#natural plum chutney
starflungwaddledee · 6 months
I would like to submit: 🪞, 🧋, and 🥘 if I may for Starstruck for the OC ask!!
[ >>> kirby oc ask meme <<< ]
🪞 (Mirror) - What would their Mirror World counterpart be like? If they are a Mirror World counterpart, what traits of theirs are reflected? Do the two of them get along?
more in-depth answer on a potential mirror world starstruck here, but i think in short... she might not exist. for a variety of reasons that are only partially to do with her. if she did exist and the two met, i think that prime starstruck would be hopelessly traumatised by the experience
🧋 (Boba Tea) - Come up with a Kirby Café item themed around your OC! It can be a savoury dish, a drink, a dessert, or something else entirely.
YES this is my favourite sort of thing actually i LOVE LOVE LOVE foods themed after characters!! i know i said i wouldn't draw anything for these but i HAVE TO for this one...
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she would have a miniature tea-style menu item to reflect her eating style, which would come on a custom themed platter. it would be comprised of many small dishes and it would have savouries, sweets, and a drink all in one. for sweets there would be cotton candy macarons with a sherbet filling, and candied white peaches; with an optional add-on for a stack of star-shaped cinnamon-apple pancakes if you have some bigger eaters along with you. for savouries there'd be crumbed camembert cheese stars, served with plum chutney (in a take-home custom dish) and the most picture perfect pre-sliced apple you've ever seen, and coronation chicken sandwiches with cranberries the drink is a fizzing soda, using peach and white-grape flavour syrups to get a gradient, and it's topped with a thin layer of condensed milk
🥘 (Stew) - Do they have any favourite foods or comfort foods? What are their eating habits like? If absorbed by the Cook ability, what healing item would they summon?
she's happy to eat just about anything- edible or not- so long as she doesn't have to eat a lot of it. eating too much tends to make her feel a bit off, and she doesn't get hungry often so eating is not something that comes naturally to her. if it weren't for others she'd simply forget more often than not. her favourite foods are either things that are social that she can share with others (pizza, nachos, tacos, big bowl of fries), light snacks (crackers, dried fruits), or cheeses. she also seems to enjoy eating soda cans but that might be for the bit as much as anything i think for the cook ability she'd give a silly little peach, because that's kinda what she looks like. either that or macarons, which already exist in game!
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souls-gone · 2 years
Repost don’t reblog. Write what you associate with your muse(s) and then tag others.
ANIMAL: For Freyja, the snow leopard. She’s skittish in the sense that she will avoid danger at all costs rather than attacking it head on. Only when cornered will she be forced to rear her head, bare her fangs and charge forth. She’s most at home in harsh frigid climates, also. Heat holds many negative connotations when it comes to Freyja. An elusive creature that captures one’s eye for but a moment before disappearing into the landscape once more.
Honourable mention: The red deer. This is more of an aesthetic association- a large, reddish, majestic creature. Deceivingly skittish.
COLOR(S): Amber, forest green, sky blue
MONTH: September. The summer’s heat has not yet died off, its warm embers still permeate the land. Cool enough, however, for a highlander to wander the lands with little fear.
SONG: Gold Dust Woman - Fleetwood Mac
DAY OR NIGHT: Dawn or dusk; the chorus of bird song is either beginning, or beginning to falter.
PLANT(s): Bell heather, gorse, thistle, edelweiss, common bluebell, daffodil, & foxglove.
SMELL: Wood smoke, lavender, & plum.
GEMSTONE: Tiger’s eye and citrine.
SEASON: Late summer to the end of autumn.
PLACE: The freeing emptiness of an open landscape; the breathtaking view beneath her as she paces along the summit of a hill/mountain. She is miles above anything below, so high that even the birds dare not fly above her head. So far above.
A place where she cannot easily be found unless she wants you to find her and by god, she will always find you first.
FOOD: Foraged berries and other natural goods, typically dried or turned into jams/chutneys for long lasting provisions.
DRINK: Plain ice water, questionable home-brewed fermented beverages (moonshine), cinnamon tea
Tagged by: @hexenjagd (thank you Cat! <3)
Tagging: @untetheredlittlebastard, @forthesunsglory, @radiant-and-terrifying, @castella-the-tarnished, @austerulous (Rosaria), @deifiler, @goldenmute (Piper)
Not sure if you’ve all done this yet- apologies for the tag if you have! <3
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vipers-nest · 3 months
Interrupted Meditation - Robert Hass
Little green involute fronds of fern at creekside. And the sinewy clear water rushing over creekstone of the palest amber, veined with a darker gold, thinnest lines of gold rivering through the amber like—ah, now we come to it. We were not put on earth, the old man said, he was hacking into the crust of a sourdough half loaf in his vehement, impatient way with an old horn-handled knife, to express ourselves. I knew he had seen whole cities leveled: also that there had been a time of shame for him, outskirts of a ruined town, half Baroque, half Greek Revival, pediments of Flora and Hygeia from a brief eighteenth-century health spa boom lying on the streets in broken chunks and dogs scavenging among them. His one act of courage then had been to drop pieces of bread or chocolate, as others did, where a fugitive family of Jews was rumored to be hiding. I never raised my voice, of course, none of us did. He sliced wedges of cheese after the bread, spooned out dollops of sour jam from some Hungarian plum, purple and faintly gingered. Every day the bits of half-mildewed, dry, hard— this is my invention—whitened chocolate, dropped furtively into rubble by the abandoned outbuilding of some suburban mechanic’s shop—but I am sure he said chocolate— and it comforted no one. We talked in whispers. “Someone is taking them.” “Yes,” Janos said, “But it might just be the dogs.” He set the table. Shrugged. Janos was a friend from the university, who fled east to join a people’s liberation army, died in Siberia somewhere. Some of us whispered 'art', he said. Some of us 'truth.' A debate with cut vocal chords. You have to understand that, for all we knew, the Germans would be there forever. And if not the Germans, the Russians. Well, you don't 'have to' understand anything, naturally. No one knew which way to jump. What we had was language, you see. Some said art, some said truth. Truth, of course, was death. Clattered the plates down on the table. No one, no one said 'self-expression.' Well, you had your own forms of indulgence. Didn't people in the forties say 'man' instead of 'the self?' I think I said. I thought 'the self' came in in 1949. He laughed. It's true. Man, we said, is the creature who is able to watch himself eat his own shit from fear. You know what that is? Melodrama. I tell you, there is no bottom to self-pity.
This comes back to me on the mountainside. Butterflies— tiny blues with their two-dot wings like quotation marks or an abandoned pencil sketch of a face. They hover lightly over lupine blooms, whirr of insects in the three o'clock sun. What about being? I had asked him. Isn't language responsible to it, all of it, the texture of bread, the hairstyles of the girls you knew in high school, shoelaces, sunsets, the smell of tea? Ah, he said, you've been talking to Milosz. To Czeslaw I say this: silence preceeds us. We are catching up. I think he was quoting Jabes whom he liked to read. Of course, here, gesturing out the window, pines, ragged green of a winter lawn, the bay, you can express what you like, enumerate the vegetation. And you! you have to, I'm afraid, since you don't excel at metaphor. A shrewd, quick glance to see how I have taken this thrust. You write well, clearly. You are an intelligent man. But—finger in the air— silence is waiting. Milosz believes there is a Word at the end that explains. There is silence at the end, and it doesn't explain, it doesn't even ask. He spread chutney on his bread, meticulously, out to the corners. Something angry always in his unexpected fits of thoroughness I liked. The cheese. Then a lunging, wolfish bite. Put it this way, I give you, here, now, a magic key. What does it open? This key I give you, what exactly does it open? Anything, anything! But what? I found that what I thought about was the failure of my marriage, the three or four lost years just at the end and after. For me there is no key, not even the sum total of our acts. But you are a poet. You pretend to make poems. And?
She sat on the couch sobbing, her rib cage shaking from its accumulated abysses of grief and thick sorrow. I don't love you, she said. The terrible thing is that I don't think I ever loved you. He thought to himself fast, to numb it, that she didn't mean it, thought what he had done to provoke it. It was May. Also pines, lawn, the bay, a blossoming apricot. Everyone their own devastation. Each on its own scale. I don't know what the key opens. I know we die, and don’t know what is at the end. We don’t behave well. And there are monsters out there, and millions of others to carry out their orders. We live half our lives in fantasy, and words. This morning I am pretending to be walking down the mountain in the heat. A vault of blue sky, traildust, the sweet medicinal scent of mountain grasses, and at trailside— I'm a little ashamed that I want to end this poem singing, but I want to end this poem singing—the wooly closed-down buds of the sunflower to which, in English, someone gave the name, sometime, of pearly everlasting.
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the-boyo1 · 5 months
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Pitted prunes, with their rich sweetness and chewy texture, are a deliciously nutritious fruit revered for their numerous health benefits and versatile culinary uses. Also known as dried plums, pitted prunes are not only a delightful snack but also a natural remedy for various health concerns. Let's delve into the world of pitted prunes and uncover the secrets behind their sweet allure and potent nutritional profile.
Nutritional Powerhouse: Pitted prunes are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a nutrient-dense addition to any diet. They are particularly rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin K, and various phenolic compounds, all of which contribute to their health-promoting properties.
Gut Health and Digestion: Pitted prunes are renowned for their natural laxative effect, thanks to their high fiber content and sorbitol content. Consuming prunes regularly can help promote regular bowel movements, alleviate constipation, and support digestive health. Additionally, the soluble fiber in prunes acts as a prebiotic, nourishing beneficial gut bacteria and promoting a healthy gut microbiome.
Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention: Pitted prunes are a rich source of vitamin K and boron, two nutrients essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Vitamin K plays a crucial role in bone metabolism and calcium absorption, while boron helps prevent bone loss and osteoporosis. Regular consumption of pitted prunes may help improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.
Heart Health and Blood Pressure Regulation: Pitted prunes contain potassium, a mineral that plays a key role in regulating blood pressure and heart function. Adequate potassium intake has been linked to a lower risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Incorporating pitted prunes into your diet can help support heart health and promote optimal blood pressure levels.
Versatile Culinary Uses: Pitted prunes can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, both as a standalone snack and as an ingredient in sweet and savory dishes. They can be added to oatmeal, yogurt, salads, and baked goods, or used to create flavorful sauces, chutneys, and marinades. Pitted prunes also pair well with cheese and nuts, making them a versatile addition to cheese boards and charcuterie platters.
FAQs :
What are pitted prunes?
Are pitted prunes and dried plums the same thing?
Are pitted prunes good for digestion?
How many pitted prunes should I eat for constipation relief?
Are pitted prunes high in sugar?
Can pitted prunes help lower cholesterol levels?
Are pitted prunes suitable for weight loss?
In Conclusion: Pitted prunes are more than just a sweet indulgence; they're a nutritional powerhouse that offers a multitude of health benefits. With their natural sweetness, chewy texture, and versatile culinary uses, pitted prunes are a delicious and convenient way to nourish your body and enhance your well-being. So, embrace the healthful goodness of pitted prunes and enjoy the sweet solution they offer to your health and happiness.
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trigarthfarms · 7 months
Trigarth Farms- All Natural and Farm Fresh Apples in Shimla
Apple Farming In Trigarth.
Hello people let me take you to a Journey into the Heart of Ratnari Kotkhai's Apple Orchards Trigarth Farms. Nestled amidst the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, there exists a realm where nature's bounty intertwines with human ingenuity, giving rise to an agricultural legacy unlike any other. Welcome to Trigarth Farms, a picturesque paradise renowned for its sprawling apple orchards and the generations of farmers who have tended to them with unwavering dedication. Apple farming in Trigarth Farms is not just a livelihood; it's a way of life deeply entrenched in tradition yet embracing modern agricultural practices. The journey of apple cultivation here dates back generations, passed down through families who have honed their skills and expertise over time.
Trigarth Farm's apples are celebrated for their exceptional taste, crisp texture, and vibrant colors. From the sweet-tart tang of Red Delicious to the juicy crunch of Royal Gala, each variety offers a unique flavor profile that captivates apple enthusiasts worldwide. Whether enjoyed fresh off the tree, pressed into cider, or incorporated into delectable desserts and savory dishes, the apples here are a culinary delight that showcases the best of Himalayan produce.
A Cornucopia of Flavors: Exploring the Diverse Apple Varieties of Ratnari
In the heart of the Himalayas, where the crisp mountain air dances through orchards nestled in valleys, Trigarth Farms in Ratnari, a region celebrated for its rich apple-growing heritage. Here, amidst the breathtaking scenery and serene landscapes, a treasure trove of apple varieties flourishes, each bearing its own unique flavor profile and culinary allure. We produce various varieties of apples like Royal Delicious, Red Delicious, Red Gold, Rich red, Golden delicious, Granny Smith and Gala. We also have cherry farms with apples we also grow cherries in our farms along with apples.
Harvesting Nature's Bounty: A Journey into Apple Harvesting in Ratnari
With the arrival of autumn, Trigarth Farms transform into a bustling hub of activity as we and laborers prepare to reap the fruit. Armed with baskets and ladders, we venture into the orchards, ready to handpick the ripe apples. Apple harvesting in our farms is not a task; it is a labor of love rooted in tradition. Each apple is carefully plucked from the tree with tender care, ensuring that only the finest fruits make their way to market. Despite advancements in technology, we continue to rely on traditional harvesting methods. Handpicking remains the preferred method, allowing for greater precision and minimizing damage to the delicate fruits.
From Orchard to Innovation: Exploring the World of Apple Products
Along with apples and cherries we also make our own home made products from these fruits. We have variety of products like Apple Chips which were traditionally made in the region. They are made by cutting apples to thin slices and then sun drying them until they are fully dried. We also have different other products like Apple Jams, Chutneys, Plum Jams and Cherry Jams which are all made from traditional recipes.
For Trigarth Farms, apple farming is more than just a means of livelihood; it's a source of pride, identity, and sustenance for the community. As the region continues to evolve and adapt to changing times, we remain steadfast in our commitment to preserving tradition while embracing innovation.
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lazzarafruits · 7 months
Exploring the Allure of Australian Black Grapes: A Culinary Treasure
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In the world of viticulture, Australia stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence, producing a diverse array of grapes that captivate palates worldwide. Among its many varietals, Australian Black Grapes emerge as a distinguished gem, cherished for their rich flavor profile, deep color, and versatility in culinary applications. Let's delve into the allure of these exquisite fruits and uncover the secrets behind their popularity.
Origins and Cultivation: Australian Black Grapes trace their origins to the sun-kissed vineyards sprawling across the fertile lands of Australia. Renowned for their ideal climate and diverse terroir, regions like Barossa Valley, Margaret River, and McLaren Vale foster the perfect conditions for cultivating premium grapes. Under the careful stewardship of skilled viticulturists, these grapes flourish, benefiting from ample sunshine, well-drained soils, and cool ocean breezes.
Characteristics: What sets Australian Black Grapes apart is their distinctive appearance and exceptional taste. True to their name, these grapes boast a luscious deep purple to black hue, exuding an aura of sophistication and richness. Their plump, juicy berries are bursting with flavor, offering a delightful combination of sweetness and subtle tartness that tantalizes the taste buds with each bite. Whether enjoyed fresh or incorporated into culinary creations, Australian Black Grapes add a touch of elegance to any dish.
Flavor Profile and Culinary Applications: The flavor profile of Australian Black Grapes is nothing short of extraordinary. With each bite, one encounters a symphony of tastes, ranging from velvety sweetness to nuanced notes of blackberry, plum, and hints of floral undertones. This complexity makes them a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes.
In the realm of gastronomy, Australian Black Grapes shine bright, lending their distinct flavor and visual appeal to an array of culinary creations. From vibrant fruit salads and refreshing sorbets to savory chutneys and gourmet cheese platters, these grapes elevate the dining experience with their refined taste and aesthetic allure. They also find their way into gourmet desserts, fine wines, and artisanal preserves, captivating connoisseurs with their unmatched quality and versatility.
Health Benefits: Beyond their culinary prowess, Australian Black Grapes offer a host of health benefits, making them a nutritious addition to any diet. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and dietary fiber, these grapes promote overall well-being by supporting heart health, boosting immunity, and aiding digestion. Moreover, their low-calorie content and natural sugars make them a guilt-free indulgence, perfect for those seeking a wholesome yet delectable treat.
Conclusion: In the world of gastronomy, Australian Black Grapes stand as a testament to the ingenuity and artistry of Australian winemakers and growers. From their captivating appearance to their exquisite flavor profile and myriad culinary applications, these grapes embody the essence of culinary excellence and innovation. Whether enjoyed fresh, paired with gourmet cheeses, or savored in a fine wine, Australian Black Grapes continue to enthrall palates worldwide, earning their rightful place as a cherished culinary treasure.
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farzanatradingcompany · 11 months
Plum's Juicy Secret to Freshness: A Taste of Perfection  
Plums, with their radiant colours and irresistible sweet and acidic flavours, are a monument to summer's bounty. These luscious stone fruits have won the hearts and taste buds of people all around the world, becoming a favourite addition to our fruit bowls and desserts. In this blog, Farzana Fruits & vegetables Exporter in UAE delves into the seductive freshness of plums, discovering what makes them such a delicious and delectable choice for people looking for the perfect taste. 
Taking in the Freshness: 
 The freshness of plums shines through in a variety of culinary creations: 
 Fresh Snacking:  
Eat plums on their own as a healthy and simple snack. For a delightful treat, slice or bite into their juicy flesh. 
Use plums in a variety of sweets, ranging from tarts and pies to cobblers and crisps. They are a pleasant addition due to their natural sweetness and juiciness. 
 Salsas and Chutneys:  
Use plums to make sour and sweet salsas or chutneys that go well with grilled meats or as a topping for sandwiches and burgers. 
 Preserves and Jams:  
Homemade preserves and jams capture the freshness of plums, preserving their best flavour for later enjoyment. 
The Factor of Freshness:Plums' enticing flavour is enhanced by their freshness. There are various visual and tactile factors to consider while purchasing plums at the grocery store or farmer's market: 
Color: Look for plums that are bright and uniform in colour. While the exact colour varies depending on the plum variety, avoid any with bruising, wrinkling, or excessively green patches. 
 Firmness: Press your thumb gently against the fruit. A ripe plum should give slightly without becoming mushy. It should be solid but malleable in texture. 
 Aroma:Fresh plums have a sweet and fragrant fragrance. Inhale their aroma for a moment to get a sense of their maturity and freshness. 
 Weight: Fresh plums should be weighty for their size, indicating that they are ripe. 
Finally, the freshness of plums attests to their natural beauty and flavour. Their vivid appearance, sturdy yet yielding texture, and sweet aroma are a sensory delight. Plums are a reminder that nature's bounty can add a touch of perfection to your plate, whether you eat them fresh or utilise them in culinary creations. Savour the essence of summer and the artistry of freshness that greets your taste receptors as you bite into the juicy, sun-kissed flesh of a ripe plum. 
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tastesoftamriel · 3 years
What would the different races eat while traveling?
In addition to the popular takeaway foods outlined previously, each of the races also have favoured travelling snacks or meals that help one survive the road.
The most common on-the-road food enjoyed (I use this term loosely) by the High Elves is a sort of crispbread that's filled with jam or fruit preserves. The surprisingly delicate crispbread is capable of being stored for months, and the jam filling also keeps well. While it's not the pinnacle of Altmeri cuisine, it's certainly one of the more palatable travel foods.
Unless you know what you're foraging for in Black Marsh, bringing your own food is generally advisable for any trip into the swamps. It's common for Argonians to carry a piece of "bark" which is bitten off to chew to prevent dirty hands from coming in contact with food. The bark is made from a mix of cured fish and insects, fruit, and palm sugar. It's sweet with a distinct umami flavour, and very filling once you eventually manage to chew through it.
A bit like their pemmican, the Bosmer have a sort of dried meat in bar form that is cured in parchment. A ground meat paste is sometimes spiced with either imported ingredients, but is commonly just salted. It's then shaped into small soap-sized bars and wrapped in parchment, which has been a source of confusion and shock for travellers unaccustomed to being on the road with Wood Elves.
It's hard to not stumble across an inn in High Rock, and most people only pack for short journeys unless going beyond the Province. There isn't much to remark on regarding their fare in this regard, but I am partial to a travel baguette with lard, salted beef, and chutney. Unless cut or exposed to the elements, Breton baguettes are remarkably resilient and can stay fresh for up to a week, making them the ideal travel companion.
The inhospitable environment of Vvardenfell means that Dark Elves are always prepared for any disaster (especially since the Red Year), and this extends to their food. One of the most common snacks that's loaded with nutrition are little saltrice biscuits that are made of scuttle, comberry and scrib rolled in saltrice flour. They're baked until crisp, and keep well when sealed in a tight jar. Merchants and Ashlanders in particular are fond of these little biscuits, which have a salty, cheesy flavour. Too many of them leads to a very dry mouth though, so don't overindulge!
Since grapes are plentiful in Cyrodiil, it stands to reason that raisins appear everywhere. Chewy honey and raisin breads are a staple food for the road, and are extremely versatile. These saccharine slices can be eaten on their own or with either sweet or savoury toppings. Sometimes the bread is also studded with nuts and other dried fruits like gorapple, apricots, and plums.
Moon sugar is an excellent preservative, and it is used liberally to keep travelling food fresh. Typically, moon sugar is packed around meat in the same way you would with salt. It's then aged in a cellar until firm, and brought along with flatbread. The meat is sliced thinly and rolled up in the flatbread, sometimes with ghee or pickles if you're in luck. Quite flavourful, but you need a sweet tooth to truly enjoy this.
It's not very exciting, but we Nords tend to pack a little bag of snacks to munch on the road that keep well in all weather. A normal lunch sack includes pre-cut foods like smoked sausage, hard cheese, bread rusks, dried fruit, and pieces of dried, smoked mudcrab meat. You can eat them individually or together, so mix and match your favourites!
The best food for travelling for the Orcs is one of the best foods, period. Sausage is the ideal food on the go, especially if it's echatere or timber mammoth, juniper berry, and frost mirriam sausage. These sausages are cured for different lengths of time, and those that have been left for the longest are reserved as travel or emergency stock. As the sausage matures, the natural flavours mingle together and create a complex, well-rounded, and moderately healthy snack or base for a meal. It can be eaten as is, like salami, or sliced and cooked.
It's a hard life out in the Alik'r, and travellers need to be well prepared for a trek through the desert. Similarly to the Bosmer, the Redguards also use parchment to wrap their food to keep the sand out. An energy-packed patty made of goat meat, dried dates and mangoes, and rice is a common food that rolls all your nutritional needs in one tasty snack.
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7689966666 · 3 years
How To Start Pickle Business in INDIA
Food and food things are essential to our endurance, as a fundamental need, yet something that we go to when we are glad, when focused, when enthusiastic, or in any event, when needing to unwind. Have you seen that at whatever point any plans are made, (regardless of whether it is plans for the end of the week, or plans made as a family for a party or even plans made for a date), they are typically made around food, for example, meeting for supper or visiting another eatery or a get together over bites and beverages. Food is consistently a piece of each festival and celebration as well. Envision Diwali without all the scrumptious passage or Christmas without the plum cake and sweets, feels extremely inadequate. Food is a significant piece of regular day to day existence. Food in itself is so adaptable and assorted, taking into account an assortment of ranges. Being a particularly basic piece of presence and an evergreen business, food is a decent area to consider diving into while wanting to go into business. One food thing that is native to India and its kin and is consistently sought after, is pickles. Each home in the nation has an alternate kind of pickle which is an unquestionable requirement during eating times. Indeed, pickles may be perhaps the most sought after things that individuals voyaging abroad take with them and individuals avoiding the nation lewdly recall. So in the event that you are considering how to begin a pickle business, this is the spot for you. The pickle and Chutney Marketing business is an incredible business thought to begin ones introduced venture, particularly in the food business. Pickles are set up by protecting various products of the soil in vinegar or salt water alongside various flavors and different fixings. The ideal taste of the pickle relies upon the right blending of various fixings at the best extent and the ideal planning for the handling. A limited quantity of pickle can help individuals finish a whole supper, which is only one of the positive purposes of beginning a pickle business, different benefits being- Assortments – there are a confounding number of assortments in pickles, for example, mango pickle, lemon pickle, stew and garlic pickle, carrot pickle, cabbage pickle, brinjal pickle, curry leaves pickle, beans pickle, various sorts with varying preferences some sharp, some sweet, some harsh, some astringent. Every district in India has an interesting pickle having a place with that space, made with privately discovered fixings, for example, lingri ka achar from Himachal, Kair (pepper) ka achar from Rajasthan, Bhoot Jolokia achar from Assam, Kolhapuri thecha from Maharashtra and some more. This wide assortment makes the pickle business fulfilling and an incredible business thought as well. Request – Indian dinners are fragmented without pickles and are required consistently subsequently encouraging a colossal interest for pickles. Indeed, pickles are mainstream to the point that those voyaging abroad take a container of pickle with them without coming up short, regardless of whether they can manage without a ton of different things. Simplicity Of Preparation – pickles or achaar are a type of aged food and are very simple to get ready. Pickles are normally set up with insignificant fixings and don't include a lot cooking, or broad utilization of cooking gas. Insignificant Equipment – the pickle making measure requires negligible hardware, confined distinctly to the vessels used to blend the fixings and marinate the pickle and containers to store it in. While making pickle on an enormous, mechanical scale will require different machines like a cutting machine, pickling machine or pickle blending machine, huge compartments to store the pickle for it to marinate and ultimately containers to fill the pickle into for conveyance and retail promoting. Insignificant Space – the pickle making business needn't bother with a huge space or territory and can be set up in more modest regions as well, without
influencing the quality. Truth be told, a great deal of pickle making organizations start from the kitchens of the business people. Hopeful business people who need to get going on a more limited size and afterward extend their business, can work from their homes as well or from a little space or an extra room. Insignificant Investment – the pickle making business doesn't need a lot of speculation since the requests of the business are negligible. Lion's share of the costs for the business incorporate buying of fixings and advertising the business. The other cost incorporates procuring the licenses and enlistments important to maintain the business. Ideal For Women Entrepreneurs – regularly hopeful ladies business people have the energy however need business thoughts that can be sought after contemplating their preferring, their qualities and achievability. The pickle business is ideal for ladies business people who need to build up themselves and start their own free business. The most effective method to begin a pickle business The pickle business Marketing has various benefits and is an incredible business opportunity for business visionaries to investigate. In any case, the main inquiry that business visionaries face is the way to begin a pickle business, what are the fundamental prerequisites for beginning the business and which licenses are required to begin and maintain the business. The pickle business doesn't need a lot of readiness already, in any case, the couple of essentials for beginning the business incorporate Licenses And Legal Formalities Before you ask yourself how to begin a pickle business, you need to comprehend the essentials. Licenses, grants and enlistments are regularly compulsory to maintain a business. They help furnish the business with a legitimate personality and a construction just as specify rules and guidelines with which to work the business. The licenses needed to begin a pickle business incorporate FSSAI FSSAI or Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is a self-governing body set up under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. It is liable for ensuring and advancing general well being through the guideline and oversight of sanitation and administers the food nature of the items sold on the lookout. FSSAI is a required enlistment/permit for business substances that take part in food and related exercises. Practically every bundled item accompanies an endorsement and number from FSSAI that ensures quality in item. Grant should be taken dependent on the yearly turnover of the business and for the equivalent, the FSSAI agenda can assist with settling on the choice. Contingent upon the turnover and the areas and markets to which the items are showcased and sold, the business people need to apply for a permit or enlistment. The agenda assists with concluding whether to apply for a permit or enrollment. The FSSAI enlistment specifies the conditions and conventions for assembling and bundling the items keeping a norm and sterile method, in this way guaranteeing that the business produces quality items. A FSSAI permit, aside from guaranteeing quality and security principles, draws in countless clients by adding trust and trust in purchasers about sanitation and cleanliness. Likewise, while hoping to disseminate the pickles to other retail locations, staple shops and stores, the FSSAI permit makes a positive standing for the items and in this way helps sell them. the most effective method to begin a pickle business Shop Act Shop act permit applies to shops working inside as far as possible. The Shop Act enrollment is intended to direct installment of wages, long stretches of work, leave, occasions, terms of administration and other work states of individuals utilized in the pickle shop. Shop Act is a required enrollment and it is obligatory to show the Shop Act report in an unmistakable spot in the business premises. Retail outlets including the pickle business, arranged inside as
far as possible need to apply for the Shop Act enrollment. Different licenses relevant to the business are GST enrollment, Udyog Aadhaar enlistment and business substance enrollment. These are valuable for the pickle business. The GST business has a uniform tax collection structure for the business, regardless of whether the items are provided across State borders. The Udyog Aadhaar gives acknowledgment to the business as a MSME (miniature, little, and medium) undertaking and gives a few advantages to the enlistment holders as well. The determination of a specific business element offers explicit highlights to the pickle business. These licenses are required when beginning the pickle business. Statistical surveying And Strategy A pickle Marketing business is not difficult to begin and run in light of the fact that the pickle making method is direct, the hardware and space required being negligible and the speculation required additionally be insignificant. This implies that there will be a few comparative organizations on the lookout and to succeed, it is critical to consider the market, concerning how different items are valued, their bundling, and how they are moving toward the clients or the market. In like manner, the business people can plan approaches to remain in front of the rivalry by zeroing in on 2 principle measures the quality and valuing. The nature of the pickles should be high and consistently kept up each and every time and furthermore the fixings to pickle can be picked cautiously, to such an extent that they are one of a kind from different pickles and structure the USP of the business. The valuing of the pickles too should be cutthroat, anyway guaranteeing that the business doesn't run in a misfortune attributable to it. The bundling of the items is likewise significant and should be possible in alluring, solid holders or containers guaranteeing the quality remaining parts flawless and furthermore the fixings and its medical advantages can be unmistakably shared on the bundling. Since you realize how to begin a pickle marketing business, you need to consider other essential components like a field-tested strategy and capital venture. Subsequently, the pickle business is an incredible, productive chance for business visionaries and requires not very many fundamental things abilities and customs to begin the business, which can be acquired through help from ex
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circlebranch-pork · 2 years
Things You Should Know About Fresh Fruit Chutney
Have you ever come across chutney recipes made from apples, pears, pumpkins, plums, and other fruits and vegetables but haven't used them simply because you're not quite sure what they are? It's time to learn more about this spicy condiment and add it to your favourite dishes.  
Fresh Fruit Chutney is the easiest way to diversify the tastes of familiar products. They are easy to get carried away and buy a whole bunch in the store. But before that, it is better to figure out what sauces are and which of them are useful. 
You can prepare these fresh fruit Chutney at home, but most will take a long time to mess up. So, in that case, people prefer to buy them. Buying sauces in the store is more convenient. 
Benefits of sauces
Usually, sauces are products with a rich composition and bright taste. Like Cranberry chutney, it is so popular now.  
They contain a lot of spices/salt/oil, so they can be eaten in small quantities or added to other dishes. When overeating, even the most natural product will cause harm, everything is good in moderation.  
If you also love this, then hurry up and find Cranberry chutney for sell now. 
In small quantities, in the absence of contraindications, natural sauces will not cause harm. They will make the taste of dishes brighter & saturate the body with vitamins. For example, in homemade ketchup, there are many useful tomatoes- herbs, and plums. Sauce based on yogurt is useful for digestion & micro flora. And natural mayonnaise perfectly nourishes and is suitable for those who suffer from a lack of weight. 
When choosing fresh fruit chutney, pay attention to the integrity of the package & the shelf life. Next, study the composition. It is better to give preference to sauces that are stored for a short time & contain a minimum of additives, preservatives, etc. 
If you want to get some fresh chutney, then visit circlebranchpork.com now!
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Fruit similar to mango
Mangoes are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They grow naturally in tropical regions and are typically eaten raw, either cubed or pureed. Mango are also stir-fried and used in chutneys and fruit preserves. The fruits are sweet and juicy, with creamy, perfumed flesh. Mangoes are increasingly available year-round in grocery stores in the U.S., but if you can't find them there are some alternatives, which are also useful for people who are allergic to mango. 
Peaches have their own distinctive flavor and perfume but in terms of color and texture, they are the best fruit to pinch hit for mango in both raw and cooked form. Use ripe peaches instead of mango in just about any recipe, from fruit salsas and fruit salad to baked goods and smoothies.
Nectarines are also similar in color and texture to mangoes, if a bit firmer. Nectarines are less perfumed than peaches but otherwise closely aligned, being a cross between a plum and peach. They can be used in salads, smoothies and baked goods.
Papaya is another tropical fruit with firm flesh in shades that range from yellow to red. Papaya is sweet and has a mild melon-like perfume. It makes a good substitute for mango in any dish where a tropical note is needed, such as fruit salads, sangria and fruit punch and other mixed fruit dishes. Papaya can be cooked but as a substitute for mango, it works better raw.
Apricot makes for a good mango substitute, particularly in juice and pureed forms. Apricots have a similar color and texture to mango plus a strong fruity scent. Apricots stand up to cooking particularly well -- heat enhances both their texture and their taste, so apricot is a particularly good choice when adjusting recipes for baked goods such as upside-down cake. Apricots also work well in the stir-fry dish known as mango chicken.
Cantaloupe and other melons can work in place of mango in fruit salads, salsas and smoothies. The texture of melon is not as velvety as mango and its flavor is brighter. Cantaloupe is usually consumed raw and thus should be used only as a substitute for uncooked mango.
Although their flavors are not particularly akin to one another, bananas can be substituted for mangoes in mixed fruit dishes. They also work well in smoothies, as bananas provide a creamy texture note similar to that of pureed mango.
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klfreshkochi · 3 years
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What types of items does KL fresh offer?
KL Fresh is a website where you can buy fresh groceries online. It offers the highest-quality vegetables, fresh fruits, pure spices, snacks, meat and fish, and nutritious dairy products. The most important factor is customer happiness. KL Fresh only sells regular items. Their services include the delivery of fresh food, tastes, and other items. Customers' convenience is taken into account when they provide products. Kochi's KL Fresh is a well-known online food store. The following are the key product categories:
●     Fruits and vegetables
●     Grocery
●     Organic
●     Snacks
●     Meat and fish
Fruits and vegetables:
There are five categories under these fruits and vegetables.
Fresh fruits - It consists of fresh fruits such as apples, orange, coconut, lychee, plums, banana, avocado, guava, sapota, grapes, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi, etc
Fresh vegetables - Onion, carrot, chili, cabbage, capsicum, bitter gourd, broccoli, celery, cucumber, tapioca, potato, curry leaves, beans, cauliflower, etc.
Exotic fruits - Blueberry, gooseberry, cherimoya, apple fruit, passion fruit, kiwi, etc
Exotic vegetables - Bajji chili, Chinese cabbage, capsicum, leeks, radish, broccoli, cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, baby corn, mushroom, etc
Cut vegetables - Peeled garlic, peeled ginger, peeled onion, sambar vegetable mix
Microgreen - Radish China Rose, radish white microgreen, mix microgreen, sunflower microgreen, mustard microgreen, etc
The products come under grocery items is
Beverages, millets, rice, dry fruits, chutney powder, oil and ghee, dry fish, ready to cook, egg, coconut products, pulses, spices, flours, pickles, cereals, vinegar, health, and personal care.
The category under these organic items are
Beverages, sugar and salt, dry fruits, chutney powder, spices, flours, rice, vinegar, millets, pulses, oil, and ghee, cereals
The main snacks are chips, mixture, banana, biscuits, jackfruit chips, etc. The dry fruits in Kochi are the most sale snacks items from this category.
Meat and fish
This category includes all the meat items and fish items like
Fresh Chicken Curry Cut, Neymeen Oli / Seer Fish, Chemballi / Red Snapper, Earl / Emperor / Sheri, etc
Grocery shopping online has become very popular in recent years. Why do people shop on the internet? It's a significant question. Online grocery stores, like traditional supermarkets, provide a wide range of products. There are also over 1000 brands to choose from, making it simple to find what you're looking for. It's also simple to order things from the comfort of your own home. When we order a few items, we can expect delivery within hours. All of the ordered items are conveniently delivered to our front door. All of the requested items will be thoroughly examined. Natural herbs can be purchased in Kochi.The defective items will be returned, with the option of an exchange or refund. The main benefit is that it saves time. You must place your order at your leisure. In addition, the online grocery store has a plethora of specials and incentives. Customers will benefit greatly from this. Bodycare, fresh coffee, reusable shopping bags, cheese, deli meat, produce, bulk foods, and frozen foods are the most popular items in the online grocery store. Grocery shopping online has become popular as a convenient way to work from home. If people continue to work from home, the demand for internet shopping will rise. When it comes to the commercial side of things, internet grocery sales have surged by 70% during the pandemic. Another advantage is that the digital payment system is more secure than cash-on-delivery.
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zionblogshoney · 3 years
Medical Uses of Himalayan Honey
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Mad honey is made by bees living in hives when they are fed a particular type of pollen. When bees are fed pollen from rhododender plants the honey can be quite potent. quite an impact. It's also known as mad-honey and is usually an orange-yellow-green color and a rather bitter taste. It's present in small quantities in several Rhododendron varieties, such as Rhododendron luteum (and Rhododendron Pachidermatum). It is important to avoid mad honey.
This interesting honey can be found in cranberries and plums in plums, strawberries and other fruits. It's made by bees that eat a particular type of plum called rutabaga. A particular kind of plum called"rutin" has high levels of this chemical. Rutin is among the most potent antioxidants in nature. The high levels of tin in this special plum may be the reason its so beneficial for you.
Honey bees make honey in response to floral signals. In other words mad honey isn't a random sweet treat produced by some cute little bee. Bees make use of floral nectars as a source of food. They take nectar from flowers and create nectar to feed their bees. Once the process is completed they can then create huge quantities of honey that match the amount you get from eating a few pounds of Ice cream.
It's so delicious! It is believed that tiny amounts of mad-honey found in flowers react with enzymes present in plants to impart its flavor. Researchers believe that this specific type of enzyme is responsible for the incredible color range of mad honey. Many kinds of insects are recognized to have distinct "flavors" of nectar, such as dragonflies, butterflies, ladybugs, and flies.
Mad honey is not only delicious, but it's also healthy for you. It's actually an antioxidant that is extremely powerful. Antioxidants can combat free radicals within your body. Free radicals can harm your health and can cause cancer. A specific chemical known as rhodopsin is thought to be the culprit behind this. To get the maximum benefits of this antioxidant, it is necessary to consume very small amounts over a lengthy period of time.
There's a second benefit to using mad honey that it can assist you to eliminate hallucinations. In traditional treatment, hallucinations are brought on through large doses or stimulants. It is possible to reduce hallucinations by consuming small amounts regularly of mad honey. However, it doesn't mean you have to consume a lot to eliminate your hallucinations.
The locals in India are famous for their love of mad honey. Bali chutneys are sweet drinks made of juices from fruits. Locals make bali chutneys with it. They also make sweets for special occasions such as Onam and Diwali. Mad honey is considered an omen of happiness and all the good in life by a lot of Indians. Locals believe that a little amount of honey can bring you closer to your beloved one. Locals believe that adding a little milk to a glass can help you to fall in love.
Mad honey has been used in Eastern Europe for centuries. It is now gaining popularity as a health supplement in countries like the US, Canada, and Western Europe. Although there is no evidence linking mad-honey to cancer or other illnesses it is essential to be aware of the healing properties of honey, no https://www.himalayanhoney.com/blogs/himalayan-honey/healing-honey-from-the-mountains-of-nepal matter if it is natural honey or mad honey.
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Fall Harvest and Bulb Buying
“Tickle it with a hoe and it will laugh into a harvest.”  English Saying
 Every September I think about two major garden projects that transpire throughout the autumn season: harvesting and bulb buying.
 Fall boasts a spectacular bounty of pears, Asian pears, grapes, apples, tomatoes, tangerines, blackberries, walnuts, kiwis, and more. The last of the peaches and nectarines are being picked while festivals celebrating the end of the fruit and vegetable collections transpire throughout the next two months across the United States. 
 We also kick off fall by thinking about what bulbs we’ll want to plant for spring. Alliums, daffodils, tulips, crocus, hyacinths, iris, snowdrops, muscari, and fritillaria top the lists of many gardeners. 
 Let’s get started on this month’s workload! 
 Fruit and Vegetables
 What do we do with all the produce that is harvested? Besides eating your fruits and veggies fresh and raw, autumn is a plum time for canning, freezing, pickling, and drying the season’s extra yield to enjoy during the winter months when “fresh-picked” is not possible. Use a dehydrator to dry apples, peaches, tomatoes, and pears. Put grapes into an ice-cube tray, add water, and make grape cubes that are pretty and delicious in drinks. After cooling, freeze batches of various fruit sauces that have simmered in a pot with a dash of salt, sugar, honey, and/or vinegar. For canning and pickling, check online sources for simple recipes and make sure to follow the safety requirements. Making jams, jellies, pies, and chutneys is easy and fun, especially when you involve the kids. Next to Christmas, harvest time was always a favorite family experience when I was growing up.  
 Although my vegetable garden did not return the abundance I had anticipated for the year, my fruit trees overcompensated. I’ve been slicing crunchy apples into salads, sauces, compotes, soups, and making crumbles, pies, and crisps. Peaches or nectarines with fresh cream is one of my favorite breakfast treats. For a refreshing and invigorating weekend cocktail that I call Sunday Sensation, try this beautiful and delicious combination. It can be made with or without alcohol.
 Sunday Sensation
In a clear pitcher, muddle cut pieces of peach and nectarine. Add slices of an orange, tangerine, and Meyer lemon. Stir in a shot glass of Campari or Aperol for an alcohol infused drink, add ice cubes, and top with sparkling wine or Champagne. For a virgin sensation, use a cup of orange juice topped with sparkling water or apple cider. Garnish with sprigs of basil and mint leaves. 
 While you are enjoying your Sunday Sensation, it’s time to contemplate the bulbs and rhizomes you’ll plant this fall for a spring showcase. Bulbs can be planted mid to late fall in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Daffodils can be planted anytime and anywhere. They are especially great in areas where deer roam as the deer are repelled by them. There are so many varieties of tulips for early, mid-season, and late blooming that it may be best to peruse bulb catalogs to get an idea of the specimens that speak to you. All tulips will need six weeks of refrigeration before planting so it is doubly critical that you decide on what to buy now. For rock gardens and borders, you may be thrilled by Water Lily tulips that naturalize when left undisturbed. When you want exotic-looking tulips, consider the flamboyant Parrot or Peony flowering tulips. If you want to force flowering, single or double early tulips are the most well-known as well as Species and Triumph tulips.
 Forcing How-to:
Plant bulbs in well-draining pots in October, place them in the dark for 12-14 weeks while chilling at 35-45 degrees Fahrenheit. Gradually move pots to filtered sunlight to allow sprouting and acclimation. Water as needed. 
 Ponder the Pollinators:
Happy bees stay in our gardens helping nature thrive. By planting bulbs in colors most attractive to the bees­­­­––blue, purple, white, and yellow––fresh food is provided for them after winter when they need it most. The best bulbs for bees are allium, anemone, camassia, corydalis, crocus, fritillaria, Galanthus, hyacinths, muscari, tulips, and scilla. 
 Best Way to Plant Large Quantities:
Most people plant bulbs in groups of five to seven spaced six inches apart and buried four to five inches deep. However, if you want to create a bold and beautiful impact with large swatches of color, try trenching. You can mix bulbs or use one variety or one species.
 Dig a long five-inch deep (or whatever depth the bulb packaging indicates) trench wherever you want to make your floral statement. It can be straight or made into a circle or pattern. Add soil amendments if your ground is clay and hard. Arrange a minimum of a hundred bulbs with the pointy side up. Cover area with soil and mulch. Water, wait, and WOW!
 After blooms fade in the spring, cut the flower stalks to allow the bulbs to conserve energy for the next year while the foliage continues to flourish. 
 Hose Repair:
Every time I or my siblings telephoned my Mom during a summer or fall day, the first words out of her mouth were “I’m busy. I’m pulling hoses.”  That line became a code sentence for us whenever we were doing manual labor that others may not think was important, but what was critical to us. This past summer, to save water by not turning on my irrigation system, I found myself pulling actual hoses daily. By spot watering, I was able to water deeply and accurately, but it was arduous work pulling those heavy hoses. Several tore or broke during the process and I mended them, giving them new life. I have always repaired frayed or cut hoses and figured everyone repaired theirs when necessary. But then I saw a couple of hoses in the recycle bin area of a client’s yard with new hoses sitting next to the front faucets. They didn’t realize that hoses are easily repaired with inexpensive parts. If your hose is damaged, head to the hardware store to buy either a female or male coupling. If your hose is broken in the middle, you can buy a connector. Cut off the damaged hose part with a shear or sharp knife. Use a Philipps screwdriver to open the connector. Push the new female or male plug into the hose and tighten the connector with the screwdriver. Test the hose. It will be good as new. I tend to use more female couplings than males, so I always buy extras.
 Tickle your garden with a hoe and you’ll have a great harvest. Come visit me at the Pear and Wine Festival in Moraga at the Be the Star You Are!® charity booth on September 25th and pick up some free goodies. Laugh on!
Saturday, September 25th, Be the Star You Are!® will participate in the first live event at the Pear and Wine Festival with a booth sponsored by the Lamorinda Weekly(www.Lamorindaweekly.com) and MB Jessee painting (www.MBJessee.com). Wear your mask and visit us! Details at https://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of-events
  Happy Gardening. Happy Growing. 
Photos and more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1515/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian.html
 Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is available for hire to help you prepare for your spring garden. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com.
Buy copies of her books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store. Receive a FREE inspirational music DVD and special savings.
Hire Cynthia for writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures.
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foxgambling694 · 3 years
Hemingway A Moveable Feast
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Hemingway A Moveable Feast Quotes
Hemingway A Moveable Feast Quotes
Hemingway A Moveable Feast Pdf
Hemingway The Sun Also Rises
Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast Joseph Roth, The Radetzky March OTHER NYRB CLASSICS OF INTEREST A Time to Keep Silence Patrick Leigh Fermor Between the Woods and the Water Patrick Leigh Fermor (introduction by Jan Morris) Roumeli: Travels in Northern Greece Patrick Leigh Fermor (introduction by Patricia Storace) Mani: Travels in the Southern. The two men discuss Hemingway’s writing, and the fire-eater suggests to Hemingway that the fire eater tell Hemingway stories for Hemingway to write out, and that they split the profits. Hemingway pays for the meal and leaves, saying he will see the fire-eater soon. About The Book “There is never any ending to Paris and the memory of each person who has lived in it differs from that of any other.” —Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast Ernest Hemingway’s classic memoir of Paris in the 1920s remains one of his most beloved works. Ernest Hemingway: A Moveable Feast. Steve Newman Writer. Ernest Hemingway, Cuba, 1960. Image: Abe Books. When you re-read A Moveable Feast today one can feel both the.
Season 8 premiered in November 2020 | Check your local listings.
Come along for a mouthwatering ride and catch the spirit of pop-up cooking with Moveable Feast with Relish. Australia’s top celebrity chef Curtis Stone, stand-up comedian and chef Alex Thomopoulos, and author and James Beard Award-winning chef Michelle Bernstein team up with some of the most innovative chefs and food artisans as they cook up a feast using the best seasonal ingredients and each region’s little-known food treasures. This season, follow along as Alex samples the best of New England cuisine, including an excursion to Martha’s Vineyard.
Sunset feast at the Beach Plum Inn in Martha’s Vineyard, MA, featuring acclaimed chefs, Jessica B. Harris and Jan Buhrman and hosted by Alex Thomopoulos.
Episode Descriptions:
Episode 1: Seattle, Washington
Explore the Pacific Northwest as Moveable Feast with Relish travels to Seattle to get a memorable taste for the region known as Cascadia. Host Curtis Stone jumps aboard a seaplane with Chef Tom Douglas as they head to Coupeville on Whidbey Island. Chef Tom is the winner of three James Beard Awards, and together with Chef Renee Erickson, they are a driving force behind the food scene in Seattle. First stop: a visit to Penn Cove to see where mussels grow in what’s considered the best environment in the region. Next, we meet up with Georgie Smith of Willowood Farm, which is one of the most painted and photographed farms in the Pacific Northwest. With their ingredients in hand, the chefs then collaborate on the creation of a true regional feast that includes steamed mussels; a spiced mussel and saffron soup; and a grilled whole salmon with Walla Walla onions and fava leaves.
Episode 2: Taos, New Mexico
Experience the rich history of Taos, New Mexico as Moveable Feast with Relish samples this mountainous region’s native ingredients. Host Curtis Stone meets Christopher Lujan, who grows ancient heirloom blue corn, highly prized by indigenous cultures, in the high-elevation mountains of Taos Pueblo. Curtis also pays a visit to Romero Farms, known for growing everything from oats to heirloom varietal chilies. All of these ingredients then come together with the help of Chef Andrew Horton and Chef Chris Maher, owner of Taos’ well-known Cooking Studio Taos, as they serve-up the best of New Mexican cuisine which includes beautiful blue corn cakes; local lamb tacos; and a flavorful green chili stew.
Episode 3: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Settled at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Santa Fe, New Mexico is home to a culinary scene of mixed influences and Southwestern flavors and ingredients. In this episode of Moveable Feast with Relish, Host Curtis Stone is joined by Chef Martín Rios, co-owner of Santa Fe’s award-winning Restaurant Martín, and Chef Leslie Chavez, who also has a strong background in catering and pastry in New Mexico. Together, they visit The Rooted Leaf and Celestial Bee, a farm that produces exquisite bee honey and fresh, highly cared-for produce. They also visit a local chile farmer to see how Chimayo chile, a local heritage pepper, is dried and ground. At a colorful hacienda in Santa Fe, Chef Rios makes rosemary-roasted turnips and Chef Chavez makes a sopaipilla with the locally sourced honey.
Episode 4: Carmel, California
Visit the charming seaside town of Carmel, California for this episode of Moveable Feast with Relish. Host Curtis Stone joins Michelin-starred Chefs Justin Cogley and James Syhabout as they forage for seaweed at low tide along the area’s iconic 17-Mile Drive. They then travel to a vineyard in Carmel Valley that specializes in Pinot Noir and learn how its exquisite estate-grown wines benefit from the land’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean. An intimate feast is then prepared at Aubergine at L’Auberge Carmel, where Chef Cogley serves as executive chef. Topping the menu are dishes that feature the locally sourced ingredients: foraged seaweed and vegetables; farm-raised rack of lamb; and Monterey Bay abalone.
Episode 5: San Luis Obispo County, California
In this episode of Moveable Feast with Relish, Chef Curtis Stone heads for San Luis Obispo County, where he jumps into the waters of Morro Bay Oyster Company, known as a hub for oyster farming since the early 1900s. Curtis is joined by internationally-known Chefs David Rosner and Sherry Yard to source local Pacific Gold oysters. Then they head to Rutiz Family Farms, followed by a trip to a local vineyard. Together, the chefs then prepare a grand feast set against the backdrop of the region’s most spectacular volcanic peaks. On the menu are SLO County-sourced ingredients prepared in a variety of ways: raw oysters served with chili and ginger granita; grilled yellowtail tuna and fennel accompanied by roasted oysters; and a dessert of caramelized fennel and fruit strudel a la mode.
Episode 6: Puerto Rico
Chef Michelle Bernstein heads for Puerto Rico, stopping first at Frutos del Guacabo, which provides some of the highest quality fruits and vegetables to chefs in 160 hotels across throughout the island. Michelle also makes a trip to Tommy Forte Seafood Market, known for selling everything from swordfish to shark. Michelle is then joined by Chef Kevin Roth, who combines his love for Puerto Rico with a passion for barbecue, along with Chef Ventura Vivoni, who makes art out of local ingredients. Fresh fruit is used in courses throughout the feast, and a variety of seafood is prepared along the way.
Episode 7: Portsmouth, NH
This week on Moveable Feast with Relish we’re in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to throw a party with James Beard Award nominee Chef David Vargas, known for dishing up some of New England’s best Mexican cuisine, and Chef Will Myska, celebrated for bringing real Texas-style barbecue to the Northeast. Field trips include a stop at Maine Meat Butcher Shop to source local, organic, grass-fed meat, to Big Scott’s Local Grown to source a specialty heritage corn grown exclusively for Chef Vargas, and finally to Vernon Family Farm for pasture-raised chicken and to cook up a harvest feast over an open fire. On the menu: grilled Vernon Family Farm chicken; corn and fire-roasted pumpkin and apple stew; smoked lamb with root vegetable salsa and mezcal gastrique; and an Italian riff on Mexican street corn salad.
Episode 8: Boston, MA: The Food Project
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This week on Moveable Feast with Relish, we’re on the road in Boston, where a vibrant and diverse immigrant community is making a delicious mark on the food scene. Among those blazing a trail are multiple James Beard Award-nominee Chef Irene Li and fellow Chef Tamika R. Francis. It’s fall in New England, so the chefs source some of the best the season has to offer, including fresh cranberries and honey! Then it’s off to visit the incredible Food Project, an organization that grows some of the best produce right in the heart of the city, where the chefs also cook a New England feast unlike any you’ve ever seen. On the menu: scallion pancakes with cranberry chutney; braised spiced goat with celery root puree; roasted beet salad with herbs, and cranberry-tequila cocktails with rosemary and lime.
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Episode 9: Ogunquit, Maine
This week on Moveable Feast with Relish we’re in Ogunquit, Maine—a true natural wonder. Host Alex Thomopoulos joins two James Beard Award-winning chefs, Mark Gaier and Clark Frasier, whose restaurant, MC Perkins Cove, helped solidify Ogunquit as a culinary destination. The chefs source Maine's famous cold-water lobsters aboard the Finestkind with local lobsterman Goat Hubbard and pay a visit to Woodland Farms Brewery to source and sample some of the best beer in the region. Then it’s back to Mark and Clark’s private home, nestled in the woods, for an intimate lobster feast. On the menu: chilled lobster salad with tarragon vinaigrette; Maine mahogany clams with dark beer and fermented black beans; Thai-style grilled lobsters; and a wild blueberry tart.
Episode 10: Martha’s Vineyard: Menemsha
This week on Moveable Feast with Relish, we get an insider’s look at this culinary gem of an island, and its thriving farming community. Host Alex Thomopoulos joins two of the island’s great chefs: Jan Buhrman, who has also been voted pretty much “the best at cooking everything” by her fellow islanders, and James Beard Lifetime Achievement Award winner Jessica B. Harris. Field trips include a stop at The Grey Barn and Farm to sample some award-winning cheeses, and a tour of MV Mycological, a shiitake mushroom farm that combines ancient Japanese growing techniques with modern sustainable practices. With ingredients in hand, the next stop is the Beach Plum Inn, one of the most picturesque inns on the island, where our chefs prepare a truly memorable feast. Visual studio c programming. On the menu: leg of lamb with lavender and red wine; mushroom consommé with cheesy popovers; winter squash risotto; and a Grey Barn pear tart.
Episode 11: Martha’s Vineyard: North Tabor Farm
This week on Moveable Feast with Relish we’re headed to Martha’s Vineyard to experience a unique slice of life in a fishing village on this quaint New England island. Joining Host Alex Thomopoulos are two of the island’s favorite chefs, James Beard Award winner Chris Fischer, and Michelin-starred Chef Daniel Eddy. Field trips include a stop at Cottage City Oysters to source some incredibly sweet, briny oysters grown in deep, cold ocean waters. Then it’s off to the legendary Larsen’s Fish Market, where we’ll select fish from the freshest catch of the day. Then it’s time to harvest vegetables and cook up a succulent seafood feast at North Tabor Farm in their custom-made wood-fired oven. On the menu: wood-fired fluke with brown butter and oysters; a classic green salad with shallot vinaigrette; and potato and fennel gratin with green tomatoes and cilantro.
Episode 12: Boston, MA: Gibbet Hill
This week’s episode of Moveable Feast with Relish reveals Boston’s undeniable passion for creating truly epic feasts. Host Alex Thomopoulos is joined by two chefs credited with propelling Boston’s Italian food scene to new heights - James Beard Award-winning Chef Karen Akunowicz and the only Black chef-owner in Boston’s fine dining scene, Douglass Williams. Chef Akunowicz, a pasta guru, takes us to One Mighty Mill to source the secret to her award-winning pasta - local, fresh-milled wheat. Then it’s off to the picture-perfect farm Gibbet Hill for fresh vegetables. Finally, it’s time to cook and feast. On the menu: farro pappardelle with rabbit, figs, prosciutto and mushrooms; roasted duck with farm vegetables and golden raisin-poppy seed sauce; focaccia garlic bread; and blueberry-concord grape shortcakes with mascarpone cream.
Episode 13: Boston, MA: Courtyard
This week on Moveable Feast with Relish, Host Alex Thomopoulos meets up with two of Boston’s most innovative chefs, James Beard Award winner Chef Jamie Bissonnette and rising star Chef David Bazirgan. Field trips include a visit to Lookout Farm to harvest a fruit once reserved for the nobility, the Hosui Asian pear. Then it’s off to the pioneering Boston Smoked Fish to source their famous smoked salmon bacon. With ingredients in hand, the chefs head back to Chef Bazirgan’s restaurant, Bambara, to cook up a courtyard brunch. On the menu: smoked haddock with green papaya and apple salad; classic potato roesti with salmon bacon, cider-poached eggs, and harissa hollandaise; and an Asian pear and cranberry clafoutis.
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More from Moveable Feast with Relish
'For reasons sufficient to the writer,” wrote Ernest Hemingway in notes for a preface to his collection of about-to-be-posthumous Parisian fragments (a preface later pieced together by Mary Hemingway as if from Cuba in 1960), “many places, people, observations and impressions have been left out of this book”:
There is no mention of the Stade Anastasie where the boxers served as waiters at the tables set out under the trees and the ring was in the garden. Nor of training with Larry Gains, nor the great twenty-round fights at the Cirque d’Hiver. Nor of such good friends as Charlie Sweeny, Bill Bird and Mike Strater … It would be fine if all these were in this book but we will have to do without them for now.
This tactic of teasing the customer with the hint of splendors withheld—like Dr. Watson’s making us wonder about the untold Holmes adventure of the giant rat of Sumatra—was rounded off with another piece of coquetry, when “Papa” closed by saying:
If the reader prefers, this book may be regarded as fiction. But there is always the chance that such a book of fiction may throw some light on what has been written as fact.
This challenge may or may not have been intended as literal. But the first thing to say about the “restored” edition so ably and attractively produced by Patrick and Seán Hemingway is that it does live up to its billing, in that at last it gives us the Stade Anastasie and Larry Gains (a handsome black Canadian heavyweight now lost to history) and thus manages that fusion of food writing and pugilism that is somehow associated with Americans in Paris, and not just because of Papa and A. J. Liebling. The new story “A Strange Fight Club” is well worth having, too. It pictures Larry Gains’s Parisian opponent thus:
The new heavy weight was a local boy who had been employed carrying parts of carcasses in the stockyards until he had an accident which affected his reasoning power.
This capture of the elemental brutishness of boxing—and by one of its aficionados—does a good deal to reaffirm Hemingway’s sometimes mocked reputation as a master of the terse and muscular sentence.
There has always been much speculation about how much the redaction of A Moveable Feast is a product or consequence of its relation to the sequence of Hemingway’s marriages. It was largely written about his time with Hadley, touches on his defection to the arms of Pauline, and after his suicide was pasted together by Mary. If we make the common assumption that Mary desired to downplay her predecessors where possible (there is no way to write the lovely Hadley out of the script altogether), then this would furnish an explanation for the reappearance of two fragments in particular: the marvelous little study of Hemingway’s outings with his firstborn son, titled “The Education of Mr. Bumby,” and the intriguing episode “Secret Pleasures,” in which Hemingway writes with undisguised sexual excitement about the good and bad “hair days” that he shared with his first spouse.
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Hemingway A Moveable Feast Quotes
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The True Costs and Benefits of Fracking
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The Bumby pages are frankly sentimental but nonetheless somehow dry, while the little boy’s attempts to be a man in two languages, and to keep up with his father’s enjoyment of café society, are simply charming. (Once you have heard the proprietress of Shakespeare and Company grandly referred to as “Silver Beach,” you are doomed to remember her that way. And you will perhaps also recall Bumby’s announcement of what he has learned from his nanny’s husband, Touton: “Tu sais, Papa, que les femmes pleurent comme les enfants pissent?” A different version of Papa, to be sure, but one worth having.)
Even in this record of spontaneous innocence, however, the chance is not missed to take another sidelong whack at Scott Fitzgerald:
“Monsieur Fitzgerald is sick Papa?” “He is sick because he drinks too much and he cannot work.” “Does he not respect his métier?” “Madame his wife does not respect it or she is envious of it.” “He should scold her.” “It is not so simple.”
Again, there is nothing to complain of here in point of terseness and economy, but it sent me back again to that supremely unsatisfactory moment in the original collection, in the chapter titled “A Matter of Measurements,” when Fitzgerald invites Hemingway to lunch at Michaud’s restaurant and tells him: Todoist and siri.
“Zelda said that the way I was built I could never make any woman happy and that was what upset her originally. She said it was a matter of measurements. I have never felt the same since she said that and I have to know truly.”
By his own account, Hemingway thereupon leads the author of The Diamond As Big As the Ritz out to the men’s room, conducts a brief inspection, and reassures (or, to be more exact, fails to reassure) his pal that all is well, and that he’s looking down on his penis, literally and figuratively, rather than taking the sidelong perspective. I have never trusted this story, if only because—as Hemingway himself later admits—“it is not basically a question of the size in repose. It is the size that it becomes.” So, unless the viewing in the Michaud pissoir was of an engorged and distended “Scottie”—which it plainly was not—then Papa was offering Fitzgerald a surrogate form of consolation. And was then planning to write about it! (That Zelda was a lethal bitch who wanted her husband at least to fail and perhaps to die is for once not confirmed by another new inclusion, “Scott and His Parisian Chauffeur,” where she is pictured as behaving really quite gracefully under pressure and where the same Mike Strater whose absence was deplored in the original preface is also shown in a fairly good light on a train from Princeton to Philadelphia.)
I suppose that another way of betraying a friend of whom it’s thinkable that you were jealous, and who would, as it happens, do you the good turn of introducing you to an editor like Maxwell Perkins and a publisher like Scribner, would be to write about him thus:
Scott was a man then who looked like a boy with a face between handsome and pretty. He had very fair wavy hair, a high forehead, excited and friendly eyes and a delicate long-lipped Irish mouth that, on a girl, would have been the mouth of a beauty (italics mine).
All right so far, perhaps, even with that emphasis noted, but then: “The mouth worried you until you knew him and then it worried you more.” And this in the second paragraph of the first page of the chapter about his friend—the one he is later on bluffly cheering up about his sand-castle masculinity …
It might be trite to pick on the verb worried, but undue or conspicuous anxiety about such matters has been known to furnish a clue about the author himself, and Hemingway more or less forces one to contemplate this very contingency. The brilliance of the anecdote in “A Strange Enough Ending,” in which the author bids adieu to Gertrude Stein and her partner, is that it is almost the sound of the other shoe dropping after that rugged earlier moment in “Miss Stein Instructs,” in which Stein dismisses male homosexuality as truly and horribly unnatural. Hemingway writes,
I heard someone speaking to Miss Stein as I had never heard one person speak to another; never, anywhere, ever. Then Miss Stein’s voice came pleading and begging, saying, “Don’t, pussy. Don’t. Don’t, please don’t. I’ll do anything, pussy, but please don’t do it. Please don’t. Please don’t, pussy.”
As someone wrote about Dorothy Parker’s short story “Big Blonde,” the talent (I won’t say genius) here lies in getting the reader’s imagination to shoulder the bulk of the work. A pretty revenge, I dare say, if slightly and crudely rubbed in a few lines later when Miss Stein is described as resembling “a Roman emperor.”
And so to the excerpt that has continued to excite perhaps the most comment. Closing the original chapter in which Miss Stein expresses her loathing for male perversion, Hemingway writes that he went home to Hadley and “in the night we were happy with our own knowledge we already had and other new knowledge we had acquired in the mountains.” Read these words alongside the following lines originally excised from the restored chapter titled “Secret Pleasures”: “When we lived in Austria in the winter we would cut each other’s hair and let it grow to the same length.” Presuming these to have been the same mountains, or even perhaps assuming slightly different peaks, the whole concept of matching coiffureappears to Hemingway to have been almost unbearably exciting:
Hemingway A Moveable Feast Quotes
“If you don’t think about it maybe it will grow faster. I’m so glad you remembered to start it so early.” We looked at each other and laughed and then she said one of the secret things … “How long will it take?” “Maybe four months to be just the same.” “Really?” “Really.” “Four months more?” “I think so.” We sat and she said something secret and I said something secret back.
Hemingway A Moveable Feast Pdf
Gosh. And this, as some addicts will already know, is merely an amuse-bouche for the main course of another unfinished Hemingway effort, “The Garden of Eden,” at the end of which it seems that hair must be discarded altogether, and shaved heads become the sexual totem. Not even Adam and Eve went so far in their admission of guilt and nakedness, but perhaps a man whose mother once dressed him as a girl and trimmed his crop to suit, and crooned to him as “Ernestine,” had some old scores to settle in the androgyny column.
What is it exactly that explains the continued fascination of this rather slight book? Obviously, it is an ur-text of the American enthrallment with Paris. To be more precise, it is also a skeleton key to the American literary fascination with Paris (and contains some excellent tips for start-up writers, such as the advice to stop working while you still have something left to write the next day). There are the “wouldn’t be without, even if you don’t quite trust” glimpses of the magnetic Joyce and the personable Pound and the apparently wickedly malodorous Ford Madox Ford. Then there are the moments of amusingly uncynical honesty, as when Stein and Toklas met Ernest and Hadley and “forgave us for being in love and being married—time would fix that.” The continued currency of that useless expression the lost generation becomes even more inexplicable when it is traced to a stupid remark made by Gertrude Stein’s garage manager, and such quotable fatuity, however often consecrated by repeated usage, is always worth following to its source. Most of all, though, I believe that A Moveable Feast serves the purpose of a double nostalgia: our own as we contemplate a Left Bank that has since become a banal tourist enclave in a Paris where the tough and plebeian districts are gone, to be replaced by seething Muslim banlieues all around the periphery; and Hemingway’s at the end of his distraught days, as he saw again the “City of Light” with his remaining life still ahead of him rather than so far behind.
Hemingway The Sun Also Rises
NB: This book is best read or reread in the company of a beautiful book of photographs and quotations: Hemingway’s Paris, edited by Robert Gajdusek and published by Charles Scribner’s Sons in 1978.
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0 notes
ledwallioi · 4 years
We had plenty of business to discuss about with my friends
We had plenty of business to discuss about with my friends, so we didn't keep our eyes on the watch. It was probably for the better since Tante Alice has a rhythm of its own. You should not expect record-breaking serving speed. Food is prepared on order, so everything takes a bit of time. My appetizer came in just when I was starting to be hungry.
  Smell and sight are the first senses you use to evaluate your meal. Fresh cepes should have a very strong earthy odor and taste. Indeed they had. And their look was mouth-watering. My serving was voluminous, something of a surprise. Go to a restaurant in the French countryside and for the same price you would pay in Paris, Led Track Light Supplier they serve you three times the quantity of food. The portion I was eyeing was worth every dime I would pay for it.
  The proof of the pudding is in the eating. My cepes were savory, with rich tones of earth and wood. They were pan-seared to a light black, and as juicy as they should be. A sip of light, fruity red wine helped them go down in style. What a satisfactory start!
  The entree
  Our entrees came by not too long after we had wiped our plates clean.
  The pan-fried steak of duck liver is a French countryside delicacy. Recipes vary from chef to chef, but basically the cook dips the raw duck liver in flour, pans both sides in oil for less than a minute (the steak may not be burned); then sets the pan-fried steak aside, throws away the oil, pour a bit of raspberry or balsamic vinegar in the pan, and reduces it; then adds a base and a nut of butter, and brings this sauce to a short boil. The sauce is then spread over the steak.
  If prepared correctly with excellent ingredients, the steak of duck liver melts in your mouth. So much so you don't even have to chew it. Its refined taste can easily be overpowered, so it is served with light sides such as artichoke hearts, mango chutney, raisins and cooked apple slices, or dried plums.
  Tante Alice's chef has a very good hand, and her fried steak of duck liver lived up to expectations. Its taste was delicate, and it melted on the tongue with no chewy parts. The Chinon was a good choice to accompany it. Some people will prefer a white wine such as a Gewrtztraminer (a wine from Alsace), a Loupiac or a Sauternes (Southwest and Bordeaux wines, respectively).
  Dessert and check please
  To end up this satisfying meal on a cool note, I ordered 3 scoops of vanilla and coffee ice cream. The menu describes the vanilla and coffee flavors in such terms your curiosity cannot but be titillated. I was not to be disappointed: the coffee really tasted like coffee (not like licorice), and the vanilla had a very rich natural flavor. I had a double espresso to top it off.
  The check came to about 35 per person ($43), wine included. For such an evening feat, this price was very reasonable. The after-meal was perfect, no digestion problem. The products were fresh, and both our hostesses granted us the right amount of attention during the meal.
0 notes