#natasha romanoff x darwin!reader
rudysrings · 5 years
Adapt or Die (Prologue)
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A/N: This is a new series I’m trying out. If it’s a go then yay! If not--Well, I’ll let it fade away into nothingness then, I guess... :(
Summary/Blurb Here
SO, the main character/reader was essentially inspired by Darwin from the Marvel comics/X-men. However, I will be adapting (HAHA adapting, get it? That was totally by accident I swear) the abilities and back story to fit what I’m writing; so, die-hard Darwin fans, please know I’m not trying to misportray (is that even a word? Eh, I don’t care. I think y’all know what I mean) the original character, but I simply wanted to draw from the bomb-ass root idea of what he can do. 
For those of you who don’t know who Darwin is, here’s a quick blurb from Wikipedia on what his abilities are:
Darwin has the power of "reactive evolution"; i.e., his body automatically adapts to any situation or environment he is placed in, allowing him to survive possibly anything; the exact nature and limits of his powers have not been revealed.
Examples of his powers include: gaining night-vision after a few seconds in the dark; functional gills after being submerged in water; fire-proof skin after being exposed to flame; increasing his own intelligence; converting his body into pure energy; no longer requiring oxygen after being sucked into space; morphing into a sponge when shot at with a weapon designed to destroy the subject's nervous system; and acquiring comprehension of the Shi'ar language merely by looking at written samples. His power may concern itself with more efficient methods of survival than Darwin himself might choose; for example, instead of continually increasing Darwin's powers when taking punishment from the Hulk, his body simply teleported him away from the fight.
His power can also work when dealing with non-immediately-life-threatening situations, such as rendering it impossible for Darwin to get drunk by allowing his body to process alcohol faster than humans would normally.
It’s pretty fucking cool, right? Let me know what you think. By the way, this part is pretty short because it’s the prologue, but I expect the other parts to be longer. 
Oh! I almost forgot: the reader is desi :) Thanks to @parkerpeter24​, who wrote an awesome Peter Parker imagine here for Holi, I felt inspired to post this WIP. 
I realize that makes the writing not truly an all-inclusive one, but I thought it would be cool to bring this aspect in. Obviously, you don’t have to be desi to read it and the whole thing won’t be about being desi. Just a little background I felt like adding to the character. If you absolutely hate it... then maybe don’t read it? :) please and thank you.
Anyways! Sorry for the rambling. Enjoy and thanks for reading if you’re still here <3
Warnings: There’s for sure going to be some swearing in this series :) Also, It’s gonna be a little steamy ;-; But it’s not revolved around smut and probably won’t be all that graphic. Probably. No promises O.O Only implied sexual happenings and for once, no swear words in this part.
Words: .957 k
You blink your eyes against the startling light that is pouring through the thin curtains. Surprised that it’s morning, you sit up quickly, looking to your side to see no one there.
Ok, so that’s two surprises in the first ten seconds of the day. We’re off to a great start today, Y/N.
You sigh, brushing your hands through your unruly turquoise hair and swinging your legs out of the bed. You slip on your jeans and look around for your shirt. The black lacy thing you had worn the night before is laying over a lamp and you quickly shuffle over to it. Your eyes flick down to the nightstand and see a flip phone. Confused, you pick it up, opening it to see a single message from a private number.
We’ll be in touch.
Your stomach drops and you hastily pull your shirt over your head and clear the hotel room. Your better judgement tells you to get rid of the phone. Toss it in a river. Run over it. Throw it into a passing car.
For some reason, against that better judgement, you tuck it into your pocket and check out of the hotel.
You remember the previous night perfectly; the alcohol that had done absolutely nothing to dull your acute senses.
You slam the shot back down on the bar counter, not even wrinkling your nose at the sharp taste of tequila that should have burned your throat.
The bartender gives you a look of obvious judgement. Next thing you know, he’s asking for your keys.
“I don’t have ’em. I walked here,” you lie.
“Wasn’t that you on the motorcycle?” There’s a smooth voice behind you and you turn to see a woman with fiery hair and an enticing smile.
“No.” You reply shortly.
She shrugs. “Hmm. I could have sworn…You know,k I always did have a thing for a woman on a motorcycle.”
She approaches the bar beside you and asks the bartender for some sort of fruity concoction.
She has an accent. Italian, maybe. It’s obviously fake. She’s doing a helluva good job of over-enunciating every single word an Italian would. However, no Italian who’s lived in London for more than a week would continue to cling to those pronunciations. So, you decide she’s either a tourist or a spy.
When you smell metal—vibranium—on her, but don’t see it, given it’s probably hidden underneath her tight-fitting clothes, you decide it’s the latter.
“Do you ride?” You asked her.
“Motorcycles? Nah. I just hang on to the one riding,” She flirts.
You finger the rim of your drink. You can hear someone speaking to her through her earpiece.
“You got her, Natasha. Close in.”
“Y/N.” You stick your hand out, unafraid.
Natasha takes it immediately, giving you a firm shake and lingering on your ring a little too long.
You can’t help but giggle out loud. Wow. She had to choose the most cliché Italian name to ever exist. You covered your outburst with a cough. “Beautiful,” you complimented her fake name.
“Classic.” She shrugged. “So, what’s a gal like you doing in a bar like this?” She asked, gesturing to how run down the area was. The bartender gave her an incredulous look, but even he probably knew the kind of reputation the place had. You had to admit that it was unkempt and clearly not maintained--not to mention the types of sleazes that seemed to frequent it.
“I could ask you the same.”
“Deflect,” said the voice in the earpiece. You furrowed your brows slightly; you could usually judge by the timbre of the voice what a person’s age was, but this one stumped you. The inflections were outdated for sure, but the man spoke like velvet, far too young to be using that old-time Brooklyn accent.
“You first,” Natasha pushed.
Shrugging, you replied, “It’s more low-key, don’t you think? Wouldn’t want to run into anyone I know when I’m clearly trying to escape the real world right now.”
The bartender slid over her drink in a cocktail glass and Natasha took hold of it, taking a sip and staining the edge of the glass a deep burgundy. “And what exactly has the real world done this time?” She asked.
You smacked your lips thoughtfully. “Maybe it’s more about what the real world hasn’t done this time. Or maybe about what it did the other time.”
“Oh,” Natasha said simply.
“Can you get her somewhere alone, Nat?” The wannabe 40s Brooklyn man in the ear piece asked.
You smiled, showing your teeth. “How would you feel about helping me escape the real world a little bit more, Sienna?”
She moved closer, brushing your elbow. “Y/N, are you suggesting we get out of here?”
You were a couple of inches taller than her and you leaned over, close enough that locks of your ocean hair brushed her forehead. “What I’m suggesting is that I know a hotel with nice sheets not too far from here.”
Natasha smirked. “Nice work, Romanoff.” 
Romanoff? Sounds more Russian than Italian, you thought.
It wasn’t the first time that somebody had attempted to con you, be it for information or for money. You didn’t mind the game. So, you let it happen. Undeniably, you enjoyed the spy’s touch and the numbing feel of her pillowy lips on yours. 
However, you did not expect to fall asleep. That had never happened before. Your body didn’t do that. Your body never failed to do something that would strengthen you. You had never, not once, fallen asleep in the presence of another.
That scared you.
You had been careless.
You straightened your shoulders as you walked out onto the streets of Southwest London. No big deal, you just had to be a bit more careful now.
я иду за тобой Natasha Romanoff.
A/N: я иду за тобой = I’m coming for you (Russian) 
(I used google translate, which is probably wrong; so, if anyone catches a mistake in that, please let me know, and I will change it :) )
*PSST*: Isn’t Natasha so fucking stunning in that picture on my sucky ass moodboard? Those eyes? That barely there smile? I’m melting. 
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Mortal Immortal (2/31) - August 2 - Avengers x Reader
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Words: 1389 Pairing: Avengers x (f)Reader Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Vision, Other Avengers (mentioned) Warnings: Swearing probably Chapter Summary: After yesterday's training session turned into learning more about you, it was time to actually work with the twins. Pietro was first, and by showing him another part of your power that is less awesome than it sounds, you show him how to work up to his full ability. Then, more friends join the mix, and more fun ensues! Author's Note: First few parts are introducing this universe, so if it goes a bit slow right now, I promise it will pick up tomorrow. I just want to make sure this universe is established and understood, and by building this up right now will be worth it in the end!
Some "Sokovian" is spoken, but English translation follows it. (Romanian used for Sokovian)
Mortal Immortal Masterlist / Full Masterlist
Ao3 / Wattpad Links
The rest of the Tuesday consisted of the Maximoff's asking a million questions about your life. Meaning: you got no training done. The only thing you learned about them was their powers and what they need to work on, and yet, they learned so much about you.
Today you were determined to get through all the things you didn't get accomplished yesterday. Starting with explaining what needs to be taught and things on your list.
"So, Pietro, have you noticed that when you run most times you create lightning?" You asked.
Pietro thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, I guess," He shrugged.
You smiled and clapped your hands together. "All right. Have you ever tried throwing it?"
Pietro's eyebrows raised and he leaned forward a little. "What? Say again?"
You smiled, a small giggle followed. "Have you ever tried to throw the lightning your speed creates?"
"No?" Pietro laughed and turned back to Wanda. "E nebună?" (is she crazy?)
Wanda shrugged and made a "shoo" motion with her hands, going to speak Sokovian back to her brother. "Doar ascultă-o!" (Just listen to her.)
You laughed along with them. "Nebun? Doar putin." (Crazy? Only a little.)
Again, the twins look at you like you had three heads. "You speak Sokovian?" Wanda asked, sounding excited that someone on the team knew their language as well.
"Yeah, after being alive for so long, I know a ton of languages. I spent quite a few years in Sokovia and learned it. You'd be surprised by all the languages I know," You told them. "Now, Pietro, I'm going to teach you to throw lightning. And we are not getting distracted!" You pointed. "Wanda, you can go work with Vision, because it might take a while to work on this task," You nodded.
Wanda smiled and agreed. "I'll see you guys later, then," She walked out of the training room, leaving you with Pietro.
You turned to him. "All right, so a little secret comes along with my powers, yeah?" You asked, no response from Pietro. "I can use them to gain other powers for a limited time, you know, in addition to Darwin's theory," You told him.
"O-oh, cool!" He spat out. "Does that mean you're going to give yourself my speed?"
"Well, how else are you going to learn to do it? Learning from seeing someone else do it is a whole lot easier than me trying to tell you to do it and expect you to understand by just words," You said. "Now, watch."
In a second, a flash of yellow engulfed the room, showing that you now have the speedster powers. With a sigh, you quickly made a vacuum around the room with your new speed and harnessed the energy from the speed, grabbing the lightning, and tossing it at the dummy in the corner of the room. Slowing down, you took a deep breath and wiped your hands off. "That always gives me an adrenaline rush! Did you see that, Pietro? We're going to have you learn that."
Pietro tried to form words but all he could do was make sounds that sounded like a baby trying to speak for the first time. That, or the first meeting between you and Tony Stark. Either way, you found it extremely hilarious.
"Let's get started, shall we?" You asked as you walked closer to him. "You know how to make a vacuum, I'm positive. So after the vacuum is made, instead of letting the extra energy fall behind you into nothing, you need to focus to harness the power to be closer to you. Once enough is built up, you can grab the lightning your extra energy made and throw it right at the dummy," You explained. "But that's a lot, so let's just start with making the vacuum and focusing the energy elsewhere."
Pietro, still silent, nodded and began running. You watched as he created the vacuum, and could tell he had the energy closer to him, but he swore at himself and landed on his face when it all fell apart. It was going to be a long day.
Finally, after three hours of failing and many broken things in the training room, Pietro was finally catching on. At first, he kept falling because of the energy being too close and uncontrolled, causing it all to disperse and him to start over again. Then, he was able to keep the lightning energy at the right distance, but when he would go to grab it, the timing would be off and the chance would be gone, or he would miss. After he finally got down grabbing the lightning, he kept missing the dummy. Many windows and lights were broken, but in the last half hour of working on this, he hit the dummy twice.
Of course, more work was going to be needed, but he was getting it. And that was enough for you for the first day of practice. Typically, the team would go into the kitchen and get food as needed, or use Tony's credit card to get take-out, but you were hoping that Steve and Natasha remembered about your plan to eat together. This "together" included you, Steve. Natasha, Pietro, Wanda, and Vision as a guest who does not eat. Since you sent Wanda to spend the day with Vision, it would have been rude to exclude him- but you didn't mind, he's always fun to have around.
And to your surprise, you and Pietro walked into the kitchen to find Wanda cooking with Steve and Natasha helping. Vision was sitting on the barstool across from them, watching with a satisfied smile on his face. "This all looks amazing! What are we making?" You asked.
"(Y/N)!" Natasha smiled to you, "Nice of you to join us!"
You laughed and rolled your eyes. "I was working on Pietro's powers, come on, don't give me that shit," You reminded her.
Natasha gave you a look that meant she was just messing with you, and it made Steve and Wanda chuckle. "I'm making a dish that I remember from Sokovia- perfect for a big meal with friends," Wanda nodded and continued cutting ingredients and directing the other two on what to do.
"I would help, but seeing as I never need to eat, I would be unsure if I was doing it correctly," Vision clarified.
You and Pietro quickly joined in to help the prep, making comments and conversation with the group. Everyone was excited to be having a sit-down meal for once, and to catch up with the people who have been away on missions. Natasha and Steve are insanely busy, you were lucky to have both of your best friends home at the same time to do this.
Telling the group about your day, listening to Wanda and Vision's day, and hearing about the missions Natasha and Steve were on, Steve cleared his throat to call attention to himself. "I hate to tell you this, (Y/N), especially since I just got back...but tomorrow I leave with Sam on another mission. Don't ask, please, it's one I can't talk about until it's done," Steve rambled on. "But, it should only be a few days, so it won't be long."
You pouted. "I can't believe you're leaving me again!"
Steve chuckled and looked around the table at his friends. "Well, I think we all deserve a break after this as well, let's all watch a movie together before we get back to work tomorrow," He offered his idea.
"I could use the break," Natasha said and took a bite of her food.
"I love movies!" Wanda smiled. "So, I will always relax enough to watch one."
Pietro and Vision also added that they had no plans and were ready for the movie as soon as it was wanted.
"I guess we're watching a movie!" You squealed. And after dinner, the six of you gathered around the TV to watch a few cartoons. You in between Steve and Natasha, happy to have your closest friends by you for a night. Who knows when something could change, you need to value everything while you have it. You've seen too many friends pass, you weren't going to waste the good things you have.
All of you fell asleep during the third movie.
@heyitskatrina @marvel-at-bucky @majbritsr @usualblogforanunsualblogger @chloesegalle003 @221bshrlocked @this-is-moonfairy  @wildberry1​ @latrombone​ @fandomtime-123 @the-trashiest-potato @the-scarlet-letter @winterssoldierrs @bands-we-love-you-sel  @chrys-1029 @iamtheonewhocares @jaderz-mega-yikes @mehrmonga  @xcastawayherosx @lexbugz @allertonn@erinella2656 @supernatural-36 @bugalouie @marrvelle @captain-purpledino@erinella2656 @lovingmytelevision @pinetree111 @feelmyroarrrr@cheyennethefangirl @lovemesometimhortons @artisticgamer @messybl0g@stormyfandoms @darkangel1423 @eternalanxious @protontippens@sweetdee198 @yellow-cucumber2 @avengemenugget @umwhatandrea@thesaraaaaahpfan @illuminatithreat3 @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @theboredwriter13 @raindancer2004 @chloesegalle003  @gryffinclaw-marauder​ @beefybuffybucky​
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rudysrings · 5 years
New Series...? Moodboard + Blurb
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Summary: Y/N has been coming to terms with her new self for a while now, doing her best to stay on the move, not only to escape the people who are after her but also to escape the people who want to help her. On her way, she tries, to the best of her abilities, to put herself to good use. Of course, the Avengers never miss someone enhanced on their radar. They quickly realize that Y/N could be quite the asset to them and attempt to understand who she is, where she came from, and what she can do, when they should really be trying to figure out what she can’t do.
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rudysrings · 5 years
Ok soooooo.... i was thinking of making a series where the reader/oc (i haven’t decided yet) is the female version of darwin from the marvel comics. If you don’t know who Darwin is... let me explain: Darwin can adapt. So y’all probably know avout Darwin’s theory if evolution and all that so imagine it happening instantaneously rather than on a generational level. If you need to swim- boom gills. If you need to climb a mountain: boom claws. You get the drift. I was wondering it it sounds like a good idea.
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