#natso was so real for that
bibibbon · 2 months
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God, doesn't Endeavor's hellish life suck?
Yeah poor enji has to suffer so so horribly doesn't he (this is sarcastic btw)
In all reality the ones truly suffering here are his family and especially Dabi.
I have gotten previous asks perfectly breaking and analysing just how enji with all of his privilege can never actually understand the true hell Dabi is talking about and I 100% agreed with that. Another ask that I got also highlighted how Dabi ended up just like how Rei himura began and Iam so livid for the todoroki family.
The only one who got a small sense of justice was natsou who rightfully aired enji and is going to go and live a good life with his soon to be wife.
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Which four females would you have be a part of Team Natsu as his love interests?
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(❋•‿•❋) Erza's already a part of Team Natsu. I don't really need to explain why she's my top ship for Natsu. You can look up all my previous posts, and watch or read the series. They've got a great dynamic, and that's putting it lightly. Huzzah for Natza. (❋•‿•❋)
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Mira-chan is another delight. (❋•‿•❋) I wish the show did more with her, but after the early arcs and after Lisanna comes back, she's pretty much in the background. And still, she's Erza's rival, and perhaps most importantly, Natsu enjoys her cooking and she listens to him. Natsu and Happy's antics are no problem for Mira, and she usually gets a kick out of their shenanigans. Unless the moment's particularly serious or something. Plus, Natsu cares a lot about her, Lisanna, and Elfman. Wholesome NaMi~ \ (❋•‿•❋) /
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I'm a big fan of Ultear-chan. The only real reason she went down a dark path was because she was kidnapped as a child and forced to endure cruel experiments. Once you get through her evil arc, she shapes up nicely as a redeemed villain. She's usually got a maturity to her, but it is easy to chip away at that maturity and have goofy moments. In the series, she had some great comedic moments with Natsu 'cause of the early arcs. Overall, she'd get along great as a rival for Erza and Mira. She'd still be about atonement, but much of her Magic is pretty handy for reversing damage. (❋•‿•❋)
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Sorano-chan's role would be much different from the others. (❋•‿•❋) Everyone is so serious and powerful, but we all know Natsu (seemingly) misses all these romantic hints and isn't phased by perverted stuff. Sorano-chan would be like taking a anvil to the head when it comes to pervy stuff. Natsu would have no choice but to acknowledge it~ (❋•‿•❋) Huzzah for NatSo~
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crossroadsfossil · 3 years
Dating is hard when the three of you are famous
Summary: All Natsuo wanted was a date with his girlfriend and his boyfriend at the same time. He knew it would be difficult to actually go on real dates with them, especially around Valentine’s day and their busy schedules trying to fight each other into oblivion.
He just wanted a single date. That's all.
Tags: The rarest of OT3’s, The todorokis are disasters at dating, How to piss off dad in three easy steps, date his enemy, date his coworker, date the loud woman who would annoy the shit out of him, siblings reuniting, but not in a fun way, but not in a bad way
Prompt: First date, attempting to be sneaky in public but fails (your choice of ship/pairing)
“This seems like a bad idea,” Natsuo said, following his partners onto the train. His girlfriend looked over her shoulder at him, her brow raised. He ducked his head and felt his face turning hot. “I’m just… you’re confident we won’t be noticed?”
Rumi grabbed his hand, tugging him forward as they cornered Tomura against the wall. The two of them could effectively block him from view from the windows and the other riders like this, even though Rumi was several inches shorter than both of them. Hopefully, if anyone did look too hard and recognized one of them, it would hopefully either be Rumi or himself and not the wanted villain they were practically cuddled up to.
Honestly, this was all just a horrible idea. They were all varying degrees of famous. It was bad enough when he was the only journalist bait in previous relationships. He didn’t know how it would go with all three of them. He should have just gotten them their favorite takeout and gotten that new video game they were both eyeing. He could watch Rumi and Tomura destroy each other in co-op, or what was supposed to be co-op mode, despite the fact that both of them tended to turn any match into a PVP match. He wasn’t much for games, but he liked watching and teasing both of them.
The train pulled out of the station and his eyes caught on the brilliant displays of color, reminding him why he had even brought up the idea. It was a few days before Valentine’s day, something neither of his partners had ever really experienced. He had tossed the idea out there to gauge their interest and the way both of them had reacted, has been so keen on the idea… He caved. When you’re confronted by two pairs of pretty, ruby-red eyes, there wasn’t much a man could do.
Rumi elbowed him in the ribs, smiling up at him. Her grin was infectious and before long he was grinning back, especially as the train jostled him into both of them. Tomura grumbled out something about public transit, prompting Rumi to elbow him next.
Looking at the two of them, he felt the anxiety in his chest start to loosen. They seemed comfortable enough to joke around, and really, they hadn’t done a terrible with their disguises either. Rumi had done something to her ears and hair, rendering her ears shorter and almost mouse-like. With her hair, she had styled it into a pseudo-bob that looked more like witchcraft the longer he looked at her. She’d done something similar when meeting his mother, even though he said she didn’t need to bother. (Rumi had rolled her eyes at him, “I like my privacy as much as you like yours. I would rather the press nor your shithead of a sperm-donor know we’re dating, yeah?)
Still, how she managed to pull her hair up to make it looked like a bob seemed like magic. He almost wanted to ask.
“How the fuck did you do that with your ears and hair?” Shigaraki finally blurted out, and Natsuo smothered a laugh. He’d also been staring since they initially met up.
“I’ll show you the hair trick later. It’s something Yawara- Tiger from the Pussy Cats, showed me. It’s really useful. Same thing with the ears. It hurts after a few hours, but so do heels, so… Eh.” She said with a shrug, reaching up to tweak a lock of Tomura’s newly darkened hair. “I want to know if you actually dyed your hair or not?”
“Theoretically, No. Dabi did my hair. I have no idea what he did. It involved a powder and apparently, I need special liquid to wash it out.”
“It looks cute on you. Natsu?”
Natsuo shrugged and listened as the conductor said the name of the next station. “This is our stop.- I don’t know Rumi. It makes him look super young. I like his original shade more.”
Rumi laughed and elbowed him again as they got off the train.
“You’re such a suck-up. You’re lucky you’re cute.” She teased.
“Unlike you, Natsuo isn’t a cougar,” Tomura said and Natuso had to stifle another laugh as Rumi let out an affronted noise. The rest of the walk to the tiny restaurant was spent moderating the increasingly elaborate insults and making sure they didn’t draw too much attention.
It backfired, as they decided Natsuo was a much more entertaining target, and that their competition should instead be about who could fluter him the most. They were horrible enough that he was almost desperate to get into the restaurant and get their attention on food and alcohol and off of him.
The restaurant was a small one. It sat about five, maybe six people at the time and was wedged between a few other stores. It was one of those places that only neighborhood locals and extreme foodies knew about. Natsuo knew about it because some friends had dragged him here after the last midterm.
“Evenin’ Miyu-san!” Natsuo called out as he entered the shop, ducking under the noren. He ended up running into Rumi, who had run into Tomura.
“Tomura?” Natsuo asked, looking over to see what he was staring at. Two people sat at the far end of the bar.
Hawks, the number two hero, one of the few heroes besides All Might his dad had anything to say about, the hero that Rumi occasionally liked to have movies nights with, was sitting at the second to last seat of the bar. He stared back, noodles sliding off of his chopstick. Next to him and sitting in the last seat and against the wall, unable to escape, was Dabi.
Natsuo had seen him on television, but this close to the villain?
This close he realized who the fucker actually was.
Dabi tensed and was looking for a way out, although there was only one door. The one Natsuo was standing in front of. Natso rolled up his sleeves.
“You’re supposed to be dead!” He shouted.
After all was said and done, he learned several important facts.
One; Touya was still alive, Two; he apparently spooked Hawks, and Three; he wasn’t as rusty with his quirk as he thought he was.
Oh, and four: Tomura and Rumi thought manhandling was hot. He wasn’t sure what he awakened in them in his attempt to get to Touya, but judging by the hungry looks they kept shooting him and the request for some ‘experimentation’ with his quirk, well… He unlocked something.
A matter for another time. He needed to take care of a few things first.
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