pulling away. he pulled your shirt back down and smoothed out any wrinkles, which was almost kind of him.
even though you were more than eager to be rid of him, you lay there, dumbfounded. it was one thing to be violated, and it was another to be dismissed, but to happen in rapid succession of each other quickly bred some ugly emotion that was only festering.
jake had expected you to scurry out of his bed, and out of his apartment, so the fact that you were still there bemused him. “what, do you want more?” he teased.
you shook your head, sitting up a little too quickly. your head started to feel lightheaded. you barked, “that isn’t what i agreed to!”
jake had the audacity to laugh. like you had told a joke of some kind. “isn’t it? your clothes are still technically on. that was what you agreed to. remember?”
you dropped to your feet, pushing past him. “you’re disgusting,” was all you said, making a beeline for the door.
“takes two to tango, baby,” jake called after you, simpering.
you didn’t look back. you couldn’t. there was an unpleasant stir in your gut - not as easily distinguishable as the loathing - unlike anything you had ever felt and you desperately wanted it to go away, to rid of yourself of anything that even remotely resembled jake sim.
▸ chess, not checkers
deep, low grunts smacked against the walls and bounced back with almost the same amount of vigor of jake’s quick, unrelenting hips, the sound nearly as hard and heavy as he was. the only thing rivaling the tightness of the hole he was using was the wince of his closed eyes and the grip of his strong hands.
jake didn’t want to see. it would be too blatantly obvious that she wasn’t you, and that it wasn’t your blemished hips he was holding. though she sounded nothing like you. he knew that you would have been so much whinier, and despite finding them painfully obnoxious, he found himself longing to hear all your worthless, melodramatic complaints.
instead, he heard soft moans mingling with his own labored sounds as his hips moved with a mind of their own, imagining it was you underneath him where you truly belonged.
the image stained the back of his eyelids, burned behind them every time he closed his eyes; the shortness of your pleated skirt scrunched around your hips, weak legs on his broad shoulders with nicks and bruises scattered here and there, arms swinging aimlessly.
and if he got tired of hearing you, he could simply press his palm squarely against your mouth, muting the sound of your incessant fussing. if he really wanted to put you in your place, he could clasp his hands around your throat and clamp down onto your windpipe till all that escaped you was a pitiful, featherlight squeak.
jake could tell no one had ever properly put you in your place before, no one had ever stood up to you and reminded you of your level. you were in desperate need of a humbling and didn’t even know it yourself. no one better than jake for the role, he figured. a little cheerleader parading around in a uniform to feel different from everybody else she met didn’t scare him whatsoever.
the only thing saving you was essentially the fact that you were undeniably pretty and not necessarily to blame for the school’s superficial culture, which elevated girls like you in terms of status despite it having no real meaning or manifestations outside of campus, and put you on top when you were within the bubble.
but outside the bubble, away from the boys who thought of you as this beautiful, unattainable poison and the girls who enabled you with a faux sense of togetherness, you had no real identity, no real power, and no real worth.
and yet, maybe jake was contributing to the problem. maybe he had inadvertently become one of the people elevating you. because choking in the heat of the moment, he uttered your name, forgetting who he was with and where he was.
hands shoved at him, hard. at least, hard enough for him to be jolted out of his reverie, finally gazing into the eyes that seethed because of him. “did you just call me that evil witch’s name?” seoa barked.
jake winced. that was a fair reaction, all things considered. he wouldn’t have wanted to have been called your name out of everyone’s, either. he rubbed his nape. “well…”
“unbelievable,” seoa replied, scoffing. she got out of the bed and hurriedly began picking her clothes up from the floor, redressing herself.
jake exhaled a breath, mostly annoyed that his orgasm had been ruined, but still feeling a hint of sympathy. “seoa, wait,” he said, touching her shoulder.
seoa recoiled, pulling away. jake had never seen anyone be so ready to put on their pants after being with him, not even with a hell of a schedule after. “never touch me again,” she spat, walking out with her shoes in tow. “fuck you.”
jake ran a hand through his hair, watching her leave, and murmured under his breath, “god dammit.”
a few days later, while they were attending a festival, jay marched over to jake, draping an arm over his shoulder, and asked, “wanna tell me why seoa blocked all of us and she’s been glaring at me and mark since she got here?”
jake snickered, shaking his head in slight disbelief. he was over it by now, he figured she would be too. “i let a certain cheerleader’s name slip while i was balls deep inside her,” he confessed. which he wasn’t necessarily proud of, considering the only reason he even knew your name was because you’d saved your own contact on his phone.
jay’s brows furrowed, glancing around as if he was trying to spot you in the crowd like a heat-seeking missle. “who?”
rolling his eyes, jake grabbed the back of jay’s head with one hand and turned it in your general direction, hoping it would help. and jake knew it had when jay’s confusion melted into disgust.
“oh, that bitch?” he asked, nose wrinkled.
jake chuckled, releasing his friend’s head. “she’s a bitch, but she’s pretty.”
jay couldn’t argue with that fact even if he’d wanted to. “yeah, i’ll give her that. cute in the face. she’s fake as hell, though. played jungwon like a fiddle. he did six months worth of her homework because she promised they’d get together.”
that was news to jake. he knew you were cruel, having had stories from sunoo and the like, but he never knew of your history with jungwon. if it could be called that. “did they fuck?” he couldn’t help but ask.
jay shook his head, taking a sip from the bottle in his hand before he answered, “he said she always turned him down. told him she was waiting for ‘the perfect moment.’”
now that was funny as hell. jake had only known you for a few weeks and yet even he quickly pieced together that you weren’t the romantic type. “well, that’s fucked up,” he said, happily accepting yet another reason to dislike you. “but he’s dumb as fuck if he did her homework for six months without getting a crumb of pussy in return.”
jay made a face, nodding. “yeah,” he exhaled, giving the impression that he’d wanted to defend jungwon. “but man, what possessed you to say her name while fucking the seoa? i need a good excuse. you just blew my shot with her.”
jake shrugged. “don’t have one. she approached me maybe three weeks ago asking me to do her homework, and i agreed.”
jay gawked. that didn’t sound like jake. like at all. “man, what? is she paying you?”
“oh, dividends,” jake quipped.
“oh, and in what? pussy?”
jay looked horrified. he was so damn dramatic. “then, why the hell are you doing her bidding? that doesn’t sound like you.”
it didn’t, not immediately, but jake had his reasons. “entertainment purposes,” he replied curtly.
jay shook his head, taking another swig of his drink. certainly, he was drinking, not smoking. “you’re becoming her pawn for entertainment purposes? unbelievable, bro.”
“chess, not checkers, jay.” jake smirked, putting a hand on jay’s shoulder. “you’ll see.”
▸ things good guys do
“you’re lucky i was already out,” jake told you when you let him into your apartment. “it’s the middle of the night for fuck’s sake. what do you want?”
“oh, please,” you spat, damn near rolling your eyes. your arms were folded. “you get to call me over at the ungodly hour, but when i do it, it’s a problem?”
jake exhaled through his nose and ran a hand through his hair, wondering why he bothered to come here when he had no obligation to do your bidding, as jay had put it. but something told him that he wouldn’t have any regrets. “yeah, it is. now, what do you want?”
you were silent for a few moments, somewhat ashamed of the request you would ultimately make. you sighed, surrendering. “i need help with calculus,” you finally said.
jake’s shoulders drooped, eyes shrinking in a contemptuous disbelief. “seriously?”
“seriously,” you repeated, sitting down on your couch as your laptop screen glared back at you from the coffee table.
jake groaned, “i seriously don’t know how you even got into this school. can’t you do anything by yourself?”
you gawked, affronted. he made you sound like some incompetent, immature dickhead. “contrary to a weirdly popular belief, i’m actually really smart,” you insisted, having the transcripts to prove it. “but my professor sucks and i need an eighty-nine on my final to keep my A. and it’s not like you can walk in and take it for me because it’s proctored.”
jake shook his head and reminded, “you know this little agreement we have doesn’t include me tutoring you, right?”
“it didn’t include you assaulting me, either,” you retorted.
“you think that was assault?” jake asked, scoffing. he dropped beside you on your couch, the proximity instinctively making you suck in a breath. “if i wasn’t a good guy, i’d show you assault.”
scooting over to ensure maximum distance between your bodies, you argued, “good guys don’t call themselves good guys.”
“good guys have self-control,” jake replied matter-of-factly, resisting a chuckle. he didn’t make a move to touch you, but he noticed how tense you looked now that he was sitting beside you. “i’ll tutor you, but we’ll have to up the terms of our agreement.”
you swallowed sharply, throat bobbing. you had a feeling you weren’t going to enjoy these new terms. “what do you want?”
“a blowjob.”
“that’s disgusting,” you spat without a second thought, features contorting with repugnance.
jake quipped, “and so is your inability to do your school work without using and depending on every intelligent boy you meet, but hey, i’m sure you can’t help that.”
you sighed, exasperated, and cradled your face in your hands. was this seriously what your life had come to? giving a boy a blowjob in exchange for a pretty transcript?
jake grinned, appreciating the sight of you in distress. it was a sign, a good sign, and he intended to bring it out of you more and more, bleeding you absolutely dry. lowering a hand onto your thigh, he urged, “come on, bruise those little knees for me. don’t you bruise ‘em for cheer?”
“that’s not the same!” you whined.
“of course, it’s not,” jake said, squeezing your thigh as his shoulders trembled with laughter. “cheer isn’t helping you graduate with flying colors.”
you desperately wanted him to be wrong, you were begging for him to be wrong, but you both knew that if he was, he wouldn’t have been here with you at the moment. not now, not three weeks ago, not ever. so you sucked it up, slamming down your laptop lid, and grumbled, “fine.”
maybe he didn’t come here for nothing, after all. grateful he’d trusted his gut, jake stood up and clutched your arm to pull you along with him. “come on, let’s go to your room. i like my blowjobs a little messy and i’m sure you don’t want to mess up your nice carpet.”
you snatched your arm away from him, hating his insistence on touching you for every little reason whenever he possibly could, even if it was insignificant. your mouth was taut as you begrudgingly headed for your bedroom.
it was obvious that you were sour. walking behind you, jake couldn’t help but chime, “glad to see that you can at least walk by yourself!”
you bristled in annoyance, wishing you could just get rid of him, but you knew it wouldn’t be wise to discard him so quickly. at least for now, he still held some kind of value.
jake walked in behind you, looking particularly radiant, and you hated that you knew why. hell, you hated the reason itself. “get on your knees,” he commanded.
normally, you would complain about him giving you orders as if you were his lap dog or something, but you just wanted to get this over with. you were already so over this entire week. you slowly dropped to your knees, trying to ignore how demeaning it felt.
“good girl,” jake praised at your compliance. “now, look up at me with those pretty eyes and ask me to help you with calc. ask me nicely.”
you met his eyes, noticing the expectant glimmer in his gaze that you so badly wanted to knock off. but you weren’t dumb enough to incite violence against a grown man that walked around with his bulging muscles on display for all the world to see, and you didn’t doubt that he would hit you back. “jake, please help me with calculus,” you pleaded, choosing your battles.
jake hummed, satisfied. “you sound so pretty and sweet when you ask nicely, instead of demanding things. didn’t know you were capable of that,” he told you, running his fingers through your hair. “take it out. get me hard.”
your hands moved to his sweatpants, tugging at them enough to bring them down just shy of his knees, and doing the same with his underwear. he wasn’t hard yet, but that would be an easy fix; witnessing your state of pure anguish, watching you speak and move as if you were totally dejected, always excited him.
not to mention that the sight of you on your knees for him, the more he took it in, was arousing him even more than he thought it would. he had pictured it in his mind before, you serving him, pleasuring him, existing solely for him, but nothing could compare to the sight he beheld now.
at least, nothing other than you actually doing something rather than sitting there like an idiot. he liked taking control, but he figured you would take matters into your own hands, literally, when he gave the order. “do you need me to tell you what to do or something?” he asked, huffing irritably. “put your tongue on it. tease the head.”
your face and ears burned in ways they rarely did, but you nodded wordlessly and did as told, bracing your hands on his thighs and reluctantly pressing your tongue onto his tip, looking anywhere but his eyes as the muscle swirled around.
that amused jake to no end. at least for now, he would let it slide, not feeling the need to maintain eye contact with you at the moment. if he needed to, he would simply just grab a nice, thick fistful of your hair and yank it back to jolt your head up at him. he could still see your pretty, bare face, hair arranged messily at the top of your head with a few needless strands jutting out here and there.
he liked that. of course, he would have been more than enthusiastic to have you suck him off if you’d been all dolled up, making you ruin your makeup and undo at least an hour of careful, clean work, but he also just took pleasure in seeing this natural, undone part of you. he wanted to see you for what you really were.
it didn’t take long for him to get hard. with all his thoughts revolving around you and the feel of your tongue on the head of his dick, that was a no-brainer. “good, now put it in your mouth. take as much as you can and not an inch less,” jake instructed.
widening your mouth, you accepted his stout, heavy cock into your mouth, lips forming a tight suction around the head and steadily advancing down his shaft. bit by bit, inch by nightmarishly thick inch. you had made it maybe halfway down his shaft when you quickly discovered your limit.
jake was surprisingly content, despite the fact that you definitely still had a few more inches to go. “there you go,” he said, giving your head a soft pat of approval. “suck. go slow. and don’t you dare let me feel any teeth.”
your heart was thumping out of something you could only understand as fear, even though jake hadn’t done anything to warrant it yet. inhaling through your nose, you tried to level your breathing, taking your time to draw in his cock lest you made a mistake. the hint of warning in jake’s voice, in spite of the calmness, was clear.
jake, on the other hand, was reaching elysian heights. faint grunts of, “fuck,” escaped his pink lips, large hands at his sides reflexively tensing into tightly clenched fists in need of something to grab, hips just barely stuttering. your mouth was hot and wet, with the added benefit of your torturous tongue pressed against his size.
there was a pinch of desperacy in your actions that overcame the resistance; a desperacy not necessarily to please him, but to appease him. accidents were the last thing you could afford and eliciting his frustration was the last thing you wanted.
“lick,” jake said, chest undulating. “up and down.”
with a hum, you started drawing long, wet lines back and forth on his veiny shaft, almost as if you were tracing the bold veins with your tongue. jake’s reaction was instantaneous, deep groans the only thing you could hear other than the wet sound of your mouth on his cock, sucking and licking.
jake’s eyes fluttered closed. “fuck. yeah, like that.”
you pressed your tongue against the underside of his dick, lingering in each spot for a moment before you continued, mostly because he seemed to like it when you did. which was your north star in an empty, dead night, because you had not a clue what the hell you were doing and you were afraid of making it obvious somehow.
if jake could tell, he didn’t make it known. he was in a world of his own, all too happily reaping the pleasure from your mouth as if it was a dream come true for him. “kiss my balls. lick it.”
you stifled the sigh you were half tempted to let loose, pulling off his cock with a wet sound and a string of saliva connecting from the sticky tip to your glossy lips. moving your head, you took a moment to steel yourself before peppering tiny, soft kisses along his balls, down to his scrotum.
it wasn’t the most dignifying thing you had ever done, it may have even been the least, but your aching, sore jaw appreciated the break from sucking. you dragged your tongue over his testicles, tasting nothing but rubbery flesh. you were too busy avoiding his eyes to notice, but his face was tensing with pleasure, lips parting in low murmurs.
compared to when you first started, jake was drastically harder now, massive, monstrous cock nearly bursting at the veins with precum leaking out from the thick tip. had your goal been to take all of him entirely, the sheer size of him would have immediately overwhelmed you.
“switch to your hand and go back to sucking me off,” jake said, firm yet quiet. it sounded like he was trying to restrain himself, barely holding it together.
at least you were a fast learner. teasing the head of his cock, you gave it a few slow, tentative licks before you began to take him into your mouth again, all the while gently fondling his balls with your fingers. jake groaned, arching into your touch. he couldn’t help himself.
you could taste the vicious amount of precum staining your tongue and you didn’t know how to describe it, other than slightly tart. the flavor blended with that of your own saliva, lingering on the roof of your mouth and the warm flesh underneath the flap of your tongue, mild as could be.
at least it wasn’t downright awful. you had heard stories before, not that you’d ever known what to make of them, or even pictured yourself being inside of them. if a month ago, someone had told you that you’d be on your knees for a man - for anyone - you would have said they were delusional.
jake’s patience had worn thin and when you least expected it, he hauled you into the air, making you cry out in surprise just as you had the first time he’d lifted you into his buff, meaty arms. he tossed you onto the bed, just shy of the headboard, and suddenly straddled your chest. you gasped out a breath.
“open up,” jake said, cock positioned right in front of your mouth.
not that he gave you the time to obey him, because he pressed himself against your slightly parted lips and forced them wider, entering your mouth on his own. your face strained, perfectly threaded brows tugging down into a discontented arch.
when you tried to pull away, jake grabbed the sides of your face and pushed you onto his shaft with trembling hands, making you take him and leaving no room for escape, not until he decided he was done with you. there was only one concern present in his mind and that was getting himself off.
tears stung your eyes, that same implacable feeling you had when he’d dragged his tongue over the expanse of your soft, shaved legs and bare, sweaty chest finding you again in the most of unwanted company. jake scoffed, spitefully tugging at your hair. “you know what’s funny? you’re such a fucking crybaby. you can’t take even half of what you give to others.”
chin flush against his scrotum and your nose not even an inch away from his bush, you almost gagged. the slurping sounds were humiliating, loud, wet squelching with every other big gulp making you want to shrink. however, jake loved it, obsessing over the idea of making a mess out of you. the sound went straight to his dick.
jake held your face in that low position, deeper than you’d ever taken him so far. “i’m really not that bad of a guy, you know,” jake said, sounding like he truly believed it. you could have scoffed, if not for obvious reasons. “you just bring it out of me. i’m really just treating you like how you treat everybody else.”
he made you sound like something straight out of hell and you couldn’t help but think it was an unfair justification for something that felt too close to punishment. he obviously thought he knew you better than he did and it made you aggravated. that, or he somehow thought he was better than you.
there was a fleeting second of relief when jake unmounted your chest and let you breathe, only to be crushed again when he dragged you by your wrists to the edge of your mattress, leaving you in the deep end. your eyes struggled to grasp with the flipped image of him nearing you, cock back down your throat before you could even blink.
though his hips thankfully had been moving at a calmer, steady pace before, despite forcing himself deeper than you could handle, he began to thrust more urgently into your mouth with the new change, embedding himself even further into your throat than you knew was possible.
you cried harder, hating every second of it. the salty, bitter tang of your tears mingled with the tainted taste of spit and sharp bite of precum that had come to stain your chin and cupid’s bow. the vigor of his movements was overwhelming, overpowering.
“that’s it, cheerleader. cry harder,” jake taunted, tracing his thumb over your face to swipe at the trail of tears. all the while his hips were moving faster, harder.
it felt like such a mockery, him doing that. a feigned act of sympathy while perpetuating the torment that was reducing you to tears as a selfish means of achieving pleasure of his own.
then, his hands wandered down to your breasts, slipping inside your night shirt and mauling your chest. running his hands in a circle, his thumb brushed the erect, colored nipples and he clasped his hands around your chest, squeezing your breasts. “fuck, i’m close,” he grunted, grip tightening, pace hastening, force increasing.
with how close he was, your nose was squarely against his the flesh of his balls, effectively cutting off your exhale. your heart thudded, racing and pounding. tensing with panic, your hands frantically moved, striking at his navel and thighs. even your legs were in alarm, unstill towards the other end of the bed.
jake groaned, smacking your cheek. another slap followed the sizzle, straight against your chest. “calm the fuck down,” he hissed, raising his arm in preparation to hit you again. “i’ll let you breathe as soon as i come, so you better not get in the way, if you know what’s good for you.”
even if you wanted to, you couldn’t stay calm. your body physically couldn’t handle it, responding the only way it knew how, trying to protect you. somebody had to. you closed your eyes, face warm with tears and panic, and you tried to brace your hands on the sheets, anything to comfort and stabilize yourself.
it got to a point where jake couldn’t hold back anymore and he climaxed with a prolonged, guttural groan, hips still brutally smacking into your mouth as he painted your tongue and the back of your throat with his cum. he went as far as to grab your head again, forcing himself onto you as deep as he could go, and demanding, “swallow it.”
like hell you would. you pushed him away, coughing and choking as soon as you did, drops of cum pooling from your mouth and some of it flying here and there in the midst of your coughing fit.
irritated, jake pressed his tongue against the roof his mouth. “you’re so fucking useless,” he groaned, grabbing his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants and quickly turning on the camera. “look at you. sitting here choking on my cum. you want it again, don’t you?”
you sat up, nearly tumbling over the edge of your bed from the intense convulsing, and turned to face the other way as you hunched over, tightly clasping your sheets. “fuck off, you got what you wanted!” you rasped.
jake laughed. you sounded so gravelly. “you’re right. i did,” he replied, putting back on his pants and pocketing his phone. “so, tutoring. i’ll see you tomorrow. nighty night, cheerleader.”
he gave you a pat on the head and turned, heading straight for the door.
▸ hard feelings
something about today was different than usual.
when you woke up, you had felt a shift in the air, but you’d chalked it up to being nervous about the final you had in three hours.
but when you finally went to go take it, however, you quickly realized that the unsettling feeling you had was not simply pre-exam jitters. it was something much more sinister than that. with the status you held on campus, you were used to being watched and gawked at, but this was different.
it felt like everybody and their mother was looking at you.
you were confused. you had been the subject of this much attention before, but only once; it was a couple years back when someone had spread a dirty, foul rumor about you. there was a social media page for your school called top ten, mostly used to shame women for their sexual exploits, but some men made their way on it too. that was how you heard about sunghoon’s clap rumor.
long story short, a rumor about you had originated there and it had taken you weeks to clear your name. but by that time, there was already another slut of the week. you were lucky to have your situation not only be false and debunked, but word of mouth. only the most unlucky of people, like hyeri, got images or videos of themselves posted.
and you were a community favorite. you would understand if you were new, but you had built a reputation around here. why would anybody believe floating rumors about you now?
but the abundance of stares didn’t end there. even in the cafe, you had caught someone watching you a little too hard to be a casual leer of admiration. and you were determined to find out why.
fortunately, you were able to find jennie and roseanne walking and talking in the courtyard, and you called out their names to stop them.
jennie turned first, and you watched her smile drop in real time. she glanced around, frantic, as if she was worried about someone watching her too.
roseanne smiled thinly, halfheartedly lifting her hand to wave. “hey,” she greeted quietly, matching jennie’s nerves.
they knew something you didn’t and it was glaringly obvious. “what’s going on?” you asked. “everyone’s looking at me and i know i’m not going crazy yet.”
jennie and roseanne glanced between each other, as if they both had bad news but neither of them wanted to be the one to tell you. after a few seconds, jennie groaned and said, “you might want to check top ten.”
your brows furrowed. you, on top ten? again? god, people could be so infuriating. “ugh, what rumor did they spread about me this time?”
jennie winced, which only made you more anxious. “it’s not just a rumor,” she whispered. “…it’s a video.”
“video?” you echoed in disbelief. that didn’t make sense. you hadn’t been with anyone except… except jake. you tensed with anger.
roseanne opened her phone to show you the video that had been posted. it was an anonymous submission that claimed to be a recording of you. unfortunately, it was you, bits of your chest exposed from jake reaching into your shirt and drops of cum landing there as you fought for breath. your face wasn’t visible, but there were some other distinguishing signs, like your hair and skin and sheets.
your heart thudded and your shoulders went cold, but your eyes were scalding. you were well aware that jake didn’t like you, you didn’t exactly love him either, but you never thought he would stoop low enough to hurt you like this.
“i’m sorry,” roseanne apologized, dropping her phone in her purse when you were done. the video was only a few seconds long, but the damage was forever. “but don’t worry. it’s not like it’s top three worthy. everyone will move on next week.”
jennie nodded in agreement and briefly patted your back. “yeah. we’ll hang out again when this all blows over, i promise.”
then, they walked away. leaving you reeling with ache and betrayal. your friends didn’t want to be seen with you anymore. you were an embarrassment.
you swallowed the bitter feeling scorching up your throat and tapped your pockets for your phone, knowing there was one person you needed to see.
you: you and i need to talk. right now.
jake: about what?
you: don’t play dumb, i know you sent that video in!
jake: maybe u should have swallowed
you: you know what, i don’t need you. i never have. and i don’t want your help anymore. just leave me alone
jake: [one attachment]
jake: you sure about that? because i’m sure there’s plenty of people that would love to see the version with your face in it
you gawked, hiding your phone screen against your chest while glancing around to make sure no one could see.
adjusting your brightness, you unlocked your phone again and texted him back hurriedly.
you: why are you doing this?! i’ve never done anything to you
jake: this is bigger than just you and me
jake: now if you don’t want everyone to see that pretty face, come put those lips around me again and we can work something out
and that was how it started. though you hadn’t had the upper hand in weeks, this was the moment you completely lost it. what was once an arrangement for him to help you in exchange for your attention became a hole of misery that you couldn’t dig yourself out of.
one blowjob became two, and two became three until you started to immediately recognize what it meant when you saw his name appear on your screen, knowing what it was before he even asked. not that he ever technically asked. it was always a command, a claim to your body wherever and whenever he wanted.
if you tried to be strong, if you tried to break free of him, he always threatened to make sure that recordings of you on your knees for him went up for all the world to see and no one would ever think of you the same way again. he was more than willing to taint the pretty, perfect image of yourself that you presented to the world.
you felt stuck, trapped. isolated with nowhere to go, no way out. you tried to conjure up a way to escape this situation, but you couldn’t think of anything feasible. if you wanted to protect what was left of your social life and dignity, if you wanted to go outside without being ashamed, your only option was to be compliant.
no matter how many late nights and sore throats you had to go through.
you were in the middle of dozing off, your head leaning off to the side, when the sound of your phone ringing suddenly jolted you awake. you were tempted to ignore it until you saw the contact and begrudgingly pressed the phone to your ear. “hello?” you grumbled.
“i’ve been texting you,” jake said, sounding miffed.
you sighed, glancing over at the clock on your nightstand. “it’s literally two in the morning,” you complained. “i just got home from cheer practice and i’m trying to study for my last final. i haven’t even showered yet.”
“aw, poor thing,” jake crooned, pretending to care. “come over.”
you heartless, selfish bastard, you snapped in your head. of course, you were in no place to say that out loud, so you settled for a calm, “okay,” and hung up.
stifling a yawn, you grabbed your keys and lazily stepped into a nearby pair of shoes, stretching your arms above your head before willing yourself to get up from your desk chair. then, you accidentally scraped your leg against the bottom drawer of your desk, which you’d accidentally left open.
“ow!” you cried out, bending down a little. “god, why does this world hate me? what did i do wrong?”
it was a wonder you managed to make it to jake’s apartment without getting into a wreck, although at this point, you wouldn’t care if you had as long as it killed you. or put you into an indefinite coma.
on the other hand, jake seemed strangely enthusiastic to see you and looked full of life and energy. “there you are, cheerleader,” he said, pulling you in to hug you from behind. he led you over to his couch, much like he always did.
you covered your mouth with your elbow as you yawned. “can we get this over with? i’m sleepy.”
jake chuckled. “i don’t want you to suck me off. not right now.”
your brows furrowed, wondering if you had heard him right. if not for that, then why were the hell were you here?
“i’m sad,” jake said, not even attempting to keep the smug smile off his face. “i need you to cheer me up.”
you blinked at him like he was stupid. “cheer… you up?”
jake nodded his head, glancing you over with a grin. you looked like hell. partly because you were so obviously exhausted, but he knew he’d been having an effect on you too. “yeah, cheer me up. you’re a cheerleader,” he reminded, sounding proud of himself. “i want you to do your routine for me.”
you gawked in disbelief and whined, “i’m not even in my uniform.”
“so?” jake asked. “those bones might be tired, but they still work. matter of fact, take everything off.”
you were quick to exclaim, “what the hell? jake, can i please just do it later? everything hurts.”
“take everything off,” jake repeated, his voice more stern this time. “and move your ass.”
defeated, you reluctantly began to peel off your clothes, ignoring the way jake shamelessly ogled you for the sake of your own comfort and tugging your shirt from above your head. you couldn’t even look at him as you abashedly stepped out of your shorts and panties.
what was even more mortifying was having to perform every stupid little routine for him with your entire body on display and your chest bouncing with every motion. putting on the sweet, forced smile and calling out the chants you’d memorized, all the while ignoring how your bones ached.
when you were done, he made you sit in his lap so he could touch you as he pleased, paying no mind to the way you squirmed uncomfortably.
you cried enough tears to occupy a sixth ocean the next day. you weren’t exactly sure why. you just remembered miraculously waking up in your bed, sitting up and staring into empty space, and the water crashing down after a few minutes. it took you even longer to notice you were sobbing.
after a couple of meaningless hours, you got the random urge to call your moan, yearning to hear her voice. “mommy?” you said when she picked up.
“she calls,” your mother chirped, pleasantly surprised. “hi, baby. i was starting to wonder if you’d forgotten about little ole’ me. you know, you never come see me anymore.”
you forced yourself to laugh, trying to strip your voice of the agony so that she wouldn’t notice. “i know. i’m sorry,” you apologized quietly. “i’ll come see you soon.”
“you better,” your mother snapped playfully, no real malice in her voice. “now, what’d you call me for? and don’t say just to check up on me, because that’s a damn lie.”
“i miss you,” you confessed.
“a lie don’t care who tell it.”
“ma,” you groaned, knowing she was just messing around. “i swear i do.”
“mm-hm,” your mother hummed. you could already picture her in your head, eyeing you with suspicion, arms folded over her chest. “let me guess why you really called. you’re having boy trouble.”
your eyes flickered in surprise. how did she know? you doubted it was exactly what she was thinking, but she was close enough. “yeah, something like that.”
there was no doubt that your mother sounded excited. you had always seem thoroughly uninterested in boys and dating, and while she was thankful when you were a teenager, it was a little worrying now. “it’s about time,” she said, clasping her hands together. “tell me all about it.”
you sighed, wondering how you could tell her about jake without making her fret. she had gotten all pumped, you didn’t want to tear her down and ruin everything. “well, there’s this guy i met almost two months ago. at first, i didn’t feel anything for him. he was just another boy, you know. someone i could keep around for a good time, not a long one.”
your mother hummed again. you could hear metal pans clacking against her counter and assumed she was cooking. she always did that.
taking a deep breath, you continued, “but everything changed. he’s different from every other guy i’ve dealt with. he doesn’t just do what i say because i say so. and as the weeks passed, he’s started listening to me less and less than he already was.”
your mother chuckled. “and you didn’t like that, huh? got your mother’s stubborn heart and indomitable spirit.”
in truth, you didn’t think you had half of your mother’s strength, but you would never tell her that. as far as she knew, everything was going perfectly in the life you’d created here on campus. and it probably was the last time you’d spoken to her. “yeah,” you replied, wishing that were true. “i don’t like it. he makes me feel something i’ve never felt before.”
“he makes you feel powerless,” your mother told you. “he’s got you feeling weak because he’s the first man you’ve ever met willing to stand up to you. trust me, i was surprised the first time too. that’s how you got here.”
“ma,” you groaned with a wince.
she laughed. the sound made you happy, something you hadn’t been so certain you were capable of feeling anymore. “i’m just keeping it real.”
you thought about her words. she may have been way off in her perception of what this relationship between you and jake really was, but she wasn’t wrong about how he made you feel. weak, powerless. suddenly, this consuming feeling you’d been having for weeks finally had a name, and yet that made it even harder to come to terms with.
because you didn’t want to be powerless. you wanted to be in charge, in control. you hated when things didn’t go your way, and more importantly, you hated when there was nothing you could do about it. it was supposed to be you wielding power over people’s head, not being crushed beneath the weight of tyranny.
and it was then you fully realized the scope of your feelings; you absolutely hated jake sim.
▸ cheerleader? breed her!
standing there in a skimpy dress, face done and your feet clamped in heels that made you four inches taller, you didn’t feel like yourself.
you thought that you would. in truth, you hadn’t feel like yourself in months. today marked a little over two months since you made the mistake of beginning that agreement with jake and you regretted it more than anything. he had completely ruined you, your life, and everything that made you feel whole.
there were pieces of yourself that you would never get back, thanks to him. it was true that everyone had forgotten about the ordeal regarding the recording of you, but not without cost. it was a price you were still paying everyday; even when you weren’t on your knees or otherwise commiting demeaning acts for the sake of jake’s entertainment, you were hurting and mourning yourself.
you were starting to wonder if it was worth it. obviously, you liked being respected amongst your fellow students, but you were no longer certain if their respect was worth the price of your sanity. it was hard for you to even have basic interactions without giving away how incredibly lonely and isolated you felt, how trapped and doomed you were. helpless and powerless.
jake came up behind you, startling you. he was like a wolf and you were a little lamb masquerading as a wolf. “there you are, baby,” he said, snaking his hands around your waist. he seemed to love doing that. “did you know our anniversary was a few days ago?”
you scoffed. the two-month anniversary of the worst decision of your life to date. there was nothing you would’ve give to undo it. doing your homework yourself would have spared you so much unnecessary pain. “stop doing that,” you whined, scanning the party. “someone will see.”
jake chuckled, clearly not giving a damn. “unlike someone, i don’t really care what people think about me.”
you wished you didn’t care. there would always be a part of you that cared, that was so afraid of what people could say about her that she would do anything to tailor her image perfectly. matter of fact, it was all you had cared about in high school, and every year after that was spent maintaining the brand.
jake’s hand went from your waist to your ass, making you tense in his grasp. “you know, i think i deserve some kind of compensation for putting up with you for two months.”
you deserved that too. freedom. being unshackled from his cruel, unrelenting orders was the one thing you wanted most and the one thing he refused to give you. “don’t you have your compensation almost every day?” you asked irritably.
“that’s not nearly enough,” jake insisted, squeezing your ass.
god, how greedy could someone be? it was like he wanted to bleed you dry until there was nothing left.
“you know what i want?” jake asked huskily, leaning into your ear. “i wanna fuck you.”
your eyes widened a little. you had hoped this day would never come, even though you weren’t oblivious to the fact that jake had steadily gotten bolder in his interactions with you, the things he made you do for his satisfaction becoming entirely more erotic.
grabbing your arm, jake started to lead you away. “come on, let’s go.”
you rooted in place, nearly stumbling. you didn’t want to go anywhere with him, especially if it meant putting up with his insatiable urges. “jake, i don’t want to,” you said, trying to push at him.
jake scoffed, wondering when you would realize that he didn’t care what you wanted and you had no way of winning. “if you want to make a scene in front of all these lovely people, be my guest,” he hissed in your ear.
panicked, you glanced around the crowd in search of someone that could save you. it was like everybody was looking at you until you actually needed them to.
then, you locked eyes with jungwon. matter of fact, it seemed like he’d been looking at you much before you’d even glanced in his general direction. he saw you, saw the way jake was holding you roughly, saw the obvious stiffness on your face, saw the pleading look in your eyes; but ultimately, jungwon saw the image of you letting him down after bleeding him dry for half a year, and he turned away.
your shoulders slumped in defeat.
jake started dragging you toward the stairs, pushing past a bunch of drunk people dancing on each other. your heart was thumping, and your whole body was rigid with nerves as you tried to think of a way out of this even though you knew there was no option without consequences.
just your luck, the bathroom jake hauled you too was empty. he pushed you in and locked the door, pressing you against the counter. you gasped and glanced at your reflection in the mirror, hardly recognizing yourself. “jake, please,” you whispered, trying to plead with him. “please, don’t do this.”
jake didn’t seem moved by your begging, but he did, however, appear amused. “why are you acting so sensitive about this after all we’ve done together? it’s like you’ve never gotten fucked or something.”
you swallowed, not saying a word.
the silence was very loud, very telling. jake arched a brow, a realization dawning on him. “you really have never been fucked,” he said, surprised. “damn, i should have figured that out when you were acting like you never sucked dick before.”
your face flushed with heat. it wasn’t like you were necessarily embarrassed about it, not until now. you had always taken it as something to pride yourself on, being fuckable but untouchable. “you say that like it’s a bad thing,” you replied, glancing down at the sink to avoid eye contact.
jake chuckled. it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but he had been convinced that you were completely pretending to be a goody two-shoes. to know there was at least one percent of you that was still pure amazed him. he lifted the skirt of your dress with his hand and brought it between your legs, asking, “what, you just never find anyone worthy enough for your perfect, sacred pussy?”
you gasped out when he touched you there. his fingers circled your clothed cunt, thumb digging into your inner thigh. feeling scandalized, you grumbled, “maybe i’m just not interested.”
jake shook his head, astonished by the amount of attitude you still had after all these months and determined to break it out of you. “and maybe i just don’t care if you’re interested or not.”
it went without saying that jake always made you feel like some kind of object, but this was next level. “this is dehumanizing!” you exclaimed.
hearing you, of all people, talk about dehumanizing made for an interesting conversation. big, calloused hand pressing harder into you, he asked tauntingly, “doesn’t feel good, does it?”
your glossy, painted lips were parted, unable to breathe through your nose. your eyes burned with the threat of tears and it was becoming second nature for them to shed whenever jake was nearby. “i don’t understand,” you whimpered, trying to free yourself, but to no avail. “why are you doing this to me? what have i ever done to deserve this?”
jake could feel you struggling, trying to push him off you, but all it did was move your hips against his rapidly hardening cock. he groaned, grabbing hold of your ass and pushing you further back against him. “fuck, just like that,” he growled. “haven’t i told you this already? this is bigger than you and me.”
it wasn’t lost on you that jake obviously had heard stories about you from other people, stories of happenings you probably couldn’t deny, but it had nothing to do with him. “look, if you’re doing all this to get back at me because i hurt one of your friends or something, i’m sorry, i really am. but i can’t do this anymore, jake. i want to stop, please. please let me go on with my life.”
“what a privileged response,” jake hissed without concealing his vitriol. at the same time, he kept palming you over your panties, noticing them beginning to cling to your cunt, and tore your underwear to the side to insert a pair of fingers inside. “what about all those girls whose lives you ruined? i’m sure they wanted you to stop. and you didn’t until they were too humiliated to show their faces around here again and you had no choice.”
you swallowed the lump in your throat. he knew about the girls? “jake, i haven’t done that since freshman year,” you told him, desperately trying to reason with him.
two loud, harsh smacks echoed in the tiny, crowded space of the bathroom, followed by a gasp consequently. your pussy stung, your head jerking around to look at jake. “do you really think that matters?” he asked, grabbing your hair to turn you back around just as quickly, as if you didn’t deserve to look at him. “you think that matters when the pain you’ve done to them is permanent? they don’t forget. and they damn sure don’t forgive you.”
you tensed, hating the way your walls were gripping and gushing around his fingers. “so what? you think you’re god or something? is this you punishing me for my sins? you’re not exactly what i would call a saint, either.”
“me and you, we’re not the same,” jake remarked, a nip to his tone as if you needed the reminder of how much he disliked you. “you only pick on people that you think are below you somehow. people you think won’t fight back.”
“i know i’m not a good person,” you admitted in between gasps, thighs straining as his fingers pumped into your pussy harder, faster, reaching places you’d never touched on your own. “ i know i don’t deserve to be happy. maybe i don’t even deserve to be treated with respect, but please leave me this one thing. spare me just this once.”
jake laughed cruelly, pulling his fingers out of your drenched hole and smearing your juices all over your folds and thighs. his finger unintentionally swiped over your sensitive clit, making your legs quiver and your stomach tighten, sucking in itself.
“damn, baby. you really know how to hurt my feelings,” jake said, voice dripping with sarcasm. he withdrew his fingers, bringing them into his mouth for a taste. “you don’t want me to fuck you that bad?”
your heart was spiking with dread, thumping belligerently in your chest, your ears, and between your legs. no one had ever made you feel so vanquished.
“take my dick out,” jake said, his tone leaving no room for argument. “hurry up.”
you sighed anguishedly, turning around to undo his pants and slip his aching dick out of its confinements. for months, jake had been suppressing the urge to fuck you, wanting to wait for the moment where it would be most pivotal.
getting a hold of your throat, jake roughly yanked you flush against him the second you whirled back around to face the tiny bathroom counter, making you stand tall against his chest. his voice was almost as rough as the hands that held you. “put it in.”
you gawked, shaking your head.
his fingers tightened dangerously around your windpipe, making your damp eyes widen and your jaw slack against his whitening knuckles, maybe half a wheeze making its way out your throat before he warned, “if i have to fucking tell you again, i’m gonna crush every bone in your goddamn neck.”
with no other option, you meekly reached behind you to grasp him in your quivering hand, aimlessly steering him to your hole and sinking your teeth into your bottom lip as the tip brushed past your dripping folds. jake released a shaky breath, slapping your hand away and rutting his hips into you from behind, sheathing himself inside in one go.
he slackened his unforgiving grip on your throat, shoving you back against the counter none too gently, but you still felt like you couldn’t breathe when he entered you, a mangled whimper echoing out. your fingers desperately braced the edges of the counter for purchase as you tried to will yourself to inhale, but it was like you were choking.
jake had a death grip on your thighs, forcibly pushing them apart a little more as he coated himself with the creamy, hot wetness of your unwanted arousal. “mm, hard to believe you don’t secretly want me when you’re sucking me in like this, baby,” he said, proud.
you shook your head in denial, face flushing with a heat that spread to your ears and neck. it didn’t help that there were beads of salty, hot tears pouring down your face and reducing your vision to one big, hazy blur. you didn’t want him, not even a little bit. but you couldn’t control the way your body was responding.
the lewd, wet smack of his cock thrusting deeply into your tight cunt rang out so loudly that you wanted nothing more than to hide into oblivion and never be seen again, mortified. it made things seem so much different than they were. his long, thick cock was stretching you beyond the cusp your limits and making you gape.
“i’m so nice to you,” jake said, tipping his head back. you could see his chest rising and falling through his clothes, his body taut with pleasure and excitement. “i’ve been holding back for so long, trying not to fuck you. won’t keep me out this pussy now. i’m gonna fuck you till your legs give out. have you at practice limping.”
your knees, wobbly as they already were, began knocking into the cabinets at the bottom of the sink. you winced your eyes closed as your fingers curled around the edge of the counter roughly enough to change the color around your knuckles, hoping to think of something, anything, to take you out of the moment.
but it was too hard. you couldn’t ignore the throb of your gushing walls as they kneaded his cock, making him grunt in your ear as he leaned over your backside. you couldn’t ignore the faint sting of his nails stabbing your hips and his heavy palm slapping repeatedly against your ass. and you definitely couldn’t ignore the dirtiness staining you from head to toe.
sure, it felt good, his body rocking against yours steadily, but it didn’t feel right. many nights you had pictured what losing your virginity would be like, both the way that it was supposed to look and the way that you were more inclined to, but this was neither; it was heartless, it was punishing, and it was brutal.
jake grabbed you by your hair and forced you to look into the mirror, yanking your head up. “there it is,” he spat, words sounding painfully familiar. “there’s the real you.”
your hair was messy from him tugging it every which way, treating you like a doll to mishandle. your makeup was ruined from your sobbing, the path of your tears harsh against everything else. your eyes were red and your right lash looked like it was barely holding on, the effect of rubbing at your face.
jake watched you take in the destroyed sight of yourself, practically hearing the critical thoughts hopping in your mind. “this is what you really are. this is what you’re sucking my dick to keep hidden from the world. is it worth it, baby? or do you just like the way i taste on your tongue?”
no, it wasn’t worth it. you were beginning to understand that now. he was taking too much from you, too much of your peace and too much of your sanity. maybe it would be better to be judged and lonely but free than to be loved by people whose opinion of you could change on a dime anyway at the expense of your soul.
your pride had been buried a long time ago, brutally murdered in her sleep. “jake, please stop. i’m uncomfortable,” you complained, tearing your eyes away from your reflection in shame.
jake smacked your ass again, making you cry out sharply. “you just love being the victim when it’s convenient for you, huh?”
“i’m sorry!” you whimpered. “i don’t know what you want me to do. what do you want? just tell me.”
jake snickered, running his hands over your hips and waist to knead the flesh. then, he brushed your hair out of your face, nibbling at the skin behind your ear before growling, “you know what i want, cheerleader? i want to assassinate all there is that you love about yourself and leave everything else untouched, so that you understand not why everybody hates you, but why nobody loves you.”
those words hit you straight in the gut. for the first time, you had no retort, no comeback.
hips beginning to move faster, jake continued, “the boys don’t love you, they just want to fuck you. they would kill to be as deep inside you as i am. the girls sure as hell don’t love you. they either want to be you, or they resent you for beating their asses. and don’t get me started on those girls you call friends.”
“jake, stop,” you whispered, an agony vicious enough to rip through flesh tearing you straight in half.
but jake didn’t listen. he wasn’t done, not until he made his point. “don’t think i didn’t notice how lonely you were for the whole week everybody was talking shit about you. they didn’t want to touch you with a six foot pole, did they? they don’t want to be seen with you unless it gives them a good rep.”
there was a pang in your chest. you didn’t want to admit it, but that cut deep. you had heard people say mean things about you before, it was to expected when you were an emblem of popularity on campus, but few things had reached you where it hurt.
jake stroked your messy cheek, almost with affection. “but it’s okay. because you want to know something, baby? it was hard for me to admit it to myself, but you truly fascinate me. i can’t get you out of my head sometimes. you piss me off every time without fail, but i keep coming back to you. i like you, baby. if no one else does. you grew on me.”
you weren’t sure if that was supposed to make you feel better, but it didn’t. if anything, you only felt more heartbroken and wounded not only by his words, but by your inability to counter them. it truly dawned on you, right then, just how alone you were.
jake threw his head back, grunting. his hips were moving with a mind of their own, eager to finish. “fuck, i’m gonna come.”
your eyes went wide in panic, remembering that he had gone in bareback.
“jake, don’t…”
before you could even finish your statement, jake clamped a hand over your mouth, muffling your protests into his pale palm. “you know what guys at my school used to say about cheerleaders?” he asked, obviously not expecting a response. “‘see a cheerleader, breed a cheerleader.’ ‘cheerleader? breed her.’”
you thrashed, but it was pointless. those thick, burly biceps of jake’s were one of the first things you noticed about him and they weren’t just for display. he held you in place as he quickened his pace again, his thrusts unrelenting.
with a couple more quick yet shockingly rhythmic thrusts, jake emptied his load deep, deep inside you. he moaned, moving his hands from your mouth to your hips to keep himself steady as he reeled from the pleasure of a mind-numbing orgasm. “goddamn,” he cursed, panting for breath.
you stifled a small noise as you felt his warmth flooding into you, unsure how to feel at this point.
to your surprise, jake started fucking you again, never once daring to pull out as if he was determined to fuck every drop of his sticky cum as deep inside you as it could reach. his stringy, thick load gathered on his dick and inside your pussy, leaking down your thighs as he kept going.
you gasped out, moans involuntarily leaving you as you were stuffed full of him over and over. you didn’t mean to, but it was impossible to control.
then, jake stuck a hand between your legs and rolled his thumb over your clit, which didn’t help. you cried out, tensing. “jake, stop! it’s sensitive.”
“that’s the point, dummy,” jake replied, stimulating your clit with his hand while simultaneously pumping himself into you from behind.
your core tightened, heat wafting over you as your chest heaved wildly. “what are you doing?” you stammered.
jake smiled, watching in the mirror how your face tensed with a blend of confusion and ecstasy that you couldn’t rein. “you really think i’m an asshole, huh? i’m trying to make you come. relax and let me.”
you shook your head. you didn’t want to come, not for him, and most definitely not on his cock for him to feel every unintentional shudder of your pussy as it gushed and pulsed with hot, sweet release; that would be embarrassing.
that made jake chuckle. “no? you don’t wanna come for me, baby?” he asked, furrowing his brows playfully as he tilted your face back up to the mirror with a push of your jaw. “come on, let go. you keep saying i’m not a good guy, but you shoot me down when i try to be nice.”
you moaned again, against your own reason and better judgment. “please,” you rasped with half a breath.
“please, what?” jake asked, rubbing you with just a pinch more force. “do you even know?”
god, you hated him; you absolutely despised him. but damn, if it didn’t feel good to have someone touch you after you’d spent so long avoiding sex like it was something to be ashamed of.
and this? this was definitely something you were ashamed of.
and yet the most shameful moment, perhaps, was when you finally couldn’t resist the pleasure of his big, long fingers twirling around your sensitive nub and his brutal hips smacking into you with a vengeance, clamping around him as you orgasmed with a loud cry and the heat shot through every corner of your body.
“shit,” jake hissed, the feel of you finishing around him draining the cum from his balls for a second time.
your jaw slacked, overwhelmed by how you felt completely and utterly stuffed, ropes of his cum filling you to the hilt. jake thrusted into you a little more, sending a flare through your back and shoulders, until he stilled for good. you could hear him panting behind you.
after a moment or two, jake pulled out. hand between your thighs, he gathered some of his stringy release on his finger and brought it up to your lips. “open up. don’t make me say it again.”
you opened your mouth wide enough for him to insert two of his cum-coated fingers inside. then, you sucked at them and swallowed it down, knowing those would be the next words to leave his mouth.
jake raised a brow, pleasantly surprised. he took his time to withdraw his fingers, enjoying the sensation of you licking them clean. “see, i knew you loved eating my cum.”
your face burned, but you didn’t have the energy to deny it. not after that. it felt like there was a gaping hole in your chest, a void that would never be filled.
“you’re learning,” jake commented, humming in satisfaction. “good girl. you know, maybe one day we can get along. don’t you think?”
“yeah,” you murmured weakly. at this point, you would just go along with whatever he said. and maybe that was why he figured you could experience some peace together now.
keeping your dress bunched up, jake grabbed some tissues from his left and started to wipe at you. “let’s get you cleaned up before we leave, cheerleader. don’t want the entire student body to see you like this, right?”
you whipped your head around, eyes widening in surprise. leaving to go where? certainly you weren’t going home with him after tonight.
“did you think i was kidding?” jake asked with a sly smile, slipping your panties backing in place and giving your shoulder a fleeting kiss. “i told you, i’m gonna fuck you till your legs give out.”
#jake sim smut#enhypen smut#sim jaeyun smut#jake smut#enhypen x reader#enha smut#enhypen x you#enhypen hard hours#enha x reader#jake sim x reader#sim jaeyun x reader
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dreaming 'bout you
description: after years of pressing down unspoken feelings, jay is feeling restless. he's insatiable, and for who? his best friend's sister.
word count: 5k
contents: panther hybrid!jay x kitty hybrid!reader, reader as heeseung's younger sister, porn with (little) plot, ONE DUBCON SCENE dni if uncomfy!!, not much hybrid content besides ear, tail, and purring mentions!
smut warnings beneath the cut
now playing: poison by nct dream
smut warnings: dom!jay, sub!reader, first heat sex, dubcon scene (reader is asleep), unprotected sex (don't do this), panty sniffing, panty stealing, masturbation (f and m), praise, degradation, big dick jay, multiple orgasms, bulge kink, cumming inside, pet names, slight cum eating.
the quiet creak of your bedroom door rings in jay's ears, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he slips inside. jay shuts the door behind him gently, his black tail cushioning the sound. his fluffy ears perk up at the sound of your quiet snoring, plush lips parted gently as muffled sounds slip out.
his eyes are trained on your still figure, tracing the curves of your plump thighs, eyes trailing over the dip of your hips, the bare skin exposed by your tiny shorts and equally tiny tank top. your breasts rise and fall gently with each inhale, nipples perking through the thin material barely covering you. jay's cock twitches at the sight, shaking his head lightly as he refocuses his mind on his dirty task at hand.
after all of these years, you still somehow haven’t caught on to jay’s lingering feelings. and after all these years, the ever so patient panther is finally growing impatient. jay, ever the gentleman, feels his restraint slowly dwindling, on the verge of snapping every time he sees you.
jay's rough hands tug your drawer open, the wood squeaking lightly as he pulls the knobs towards his body. the drawer before him reveals a wide collection of intimates, tiny thongs and lacy bikini cut bottoms adorning the container.
“what a naughty girl…” jay mutters to himself as his eyes feast on your plethora of panties, ears perking in tandem with his cock. he searches desperately for a specific pair that rushes a memory into his mind.
you press your hips flush to the island counter, reaching towards your brother for the bag of chips he's just yanked from your hold, before running away from you.
“heeseung, give it back!” your whines are music to jay's ears as your tiny shorts ride up your body, revealing your ass and giving jay a perfect view of your pale blue panties. the lace cups your plump cheeks perfectly, revealing your plush ass to him, the exposed skin sending heat through jay's body, his tail twitching lightly at the sight. his mouth goes dry as you push even further against the marble countertop, jay nearly catching a glimpse of your perfect little pussy.
you snatch the bag back successfully, returning to your feet and turning around triumphantly, completely oblivious to jay's lustful stare from moments before. you offer him a small smile as he meets your eye, a look in his irises that has you quirking an eyebrow in confusion.
“nothing,” jay offers a grin in response, sauntering out of the room with a false sense of relaxation emanating off of him. he rushes to the bathroom once he's out of sight, ready to wrap a rough hand around his aching cock and imagine it's your own soft palm, purring quietly as he jerks himself with a tight grip at the thought of you.
“ah, here we are… jay's lips crack into a smile, hands grasping at the blue lace buried beneath your other, similarly skimpy pieces. he brings the cloth to his face, pressing his nose against the fabric, inhaling the intoxicating aroma of your pussy. the scent swims around him, sniffing deeply, trying to imprint the smell of you into his brain, press it into his skin permanently.
“hmm?” your groggy voice reaches his restless ears, perking up at the sound of your sleeping form stirring suddenly. he glances over at you, your eyes still fluttered shut as you shift around in bed. “hnng–” you groan, face falling into a frown as your body feels too hot.
jay quickly shoves your panties into his pocket, beginning to back out of your space.
jay stops dead in his tracks, tail shutting the drawer quietly. your hand reaches out wildly towards him, eyes opening ever so slightly, body and mind still layers deep in your nasty dream. “jay, please…” your voice sounds oh so pretty begging for him, and jay takes all his strength to push down the desire to ravage your sleeping body.
jay approaches your bed quietly, his hand reaching your head and finding his way between your ears. he scratches between them gently, body screaming from the proximity of the two of you. “shh…” jay soothes, petting the soft fur of your perked, fluffy ears, trying to lull you back to sleep. he smiles down at your figure, gaze raking over your tantalizing body.
jay's voice is soft and gentle as he rubs at your fur, “you're still asleep, y/n…” he lies easily, attempting to hide his lustful secret from you, keeping his voice steady and light to soothe you. “this is all a dream, doll.”
you whine at his words, eyes fluttering shut in pleasure at the feeling of him scratching your ears. “hmm… feels good…”
“yeah? feels good?” jay teases, continuing his ministrations, waiting until you're back asleep to leave with his spoils. his eyes watch you with ease, trailing the lines of your body, mapping out the features of your face like he’s done a million times. jay can never forget your delicate face even if he tried, your face haunts him whenever he closes his eyes, bringing a simultaneous heat to his body and fullness to his balls.
“mhmm, thank you…” you whisper, the lilt of your voice sending his mind spinning.
you're finally slipping back into your restless sleep, head subconsciously leaning towards his fingers. jay indulges you for a little longer, his free hand slipping down to the crotch of your shorts. the rough pad of his fingers meet cloth covering your heat.
your hips twitch forward as you sleep, eyes still gently sitting shut, fluttering the tiniest bit at the contact. jay hides a small grin as he presses harder this time, your body reacting once more, harsher this time, as you moan at the feeling permeating even your sleepy mind. you instinctively chase his hand with your hips and jay chuckles lowly at the action.
jay’s hand slides beneath your shorts, fingers dancing along the fabric of your panties. you whimper when his rugged fingertips run through your folds, hovering over your clit momentarily. jay pulls away when he notices your body squirming more than before. the last thing jay needs is to have you waking up and seeing him like this… he’s a gentleman in your eyes, or so he thinks, and seeing him like this would most likely break your world view.
jay finally retreats his slender digits from your soft fur, groaning silently as he approaches your door. in his hazy mind, jay swears he sees a wet patch sitting in your tiny little shorts as he slinks out of your space, a pocket full of baby blue lace that smells like you.
when jay returns home later after a night of gaming with heeseung, he wraps his rough hands around his cock, stroking himself with the blue lace of your panties, panting wildly at the thought of fucking into the fabric as you wear them. his length would slide deliciously over your wet core, your hips bucking up to chase his warmth, urging for a feel of his tip against your hole, squirming in discontent from his incessant teasing.
jay imagines the whine in your voice as you plead for him to properly fuck you, tail flicking wildly with annoyance and pure desire at his blatant disregard for your needs.
jay would punctuate your brattiness with a particularly slow glide, his tip pressing against your panties once more, ignoring your weeping pussy as more slick drips from it, coating his length in further warmth.
“take what i give you, pretty baby,” jay would command, his tone venomous to combat your urge to push his buttons, unable to exercise any patience. jay wonders if you’d become a whining, needy mess because you’re so horny…
or because you need him.
“need you!” the lilt of your voice coupled with your pretty, well manicured nails digging into his biceps, gripping the toned muscles of his arms to stabilize yourself.
in reality, jay tugs slower on his cock now, feeling himself tumbling closer to a mind blowing orgasm, courtesy of your panties and his vivid imagination. he wonders if your grip on his cock would be gentler, wonders if your small hands would be able to fit around him at all.
and the thought of your size paling in comparison to his own, coupled with the rough drag of the lace along his sensitive length, is what sends jay over the edge, cum spurting up onto his abdomen. most of it catches on the fabric in his grasp, painting white all over your once pristine panties. jay heaves a sigh, slowly jerking himself through his orgasm to the point of near overstimulation.
as jay cleans himself up, he wonders if you’d lick the cum off his body. a thought that he chases off quickly, urging himself not to get hard again at the mere thought of your tongue on his sweaty skin.
a loud whine sounds in the background, followed by a painful sounding screech of a familiar voice. heeseung sighs deeply into his mic as he gets one shotted again, “fucker!” he yells, pushing away from his desk in frustration.
“what’s that noise, dude?” sunghoon questions, weaving his way through the map with practiced ease, listening close for any noises from the opposing team.
“my sister, she’s… going through something right now.” heeseung sighs as he returns to his chair after taking a quick lap around the room to calm himself. “none of you are allowed to come over until she’s better.”
jay quirks an eyebrow as he listens intently for the background noises, heart clenching at the sound of you seemingly in pain, his mind racing as to why you would be screaming out in agony like that.
“sounds like more than ‘going through something’, but okay…” jake muses, sipping loudly on his drink of choice.
sunghoon chuckles deeply as he hits the final kill of the round, clutching the game for them, “careful dude, you’re gonna spill on your keyboard again if you keep drinking soda so close to your pc.” heeseung joins in on the laughter, the duo teasing jake for his mishap that occurred merely a week earlier.
“my mom just asked me to stop by her house, i’ll be back in a bit.” jay announces, quickly logging off before any of them can argue and try to convince him to stay, knowing this might be his only chance.
jay’s cock feels impossibly heavy in his jeans as he drives to heeseung’s house. he parks on a sidestreet, knowing heeseung will be out for blood if he sees jay’s car nearby. with a quick lock, jay pockets his car keys and beelines for heeseung’s house. he slips past the gate into the backyard before finding your window easily. jay slides his hands along the pane, groaning at the muffled sound of your pained whines hitting his ears even when he’s outside. jay’s fingers search around for a spot to grab onto, seconds feeling like hours as his arousal grows senselessly.
a small creak sounds as jay is finally able to slide the window open, thanking every lucky star above that you forgot to lock your window, wondering deep inside his mind if you were subconsciously begging for this. jay steps inside, pushing past the closed curtains, the hanging cloth brushing gently against his tail. jay shuts the window behind him, being sure to switch the lock this time.
he’ll be damned if anyone besides him tries to have their way with you.
you’re so fucked out that you don’t even notice the man sneaking in through your window, not caring who sees you. your clothes are stripped off haphazardly, laying where they may in your space when you ripped them all off in a frenzy. loud whines escape your lips as your fingers fuck inside your hole while thumbing at your clit, your free hand gripping the sheets tightly at the overwhelming feeling of pure need never leaves your body. you feel like you’re on fire as you sit here, begging for another release, to be free from your the all encompassing experience of your first heat.
a louder than expected groan escapes jay’s throat at the sight of you, all sweaty lying on your bed, sheets soaked from fluids and sweat, the pillow beneath you looking like a halo around your crown.
the noise makes you jump, fingers reaching further than before and thumb catching on your clit in a toe curling way, one that spreads shocks through your system. you clench your eyes shut and groan at the feeling of your orgasm washing over you, sparks exploding behind your eyelids, hand loosening on the sheets only for a moment. your tail lies gently atop the bed as your ears twitch wildly with every shockwave that rushes through your body. after eons of pleasure ripping through you, open your eyes slowly, squinting as you come down from who knows what number orgasm, one of your previously planted feet slipping and dropping your leg to the bed. a figure towers above you and you tilt your head back to look at their face.
“fuck–” jay’s breath hitches. you look gorgeous when you cum, and jay is determined to see you reach your high over and over.
your breath catches in your throat as jay’s sharp face comes into view, your own flushing at the sight of him, ears tweaking in simultaneous interest and continued need, a need that overwhelms all your senses and all remaining rationality left in your brain. in its wake exists a pulsing desire for the man before you, one that’s always stirred within you but you’ve ignore for years, too afraid of the repercussions.
and now said man is presenting himself on a silver platter in your deepest time of need.
a whine escapes at the sight of him as jay presses two fingers to the underside of your chin, pressing your mouth shut. you didn’t realize your jaw had dropped. embarrassment rushes through your senses before you blink at him with wide eyes.
“what? cat got your tongue?”
your mind is already fuzzy as you stare up at him, too overwhelmingly horny to cover yourself or hide from his gaze, the hunger pulling at your insides and pooling in your stomach. you’re simply too dumbstruck by the man in front of you to even form a coherent thought, so you just stare.
“d-don’t tease me…” you whine, eyes wide like saucers as you watch him.
“i won’t tease, baby, don’t worry…” jay grabs your wrist, pushing your fingers deeper into your dripping, messy, oh so sensitive pussy. “you need help, doll?”
jay smirks, chuckling deeply as your face twists in an alluring mix of pain and pleasure, eyes fluttering shut as both sides of the same coin battle for dominance. you nod wildly to answer his previous question, mind reeling as you’re desperate, begging to be touched by him, as your ears and tail’s movements further convey your desire to him.
jay kneels on the bed with a wide stance, trapping your lower body between his knees. his arousal is palpable, taking every ounce of self control in his body not to jump your fucking bones right now, knowing that no matter how much you’ve stretched yourself out, he was still going to hurt you. “shhh, pretty, let me help you.”
jay continues guiding your own hand in and out of your sopping pussy, hungry eyes devouring your body with ease. jay takes in every curve and dip, pretty nipples atop perky breasts, to gorgeous hips that lead to your greedy cunt that’s taking every inch of your own fingers with ease. you claw at the sheets, everything feeling like too much yet not ever enough to quench the undeniable thirst that’s rushing through you, flooding your system and sending your head into the clouds. jay’s free hand slides up, pressing over your stomach before palming your entire tit in his hand, gripping tightly, sucking in a sharp breath at the sound that squeaks out of your mouth followed by a louder yell.
jay’s view returns to the sight of your slick coated fingers, watching with his cock strain further against his jeans as they slip so easily in and out of your hole, sliding past your plush folds with each yank. it’s not enough, even with jay guiding your hand, and you grab his wrist with your free hand, frustration washing over you. the aroma of honey and raspberries drips from you, alluring and warm as it presses against his brain, curving through his subconscious as it quickly becomes his favorite smell in the world.
“jay, please…” you beg, voice whiny, the tone making jay grow even harder, balls feeling heavier as he watches you. “please, need you…”
jay smiles, pulling your fingers out fully before taking both wrists in one hand and pinning them above your head. he leans over you, mouth ghosting over yours, tantalizing in his actions, lust dripping from every pore of his body, before bringing your hands above you. you watch as he takes the fingers that were just inside your heat and captures them in his mouth. a moan rips through you as you watch him, tearing up from the frustration of not being touched right now. your body is burning, every touch from jay setting you further ablaze, uncomfortable and inescapable warmth crowding you from all sides. your hips buck wildly, chasing his length, aching for some relief for your needy hole.
“fuck–” jay groans lowly when he slowly slips your fingers out of his mouth, watching as a string of saliva drips between them. “you sound prettier than i imagined…” your pussy clenches around nothing as jay speaks, more slick gushing out and staining the sheets beneath you.
“god, you’re so fucking sexy–” jay groans as his free hand begins unbuckling his belt, tossing it aside easily before ridding himself of his bottoms. you watch, mouth watering at the sight of his cock sitting against his abdomen, standing proudly against his toned stomach. the girth of him makes you whimper before jay’s hand comes up and presses against the side of your mouth. jay gathers the spit that’s drooling down your chin on his digits and forces them into your mouth, “you’re already drooling like a cock drunk little kitty and i haven’t even put it in yet– what a nasty little girl you are…” he degrades, “gonna let me fuck you, baby? need me that bad?”
you nod wildly, fingers still diligently suckling on his fingers as he shifts his hips.
“ah!–” you whine loudly, walls fluttering as jay presses his tip against your aching hole.
jay’s head is spinning as he feels the warmth of you on his mushroom tip, any restraint he had left leaving his body in an instant as he bullies his cock inside your pussy, pressing balls deep with one thrust. jay’s eyes roll into the back of his head at the feeling of you surrounding him completely, so wet and warm and tight, impossibly tight, tighter than any fist or pocket pussy that he’s fucked to the thought of you, tighter than he ever imagined was even possible.
“fuck, baby,” jay growls, panting and breathless as he sets a back breaking pace, “even with your pretty little fingers stretching your tiny pussy open, you’re still tight as fuck around me–” he throws his head back as the fluttering of your cunt greets him with each slide.
his hand slips from your mouth, cupping your cheek for a moment as he whispers, “so fucking pretty… all of you is so pretty for me.”
“jay jay jay–” his name slips from your lips over and over like a prayer, his cock erasing every other thought in your brain with each thrust. “‘s too big!” you whine, trying to free your hands from his grip to claw at his meaty, delicious biceps. everything about him is inviting –no, intoxicating– as he fucks you senseless, thoughts being brushed away easily and replaced with only him. his cock, his hands, the deep timbre of his voice, the way he degrades you– everything about jay is overwhelming you, and the realization of it all sends you easily tumbling over the edge, eyes fluttering as you clench around him impossibly tight, cum rushing out around jay’s thick length.
“you look so pretty, cumming from just my cock like that…” he’s breathless again as his cock twitches inside you, groaning lowly at the feeling of your cum coating his length as he buries himself to the hilt over and over, tip nearly brushing your cervix with each thrust, “how many times ‘til my baby is satisfied?”
you shake your head, overstimulation pressing into your skin as he fucks you through your orgasm. your body warms up further, whines escaping your lips as you already feel your stomach twisting in knots again, the overwhelming arousal and need never slipping from the forefront of your mind.
jay’s hand slides from your cheek down to your clit, the initial contact making you cry out with a pained whine, your tail jerking up instantly before jay’s long, black tail is entwining with your own, a smirk crawling over his lips, “every part of you wants me, isn’t that right?”
you nod wildly, the softness of his fur pressed against your own making you feel fuzzier than before, every part of jay feeling so impossibly close, yet you need him closer, need him to overwhelm you even further, to press himself so deep into your skin that it’ll make this insatiable, world shattering hunger dissipate from your mind, leaving only thoughts of him in its wake.
“waited so long for you, angel–” jay rambles between each thrust of his delicious length. jay towers over you as his movements continue, leaning down to capture your puffy red lips, his mouth gliding over your own in a messy, passionate display. his pretty lips slide against your own deliciously, and a particularly sharp press against your clit has your jaw going slack against his.
you’ve never cum back to back like this, never in your life experienced something so primal before this moment.
your head is spinning, tail squeezing his impossibly tight as your walls clench around him for the second time. jay grunts lowly as he feels your squeezing him tight, the warmth of your walls sending his mind reeling as he stills, one hand gripping your hip with a bruising hold, pressing your flushed, warm skin against his own, wanting your heat to permeate and fill his body with a similar overwhelming, dizzying warmth.
jay watches in awe as your ears press against your head this time, eyes rolling into the back of your head as you press around him so tightly, nearly forcing his cock out of your weeping hole from the force of your orgasm. the wetness rushing around him is enough to have jay biting your lower lip. the pain is indecipherable through your mind numbing high, heat still running through your system as he thrusts into you once more, each yank of his cock pulling nearly all the way out before slamming deep, pushing his body flush to yours, nearly touching your cervix with each concentrated movement.
“keep squeezing me like that, baby, fuck–” jay groans, unable to control himself as he slides his slick lips against yours, capturing your attention once more after the shockwaves of your orgasm have subsided. “jay–” you groan against his mouth.
he pulls away just enough to look into your eyes, hunger swimming in his gaze as he watches you, “what is it, angel?”
“it’s so hot…” you whine, squirming in his hold, “too hot!”
jay nods sympathetically, cupping your face gently, “i know baby, jay will make it feel better, okay?” he offers you a smile when you nod, “there you go, angel. now how about you give me one more?”
jay doesn’t wait for your answer this time, instead resuming his pointed thrusts into your welcoming hole and practiced shapes on your sensitive clit. your ears smush against your head as his presence continues to overwhelm you, sending you further into a headspace where you feel so small, in the most delicious way.
“jay," you whimper, “need you!”
“need me what, baby?” jay’s voice is deeper than before, delicious and enticing as he questions you.
the feeling of his cock bullying itself further into your heat with each thrust has your brain feeling numb, “i-inside…”
“i’m already inside you, angel, feel me up here?” jay presses on the delicate skin of your stomach, groaning aloud when he feels the tip of his cock protruding through your skin. “fuck–”
you nod wildly, hands finally free to grab onto his biceps as you squeeze them harshly, trying to keep a semblance of a grip on reality.
“baby doesn’t even know what she’s asking for…” jay tsks, shaking his head lightly as he grunts lowly with each thrust, “needy little girl.”
his words send a whimper tumbling from your mouth before you feel yourself once again teetering on the edge of a delicious precipice, one that separates you from a shockwave of pleasure.
“c-cum inside me, please!” you beg, whimpering as jay groans aloud at your admission, thrusts stilling as he presses flush against your pelvis, painting your insides white. he never ceases his movements on your clit, and the feeling of fullness coupled with the incessant pressing of shapes on your sensitive bud have you falling for a third time, the speed of it all would’ve astounded you if you were anywhere near in your right mind.
“fuck!” jay yells as you squeeze him impossibly tight, cum rushing around him and filling your hole, a ring of white sitting around the base of his cock.
you feel like you’re in another world, butterflies thrumming around beneath your skin and fireworks exploding in your belly. your head is full of cotton balls and all you can feel is pure pleasure as you pant, trying to catch your breath. not a single coherent thought is in your brain as a distant warmth presses against your cheek.
jay watches you closely, concern growing a bit at the sight of you looking completely brainless, not a single thought behind your eyes as you stare up at his sweaty face. he thinks you look beautiful like this, the prettiest woman he’s ever laid his eyes on, all flushed and fucked out beneath him, eyes wide in wonder as you slowly come down from your final high. each touch from him feels like he’s imprinting himself into your skin, trying to press his existence into the curves of your brain.
jay stays still as he waits for you to come down from whatever world you’re in right now, petting your ears gently to coax you back to him. the fur feels soft beneath his rough hands, smiling lightly as the realization finally washes over him.
“mmm–” you groan, eyes filling with a small sign of life and consciousness once more, “jay…”
“i’m right here, pretty,” jay smiles.
your insatiable hunger dissipates, slowly slipping out of your form as you’re released from the chokehold of the heat you’ve been battling. your body still feels warm as his presence surrounds you.
the embarrassment of it all finally begins to wash over you, and you throw an arm over your face to hide from him. jay giggles at your antics, prying your arm off slowly before pressing a gentle kiss to your pouty lips. “i just watched you cum three times, and now you’re gonna be embarrassed?”
you shake your head, burying your face in his chest. “no… not embarrassed…”
“your actions say otherwise, pretty girl,” jay teases, gently petting your ears and pressing a kiss to your messy hair.
your body hums with a sense of security, the safety of him wrapping you in a blanket of warmth. the feeling of being so vulnerable, the overwhelming fear growing in your stomach, is eased by the fact that jay has grown up with you all these years. his kind smile has always brought a sense of peace to your body, and that trend continues through the present moment. as you lean back and meet his eye, his loving gaze trained on the spot where he's scratching your ears gently, your heart soars.
“just… tired.” you offer him a small smile, your unease slipping away as he holds your exhausted body.
“i’m not surprised,” jay chuckles.
jay slides his hands down from your head to cradle your hips, pulling your body closer to his, his warmth surrounding the two of you. his touch is tender and light as he holds you close, gently grasping at your delicate skin like you might crack if he presses in too deep. “will you…” you begin, eyes darting around his face, unable to meet his eye, “stay?”
jay’s pretty lips crack into a dazzling smile, chuckling lightly at your embarrassed state at asking such a simple question, one he thought would be obvious. though he’s sure your post heat daze is making you question everything right now.
“i’ll stay for as long as you need me to.”
you smile softly at his answer, low purrs emanating from your still form, “even if it’s longer than just today?”
"you asking me to take you on a date, pretty girl?”
you hide your face in his chest, blush flushing your cheeks and spreading heat through your body once more, one that could rival the temperature that filled your senses merely moments before.
“what if i was?”
jay scratches at your ears with one hand once more, pressing a kiss to your messy, post sex hair. “then i’d take you on the best first date imaginable.”
“and after?”
“and after i’d fuck you ‘til you can’t walk.”
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: any nct member!ghostface x detective!fem!reader 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: “horror”, thriller, yandere-ish, smut, halloween special, scream!au 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: in these past months your only goal is to find the killer that is terrorizing the town of Woodsboro, but when you get close to him and feel like you finally have the upper hand, Ghostface turns the game around again. Or, Ghostface wants to play with you but not like he does with his victims, and you let him. 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: dark content, talks of [m*rders, sl!tting throats, v!olent stuff in general], dr*g/anaesthetic use [to make mc fall asleep but unrelated to any sexu*l act (she’s awake and willing)], mentions of [dubcon] phone s*x + masturbation, implied stalking, use of restrainers, cl!t rubbing, rough t!t/n!pple play, protected s*x turns unprotected, kn!fe play, ‘fear’ play, clothes cutting, fake sympathy, pet names used in a mocking way, degradation, rough s*x, hair pulling, spit (1), p*ssy slapping, dacryphilia, possessiveness, 1 brief talk of carving, polaroids pictures, all consensual but i’ll still put a dubcon warning just to be safe (tbh it’s more like hate sex bc the mc would rip his head off but also fuck him), reader is kinda fucked up herself. | inclusivity notes: reader has hair long enough that can be pulled (no mention of texture, type and color), no mention of body type but reader is manhandled a few times and has b**bs and *ss big enough that can be cupped, no mention of skin color, no use of y/n 𝐖𝐂: 10.662k 𝐀/𝐍: this year i had vague ideas for halloween but not even a defined good one, i had some suggestions i liked but were far too complicated, and i had no energy to write them in time. but a ghostface/scream au was an idea i had in mind for some time, the original was a ghostface cosplay, but then i went with this one, and I’m happy with how it turned out. i had 2 members in mind (johnny/haechan) for the og plot, then someone suggested jeno and jisung (as a duo) but if i unmasked him the plot wouldn’t have made sense anymore, so he’s whoever you want him to be! the other ghostface is mentioned but doesn’t appear physically in the story, you can pick who you want for him too. i never wrote blankly for the male mc so let me know if it was good. please, if you like it, leave feedback through reblogs or asks! and also let me know who you imagined behind the mask 👀 enjoy and happy halloween
Your mother always told you to mind your business or else your curiosity was going to be the death of you one day.
It’s clear you never treasured her words, and your curiosity led you to be a private detective with only a few thrills in your life since now, nothing too exciting ever happened in your small town, until one day you received a phone call from the district of Woodsboro. A string of murders was terrorizing the town after years and all the evidence led to another psycho who thought it was funnier to kill people while putting on a Ghostface mask.
Months have passed since that call and you have nothing concrete. It’s like he’s only messing up with you and, in the meantime, innocent people keep dying. But you have your theories, the ones you only keep to yourself, stored away in the privacy of your diary, hidden under the pillow of your bed. Your colleagues seem decent people, but with time, you’ve learned to trust nobody.
And your secret theories led you right where you are now. In the open country, away from the small town, where a small barn grabbed your attention the first time you moved to Woodsboro.
The barn seems empty but eerie vibes surround it. The strong smell of the grass stings your nose as your black boots walk on the muddy ground, the rain of this morning still lingering in the air and in the countryside.
When you reach the perimeter, you squeeze your eyes to see inside, but the few tiny windows don’t allow you a big view. The more you walk around it to make sure it’s empty, the more the hold on your concealed carry with the gun inside tightens.
It’s late October and the cold penetrates your brown leather jacket, but the temperature is not the thing that makes you shiver.
You should’ve never followed your instinct and come here alone. You should’ve spoken to somebody else in the department, told them your theory and have some backup in this crazy plan of yours. But when your impulses take over, your smartness slips away, and you find yourself in the worst situations ever.
Like right now. You stand in front of the wooden door and find the courage to push it open. You should feel thrilled, you found him. You found the psycho that has been haunting the town for months now, messing up with you with clues and mocks that pushed you farther away from the right path. Yet, you beat him, for once it looks like you have the upper hand now that you’re walking around the empty barn away from the town. But something doesn’t feel right, your guts are telling you something but you don’t listen, you can’t walk away now that you’re so close.
There’s not much to inspect, a few pieces of furniture, a disheveled mattress in the middle of the room, and a few chairs in a corner. It almost looks like an abandoned farm if only it wasn’t for the unnerving vibes that carries with it and for two walls that call your attention. On the right, there’s a map of Woodsboro, pins linked by a red thread, connecting all the places where Ghostface hit in these past months. Your hand quickly reaches the back of your pocket to pull out your phone and snap a picture, hoping there will also be places he didn’t go, and this time you can be faster at stopping him.
What’s on the other side is worse.
“What the fuck…” you mumble under your breath as you step closer to the wall. Polaroid pictures hanging from it, Ghostface and the victims, you guess, moments before they were brutally killed. You’re not surprised, one of the gifts he would leave on the scene of the crime being Polaroids, but they didn’t make much sense. “He’s a fucking psycho,” you scoff as you take another picture.
Your phone falls on the floor with a loud thud and your heart jumps in your throat when his voice breaks the deafening silence in the room, but your reflections are swift enough to make you reach for your gun and turn around, shooting.
“Boo, fail,” Ghostface laughs, hitting your wrist hard enough to make the gun fall on the floor next to your phone. “You’re really not as smart as I thought you were, don’t you know intruding on someone else’s property is illegal?” he points out, pushing your body against the wall, the sharp blade of his knife grazing the skin of your neck.
You try to keep calm, deep slow breaths as you try to don’t look scared for your life. You might die today, but you won’t give him that satisfaction.
“Don’t look so frightened, my dear. I’m quite happy to have you all to myself,” he chuckles, his hand lifts to caress your face and you struggle to avoid it, but the click of his tongue makes you stop. “I wouldn’t act too careless, it’s sharp.”
You stop moving. You are smart, and you can get yourself out of this situation. “Do you want to play a game, Ghostface?” You ask, ignoring his taunts, the irony in your voice is clear, just like it’s blatant in the slow bat of your eyelashes, but your words only make him laugh.
“Oh, that’s not how it works, detective. That’s my line. You didn’t study the script?”
You scoff, trying to take time to free yourself. “We’re switching roles. Do you want to play a game? It’s called you turn yourself in and I put you in jail.”
He snickers, and his head tilts to have a better look at your face. He’s had many people in this position before and never saw so little fear in their eyes. “Now you want to act like you don’t love the chase?”
“Fuck you, I don’t love it,” you spit out, narrowing your eyes, desperately trying to get a glimpse of anything under the mask. Another failed attempt.
He laughs darkly, so deep it hits you to the core and makes you shiver — in fear or excitement, you’ll let this decide to your better judgment. “I know you do,” he coos as his thumb covered with the black glove caresses your lips. “Enjoy the little clues I leave you around? You were interested in the pictures, I knew you loved them, that’s why you get the prettiest ones. I tell you so much, but you don’t understand me,” his voice is calm, scarily calm, and full of sarcasm filled with a sweetness that feels like a slap across your face. “I was a bit mad it took you so long to find me.”
Rage shoots up inside of you, but you instantly push it down, you can’t lose your composure. “So, what are you going to do, kill me?” Your voice drops of a tone, and your eyes turn into a teasing gaze, making him chuckle.
“Talking about death so nonchalantly with me, mmh… are you brave or dumb? Because if you ask so nicely, I just might let the knife sink in.”
You laugh lightheartedly, putting up the best performance of your life before your eyes flutter seducingly at him. “No, please don’t kill me Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel,” you coo, lips in a pout and innocence in your eyes, until you hit him with a swift, strong kick between his legs, the distraction of your performance giving you time to slip to the side, causing just a bit of your skin to cut and bleed.
“Bitch,” he mutters under his breath as he kneels to the ground. You reach for your gun, but barely have time to grab it before he pushes you on the floor again. “We were having so much fun, you just have to ruin everything.”
You’re waiting for the worst when he traps you on the floor with his body on yours, but his arms don’t lift to stab you in your chest or stomach, the last thing you see before passing out is his hand lifting in the air and the sting of a needle pushing past your skin.
The white light of the room feels like staring directly at the sun when your eyes blink repeatedly as you try to come back to earth and push away the hammering of your headache. You groan hoarsely, trying to adjust to the light, but the biggest discomfort comes from your shoulders, pushed behind your back and around the chair you’re now sitting on.
“Sorry, I had to tie you up, but you’re a bit feisty today. Didn’t want you to get hurt,” Ghostface replies to your silent questions — not so silent, considering how loud you’re groaning and struggling on the chair, trying to break free. He’s standing in front of you, but a chair is right behind him so you guess he was sitting there before you woke up.
“You can’t even take one down without a fight? Need to kill me without breaking a sweat?” You taunt, eyes dark and a deep frown on your forehead.
But your teasing seems to leave him unfazed as he walks toward you with a glass in hand. “Drink.”
You scoff, staring at him. You hate that you can’t see him, not even because you want to find out who’s hiding under there, but also because you feel like you can’t confront him well enough. “You think I’m so stupid to accept a drink from a psycho?”
His head rolls back followed by an annoyed sigh as he stops right in front of you. His black boots bumping against yours. “You know that’s not how I move, no fun in killing with these shortcuts. Drink. I would never want you to pass out here,” he coos while his free hand pushes your hair out of your face. You can’t see behind the mask, but you know he has a shit-eating grin on his face. He moves the glass to your lips, but you turn to the side, he doesn’t give you a choice when he strongly grips your chin, pushing your lips open, and forces the water down your throat. “Oops, it spilled all over, you’re so messy, detective,” he snickers when water drips on your chin and shirt. As if he didn’t do it on purpose.
“Asshole,” you mutter, eyes closing into fissures while you look at him. His head tilts, “Oh, brave. I could slit your throat right now, add you to the collection.”
You chuckle darkly, shaking your head. “You won’t,” you say firmly. “You’ve never had someone quite as fun as me.”
A low laughter escapes from the mask. “So, you are at least a bit smart?” His hand places on your thigh and you try to move away, but the chair screeches on the floor, and his hold only tightens.
“Don’t play games now. Don’t fake it,” he groans, hand moving up on your blue jeans. “You enjoyed our last conversation,” he whispers, the mask close to your face, so close you can almost see his eyes behind the blackness of the two holes. “Had shivers run down your back when the phone rang in the middle of the night, haven’t you? You sat up straight in your big bed, all alone, and felt fear take over. Never answer unknown numbers. That’s what they say, that’s what you say, running around town, warning everyone about me,” he laughs deeply. “And then look at you, picking up that phone call, eager to hear my voice on the other side.”
“You’re a psycho,” you spit out, struggling against the restrainers. But once again it is an act; he is a psycho, but you are starting to fear you aren’t much different.
He chuckles darkly. “Oh, I am, never denied that. But don’t act better than me. You stood right in front of that window, stripping for me, touching yourself for me, moaning for me. How fucked up that is?” He snickers. “You have fucked up fantasies, my pretty detective, but I’m not one to judge. I’d gladly help.”
You laugh quietly, trying to look confident but it comes out shaky from your throat, “If you want to help, take the mask off and show me who you are.”
“Wow, wow, darling. Not so soon, I’m not one to burn stages in a relationship. What next? Want to meet my mom?”
You inhale sharply, and spit on him, “God, you’re insane.” Your eyes snap open when he pulls out of his back the sharp knife, your breath is stuck in your throat and fear runs all over your body. And once again you regret how impulsive you are. You did well all these past years of training and then on the first real-life experiences at pushing this side of you in the cage, but it looks like it’s coming out like a beast that’s been trapped too long.
“Don’t be so scared,” he huffs, the fake sympathy in his voice should make you mad but it triggers something else inside of you, and you hate to admit that he might be right, you’re enjoying this more than you should, you’re enjoying this entire chase more than you should. It’s like a game, but it’s not when real people are dying. “I would never hurt you,” his voice is raspy, slightly muffled by the ghost mask he’s wearing, and the knife sits on your sternum. “I hope you didn’t like this shirt too much, detective.”
You don’t have time to react, the steel cuts your shirt neatly, the sound bouncing in the small room and the sharp tip brushing your skin. You shiver, gulping hard and closing your eyes, already feeling the sensation of it cutting through you, but it doesn’t happen.
He clicks his tongue and shakes his head disappointingly. “You truly don’t trust me. I’m offended, and I don’t like when people offend me. Just like I don’t like when they hang up the phone while we’re playing. If people were respectful, I wouldn’t have to kill them, you know?” You stare at him with a furrow on your face, you’d like to take the mask off and see his eyes, not really to find out who’s hiding underneath that mask, but to see if his gaze is as insane as you imagine it to be.
“Let me go,” you say, the skin of your wrist bruised from the pressure you’re applying against the ropes.
“Don’t struggle too much, it turns me on,” he warns, kneeling at your level. He smiles softly and thinks it’s a pity you can’t see it, you’re just so pretty, with your beautiful face filled with different emotions and your eyes looking at him with a gaze that wants to be threatening but it’s all the opposite, almost making you look like a lost puppy.
“Why? It’s funny to see the victim beg for their life, it makes you feel powerful, you could show mercy, but you don’t,” the smug smile on his hidden face can be heard in his voice and you shiver at how cold he sounds, the shrug of his shoulder is just the cherry on top to his unhinged behaviour.
“So, you’re just going to keep me here?”
“No, I want to play with you. Do you want to play a game, detective?”
Your gaze falls on your thighs where his hand is placed again, the black gloves preventing it from leaving traces behind, as it slowly moves closer to your heat.
You snicker, pretending to play it cool, but your breath twitches at the contact. “’Cause if I said no you would stop?”
“Hey, I’m a killer, not a rapist,” he defends, shrugging. Yet, you still don’t reply, and he doesn’t like that. “So? I’m not so patient when I ask people if they want to play with me, so don’t test me.”
You swallow hard, swiftly looking around to see if you can pull a move on him. Damnit, it’s your chance to get him and throw him in jail but instead, you’re seriously thinking about his proposal. You fool yourself that you’re only doing this because maybe he could slip, maybe he could say something in the heat of the moment that could give you a clue, or he could leave his traces on you somehow, maybe his mask could fall, but you know you’re feeling something else. Attraction.
“I said,” he mutters, his face comes closer to yours, making you pull back, and the knife pushes flat in the hollow of your chest, “do you want to play a game, detective?”
“Yes, yes, I do,” you mutter, starting to breathe again when he pulls the knife away.
“Good, I love playing with you.” His fingers move to unbutton your jeans and then pull the zip down, you look at him attentively. “Lift your hips for me, love?”
You glare at him at the pet name but he only chuckles deeply. “What? If I’m rough with you, you get mad, if I’m sweet with you, you get mad. I can never win, can I?”
You huff, deciding it’s better to not reply and just do as he says. Your pants are quickly at your ankles and suddenly you feel even more trapped than before now that you can’t even move your legs, but his touch on your naked skin takes you away from that thought.
“Pretty panties just for me?” He coos, tilting his head to the side as he stares at your burgundy panties with the lace trim. “Were you hoping to find me here so we could finish what we started on the phone?”
“Shut up, this is not for you,” you retort, your forehead creasing with a furrow.
“And who is it for?” He asks, cupping your pussy, watching your body shiver. “Oh, no, please don’t tell me there’s a boyfriend I’m not aware of. I’d hate to kill him.”
You bite your lips and keep the contact with the mask, but words struggle to come out when his index finger starts rubbing on your clit, moving from the slit —where you can feel you’re starting to get wet— to your sensitive nub. “It’s not for you,” you repeat, trying to don’t show how much his touch is affecting you.
“Well, you want me to work so hard too, I’ll have to find out on my own if someone is playing with what’s mine,” he replays nonchalantly. “I know where to find you, maybe I’ll come visit again.”
“You talk so much for someone who wants to play so badly,” you retort, a teasing grin curling your lips.
“Sorry, I didn’t know my princess was so eager,” he replies, saccharine voice filled with mockery, before a harsh slap lands on your pussy making you jolt and whimper. “Want my fingers?”
The glare you give him would be enough to kill him; isn’t this pathetic enough? How much more does he want you to humiliate yourself?
He rolls his head back and then the knife is against your neck again. “Do we have to do this every time I ask you a question? Do you want my fingers, detective?”
“Yes,” you whisper. Your body relaxes momentarily before tensing up with excitement again, but it quickly shifts to disappointment. “What are you doing?” You ask when his covered fingers press against you again.
“Oh, you’ll get the gloves too, I’m not dumb, you know? Don’t leave fingerprints on dead bodies, won’t even leave them on yours,” his voice is smug, all the confidence of someone who didn’t make a wrong move and somehow was always ahead of you and the police department.
You hate him. You hate he’s so much better than you at this. And you hate him even more now that he has you fighting whimpers and moans.
“Are you seriously going to pretend you don’t like this while your hips are bucking up?” He taunts, clicking his tongue in a mock. “Think moaning is more pathetic than humping my fingers like a bitch in heat?”
Your mouth opens to retort but you can’t deny the evidence; your hips are rolling against his hand, chasing for more, your panties are darkening as your wetness leaks through the fabric and your chest is heaving in erratic motions.
“Look at me,” he sings, hand moving up to graze your neck, thumb pressing on your carotid, making your head snap up. “You listen so swiftly when you fear for your life. It’s funny, you know, because I truly would never hurt you.”
You chuckle, shaking your head, trying to pull away from his hold when his hand moves up to caress your jaw. The gentleness of his touch is even scarier than when he has his knife pointed against you. “Is this what turns you on? The fear in their eyes?”
His head tilts to the side, shoulders lifting in a shrug. “Partially. But not in your case, what turns me on with you it’s the chase, and the fact I always win.”
You scoff bitterly, struggling in his hold but his hand quickly grips your chin and pulls you closer. “Didn’t you see the movies? The villain always dies.”
“If the heroine is not busy getting fucked by him,” he mocks, squeezing your face harder and moving his fingers faster on your clit. Your head rolls back and so do your eyes while a chocked moan leaves your lips. “See, I doubt you will shoot me in the head if you keep moaning like this.”
You groan angrily, you’re madder at you than you are at him. You want him and it’s so wrong that you do, but there’s not even a siren ringing in your head, telling you to make this stop.
“No, shh, shh, angel, it’s fine, this will be our little secret,” he whispers to your ear, the mask rubbing against your face, and when your eyes turn to look at him, you can see small dots of blood on the white varnish. “We could play another game: one secret for you, and one secret for me. If you behave, maybe I’ll reveal myself to you, if you promise to keep it to yourself.”
Your teeth sink into your lips harder when he delivers another harsh slap on your clit before resuming his quick movements. “Just — just tell me if I know you,” you mumble. You know he will never reveal himself, but maybe you can get something more, anything to complete the missing pieces of the puzzle.
He chuckles darkly, staring at a spot behind you as he pretends to think. “Mhh, we’ve met.”
You frown and your heart jumps in your throat for a moment at the thought you’ve seen him. “Only met?”
“We talked,” he adds, finally letting go of your face, making you breathe normally again.
Your eyes widen while your brain hurts as you try to quickly connect the dots, and find out who’s hiding underneath the mask, you just have to put a face on a voice — even if distorted, but you can’t. And suddenly realization slumps on you.
“Will it — will it break my heart?”
He snickers under his breath as he looks into your sad eyes, you’re looking at him like a dog when it’s being scolded, but in this case, you’re also silently praying he’s not someone close to you. He has no idea why that would make you feel better, if you care more about Ghostface or whoever is hiding under the mask, but it doesn’t matter, and he mocks you again, mimicking you in a high-pitched voice. “Will it hurt if I was someone close to you? A colleague? A friend? A lover?”
Your breath gets faster. Will it? Would you turn him in or defend him? And you can’t stand you’re even questioning it, of course you’ll turn him in, that’s your job, but most importantly, your duty. But will you? You could be doing it now, and you’re not.
“See? It’s not as funny if you know me,” he laughs at your face, your thoughts so loud he could get a headache. “It’s not as exciting, you love the thrill of this too, more than you like to admit.”
“Fuck,” you curse when his other hand cups your covered breast, it’s a harsh tug and the leather feels weird on your skin, yet, it makes you clasp your thighs and forget what was tormenting your morals, again.
“They’re so perfect, I can’t believe you always keep them hidden under those ugly clothes,” he pouts, giving it another hard squeeze. “Sorry.”
“For what — what the fuck?” You scream when he cuts your bra with the knife, first the middle and then the straps, the matching burgundy bra falling in pieces on the bottom of the chair.
“It was getting in the way, and I don’t like things that get in my way. I cut them off,” in his voice lingers a hysterical laugh that makes you shiver, and in times like this, you’re glad you can’t see his face.
You gulp and automatically close your legs.
“Not you,” he reassures you, forcing your thighs open again with a smack, “you entertain me. And you suck at your job, so it’s clear you also don’t get in the way.”
“I’m good at my job and I will get you and put you behind bars —”
“Uh, uh,” he clicks his tongue, knife under your jaw before you can even finish the sentence, silencing you in an instant. “We were having so much fun, don’t ruin it, babe.”
You swallow and look down following the path he’s tracing with the knife, goosebumps bloom on your skin and you hold your breath when it gets closer to your neck, only releasing it when the blade sits in the hollow of your chest.
“It’s so funny how you shake like a leaf, I’m a professional,” he says, sounding almost offended. And you furrow, is he talking about the knife or his fingers? “Both, love.”
Another groan leaves your lips before he moves the crotch to the side and the cold air of the room hits your burning core. You’ve never been so ashamed your entire life, you shouldn’t be an open book to him, you shouldn’t be so malleable in his hands, it’s pathetic and humiliating.
“You’re so fucking wet. I’m quite pissed I can’t run to the police department and let them know how much I turn you on. I can already see the disappointment on their faces,” he taunts, the slick sound of his gloves against your dripping pussy burns your body in shame and excitement.
“Don’t you dare,” you spit out, but you don’t sound so menacing since your voice breaks, and a pathetically high-pitched moan rolls from your tongue right after.
“I said I’m not going to, I keep my promises,” he kneels to the ground, one hand keeping you spread more and the other is still busy taking care of you. “Maybe if you promise you won’t shoot or put me in handcuffs right away when you’ll find out who I am, I can eat you out. I bet you let out the prettiest moans when you have someone between your legs.”
Your head rolls back, and you hiss. “You wish,” you retort through gritted teeth, but a part of you dies to know what that would be like. “I will never give you the satisfaction.”
He laughs mockingly. “Maybe I should blindfold you and do it now, will you recognize me by that?” At those words your body tenses up, head standing straight again as you look down at him with terror in your eyes. “What?” He asks in a giggle, surprised by your reaction. “You’re fucking with me right now, I still have blood on me. Would that be the most problematic thing? Having fucked with me before? Without this mask?”
“You’re just messing with me,” you mutter but your brain is trying to think, the list of the people you’ve been with is not that long, he can’t be so stupid to out himself like that, right?
“Maybe… I love it when I can see you think,” he whispers. “Usually, you have your hands in your hair, pulling at it even if you just washed it or spent hours styling it, and then you nervously bite your right thumb, somehow there’s always a hangnail to pull until it bleeds, oh, and you also nervously walk back and forth, two steps forward, two steps back. It’s cute, really. You have no fucking clue how to stop this, but you look so into it, chasing after me… well, so you think because, let’s be honest, you’re only chasing after your tail.”
You can’t believe he knows all of this, how close to you is he? And a few names start popping into your mind, but for each face that you see, your only answer is it can’t be.
“Why are you surprised? I told you, I love watching you,” he says, voice scarily soft even through the distortion of the mask. “You’re very pretty, detective. When you work hard to catch me, and even more when you screw it all up to moan for me.”
“Ugh,” you groan through gritted teeth, wrist rubbing against the rope keeping you in place and hips bucking up, anger and pleasure mixing like a drug in your brain. You hate to admit it, but you’re close and you doubt you can push back your climax any longer.
“It’s alright, love, I told you, I won’t judge you,” he hums. He studies your face for a moment, admiring how your teeth trap your lips in the vain attempt to don’t truly show how much you’re enjoying this, but your eyes are filled with lust, lightly glassy, and your cum is painting his gloves white. “Now, will you come for me?”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice, your body shutters as the orgasm washes over you, the quick movements of his fingers on your sensitive clit making your nails dig into the palm of your hands while your moans slip out of you freely. Your morality disappears, getting dragged away with the orgasm that consumes you before leaving.
You forget where you are for a moment, or to be more precise, with who you are with, as you let your head roll back, close your eyes and take deep breaths, waiting for the high to pass.
The thing doesn’t bother Ghostface, though, he sees enough fear in people’s eyes, he likes it better when you stop pretending and relax around him. That’s the thrilling thing about you, you are the most entertaining game he has ever played. With all the others he knows how it will end, their lifeless bodies laying in a pool of their own blood and the sirens of the police going off in the background as he blends in with the crowd, but with you? It’s unknown. Like a Russian roulette.
He’d love to shred all your clothes off, but he knows you’d have to spill your guts (not literally) if you walk out of there completely naked, and he’s sure the version you would tell the police would add another crime to his name. So, he takes your shoes off and then pulls your pants down.
Your laugh makes him raise his face and stare at you. “What’s so funny, dollface?”
You shrug, wetting your lips. “You scare me more when you act all sweet, you know?”
He scoffs, standing up again, and caressing your face. “You want me to hurt you so badly. I could carve a heart right here,” he presses the tip of the blade next to your heart, tracing the shape of a heart, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. “It would look so pretty on you, and you will always carry me with you. Isn’t it nice? Couple goals.”
You raise a brow at him, he doesn’t even realize it, but he’s giving away so much of his personality, even if you don’t find it out now, you’re pretty positive all of this is leading you somewhere. You shake your head quickly, trying not to show how hard you’re thinking about your plan. “I only want one thing from you, and you know what it is.”
He chuckles, leaning next to your ear. “My dick.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you curse, accidentally kicking him now that your legs are free to move. You suck your breath in, fearing your move, even if involuntary, might piss him off.
He hisses but doesn’t do anything else. “Don’t get all bratty here, doll. You said you wanted to play a game, and we’re going to play it until the end.”
When he cuts your panties and balls them in his fist, saying “keeping them as a souvenir,” with a grin that can be heard in his voice, you only reply with an “asshole.”
Once again, he doesn’t pay your insults any mind, and you wonder why he’s so nice to you. Should you fear it? Will you be his last victim, getting the worst death of them all because he needs to put on a show? “Now I will untie you, if you play any trick on me… you know how it ends.”
You nod quickly, watching him disappear from your view as he stands behind you. You inhale when the knife places against your neck again and roll your eyes back. “You don’t have to do this every time, you know?”
“It turns you on,” he retorts firmly. “And I need to make sure you don’t do any funny business.”
Your eyes roll back again but you try to relax anyway and keep still when your wrists are finally free. Your shoulders are in a more comfortable position again as you subtly roll them to ease up. “Get up,” he orders, and you follow, moving carefully because the blade is still close to your body and you don’t want to end up dead on the floor. “Good, now lay on the mattress.”
Your face twists in disgust when you’re reminded of the mattress on the floor, but he pushes you forward.
“We didn’t kill anybody there.”
You stop, turning around swiftly, and his reflections are rapid enough that he doesn’t push the knife into your chest. “We?”
“Oh… it didn’t click yet…” He laughs darkly at your expression, the whole world falling on your shoulders as you wonder how could you be so stupid to not realize it. “Sorry, love. But hey, aren’t you happy I helped you out?”
You glare at him but then bring your hand to your hair and your thumb to your lips. Of course, there are two of them, that’s the only way they could always be so headed of you.
“Not the right moment to think about that,” he warns, voice dropping lower, making you stop your nervous ticks. “Get on the bed.”
You turn around again, suddenly aware that he’s completely covered and you’re bare. That thought makes you seek the cover of the mattress more, and swiftly you’re laying where he wants you. But it also turns you on, being so exposed to him while he’s giving you not even a peak of who’s under the mask and the clothes send chills down your body and more cum drips out you.
“Promise you’ll be good? We can play cat and mouse later if you want to,” he asks, the blade running flat on your boobs, making him chuckle darkly when your nipples harden at the contact and your hips buck up. “You promise, detective?” He repeats with urge when you don’t reply, too busy watching the knife move on your body as he pins you down.
“Promise,” you reply, looking into the blackness of the eyes of the mask.
He chuckles under the mask, and you watch him unbuckle his pants. You could easily grab the weapon that’s on your stomach and stab him, you could even un-mask him, but you lay still, almost mesmerized. And the conscience inside of you likes to remind you how fucked up you and your morals are, but you brush it off, shaking your head quickly.
“Turn around,” he orders, but you hesitate. That’s too much vulnerability. It’s clear he doesn’t like your hesitation when he groans, grabbing the knife and pushing it aside. “God, I have to do everything with you,” he sighs as he forcefully flips you on your stomach before his legs trap you again. This time you can’t do anything even if you want to, but once again, you don’t want to.
“Fuck,” he moans, hands cupping your full ass and squeezing hard, the firm hold eliciting a moan from you. “Look at you, so fucking pretty. Keep your head down, don’t try to even get a peak,” he warns, and your immediate reaction is to turn around to understand what’s going on, but you know better, so you press your face into the pillow and only when you hear the loud sound of a spit and a glob of saliva drip between your folds you understand what happened. “Not that it was needed, you’re dripping. But you know, I like to get messy at times.”
You turn your face around, resting your head on the pillow, and bite your lips. The smugness and insanity of his voice causing more cum to ooze out of your pussy.
“I want to feel you so bad,” he hums, spreading your cunt, making you feel so exposed, “but will you run to the police? Will you tell them ‘oh no, I had to fuck Mr. Ghostface to have a bit of his DNA and save the town from this psycho’?” he mocks with a high-pitched voice, it doesn’t sound like you at all, more like a hopeless, brain-dead, blonde girl that dies within the first minutes of any horror movie.
You snicker. “You underestimate me, I could say I got those traces from somewhere else.”
“But will you? Also, I’m pretty sure they will find traces of you too. How humiliating would that be? Come on, honey, I won’t blackmail you, but you will screw yourself over? That’s not very smart of you.”
He’s right, you hate that he’s right. You will have to out yourself in the process of trying to turn him in. “I — I won’t.”
Deep down he knows you won’t, there’s no way they won’t trace it back at you too, and he also knows you won’t try to play the victim when you’re not, but he needs to be conscious, one wrong step and you could turn the game around. As much as he likes to mock you, he knows you’re smart and have been close to discovering them a few times, it was a matter of luck, and they were extremely lucky.
“Better safe than in jail,” he chuckles darkly, you don’t even try to peer around, and only listen to the plastic of the condom rip.
You whimper when you feel the tip against your slit, and you hide your face in the pillow as if that could change the reality of what you’re willingly doing. You’re too excited to be so ashamed of your actions, but, even if some may argue your morality is nowhere to be found, it still feels like a big balloon hovering over you.
You shiver when you feel the mask rest on your shoulder, “Nah, ah, angel, no being ashamed now. I told you I don’t like rude people, so don’t be rude and ask me nicely to fuck you.”
The urge to slap him is stronger than anything else, but once again your greed makes him win. “Please… please fuck me.”
“Not what I want to hear, you know what I want. We practiced the other night, haven’t we?” He reminds you, a hand creeping around your neck, holding tight enough to make buzzes of fear run through your bones.
You close your eyes, inhaling as deeply as you can while trying to find the courage to humiliate yourself one last time, but then the words slip out, “Please, fuck me, Ghostface,” and the air gets knocked out of your lungs when he pushes into you. It’s a strong, deep thrust that fills you to the brim and knocks you over. Your head falls against the pillow again while his loud groan fills your ears, “Fuck, it sounds so good from your lips.”
“Oh, fuck,” you curse through gritted teeth when he starts moving right away, barely giving you time to adjust to the feeling, thick dick grazing your insides and strong hands wrapping around your waist tightly.
“Is it too much for you, detective? My sweet little angel can’t take it?”
A groan slips past your lips, you try to stand up on your elbows, but he pushes you down. His body presses against your back and you feel trapped again. “Don’t move. I will fuck you so deep into this mattress that I will feel your scent for days after this. I want your face smashed against the pillow, I want it to be wet with your ruined makeup and tears, got it? ”
You nod quickly, shoulders dropping as you slump against the mattress. His breathing next to your ear makes you shiver, and you wonder if that’s the last thing the non-so-lucky people have met him heard before dying. But you push it away, for the sake of your sanity, you have to fool yourself that you’re not so attracted to a bloody murderer, that your morals are still intact, and that you are a good person.
It’s pathetic how all the anger you feel disappears with each calculated thrust, pleasure getting to your brain so quickly you stop holding back. Soft whimpers and moans roll out of your tongue and unconsciously your ass grinds back into him.
“Fuck, that’s what I want to hear,” he hums, standing up while his hands wrap around your waist. He never wanted to burn those gloves so badly, feeling the urge to feel your burning skin and mark you with his bare hands, but he can’t risk it. That doesn’t mean he can’t leave marks in other ways. One hand leaves your hips and cups your boob, eliciting a broken moan from you. “Have I told you they’re so pretty?”
“Mhh,” you mumble, eyes closing as he pinches down on your nipple. You wish you could say it hurt you but instead, it makes you clench hard around him, cum leaking out more with each pinch on your delicate, sensitive buds.
“Shit, you really are into pain,” he comments, there’s mockery in his voice —like always— but there’s also a genuine surprise. “Who would’ve thought, my innocent detective is way more fucked in the head than I thought.”
“I — I’m not,” you retort, groaning and forcing your eyes open, but the deep chuckle that rumbles in his chest makes you quiver, and your attitude drops in a moment.
“Honey,” he slurs, voice dipped in honey, “you’re letting Ghostface fuck you dumb, you are fucked in the head.”
You shake your head quickly, but he’s had enough of your lies. The rough tug at your hair makes you let out a choked gasp as your head is lifted from the pillow. “I know you better than anyone else, angel,” he groans, mask pressed against your hot face. “I know your dirty, little secrets. I know what runs into that dirty, little mind of yours. You can’t lie to me,” he almost purrs, a low chuckle making shame fire up inside of you, “and I can feel you, princess. Squeezing me, barely allowing me to pull out to fuck back into you. Fuck — I should feel you right now, no stupid rubber between us.”
Another broken moan slips from your lips when he roughly lets go of the hold on you, your fingers clench hard around the thin sheet under you, and your hips jerk up even more. It’s like you want to feel him more, to have him imprint himself deep into you, so far under your skin that you won’t be able to wash him off, and you don’t even know why you feel like this. Why it made you feel like this a week prior too, all the hesitation and fear as you picked up the phone and heard his breathy, distorted voice, flying out of the window the moment he started ordering you around. But was it truly an order when your only hesitation came from the fear of judgement, and you could only feel your body tingle with excitement? Sitting in front of the window, having no idea where he was hiding, putting on a show for the killer you swore you hated and making yourself come the hardest you’ve ever done.
“It makes you feel special, doesn’t it? The way you’re the only exception. The only one I would never hurt.” His voice is lower, hitting you to the core, making your toes curl and your breath falter in your chest. “You’re like a daisy in a garden of bloody, red roses.”
“Please,” you breathe out, choking on your tongue, eyes fluttering open shyly.
“Want me to stop?” He coos, head cocking to the side as he lands a sharp slap on your asscheek that makes you hiccup on a whimper and then another to your boob that drags a louder cry out of you. “Don’t want to hear how special you are?”
But that’s not what you meant. Your pleads were about something else, something you struggle to confess.
A deep laugh resonates in his chest as he looks down at your already wrecked face. You’re so precious, he can’t believe you sometimes think he could hurt you. His prettiest game, his wildest fantasy. The thrill he feels in his bones every time he’s close to you, so, so near to being discovered and yet always safe. It’s exciting, getting to his brain so much he can hardly hide how much it turns him on. But you’ve never been this close before. He dreamed about fucking you, having you pressed under him, begging, moaning and crying as his dick hit deep into your sweet pussy, pounding into you over and over again until you were nothing but mush in his hands. He wanted to strip you down completely and leave nothing of the women he sees and admires every single day. He dreamed of having all this power over you, watching you get weak on your knees and let him do anything he wanted, watching your body convulse in pleasure and your brain empty. And here you are now; wet, fucked-out eyes looking up at him while your pretty, plump mouth opens and closes as your shut-down brain tries hard to find the words.
“Speak up, princess. I don’t like to wait.”
“Please, wa-want to feel you,” you slur in a whisper, eyes blinking lazily as you try to hold onto what’s left of your sanity.
He chuckles, his thrusts coming to a stop that makes you whine in disappointment. “You want me to fuck you raw, detective?”
You hum, nodding slowly, not for the lack of enthusiasm but for the amount of shame that’s looming over you like a tornado. But Ghostface doesn’t like your silences, he doesn’t like it when you hesitate, that’s not what turns him on about you. It’s your impulses, the way you jump into things headfirst without thinking, for some it may be dumb, but to him, it’s just that sprinkle of insane bravery that makes life exciting. Your head is yanked up again with a rough pull of your hair, but his hold quickly moves to your neck. “I thought we were over the phase where I have to drag the words out of your mouth, detective. I’ll ask nicely one last time, do you want me to fuck you raw?”
You swallow your pride and reply meekly, “Ye-yes.”
He chuckles, pulling out of you almost completely before sinking in again with no warning, knocking the air out of your lungs, air that’s already struggling to fill them as his hold on your neck doesn’t loosen up. “See? It wasn’t that hard, was it? Even your stupid brain could put two words together.”
You gasp for air when he finally lets go and your face sinks on the pillow again.
“I’d love to, but I won’t risk it. Maybe next time, maybe if I’ll ever feel like telling you who I am,” he replies, and you groan in disappointment. Not only he doesn’t give you what you want but he also mocks you, reminding you why you’re here and how your mission flushed down the toilet as you let him play you like a violin.
“Then — fuck — please, fuck me harder,” at this point you want him to fuck you so hard your brain will just unplug and your superego can stop nagging at the back of your mind. You don’t want a single thought in your brain, just pleasure and lust.
“That I can give it to you,” he hums happily, and in a second, he complies. His hips start snapping against you at a fast speed, his tip hitting you deep repeatedly as he keeps you arched back with one hand around your waist and the other one wrapped around the makeshift ponytail he made with your hair.
You can already feel the orgasm build up at the tip of your stomach, but it only worsens when Ghostface roughly pulls you flat against him. Your head falls behind on his shoulder, eyes rolled far in your skull as your lips hang open to let out desperate moans and suck in as much air as possible.
“You’re so fucking pretty like this,” he moans, his thumb rubs against your neck and jaw while his right hand squeezes and pulls your boobs hard before pinching the nipples. “Listen to those pretty sounds you make,” he snickers, “and you still want to pretend you’re innocent and pure? You’re fucked up just like me, baby, that’s why I like you so much,” he slurs.
You blink, once again adjusting to the light is uncomfortable but you make out just in time the fact he’s holding a Polaroid camera. “Smile for the camera, babe,” his voice rings in your ears but doesn’t reach your brain and before you know it, you’re coming just like that. The look on your face is not a smile but an expression of blissed pleasure, the exact moment as the climax explodes inside of you, making you clench around his dick and shake in his arms, your arm twisting back, letting your hand claps on his bicep and sink your nail in the thick fabric of the black cloak.
Ghostface would like to say he’s disappointed and scold you for misbehaving, but he can only stare at you with amused disbelief written all over his face. But you only see the constant expression of the mask and once again, you fear for a second he’s mad at you. Truth be told, he could even kill you right now, you wouldn’t mind much or even notice, too lost in the pleasure that’s still looming on your body.
“Fuck,” he mutters, hips slowing down until they stop completely, “you just gifted me the most precious pic in my collection,” he whispers. You feel like the edge of mockery is still persistent but at the same time something genuine lingers in it, it doesn’t make it less creepy, but the ‘fuck me harder method’ worked because you don’t question his, and yours, fucked morality and just smile dumbly.
And that smile, united with the slow bat of your wet eyelashes, is what he needs to lose it.
“Oh, fuck it, I’ll clean you up once we’re done and if you’ll try to turn me in, I’ll find out, so you better keep your promise, alright?”
You don’t get what he’s talking about right away, too fucked out as you lay on the mattress waiting for his next move, but when he pulls out of you and swiftly pulls the condom out, you get it. You bite your lips in anticipation and swing your hips in invitation.
The sight would be enough to make him come right there, and he damns himself because out of all people, you can’t be his biggest weakness. It got to be some fucking joke of destiny. “Will you go to the police?”
“No,” you mumble.
“Good girl, because these little games are just for us, me and you, you can’t use what we do here to help you with your case.” When he sinks inside of you again, he feels like he could lose it all for the way your wet, warm walls wrap around him. “Fuck, fuck,” he curses, voice even more distorted now that he murmurs through gritted teeth, “you feel so fucking good.”
His thrusts now are almost primal, desperately pounding you against the mattress, keeping you pinned down with a hand on the back of your head —not that you need that, you wouldn’t be able to hold your neck up even if you wanted to— and holding for dear life on your hips with the other. You’ll probably have some bruises by the end of the night, if not colored prints on your skin, surely light discomfort at the touch will follow you for a few days. And you almost want to beg him for more, to mark you in some other ways, to leave something just for you to see and carry with you. Sick and perverted thoughts cross your mind, and you push them away swiftly.
You bite down on your lips when his hand leaves your side to torture your nipples again, he can barely push his hand between your body and the mattress, but he has just enough space to play with your sensitive nipples, making them even harder and causing you to clench even more around him. He loves how sensitive you are there and how each rub, pinch, and slap has you easily squirming and moaning under him.
“Look at you, going all dumb on my cock,” he groans, mockingly giving one harsh slap to your tits before his fingers trace your cheek. Your skin is so hot he can almost feel it through the fabric separating you, but what he’s most fascinated about are your tears, black mascara running down your beautiful face, dying on the pillow and your tortured parted lips. “Are you still thinking about being better than me or — fuck — have you finally embraced your dark side?”
Not a word comes out of your mouth when you whimper back, and not even a thought crosses your mind.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he grins smugly. “You know,” he breathes out, head thrown back as it gets harder and harder to contain the orgasm, but he doesn’t want it to end so soon, “you should fire yourself and be my toy, just my toy, every time I need you, everywhere I need you. You’d love that, wouldn’t you? It’d make you feel even more special.”
You mumble a weak reply, it’s a whispered ‘no,’ but your body doesn’t deny how much the thought turns you on. Too many responsibilities in your life and your job, too much to carry daily, but right now? Nothing. Guilt will eat you alive tomorrow but not now. Something feels exciting about being on the run with him, being the one that runs, instead of the one that chases. But it won’t happen, you believe in your job, and you want this slasher to end.
“Cause only I can get you like this, ugh,” he grunts, hips slamming faster but more sloppily against your ass, the vulgar sounds filling up the room. “No man before and no man after will make you come this hard. Nobody, love. No matter how much you’ll want to, they all will disappoint you and you will look for me in every single one of them,” he groans, each word punctuated by a harsh slam of his hips, “well, the lucky ones that will get a taste before I’ll get them and kill them.”
You don’t reply, just lay there, looking like a mess as you try to fight another orgasm because coming again would be humiliating.
“It turns you on, doesn’t it?” You can hear the grin on his face and his voice has the edge of insanity of the usual. “Let’s be honest, you’ve got a list of shitty partners, you would’ve been grateful if I got rid of some of them.”
“Fuck, just — just fuck me,” you beg, your hand reaching behind to touch him somehow, but he doesn’t like it.
He grips your hand and pins it behind your back bending your arm, you hiss in discomfort, but he doesn’t let go. “Oh, no, angel. You don’t make the rules in this game, I do. If I want to sink into your brain and get so deep into you that I’ll make sure you will never come out the same, I will. I’m the darkest side of yourself, the fucked up filth you’re too afraid to face,” he groans. “And I know you’re close again. Your tight cunt is squeezing me, and you made a mess on the mattress,” he snickers. “Imagine if they find this place, this mattress, your DNA on it,” he stops, leaning next to your ear, voice dropping lower, “or better, imagine if they find us now. What do you say, detective? Would they be disappointed? Would they just jack off at the view? You look so hot right now, I wouldn’t blame them if they’d get off to you, to us together. Kill them surely, blame them not. We’re so hot, detective.”
You squirm under him, feeling like the room is spinning fast and you can’t ground on anything. You have a darker thought in mind, something you can’t confess to him or else he won’t stop mocking you. You want to get caught, but not by your colleagues, by his partner. What would he do if he saw you and his partner in crimes like this? Would he understand this, or would he snap? Maybe even feeling betrayed. Does he even know you and him have been playing this game of attraction for a while now?
Your silence doesn’t make Ghostface suspect anything. You simply look totally fucked out, brain empty as you plead in soft whimpers and moans.
“You sound so fucking good,” he praises. “Why don’t we play another little game, uh?”
Your eyes open in surprise and you hum with no strength, “what?”
“Beg me to save your life,” he says, grabbing the knife again and placing it close to your neck. “Come on, do it for me, I won’t ever hear you say it because I will never want to kill you. Please, detective,” he coos, hips slowing down because your pussy is fogging his brain and he’s not sure his always-perfect aim and reflexes will work right now.
You take a deep breath and then speak. “Please, Ghostface, please, spare my life.”
His head rolls back, and a deep, groggy moan comes out of his lips. “Fuck, yes, keep going,” he orders, hips picking up the rhythm again as he skillfully flips the blade to the lesser sharp side just to be safe.
And you obey. You beg, choked-up words slipping from your lips that soon turn into please, fuck me harder, and then please, wanna come. You feel boneless, your body is too hot, and you feel you might pass out, you need a release and then hope something bigger than you will make you get back on your legs and walk out of there as if nothing happened, as if you never followed your guts and found his —their— safe haven.
“Come for me, love,” he orders, throwing the knife to the side before his hand sneaks under your body to roughly slap your clit a few times, enjoying the louder moans he drags out of you by doing so and watching with pleasure as your body squirms and shakes. “And don’t forget to smile for the camera.”
This time your eyes lock with the polaroid that he points toward your face as his chin rests on your shoulder. But it only lasts for the time of the picture, your body collapses again when he lets go of your hair and you let the pleasure pervade you from head to toe. It’s breathtaking and mind-blowing, and next time you’ll fuck someone else you’ll hate that he’s right. You will feel him everywhere, you will feel his dick deep inside of you every time your fingers will desperately try to take its place, and every time you’ll let someone in your bed, but you don’t hate that thought as you should.
“Fuck,” he groans, giving you a few more pumps to make sure you rode your high before slipping out and then roughly flipping you over. “Close your eyes,” he orders, and you follow with no hesitation —honestly, you were struggling to keep them open in the first place.
Your heaving chest, your parted lips still letting out cries, your wet cheeks, and your trembling closed thighs are the last drop he needs to let go. Deep moans reach your ears while his hot cum drops on your face, most on your skin but some in your mouth, and they get even louder when you shyly swallow it and lick your lips for more.
“Fuck, fuck, you’re —” he gasps but doesn’t finish, holding onto nothing as he empties himself all over your face. “Fuck.”
He feels dizzy, the orgasm still shaking him up, but then he looks at you and has to bite back a moan. The white strings of cum are covering your blissed face, your eyelashes are clumped together by the tears, and your lips are plump and darker, he knows he doesn’t want to forget what you look like right now. “Smile one last time, baby.”
And you do, the corners of your mouth lift and then you hear the click of the polaroid. You think for a second you should’ve told him to don’t take them, he could easily blackmail you, or straight-up get you fired, but once again, you don’t truly care, and you don’t deny how much the idea of those photos turned you on.
You should get up, grab your pants, jacket, shoes and leave. But you feel heavy and tired, you’re still shaking, and your breath didn’t go back to normal, yet.
“Don’t worry, detective,” Ghostface whispers, something passes on your face to clean you from the mess, but you don’t know what, and only then you open them ajar, just to see he’s still wearing his mask. “I’ll take care of you.”
The Ghostface mask is the last thing you see.
When you wake up, you’re in your bed, wearing your nightwear, completely cleaned up, but your bones and muscles are still sore, and a terrible headache is throbbing in the left side of your brain. You turn around, rubbing your eyelids with your palms before you can fully focus on the pillow and see three things on it. The Ghostface mask, a polaroid of you two from before, his face next to yours as he pulled your hair, and a note.
“It was a pleasure playing with you, my pretty detective. Can’t wait to see what our next game will be like♡ ”
general taglist: @froggyforyoongi , @wingsss45 ; @tddyhyck ; @technologyculturedneo
© neowinestaindress; all rights reserved. do NOT repost, modify, or translate any work from this blog on any other platform and claim it as yours. you can find my works on ao3 (neowinestaindress) and wattpad (winestaintedress_; currently inactive).
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˚ʚ masterlist ɞ˚
omorashi with wonyoung (wy holding)
g!p wolf hybrid wonyoung
cnc with yujin
cnc somno with wonyoung
g!p wolf hybrid wonyoung bitches you
perv! owner! soobin x cow hybrid! reader
giving yeonjun a bj while he’s driving
taehyun + degradation
stepbrother! matthew
stepbrother! matthew pt. 2
stepbrother! matthew pt. 3
chikan + jiwoong
omorashi + jiwoong
hentai addict! matthew
mean dom! hanbin
wolf hybrid! nicho x bunny hybrid! reader
breeding with euijoo
cheating on euijoo with nicho (except ej knows)
hentai addict! stepbrother! nicho
nicho taking ur virginity
noncon with ghostface! karina + ghostface! winter
g!p owner! karina x hybrid! reader
phonesex with winter
g!p stepmom! karina
aeri with sensitive tits
g!p stepsis! ning + drugging
dom! giselle
scissoring with winter
anal with g!p ningning
giselle x puppygirl gf
g!p stepsis! yves
inexperienced! stepsister! seeun
g!p reader x milf! stepmom! jihyo
noncon with momo + jihyo
wolf hybrid! momo
hentai addict! mina
hentai addict! momo
making out with jake
omorashi with jay (reader holding)
omorashi with jay (jay holding)
omorashi with en- hyungline
dubcon breeding with heeseung
omorashi with sunghoon (sunghoon holding)
babytrapping with jake (both ways)
painal with jake
foursome with 02z
stepbrother! sunghoon
freeuse with stepbrothers! 02z
hentai-esque stepbro! jay
breeding with stepdad! jake
exhibitionism with stepdad! jake
stepbrothers! heehoon humiliating bf jake
tentacles with stepbro! jay
tentacle monster! jay
puppy hybrid! jake
cumeating with jake
perv! bff! hoon
stepbro! + hybrid! jake thoughts
bull hybrid! sunghoon
titsucking with en- hyungline
brat tamer! jake
kitty hybrid! jungwon
jay + bdsm
titty enthusiast jungwon
hoon x succubus! reader
panther hybrid! jay thought
stepbro! hee thought
bull hybrid! hoon thoughts
perv virgin jake x bimbo reader
hoon + dildo training
stepbrother! heeseung
jake punishing brat! reader thoughts
puppy jake + toys
pussy addict puppy hybrid! jake
wolf hybrid! jake x cat hybrid! reader
jay x reader cucking en- hyungline
exhibitionism with heeseung
biting with sunghoon
sugar daddy! jay
fingering with jakehoon
vamp! sunoo with an oral + tit fixation
cnc with vamp! jake
somno + anal with vamp! hoon
baby vamp! won
noncon biting with vamp! won
degradation with mark
babytrapping with jeno
anal + omorashi with g!p seulgi
breeding with g!p yunjin
bratty stepsis! chaewon
sorority sister stepcest! with yunjin
sub! pervert yunjin
noncon with roommate zuha
g!p gamer sakura
bitching g!p yunjin
threesome with g!p kkura + g!p chae
yunjin + oral
sugary mommy kkura x brat reader
oral with hentai addict! jun han
jooyeon + overstimulation
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Marks and bruises - possessiveboyfriend!jaemin
Warnings - gun usage (could be referred to as gun play), impact play (belt), obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, threats (jaemin threatens reader), pet names (doll, good girl, baby), mentions of fucking, noncon/dubcon (whatever you see fits), sadism, angst (not proofread. Let me know if I missed something 😞) (inspired by Teddy Bear by Melanie Martinez)
Jaemin was your boyfriend. Everything was great. He was sweet, caring, and considerate to you and others. Everything was perfect. Until it wasn’t.
You and Jaemin were together for a good 5 years, everything starting off amazingly. You didn’t know what got into your boyfriend. He was becoming obsessive, possessive, controlling. He wouldn’t let you go out without him knowing, sometimes not even at all. He told you to cut off every single one of your friends, and he would never let you wear anything revealing. This started about a year ago, and you were getting tired of it all. But you loved him. You loved Jaemin with all your heart.
But you’ve had enough one day.
You got dressed to go out with some friends that you haven’t talked to in a while after getting back into contact with them, putting your best clothes on, a short black dress, matching thigh-high tights, and pretty matching heels, putting your hair in a ponytail and throwing on some simple makeup, leaving the house, thinking that it was the perfect time since your boyfriend was at work.
Oh how wrong you were.
You were planning on staying for just an hour. But that hour slowly turned into 2, then 3, then 4. You were drunk and had to be driven home by one of your friends, completely carefree and happy.
As you walked into the house, you could suddenly tell something was off and just about sobered up as soon as you got that weird feeling.
Suddenly, you feel cold metal coming into contact with your temple, tensing up immediately.
“Welcome home, doll,” Jaemin said, a smirk clear in his warm voice. “You had fun?”
You stayed quiet, the gun being pressed onto your head more from your lack of response.
“I asked you a fucking question, __.” He practically growled next to your ear, his finger on the trigger.
You nod quickly, tears forming in your pretty eyes. He pulls your pretty, well done hair harshly, the violent tug sending you to the cold ground.
“Why’d you go out without my permission, hm?” He asks afterwards, undoing the brown belt to his pants and taking it off, hitting your pretty, silky thighs with the harsh leather, tearing your new thigh-highs and marking your skin.
You let out a whine of pain, the belt coming in contact with your skin more, your boyfriend earning hisses from you. Once he finishes, your legs and thighs are full of marks and bruises.
He crouches down to your level, throwing the belt beside you and pressing the magazine release to see if the gun was full, the bullets settled so prettily in the magazine making him grin sadistically.
He slides the magazine back into the gun, pointing the firearm at your face as he tilts his head.
“One wrong move, I’ll fucking kill you, __. Understand?” He asks, his sick eyes looking into yours. You nod, unable to speak from pure fear. He notices this and laughs, fucking laughs.
“Good. Now be a good girl and come suck my cock, baby.”
#hard kink#nct drabbles#nct dream#nct dream imagines#nct dream smut#nct dream x reader#nct hard hours#jaemin#na jaemin#jaemin smut#nct jaemin#nct#nct dream scenarios#nct imagines#nct smut#nct dream angst#tw noncon#tw dubcon
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