minimenace · 5 years
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tomatofox-ship · 8 years
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!
Wow angst on v day. Lila lied there bleeding under the rubble. Her phone was in reach she should call the police, but there was only one person she wanted to talk to. “Hey Nathanael.” “Lila where are you I'm worried sick.” “Oh don't worry I'm fine, but are you watching the news? Hawkmoth’s attacks sure have gotten worse casualties are higher than ever.” “Yeah I know! Let's hope Ladybug uses her lucky charm!” “Yeah. Anyway are you drawing? I know you are.” “Yeah I'm drawing! Have you been watching? This fight has given me a lot of pose refs! Not to mention the akuma! I mean it's horrible what he's doing but his power set and design rock.” “You're very right Nathanael. What else have you drawn?” “Mainly just you and Lb. You know how it is. I actually have this cool sketch right now it's…” She couldn't do it she was crying screaming. She was only sixteen it wasn't time to die. She had to pull her self together for him just continue her last conversation. “So what do you think Lila?” “I think it sounds great!” “Are you sure? I thought you'd hate it” “Everything you do is great I love you.” “Lila are you crying? Where are you?” “No no I just miss you. I'm worried with the akuma around.” “Lila are you hurt?” She couldn't handle this. “I love you” She hung up. Those would be her last words. Unless Ladybug charmed her back, but she might not sometimes she doesn't. All she could do now was wait. Then her phone started beeping why was it beeping? “ Then she heard a yell. “Lila! Lila are you okay?” “Go home crazy tomato boy I want you safe.” “Too bad I'm staying with you” “How'd you find me” “You'd mentioned coming to the cafe earlier so I came to the general area and used the dumb find my iPhone app” “And they call me the clever fox.” “Are foxes known for being clever? I thought they were sly.” “Why can't I be both. Your both rotten and juicy.” Then in the distance a yell and a flash. And ladybugs flew everywhere the debris was gone and Lila was standing up completely fine. Nathanael kissed her and they stood there crying for a few minutes.
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tomatofox-ship · 8 years
Finished tomatofox fic for @anipwrites cause her birthday was last Thursday!
It was freezing. Actually it was really freezing. Lila may have been warm blooded, but this she thought was to cold even for her. She was shaking walking through her neighborhood when she heard a familiar voice.
“Lila?” Nathaneal said curiously? She could place exactly if he was curious or annoyed. Not that she would care about his opinion or anything.
“Yeah hey tomato boy” she replied. Why was still acting like she didn’t know his name? Why was she still insulting him like she was some little boy on the play ground?
“Haha yeah okay Lila.” He said awkwardly “Listen I know you don’t like me, but it’s freezing out here and my apartment is like less than a block away…” He trailed off.
“You can come if you want is what I’m trying to say” He added that part so quickly almost like how Marinette talks to Adrien.
“Yeah okay.” She said awkwardly. Oh gosh was she actually going to Nathanael’s house? She was him following now, but she was so nervous. She thought about saying something, but they got to his house before she could muster up the courage.
“My parents aren’t home. You can probably stay here as long as you like.” He said almost angrily? She should really stop trying to read him regardless of how much she wanted to she didn’t know him.
“What does that mean?” She said. Oh no that sounded mean again.
“Not like you really care, but my parents really wanna look like good people so basically if you really wanted to stay they’d probably let you.” He said. Oh no he was actually annoyed now.
“Okay Lila” she thought to her self. “What would ladybug do? I just need to do the opposite of that and it’ll be great.”
“Are they good to you, toma- Nathanael?” She said carefully. She couldn’t mess this up.
“They’re okay” He said smiling. Woah he had a pretty smile. “They’re just distant and you know” he added
“I mean sure I know, but you shouldn’t have to” She using that tone she uses when she lies. She didn’t know why. She wasn’t lying.
“Oh um thank you um Lila. He said blushing. After a bit of a silence he added “Want something to eat?”
It was super late now. Actually super early as Nathanael had pointed out an hour ago. He is cute. Lila liked having her crush reinforced like this.
“How long have we been up?” Nathanael asked
“I don’t know to long probably. When will your parents get home?” She replied almost not wanting them to.
“Who knows.” He said deadpanning. She needed to lighten the mood.
“I guess that means we’ll have plenty of time to have some fun.” She said sarcastically flirty.
“Oh but have we been already.” He said like one of those cliche movie girls. “Sure” Lila said twirling his hair. “But I mean fun like this” she said losing the sarcastic tone and going in for a kiss that he happily moved into.
Pulling away he dreamily said"Do you wanna be dating now?“
"Of course tomato boy.” She said giving him a quick peck on the lips preparing to leave. Was that to much? She didn’t care she enjoyed it. And they’re dating now anyway.
“Oh wait!” Nathanael exclaimed. He then walked over to her and wrote his number on a blank space in between all the drawings on her arm. “Text me!” He said happily. Giving one last goodbye kiss.
“Bye cutie” Lila said walking out of his bedroom. “Bye foxy” he said finally repaying the favor with a nickname.
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tomatofox-ship · 8 years
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I got bored today.
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tomatofox-ship · 8 years
Muse AU
@lavender-top-hat thank you for the inspiration!
Nathanael was extremely proud of his latest work. Which was strange he was hardly ever extremely proud of his work but this was perfect. He was admiring it as he walked, so he didn’t see the girl coming towards him. They ran into each other the girls coffee spilling on his drawing and her phone falling to the ground.
“No my drawing!” Nathanael yelled tears in his eyes. He’d usually be apologizing but this was extremely important to him. He couldn’t handle that this had happened. All he could do was stare at what was once his favorite drawing.
“I’m sorry about that is there anything I can do?” The girl said. Nathanael knew the voice but he hadn’t placed it until he saw her.
“Lila?” He said confused. Nathanael and Lila had hardly talked since she’d been at school even though they sat next to each other. Lila didn’t really talk to anyone since the she’d been turned into an akuma. “Oh Nathanael!” she said shocked. Apparently she hadn’t recognized him either.
“Is that the thing you were working on in class?”
“Yeah” Nathanael replied sounding dejected. He was trying not to make her feel to bad though. She was bullied enough in school.
“Really is there anything I can do?” Lila said she sounded serious. Really actually genuine. He’d never heard that from her.
“No, not really” he said again sounding and looking dejected. Lila got visibly upset.
“It’s fine though” Nathanael said not sounding nearly as genuine as she did.
“Sorry I have to go. Bye Nathanael” She gave a small smile, picked up her phone and left.
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tomatofox-ship · 8 years
Do you have any Headcanons about Tomatofox/Nathila?
Oh yeah lots! If you want specific ones shot me another ask but now I’ll type out one I like. Lila and Nathanael sit next to each other and Nathanael is always drawing. That’s how she finds out he likes her. He’s drawing a comic of him defending her to ladybug.
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minimenace · 8 years
Ok, but in the webisodes designs Lila and Nathanael are standing next to each other and it looks like they're glancing at each other and it's probably nothing bUT IM WEAK AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT I STARTED SHIPPING THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
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minimenace · 8 years
Idk how the webisodes and comics are going to go, but they’re probably going to be addition stories to explore the world and build it up when there’s no time in episodes. I just hope there’s no major faux pas like they put something important into the comics and fail to actually explain it to before it first appears in the show.
Also, that Nath/Lila stare in the latest concept art, don’t think I didn’t notice.
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tomatofox-ship · 8 years
Hey guys!
This blog is officially going! It will be all things tomatofox! If you want more info I’ll gladly answer any ask! It’ll be mostly reblogs but if anyone wants to submit anything (like an icon and/or header) I’d love it!
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minimenace · 8 years
concept: Lila’s new apartment is in the same complex as Nathanael’s *glitter*
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minimenace · 8 years
I really want to draw Lila x Nathanael!!! Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe like the poster volpina made in her episode but with Nathanael in her arms instead
OH THAT WOULD BE AWESOME but what about this?
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minimenace · 8 years
You ship Nathanael and Volpina, and they sound really cute together! Can you tell me some of your headcanons about them? I'm just dying to know; please. :D
Screaming! Well every headcanon I had about them is(are?) blown out of the water but you can go into the ‘volpanael’ or ‘nathanaelila’ tag for content I suppose? Sorry, I can’t remember any headcanons about them off the top of my head.
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minimenace · 9 years
I agree on NathanaeLila, I've been shipping it because I've seen people call them the fox kids and its too much for my heart. they're tOO ADORABLE
Laughing™ because I was shipping them before they were the fox kids I was the first
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