#nasi goreng tom yam
tears-n-stars · 2 years
Tom Yum Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng Tom Yam)
It's been a while since I posted here so the first thing I'm posting is a recipe lmaooo. Since the Notes app in my phone is getting too messy for my liking, I guess sharing the recipes here wouldn't hurt plus I get to ensure the recipes I used are never lost and forgotten (by me lah sebab I jenis senang lupa). This recipe is adapted from Marion's Kitchen Tom Yum Fried Rice so go to the link in case my wording here gets confusing plus to refer to any number change. I tweaked a few parts because I found them to be tedious but I'll explain more on that in later parts. Here we go!
Ingredients serves: 2-3
3 cups day-old cold rice
neutral oil
any choice of protein
1 egg
a few slices of galangal
1 lemongrass (bruised, cut into big pieces)
2-3 lime leaves (chopped)
1 small onion (diced)
1 tomato (diced/sliced)
1 tbsp nam prik pao/tom yum paste
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
a pinch of sugar
a squeeze of lime juice
Pound a few slices of galangal to a paste before adding the chillies to the paste. Pound the mix until fine.
Heat some vegetable oil in a large frying pan. Add the galangal + chillies paste, lemongrass, lime leaves and diced onions. Stir fry for 20 seconds or until onions turn translucent.
Add protein of choice (chicken, prawn etc.) to the pan and stir until cooked.
Add egg and let it set before breaking up the egg to chunks, similar to scrambled eggs. You can omit the egg here if you want, I usually omit it if I want pair the fried rice with a fried egg but heck, do both if you want haha!
Add tomato and sauce condiments; nam prik pao, fish sauce, soy sauce, sugar, and lime juice. Mix well all ingredients in pan. I like to make sure the tomato have been cooked soft.
Add the day-old rice and stir fry everything until rice is evenly coated.
Turn off heat and serve.
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istanamadu · 14 days
Kecamatan/ kapanéwon Godean (bahasa Jawa: ꦒꦺꦴꦝꦺꦪꦤ꧀, translit. Godhéan) adalah sebuah kapanéwon di Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Kapanéwon Godean berada di sekitar 10 km sebelah Barat daya dari Ibu kota Kabupaten Sleman dan 10 km di sebelah barat kota Yogyakarta.
Lokasi ibu kota Kapanewon Godean di Jl. Godean Km.10, Sleman berada di 7.76774‘ LS dan 110.29336‘ BT. Kapanewon Godean mempunyai luas wilayah 2.684 Ha.
Bentangan wilayah di Kapanewon Godean berupa tanah yang datar dan sedikit berbukit. Sudah sejak lama Wilayah Godean merupakan pusat ekonomi bagi wilayah Sleman bagian barat.
Pasar Godean merupakan salah satu Pasar yang cukup ramai, dan terkenal dengan jajanan Peyek Belut.
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Selain Peyek belut terdapat juga beberapa kuliner tradisional di Godean Seperti:
Bakmi Pak Pele
Kedai bakmi ini sudah eksis sejak tahun 1883. Meski demikian, rasa bakmi di tempat ini tak pernah berubah, tetap enak dan autentik.
Tak heran, kedai bakmi ini selalu ramai dikunjungi baik warga lokal maupun pengunjung dari luar daerah.
Bakmi Pele menawarkan mene makanan yang menggugah selera seperti; Nasi goreng, Bakmi goreng, Bakmi Godok, Magelangan, Rica rica danNasi Godok.
Terdapat juga resto kepik sawah yang menyediakan ayam, bebek bumbu rempah, di goreng kremes dan dibakar, gurame dan nila di goreng, bakar manis/ bakar madu atau saus kacang, lada hitam lele mangut.
Kepik sawah juga menwarkan menu Belut, wader, kangkung, jamuur, toge, sambel, welut, sambel korek, sambel matah, sambel kecap, sambel klonyom, sambel pete, Garang Asem, Gadon.
Selain itu, terdapat juga restoran Baleroso Godean dengan menu khasnya yaitu, Gurame crispy asam amnis, asam pedas, saus madu, telur asin, saus padang, saus tiram,
Selain menu gurame resto ini juga menyediakan buncis telur asin, capcay goreng, kangkung terasi, tumis jamur, seafood tahu jepang, sup asparagus, tom yam.
Sungguh wisata kuliner yang layak dicoba ya. Tapi… jangan lupa jaga kesehatan guys, dengan mengkonsumsi madu tiap hari.
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arteraria · 2 years
Apakah Tom Yam Cocok dengan Basic Taste Indonesia?
Satu-satunya hidangan Thailand yang pernah aku santap adalah Tom Yam. Itu pun bukan tom yam yang sebenarnya sepertinya karena hidangan tersebut hanya berupa kuah yang dijadikan rebusan untuk sukiyaki. Rasa yang dominan saat itu adalah asam dan sedikit rasa asin. Jujur saja rasa kuah tom yam saat itu kurang sesuai dengan seleraku. Hidangan berbasis tom yam lain yang pernah aku santap yaitu nasi goreng tom yam ala Solaria. Rasa dari nasi goreng ini lebih masuk di lidahku karena sensasi aroma rempah lengkuas dan sereh yang memenuhi mulut ketika nasi goreng ini dikunyah. Rasa nasi goreng tom yam Solaria yang dominan adalah asin gurih dan sedikit asam sehingga cocok untuk aku yang pada dasarnya lebih menyukai makanan asin gurih.
Hidangan Thailand identik dengan penggunaan bumbu dan rempah aromatik yang kuat. Rempah-rempah yang umum digunakan di Thailand tidak banyak berbeda dengan yang ada di Indonesia, seperti misalnya sereh, jahe, merica, asam jawa, kunyit, daun jeruk purut, ketumbar, kayu manis, jinten, lengkuas, dan lain-lain. Hidangan aromatik yang dihasilkan dari rempah tersebut sepertinya tidak akan terlalu berbeda dengan soto atau opor yang aku buat dengan kombinasi rempah-rempah yang kurang lebih sama. Selain rempah tersebut, Thailand juga terkenal dengan salah satu bumbu halusnya yang dikenal dengan sebutan nam prik pao. Di Indonesia, mungkin nam prik pao ini seperti bumbu halus kuning, putih, atau merah yang biasa aku jumpai di pasar. Nam prik pao dibuat dari campuran bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, terasi, asam jawa, dan gula aren yang dihaluskan kemudian ditumis dengan minyak. Campuran Nam prik pao ini mengingatkanku dengan sambal terasi yang biasa disantap sebagai pendamping pecel lele atau sebagai bumbu dasar nasi goreng. Komponen yang membedakan nam prik pao dengan sambal terasi adalah penggunaan asam jawa. Menurutku hal tersebut berpengaruh terhadap basic taste Indonesia dan Thailand.
Thailand memiliki basic taste asam, asin, gurih, manis, dan pedas yang seimbang dalam suatu hidangan. Meskipun beberapa hidangan Indonesia seperti sayur asem, garang asem, dan lain-lain memiliki cita rasa yang kurang lebih sama, namun menurutku hidangan Indonesia memiliki basic taste asin, gurih, manis, dan pedas. Basic taste di Indonesia tidak umum seperti di Thailand karena setiap daerah memiliki preferensi masing-masing terhadap suatu hidangan. Misalnya masakan Sunda umumnya asin, gurih, dan pedas, sedangkan masakan Jawa umumnya asin, gurih, pedas, dan ada sedikit manis. Meskipun terdapat perbedaan basic taste antara Indonesia dan Thailand, namun masakan Thailand menurutku masih dapat diterima karena adanya kemiripan rasa dan aroma. Untuk beberapa orang yang tidak dapat menyantap makanan bercita rasa asam tak perlu khawatir. Nasi goreng tom yam ala Solaria dapat menjadi pilihan karena basic tastenya telah disesuaikan dengan lidah masyarakat Indonesia.
-09 Jan 2023-
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feast-of-avalon · 2 years
Favourite Plant-based Dining Establishments in Singapore
I’ve decided to come up with a list of my favourite local plant-based dining establishments (in terms of overall food quality and variety) and respective favourite dishes, mostly for my own reference but which others can use as a guide as well. This is a work in progress and will be continually updated.
#1 nomVnom
Favourite dishes: tempeh burgers, chickpea curry udon*, shacha udon, kimchi udon, black pepper udon*, truffled mushroom soup, corn soup, ice cream (matcha, houjicha, mango)^, muffins, custard tarts (*Tai Seng outlet only; ^Clarke Quay outlet only)
Price: $$$
Locations: North, East, Central
#2 WellSmoocht
Favourite dishes: panini sandwiches, lasagne, waffles, cakes, ice cream (rose coconut, hazelnut, vanilla)
Price: $$$
Locations: Central
#3 Gokul Vegetarian Restaurant
Favourite dishes: mee siam, lontong*, wanton mee, bee hoon goreng, Indian rojak, vegetable jalfrezi*, poori set, bhatura set (*can omit dairy on request)
Price: $$$
Locations: Central
#4 SunnyChoice
Favourite dishes: satay bee hoon, lor mee, pumpkin brown rice, olive fried rice, pineapple fried rice, thunder tea rice, banana bread
Vegan (except for some drinks with honey)
Price: $$
Locations: West, Central
#5 D'life Signature
Favourite dishes: xiang chun fried rice, ginger fried rice, nasi goreng mamak, gong bao abalone mushroom rice, Hong Kong noodles, hericium mushroom rendang, fruit rojak
Price: $$
Locations: Central
#6 Create Healthy Lifestyle
Favourite dishes: Hokkien mee (special item), nasi lemak (special item), eggplant minced pork brown rice (special item), cold tofu salad
Price: $$
Locations: Central
#7 Sauté-san
Favourite dishes: soy milk miso ramen, pumpkin minced mushroom spaghetti, cold soba with dipping sauce, cold soba salad with roasted sesame sauce, agedashi tofu, kimchi pancake, ice cream (maoshanwang durian, dark chocolate)
Price: $$$
Locations: Central
#8 Daily Green
Favourite dishes: signature mee pok, signature porridge, dry hor fun (can omit egg on request)
Price: $
Locations: North, East, West, Central
#9 Sove
Favourite dishes: aloo achari*, rajma masala*, basil tofu rice, pumpkin carrot soup (*can omit dairy on request)
Price: $$$
Locations: Central
#10 Vege Pot
Favourite dishes: sambal tempeh rice, yam bee hoon soup, ginger mee sua, disanxian, fried ngoh hiang, Thai-style tofu
Price: $$
Locations: Central
#11 The Plant Food
Favourite dishes: creamy truffle udon, creamy tomato udon, Thai red curry rice, toast with savoury dips, hot matcha latte, hot turmeric latte (available on request)
Price: $$$
Locations: Central
#12 Pine Tree Cafe
Favourite dishes: Nyonya laksa (special item), abacus (special item), hericium mushroom rice
Price: $$
Locations: Central
#13 The Kind Bowl
Favourite dishes: pho, spicy noodle soup, banh mi, iced latte
Price: $$$
Locations: North, North-East, Central
#14 Green on Earth
Favourite dishes: mala xiang guo, sweet and sour abalone mushroom, mushroom udon
Price: $$
Locations: West
#15 Blooming Sprouts
Favourite dishes: tom yam spaghetti, basil pesto spaghetti, mala spaghetti, spaghetti arrabbiata, spaghetti bolognese
Price: $$
Locations: Central
#16 SHU Vegetarian
Favourite dishes: mala fried rice (available on request), braised meat rice
Price: $
Locations: North, North-East, West, Central
#17 Divine Realm Vegetarian Restaurant
Favourite dishes: Shan Dong stuffed pancake, guotie, siew mai
Price: $
Locations: North-East
#18 New Fut Kai Vegetarian
Favourite dishes: zhajiangmian, sambal mushroom rice bowl, Marmite root veggies rice bowl
Price: $$
Locations: Central
#19 VeganBliss
Favourite dishes: char kway teow
Price: $$
Locations: East
#20 Everyday Vegan
Favourite dishes: Impossible cheeseburger, Omni fillet burger, Quorn mala burger, frappes
Price: $$
Locations: Central
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In 2014, Spray posted a long and detailed birthday event for Yuki on Twitter! It was the first major Twitter event to happen after the release of the game and they really went all out with the story. There was even a series of summer themed goods with illustrations that match the story, even though the items weren’t officially linked with the story. BUT WE KNOW.
Here’s the translation. :D (most of it is under a cut because it’s looooooong)
August 1
Sonoda: Hey, Yuki-kun, do you want to work tomorrow?
Yuki: Work?
Sonoda: Yeah. An acquaintance of mine who has a beach house, it seems his staff have all caught summer colds. He's looking for temp staff.
Sonoda: I've asked the people who stayed at the dorm who seem like they had nothing to do, but won't you do it too? I'll throw in my meals, and as much playing in the ocean as you want, and as much flirting as you want.
Yuki: I don't care about the flirting, but if I can eat your food, I'll go!!
August 2
Yuki: Today I'm going to work at a beach house as Sonoda-san's helper!
Yuki: We're going in this minibus...?
Chiba: Leave any watermelon splitting to me.
Kuya: Good morning, Yuki! We were waiting for you to arrive. Let's a have a fun day today!
Takato: You're helping Sonoda, aren't you? We can't just make Asahina work by himself, we're helping too.
Joker: I look forward to seeing Ace-kun in a swimsuit♪
Sonoda: Yuki-kun, thank you for coming today. I'll let you eat as much food as you work for.
Arata: If Yuki and everyone is going, I guess I can enjoy the ocean.
Tomo: Yuki, did you bring a swimsuit?
Yagami: Asahina, you hurting for money too? The band ate my savings, so I have to earn something here or I'm screwed.
Yuki: Wow! Everyone's here. Oh, even Professor Sakaki!
Sakaki: You're all underage, so I'm here as your guardian. I'll be guarding against you all getting out of control, and being anything other than model students.
Kuya: By the way, Yuki. What is the swimsuit Joker was talking about before?
Yuki: Sonoda-san said wearing a swimsuit is basic when you're working at a beach house. Huh? You don't have one, Kuya-san?
Kuya: Mine is a Hawaiian shirt!
Chiba: Mine is a Hawaiian shirt too.
Kuya: We match!
Chiba: ... If my clothes match with you, I'd rather be naked.
Yuki: Naked would be bad, Chiba-san! Isn't Hawaiian okay? It has a summery, ocean feel!
Chiba: I see. If you say so....
Joker: No. Hayato, I'm confiscating your Hawaiian one. Here, wear this.
Yuki: Joker-san, why is it no good?
Joker: Well, look at this Hawaiian shirt. It's in the worst taste.
Yuki: Ugh.... This is... a bit unusual... I guess....
Kuya: What an original pattern!
Chiba: Is it that weird?
Joker: Yeah. A bit. Well, if you're going to train, Hayato, a swimsuit is better.
Chiba: Yes....
Yuki: Arata-san, do you have your usual swimsuit?
Arata: Since I'm not swimming in the ocean, I brought a hoodie and shorts. With a hoodie, Maro can be comfy too. (kuku!)
Yuki: Maro's with you too. Let's have fun today!
Yuki: We're here! The ocean! Ocean!
Takato: It's good weather.
Yagami: Too hot. How many years has it been since I was at a beach? If it wasn't today, I never would've come.
Kuya: Masatsugu!? What's with those sunglasses? They don't suit you!
Takato: Leave it alone, please. It's too bright.
Sonoda: Then, I'll divide the work. To attract customers, Kiyo, please flirt with the customers and bring them here.
Joker: Okay♪ Leave the flirting to me. I'll bring so many bikini babes there won't be room for them all.
Kuya: Flirting! That sounds fun! Then, I'll leave the sexy babes to Joker, and I'll bring couples. Rather than one by one, I'll gather two times the customers!
Arata: Since I can't be with Maro inside the restaurant, I guess I'll attract customers on the beach. Since the goal is to attract customers, I'll try calling out to families.
Chiba: Myself will....
Joker: Hayato, flirting is impossible for you. Oh, why don't you attract customers by shaving ice with a Japanese sword?
Chiba: Understood.
Sonoda: Hayato, you're in charge of selling shaved ice and drinks. Then, the one who will help me with the cooking is...
Yuki: I think Tomo would be good!
Tomo: Why me?
Yuki: Well, you're surprisingly skillful. If you go off somewhere, you'll goof off.
Sonoda: Is that ok? You're not very likely to flirt in here. And so, you too Professor Sakaki. If I don't make you work, you'll just drink the whole time.
Sakaki: Sonoda, what do think I am?
Takato: Then, Yagami and I will be in charge of the remaining hall.
Yagami: Yeah. I can carry plates. Leave it to me.
Yuki: What should I do?
Sonoda: For now, help where it seems busy. First, do the cooking prep for me.
Yuki: Suuure!
Sonoda: Well, from here on, this will be a battlefield, so psych yourselves up. Professor Sakaki, you grill. Kasahara, you prep the shrimp. Yuki-kun, you wash all the vegetables here.
Yuki: Got it! ... Wait. Th, there's this many?
Tomo: Uwah, my shrimp is a huge pile.... Isn't this an Asian food restaurant? Aren't there too many types of dishes for a beach house?
Sonoda: In these times, it seems you can't sell just yakisoba. I've heard if a restaurant doesn't set itself apart, it won't survive.
Yuki: Besides, Tomo, I'm surprised you took this job.
Tomo: That's, well... I had time, and I heard you were joining, so....
Takato: I have an order. Green Curry, Ga-Prao, Pad Thai, Loco Moco, Yum Woon Sen, Mochiko Chicken, one each.
Sonoda: Roger. Here, Shanghai Yakisoba, Vietnam Fried Rice, ready.
Yuki: Wow, I don't even know what kind of foods those are, but they seem delicious. Besides, Sonoda-san, your cooking speed is amazing.
Sonoda: Yuki-kun, on top of drooling, your hands have stopped. If you have time to stare, get to work! When you're done with those, next is washing dishes!
Yuki: R, right! Sonoda-san, you're harsh. I don't even have time to stare at the food....
Tomo: (Sonoda-san is more mobile than he usually is in the school cafeteria. In that case, he could manage without at least me....)
Yuki: Tomo, were you just thinking that since Sonoda-san is working so hard, that you could goof off?
Tomo: I, I wasn't... thinking that.... (How did he find out?)
Sakaki: Kasahara, you should follow Sonoda's example.
Sonoda: Kasahara~~. In this situation, how dare you even think of taking it easy? I'm adding a hundred potatoes to peel.
Yuki: My condolences, Tomo.
Tomo: Oh no.
Sakaki: Hehe, that Sonoda, he's even more of a slave-driver than I am.
Sonoda: You're one to talk, Professor Sakaki. What is that you have in your hand that you're drinking?
Sakaki: Lao Jiu wine. It's pretty good.
Sonoda: You corrupt teacher.... You even added a peeled slice of green papaya that was for the Som Tam.
Yuki: It's better working diligently... but I can't stand the smell of the food Sonoda is making. It's been hours and hours and I've gotten hungry.
Tomo: Hm? What's that sound? It doesn't seem like the sound of Sonoda-san cooking.
Sakaki: Is it some creature's cry?
Yuki: It's, my stomach.... Smelling this scent made me hungry, and no matter how much I try to endure it, I can't stop it....
Sonoda: Oh, come to think of it, I promised you meals. You can eat this. It's my special Tom Yam Kung and Poo Pad Pong Curry!
Yuki: Thank you! Let's eat!! Fwaaah!! It's so delicious! The miraculous flavor of these spices blows away the heat! I could get used to the refreshing soup of this Tom Yam Kung. I'm so happy~.
Sonoda: I'm glad you like it. We seem to have enough people here, so won't you go see how the hall is doing?
Takato: Yagami, two Nasi Goreng, two Mi Goreng, for two tables please.
Yagami: Nasigo... argh, these all have annoying names! Two fried rice, two yakisoba, coming up!
Yuki: Welcome! Wah! Amazing, we're full!?
Yuki: Takato-san, Yagami, I've come to help.
Takato: Well then, I'm taking the orders, so Asahina, follow my directions along with Yagami, and please carry the food.
Yagami: That Secretary, he remembers it perfectly without taking notes. If you follow his directions, you won't make a mistake.
Yuki: Just what I'd expect of you, Takato-san!
Yuki: Alright! I wonder if could do it without mistakes....
Takato: Hmm. Asahina, you don't look bad in that apron with only a swimsuit on underneath. You look especially nice from the back.
Yuki: I knew it, Takato-san...
Yagami: I withdraw my praise from before.
Takato: I'm laboring diligently, surrounded by couples. Allow me the enjoyment of feasting my eyes.
Yuki: If you're okay with this, then feast to your heart's content. Well, let's do our best for the lunch rush and get through this!
Yuki: ... Oh, putting this and this on the tray, it's heavy.... You can really hold a lot, Yagami.
Yagami: Because playing an instrument builds up muscle in your arms. Look, my bicep.
Yuki: Your arm looks like a chicken drumette baked golden brown.... I want to take a bite out of it... *drool*
Yagami: ... I'm not food! Hurry and carry these!
Yuki: Riiight! Ok, I'll do my best!
Yuki: Phew, finally a pause.
Yagami: Those guys attracting customers got too carried away. Think about my capacity!
Takato: Since it seems we're running low on ingredients, it's time to refrain from attracting more.
Yuki: Then I'll go tell the group attracting customers!
Yuki: Everyone! How is attracting customers coming along?
Arata: Mm, I guess with that family I just guided before, that's 22 people. Since I have Maro, they all call out to me. (Kuku!)
Kuya: Amazing, Aratan! I finally got 10 people.
Joker: Well, Sagimori-sempai, since you were giving people directions and helping lost kids find their parents, you didn't attract any customers at all. Like this, I'll win the match with room to spare.
Yuki: Match? Are you competing? Yagami says to drop your pace a little.
Arata: That's right. It's bad to make customers line up too much. Maybe you should stop competing.
Kuya: But since Yuki is here, how about Yuki joins too and we have one final match? I aim to pull off an upset win!
Joker: Then, I'll give you a handicap. Yuki-kun, you'll start at +15. I'm in first place with 23, so if you can get just 10 people, you'll be at the top. There's something nice if you get first place, so do your best★
Yuki: Um, somehow I've ended up participating in a contest to attract customers? Oh well. Joker-san said there's something nice if I get first place and... oh. I found a group of tourists! Excuse me! There's a beach house with really delicious food, how about it?
Arata: Time's up. Well then, I'll announce the results! 2nd place Joker, 3rd place Arata. At the bottom with a decisive lead, O-Sagi-san. And impressively in 1st place is Yuki! Congratulations. ... This many in just under ten minutes, you're amazing after all, Yuki. You have a charm that draws people in.
Yuki: Haha, it's because the first group of tourists I called out to by chance said ok, so it was just good luck.
Joker: Then as promised, the person in first place gets treated by the person in last.
Kuya: Yeah, I'll treat you to anything! Tell me what you want to eat. Hotdogs? Roasted corn? Soft serve ice cream?
Yuki: Then, shaved ice. I've been hot for a while.
Joker: In that case, make it Hayato's shaved ice. He's been working hard by himself over there since before. Also, Sagimori-sempai, if you want to make an erotic overture, you'll have to do it better or it won't get through.
Kuya: Hm!? But Masatsugu said that swimsuit-clad cuties eating cylindrical things at a summer beach is the basics of eros in midsummer. Is that wrong?
Yuki: I want to eat those even more now....
Arata: Yuki, if you're going to eat shaved ice, can I come too? I had a plastic bottle of ice I was using to keep Maro cool, but it melted. (Kuu~)
Yuki: Then let's go over to the shaved ice. Chiba-san! How is it going over there... oh, there's so many people gathered around!
Kuya: Just what I'd expect from Chiba-sempai! He really is shaving ice with a Japanese sword!
Chiba: Asahina. You're here.
Joker: Hayato, a shaved ice for Yuki-kun. Oh, Sagimori-sempai will be paying.
Chiba: Alright. Watch from there. ... Huff! ... Done. What flavor do you want?
Yuki: Then, make it blue hawaii. Let's eat.... It's delicious! Chiba-san, you're amazing. This ice melts like fine snow in my mouth!!
Joker: Wow, really? Then, I'd like a bite of yours too, Yuki-kun.
Yuki: Alright. Here, say ah.
Kuya: That's not fair, Joker! Yuki, me too....
Arata: Somehow, O-Sagi-san, you're awfully greedy today. Did the heat get to you...?
Yagami: You jerks, don't be goofing off here!
Arata: Oh, Reo-Reo. Good work. Is managing the restaurant going ok?
Joker: Since we attracted that many people, it's like you should be grateful for a full house.
Yagami: You've got to be kidding me. We're over capacity. Asahina, you didn't forget you were supposed to tell them to stop attracting customers, did you? Just before, a group of over 20 tourists barged in. The Secretary is losing his temper, Sonoda's about to freak out, and the inside of the restaurant is a picture of Hell.
Yuki: Oh, sorry. I'm the one who summoned that group of tourists.
Kuya: We're sorry, Yagami-kun! Well then, let's quit attracting customers and help in the restaurant!
Yuki: Phew, somehow it's at an end.
Sonoda: We're almost sold out on ingredients for the restaurant, and we've met our sales target, so go play in the ocean.
Joker: But if we're going to do that, I want some sort of prize. I know! How about the right to play alone with Yuki-kun on the beach?
Yuki: Huh, what's that supposed to be!?
Joker: Then, why don't we all play beach volleyball?
Kuya: That's a great idea!
Takato: Oh, that's not bad.
Joker: Hayato. You're on my team.
Chiba: Understood.
Arata: That's nice.... In that case, maybe I'll try to win.
Yagami: Then, will you be on my team? I don't really get the point of the prize, but I won't lose a match.
Yuki: Um, what about what I want...?
Tomo: Give it up. When Joker-san is enjoying himself like that, there's no stopping him.
Joker: True, maybe we should stop. Take a look at the ocean.
Yuki: Hm? W, what's that!? That's a huge wave... and is that a shark by it? Uh-uh, a giant squid?
Joker: An unknown creature? Oka-chan would enjoy it. Let's try catching it.
Yuki: Uwaaaah! It's coming this way!!
Chiba: Leave this to me, get back, Asahina!
Kuya: It's really big, but it's moving slowly. It doesn't seem that dangerous, does it?
Chiba: Perfect, there's a sword here. Then, I'll cut it...!
Yuki: What should we do? "Run?" "Fight?" "Catch?" I'll ask everyone watching on Twitter. What should I do?
Takato: I agree with "run." It's said a wise man keeps away from danger, isn't it?
Chiba: "Fight" of course...!
Kuya: I put in one vote for "catch." It's possible it might be a nice animal, right?
Yuki: Alright, then "catch" it is!
Tomo: Seriously?
Kuya: Roger!
Joker: Hayato, help catch it!
Chiba: Understood! Huh!? Asahina, don't plunge in alone! ... Sagimori, you go in from the left. Myself will go around from the right.
Kuya: Alright! Let's both back up Yuki! Don't let down your guard, Chiba-sempai!
Yuki: Caaaught yooou! ... Oh, huh? This isn't a squid. It's a giant squid-shaped kite. Man, and I wanted to eat it if it was a giant squid.... So disappointing. (note: Yuki is not just talking about a large squid, he is referring to the giant squid, genus Architeuthis.)
Chiba: ... It wasn't an enemy?
Arata: Is everyone ok? Is it okay for Maro to get close? (Kyuu...)
Kuya: Too bad! It can't be our friend like this.
Yagami: It wasn't worth all the fuss.
Sakaki: It looks like you don't have to be so disappointed. There's a lot of fish stuck in the fabric of that kite.
Yuki: You're right! Over here and over there, there's lots of fish! Are these edible?
Takato: It appears so. Squid, mackerel, flounder, turban snails, and there's even spiny lobster, it seems.
Sonoda: Then, shall we have a barbecue with these ingredients?
Yuki: Woohoo. Seafood barbecue!!
Kuya: Nice, barbecue! I couldn't agree more!
Chiba: Seafood barbecue, huh. Sounds delicious.
Takato: Then let's all help Sonoda. It would be terrible to leave it all to him alone.
Yuki: Riiight!
Yuki: Phwaaah, I'm so full, and so happy. Now that I'm full, I've gotten kind of sleepy. The evening salt breeze feels nice and listening to sound of waves is kind of... zzzz
Joker: Oh, Yuki-kun is asleep. Such a cute sleeping face. He's so cute, I want to carry him back like this★
Tomo: What's cute about him drooling and half smiling? That Yuki, he's dreaming about eating something for sure.
Sonoda: He worked hard, so let him sleep for a while. We also have preparations to make.
Sakaki: Anyway, someone carry him to where he won't get swept away by the tide.
Yagami: Geez, can't be helped. Hey, Chiba. You get his legs. ... Whoops, he's heavier than he looks, isn't he?
Chiba: You're just carrying him wrong. Give him here. You'd be likely to drop him on his head.
Kuya: No, no, Chiba-sempai. Leave this to me! Carrying Yuki alone will be a piece of cake! ... Why aren't you moving away?
Arata: Both of you, if you keep talking like that, Ace-kun will wake up.
Takato: Good grief. You should both carry him. Look, there's a bench in the shade right over there, so please let him sleep there.
Chiba: ... Alright. Don't drop him, Sagimori.
Kuya: Of course. Then, try not to shake him....
Yuki: Hm...? Ah! Shoot! Did I fall asleep? And it's already pitch black outside!!
Chiba: Asahina Yuki, happy birthday!
Kuya: Happy birthday, Yuki!
Takato: Asahina, happy birthday.
Joker: Ace-kun, s dnyom rozhdeniya!! (happy birthday in Russian)
Sonoda: Yuki-kun, happy birthday!
Arata: Happy birthday, Yuki.
Tomo: Yuki, happy birthday!
Yagami: Happy birthday.
Sakaki: Asahina, happy birthday.
Yuki: Huh? What?
Joker: Well then, let's have it★
Yuki: youtu.be/E0cd_8sjg6Y (fireworks)
Yuki: Uwaaah! It's skyrockets! Pretty!
Kuya: It's a birthday present from us to you!
Yuki: Oh, but the skyrockets are going really high...
Sonoda: So, that's why everyone worked hard all day to earn the money to buy the skyrockets with the sales at the beach house. It was perfect that the beach house was short on help.
Takato: The skyrockets were Joker's idea, but it wasn't a bad plan, so we all went along with it.
Yuki: Oh, so that's why even people who wouldn't normally participate came to work too.
Tomo: Yeah, I guess. I was a bit impatient for you to suspect.
Yagami: I didn't have any money on hand. If not, a touristy beach like this......
Arata: But the ocean was fun. I'm glad we celebrated Yuki's birthday here.
Chiba: Yeah. ... How was it, Asahina? Did you like it?
Yuki: Of course! I really had a lot of fun today. And the fireworks were beautiful.
Sakaki: The fee for arranging for a pyrotechnician and the launch was funded by my meager salary. Be grateful.
Joker: Actually I wanted even more impressive fireworks that would spell out a birthday message for you in the night sky, but it was over budget. But they were plenty pretty.
Yuki: Yes! I'll never forget it for the rest of my life. It was a wonderful birthday!!
Yuki: Kuya-san, Takato-san, Joker-san, Sonoda-san, Chiba-san, Arata-san, Tomo, Yagami, Professor Sakaki, thank you! And thank you everyone celebrating on Twitter!!
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*RM. BLESSING Vegetarian Kuta*
Masakan Sayur Rumahan Vegan Vegetarian *Tanpa Bawang, Telur & Msg* dengan Harga Terjangkau +/- Rp. 25.000 Lokasi di Kuta (Hanya 5 menit dari Airport Ngurah Rai)
*Tersedia Menu lainnnya*
Bakmie Jamur, Steamboat, Tom Yam, Nasi Lalapan, Gado gado, Nasi/Bihun/Mie/Kwetiauw goreng, Bistik jamur,Soya Steak dll.
Es Jelly Kietna, Es Sekoteng Medan,Es Jali Jali, Almond milk, Liang Teh, Es Markisa Medan yakult, Susu Kacang dll..
*Bisa di kirim pakai GOSEND*
*Alamat: Rm. Blessing Vegetarian Kuta*
Jl. I Gusti Baypass Ngurah rai
Pertokoan kuta indah permai no. D1.
Seberang Hawaii oleh oleh
Kuta-Bali. 808036.
*Hp: 081339103366*
*FB* = Blessing Vegetarian Kuta.
*Terima kasih*
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imbarpencilvania · 2 years
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SEDAAAPPP!! 0896-1282-1257 WA/Call, Agen Bumbu Bubuk Ayam Shihlin Pontianak, Yang Jual Bumbu Bubuk Papeda Bali, Jual Bumbu Tabur Aneka Rasa Di Bekasi, Pabrik Bumbu Bubuk Keripik Manis Bandung, Tempat Jual Bumbu Bubuk Jambu Kristal Gorontalo GOLDEN AROMA ada 180 lebih rasa Bumbu Tabur & Non MSG, Bubuk Minuman, Bubuk Es Krim, Bubuk Essen tanpa Gula, Cabe Bubuk aneka level, Aneka Bubuk Rempah, & lainnya. Dapatkan rasa custom & penawaran menarik dan sensasi rasa yang kami tawarkan dan dapatkan keuntungan terbaik dari Kami. Terima kasih. GOLDEN AROMA FOOD INDONESIA Jl. Ceuri no 51 Sindang Asih (Gerbang Kuning Gudang Bumbu Sebelah Sawah) Kopo Ketapang Pamentasan, Bandung Call/WA 0896-1282-1257 Call/WA 0898-2088-808 Tsel 0813–2270–0999 #Bubuktaburmiegoreng #Bubuktaburstrawberry #Bubuktaburnangka #Bubuktaburcoklat #Bubuktaburkimchi #Bubuktaburtiramisu #Bubuktaburnasigoreng #Bubuktaburesteller Serbuk Perisa Tom Yam, Tempat Beli Bumbu Bubuk Original Palembang, Gambar Bumbu Bubuk Papeda Jogja, Pesan Bumbu Bubuk Chitato Jayapura, Pabrik Bumbu Bubuk Nasi Gorontalo, Jasa Maklon Bumbu Bubuk Tela Tela Serang, Toko Grosir Bumbu Bubuk Varian Rasa Bekasi, Macam Merk Bumbu Tabur, Produksi Bumbu Bubuk Halus Samarinda, Dimana Beli Bumbu Bubuk Basreng Bandung, Importir Bumbu Bubuk Halus Jakarta, Resep Bumbu Tabur Kentang Goreng, Supplier Bumbu Bubuk Rasa Unik Medan, Produk Bumbu Bubuk Keripik Bayam Banjarmasin, Produk Bumbu Bubuk French Fries Pontianak (di Tegal, Central Java) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce2bijQh4NU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Bumbu Instan Tom Yam Ikan Kakap , Bumbu Spagethi Carbonara , Bumbu Fire Chiken Fillet , Bumbu Praktis Mi Lidi , Bumbu Instan Ayam Kuah Pedas Hub: 0896 1109 1234
Menghematkan Waktu Dan Mempermudah Masak Supaya Lebih Cepat, Pada masakan yang Bertujuan Untuk Menyedapkan Atau Membangkitkan Selera Makanan Bumbu Memiliki Sifat Basah Sehingga Tidak Dapat Bertahan Atau Disimpan Lama, Cukup Masukan Kedalam Kulkas Dan Juga Bumbu Punya 4 Ukuran , 90 Gram, 220 Gram, 375 Gram Dan Varian Ukuran 1 Kg bumbu bawang goreng pedas
bumbu goreng bawang bombay
bumbu sambal bawang goreng
bumbu kacang bawang goreng
bumbu bawang bombay goreng
bumbu bawang nasi goreng
bumbu tepung bawang goreng
bumbu ayam goreng bawang putih
bumbu ayam goreng bawang batam
bumbu ayam goreng tanpa bawang putih
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edikdolotina · 4 years
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It's raining so hard I wish I could eat something spicy and Asian. Sambal Chicken? Nasi Goreng? Tom Yam? Char. (at Climaco Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHu8UXUsw6I/?igshid=1tmw4sq234fa3
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tengkualing2 · 4 years
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🌶 *EzE PES MAK NANIE* 🥘 ❌ *Tak perlu TUMIS* ❌ *Tak perlu TAMBAH PERASA* ✅ *AIR atau SANTAN* sahaja 1. PES ASAM PEDAS - RM 8 2. PES SAMBAL TUMIS - RM 8 3. PES KARI - RM 8 4. PES RENDANG - RM 8 5.PES LEMAK CILI PADI RM - RM 8 6.PES BLACK PAPPER - RM 8 7.PES TOM YAM - RM 8 8.PES MASAK MERAH - RM 8 9.PES BOTOK - BOTOK - RM 8 10.PES BERIANI - RM 10 11.PES SOTO - RM 8 12.PES MEE BANDUNG - RM 8 13. PES MEE REBUS - RM 8 14.PES LAKSA KARI - RM 8 15.PES NASI GORENG - RM 8 16. SAMBAL AYAM PENYET - RM 8 17.SUP MERAH - RM 8 18.KARI IKAN - RM 8.00 19. CILI PES (BOH) - RM 6 20. ACAR BUAH - Rm 10 *200 gm = hidangan 7 orang* *= (1 kilo bahan mentah) http//www.wasap.my/+60197268992 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-3zzfxHWo9/?igshid=mwvy2bpfmjle
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matteretomyam · 5 years
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Umpama orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal. Orang haus diberi air, orang lapar diberi nasi. Nasi apa? Nasi goreng bantal pelok tido lena lah, apa lagi! Nasi goreng dibungkus telor, dibanjiri kuah paprik ayam, daging, udang, sotong, lala.. selamat menjamu selera! Mat Tere Tom Yam 351-9 Jalan Gurney Kiri Off Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra (Jln Semarak) 54100 KL https://wa.me/60193951398 utk COD (at Mat Tere Tom Yam) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6sk3kMloZw/?igshid=1ofba90rbtn2d
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dimstravelogue · 7 years
Suasday (hello), Cambodia! Sampe di Perbatasan Bavet sekitar jam 11:30 siang. Beres proses imigrasi, nggak seberapa jauh bisnya berenti lagi di rest area. Bentuknya kaya resto-resto di jalur mudik lah. Beberapa penumpang memesan menu makan siang. Kalo gw sih takut, liat pilihan menu (prasmanan) nya kok serem-serem takut non-halal.
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Perbatasan Bavet (Masuk Kamboja dari Vietnam)
INFO PENTING: Transaksi di Kamboja lebih umum, lebih mudah, dan murah, menggunakan USD. Adapun nanti dikasih kembalian mata uang lokal Riel (KHR) itu lumrah. Nilai tukarnya stabil, di angka 4.000 KHR per USD nya. Jadi contohnya, kalo kita beli barang 2,50 USD, kita kasih uang 5 USD, kembalian yang kita dapet 2 USD dan 2.000 KHR. Gitu lah kurang lebihnya.
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Melintasi Sungai Mekong
Bis Mekong Express sampe di terminal depan Orussey / Ou Ruessei Market (11°33'44.9"N 104°55'03.0"E) dan kita ke kantor nya dulu untuk konfirmasi, bahwa untuk keberangkatan ke Siem Reap besoknya kita minta dijemput di hotel. Kebetulan kita pake perusahaan bis yang sama.
Setelah itu kita langsung jalan ke hotel sekitar tujuh blok. Lumayan jauh sih, tapi sayang kalo musti pake tuktuk. Lokasi hotel kita kali ini cukup strategis. Terletak di 172 Street, deket sama keramaian turis, Royal Palace, dan tepian Sungai Tonle Sap (yang juga terlihat Sungai Mekong dari kejauhan). Sampe di hotel sekitar jam 3 sore. Selesai cek-in, istirahat sebentar, mandi, sholat, terus siap-siap lagi buat jalan-jalan. Kita jalan-jalan sore di sekitaran tepi Sungai Tonle Sap (Preah Sisowath Quay)   yang di depannya juga ada Royal Palace Park.
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Tepi Sungai Tonle Sap Pada Sore Hari, Tampak Sungai Mekong di Kejauhan
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Menikmati Senja di Royal Palace Park
Hari makin gelap dan perut mulai lapar. Kita jalan menuju ke salah satu resto yang udah sering diulas juga. Namanya Warung Bali (11°34'00.3"N 104°55'50.0"E). Lah? Iya, ini resto Indonesia, inshaa Allah halal deh. Banyak orang Indonesia di sini, dan beberapa pelayan di sini ngerti Bahasa Indonesia. Waktu itu kita pesen yang biasa aja, nggak kepikiran buat pesen makanan khas Kamboja. Namanya juga udah laper. Hehe..
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Suasana di Warung Bali
Selesai makan, tujuan kita selanjutnya adalah AEON Mall Phnom Penh. Dari Warung Bali kita jalan sampe Wat Botum Park (sok jual mahal ditawarin tuktuk pengen murah, eh taunya makin jauh makin susah nyarinya hehe..), naik tuktuk sampe ke AEON Mall dengan tarif 2 USD (nawar ya..). Jauh-jauh ke Kamboja kok malah ke mall? Pertama, ngadem. Panas men! Kedua, cari tumbler Starbucks. Hehe..
Namanya juga mall, barang yang dijual ya itu-itu aja, nggak ada yang jual souvenir atau oleh-oleh. Padahal gw lebih tertarik sama yang etnik-etnik. Akhirnya kita penasaran sama yang namanya Night Market (11°34'26.2"N 104°55'41.2"E), yang menurut info cuma ada hari Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu. Kita nanya sama supir tuktuk dan dia bilang hari ini (waktu itu hari Senin) buka. Yaudah kita minta dia buat bawa kita ke sana, setelah nawar dia setuju ongkosnya 3 USD.
Sampe di sana, ternyata Night Market tuh ya beneran Night Market, pasar malem. Isinya penjual jajanan sama baju-baju gitu doang, bukan buat cari souvenir juga. Ya lumayan lah buat jajan-jajan sama liat-liat mah. Hiburan rakyat. Tapi jadinya gw belum beli souvenir apa-apa di Phnom Penh ini.
Mungkin ini OVJ-nya Kamboja
Dari situ kita jalan kaki ke arah hotel, lumayan jauh lah sekitar delapan blok. Tapi seru karena banyak yang diliat, mulai dari penjaja street food sampe kafe-kafe.
Keesokan harinya (halah), kita sarapan pagi di hotel. Karena kita pesen kamar yang include breakfast, ada beberapa menu pilihan. Gw mah udah jelas pilih nasi goreng dong.
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Nasi Goreng ala Hometown Suite Hotel Phnom Penh
Selesai sarapan kita langsung cek-out. Tapi karena kita masih belum menyelesaikan jalan-jalan di Phnom Penh, jadi kita nitip tas di hotel dulu. Nanti kita balik lagi ke hotel untuk nunggu jemputan bis yang bakal bawa kita ke Siem Reap sekitar jam 1 siang.
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Numpang Lewat di Depan National Museum
Dari hotel, tujuan pertama kita adalah Royal Palace. Harga tiket masuknya 10 USD ++ (harganya pake KHR, jadi kena nya sekitar 11 USD per orang). Di dalem kompleks istana ini juga ada objek yang must visit, namanya Silver Pagoda. Masih satu paket sih tiketnya. Oh ya, untuk dalem istana nya sendiri nggak bisa difoto dari luar apalagi dimasukin, cuma boleh diliat aja. Nah, langsung ke foto-foto aja ya, hehe..
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Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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Preah Vihear Preah Keo Morakot (Silver Pagoda)
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Bonus Foto Wefie
Cuaca makin panas. Sekitar jam 9:30 pagi kita udah puas keliling kompleks istana. Begitu di pintu keluar kita langsung nyari tuktuk buat ke Central Market / Psar Thmey (11°34'10.2"N 104°55'18.7"E). Tarifnya (kalo nggak lupa) 2 USD. Sampe di Pasar, nggak banyak yang bisa diceritain, yang pasti pengalaman belanjanya lebih nyaman daripada di Vietnam sebelumnya. Dari pasar kita jalan ke Canadia Tower (11°34'19.8"N 104°55'07.5"E) buat beli sesuatu, terus ke Warung Bali (lagi) untuk makan siang. Pake tuktuk, kalo nggak salah 3 USD ongkosnya.
Nah makan siang ini kita baru pesen menu lokal Kamboja, seger bro! Langsung liat penampakannya aja nih..
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Left-Right (abaikan keripik tempenya ya hehe..):
Amok Fish (ikan berkuah asem dan ada rasa kacangnya)
Mek Cha Merik (cumi goreng tepung dengan bumbu rica ala kamboja)
Tom Yam Kung (tom yam seafood, hati-hati ada si daun geje)
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Indonesia Minumnya Es Teh, Bukan yang Lain
Jam 1 siang kita dijemput mobil Mekong Express di hotel. Mobilnya mobil travel kaya di Indonesia, gw kira bakal pake itu sampe Siem Reap. Nggak taunya cuma buat jemput-jemput aja, dan selanjutnya kita di bawa ke pool bis nya. Sekitar jam 3 sore bis nya baru berangkat, karena masih ada yang ditunggu.
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Leaving Phnom Penh
Ok.. Bye, Phnom Penh!
Next.. Hello, Angkor!
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juwitalala · 7 years
Begini Cara Mengolah Nasi Goreng Tom Yam
Juwita Lala Begini Cara Mengolah Nasi Goreng Tom Yam Baru Artikel Tentang Begini Cara Mengolah Nasi Goreng Tom Yam Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Begini Cara Mengolah Nasi Goreng Tom Yam Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Begini Cara Mengolah Nasi Goreng Tom Yam Bosan dengan rasa nasi goreng yang itu-itu saja. Anda pun bisa membuat Nasi Goreng Tom Yam. Membuatnya pun mudah. Berikut resepnya. http://www.unikbaca.com
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tripstations · 5 years
Gastronomical Experience at Food at Novotel Varun, Vijayawada – #MacroTraveller
Vijayawada is the city bustling with various tourists coming here to explore the places, with its rich history, national parks and lakes the city sees many nature enthusiastic tourists, people who worship or just tourists who come here to sit back and relax. Novotel Varun in Vijayawada is one such place where many tourists prefer to stay as this hotel provides amenities that are just required for the stay at a place.
As we suggest the amenities provided, food is a part and parcel of the hotel industry and Novotel does not lag in these criteria. Novotel Varun, Vijayawada has 2 fine-dine restaurants and 1 bar to serve its guests who come here and enjoy the serene city rich in its history and culture.
Food Exchange: This Luxury dining restaurant in Novotel Varun is famous for its Chinese, Italian, Continental and North Indian dishes. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner along with brunch option, Food Exchange is open from 06:30-23:30hrs every day. Scrumptious breakfast is served every morning from 06:30-10:30hrs where you have an option for tea/coffee, fruit platter/juice, pancake, eggs, American/Continental breakfast or our local dishes such as Idly, Dosa, Dibbarotte. You have the option for healthy breakfast where they serve fresh juice, healthy cereals, oatmeal, green tea or decaffeinated coffee. The lunch and dinner time food will be served from 12:00-15:00 and 19:00-23:30hrs respectively where you have a variety of option where you can try Soups & Salads like Mushroom Soup, Tom Yum, Caesar salad, Greek salad etc. Starters including Mushroom gauloti, Paneer kaffir lime tikka, fries, Jalapeno gallets or a variety of stater option in Meat, Poultry and Seafood. You can also try Sandwich and burger having varied options such as Vegetable Sandwich, Chicken Sandwich, Veg Burger, Chicken/Meat burger with choice of bread.
Being specialized in North Indian dishes, Novotel Varun offers curries such as Aloo, Paneer, Malai Kofta, Mushroom, Chicken, Mutton, Fish where you have different dishes based upon your taste.
And what goes hand in hand with curry is bread, where Novotel offers the choice of breads such as Naan, Roti, Kulcha. Biryani and other rice items are also served here which you should try. Local dishes such as Pappu, vepudu, Kodikura etc are also served here which if you want to explore local cuisine can explore the rich dishes of Andra Pradesh. Being known for Chinese, Italian and Continental dishes we can notice food such as fondant, pasta, kung pao, chicken, Thai green/red curries with rice etc being served here. Also, kids version is available here where it would be less spicy. Desserts served here include Rasmalai, gajar halwa and chef’s recommended Gulab Jamun served with hibiscus gelly and vanilla. If you want fruit platter, gluten-free dessert it is also available here where you can have a portion of great food at The Food Exchange located in Novotel Varun, Vijayawada.
This fine-dine restaurant located in Novotel Varun, Vijayawada specializes in Asian, Japanese, Thai and Chinese cuisine where it is open from 19:30-23:30 hrs and from 12:30 – 15:30hrs on weekends, You have option for Soups, Salads, Starters to begin your meal with where they serve, Tom Yum soup, Tom Kha soup, Wonton soup, Som Tam salad, Yam Thai lai salad. Starters include Potato stuffed shitake, wok tossed potatoes, Sichuan peppercorns, Thai styled fish, wok tossed prawn etc. Curries served here at Wugan include Chiang Mai curry, Penang curry, kung pao vegetable curry, Thai style curry, Wugan chicken, chicken krapow, Ikan Bakir, Singapore styled curry etc. Rice and noodles include kaffir lime rice, Khao pad kar pao, Nasi goreng, phad thai, udon noodles. Ending the meal with desserts which include Abok Abok Sago, Tab Tim Grob, Pisang Goreng etc. You have the option to choose your favourite cocktail/mocktail which will be served here with your choice of whiskey, single malt, vodka, wine, liqueur etc and for non-alcoholic fruit juice, milkshakes, lemonade, coffee & tea.
Gourmet Bar: Serving continental and finger food, the Gourmet bar at Novotel has a variety of alcoholic beverage serving its customers with quality aperitifs, single malt, whiskey, scotch, vodka, rum, gin, tequila, cognac, wine and your choice of cocktails. For non-alcoholic, you have the option to choose mocktail which you have several options for including tea/coffee. Serving finger food you have the option to choose Burger with potato, meat, chicken pattie. Your selection of portions of pasta served with choice of sauce and available option include vegetarian, chicken and shrimps. You also have the option to try out wraps, sandwiches and soups here however as this is watering hole present at the hotel, people do choose this place to drink and enjoy their day here.
Novotel Varun, Vijayawada does not disappoint in terms of stay, food and comforts and we do sure appreciate that this is one of the best places to stay while your visit to the beautiful city of Vijayawada.
The post Gastronomical Experience at Food at Novotel Varun, Vijayawada – #MacroTraveller appeared first on Tripstations.
from Tripstations https://ift.tt/2ZrsHfT via IFTTT
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Tempat Makan Best di Shah Alam
Terletak berhampiran dengan Ibu Kota Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam juga merupakan lokasi yang sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Shah Alam juga merupakan salah satu bandar yang makin pesat membangun dari pelbagai aspek iaitu seperti pelancongan, ekonominya dan perindustrian. Terdapat banyak tempat makan best di Shah Alam yang boleh dikunjungi oleh para pelancong atau penduduk sekitar Shah Alam dan KL. Kereta Sewa Shah Alam
Kedai dan Tempat Makan Best Di Shah Alam
Island BBQ Steamboat merupakan destinasi yang jauh sedikit dari bandar utama Shah Alam tetapi merupakan salah satu tempat makan yang menjadi bualan ramai kerana keenakan masakannya terutamanya steamboat.
Restoran ini terletak di Lot 3370, Jalan Kemboja U5,Kamoung Melayu Subang, Shah Alam ini telah menggunakan konsep makan secara bufet dan menyediakan suasana tempat ala – ala kampung.
Terdapat banyak kemudahan yang disediakan yang berjaya menarik ramai pengunjung untuk mengunjungi restoran ini antaranya ialah kemudahan ruang parking yang disediakan untuk para pelanggan di samping ruang solat iaitu surau untuk memudahkan para pengunjung muslim menunaikan solat.
Antara makanan yang menjadi tarikan utama para pengunjung ialah steamboat yang mempunyai dua pilihan iaitu tom yam dan sup serta mempunyai pelbagai seafood yang segar. Selain steamboat, laksa dan nasi goreng juga ada dijual di sini. Bagi penggemar makanan laut bolehlah cuba menikmati kelazatan masakan di restoran Island BBQ yang mula beroperasi dari jam 5 petang hingga 12.30 tengah malam.
Tam Nasi Ayam juga merupakan salah satu tempat makan best di Shah Alam yang terletak di Jalan Pelabur B 23/B, Seksyen 23, Shah Alam.
Antara makanan yang menjadi tarikan utama para pengunjung ialah steamboat yang mempunyai dua pilihan iaitu tom yam dan sup serta mempunyai pelbagai seafood yang segar. Selain steamboat, laksa dan nasi goreng juga ada dijual di sini. Bagi penggemar makanan laut bolehlah cuba menikmati kelazatan masakan di restoran Island BBQ yang mula beroperasi dari jam 5 petang hingga 12.30 tengah malam.
Tam Nasi Ayam juga merupakan salah satu tempat makan best di Shah Alam yang terletak di Jalan Pelabur B 23/B, Seksyen 23, Shah Alam.
Restoran ini juga menyediakan minuman yang menyegarkan seperti air Kelaut di mana ia merupakan gabungan jus dan koktail serta dicampur dengan buah – buahan yang dihiris halus. Restoran ini juga menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan lain seperti ruang solat dan ruang parking. Restoran ini mula beroperasi dari jam 7 pagi sehingga 1 pagi.
Seterusnya restoran ini menjadi tumpuan ramai wanita terutamanya bagi peminat – peminat drama Korea kerana restoran ini menyediakan masakan ala – ala Korea. Gangnam Station Restaurant yang beralamat di G45,Block 6, Laman Seri Business Park, Persiaran Sukan, Seksyen 13, Shah Alam menjadi tarikan ramai pengunjung kerana menu yang disediakan berbeza dengan restoran – restoran lain dan sesuai untuk seisi keluarga kerana menu yang disediakan secara combo.
Selain itu, suasana dalamannya yang unik seperti berada di Korea juga memberi satu pengalaman yang tidak terhingga kepada pelanggan yang datang. Antara menu yang berjaya mencuri  perhatian pengunjung ialah udang pancake, kek nasi, goreng mee ala Korea, bulgogi dubap dan banyak lagi.
Selain dari masakan Korea, restoran ini juga menyediakan masakan lain seperti BBQ dan seafood. Restoran ini mula menjalankan perniagaannya dari jam 11.30 pagi hingga 10.30 malam. Restoran ini  juga pernah disiarkan dalam rancangan televisyen iaitu Jalan – Jalan Cari Makan dan menajadi tumpuan tempat makan best di Shah Alam.
Bagi peminat makanan ala barat bolehlah singgah di Restoran Grease yang lokasinya di Seksyen 13 Shah Alam. Restoran yang mula beroperasi dari jam 6 petang sehingga 12 malam ini menyediakan menu ala barat yang berjaya menarik ramai pengunjung untuk menjamu selera di sini.
Signature dish yang lebih kepada ala – ala greasy western menyebabkan restoran ini digilai ramai. Restoran ini sentiasa menjadi port untuk mereka makan malam kerana suasana yang nyaman di samping juadah yang menarik seperti steak, cheesy burger, pasta dan sebagainya.
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balikita · 5 years
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Rm. Blessing Vegetarian Kuta*RM. BLESSING Vegetarian Kuta*Masakan Sayur Rumahan Vegan Vegetarian...
Rm. Blessing Vegetarian Kuta
*RM. BLESSING Vegetarian Kuta*
Masakan Sayur Rumahan Vegan Vegetarian *Tanpa Bawang, Telur & Msg* dengan Harga Terjangkau +/- Rp. 25.000 Lokasi di Kuta (Hanya 5 menit dari Airport Ngurah Rai)
*Tersedia Menu lainnnya*
Bakmie Jamur, Steamboat, Tom Yam, Nasi Lalapan, Gado gado, Nasi/Bihun/Mie/Kwetiauw goreng, Bistik jamur,Soya Steak dll.
Es Jelly Kietna, Es Sekoteng Medan,Es Jali Jali, Almond milk, Liang Teh, Es Markisa Medan yakult, Susu Kacang dll..
*Bisa di kirim pakai GOSEND*
*Alamat: Rm. Blessing Vegetarian Kuta*
Jl. I Gusti Baypass Ngurah rai
Pertokoan kuta indah permai no. D1.
Seberang Hawaii oleh oleh
Kuta-Bali. 808036.
*Hp: 081339103366*
*FB* = Blessing Vegetarian Kuta.
*Terima kasih*
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