#natjust arted
naxlevelnat · 2 years
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Telly Two-Time 38, he/him He’s a half dead monster that’s barely hanging on. A monster who could at one time split himself in two, lost half himself into the void. When his other half was killed in the Mafia ring (long story), his soul returned to the voided half. He is technically half dead, his body going completely inert for hours at a time. He was once a love interest of Sitka’s, but they think he’s dead. 
He is a upbeat kind of guy, always looking on the bright side of things, but he does have his moments of cynicism since he partially died, and will drop especially dark jokes now and then, and has a strange obsession with death. He travels the universes freely now, his machine body working as his device to traverse the rips in time and space. Being slightly voided, he can see things and interact with things that most normal living beings cannot. He’s still a pretty weak monster though, easily pummeled, haha
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naxlevelmodding · 6 years
Hey, just posting a link to a little quiet server I'm in on discord with some buddies looking to make some arty friends. Don't expect much, but if you wanna say hey or check on in you're welcome to!
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
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Let's explore a sky we've never seen before. 
 I wanted to try doing one of them artsy backgrounds, and play around with brushes :'D
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
Imagine Jevil wags his tail like a puppy if you pet him
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I dunno, I always saw him as more of a cat's tail swishing sort myself x'D
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
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I haven’t been posting much here, but have all this art of my oc Sitka.  Sitka, 40, they/them They are an oc I made for my friends Multitude AU where they are the kid of the mob boss, Maul. They are known for their cunning, manipulation, and speed. Their Mates Tch (short red) and Sha (tall blue), as well as the Universe itself belongs to @genniidrominda​ She’s awesome, go check her out, Sitka would not have existed without her <3
~~Story Beats Below~~
Sitka’s father Maul is a extremely corrupted Sans that broke himself in the process of giving himself the power in a universe within my friend’s AU. Through his travels he stole a Burgerpants from one of the Universes and proceeded to corrupt the MultiSwap universe until he was the one in charge of the Mafia. 
BP is his only semblance of sentimentality left from who Sans used to be, and he is now just Maul. At some point BP got pregnant, and had <Name Redacted> and tried to keep the kid hidden from Maul for as long as he could. Around age 5 is when Sitka stumbled in and finally met their father, who promptly renamed them to Sitka. 
Because Maul calls Burgerpants his “dame,” Sitka grew up calling BP their Mom. BP doesn’t seem bothered by it though. He is still Sitka’s Mom to this day, (and why I jokingly call BP Mommy haha) Ever since, Sitka has been seeking their dad’s approval. BP managed to keep them out of the mafia lifestyle up until they were 20 and he could no longer stop them from making their own decisions. Sitka fell hard into the lifestyle, and whatever normalcy they experienced before they joined was broken out of them. They grew a sick obsession with their father in their pursuit of his affections, and lovingly called him Daddy until recently.  Sitka spent 20 years in the mafia, building their skills and gaining a name for themself. They are extremely fast, their magic type being speed. This magic they they use to run and climb quickly like a cat, and also use in their claws to add more punch to their attacks. It looks like streaks of orange light that follow their strikes. They are fiercely intelligent, and good at reading others. 
They became Maul’s righthand thug, taking care of all the behind the scenes tasks like bookkeeping, banking, and interacting with the businesses under Maul’s ‘protection.’ They also spent a lot of their time on the field doing long cons where they infiltrated and gained the trust of their target before ultimately ending them or getting information out of them.  “There are no secrets from a bedded man.”  Their most recent task came up when an ex-mafia showed up. Tch who escaped while rescuing his younger brother, Sha, from the fighting ring, and left a lot of collateral damage in his wake years ago. Sitka was successful gain both men’s trust under the disguise of a teacher who meant well. Unlike the majority of their targets, Tch and Sha had actual compassion and demonstrated trust and respect towards Sitka that made bringing them in more difficult.  Ultimately, Sitka’s desire for their father’s approval won, and they brought just Tch in to him. Despite everything that Sitka did, it was never enough to make Maul actually see them. They were relegated to nothing the second Maul got what he wanted, and it broke their soul that they literally gave up a possibility at love for a man who wouldn’t even acknowledge them. Broken souled and seeing Tch tortured, they devised a complicated plan to get the guy out, with a heavy risk of killing themself in the process. Tch, though having been betrayed and tortured badly, still came around and reassured Sitka that he loved them, this sealed the deal. Their scheme made it out like Sitka had killed Tch and ultimately Maul blastered Sitka out the window. They only survived because they had put their soul in a gift Sha had given them, a small plush named Ka, that they had tossed elsewhere in the room before Maul showed up.  BP found his kid, found the stuffed toy, and reunited their soul with their crumbling body, before getting the then freed boys to come take Sitka away from their universe. Maul under the impression that all three were dead now meant none of them had to run anymore so long as they stayed out of the universe. In an attempted to regain his lost power, Maul tried to start tampering with the code of the universe again, but he is too corrupted to be able to make any major changes anymore. His only hope to ever gain full control lost because the only not corrupted strand of DNA was in his ‘dead’ child, Sitka. So long as Sitka never goes back, Maul lost most his power. They are devastated they can’t visit their mom or see their home, but they understand this is their burden.  Currently, Sitka is living with Tch and Sha in whitespace, with their friend Clk. Sitka has marked both men as their mates and they have a happy little hinge poly going. Sitka doesn’t know what they plan to do with their future, but they are dealing with losing their home, and starting to universe travel with their mates while they find themself. All they know is that only living a domestic home life is kind of boring, so they are definitely looking for their next big project. --And that is where we are currently in this RP. Yes, it has been a very exciting and complex roleplay that has been going for awhile. We have plans for the future, but nothing is set in stone yet, and right now Sitka is just learning who they are outside of the Mafia while drawing closer to their mates. :)
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
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Late here, but did you know there’s apparently a pocky day? 
11/11 who would have thought? Something quick I drew for it on twitter. 
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
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So I had no rebuttal to my friend. 
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Sans definitely owns a snuggie, and Papyrus probably bought it for him.
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
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Congratulations to all the ships that were fed on this day!  May we all live in harmony unlike our favs' love lives, apparently.
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
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I don't have to explain myself to you people. Cringe is dead, deal with Sans x Jevil. To the less then like 5 other people who also ship this, you're welcome.
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
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It's always late night discussions, when it's always dark out.
See how my images go from terrible doodles to finished pictures here (Speed Draw): youtu.be/ovn3o6iknUM
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naxlevelnat · 3 years
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So I was thinking about how Sans in Deltarune wanted Kris to hang out with his little brother, but said it would be weird if he was there when they did....and it got me thinking, is Papyrus a teenager in this game? In chapter 2 did Sans change his mind cause Kris is a little troublemaker?
Either way, have a new kid Papy!
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naxlevelnat · 2 years
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I've been wanting to make an Undertale / Deltarune oc for the longest time, but I kept hitting a wall with it. Finally, I think I have something here. I don't know jack about them yet, but meet my first concept for this paper monster!
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naxlevelnat · 3 years
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Finally, I can show you one of the large projects I took on recently! I got the honor of doing new cover art for the amazing in dev game, @AthenianRhapso1 ! A quirky RPG with tons of personality and really fun characters, please follow the game, I know it's going to be good!
You can wishlist it on Steam, or checked out the fully funded Kickstarter for updates!
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naxlevelnat · 3 years
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Getting a custom art mask, so I drew up an Iggy graphic for it! Something simple without much color.
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naxlevelnat · 3 years
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Had a bad day, just felt like drawing some OCs for a new wallpaper. 
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naxlevelnat · 4 years
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My entry for The Doll Fairy’s Avatar character design contest! If you want to check it out the link is here: https://youtu.be/xxn1znoyFfY I wanted to make a character type I didn't think would be common, so I went with a sandbender from the desert, like seen in the Library episode and some later on Korra episodes. When looking more into them, I saw (from wiki) that they bear a strong resemblance in dress and culture to the Tuareg people. So, I took some inspiration from them as well, namely with the blue colors, her face markings and the jewelry on her ankle.
Some info about my new Avatar Character -
Name: Iken (Tuareg name for Orderly or Tidy) Age: 35 Nation of origin: Earth 
Kingdom Current residence: Si Wong Desert Era: Aang Era
Is your character a bender?  If so, of which element?: She is an earthbender, but specifically sandbending like the SI Wong Tribes.
How/by who were they trained?: Her uncle, Aksil. (Tuareg name for Cheetah meaning strength and speed)
Special abilities: Great at blinding dust clouds.
Weapon(s): N/A
Combat style (if any): Pacifist.
Occupation: She's an explorer who unearths treasures lost to the sands. She has a traveling shop she sets up anywhere she can find other people.  
Personality: Iken is an absent minded woman who always has her thoughts on going back and exploring the endless vast of the desert sands. Intelligent and well prepared, she can make long journeys on rations most would find harsh. Iken has no interest in fighting travelers or stealing, being a pacifist and using her sand bending more often to provide cover to get out of bad situations. She is not completely innocent though, her shop has been known to house some frauds and fake jewelry from time to time.
Allies/Family/Friends: Her parents retired to Ba Sing Se when they got too old to keep up the desert lifestyle. Her uncle every resilient crosses paths with her now and then, fighting over the best finds as good natured rivals.
Backstory:  Born in the desert tribes of the Si Wong, she grew up envious of the beautiful treasures the bandits and scavengers brought back on their journeys into the sand. As she got older, she pleaded with her parents to let her head out with her Uncle and quickly got a taste for treasure hunting, finding little to no interest in pestering the travelers. When she became a young adult, she took on jobs with her Uncle up until she could afford her own sand-sailor. Once she had a ride of her own, there was no going back, Iken flew off into the sands and started following any leads she could get to this day.
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