#nasuhara anastasia x himenokoji akiko
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Akiko x Ana? 🤔
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Where’s the kiss scene..? The show wasn’t yuri but it absolutely has yuri gkskvka
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i wonder if they have fanfic... 😳 quite possibly..! im not sure if ‘oniai’ is smt i want in my search results but glkaslk ,, it’s technically already there since i watched the entire anime lgkaskl 
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I’m not sure i’d go as far as telling everyone “go watch oniai” bc obviously it wouldn’t suit everyone’s taste but, i would recommend at least the lunch scene. It’s hilarious..! 
tw; ecchi (not too bad tho), brocon, lesbianism lkgaslk 
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Akiko just straight up screaming and for such a long time haha~
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