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sudexro · 2 years ago
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For the last week, #France has descended into a #ThirdWorld nightmare of violence, death and looting.
Initially triggered by an incident involving the police and a known, habitual criminal, #MuslimImmigrant communities exploded in rage across big French cities.
France, a nation at the forefront of #WesternCivilisation, has never seen such widespread violence, rioting and savagery like it has experienced over the last week.
Entire #cities have been reduced to #war_zones, with an explosion of conflict along ethnic and religious lines.
After a few nights of lawlessness, local French patriot groups started patrolling the streets, confronting the #ImmigrantHordes.
The only areas affected by the #violence and rioting were those with large #ImmigrantPopulations.
In towns where the #NativeFrench make up the overwhelming majority of the population, there were #NoIssues.
Night after night, France was on the verge of civil war.
An endless stream of social media videos were posted in France showing horrific levels of #criminality.
Shops were being #destroyed, cars were set on #fire, animals were released from zoos, #WhiteFrench citizens were #attacked, and much more.
Overnight, France ceased to be a civilised, advanced European nation and looked more like a #FailedAfrican #BananaState.
Predictably, the media and the #politicians have tried to lay the blame for the conflict on social media posts, on kids playing video games, and almost anything else to distract from the truth.
The #truth is that mass immigration and #multiculturalism has debased France, reducing it to the level of a backward Third World state.
Decades of uncontrolled #mass immigration and #globalist policies has led to large immigrant #ghettoes across French cities where #segregation is rife.
Embracing the discredited far-left extremist ideology of 'multiculturalism' has turned France into a tinderbox of racial and religious #tensions.
#Nationalists have been #warning about these dangers for many, many years.
The French #government, led by president Emmanuel Macron, a committed globalist, has now taken the unprecedented step of turning off the #internet to stop embarrassing content from reaching the wider world.
French nationalists such as Marine Le Pen are surging in popularity thanks to the failed #policies of the French establishment.
It's not just France that is in serious #trouble, where society is fragmenting, and where a possible civil war looms on the horizon.
#Britain is in the same situation, but we are just a few years behind France when it comes to immigration and demographics. 
Many people in Britain believe that the current establishment immigration policies will lead to a #CivilWar.
No one wants that to happen, but if trends continue they way they have, it's almost #inevitable.
A scary and #Dark Future lies ahead of us.
It's #time to do something before it's too late.
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speakfrench101 · 2 years ago
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Ouah ça fait déjà 125 jours en continu que je fais des leçons de russe sur Duolingo ! Sur d'autres Apps aussi Tu as déjà essayé ? T'en penses quoi ? #repeatafterme #nativefrench #apprendrelefrançais #learningfrench #learnfrench #learnfrenchonline #frenchlanguage #frenchonline #frenchclasses #frenchlesson #lefrançais #studyfrench #parlerfrancais #jeparlefrançais #languages #frances #aprenderfrances #hablarfrances #frenchvocabulary #frenchwords #frenchpronunciation #frenchconversation #practicefrench https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg8QmGVpm4N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carrot-studies · 5 years ago
French Cultural Phrases?
Bonjour à tous! Je cherche une personne française qui peut m’aider avec mes devoirs - je ne comprends pas! Si tu peux m’aider, ça serait super! Merci m’envoyer un message!
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fremmedsprak · 8 years ago
20, 31, 32
20. how tall are you?
157cm (5′2)
31. 3 favourite boy names
Éli, Éloi, Étienne (i have a thing for names that start in é) (and yes they’re all french because #nativefrench) (AND SO MANY MORE!!!!!) (but éli is my absolute favourite oh and please with no “e” at the end) (OH SHIT I FORGOT AKSEL)
32. 3 favourite girl names
(okay that’s hard) Romy, Ophélie, Lily ???? for some reason i don’t like that many girl names ????
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speakfrench101 · 3 years ago
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Vendredi 8 juillet et j'ai déjà fini le Challenge de juillet ?! Comment c'est possible ça ? Une leçon le matin avant midi et une leçon le soir après 18h et c'est dans la poche ! #repeatafterme #nativefrench #frenchlearner #french #apprendrefrancais #learnfrenchonline #learnfrenchlanguage #frenchonline #apprendrelefrançais #frenchcourseonline #onlinefrenchcourse #studyfrench #frenchlanguagelearning #speakfrench #frenchtutor #frenchquiz #frenchlesson #frenchlessons #frenchteacher (à Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfvGVsnJlTx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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speakfrench101 · 3 years ago
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Tu as déjà observé un passeport britannique ? C'est écrit en français dessus ! Et lorsque tu visites un château 🏰 en Grande-Bretagne, tu as vu les armoiries ? C'est écrit en français aussi ! Pourquoi donc ? ➡️ ➡️Réponds-moi en commentaire C'est la même chose lorsque tu visites le palais royal à Stockholm en Suède... . . Je diffuse des scènes de la vie quotidienne avec du FRANÇAIS SIMPLE de tous les jours, pas du français qu'on trouve dans les livres d'école... Tu as des questions ou une demande ? ➡️ dans les commentaires Ou contacte-moi @speakfrench101 . . . Il suffit de répéter, c'est facile ! #repeatafterme #nativefrench #learnfrench #frenchlearner #french #apprendrefrancais #learnfrenchonline #learnfrenchlanguage #frenchonline #apprendrelefrançais #studyfrench #frenchlanguagelearning #speakfrench #frenchtutor #frenchlessons #frenchteacher https://www.instagram.com/p/CeZzdwHPKFE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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