#natalie gurdin
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nitpickrider · 2 months ago
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The new Lady Blackhawk is about as pulp as they come, evidently Action Comics 615
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cantsayidont · 1 year ago
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March through May 1988. While the Evanier/Spiegle BLACKHAWK revival was prompted by Steven Spielberg's interest in doing a BLACKHAWK feature film as a follow-on to RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, this controversial Howard Chaykin miniseries feels a fair bit like RAIDERS: a slick, stylish, rather cynical adventure story about a square-jawed heel and a saucy, two-fisted dame who save the world from fascism when they're not too busy bickering, in a nostalgia-bait setting full of visual allusions to '30s and '40s advertising and propaganda art.
Although Chaykin was certainly familiar with the Blackhawks (and had done covers and a couple of backup stories for the Evanier series), he indulges in some obligatory late '80s revisionism, dismissing or discarding some familiar elements of the feature (for instance, the characters laugh off the possibility of a Blackhawk Island, a staple of the earlier series) and tinkering with some details. Perhaps his most significant move was to reaffirm that Blackhawk was Polish, as shown in the first Blackhawk story in MILITARY COMICS #1 (by Will Eisner and Chuck Cuidera) back in 1941. Later versions of Blackhawk's origin had claimed he was American and had merely been flying for the Polish Air Force at the time of the 1939 Nazi invasion, but Chaykin was having none of that: The Blackhawk of this series is Janos Prohaska (a name borrowed from a veteran Hollywood stuntman who'd worked on STAR TREK and other movies and TV shows), a broad-shouldered, left-leaning (and, this being a Howard Chaykin story, Jewish) schlub from Krakow who spends a lot of the story under fire for "premature antifascism" from a Red-baiting Southern senator who's also a secret Nazi agent.
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(Special note needs to be made of the exceptionally creative lettering of Ken Bruzenak, without which this series would be much less than it is, and also the effective color work of Steve Oliff.)
Exactly when this story is supposed to be set is a little vague. One of the pastiche magazine covers suggests that it takes place in June 1941, about the time MILITARY COMICS #1 went on sale, but the story concerns the theft of an American atomic bomb, and the U.S. already seems to be at war, so who knows! Chaykin is not Roy Thomas, who would undoubtedly have sweated such details.
The villain is none of Blackhawk's past opponents, but rather a newly created character, British fascist and disgraced Hollywood star Sir Death Mayhew, a very thinly veiled pastiche of Errol Flynn, obviously informed by Charles Higham's muckraking 1980 bio ERROL FLYNN: THE UNTOLD STORY, which alleged that Flynn was a Nazi spy. Other biographers have challenged Higham's evidence and conclusions (although even the most generous accounts of Flynn's life are pretty seamy), but by the '80s Flynn was long dead, this was after all a comic book, and Mayhew is a pretty effective (and thoroughly risible) villain. Probably the biggest disappointment is that we don't ever actually see Mayhew's earlier encounter with Blackhawk, who he says had previously exposed him as a Nazi spy, and there's never really a clash between the Blackhawks and Mayhew's fascist White Lion squadron (which ends up basically carrying the water for Mayhew's mad plan to give himself "a Viking funeral").
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The original BLACKHAWK series eventually introduced a Lady Blackhawk, blond adventuress Zinda Blake, but Chaykin creates his own version: a feisty American-born Communist expat, Natalie (Gurdin) Reed. She's a flight engineer as well as a pilot, although her primary function is to spar with Blackhawk. It's not hard to envision this scene with Harrison Ford as Janos and Karen Allen as Natalie:
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One of the biggest complaints levied against this series is that the other Blackhawks get short shrift: They don't show up until well into the story, one of them is killed off-handedly, and they don't have much to do other than be exasperated with their boss.
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Nonetheless, this was, believe it or not, the first time in their long history that all the Blackhawks actually got full names, including "Chop Chop" (Weng Chan), who subsequently became a supporting character in the John Ostrander/Graham Nolan HAWKWORLD series in the early '90s.
Your reaction to this series will likely depend on how you feel about the Blackhawks. If you'd never heard of them beyond perhaps glancing past their WHO'S WHO entry, it's a pretty good time — the story has some missed opportunities (including surprisingly little aerial action), and marginalizing the rest of the team is definitely a flaw, but it's entertaining in its slick '80s way, and it's more cohesive than a lot of Chaykin's other work from this period (e.g., AMERICAN FLAGG!, THE SHADOW, BLACK KISS, TIME²). Hardcore Blackhawk fans (and I guess there are still a few) generally hate it, and certainly for purists, the Evanier/Spiegle series is likely to be far more satisfactory. Also, Chaykin's particular schtick is something of an acquired taste, and if you're not a fan, his customary abrasive cynicism may be a bit much. However, you can tell he was having fun, which counts for a lot. He even manages to work in the Blackhawks' "HAWKAAAAA" battle cry at the end, though not their jaunty theme song:
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This miniseries, originally released in what DC used to call its "Prestige Format," apparently didn't sell as well as anticipated; for a long time, you could find copies in comic shop bargain bins for a fraction of the cover price, which is how I first read it. However, in 2020, DC finally, miraculously, reprinted the series in trade paperback (as BLACKHAWK: BLOOD & IRON), also tossing in the 1989 SECRET ORIGINS entry (by Marty Pasko, Grant Miehm, and Terry Beatty), which attempts, with fair success, to square Chaykin's version with the original Eisner/Cuidera story, and the now hard-to-find ACTION COMICS WEEKLY Blackhawk serial by Mike Grell, Rick Burchett, and Pablo Marcos, which is set after the war and is basically a straightforward pastiche of the early years of Milt Caniff's STEVE CANYON newspaper strip. I actually find the ACTION COMICS WEEKLY serial significantly more cynical and abrasive than the Chaykin series, although Burchett's art is nice. DC hasn't bothered to reprint the short-lived BLACKHAWK ongoing series of 1989–1990, by Pasko (and later Doug Moench) and Burchett, which is just as well: Also set in the late '40s, it follows on from the ACW serial, but is a pretty much unmitigated disaster, full of puzzling creative choices, including some bizarre (and misogynistic) abuse of Natalie Reed. The art is fine (although the interiors never live up to Burchett's excellent covers), but it can't save the muddy, mean-spirited storyline, which is often confusing and intermittently preposterous in a way that clashes with the intended gritty tone, making it highly missable even for completists.
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beautiesofbygoneeras · 1 year ago
Lana Wood (born Svetlana Lisa Gurdin; March 1, 1946) is an American actress and producer. Her older sister was Natalie Wood.
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tzigone · 6 years ago
Modeling careers - drop or keep?
Just for fun. Someone mentioned the ridiculous number of women in comics who have been models. so I went to dc wiki for a list of models.
Now, counting only heroes, which ones would you keep or drop the modeling history for if you were doing a reboot?
Beatriz da Costa (Fire) - Probably drop. There are just better things to do with her, I think.  But I haven’t read any with her as model, so maybe it matters?
Carlotta Rivera (Jolt) - I don’t even know who she is, to be honest.
Delilah Tyler (Phantom Lady) - Haven’t read her, no opinion
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden - I have read a little with her, but still don’t have an opinion.
Koriand’r (Starfire) - Definitely keep.  Maybe not forever, but let her make some money on this planet.  And being super-hot is rather a defining characteristic of hers.
Mari McCabe (Vixen) - Haven’t read enough of her to have an opinion.
Natalie Gurdin (Lady Blackhawk) - Didn’t know who she was either. 
Rebecca Carstairs (Witchfire) - Another one I haven’t read, but her bio indicates it relevant to her origin.
Dick Grayson (Nightwing) - I wasn’t aware he’d ever modeled, but he’s listed.  Wouldn’t use.
Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm) - See Dick Grayson
Tora Olafsdotter (Ice) - See Dick Grayson and Ronnie Raymond
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masonskaya · 8 years ago
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ilovenataliewood · 7 years ago
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Natalie Wood's last passport photo, 1981.
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nwscrapbook · 4 years ago
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Natalie with her mother, Maria Gurdin.
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drivinghome2u · 3 years ago
"After Natalie started acting as a child, David Lewis and William Goetz, studio executives RKO Radio Pictures, changed her last name to Wood, in reference to director Sam Wood. Wood's only full sibling, Svetlana Gurdin (the family had changed their surname), was born in Santa Monica in 1946. Now known as Lana Wood, she also became an actress."
also known as natasha gurdin. and there's that name david... and all the rest... g names etc. and sam wood??? like the fricking personal trainer/bachelor guy? that jeremy works for/with and so on and forth?! "As a youth Wood developed an enthusiasm for physical fitness that persisted into his senior years and influenced his interest in making sports-themed films." literally what the fuck!!!
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vintage-every-day · 7 years ago
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Natalie Wood waters the lawn as her mother, Maria Gurdin, supervises, 1945.
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outsidersdc-blog · 5 years ago
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Natalie Reed (nombre verdadero Natalie Gurdin) es la segunda mujer en ser conocida como Lady Blackhawk. Nacida en Brooklyn, Natalie era la hija de Benjamín y Lucille Gurdin, miembros del Partido Comunista. Natalie participó y ganó el concurso de belleza de 1937 llamado "Miss Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas". El título desató una carrera como modelo de corta duración y un papel en la película de bajo presupuesto de 1938 llamada Gun Molls in Trouble. Gurdin cambió su nombre por el de Reed en ese momento, en honor de John Reed, periodista estadounidense comunista que vivió durante largos períodos de tiempo (y murió) en la Unión Soviética. Natalie emigro a Rusia en 1940 para vivir y estudiar. Natalie se convirtió en una experta en ingeniería aeronáutica y fue diseñador en jefe de la Fábrica de San Valentín-Prendergast de aviones. Reed conoció a los Blackhawks cuando estos solicitaron su contribución al diseño y producción de modificación del avion Grumman XF5F-1. Más tarde, mientras trabajaba con la inteligencia soviética, ayudo a los Blackhawks a derrotar a Death Mayhew en su plan para destruir Manhattan. Durante este período Natalie Reed fue apodada "Lady Blackhawk" por la prensa de EE.UU. Aparte de la publicidad de varios viajes y la reanudación de su breve carrera como modelo, poco se sabe de la vida de la señorita Reed en la posguerra. Ella se empleó brevemente en Blackhawk Airways en Singapur en 1947, pero se perdió de vista al poco tiempo. En 1948 Natalie Reed resurgió en Nueva York, como la autor de un cómic sobre los Blackhawks. Ella fue acusada de trabajar bajo doctrinas comunistas en sus guiones, pero fue absuelta de este cargo. Poco se sabe sobre el accidente que le costó un ojo. Todos los archivos que contienen información sobre Natalie Gurdin Reed son clasificados y su paradero actual es desconocido. Reed tuvo un hijo con un Blackhawk, Ritter Hendrickson. Hendricksen se perdió en una explosión de helicóptero en la primavera de 1948 poco después de descubrir que él era el padre del hijo de Natalia, Jimmy (nacido en 1945; Blackhawk Anual # 1). Jimmy se unió al Escuadrón Blackhawk cuando se convirtió en adulto joven, sirviendo primero con el personal de tierra (hasta 1963) y finalmente, como un piloto. Como resultado de las luchas internas en la década de 1950 dentro de las filas de lo que se convirtió en la CIA, Reed fue alterada quirúrgicamente y obligada a asumir la identidad de Constanza Darabont. Natalie Reed es la segunda mujer en ser conocida como Lady Blackhawk aunque por medio del retcon se estableció como la primera dama Blackhawk en la línea de tiempo DCU. La primera aparición de Lady Blackhawk II es en Blackhawk (vol. 5) # 1 (Marzo 1988) y es creada por Howard Chaykin.
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roundaboutmidnight · 6 years ago
29 de novembro
Bom dia a todos!...
Neste dia:
Nasceu, em 1898, o escritor britânico Clive Staples Lewis.
Morreu, em 1981, a atriz estadunidense Natalie Wood.
Morreu, em 2001, o Beatle George Harrison.
George Harrison Nasceu em Liverpool no dia 25 de fevereiro de 1943 e morreu em Los Angeles em 29 de novembro de 2001. Foi um guitarrista, cantor, compositor e produtor musical e cinematográfico inglês que obteve fama internacional como guitarrista dos Beatles. Geralmente chamado de "o Beatle quieto", Harrison aderiu ao hinduísmo e ajudou a ampliar os horizontes dos outros Beatles assim como seu público ocidental ao incorporar instrumentos indianos na música do grupo. Embora a maioria das canções da banda fossem escritas por John Lennon e Paul McCartney, a maioria dos álbuns dos Beatles, a partir de 1965, continham, pelo menos, duas composições de Harrison. Suas músicas para o grupo incluem "While My Guitarr Gently Weeps", "Here Comes the Sun" e "Something". Esta última se tornou a segunda música mais regravada dos Beatles. Como carreira solo teve muitos sucessos, mas o mais marcante foi “My Sweet Lord”. Para mim sempre foi o melhor dos Beatles. Melhor cantor, melhor compositor e melhor guitarrista. Enfim, o melhor músico.
Natalie Wood (nome de nascimento Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko, em russo: Наталья Николаевна Захаренко, nasceu em São Francisco no dia 20 de julho de 1938 e morreu na Ilha de Santa Catalina, Califórnia, em 29 e novembro de 1981. Foi uma atriz norte-americana. Seus pais eram russos emigrados, que mal falavam inglês e que trocaram o sobrenome para Gurdin depois da obtenção da cidadania norte-americana. Foi casada vezes com o ator Robert Wagner. Entre seus filmes estão: Miracle on 34th Street (De Ilusão Também Se Vive de 1947). Ela tinha então 9 anos. Rebel Without a Cause (Juventude Transviada, de 1955. Com 17 anos. West Side Story (Amor Sublime Amor de 1961.
Clive Staples Lewis, comumente referido como C. S. Lewis, nasceu em Belfast no dia 29 de novembro de 1898 e morreu em Oxford em 22 de novembro de 1963. Foi um professor universitário, escritor, romancista, poeta, crítico literário, ensaísta e apologista cristão. Ele é mais conhecido por seus trabalhos envolvendo a apologia cristã, incluindo as obras O Problema do Sofrimento (1940), Milagres (1947) e Cristianismo Puro e Simples (1952), e a ficção e a fantasia, sendo as obras As Crônicas de Nárnia (1950-56), exemplos de sua produção literária voltadas para esses temas. Foi também um respeitado estudioso da Literatura medieval e renascentista, tendo produzido alguns dos mais renomados trabalhos acadêmicos envolvendo esses temas.
É dele o texto:
Se o sistema solar foi criado por uma colisão estelar acidental, então o aparecimento da vida orgânica neste planeta foi também um acidente, e toda a evolução do Homem foi um acidente também. Se é assim, então todos nossos pensamentos atuais são meros acidentes – o subproduto acidental de um movimento de átomos. E isso é verdade para os pensamentos dos materialistas e astrônomos, como para todos nós. Mas se os pensamentos deles – isto é, do Materialismo e da Astronomia – são meros subprodutos acidentais, por que devemos considerá-los verdadeiros? Não vejo razão para acreditarmos que um acidente deva ser capaz de me proporcionar o entendimento sobre todos os outros acidentes. É como esperar que a forma acidental tomada pelo leite esparramado pelo chão, quando você deixa cair a jarra, pudesse explicar como a jarra foi feita e porque ela caiu.“ Posto aqui:
Numa gravação histórica, George Harrison cantando e tocando guitarra na sua sua linda melodia While my guitar gently weeps . Com ele estão: Ringo Star e Phil Collins nas baterias, Eric Clapton na Guitarra, Jeff Lyne na Guitarra, Ray Cooper na Percusion, Mark King no baixo, Elton John e Jool Holland nos Pianos.
Numa outra gravação histórica, a música My Sweet Lord no Concert Tribute to George Harrison, feito dois anos após sua morte. Na guitarra acústica Eric Clapton, na guitarra eléctrica o parecidíssimo filho de George Harrison, ao piano Paul McCartney, na primera batería Ringo Star, na segunda batería Phill Collins, na segunda guitarra eléctrica Tom Petty, ao órgão e interpretando a primeira voz o incrível Billy Preston.
Um clipe de West Side Story de 1961. Tony (Richard Beymer) e Maria (Natalie Wood) só enxergam um ao outro na pista de dança num amor à primeira vista.
Um tributo a Natalie Wood com a música The Rainbow Connection interpretada por Sarah McLachlan.
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masonskaya · 8 years ago
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blogtify · 7 years ago
Childhood, Biography & Facts of Natalie Wood
Childhood, Biography & Facts of Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood Biography
Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko Born : July 20, 1938 San Francisco, California, U.S. Died: November 29, 1981 (aged 43) Santa Catalina Island, California, U.S. Cause of death : Drowning and other undetermined factors[3] Resting place : Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery Other names: Natasha Gurdin Education:  Van Nuys High School Occupation :  Actress Years active:…
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nwscrapbook · 6 years ago
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Natalie with her father, Nick Gurdin.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 2 months ago
Okay, I’m gonna need somebody to explain to me how “Natalie Reed” is some kind of joke.
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The new Lady Blackhawk is about as pulp as they come, evidently Action Comics 615
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masonskaya · 8 years ago
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