#national mud pack day
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murderousink23 · 5 months ago
09/30/2024 is Orange Shirt Day 🇨🇦, Martyr's Day 🇨🇳, Blasphemy Day 🇺🇸, International Day of Podcasts 🇺🇸, National Chewing Gum Day 🇺🇸, National Hot Mulled Cider Day 🇺🇸, National Mud Pack Day 🇺🇸, International Translation Day 🇺🇳
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subby-sab · 5 months ago
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Today is 30th of September.
Today is International Podcast Day, International Translation Day, National Chewing Gum Day, National Mud Pack Day.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year ago
nation of two // oscar piastri
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summary: a camping trip in perth, and a set of missing sleeping bags brings together a pair of childhood friends in a way neither of them had quite anticipated
pairing: oscar piastri x female reader
warnings: lando being a little shit, wee lil' age gap (reader is a year and a half older than oscar is), general outdoorsy activities, forced teambuilding. for all intents and purposes, this is in the very beginning of lando and oscar's time as teammates and they don't know each other well yet.
authors note: I was so tempted to make this a fic for a different fandom but knew y’all would hate me if I started dropping top gun fics out of nowhere instead of the f1 goodness you’ve come to expect, and then this prompt was just so perfect for oscar and now here we are
the australian sun beat down as she trekked up the rocky hiking trail, rugged outdoor shoes digging into the dirt and mud beneath her feet. sweat soaked through the back of her concert shirt, her black bucket hat concentrating all of the sun's rays on her scalp.
"jesus, piastri! how much further?" she whined, taking oscar's outstretched hand and allowing him to pull her up the trail.
oscar laughed, looking over and grinning at how ridiculous she looked with her massive backpack and sweat stained shirt, the hot pink of her sports bra showing through the white fabric underneath the words 'duran duran'.
"don't be such a baby!"
"i'm older than you!" she shreiked, feeling the burn in her legs as she rested her weight on the younger boy. "carry me the rest of the way?"
"no! you have to get to the lookout yourself."
she groaned, rolling her eyes. "then where are lando and will? i'll sit in the damn wagon if i have to. how are you not winded?"
she hadnt planned to even be here. oscar had phoned her late the night before, asking if she would be up for a hike. she'd agreed, searching for a reason to get out of the house. it wasnt like she had anything better to do.
she'd known oscar all her life. in elementray school, they waited for the big yellow bus at the same stop, and were in the same homeroom for most of secondary school with oscar taking advanced classes for his age and y/n sinking down a level in maths, despite oscar's many absences. their mothers were in the same knitting club, and many a night teenage oscar would apologetically come to her house and collect his wine-drunk mother from the knitting circle. (despite it all, she loved nicole. how could she not, the woman was an icon)
"because i'm an athlete and you're out of shape?" oscar guessed jokingly, prodding at the cute pudge of her stomach.
the action gave her butterflies, a feeling in her stomach that wasn't welcome when thinking about the younger man she was leaning against.
they'd always been friendly. too friendly, some may say, eyebrows raising when people heard about the age gap. what did a sophisticated older woman want with oscar piastri?
it was simple: she liked stupid men with hearts of gold. and so far, nobody had compared to the 21-year-old. she was 22, so the gap wasn't even that bad.
and oscar didn't really think she was out of shape. he might joke, but that small bit of pudge on her stomach was so adorable, like a kangaroo pouch in his head, and he dreamed about the day he could cuddle up behind her and wrap his arms around it, skin to skin between cotton sheets.
"shut up." she whined, relieved that the group had finally stopped. she flung down her badly-packed and underprepared rucksack and slumped against it, pulling her hat over her eyes. it was getting cooler, though still humid, as the sun began to sink below the horizon.
"i think it's time we think about making camp." mark webber suggested, stretching out his old man limbs, tapping the giant stick he held as a walking aid against a rock. "this is as good a spot as any. lando, do you have the sleeping bags?"
"do i have the sleeping bags?" lando repeated jokingly. "what kind of muppet do you think that i am? of course will and i have the sleeping bags!"
the mclaren driver sidestepped towards the wooden wagon, dramatically ripping back the tarp on top to reveal the cardboard tent box (which had been duct taped back together so many times that it was more tape than cardboard) and the clusters of rolled up sleeping bags.
one by one, lando and will started tossing the bags at the hikers. in almost no time at all, everybody had a sleeping bag.
well, everybody except y/n.
"oi, orlando, what the fuck!" she shouted, deliberately getting his name wrong. "where's my stuff?"
not looking sorry at all, lando shrugged his shoulders, eyes hidden underneath the brim of his bucket hat. "i guess i miscounted."
"you didn't miscount shit." she glared at him, using both of her hands to flash the man her middle fingers.
lando stifled a laugh, looking over at oscar. "are you sure she's the older one?"
"lando, shove off." oscar defended before turning to her. "my sleeping bag is a double, we'll be just fine. as long as lando hasn't lost the second tent."
y/n chuckled darkly, using the rock behind her to push herself to her feet. "the tent is in my rucksack. there's no way in hell that i'm sleeping on the dirt floor."
"princess." lando coughed into his fist, hoping that neither oscar or y/n noticed.
see, lando norris had a plan. a plan that was formed out of one too many rom com nights with his girlfriend, and an impatience born from watching y/n and oscar run circles around each other like horny dogs too nervous to get to humping.
the way lando saw it, hiding the sleeping bag was just going to help that along.
"anyways, im heading out." y/n sighed, getting to her feet and brushing the leaves and twigs off her thighs. "you freaks better not follow me into the woods and watch me piss."
oscar watched her leave with a dreamy expression as she pushed branches out of the way, stumbling over tree roots and branches. he saw her loose her footing in the mud , scraping the side of her knee on the tree bark.
"you okay?" oscar shouted, ready to jump into the woods after her.
"i'm fine!"
when she came back from the woods, legs slightly scratched up from the way she stumbled, hat dangling from the chinstrap around her neck and her sweat-matted hair falling down her shoulders. oscar was setting up the tent, shirtless as he hammered the tent stakes in place. all in all, the tent was fairly well constructed considering that oscar had done it all himself.
"so, your new teammate is a jackass." she laughed. "who suggested this trip?"
"i did. against my better judgment." oscar rolled his eyes, straightening up at dusting off his hands before peeling back the zipper door to the orange tent. "welcome to my humble abode. ladies first, your highness."
"oh, shut up." she laughed, her face turning pink as she ducked into the tent.
it was a large space, backlit by the battery powered lantern from oscar's rucksack. the soft yellow lighting made their shadows dance as she sat down on the double sized sleeping bag, unsure of what to do next.
they hadn't shared a bed since they were sixteen years old on a joint family trip to fiji and they had been so drunk that they fell asleep together on a sun lounger.
it's okay. you can do this.
"can i have the right side?" she asked timidly as oscar followed her in, zipping up the door behind him.
"knock yourself out." oscar said, avoiding eye contact as he reached into his backpack and passing her a bag of cheetos.
the proximity and the rising heat in the tent was starting to make him uncomfortable. no doubt he was also thinking about the sun lounger.
"i'm glad that you came. i missed spending time with you, y/n."
she laughed, popping the bag open and cursing when she spilled orange cheese dust on her leg. "me too. i've been at a loss lately. a crossroads, if you will. this is exactly what i needed to get out of my head."
"remember what mark said? leave your problems at the bottom of the mountain!" oscar laughed. "just put one foot in front of you and keep moving.''
she grinned, popping a crispy cheeto into her mouth. "easier said than done when thinking about the future paralyzes you."
oscar moved his body along the sleeping bag so that he was sitting directly next to her, his thigh touching hers. the sleeping bag took up most of the floor space, neither of them wanting to lean back, lest they cause the whole tent to topple over.
the feeling of his skin against hers made the hair on her arms stand up, goosebumps following in its wake.
"you'll figure it out. i know you will. have some faith in yourself."
the way the led lantern highlighted every pore, every contour of his skin should have been reserved for the film crew on fifty shades of grey. he looked so breathtaking in the dark that it had just that effect: taking all of her breath away. she felt like she'd been hit in the lungs, unable to think about anything except the greek god in front of her.
and she was going to have cheeto breath when she kissed him.
outside the tent, their silhouettes danced in the half light as she leaned towards him, lips moving to whisper something inaudible but that the aussie seemed to understand instantly, wrapping his hands around her waist to pull her closer.
and when oscar kissed her? she forgot all her worries, this airy feeling spreading throughout her body. the skin around their lips would be stained from the cheetos, as would the sleeping bag where the bag toppled over, but neither of them could find it in them to care, too lost in the others touch as oscar's calloused fingers ran up her t-shirt, gently squeezing the part of her stomach that made her the most self-conscious,
"you're beautiful. and smart. and brilliant. and i'm sorry that nobody has ever told you that." he whispered in his kiss, his tongue licking into her mouth. he growled at the taste of cheetos, something that was suddenly so much sexier than he had ever believed it could be.
"shut up." she blushed, kissing him again.
outside the tent, lando and will sat by a crackling fire, watching the embers rise in the air and wondering if the pair knew that the lantern allowed them to see everything through the tent walls.
"i knew he had it in him." lando laughed. "look at the little guy go."
"should we tell him about the lantern?" will chuckled, popping a marshmallow into his mouth.
"nah. they'll figure it out in a minute when we all start wolf whistling."
@magnummagnussen @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @twinkodium @thatsdemko @userlando @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @lorarri
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narnian-neverlander · 2 years ago
Reaching Out [Adam Warlock x GN!Reader]
Plot Summary: The Sovereign are responsible for some of the biggest tragedies in your life. But when you meet one of them that just seems different, you find yourself reevaluating your stance and reaching out to him.
Word Count: 1,6k
Warnings: Guardians 3 spoilers, talk about canon typical violence
A/N: Haven’t written/posted sth in about… 5-6 years??? But of course Will Poulter being a literal and figurative golden boy is what gets me back to it 🤷
This was really just supposed to be a prelude to a scenario I actually wanted to write, but it kinda got away from me, so have it on it’s own
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Best friend or not, when you’d come back from a mission of your own to learn that Rocket’s kleptomaniac tendencies had put you smack dab in the middle of a crossfire with the Sovereign, you’d had half a mind to stuff and mount him to a wall. You’d spent almost your entire life hiding from that nation and now you were back on their radar. After just barely escaping Ego and the Sovereign army by the skin of your teeth, you’d immediately started packing, ready to run and hide again; they would come for you, that hadn’t been a question of if, but when. And you would not put your newfound family at risk by staying with them.
Except… they’d refused to let you leave. Every last one of them. They’d sat you down and demanded an explanation at the very least, so you’d done just that. Told them about how the Sovereign had considered your people a threat, an abomination even, due to your shapeshifting abilities. About the destruction of your planet, your people and finally finding a temporary safe haven on the little mud-ball known as earth. It’d been quiet for a long moment after that, then Gamora had shrugged and with a very blunt ‘What’s one more target on our backs?’ the discussion was over and Drax was carrying your bags back to your room before you could utter a single word of protest. You would never admit it to any of them, but you’d cried yourself to sleep that night. People you could rely on, who’d risk their lives for you - you hadn’t had that in a very long time.
The memory of that day had been fresh on your mind when your retrieval mission at Orgocorp’s headquarters had gone sideways; severely outnumbered with the Sovereign and the High Evolutionary’s lackeys on their way, you’d gladly stayed behind to give your friends a clean escape. The fact that you’d ended up in the hands of the people you’d been hiding from your whole life didn’t matter if it meant giving the others a chance to save Rocket.
You’d only arrived on Knowhere to the aftermath of the attack of the Sovereign’s newest weapon, but whatever you’d been expecting hadn’t been… him. He was different from any Sovereign you’d ever come across. The golden-skinned race of people weren’t exactly known to be particularly individualistic or open-minded, but the Warlock constantly asked questions in such innocence and naivety, it was almost endearing - and frustrating to the High Priestess to no end. The incredulous bark of laughter that had escaped you when he’d flat out told her that he did not like how hurting people made him feel had earned you a few new bruises to the face from the annoyed woman, but it’d been worth it. There was something absolutely hysterical to you about their perfect super weapon apparently having just a bit too much of a mind of his own, only further proven when he’d openly opposed his mother and had insisted on keeping the Ravager’s pet as his companion.
And then he’d saved Peter. Unprompted, a choice all his own; maybe the very first of it’s kind he’d made. As baffling as it had been, you’d seen a lot during your travels of the universe, so maybe, just maybe, a Sovereign with a kind heart wasn’t completely unthinkable. So when you leave the cantina, tears still fresh in your eyes from having said goodbye to some of the people you called family, and find him sitting hunched over on a flight of stairs, dirty, bruised and looking so incredibly lost and alone, you decide to do the unthinkable yourself: you reach out.
There’s plenty of people buzzing about, already repairing the damage the battle did to Knowhere and helping the new arrivals settle in. You grab a blanket from one of them as you pass and weave your way through the crowd. He doesn’t even realize he’s your target until you drape the blanket over his shoulders, making him flinch in the process. Wide, surprised eyes follow your movements as you settle down next to him on the stairs, but he pulls the fabric tighter around himself anyways. There’s a beat of awkward silence during which you realize you hadn’t exactly thought this approach through in it’s entirety, but there is one thing that comes to mind that you decide to ask him about. “You know, between you trying to kill us, my best friend almost dying and some lunatic almost destroying our home… I don’t think I ever actually caught your name. It can’t just be the Warlock, can it?”
“Adam. My name is Adam.” he answers and you give an acknowledging nod as you hold out your hand to him. “Alright, it’s nice to kinda officially meet you, Adam. I’m (y/n).” He stares at your offered hand with furrowed brows and it occurs to you that in all likelihood, the guy has no idea what a handshake even is. “I’m fully aware of who you are; (y/n), the shifter.” Dropping your hand back into your lap, you honestly feel like backing off and just leaving him be. But you don’t. “Right… I’m sure Ayesha told you everything about me…” He seems to brighten at the mention of his mother, but it’s gone just as quickly and replaced by the same exhaustion he’s had in his eyes since you approached him. “She did. To help me with my mission, she gave me very detailed reports on all of you. But-“
Soft music playing from the speakers above you interrupts him and a light chuckle leaves your lips as you recognize the band as one of your favorites from earth; you catch Rocket’s eye from across the square and he gives you a grin and a wink, earning a shake of your head and a laugh in return. Bringing your attention back to the golden man beside you, you find his focus on the crowd and your friends, curiosity written all over his features, accompanied by a small, albeit sad smile. He’d quite obviously never seen a celebration before, had had no victories to celebrate. Hadn’t known the sacrifices that so often went hand in hand with triumph.
“But…?” you prompt gently and he brings his golden eyes back to you. He studies you for a long moment and you’re honestly not quite sure what exactly it is he’s looking for, but he seems to find it all the same. “But… I’m starting to think she was… mistaken about some of it. The things mother told me about the Guardians, specifically about you… don’t align with what I’ve seen for myself.” Humming thoughtfully, you start tapping your foot along to the song as the crowd starts letting loose and picking up pace. “Well… forming your own opinions, your own path? Admitting that not everything that you were taught is necessarily the right thing? That’s all part of growing up. Of becoming your own person. It’s a good thing.” He vehemently shakes his head at that. “It doesn’t feel good. My stomach hurts and it’s like I can’t breathe and I feel so… so…” He struggles to find the right words, but you know exactly what he’s talking about; you’ve been there yourself. “Small? Helpless? Despite your powers?” When he nods in affirmation, you continue. “What you’re feeling is fear. You’re scared. Scared about change, about the unknown that now lies in front of you. It’s perfectly normal, everybody gets scared sometimes.”
If possible, his shoulders slump further and he seems to curl into himself even more. In spite of his tall stature, he seems so incredibly small in that very moment and it makes your heart clench. “Everybody gets scared… I don’t have everybody to guide me, though. I do not have anyone left...” You don’t mean to, you truly don’t, but you can’t help the inelegant snort that escapes you at that; one that erupts into full blown laughter when he gives you a look that can only be described as somewhere between scandalized and actually hurt. “Please”, you manage between wheezes, “you really think we’re gonna save your life and then leave you to fend for yourself? Nah, you can stay here with us - only if you want, of course.” He blinks at you, once, twice, before he says “But… I tried to kill you?” His deadpan delivery makes you laugh yet again, even if it is the truth. “Yeah, we’ve all tried to do that to each other at one point or another, actually.” You find Nebula, gleefully dancing with some of the kids and a grin spreads across your face. “Some on more than one occasion. But here we are, one big, happy, messed up family.”
Adam still looks as puzzled as ever; why would you willingly form a family with people who’d tried to murder you? It’s obvious he’s overwhelmed with… everything, really, so you decide to drop the big, life changing conversation topics for now as you get up and dust yourself off. “Listen, all I’m saying is, you’ve got people here who are similar to you in some ways. Maybe sticking around and learning from them could help you. Either way, I think you’d fit in just fine around here, golden boy.” Big, hopeful, golden eyes follow your movements as you offer your hand to him yet again. “Come on, let’s go find you a place to rest up, okay?” There’s no confusion or hesitation this time as he takes your outstretched hand and let’s you pull him to his feet. Despite the state he’s in, he’s warm, you note, like a bunch of tiny golden suns are burning right under his skin. And as you tug him along behind you, through small alleys and groups of dancing people, he holds on tight and you decide you like how his hand feels in yours.
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electrospherevaults · 10 months ago
Victory at Vineta
[Published for Sternzeit Tänze – a Signalis Zine on April 28th] [Read on AO3] [Find other stories from the 2024 Friday Writing Challenge here]
“Do you remember the morning sky? When you could see it with both your eyes and recognize each cloud?”
She woke up from the midday slumber. Mangled bodies all around her, some hooked up to blood packs and morphine, others simply crossing words out in newspapers with faded dates. She felt an itch and tried to scratch it.
The shrapnel had landed mere metres away. Elise exploded into pink mist. It was only yesterday where they had joked about their parents waiting back home; now a part of her in the form of a locket was lodged inside the cranium, just sideways enough to avoid permanent injury. It was a miracle she was still alive, with only minor eyesight woes to contend with.
“Minor? She lost an entire fucking e–”
“Keep your volume low, Miss Seo,” the Replika nurse pleaded – an EULR; she recognized the cadence, for no one else she had met in her tour spoke like them. She turned to look at her Comrade standing next to the Replika, uniform still bloodied from all the fighting. You could see her breath crystalize in the air.
It would be the New Year soon. The New Season. Whatever this wretched place called it now.
The Comrade and the Replika turned their heads. Alina smiled, a wave of relief washing over her soot and debris covered face. Scars and cuts and all did not take away the softness her gentleness offered. Not before long, she was right by her nightstand.
“You gave us a proper fright out there! Helena and Birgit were–”
“How many of us are left?”
Alina swallowed her tongue. “Not many.”
“With you, yes.”
She turned away. The itch returned. It burned something fierce, wanting to dig itself out of the great hole carved within her. And yet her hand was now held by bare skin instead of a thick leather glove.
“It’s a miracle you’re still alive, Lilith. I am extremely grateful for it.”
The ambush that day claimed many Eusan lives, Gestalt and Replika alike. A surprise attack from both flanks, a result of over-extended lines and prolonged fighting. Buyan artillery may rain daily, but cockroaches survive even the harshest of nuclear winters.
They had to learn how to swim as the shorelines gave way to the waves. The battles had grown shorter as the war carried on for longer – and the one fought yesterday was another classic recipe for disaster. Nobody wants to close the chapter of a book fighting, let alone begin another one doing more of the same. The superiors want their bonuses; to go back home heroes, to etch themselves in marble alongside the Great Revolutionary. To be part of the legend of the Nation’s construction of its grand revolution. No revolution comes without blood, but how it is spent and how it is spilled is always a contention.
Lilith knew all that. She had studied the great Vinetan generals back at the academy. The great wars across the solars, the Empress and her expeditions. She graduated top of her class, she was meant to lead this unit, but she had stepped back.
A momentary sign of weakness? Cowardice, maybe? A desire to stay small, stay irrelevant, to avoid heroics because those lead to death, as papa used to say?
And half of them were dead now.
“But the other half are still alive.” They shared a minced pie, torn in half, tomato sauce spilling from the crevices onto her pants. A good thing about these battle fatigues is that it made it harder to tell the blood from the mud.
“I heard the General wants to commemorate you, Lilith.”
“What for?”
She frowned, turning back to the silver linings of the skies above. “I nearly lost you! You were supposed to ship back to Rotfront – and yet, here you are. Alive, brandishing a gun, still fighting! Maybe you’re down one eye but–”
“I still got one more,” she fired back, pointing it out with a cocky smile raised. “Got to keep it on you, no?”
She loved making her laugh. She loved holding her hand. She often recalled the memory of her soft skin when she rested atop that hospital bed and the respite it offered, so much more potent and necessary than the morphine and the blood packs. She channelled that memory as the flash photography blinded her vision, and the smoke of cigars and the aroma of brandy saturated the air.
These ceremonies were something Papa used to listen to ardently on the radio. Lilith would wonder if he was listening now still, wherever he had ended up. The soldiers shuffled – men and women, giving their lives for their planet, for their nation, for their Great Revolutionary. All that was asked of them was a very simple question.
“Do you bleed, Soldat?”
“I bleed profusely. Every drop spilled has been for our glorious revolution. None in vain.”
The General smiled, patting her shoulder and her freshly adorned new rank. “An exceptional Soldat. You have turned these imperial hounds into puppies, running away with their tails in-between their legs!”
The General then turned towards the cameras and smiled widely. Lilith followed in his steps, offering a gentle but assured smile she would grow to resent. He turned again to face her, an envelope on hand. The cacophony intensified. It itched fiercely.
“You will redeploy soon. I want you to bleed them out. Make them regret they were born.”
“Get on with it, Soldat.”
It was on a beachhead they last saw each other again. Their last comrade in the photo laid slain. The incense burned in the air, mixing with the seafoam and the ocean waves.
For once, the sky was blue.
“Do you remember the morning sky? When you could see it with both your eyes and recognize each cloud?”
She asked her in a sea of golden rays; no silver linings to grasp for this time, no fire to cuddle under, no silver and steel and lead to brandish for protection. The sky was blue, and it was falling. Victory was achieved. Her itch tore her heart open. This itch killed her long before the bullet that would meet her.
All she could do was turn one last time to face her.
“Kiss me, Alina. Take my pain away.”
She woke up from the midday slumber. The tape had run out long ago. Ali- no, not her. It was her by her side. The Gestalt Officer. Her name was Ariane. She was still in her work pants, top undone as she would at the end of each cycle. She slept so peacefully.
She turned her gaze back towards the static of the TV. What a droning sound, all that static. Squint your eyes and lull your ears, and you can still hear the faint screams of agony from the battlefields of Vineta in the distance. The war that claimed her prior life was ten years ago. As far as she knew, it never ended.
New life was born out of each miserably lodged bullet that had to be dug out of her old Gestalt body from back then. And this new Replika life stared in a future that was made full of stars, with Ariane shining the brightest among them.
She planted a kiss on her lover’s forehead, and checked in with her internal clock. Their shifts were meant to start two hours ago. They had been getting sloppy.
Get on with it, Soldat.
She smiled – nearly chuckled – shaking her head. She instead laid down besides the woman she loved, dreaming together of morning skies, calm seas and clouds they could recognize with their own two eyes.
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bah-circus · 14 days ago
could i req a level 3 spain hetalia fictive? :>
Of course dear audience! We have heard your request and have found a suitable performer for you! We hope this performance suits your needs, but you are free to make any adjustments you wish.
❣︎For Our Next Act, Please Welcome,,,❣︎
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°·⊱ Name: Spain, Antonio, Carnation, Atlas, Wybie, Somnia
°·⊱ Age: 1400~ [ Appears 25 ]
°·⊱ Race/Species: Personified Nation
°·⊱ Source: Hetalia World Series
°·⊱ Role: Mood Stabilizer, Drowser
────── · · · · ──────
°·⊱ Sex: Intersex
°·⊱ Gender: Bigender, Transmasculine, Fauxboy, Solcomfisleepgender [ Sun, Comfy, Sleepy, Cat Naps in the Sun ]
°·⊱ Pronouns: He/Him; She/Her; Fae/Faer; It/Its; Sol/Sols; Sies/Siesta; Zz/Zzs; Hyp/Hypnos
°·⊱ Sexuality: Sapphillean
°·⊱ Personality: An open and free spirit who prefers to spend days lounging around and enjoying the small things in life. He loves to spend time with friends and family especially if it involves cooking a fantastic meal and laughing together. Very oblivious. 
────── · · · · ──────
°·⊱ Nicknames/Titles: The Conquistador, One of the Bad Friends Trio, The Personification of España, [Prn] Who Cooks for Loved Ones, [Prn] Who Naps in the Sun
°·⊱ Likes: Turtles, Tomatoes, Cooking, Afternoon Naps, Spanish & Dance Music, Paella, Playing Guitars 
°·⊱ Dislikes: Fighting, talk of past deeds, Office / Paperwork, Cold Weather, Snow, Being Serious, Being Alone
°·⊱ Emoji Sign-Off: 🍅🐢🍲🌅💤🐾
°·⊱ Typing Quirk: fae isnt a fan of punctuation or capitals usually making long run on sentences
────── · · · · ──────
°·⊱ TransIDs: transSlitPupils, Goldamian / Ichoramian, transFangs, nullScars, permaTan, permaHappy, nullAnger, transPolyglot, permaTired, enamorHarmful, enamorCannibal, fauxHarmless
°·⊱ CisIDs: Spanish / Iberian, Tan Skin, Brown Hair, Green Eyes, Scars, Ageless, Immortal, ADHD, Autism, Osteoarthritis, Nicotine Addict, Alcoholic, Gambling Addiction, Soldier, Extrovert, Younger Brother, Gardener
°·⊱ MUDS: Compulsive Archival Disorder
°·⊱ Paras: 🍸, ❣️, 💐, 🦖 , 💤 , 🍬, 🩸 , 🔪 , 🛐 
°·⊱ Extra: We have been into this fandom since 2010, it is an honor to provide <3
°·⊱ Faceclaim: 1 | 2
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Gosh I had sososo much fun making this pack !!! Thank you !!! I had our twin help us with this pack since they have a Spain introject, thought it would be the perfect pack to get their help <3 I hope that's alright ! - Pest Swarm ; White Lily
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cedarboughs · 6 months ago
Hiking Journal: The West Coast Trail
Day III: Matter Over Mind
August 30
Camper Bay to Walbran Creek
Writing in my folded journal days later, I didn’t seem to want to think about this day too much. Writing this post half a month later (it’s been busy, guys) I have to reconstruct.
My main memory is mud. Deep mud, bridged, and I use that word very loosely, by random scatterings of discarded boards that sink to the unseen bottom as often as not.
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At least I saw this little stream grotto with a nice mushroom.
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People talk up the ladders of the West Coast Trail as the hard part, and I don’t know why. Ladders are fine. Ladders stay where you step on them!
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We got relief from the mud down steep ladders to Sandstone Creek, which is a beautiful spot where water cascades down under the bridge and off a final drop into a sediment-scarlet plunge cauldron.
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Then more ladders (the longest ladders on the trail) to Cullite Creek, a spot that could have and maybe should have been our camp, but was only lunch.
Logan Creek has no ladders. The new suspension bridge that replaced the down-and-up in 2021 seems out of place. In the sense that it’s not falling apart. Good thing, too— the 100 metre sturdy steel span is an uncanny reminder that civilization is out there somewhere. The Golden Skybridge of similar construction claims to be the highest bridge of that sort in the country, but the Logan Creek bridge seems higher than that tourist trap to me.
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After the bridge, mud again— not just mud, but bog! Bottomless bog! When Dad slipped off a particularly round and slippery log crossing, he landed knee-deep, and in spots our probing poles went even deeper. Most of this bog is crossed with boardwalks— most, thus the logs, bridging one of a dozen or more spots where the boardwalk has entirely dissolved.
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Stunted cedars grow here among dead grey spars of their forebear killed by the encroaching acidic slurry.
Past the bog— more mud! More roots! More deadly obstacle courses, step after gastrocnemius-burning, high, meticulously planned step, kilometre after painstakingly slow kilometre. I moved beyond doubt into certainty that I wouldn't make it. After all, we weren't even particularly close yet to kilometre fifty out of seventy-five. How could I possible do the last three days again, twice, and still have further to go?
Trekking the West Coast Trail is a matter of matter over mind. One must accept, mentally, that the achievement of completion is impossible, that one absolutely can't, by any rational means or measure, take another step. Accepting this conviction frees up the precious energy that one might use up in fighting it. Then, while the mental battle resolves in surrender to stepping no more, simply find, stretch for, and take another step.
Somehow— writing by hand on the evening of Day VI I didn't remember how, nor has it come back to me by the time I type this out— we stumbled into Walbran Creek Camp as early sunset began to colour the sky over the distant mountains of the Olympic Peninsula in another nation far across the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Theoretical Cascadian interdependence notwithstanding.
As I watched the surf break, an alien black triangle emerged from the near water. Grey whales, rolling in the shallows to dig up a feast of sand-dwelling critters. They kept at it all night, huge fins rising out of the wave troughs with fluked tails flipping behind.
The campsite was busy as we made dinner, tents all packed in among the driftwood, barely a spare metre between them.. The whales played all night, but I needed sleep. I didn't know how I could continue, but I would continue. They did say at orientation that we should celebrate at Walbran, because the hardest part was past. We still weren't even a third of the way, and I'd been crying out of despair on the beach.
I left my vestibule open that night, propped wide by my poles.
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Between the poles as I lay down my head, I could still see the whales turning in the surf below and the darkening twilight sky above. One star came out over the fading outline of Washington. Jupiter, maybe, the king of planets and pantheons playing evening star, or else bear-guarding red giant Arcturus beaming on a summer night.
Later on towards midnight when I woke, the sky was bright and clear. The galactic plane flowed bright into the ocean. Bright Vega and Lyra were overhead. Draco twisted among the twin bears. On the tip of the cub's tail, Polaris pointed onwards. Pointing north.
Even the great celestial hieroglypsh are bodies of dust illuminated / And if the heavens can be both sacred and dust / Well maybe so can the rest of us.
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lupinuslepidus · 8 months ago
last couple of weeks of fieldwork happened but were filled with chaos that included a crew of interns, hiring nonsense, permitting nonsense, and extreme weather including both a record-breaking heat wave and thunderstorms. we were bouncing up and down the east side of the sierra (at one point we crossed the CA/NV border, like, six times over the span of two days because the mountains we were in were very precisely bisected by it.) the epic highs & lows of fieldwork included:
sampling in Death Valley National Park during the heat wave. this was actually less bad than when we were sampling across the way from Death Valley, because 8000 feet vs. 5000 feet of elevation is a very noticeable difference when it's over ninety degrees out.
we had a team of interns who were remarkably good sports and helped tide us over when our crew was briefly down to just 2 people!
i later found out that the interns had been, uh, maybe misled about how much work they'd be doing, which went a long way to explaining why they had a chronically exhausted air about them. that's academia for you i guess
got to see the ancient bristlecone pine forest on our days off!
ditched some gear in the field at one point bc i didn't feel like carrying a long metal thingy through an Active Thunderstorm while we were a couple hundred feet off a mountain peak
ditched our camp overnight bc didn't feel like taking the car back up a muddy road following an Active Thunderstorm, since the tires had real bad traction on mud
got told by a motel manager the night that we ditched camp that i? smell like pine? which. was not the worst thing. and makes sense given my constant layer of pine sap residue. but sure was an interaction that happened
got to swim in alpine lakes on our days off!
stopped taking my lunch breaks because it was the only way to even slightly keep up once our crew was back up to 4 people
and by 'keep up' i mean i was still consistently finishing 30 minutes behind the other
i don't. recommend this
a couple nights in various spots, we heard coyote packs yipping somewhere around our camp, which is a haunting and unexpectedly lovely experience. genuinely highly recommend waking up to the sound of coyotes at three a.m.
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feedingtheflockministry · 2 years ago
Stop Trying to Change the Dogs
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“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” Matthew 7:6
“Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce my hands and my feet.” Psalms 22:16
“Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.” Revelation 22:15
“Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh.” Philippians 3:2
“Come, all you beasts of the field, come and devour, all you beasts of the forest! Israel’s watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream, they love to sleep. They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, they seek their own gain. “Come,” each one cries, “let me get wine! Let us drink our fill of beer! And tomorrow will be like today, or even far better.” Isaiah 56:9-12
“They return at evening, snarling like dogs, and prowl about the city.” Psalms 59:6
“Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.” 2 Peter 2:22
The Message:
There is something worth noting about scripture when it comes to the term “dog”, and that is when this term is used in reference to people it is never good. As we can see from the scriptures dogs are; violent, villains, murderers, those who practice magic arts, witchcraft, and new age practices, they are sexually immoral, worship man made idols, as well as other people, they love and teach / practice falsehoods, drunks, lazy, lack understanding and find no value in righteous living, they are lovers of self above all others.
Why does this matter? It matters because we as followers of Christ try day after day online and offline to change the behavior of these “dogs” through telling them they are evil and sinful people. We often get upset when they retaliate through comments, verbal abuse, or physical violence. For we were told not to give what is sacred and holy to “dogs” or “swine”. For they love their evil and selfish deeds.
We need to be making new disciples for Christ, not raging against the world. For Jesus said this about judgement day, “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” In Matthew 25:31-46 He gives even more detail about those that make it to Heaven and those that do not. Good deeds combined with one’s faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is what gets you into Heaven. Even reading through John 3:16-21. Don’t just read verse 16 and stop.
Lastly, we must follow the steps Jesus gave us about how to make new disciples in the great commission. He said this, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” We must first baptize someone into the faith, THEN teach them the what is righteous and true. It is much easier to teach someone who wants to learn than someone who does not. For it is easier to lead a lamb than a stubborn goat that plants their feet in the dirt and will not come with you no matter how much you push and pull on them.
So moving forward in your ministry efforts, do not fight with “dogs”, “swine”, or “goats”. Rather block them online without a response. They only want to argue with you in order to make their case before you and those who will see it. They seek to slander you and discredit you in your words. They want you to act as they do so they can call you a hypocrite. Do not give into this temptation from the children of darkness.
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murderousink23 · 1 year ago
09/30/2023 is Orange Shirt Day 🇨🇦, Martyr's Day 🇨🇳, Blasphemy Day 🇺🇲, International Day of Podcasts 🇺🇲, National Chewing Gum Day 🇺🇲, National Hot Mulled Cider Day 🇺🇲, National Mud Pack Day 🇺🇲, National Family Health and Fitness Day 🇺🇲, International Translation Day 🇺🇳
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brookston · 1 year ago
Holidays 9.30
Agricultural Reform Day (Sao Tome and Principe)
Arizona Monsoon Season ends
Army Incompetence Day
Birth of Morelos (Mexico)
Botswana Day (Botswana)
Boy’s Day (Poland)
Chewing Gum Day
Day of Hungarian Folktales (Hungary)
Do Something Wacky With A Grandparent Day
E-mail Debt Forgiveness Day
Frisbee Day
International Blasphemy Rights Day (a.k.a. Blasphemy Day)
International Podcast Day
International Recovery Day
International Thunderbirds Day
International Translation Day (UN)
Jananeta Irawat Birth Day (Manipur, India)
Kokkeisetsu (Japan)
Liberation Day (Abkhazia)
Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day
Monkey Bars Day
National Black Funding Day
National Chewing Gum Day
National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools
National Kratom Day
National Love People Day
National Microcephaly Awareness Day
National Mud Pack Day
National Nonspeaking / Nonverbal Awareness Day (UK)
National Pet Tricks Day (UK)
National PrepareAthon! Day [also 4.30]
National Puppy Mill Survivor Day
National Sporting Heritage Day (UK)
National Teach Spanish Day
Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Day
Orange Shirt Day (Canada)
Parsnip Day (French Republic Day)
Peon Day (Warcraft)
Pink Out Day
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Recovery Day (Canada)
Rumi Day
Secretary Day (Venezuela)
Thunderbirds Day
Time For Yoga Day
Truth and Reconciliation Day (Canada)
World Pole Dance Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Austrian Beer Day (Austria)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Day
Hot Mulled Cider Day
National Hot Mulled Cider Day
National Soufflé Potato Day
World Stroopwafel Day (Netherlands)
5th & Last Saturday in September
Centzon-Totochtin Drunken Rabbit Day [Last Saturday]
Everybody's Day Festival [Last Saturday]
Family Health and Fitness Day USA (Last Saturday]
International Lace Day [Last Saturday]
National Alpaca Farm Days begin [Last Saturday]
National Ghost Hunting Day [Last Saturday]
Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play [Last Saturday]
Save Your Photos Day [Last Saturday]
World Cyanotype Day [Last Saturday]
World Day of Leukodystrophies [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Botswana (from UK, 1966)
Republic of Abkhazia (from Georgia, 1983) [unrecognized]
Tinakula (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Autumnale II (Pagan)
Anthony Green (Artology)
Blue-Feathered Swallowing Swallow (Muppetism)
Feast of Soma (God of Ambrosia & Immortality; India)
Festival of Drunkenness (Ancient Egypt)
Festival of Tereteth (Goddess of the Coconut Toddy; Yap Island, Micronesia)
Gregory the Illuminator (Christian; Saint)
Honorius of Canterbury (Christian; Saint)
Jerome (Christian; Saint)
John Waters Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Medetrinalia (Fruits Offered to Goddess of Medicine; Ancient Rome)
Molière (Positivist; Saint)
Plan for the 31st if September Day (Pastafarian)
Ridiculous Excuses Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because Green Day fans will never leave you alone.)
Adjustment Team, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1954)
Alias (TV Series; 2001)
The Ascent Of Rum Doodle, by W.E. Bowman (Novel; 1956)
The Big Chill (Film; 1983)
Bird (Film; 1988)
Blueberries for Sal, by Robert McCloskey (Children’s Book; 1948)
The Boy Friend (Broadway Musical; 1954)
Car Talk (Radio Series; 1977)
Cheers (TV Series; 1982)
The Clock Store (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Con Man (Web Series; 2015)
Dad, Can I Borrow the Car? (Disney Short Film; 1970)
Death Valley Days (Radio Series; 1930)
Entergalactic (Animated Film; 2022)
The Family of Pascual Duarte, by Camilo José Cela (Novel; 1942)
Fantasy, by Mariah Carey (Song; 1995)
50/50 (Film; 2011)
The Flintstones (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Go Away Stowaway (WB MM Cartoon; 1967)
Grand Ole Opry (TV Series; 1950)
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman (Novel; 2008)
The Greatest Game Ever Played (Film; 2005)
Into the Blue (Film; 2005)
Little Women (Novel; 1868)
Louis Armstrong Plays King Oliver, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Album; 1957) [1st stereo album]
Love for Sale, by Tony Bennett (Album; 2021)
Luke Cage (TV Series; 2016)
The Magic Flute, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Opera; 1791)
Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors (Animated Film; 2018)
Methuselah's Children, by Robert A. Heinlein (Novel; 1958)
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Film; 2016)
Murder, She Wrote (TV Series; 1984)
Nebraska, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1982)
Porgy and Bess, by George Gershwin (Opera; 1935)
The Queen (Film; 2006)
The Rifleman (TV Series; 1958)
The Robe, by Lloyd C. Douglas (Novel; 1942)
The Saint in Europe, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1953) [Saint #30]
Scooby-Doo! And the Monster of Mexico (WB Animated Film; 2003)
A Separate Peace, by John Knowles (Novel; 1959)
Serenity (Film; 2005)
Shine On, by Jet (Album; 2006)
The Steeple-Chase (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Theme From Shaft, by Isaac Hayes (Song; 1971)
To the Manor Born (UK TV Series; 1979)
You, Me and the Apocalypse (UK TV Series; 2015)
Today’s Name Days
Hieronymus, Urs, Victor (Austria)
Felicija, Grgur, Jerko, Jeronim (Croatia)
Jeroným (Czech Republic)
Hieronymus (Denmark)
Kaur, Kauri, Tauri (Estonia)
Sirja, Siru, Sorja (Finland)
Jérôme (France)
Hieronymus , Urs, Viktor (Germany)
Stratonikos (Greece)
Jeromos (Hungary)
Gerolamo (Italy)
Abgara, Elma, Lamekins (Latvia)
Bytautė, Jeronimas, Sofija, Žymantas (Lithuania)
Hege, Helga, Helge (Norway)
Grzegorz, Hieronim, Honoriusz, Imisław, Leopard, Sofia, Wera, Wiera, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Zofia (Poland)
Grigorie (Romania)
Lubov, Nadezhda, Vera (Russia)
Jarolím (Slovakia)
Jerónimo, Sofía, Sonia (Spain)
Helge (Sweden)
Jerome, Jeronima, Gerome, Geromino (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 273 of 2024; 92 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 16 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 15 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 15 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 3 Shù; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 17 September 2023
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Molière]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 7 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 7 of 30)
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nzetavisa · 23 days ago
Top 10 Things to Do in New Zealand This Summer
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Hey there! Planning a trip to New Zealand? You're in for a treat! There are so many amazing things to do in New Zealand that you'll wish you had more time. Before we jump into all the fun stuff, make sure to check your NZeTA Visa Status—it's like your ticket to enter this beautiful country!
1. Try Fun Activities in Queenstown
One of the most exciting things to do in New Zealand is visiting Queenstown. Think of it as a giant playground for adults! You can jump off bridges with a rope (they call it bungy jumping), ride fast boats through rivers, or just take it easy with a nice boat ride on the lake. In summer, Queenstown is perfect for hiking and picnics. The best part? Even if you've never done these activities before, friendly guides will help you every step of the way.
2. See the Beautiful Milford Sound
When people talk about amazing things to do in New Zealand, they always mention Milford Sound. Picture this: tall mountains rising from clear blue water, with waterfalls everywhere you look. You can take a boat ride here and often see seals sunbathing on rocks or dolphins swimming alongside your boat. It's like being in a movie!
3. Learn About Maori Culture in Rotorua
Want to know more things to do in New Zealand that teach you about its people? Visit Rotorua! Here, you can meet the Maori people, who were the first to live in New Zealand. They'll share their stories, songs, and even cook you a special meal called a hangi. While you're there, you'll also see pools of bubbling mud and water shooting up from the ground—it's pretty cool! Remember to submit NZeTA online before planning this cultural adventure.
4. Relax at Beautiful Beaches
Looking for relaxing things to do in New Zealand? Head to the Bay of Islands! Imagine 144 islands with some of the prettiest beaches you've ever seen. You can swim, take boat rides to spot dolphins, or just lie on the sand and soak up the sun. The water is so clear you can see right to the bottom!
5. Walk on Real Glaciers
One of the most unique things to do in New Zealand is walking on ice in the middle of summer! At Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers, you can take a guided walk on actual glaciers. Don't worry—they give you special shoes and equipment to keep you safe. It's amazing to see ice next to green forests!
6. Try New Zealand's Famous Wines
If you like wine, one of the must-do things to do in New Zealand is visiting Marlborough. You can ride bikes between vineyards (wine farms), taste different wines, and eat fresh seafood. Even if you don't drink wine, the views are beautiful, and the food is delicious!
7. Take an Amazing Hike
The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is one of the coolest things to do in New Zealand. It's a day-long walk past colorful lakes and volcanic landscapes. It's like walking on another planet! Before you go, check your NZeTA Visa Information to make sure everything's in order.
8. Explore the Capital City
Wellington, New Zealand's capital city, is full of fun summer activities. You can visit museums, ride the old cable car for amazing views, and try food from all over the world. It's one of the best things to do in New Zealand if you want to understand the country's culture.
9. Learn to Surf
Want to try surfing? Raglan is the perfect place! The waves here are famous worldwide, and there are friendly teachers who can show you how to surf. Even if you've never tried it before, don't worry—they'll help you start with small waves.
10. Walk Through Paradise
Abel Tasman National Park is like walking through a postcard. The beaches have golden sand, and the water is bright blue. You can walk along the coast, go kayaking, or camp under the stars. It's one of the most beautiful things to do in New Zealand.
Tips for Your Trip
Here's how to make the most of things to do in New Zealand this summer:
Book your hotels early—lots of people visit in summer.
Rent a car to see more places.
Bring sunscreen—the sun is very strong here.
Pack clothes for both warm and cool weather.
Bring a good camera—you'll want to take lots of pictures!
Important Things to Remember
Before you start checking off all these amazing things to do in New Zealand, make sure to:
Check your NZeTA Visa Status.
Book your activities ahead of time.
Get travel insurance.
Learn a few basic Maori words to show respect.
Final Words
New Zealand is a friendly country with something for everyone. Whether you like exciting adventures or peaceful nature walks, you'll find plenty of things to do in New Zealand that match your style. Start planning your trip today—don't forget to submit NZeTA online first!
Remember, these are just some of the many wonderful things to do in New Zealand. Each place has its own special magic, and the friendly locals (Kiwis) are always happy to share more ideas with you. Pack your bags and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!
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bikegearindia · 3 months ago
Explore Klim Riding Gear for Premium Comfort and Safety on Every Ride
Explore Klim Riding Gear for Premium Comfort and Safety on Every Ride Riding a motorcycle is more than just a way to get around—it’s freedom on two wheels. But let’s be honest, India’s roads can throw just about anything your way: traffic chaos, surprise potholes, sudden rain showers, or blazing heat. That’s where Klim riding gear comes in. It’s not just gear; it’s like having a reliable riding buddy who’s got your back every mile.
Why Klim is a Big Deal Klim isn’t just another name in motorcycle gear. They know riders, and they’ve nailed the art of combining comfort, safety, and durability. Whether you’re dodging traffic in India’s bustling cities, carving through winding mountain roads, or cruising endless highways, Klim gear is built to keep you comfortable and protected.
Picture this: You’re caught in one of India’s epic monsoon showers. No worries—Klim’s jackets will keep you bone dry without making you feel like a sauna inside. Or maybe it’s one of those scorching summer days, and you’ve got a long ride ahead. Klim’s breathable fabrics let the airflow while still keeping you shielded.
Safety Without Compromise Let’s face it—riding a motorcycle in India is an adventure, and adventures come with risks. Klim knows this, so they’ve packed their gear with features that keep you safe without turning you into a stiff robot. We’re talking abrasion-resistant fabrics, tough-as-nails stitching, and impact armor in all the right places.
India’s roads can be unpredictable—dogs darting across, sudden speed bumps, or that one auto-rickshaw driver who thinks he’s in a video game. Klim’s gear is made for real-life riding, with armor that protects your elbows, shoulders, back, and knees. Add their gloves and pants to the mix, and you’ve got a full suit of armor that feels like second skin.
Built for Every Kind of Rider Klim doesn’t do one-size-fits-all. Whether you’re a commuter battling city traffic, a weekend warrior hitting India’s scenic trails, or an off-road junkie, Klim’s got you covered. Their adventure series is a beast for rugged terrains, packed with features like extra storage pockets, reflective strips, and zippers for ventilation.
For those epic Himalayan rides or cross-country tours, Klim’s adventure gear is a game-changer. And if you’re more of an urban rider, they’ve got sleek, stylish options that don’t scream, “I’m off to climb a mountain,” but still deliver top-notch protection.
Gear That Can Take a Beating India’s riding conditions aren’t exactly gentle on gear. Dust, mud, rain, heat—you name it. Klim gear is built to handle all that and more. It’s made with high-quality materials that won’t give up after a few rides. Whether you’re riding through Ladakh’s rugged paths or navigating Kerala’s lush backroads, Klim gear stays as tough as you are.
Why Klim and India Are a Perfect Match India loves motorcycles—it’s not just a mode of transport; it’s a way of life. But riding in India isn’t always easy, and having gear you can trust makes all the difference. Klim knows what riders need to tackle India’s unique challenges. They bring the perfect mix of safety, comfort, and style, making them a hit with Indian motorcyclists.
As the motorcycle culture in India grows, more riders are ditching basic gear for something that offers real protection and looks good. Klim checks all the boxes. It’s the gear you can count on whether you’re riding to work, planning a weekend getaway, or tackling an epic road trip.
Final Thoughts Klim riding gear isn't simply something you wear; it's something you depend on. In a nation like India, where the street can shock you at any turn, Klim's gear keeps you agreeable, safe, and prepared for whatever comes straightaway. Thus, gear up, jump on your motorcycle, and confidently take on India's streets. Klim has your back constantly.
When now is the right time to ride, ride brilliantly. Ride Klim.
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edgessunflower · 4 months ago
Pairing: Athena Palmer x Fem reader
Description: You and Athena accidentally surprise each other with the same vacation to Fiji
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Athena was curious as to what this trip you mentioned that you had planned for the two of you was since she was secretly planning a trip for the two of you and was fixing to buy the tickets until you had told her that she needed to pack for later that week for the trip the two of you would be going on for three weeks out of your seven week break from being on the road. The two of you boarded the plane watching episodes of How to get away with murder while having lunch before deciding to watch Divergent together leading to the two of you falling asleep under a shared cover for the next three hours before waking up and listening to music together as the next few hours passed by before having dinner and sleeping a bit more until the plane landed leading to the two of you walking through the airport and grabbing your bags before both of you walked out and saw the sign that said "Nadi" making Athena look at you wide eyed, "Fiji?!" you smiled at her as she looked surprised only for her to pull out the card she got to surprise you with the trip to Nadi she had planned making you look at her surprised as well. The two of you went to the hotel before exploring the city of Nadi starting with the town market then visiting the Sri Siva Subramaniya Hindu temple which amazed both of you before heading to a cultural village seeing the culture of Fiji before snacking on fruits and sleeping for the next few hours as it grew dark enjoying the calm night in your hotel room, after breakfast the next morning the two of you went to the Sabeto hot springs and mud pools relaxing in the warmth for three hours before washing off and heading to Denaru island and shopping followed by a trip to the garden of the sleeping giant taking pictures and grabbing coffee from The coffee hub while heading to Nadi Bay Beach enjoying lunch together on the beach leading to the two of you going through main street and heading to the Koroyanitu national heritage park snapping pictures along the way walking back through main street as the food vendors opened trying out different street foods Lovo and Rourou to Samosas and Cassava cake before going to a curry house for dinner enjoying authentic and fresh food of the fiji culture before walking back to the hotel hand in hand after a wonderful and official first day in fiji.
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strengervinay · 4 months ago
Dudhsagar Trekking: Where Water Falls Like Milk!
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Dudhsagar Falls trekking is a spectacular experience that draws adventurers from all over India. Named after its milky appearance, Dudhsagar or “Sea of Milk”, creates a breathtaking sight as it cascades down the rocky cliffs of the Western Ghats. The trek to Dudhsagar offers an awe-inspiring view and an exhilarating journey through lush forests, rugged trails, and the mesmerizing landscapes that line the Goa-Karnataka border. In this guide, we’ll delve into what makes the Dudhsagar Waterfall trek unforgettable, explore the adventure-packed trek packages, and provide essential tips for making the most of your Dudhsagar experience.
Dudhsagar Waterfall Trek: What Makes Dudhsagar Special?
Known for its unique and picturesque look, Dudhsagar (translated as “Sea of Milk”) is an extraordinary waterfall in Goa’s Bhagwan Mahaveer Sanctuary and Mollem National Park. Located near the Goa-Karnataka border, the Mandovi River feeds this fall, cascading down a height of over 1000 feet and giving the water a creamy, white appearance reminiscent of flowing milk.
Surrounded by thick forests and a rocky landscape, the Dudhsagar waterfall trek offers the ideal blend of nature’s wonders and trekking thrills. The journey is adventurous and scenic, as trekkers pass through dense greenery, cross bridges, and encounter the local flora and fauna. The destination is a reward, where the cascading waters create a fine mist, adding a surreal charm to the scene. It's a must-visit for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.
The Route to Dudhsagar Falls
The Dudhsagar trek usually starts from the village of Kulem in Goa. Trekkers can choose between a thrilling train trek along the railway tracks or a jungle trek for a closer experience with nature. The railway trek, a popular choice, offers breathtaking views and crosses various small waterfalls and tunnels along the way.
Both routes provide ample opportunity to witness Dudhsagar’s beauty up close, with the jungle trail offering a more immersive experience of the flora and fauna of the Western Ghats. The hike is of moderate difficulty and is suitable for both beginners and seasoned trekkers looking for a memorable experience.
Dudhsagar Falls Trek Packages
If you’re planning to visit Dudhsagar, consider a variety of trek packages designed to make your journey convenient and enjoyable. Here’s a popular Dudhsagar Falls trek option for those travelling from Bangalore:
Travel from Bangalore: 3 Nights & 4 Days Package
This package includes a full experience, from transport to Dudhsagar Falls and back to guided trekking and camping options. Ideal for weekend getaways, this 3-night, 4-day package is priced at ₹3999 per person. It includes:
Transportation from Bangalore to Kulem (starting point of the trek)
Trekking to and from Dudhsagar Falls with an experienced guide
Camping facilities near the base or at designated campsites
Opportunities to explore nearby attractions, like spice plantations and local villages
This package is perfect for groups, couples, or solo travellers looking for an organized adventure without the hassle of planning each detail.
Dudhsagar Trek Tips for a Safe and Memorable Experience
To make the most of your Dudhsagar trekking adventure, keep the following tips in mind:
1. Prepare for Rain and Mud
Dudhsagar Falls is best visited during the monsoon season, as the waterfall is at its fullest. Be prepared for rainy conditions and muddy trails. Waterproof clothing and good-quality trekking shoes are highly recommended.
2. Stay Hydrated and Pack Light
The trek can be physically demanding, so keep yourself hydrated and avoid carrying heavy loads. Pack essentials like water bottles, snacks, and a first-aid kit.
3. Follow Local Guidelines
Dudhsagar Falls is located within a protected sanctuary. Ensure you follow local regulations and avoid littering to preserve the area's natural beauty.
4. Opt for a Guided Trek
If you’re unfamiliar with the area, consider using a guide or opting for a guided trek package. This will make the journey safer and allow you to focus on enjoying the scenery.
5. Start Early
Begin your trek early in the morning to avoid the midday heat, which can make the trek more challenging. Early mornings also allow for a more peaceful experience, with fewer crowds.
Dudhsagar trekking is a journey like no other, offering a rare view of one of India’s most mesmerizing waterfalls in all its milky splendour. Whether you’re a nature lover or a thrill-seeker, this trek will surely leave you with cherished memories. Walking through scenic forests, along railway tracks, or wading through streams, you’ll understand why Dudhsagar remains a beloved destination for trekkers year-round.
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captureatriptour · 5 months ago
Journey of Discovery: Explore Almaty and Baku on Foot
Embarking on a walking journey through Almaty and Baku offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, rich history, and stunning landscapes of these two captivating cities. From the majestic mountains of Kazakhstan to the enchanting streets of Azerbaijan’s capital, this guide will help you navigate your adventure on foot.
Day 1: Arrival in Almaty
Strolling Through Panfilov Park
Upon arriving in Almaty, take a leisurely stroll through Panfilov Park. This lush green space is home to the impressive Ascension Cathedral, a wooden structure that showcases beautiful Russian architecture. Enjoy the serene atmosphere and perhaps grab a snack from a nearby vendor.
Exploring the Green Bazaar
Next, head to the Green Bazaar, a bustling market where you can experience local life. Sample traditional snacks like chak-chak (honey-soaked pastries) and shop for fresh produce, spices, and handicrafts. The vibrant colors and aromas make it a feast for the senses.
Day 2: Almaty’s Natural Wonders
Hiking to Medeu and Shymbulak
On your second day, take a walk or a short public transport ride to Medeu, a famous skating rink surrounded by mountains. From here, you can hike up to the Shymbulak Ski Resort. The trail offers breathtaking views of the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains and the chance to spot local wildlife.
Evening in the City
Return to the city and explore the trendy Zhibek Zholy Avenue, lined with shops, cafés, and restaurants. Enjoy a dinner of Kazakh cuisine, perhaps trying beshbarmak (boiled meat with noodles) or plov (rice pilaf).
Day 3: Journey to Baku
Travel to Baku
After breakfast, catch a flight or a train to Baku, the vibrant capital of Azerbaijan. Upon arrival, settle into your accommodation and prepare for exploration.
Walking in Icherisheher (Old City)
Begin your Baku adventure by exploring Icherisheher, the historical core of the city. Walk through its narrow alleys, visit the Maiden Tower, and admire the Palace of the Shirvanshahs. Each site tells a story of Baku’s rich past.
Day 4: The Modern Marvels of Baku
Flame Towers and Boulevard
On your fourth day, take a walk along the Baku Boulevard, a beautiful waterfront promenade. Enjoy views of the Flame Towers, which illuminate the skyline at night. Stop by the Baku Eye, a giant Ferris wheel, for a stunning perspective of the city.
Heydar Aliyev Center
Continue your journey to the Heydar Aliyev Center, a stunning piece of architecture by Zaha Hadid. Walk around the center’s grounds and explore the exhibitions showcasing Azerbaijani culture and history.
Day 5: Gobustan National Park
Day Trip to Gobustan
Take a day trip to Gobustan National Park, where you can walk among ancient rock carvings and mud volcanoes. The unique landscape and historical significance make this an unforgettable experience. Join a guided tour to learn more about the petroglyphs and the area’s geological features.
Day 6: Local Culture and Cuisine
Visit the Carpet Museum
Back in Baku, visit the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum to appreciate the intricate art of carpet weaving. Take a leisurely walk through the exhibits and learn about the cultural significance of carpets in Azerbaijani heritage.
Culinary Experience
In the evening, enjoy a culinary experience by joining a local cooking class or dining at a traditional restaurant. Try dishes like plov, dolma, and kebabs, and don’t forget to sample Azerbaijani tea.
Walking through Almaty and Baku allows you to connect deeply with the local culture, history, and natural beauty of these remarkable cities. From the mountains of Kazakhstan to the rich heritage of Azerbaijan, each step of your journey will reveal something new and exciting. Pack your walking shoes, embrace the adventure, and prepare for a journey of discovery that you’ll cherish forever!
More Information About This Blog Then Go Almaty Holiday Package
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