#nat and cyg
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
Contoversially Young Girlfriend-Part 4
Summary:In this part of CYG and Nat, Nat learns that CYG's moms have intimidating careers. She reacts just about how you'd expect.
Pairing:Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x CYG
Warnings: Anxeity and Alcohol.
Word count:851(Kinda short sorry)
Masterlist Series Masterlist
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It was a normal day at The Hard Deck with CYG, Natsha and some of the Squad. CYG has one of her books and notebooks out and is studying for an exam coming up. Nat is talking with Bob about his parents coming into town and then the conversation gets turned onto CYG.
“What do your parents do?” Bob asked her politely. The pair had only been dating for a couple of weeks at this point and it hadn’t crossed Phoenix’s mind to ask, so she was also curious and listened intently. 
“One of my moms is a stay at home mom and the other one is JAG.” Natasha had been taking a sip of her beer when the words came out of her girlfriend's mouth. She ended up choking on the liquid, it spewed out of her nose and she coughed for a solid 5 minutes. All the while CYG is rubbing her back soothingly. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” the words came out of Natasha’s mouth before she could stop them after she could finally breathe properly. 
“My mom is JAG, she works on your base, sometimes she's sent out overseas or on a ship or whatever.” CYG said it so nicely as though her mother wasn’t feared by everyone around them. 
“When were you going to tell me this?” Nat said in bewilderment, throwing her hands in the air. She was known for being exceptionally calm but this news had shook her to her bones. She contemplated breaking up with the woman in front of her at that moment. But she shook that thought out of her head quickly. CYG was no doubt the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. 
“I figured it would come up in conversation at dinner this week.” CYG shrugged casually and the words reminded Phoenix of the dinner she had agreed to go to at CYG’s home. 
“No way am I going to that dinner. That isn’t going to happen.” Nat shook her head furiously. Natasha knew she could handle meeting parents. She had done it before and parents always loved her. But the thought of sitting around a dinner table with JAG had her skin feeling clammy and her chest feeling tight. 
“Phoenix you’re gonna have to meet them eventually might as well just rip the bandaid off now.” It was Bob’s calm and wise words that had a scoff leaving her mouth. CYG gave him a thankful smile for his attempt at convincing his front seater that meeting her mom’s wasn’t a big deal. 
“Unless of course you want to break up because my mom’s job makes you sweat a little.” CYG was only slightly teasing. She was well aware how terrified military personnel were of her mother. Even Cyclone had shown fear of the woman on multiple occasions. 
“Of course not babe. I want to be with you. Just kinda terrified of your mother is all.” Natasha’s words reassured the younger woman there was no need to worry. Even though Natasha was already running through a million scenarios in her head. 
“I wish I could say she isn’t that bad but she is. You get used to it though. After a while that is.” Natasha’s wary look had her continuing “My other mom Juniper or momma balances her out. She’s very sweet, kind and caring. It makes up for how cutthroat my mom Blake is.” 
“She volunteer at a charity or something?” Natasha was being sarcastic with her words but gapped at CYG when she nodded quickly. 
“She volunteers at just about any charity she can. She’s at the soup kitchen every Wednesday. Goes to the local hospital to the children's ward and reads books, sings songs or does crafts every Tuesday and Thursday. Then she bakes cakes and cookies and whatnot and takes them to the Veterans hospital on Friday. Monday is a slow day for her. She normally gardens and practices some songs on her guitar or paints. Saturday is our day together though all three of us go out if mom is in town and spend time doing something together. Sunday is a free day and she normally tries to find some volunteer work somewhere that day.'' As CYG finished listing off her mothers routine she had a warm feeling in her chest. She had always been proud of both her mothers and took any opportunity she was presented to gloat about them. 
“Yea I think I’m sick during dinner.” Natasha was now intimidated by both of her girlfriends' moms and there was no way she was gonna survive an entire dinner with them. 
“I promise you there is nothing to worry about. They are gonna love you!” CYG leaned over and gave Nat a kiss on the cheek before pulling back and giving her an uncertain smile. Even though her palms were sweating and her stomach was twisted in an impossible puzzle Natasha still smiled at her girlfriend reassuringly. Then agreed to go to dinner even if she would be on the verge of throwing up the whole time.
A/N: Next part should be out soon. I'm gonna try and write it tonight or tomorrow!
Tags(open): @sylviebell @wkndwlff​ @eternallyvenus @loving-and-dreaming @princess76179 @kmc1989 @gspenc @aoikioshi
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
🎂Piece of cake: share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
M's Taste of Twenty-Five Masterlist
Well I am really excited for Alliance Maker. I think exploring more of Azriel and Nesta with the reader is going to be really interesting.
I am also really excited to continue Controversially Young Girlfriend because Natasha is hot hot hot. Plus @sylviebell gives me so many amazing ideas.
I'm excited about Actions Speak Louder Than Words because Fanboy has a special little place in my heart and this series is really filling that space nicely.
Lastly I am unbelievably excited for all the WIP's for this event.
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
@laracrofted started a rockin awesome Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) tag game!💜✨
Thank you @sylviebell and @wkndwlff for the tag in this amazing game. Sorry it’s taken me so long to complete it. Adhd is so fucking fun yay! Okay now let’s get started💜✨
Claim a speak now (Taylor’s Version) song for your fic pairings💜✨
Tagging: Anyone that would like to participate💜✨
Enchanted- Natasha "Phoenix" Trace and Controversially Young Girlfriend
They were both so unbelievably unequivocally enchanted with each other the first time they met. They both walked out of the store with excitement and hope in their chest. Natasha regretted not saying more, not expressing her attraction to CYG as well. But you best know that the next time she saw her she spilled her guts like lava out of an erupting volcano.
This is me praying that This was the very first page Not where the storyline ends My thoughts will echo your name Until I see you again These are the words I held back As I was leaving too soon I was enchanted to meet you
I Can See You- John "Ramble" De Luca and Mystery Man
So Ramble and Mystery Man obviously work together so they have to keep it professional. They have both been watching each other but neither of them have noticed yet. They both desperately want to be together yet fears are holding them both back. Mystery Man has yet to come out to any of the team and Ramble is afraid to make a move for that very reason. Also when they do eventually get together things are kept under wraps for a while.
’Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me And I could see you up against the wall with me And what would you do? Baby, if you only knew That I can see you Uh-uh, uh, uh And we kept everything professional But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like They keep watchful eyes on us So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet You won't believe half the things I see inside my head Wait 'til you see half the things that haven’t happened yet
Foolish One- Jane "Mute" Hall and Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Even the title screams them I mean come on now. They both are head over heels for each other. But neither of them have said anything because Fanboy thought that Mute was with Ramble then he thought Mute was gonna go after Hangman. Then Fanboy goes on a date with someone else and Mute gets discouraged. One day they will laugh over the fact that they were so foolish with each other. The only exception to this song is that they actually end up together.
You know how to keep me waitin' I know how to act like I'm fine Don't know what to call this situation But I know I can't call you mine And it's delicate, but I will do my best to seem bulletproof 'Cause when my head is on your shoulder It starts thinkin' you'll come around And maybe, someday, when we're older This is something we'll laugh about Over coffee every mornin' while you're watching the news
Timeless- Jake "Hangman" Seresin and Plus Sized S/O
They were meant to be and no one will ever change their mind. They love each other more than anything. I could put this whole fucking song in here because it fits so well. Even if they were in a different century they would be together. Plus the fucking photos come on guys that's literally Jake's favortie thing to do. I think it's 100% possible that Plus Sized S/O would stumble into an antique shop and find books and books of photos and be blinded by the similarity to her and Jake. Jake also definitely writes her love letters. Now to pick out what exactly to put down for this. I picked a tiny chorus even though this whole song is so them coded.
In a crowded room a few short years ago And sometimes there's no proof, you just know You're always gonna be mine We're gonna be I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made And you'll say, "Oh my, we really were timeless"
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
Last Line Tag Game
RULES - Create a new post and share the last line you wrote for your WIP and then tag as many people as there are words as many friends as you want.
Thank you @wkndwlff @sylviebell for the tag in this!
From Nat x CYG:
“I promise you there is nothing to worry about. They are gonna love you!” CYG leaned over and gave Nat a kiss on the cheek before pulling back and giving her an uncertain smile. Even though her palms were sweating and her stomach was twisted in an impossible puzzle Natasha still smiled at her girlfriend reassuringly. Then agreed to go to dinner even if she would be on the verge of throwing up the whole time.
Tags: Anyone that would like to participate!
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
I finally updated my tumblr so I’m able to do these little question and answer thingies. So y’all should be expecting like one a day.
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
I’m super excited to continue writing this. It’s quickly becoming one of my favorite series. Though that really doesn’t surprise me because anything you request for Phoenix sends me down a rabbit hole.
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Natasha “Phoenix” Trace x Controversially Young Girlfriend- Part 2
Summary: CYG gets lost trying to find the cafeteria to meet her girlfriend for lunch. Thankfully a friendly face helps guide her in the right direction. 
Pairing: Natasha “Phoenix” Trace x Controversially Young Girlfriend 
Warnings: None?
Word count:872
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
Controversially Young Girlfriend Masterlist
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Summary:This is a series about Natasha and a controversially young girlfriend. These aren’t particularly in storyline order.
Part 1-Headcanon
Part 2-Imagine
Part 3-Imagine
Part 4-Imagine
Tags(open): @sylviebell @wkndwlff​ @eternallyvenus @loving-and-dreaming @princess76179 @kmc1989 @gspenc @aoikioshi
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
Controversially Young Girlfriend- Part 1
@sylviebell asks: A pride month celebration is such a good idea! I’ve got a headcanon request for you. I’ve seen several things about Rooster and Hangman with a controversially young girlfriend, but what are your thoughts on Phoenix with one?
(For some reason tumblr glitched and posted this yesterday so I deleted it and copied the ask from my google docs)
Pairing: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x afab! unnamed OC type (CYG short for controversially young girlfriend because I was not typing that a bunch)
Warnings: Age gap and tooth rooting fluff.
Word count: 533
Masterlist M’s PMC Masterlist Series Masterlist
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~ I absolutely love this idea.
~I think they'd have met in like sephora or ulta or something.
~Phoenix looked completely lost and this pretty young woman came wandering over to her.
~Asked her if she needed help with anything.
~Phoenix told her what she was having trouble with and the young woman helped her out quickly.
~Before walking away she turned to Phoenix handing over her phone.
~ “I think you're super attractive and would love to see you again sometime.”
~Phoenix was taken aback, she was used to men hitting on her but not women.
~Especially as cute and young as the one standing before her.
~She put her number in her phone and then they parted ways.
~They talked constantly after that.
~Literally talked about everything under the sun.
~When CYG told Phoenix how young she was, Phoenix was a tiny bit hesitant to pursue anything.
~CYG being like 19-21.
~Confided in Rooster who encouraged her to go for it.
~They exchanged snapchats and every time Phoenix would post a picture of her or of her and the guys, the CYG would be sliding up hyping her up.
~ Their first date consisted of coffee and thrift shopping.
~ They had a lot of fun and it was instant chemistry.
~There was barely a day after that they weren't together.
~It was a whirlwind of romance and they moved in together within months.
~CYG was constantly pulling Phoenix into tiktok trends.
~CYG having to explain new slang and trends to Phoenix.
~They got a cat together from a shelter and it is their little baby.
~CYG is a nanny and on her rare days off she goes and has lunch with Phoenix on base.
~One time she sees one of her friends dads there (Admiral Simpson) and it was a little awkward. (Will write this as a little blurb if anyone wants me to.)
~Also a college student majoring in Psychology.
~The family that CYG nannies for loves Phoenix and has approved of her coming over and spending time with CYG and the kids anytime she wants.
~Phoenix is so good with the kids and they love playing with her when she's over.
~CYG integrated into the Squad well.
~Got made fun of by Harvard and Yale for still being in college.
~Hangman was actually the first person she got along with.
~They became super close much to Phoenix's dismay.
~But he had defended their relationship and the fact that CYG was still in college.
~CYG's friends absolutely adore Phoenix and love the two of them together.
~Phoenix always feels out of touch with them though and normally just sits quietly confused.
~They occasionally got mistaken for siblings instead of girlfriends because of the age gap.
~Both of their families had questions and concerns over the relationship.
~Phoenix would occasionally get insecure that CYG wouldn't want to stay with her.
~CYG would reassure her constantly however and would never get upset with her insecurities.
~Would go to pride together and have the time of their lives.
~The first deployment was rough for the both of them. will be posting a oneshot of this soon)
~Overall they are both super head over heels for each other.
A/N: Thank you for this request Sylvia! I am completely fucking obsessed with this idea. No one better be surprised when I make a series around this. I also maybe already have the awkward Beau, CYG, Nat scene written up lol.
Tags(Open): @wkndwlff @eternallyvenus
@sillygooseses (you liked this yesterday when tumblr for some reason glitched out and posted it early)
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
Controversially Young Girlfriend- Part 2
Summary: CYG gets lost trying to find the cafeteria to meet her girlfriend for lunch. Thankfully a friendly face helps guide her in the right direction. 
Pairing: Natasha “Phoenix” Trace x Controversially Young Girlfriend
Warnings: None?
Word count:872
Masterlist  Series Masterlist
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Admiral Simpson turned the corner heading towards his office. He had just gotten out of a meeting that left him feeling absolutely exhausted. He just needed to get back to his office and then he could eat his lunch. That was his plan until he saw a familiar face standing in the hallway looking utterly lost. He called out her name to get her attention. 
“Mr.Simpson, how are you doing today?” She asked as she turned toward the man, a hopeful smile on her face. She hadn’t been within these walls in years, not since her mom would occasionally bring her to work with her when she was a child. 
“I’m doing quite well. What’s got you on base?” He asked her inquisitively. With one of her mothers being a Judge Advocate General she had the military ID to get on base. But he knew that her mother wasn’t on a case that he had knowledge of. 
“I’m here visiting my girlfriend for lunch.” She said holding up the bag of food in her hands.
“Who would that be?” He looked through the halls for anyone he might suspect it to be. The fact it was a woman narrowed the list down exponentially but he still came up empty. 
“Phoenix.” That reply shocked him. He had obviously met the aviator on many occasions and he wouldn’t have guessed her for someone that would date so young. Hangman or Rooster would’ve been his first thought had she not said her girlfriend.
“I didn’t realize you were dating one of my aviators.” He said as he looked at his daughter's best friend in front of him. He could remember her losing her first tooth in tandem with his daughter. Both of them having worked on pulling them out together. To see her today looking so grown up made him a little winded. 
“Well I wasn’t aware I had to update you when my relationship status changed but if you must know it’s been a couple of months now.” She replied, giving him a sweet teasing smile.
“Would you like me to escort you to the lunch room?” He asked her as he nodded in the direction of the cafeteria.
“That would be great. I always seem to get lost here.” She said as her shoulders deflated, relief washing through her. They talked casually, catching up as they made their way to the mess hall.
“Admiral Simpson.” The aviators surrounding the table stood and saluted the man. 
“As you were.” He replied as CYG slipped away from his side walking towards her girlfriend. She placed the food on the table and slipped into a seat between Phoenix and Payback. 
“Found your girlfriend wandering the halls lieutenant.” He spoke to the front seater. She looked sheepish as the woman squeezed her hand.
“Sorry sir, won’t happen again.” She told him hoping to keep clear of a scolding.
“It’s quite alright. I always enjoy seeing my bonus daughter.” He said with a shrug. The dagger squad all looked at each other in surprise at the reply.
“Known her since she was in kindergarten actually.” She and his daughter had been quick friends and remained two peas in a pod ever since.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than standing here and harassing me? What would Tracy say if she saw you now?” CYG sassed him, at the mention of his wife his face turned slightly red.
“No need to get her involved in this. I’ll be on my way now. See you at the house for dinner tonight. ” He replied quickly, turning around and heading away from the group. No way was he going to get scolded by his wife for embarrassing the young woman who was basically an extra daughter at this point. He’s made that mistake in the past and didn’t dare go there again.
But he also couldn’t help but worry for her. He had seen how worried his wife had been through all of his deployments. He didn’t want CYG to go through the same thing while her girlfriend went away to fight for their country. The thought of keeping the Aviator stateside briefly crossed his mind. Though he quickly shook it away, that wouldn’t be fair to Phoenix. She had worked her ass off to get where she was and pulling orders wouldn’t help her any. He would just have to be sure to be there for CYG when the orders eventually came. No one knew just how soon that would be. (He did call Phoenix into his office later that day and warned her against hurting CYG)
The aviators around the table grilled CYG for most of lunch about her relationship with their Admiral. She just rolled her eyes and answered what she could. She really appreciated the man who had become a support system for her throughout her life. He had taken a father figure roll for her quickly after meeting him. Not that she needed another parent, her mothers had always been very immersed in her life and unwaveringly supportive. But she truly appreciated the older man and his wife taking her in as one of their own. Just as her parents had done for his daughter.
A/N: This is such a fun little series. I’m super excited to write more for it. I know I’m going to write Phoenix’s first deployment while they were dating. But if anyone has any other ideas let me know, I’m all ears.
Tags(open):  @sylviebell​ @wkndwlff​ @eternallyvenus​ @loving-and-dreaming​ @princess76179​ @kmc1989​ 
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
I didn’t know I needed it until I was writing it. It’s now my favorite thing and has left me with some ideas👀👀👀👀
Controversially Young Girlfriend- Part 3
Summary: After the unexpected meeting on base earlier that day Cyclone grills CYG at dinner. 
Pairing: Natasha “Phoenix” Trace x Controversially Young Girlfriend
Warnings: Dangerous missons, that’s it?
Word count: 769
Masterlist   Part 2 
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foreverrandomwritings · 2 years ago
Controversially Young Girlfriend- Part 3
Summary: After the unexpected meeting on base earlier that day Cyclone grills CYG at dinner. 
Pairing: Natasha “Phoenix” Trace x Controversially Young Girlfriend
Warnings: Dangerous missons, that’s it?
Word count: 769
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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CYG goes over to her best friend's (Lyla) house as planned. Though she’s already annoyed with thoughts of Cyclone grilling her. She knew after her unexpected meeting with him that day that he was going to have a lot of questions for her. She already got a text from her girlfriend informing her that Cyclone had ordered her into his office and gave her the shovel talk. CYG had beaten the man home however and was already sitting at the dinner table with Lyla and Trevor (Lyla’s younger brother) when he walked in. 
Tracy had been finishing up dinner in the kitchen and he made a pit stop there greeting her, thanking her for dinner, thanking her for their beautiful life, complimenting her and giving her a kiss on the cheek (which is his everyday routine). When he got into the room he sat in his usual seat at the head of the table. CYG and Lyla sat on one side of the table and Trevor on the other. CYG was in her usual spot on Cyclones end which she was fully regretting now. She turned to look at him expectantly and his eyebrows shot up at the glare. 
“What did I do?” He defended as he laid his napkin across his lap. 
“You know what you did.” she clipped back at him. Trever laughed at the look on his dads face and Lyla narrowed her eyes at him. 
“What did you do?” Tracy asked as she walked into the room with the rest of the food.
“Hey now this isn’t fair.” He groaned which caused Lyla and Trevor to start snickering. 
“You interrogated my girlfriend while she was at work.” CYG exclaimed dramatically.
“I don’t think interrogated is the right word.” He had half the mind to look sheepish as Tracy narrowed her eyes at him.
“Beau Simpson, you better tell me she’s lying.” Tracy gave the go ahead to start piling food onto their plates by starting on her own and they all followed quickly. 
“I’m just looking out for her I promise.” He threw his hands up in front of him in a surrender. 
“Would you like to ask me some questions before jumping down her throat again?” CYG asked him. 
“How long have you been dating?” He jumped right in. Which was a relief for everyone around the table. It was much easier to get it over with rather than dwell on it for the rest of dinner. 
“Almost a month.” She answered calmly, it had been the best month of her life.
“How’d you meet?” He shot off the question. 
“I approached her in a store and asked for her number.” She smiled at the memory.
“Does she treat you right?” He was only slightly worried about that. He knew how she was after their various meetings with each other and had only heard good things about her when he asked around about her today. 
“I have never been treated better.” and that was the truth, she had never had someone love her the way Natasha did. 
“Have your moms met her yet?” He poked a piece of food before and put it in his mouth, chewing quickly as she answered. 
“They have and they both love her.” Natasha had been a nervous wreck meeting her parents the week prior but it had gone smoothly.  
“Do you understand how dangerous her job is?” His voice became serious, the rest of the table becoming silent. 
“I do, but I also know that she wouldn’t be on your base if she wasn’t the best of the best.” A small smile adorned his face at the compliment and the trust. 
“How serious are you?” He had obvious worry in his voice. 
“I’m gonna marry her one day.” Her voice was sure yet quiet, she had yet to tell anyone that bit of information. Lyla squealed in her spot beside her at the exciting words. She looked down at her plate and pushed around the food with her fork. He grabbed her other hand and squeezed it reassuringly causing her to look at him. 
“I will be here for you every step of the way. Deployments are hard and you will need all the support you can get every time. We will rally with you.” The family around the table all piped up in their own form of encouragement. 
“Okay we're done with the heaviness. Why don’t you tell us more about her?” Tracy asked nicely and CYG was relieved as the tension dispersed. She then proceeded to go on an hour long tangent about all things Natasha.
A/N: I love writing for this little series and I want to thank @sylviebell​ for being my soundboard. 
Tags(open): @wkndwlff​ @eternallyvenus​ @loving-and-dreaming​ @princess76179​ @kmc1989​ @gspenc​ @qjdjjexnsk​ 
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