#nassy you come into MY HOME and you BLESS ME LIKE THIS?? oh god nobody MOVE NOBODY MOVE
mythvoiced ยท 1 year
โ€ƒโ› karube , don't you think you deserve someone who will close her eyes on everyone else and be with you only and isn't actually taken ? ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ”ช โœ
@wellfell | ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ’•
Ah, this is what Eve must have been hearing, huh? This is the kind of ringing in her ears she'd tried to describe to Adam. Or maybe he is Adam in this scenario and maybe he's both, maybe Adam and Eve were one person all along, and where the side of him that is Eve had already bitten into the apple and allowed its flesh to stick between his teeth like regurgitated blood and was now trying to convince the rest of him, wholly Adam, that surely it wouldn't be so bad.
Except that Akina isn't the apple, Akina is not Eve, Akina couldn't ever be Adam, and in a way she isn't the snake either. It's easier to equal her to God, placing the tree in a spot so easy to reach, keeping a careful eye on him as he stares back, as they exchange looks written as reliably as the scripture itself, speaking silently of the truth that Karube will reach for it.
He breaks eye contact to pull his cigarette out of his mouth and throw it to the ground.
It's only half-smoked.
He tosses it to the ground like alien smile pulled out of his lungs, as if it burned him, as if it'd infected him, as if he didn't want to see the imprint of his unspoken words on the paper.
He doesn't quite have it in him to smile. Which is why attempting it only leads to something so wry, some part of him would suggest having put better effort into swallowing it might have tasted even sourer but would have turned his expression into something less akin to what he actually feels like.
This isn't a game they're playing. Not anymore at least. Not when he forgets about Emi for days but would know his way to Akina blind.
"What's with this 'deserving' shit," he misses the cigarette already, but he hadn't had anything else to throw. He shifts his back against the wall, slides down ever so slightly to make the balancing act of leaning against the wall like this even more precarious.
Why would you of all people say that? What do you have to gain from that? Why do we talk at all, why are we here, why am I always with you and never with her and why have I stopped giving a fuck-- why am I relieved when she's with him and not with me?
Least she could do is tell him what he already knows.
"Bad-mouthing Emi? Isn't she your friend?"
As binding a relationship as his to her.
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