nashville-high · 4 years
1st of August
On grounds of Nashville High was killer weather. Sun shone with arrogance of president of one unnamed country and clouds were passing it by probably laughing at it. One unfortunate frog was lying on a stone, unable to escape draining fingers of the sun. Even though it was stupidly hot the school was full of life of its faculty.
When people looked at Nashville High for Talented Children, there would always be shadow of doubt that students could fit there. Considering all the dorms for three people with their own kitchen and bathroom, the classes, kitchen working for most of the year... there just wasn’t- no couldn’t be enough space! And then they would remind themselves, that the Headmistress was no ordinary woman. She always got her way and nor death, nor space could stop her.
Vivian Scatte was nervously tapping her fingers on her desk. This was the earliest any student has ever arrived to Nashville and although she did know the reason, she couldn’t help but feel little... nervous. For a moment she stopped a many times repeated thought flashed through her mind. ‘She will be quite lonely here.’ For the millionth time she put it away. That student was probably used to loneliness.
Of course she was. Or she atleast knew how to hide it.
Vivian stood up and turned to her window. It was quite incredible what her and a few nature spirits could do with the grounds of Nashville. When she first found this place, it was like a burnt bloodstain. But here she is, looking at luscious green grass, trees that wouldn’t have been healthier if parasites didn’t exist and river with water as clean as the moonlight.
Her eyes flashed to the dark forest. That one she didn’t change. Anyone with her experience knew how important were scary forests near places like Nashville. It still didn’t change a thing about Vivian not liking it. Especially on summer nights the forest screamed and yelled.
To the office elegantly walked a very unsuspicious black cat. Headmistress didn’t even turn her head. “How is the day so far, Drei?” The cat just meowed. Vivian turned to it, her face saying, that if the cat doesn’t speak in human language, she will send at it a very hungry wolf. Drei’s face turned into a mixture of annoyance and catness, then it spoke. “The student will be here in ten minutes.” Vivian nodded. Her anxiety rose. “Thank you, dear. But I suppose you won’t be showing yourself in this form?” Drei took the subtle commentary for change of state like an eagle his loss of sight. Or like a lemon. “Of course not.”
Vivian knew Drei for far longer than she dared to admit and she knew about their truly incredible morphing abilities (she often wondered, why they didn’t teach morphing, but was too polite to ask)(or too scared, who knows?), but she was still slightly disturbed, when Drei transformed back. It just wasn’t one of the nicest views.
Drei stood up from all fours and focused on not attacking the first thing they see moving. “We can go,” they said in sharp exact tone. Their attempt at not meowing was very obvious. Vivian, however, learned after years of their friendship to ignore it.
Arrein Crron was, as always, first. Her prediction from being the Warrior of truth never really went away. She turned to Vivian and Drei with her eyes glowing. Drei gave her a very nice smile. “Arrein, you are probably more sure of it than I am, but wouldn’t this be the earliest student that has ever arrived?” The woman thought for a little and then reluctantly nodded. “Should be. Why? Have you not settled your nerves yet?” Vivian wanted to give her a warning look but it came out as a playful smirk.
“Ladies, you might not have noticed, but they’re nearly here.” All eyes looked upwards. On the sky was a carriage with it’s source of flight being four beautiful dappled horses. Drei scoffed. “They are showing off.” Arrein shook her head. “Not in the slightest, I know horses like this. More efficient than our styles of transport.” Vivian had to hold in a bark of laughter. “You call those horses?” The teacher fell silent. After a smooth landing of the carriage she finally spoke. “Yea, what do you call them?” Headmistress didn’t have the chance to answer. The doors opened and a woman with hair so fair one could call it white stepped out. She was the epitome of elegance. Her eyes had the colour of the shiniest silver jewelry. White pupils in shape of crosses were nearly invisible.
Not even a minute later were all four horses caressed by slim hands with skin much darker than the elegant lady, long fingers and white gloves on. They belonged to a girl. Her hair were fairer than her mother’s, skin shone with gold and her eyes were mix of silver and white with pupils being a violet circles. Well, one eye. Her left eye was neatly covered with a strand of hair clipped with a moon hairpin. On the sides of her neck were two little braids.
“The student,” commented headmistress. The three people walked up to the carriage. “Hello mrs Illinoir,” said Vivian, “miss Illinoir.” The girl just nodded. “You are miss Scatte, I suppose?” “Yes,” Vivian put out a hand. Mrs Illinoir shook it. “This is mx Olks,” she gestured to Drei. Mrs Illinoir shook it as well as the hand of Arrein. “And mrs Crron.” “We should discuss some details about my daughters study now, shouldn’t we?” “Of course.” Mrs Illinoir turned her head to her daughter. “Wilhelmina, take your bags.” The girl just nodded. She didn’t seem to be bothered to talk. Wilhelmina opened the doors and took out a single bag. Arrein noticed how under the girl’s white shirt her muscles flexed. Mrs Illinoir with Vivian and Drei were halfway to the schools entrance. “It seems you don’t have any problem carrying it yourself,” she smiled. The girl stopped for a moment. “No, madame, thank you very much.” “Are you sure you have enough in that little bag of yours?” Wilhelmina smiled incospicuously. “Yes. I have quite a hobby in space distortion.” “You do?” “Oh yes, it’s a very practical spell.” “Then I recommend you study our school.” Wilhelmina’s eyes filled with light. “Really?” She gave Arrein a glowing look. “I heard that there was quite a few, but I didn’t feel like looking into them.” Arrein smiled. “You really should. And I am not saying that because I am a teacher and the head of GHAST.” The girl nodded. “Speaking of which. Madame, from the acceptance letter and bulletin, my understanding is, that I will try to stop interracial fights and quarrels?” “Oh no, no, no, you won’t try. You just will.” The girl nodded again.
Wilhelmina and Arrein stood in front of dorm 54B. Arrein made sure the student paid attention to the opening rune. Wilhelmina put her things there and then they together went to headmistress’s office. “Today you will get your uniforms and badge. Of course after you are done with miss Scatte.” “Thank you, mrs.”
Vivian welcomed Wilhelmina with a warm smile. She gestured her to sit next to mrs Illinoir. “We have already discussed your special study plan,” she started and thoroughly ignored the piercing look the student’s mother gave her, “but now it’s time for your uniform deviations.” “Madame, I am not taking of my gloves and hair pins.” “I am not saying you should,” smiled Vivian, “however, you know about your Duels classes, right?” Wilhelmina slowly nodded. “There might be a complication as to your-” she gestured to her left eye “-hair style choice.” Wilhelmina exchanged a long look with her mother. Then she took a deep breath.
The moon hairpin sat neatly on the headmistress’s desk. Fairhaired girl held the white strand to a side of her face as to not obscure view. After a while she fixed her hair as well as redoing both the moon and star hairpin. Ms Scatte sat for a while in silence. “I see.” Her face was calm and collected. “In that case, I would recommend an eyepatch. I have a collection of them.” “Thank you,” said mrs Illinoir sternly, “I will make sure my daughter gets her own soon.” Paler of Illinoirs stood up and tidied her clothes. “I will get going. Wilhelmina?” “Yes, mother?” “You will write us.” “Yes, mother.” “Don’t talk about family.” “Yes, mother.” “And keep your good manners.” “Of course, mother.” With that, mrs Illinoir disappeared. Wilhelmina noticed the carriage taking off and after that her posture relaxed slightly. Vivian noticed the little changed and raised an eyebrow. “Come, Wilhelmina. We must go collect your uniform.”
“Miss?” Vivian turned to Wilhelmina. “Do you guide every student?” “Of course not,” laughed the headmistress, “you are here the first. And, should I be honest, it’s only appropriate for me to guide you personally.” Wilhelmina sighed. “Thank you.” Vivian gave the girl a sad smile. “No need to worry, you will be treated like every other student.” Wilhelmina looked up with a slight spark of hope. “If you keep your mouth shut about-” “-My family. I have been warned more times than is healthy.” Vivian laughed. “If you need anything, inform any one of our staff.” “Thank you, miss.” The headmistress turned around to leave. Then she remembered. “Wilhelmina, the full moon will be in three days. Don’t leave your dorm until one of the teachers come for you.” The girl nodded. “I noticed the cookbooks and the victuals. Thank you for the information, miss.”
On grounds of Nashville High was killer weather. Sun shone with arrogance of president of one unnamed country and clouds were passing it by probably laughing at it. One unfortunate frog was lying on a stone, unable to escape draining fingers of the sun. Even though it was stupidly hot the school was full of life of its faculty and one student.
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nashville-high · 4 years
To Wilhelmina L. Illinoir
Miss Illinoir,
we are pleased to say, that you were accepted to Nashville High for Talented Children into the Aura-mage group.
Your file is private and can be accessed only with the approval of you or your guardian.
Your family will be kept a secret.
As for your application to GHAST, we considered your abilities and talents and are pleased to say, you were accepted. You answer to professor Arein Crron.
Captain - Arein Crron (she/her)
Your section - Interrace emergencies
Your executive leader - Riley Clemens (they/them)
Your GHAST badge will be given to you with your uniform.
As you requested, your dorm will be mixed with no Aura group students. Because of that you will unfortunately have only one room-mate.
Number: 54B
Saiko Abreu (Animus Group)
The rune will be announced to you after your arrival. You are awaited on 1st of August.
On 8th of July
in Nashville High for Talented Children,
Vivian Scatte
(Ncrm. 8, Healer of the Crown, Order of the Undead Land, Founder of Nashville High for Talented Children)
0 notes
nashville-high · 4 years
To Sebastien Darha
Mr Darha,
we are pleased to say, that you were accepted to Nashville High for Talented Children into the Aura-mage group.
Your file is accessible. In case of anyone accessing it, you and your guardian will be notified.
As for your application to GHAST, we considered your abilities and talents and are sorry to say, you weren’t accepted.
With consideration to your application you were put in boys dorm.
Number: 61B
Marcus Noxevi (Bloodborne Group)
Kai T. Caresson (Animus Group)
The rune will be announced to you after your arrival. You are awaited on 20th of August.
On 8th of July
in Nashville High for Talented Children,
Vivian Scatte
(Ncrm. 8, Healer of the Crown, Order of the Undead Land, Founder of Nashville High for Talented Children)
0 notes
nashville-high · 4 years
To Saiko Abreu
Mx Abreu,
we are pleased to say, that you were accepted into Nashville High for Talented Children into the Animus group.
Your file is accessible. In case of anyone accessing it, you and your guardian will be notified.
Your dorm system has been changed slightly. Because of that you will have only one room-mate.
Number: 54B
Wilhelmina L. Illinoir (Aura Group)
The rune will be announced to you after your arrival. You are awaited on 15th of August.
On 8th of July
in Nashville High for Talented Children,
Vivian Scatte
(Ncrm. 8, Healer of the Crown, Order of the Undead Land, Founder of Nashville High for Talented Children)
0 notes
nashville-high · 4 years
To Marcus Noxevi
Mr Noxevi,
we are pleased to say, that you were accepted to Nashville High for Talented Children into the Bloodborne group.
Your file is accessible. In case of anyone accessing it, you and your guardian will be notified.
Your dorm is our standard.
Number: 61B
Kai T. Caresson (Animus Group)
Sebastien Darha (Aura Group)
The rune will be announced to you after your arrival. You are awaited on 25th of August.
On 8th of July
in Nashville High for Talented Children,
Vivian Scatte
(Ncrm. 8, Healer of the Crown, Order of the Undead Land, Founder of Nashville High for Talented Children)
0 notes
nashville-high · 4 years
To Kai T. Caresson
Mr Caresson,
we are pleased to say, that you were accepted to Nashville High for Talented Children into the Animus group.
Your file is accessible. In case of anyone accessing it, you and your guardian will be notified.
Your dorm is our standard.
Number: 61B
Sebastien Darha (Aura Group)
Marcus Noxevi (Bloodborne Group)
The rune will be announced to you after your arrival. You are awaited on 23rd of August.
On 8th of July
in Nashville High for Talented Children,
Vivian Scatte
(Ncrm. 8, Healer of the Crown, Order of the Undead Land, Founder of Nashville High for Talented Children)
0 notes