maboroshi-no · 7 months
Hamefura Movie Novel Chapter 1 Summary
I am currently reading the light of the novel of the upcoming Hamefura movie and will write summaries as I read.
Chapter 1: The Foreign Merchant Caravan
Katarina Is in the Royal Castle
Katarina is currently walking in the royal castle's garden. She is in high spirits because she has finally graduated from the Academy of Magic.
Today, Geordo has invited Katarina for tea, and she has come alone since Keith had to set out for work with their father this morning. Katarina feels sad that she, Keith, and her friends will start going their own ways. She is also feeling nervous about working at the Ministry of Magic. It will be her first working experience (if she doesn't count her part-time jobs in her past life), and it happens to be at the most prestigious organization in the country.
Pochi Runs Off
Pochi has come out of her shadow and is looking at her. Katarina scolds him for coming out of his own. Pochi suddenly dashes somewhere. Katarina chases after him.
Katarina arrives in a gloomy place on the outskirts of the castle. She has lost sight of Pochi. She sees an opened door and guesses that Pochi must have gone through it. There is a "No Trespassing" sign at the door. She enters nevertheless while hoping that it will be okay as long as she doesn't stay for long.
Inside, there are a lot of dusty art pieces like vases, paintings, and statues. Katarina finally finds Pochi and scolds him for running away. Then she sees a little creature behind Pochi. She asks it where it comes from, and it replies "Piyo". She takes the little bird with her.
Taking the Tea at Geordo's Place
Geordo is puzzled about why a bird would be in the room storing the royal family's art pieces. Mary wonders if it might not be a bird kept in the royal castle's garden since it seems used to people. Alan doesn't think so since he hasn't heard anything like it. Sophia thinks it might be a bird that came from the outside, and Nicol agrees. Maria wonders what species it is. Keith doesn't recognize the species either and wonders if it might be a new species of birds. Katarina asks Geordo if he has any idea about the species of the bird.
Geordo: Well, I wonder… It is indeed intriguing, but what I find most curious is why everyone is here even though you're the only one I have invited for tea.
Katarina is surprised. Since everyone was here when she arrived, she was convinced that he had invited everyone.
Mary happily tells Geordo that she won't let him steal a march on her. The others add that they have also wanted to have tea with Katarina. Geordo is displeased.
Keith scolds Katarina for entering an off-limits place without permission.
Since Katarina doesn't know where to return the bird, she asks it if it wants to go with her. The bird replies "Piyo". As a consequence, Katarina takes the bird back with her to the Claes's house.
??? POV
A man thanks a dying man for having always supported him. He is crying since he is about to lose the first friend he has ever made. 
The dying man tells the other man that even if he is about to lose his soul, he will return to this world with a new one. When he does, he will search for the man again, and if he finds him, he asks the man to become his friend again. The man is taken aback since his friend is serious. He tells him that he will wait for him. The dying man smiles with relief and then dies. The man believed in the last words of his friend and kept waiting for him for a long time.
The man wakes up after having this nostalgic dream. He senses a presence that he has never sensed until now. He rushes outside and hears some flapping sounds. He senses his partner in the bird and is happy that his friend has been reborn.
Though, the man is troubled about what to do now. He should probably report this to "that man" since others can easily feel the presence in the bird and he would be blamed if he doesn't report it right away, causing his precious ones to suffer. But if he reports it, "that man" will ask him to bring it to him. 
The man reluctantly decides to make his report. The bird brushes his head against his cheek as if to comfort him.
Katarina's POV
Piyo and Everyone
It has been a little while since Katarina has taken Piyo back with her.
Piyo is incredibly cute. Keith was initially indifferent about Piyo, but now he dotes on him whenever he is free from work. Millidiana was angry at first since Katarina had brought in yet another weird creature, but now she secretly dotes on Piyo and brings him some feed. The girls, but also the boys, are also fond of Piyo and come see him with treats. Especially Alan: he always makes sure to bring some treats that Piyo might like, so Piyo has started to like him. The girls brush Piyo's feathers, put some tiny ornaments on him, and dotes on him, and Piyo enjoys it.
Since everyone fusses about Piyo, Katarina thinks Pochi might feel lonely. She summons him and pets him. She thinks Pochi is not any less cute than Piyo. She enjoys both Pochi and Piyo's softness.
Katarina and Anne Go Out Shopping in Town
Katarina is suddenly called by Anne. Anne notifies her that her carriage is ready. Katarina makes Pochi return inside her shadow and puts Piyo on her shoulder. Piyo always behaves whenever on her shoulder. Anne brushes the grass off Katarina's dress (because she was playing with her pets) and they depart.
Katarina is going out to town today since her friends have plans and won't come to visit. She will buy the new volume of a romance novel and eat cakes at popular pastry shops. Anne is accompanying her because Keith, Luigi, and Millidiana are worried about her going out alone. Keith even reminded her not to follow strangers even if they give her sweets. Katarina is 17 now. She legally is an adult in Sorcier, she has graduated from the Academy of Magic and she will soon start working. Despite this, everyone seems to treat her like a young child. There are so many overprotective people around her.
Katarina Sees a Foreign Merchant Caravan
Looking out the window of the carriage, Katarina suddenly sees some big tents. She asks Anne what they are. Anne replies that they are most likely a caravan of merchants. Katarina is unfamiliar with them, so Anne explains that they are a group of merchants traveling the country to buy and sell goods, like some kind of moving shops. Katarina is amazed since it is her first time seeing any. It is also a first for Anne.
It seems to be a caravan of foreign merchants. Katarina asks Anne what kind of goods they sell. Anne replies that they sell things like fabrics or gemstones.
Katarina grows curious and asks Anne if they can take a look. Anne refuses since it can be dangerous. Katarina insists and tells her they will just take a little look and go back right away if it feels dangerous. She adds that Piyo also wants to take a look. Piyo chirps in agreement. Anne finally gives in. They will have a little look and go back right away if it feels even a tiny bit dangerous. Katarina thanks Anne. 
Katarina and Anne Visit the Foreign Merchant Caravan
Katarina and Anne have come towards the big tents. There are many people and a lively atmosphere in the air, like a festival. Katarina sees goods spread on carpets and people wearing turbans. It really seems to be a caravan of foreign merchants. Katarina is extremely excited and pulls Anne's hand to the nearest shop tent. Inside, Katarina is amazed by all these goods she has never seen before: vivid fabrics, accessories, and handicrafts.
Katarina gazes at the woodcraft of an animal. She wonders if she should buy it as a souvenir. Piyo flaps his wing when he sees the woodcraft. Katarina moves Piyo next to it. Piyo looks at it silently. The statue seems to represent some sort of bird, but Katarina doesn't recognize it. She asks the merchant what kind of bird it is. The merchant replies it is the guardian deity of his country. Katarina asks him which country he is from. The merchant replies he comes from Mutlaq. Katarina is confused since she doesn't know it. The merchant tells her it is understandable since his country is far away and they mostly have no trade with Sorcier. Katarina wonders why they would expressly go all the way to Sorcier. She is about to ask the merchant, but then she hears some music.
The music comes from foreign musical instruments played on a wooden stage near the tent. Piyo runs towards the music. Katarina chases Piyo but she has a hard time moving through the crowd of people.
Katarina Watches a Dancing Show
Katarina arrives at the stage where the music is played. A veiled girl dressed like a dancer from Arabian Nights appears and starts dancing to the music. Her dance is different from the ones in Sorcier and she moves like a butterfly. Then a tiger appears and joins her dance. After the dance, the dancer and the tiger bow their heads, and the crowd loudly cheers and applauds. Katarina was entranced by the dance.
Katarina Chases Piyo
Katarina suddenly remembers that she was chasing Piyo. She looks hard on the ground and worries about people crushing Piyo under their feet. Then she finally sees Piyo near a tent. She rushes towards it and calls Piyo. Piyo ignores her and enters the tent through a slight opening. Katarina is troubled and wonders if she should ask a merchant for permission to go inside. Then she remembers the tiger from the show and fears Piyo might get eaten. She finally enters the tent using the same opening.
Katarina Meets a Boy
Inside, there are a lot of goods, so Katarina has a hard time searching for Piyo. Then she hears "Piyo" and the voice of a boy amusingly asking Piyo where he came from. The boy wears a turban and carries Piyo in his hand. Katarina shouts in relief since she has finally found Piyo. Hearing her, the boy gets wary and sternly asks her who she is.
Katarina looks at the boy closely. He is an Arabian-style pretty boy.
Katarina explains to the boy that she saw her bird entering the tent and that she entered it too because she feared he might get eaten by the tiger. She apologizes.
The boy's expression softens a bit and he tells her that the tiger over there won't eat anything without his permission. Katarina is startled and finally realizes the presence of the tiger in the room. The tiger gives her a displeased look and goes back to sleep. Katarina feels like the tiger is acting like a cat. The boy mutters that tigers and cats are close species after all. The boy appears to be curt but kind. The tiger seems to be asleep. It feels weird to Katarina to have a big and scary animal sleeping next to her.
Katarina remembers how the tiger acted like a cat when it left the stage led by a person. She asks the boy if he is the one taking care of the tiger. The boy confirms with an expressionless face. Katarina is amazed to see someone who can make a tiger act like a cat. Then she looks at Piyo happily swinging his tail on the boy's hand, without any intention of going back to her. She is shocked to see Piyo so affectionate with someone he has just met while it took her days to get friendly with him. 
Katarina tells the boy that he seems to be loved by animals. She is jealous of him since dogs hate her and other animals don't particularly love her. The boy curtly tells her that it is just that he knows how to handle animals since it is his job. Despite his curt tone, Katarina feels like he is a gentle boy.
Katarina is about to ask the boy what his job is, but then a falcon flies over and sits on the boy's shoulder. When Katarina exclaims how pretty the falcon is, the falcon puffs up its chest. The boy gives the falcon a fond look and pets it. The falcon seems to enjoy it. Both of them seem to understand each other.
Katarina asks the boy what his job is. The boy replies he performs acrobatics with the animals. Katarina remembers the tiger from the show and is amazed that the boy was able to teach it its number. The boy replies that the animals just have a good memory and that he is not that amazing. Katarina still thinks he is. 
Katarina asks the boy if there is also a show with the falcon. The boy replies that today's show was just a teaser and that the real one will be tomorrow. The falcon will come on stage then. Katarina is shocked because the amazing show from earlier was just a teaser. She asks the boy if anyone can watch the show. The boy replies yes. She asks the boy if she can go see it. The boy says she can come if she likes. Katarina is excited and asks the boy for his name. The boy reluctantly tells her his name: Aaqil. Katarina smiles and introduces herself as "Katarina".
Katarina and Aaqil Are Joined by Another Boy 
Aaqil is called from behind by another boy of about his age. The boy is surprised to see Katarina. The boy has a girlish face. The boy asks Aaqil if Katarina is a customer. Aaqil simply tells him she is lost. The boy curiously looks at Katarina.
Katarina explains her circumstances to the boy and apologizes. She extends her hand towards Piyo in Aaqil's hand, but he looks away with a displeased look. Katarina is shocked because she didn't expect Piyo to react like that. Looking at her, the boy lets out a laugh. 
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The boy explains that Aaqil is an animal charmer. Katarina is shocked and wonders if Piyo got charmed. Aaqil sighs and tells her the boy is joking. He puts Piyo back in her hand. Piyo seems displeased, so Katarina wonders if the boy wasn't right after all. Katarina is sad over Piyo being displeased with her.
Qumiit Invites Katarina to Watch Them Rehearse
Aaquil asks the boy, "Qumiit", what he came for. Qumiit has come to notify him that they will start rehearsing for tomorrow. Katarina excitedly asks if the rehearsal is for tomorrow's show. Qumiit is surprised by Katarina's reaction and asks her if she heard about it from Aaqil. Katarina confirms and tells him that Aaqil even told her she could come. Qumiit grins over Aaqil "inviting" her to see the show. Aaqil curtly replies that he only told her to do what she likes. 
Qumiit introduces himself to Katarina and invites her to watch them rehearse. Aaqil disapproves but Qumiit says it is fine.
Katarina is about to accept his offer, but she suddenly remembers about Anne. She explains to Qumiit that she has lost sight of her attendant and asks if she can come back once she has joined with her. Aaqil is surprised that she really happens to be lost. Katarina corrects him: she isn't lost, she has just lost sight of her attendant. Aaqil replies that it is what "lost" means. Katarina pouts. Qumiit smiles while looking at them and tells Katarina to come back once she has joined her attendant. If she tells people that she is Aaqil and Qumiit's acquaintance then people will let them in. Katarina thanks him.
Katarina takes back the reluctant Piyo and heads towards the opening she entered from. Aaqil stops her and asks her where she is going. Katarina simply replies she is going back through the opening she entered from. Aaqil sighs and asks her to properly use the exit instead. Qumiit bursts out laughing. Aaqil escorts her to the exit and asks her not to get lost and to properly use the entrance next time.
Katarina runs off to the carriage place in high spirits. She can't wait before she joins with Anne and they watch them rehearse.
Aaqil's POV
When Aaqil is back, Qumiit grinningly asks him if he has properly sent Katarina off. Qumiit is part of the merchant caravan and also Aaqil's childhood friend. Aaqil curtly says yes, annoyed by Qumiit's grin. Qumiit doesn't mind his tone and tells him that he gotta show Katarina his cool sides when she is back. Aaqil shockingly asks him why. Qumiit simply replies that it is because Aaqil obviously likes her. Aaqil starts denying it, but Qumiit ignores him and leaves the room to prepare for the rehearsal.
Aaqil is convinced that Qumiit has the wrong idea. While it is true that he is bad at talking with people, especially women, he could only talk with Katarina because she threw him out of his pace and she is easy to talk to. Though, it is not the time to talk about frivolous things like this. He closes his eyes and searches for a presence. It is coming soon.
Katarina's POV
Katarina Joins With Anne
Katarina has returned to where her carriage is parked and sees Anne with a livid face, waiting for her. Anne couldn't find her despite frantically searching for her and she was about to ask for help at the Claes house. Katarina was close to getting a good scolding from her mother.
Katarina explains to Anne how Piyo ran off and the events after, and how the merchant people have offered to let her watch them rehearse for tomorrow's show. Anne doesn't seem surprised by this turn of events. Katarina is confused.
Katarina and Anne will change their plans and watch the rehearsal of the show. Katarina keeps Piyo inside the shopping basket to prevent him from running off again. Piyo is displeased but complies after Katarina has explained her reasons.
On the Way to the Rehearsal
Katarina is surprised that merchants would give shows. Anne replies that she has never heard about merchants from Sorcier giving shows, so it must be something specific to merchants from Mutlaq.
Anne didn't see the show earlier because she was too far in the back. She is looking forward to the rehearsal. 
Based on the number of people and the variety of goods, this merchant caravan seems to be a large one. While searching for Katarina, Anne heard it was a national merchant caravan. Katarina is surprised about the concept and asks if Sorcier also has one. Anne hasn't heard anything about it and thinks it must be something specific to Mutlaq. It makes sense to Katarina that a national merchant caravan could give shows. Aaqil even said that the show earlier was a teaser, so the real thing must be even more amazing. Katarina can't wait to see it.
Katarina and Anne have arrived at the tent where the rehearsal will take place. Just as Qumiit told her, Katarina tells the old man at the entrance that they are Aaqil and Qumiit's acquaintances. The old man lets them in. He asks them with a smile to give them a good advertisement. Katarina is confused. The old man explains that they give shows to attract people and have them see their goods, so it would help if she could advertise the show to the people around her. Katarina tells him she will advertise it to her friends. The old man tells her she should rather invite them to see the show. Katarina says she will. She would actually like to watch the show with her friends since she will hardly be able to see them from now on.
The old man shouts that Aaqil and Qumiit's acquaintances have arrived. A pair of twin children appear. Aaqil and Qumiit have asked them to guide Katarina and Anne to the stage where the rehearsal will take place. The twins look similar but one acts friendly while the other acts unfriendly.
The friendly twin leads the way to the stage while the other stays behind them. Katarina is surprised to see children in the merchant caravan and asks if they are part of it. The friendly twin confirms and adds that the caravan leader picked them up. Katarina is confused about the "picked up" part. The friendly twin explains that they are orphans. Katarina doesn't know what to say since she didn't expect their heavy circumstances. The unfriendly twin tells her there are a lot of orphans in their country. The friendly one adds that the caravan leader is a softhearted person who can't leave people in trouble alone. Katarina wonders if the whole caravan, including Aaqil and Qumiit, consists of people picked up by the caravan leader.
They have reached the place of rehearsal. The friendly twin invites Katarina and Anne to sit on the chairs and wait, then both twins join the other people backstage. The curtain is still down and Katarina hears some noise coming from the stage. Piyo seems like he wants to come out of the basket. Katarina lets him out and puts him on her shoulder. Piyo looks at the stage with sparkling eyes.
The Rehearsal Show
Eventually, Katarina hears the same music as earlier, and the curtains rise. The stage is bigger and there are more people playing music. Katarina feels more entranced than earlier. 
The same veiled dancer girl appears and starts dancing. Veiled child dancers also join her. Then the tiger joins in. Aaqil is quietly standing on the side and exchanges eye contact with the tiger. Katarina is amazed that Aaqil and the tiger seem to understand each other.
The music and the dance stop, and next, a bewitching woman dances with a sword in hand. Katarina feels entranced by her dance.
Then Aaqil comes out with the tiger, the falcon from earlier, and also a snake. He starts his acrobatics show. He makes the tiger jump through a ring, he makes the falcon fly around and drop flower petals. Katarina feels like she is watching a circus show. When Aaqil bows his head after his number, Katarina stands up and claps her hands loudly. Aaqil raises his brows in surprise. Katarina wonders if she might have been too loud. 
Then, at last, the dancer girl comes out again and her beautiful singing voice resounds. 
After the Rehearsal Show
The show was more wonderful than Katarina expected. Even after the curtain dropped, she couldn't help clapping her hand. Anne was also amazed by the show. 
Aaqil walks to them. Katarina can't contain her excitement and tells him about all the emotions she felt during the show. She gushes about how amazing it was, including his number. Aaqil curtly tells her she is too noisy. Katarina insists that she was really moved.
The dancer girl arrives. She has removed her veil and Katarina can see how beautiful she is. Still, she looks familiar. Katarina stares at the girl. The girl can't believe that Katarina still hasn't recognized her and tells her she is Qumiit. Katarina is shocked: she thought she was a boy when they met earlier. Qumiit burst out laughing and tells her he is indeed a boy. He only appears like that on stage. Katarina feels relieved that she wasn't mistaken. Though, no matter how she looks at him, he really looks like a beautiful girl in this costume. She tells him his singing and dancing performances were amazing. Qumiit proudly replies is because he is a genius. 
Qumiit tells her about the other people: the musicians and the sword-dancing girl. This merchant caravan seems full of amazing people. 
Anne apologizes to Qumiit for the trouble Katarina caused earlier. Katarina hurriedly bows her head too. Qumiit replies that Anne is probably the one who has it the hardest and gives her a sympathetic gaze.  
Then Anne clearly expresses her praises regarding the show. Katarina wishes she could have praised the show as clearly. 
Aaqil, the falcon and Piyo
The falcon flies over and sits on Aaqil's shoulder. Aaqil gives it a gentle gaze and pets it. The falcon enjoys the touch. Aaqil always makes such a gentle face when he is with animals. Anne tells Aaqil that the falcon really seems attached to him. Aaqil replies that they have been together ever since it hatched from its egg. Katarina finds such a bond between a human and a bird so beautiful, but Piyo feels displeased and throws a tantrum on Katarina's shoulder, looking like it wants to go over to Aaqil. Katarina asks Piyo if he prefers Aaqil over her. Piyo confirms with a "Piyo". Piyo moves on Aaqil's hand and seems to ask him to pet him. Aaqil kindly does so. Piyo seems satisfied and gives a smug look to the falcon. The falcon acts standoffish as if telling Piyo "There's no way you can get between us". Katarina feels like she is witnessing a love triangle between a human and two birds. Aaqil gives her a puzzled look, so she explains how he and the two birds seem to be in a love triangle. Aaqil replies that there is no such thing. Qumiit bursts out laughing while Anne gives a sorry look. Katarina puffs out her cheek and insists that it really looks like that to her. Looking at her, Aaqil smiles. Katarina is surprised since he has only given her frowns or expressionless looks until now. Katarina thinks to herself that the smiles of Arabian-style pretty boys are so devastating that it doesn't affect only birds. 
Katarina Feels Like She Has Seen Aaqil Before
Katarina has the strange feeling that she has seen Aaqil's face before, long ago. But at the same time, she feels like in that case, she wouldn't have forgotten the face of such a pretty boy. 
Someone from the staff suddenly calls Aaqil and Qumitt to help clean up. Katarina and Anne decide to take their leave. Katarina puts Piyo in the basket despite his reluctance to leave. She tells Aaqil and Qumiit that she will definitely come tomorrow. Upon leaving, Katarina forgets the strange feeling she had about Aaqil.
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baka-rina · 9 months
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New character images from the movie website.
Katarina / Catarina Claes
The only daughter of Duke Claes. She has a sharp appearance. Recalling her memories of her past life, she realizes that she has been reincarnated as Katarina, the villainess of the game world.
She struggles to avoid the ruinous ending that the villainess will face. She graduates from magic school and goes to work at the Ministry of Magic.
She is a natural person who attracts people without even realizing it.
Her magical power is earth.
Jeord / Geordo Stuart
The third prince of Sorcier Kingdom and Catalina's fiancé. He is a orthodox prince with blond hair and blue eyes, but he has a dark and sadistic personality.
While he was spending his boring days with no interest in anything, he met Katarina.
He becomes interested in Katarina, who has changed as a person, and from then on, he frequently visits Duke Claes' house.
His magical power is fire.
Keith Claes
Katarina's adopted brother.
He was adopted by a branch of the Claes family because of his high magical power. A beautiful figure full of sex appeal.
He was supposed to lead a distorted life due to loneliness, but after meeting Katarina, he was enveloped in the love of the Claes family and is steadily growing into a good young man.
He is troubled by his sister Katarina's lack of awareness.
His magic power is earth.
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Alan Stuart
Geordo's twin brother and the fourth prince of Sorcier Kingdom. Mary's fiance. A beautiful, wild-looking prince who is kind of like me.
He has such great musical talent that he is said to be the son of the god of music.
He had a complex about his twin brother, Geordo, but he overcame it as he came into contact with the honest Katarina.
His magical power is water.
Nicol Ascart
The son of Count Askart, the country's prime minister. He has a doll-like appearance.
He dotes on his younger sister Sophia.
He has a magical charm that attracts men and women of all ages, and there is a fan club for him.
He is expressionless except in front of his family, but after Katarina's words, he becomes attracted to her and begins to open up to her.
His magical power is wind.
Mary Hunt
The fourth daughter of a marquis and Alan's fiance. She is a cute beautiful girl.
She used to be timid, but after she met Katarina, she grew to the point where she became known in her social circles as the ``lady of ladies.''
She is good at growing plants, and she helps Katarina revive her field.
She loves Katarina and is plotting to take her away to a far away land and monopolize her (apparently).
Her magical power is water.
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Sophia Ascart
The daughter of an earl and Nicole's younger sister.
Because she has white hair and red eyes, she was raised up with unkind words from those around her.
She has a quiet and gentle personality. She loves reading stories, and she befriends Katarina after they read the same romance novel, and the two deepen their friendship.
Her magical power is wind.
Maria Campbell
Although she is a commoner, she is a special girl who has the magic power of light.
She is the original main character of the otome game "FORTUNE LOVER".
She is a kind, humble, and hard-working person who works hard at everything she does, but Katarina saves her from being bullied due to her social status, and he comes to admire her.
Like Katarina, she ends up working at the Ministry of Magic.
She is good at making sweets, and the sweets Maria makes are Katarina's favorites.
Raphael Wolt
He is the son of Marquis Deke and a distant relative of Nicol and the others. He is good at making tea.
He is one year older than Katarina, and was appointed student council president because he was at the top of his class in academics and magic at magic school.
Due to the death of his mother when he was young, he acquired dark magical powers, but was freed when he met Katarina.
He currently works for the Ministry of Magic.
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Anne Shelley
Maid to Katarina. She has been serving Katarina since she was eight years old.
On the surface, she treats Katarina as salt, as she is always being pushed around, but she cares for Katarina more than anyone else, and she intends to follow and serve Katarina no matter what.
He used to be a servant to the Duke of Berg's family, but now he works for the Ministry of Magic.
He is a soft-spoken, knowledgeable person, and a capable person who handles his work smoothly.
He is beautiful and full of sex appeal.
Ian Stuart
The second prince of Sorcier Kingdom. Along with the first prince Geoffrey, he is a strong candidate to become the next king. His calm and collected demeanor gives off a cold impression to those around him.
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A dark familiar that Katarina acquired after accidentally taking over a dark ritual. He looks like a black puppy and is loved like a pet. He usually lurks in Katarina's shadow.
A merchant boy from the Kingdom of Mutrak. He meets Katarina, who wanders into the caravan's tent. He has the ability to communicate with animals.
A member of a merchant caravan from the Kingdom of Mutrak, and a friend of Aaqil since childhood. He appears on shows dressed as a woman, making the most of his beautiful appearance.
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A member of a merchant caravan from the Kingdom of Mutrak. He and Haarti are twins, and although they look exactly like each other, they have different personalities. He is a cheerful younger brother.
A member of a merchant caravan from the Kingdom of Mutrak. He and Nashiit are twins, and although they look exactly like each other, they have different personalities. He's a cool brother.
A sword-wielding girl who is a member of a merchant caravan from the Mutrak Kingdom.
A creature that looks like a baby bird (?) that Katarina found in a warehouse while chasing Pochi.
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maboroshi-no · 7 months
Hamefura Movie Novel Chapter 2 Summary
I am currently reading the light of the novel of the upcoming Hamefura movie and will write summaries as I read.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1: The Foreign Merchant Caravan
Chapter 2: The Emissaries From Mutlaq
Geordo's POV
Geordo is studying some documents. A maid notifies him that Ian summons him.
Geordo heads to Ian's study. When he enters, Ian has a grave face.
Emissaries From Mutlaq Will Come On Short Notice
The King and the Queen are currently out of the country on a critical official business. Normally Jeffrey and Ian would both deal with internal affairs equitably, but Jeffrey and his fiancée are out of the capital to deal with another official business. However, they have planned to return soon.
A group of foreign emissaries will come soon. They come from a country with whom Sorcier has no diplomatic relations. Normally, the King and the Queen would welcome them but they were unavailable on the requested date. They tried to reschedule it, but the other party refused and forcibly maintained their date. On top of this, they notified them of their visit on short notice.
This behavior would be unthinkable coming from one of the neighboring countries they had relations with, but it was a country far away with whom they had no diplomatic relations. As a result, they didn't know whether such behavior was within the limit of "reasonable" in their country.
Since they needed to create diplomatic relations with this country, they were currently hastily making all kinds of preparations at the castle.
Based on Ian's grave face, Geordo can tell that there's trouble. Maybe Jeffrey can't come back right away, or maybe there's some issue with the preparation.
Ian tells Geordo that the emissaries from Mutlaq will come earlier than expected. They have crossed the border and will reach the capital in a few days. Geordo is annoyed that they have not only forced a date on them but also come earlier than expected. In any case, they must speed up the preparations. Since the situation has changed, Ian asks Geordo to entertain the emissaries instead of Jeffrey. This situation gives Geordo several headaches.
Geordo Meets the Emissaries
Several days later, the emissaries from Mutlaq have arrived. The servants have led the emissaries to the visitors' room.
In preparation for their visit, Geordo tried to study Mutlaq as much as he could, but he didn't have much information about them. He tries to gather additional information on the way to the visitors' room and asks the servants about the emissaries' clothes and appearances.
Geordo enters the visitors' room and takes a look at the emissaries. Just as he has been told, the Mutlaq people have brown skin and dark hair. The men wear a rolled-up cloth on their heads. The women wear a veil on their faces. And while they cover their heads and faces, they wear revealing clothes. Geordo thinks it might be due to the hot climate in their country. Even so, women wearing such revealing clothes would be unthinkable in Sorcier. The chest part is only wrapped in a cloth and the shoulders and stomach part are bare. Alan would probably be bright red if he saw them. 
Geordo introduces himself to the emissaries. Then, one of them steps up and introduces himself as "Chihab Waaqid Aaqil Khalif ". He is the representative of their group.
Geordo doesn't show it on his face, but he is very surprised. The head of the emissaries is still a young boy, even younger than him. The people behind him look older, so either he is older than he looks, or he has been entrusted with this important role because he is related to a powerful person. In any case, Geordo keeps his questions to himself since he isn't close enough to the boy to ask him.
Geordo thanks the Mutlaq people for traveling all the way to Sorcier. He sarcastically adds that they must be tired from their trip since they have come earlier than the fixed date. Geordo feels like he needs to make them understand that it is bad manners in Sorcier.
The boy explains that they arrived faster than expected because they greatly admire the Great Kingdom of Sorcier and couldn't wait to see it. The boy sincerely apologizes for the trouble they caused. Geordo decides to let it pass since the boy seems to sincerely understand the improperness of their conduct. He wouldn't have if the other party had looked like nasty people.
Geordo accepts the boy's excuses. The boy looks relieved and thanks him.
Geordo confirms with the boy the details of their stay, to ensure that there is no change of plans despite their early arrival. The emissaries will stay in the castle for several days and sightsee Sorcier. The boy confirms that they are fine with this arrangement. Geordo thinks to himself that things might go smoothly after all.
Once the issue of their stay has been settled, the boy brings to attention a proposal that Mutlaq proposes to Sorcier. He glances behind him, and then one of the women steps up. She introduces herself as the princess of Mutlaq: Nakhla Ghazara Waheeda Mutlaq. To cement friendship between Mutlaq and Sorcier, she would like to marry one of Sorcier's royals.
Hearing this, Geordo feels like exclaiming "What?!" but he doesn't, thanks to his royal training and all the time his unpredictable fiancée had him at the mercy of her whims. Geordo maintains his composure and thanks the princess for her proposal. He feels a headache coming. This will surely become a pain.
Katarina's POV
After the rehearsal show, Katarina still had some time, so she went to buy her romance novel as she had initially planned. She didn't have time to go to the pastry shops, so she decided to save it for next time. Even while shopping, she still couldn't get the show out of her head so she kept talking about it with Anne.
Evening With Keith
Katarina has returned home. Keith and her father are also back. Katarina excitedly tells Keith about her day, and he listens to her with a smile. Katarina goes on and on about the show but she can't accurately convey how wonderful it was.
Katarina asks Keith if he is free tomorrow. She would like to watch the real show together. She really wants Keith to see for himself how wonderful the show is. Keith tells her he is free and they can go together. Katarina is happy: she will watch the show with "everyone". Keith is surprised and asks her what she means by "everyone". Katarina tells him that Maria, Mary, and Sophia will also come. She sent them an invitation as soon as she came back, and she received their positive replies. Keith is disappointed that Katarina has already invited everyone.
Keith is surprised that Geordo won't come. Normally, he wouldn't definitely insist on coming. Katarina replies that she invited Geordo and the other boys, but they refused because they had other plans. Keith is surprised to hear this. Katarina thinks it is to be expected since Geordo must be busy with official business as a royal. Nicol also seems to be busy with work. Everyone has been busy since they started working, and she too, will start working soon. Katarina feels lonely thinking that she will have less and less opportunity to see everyone. But this is why she must have as much fun as she can tomorrow. 
Katarina goes to sleep early.
On the Morning
The next morning, Katarina sees the nice weather outside. It puts her in high spirits. 
While she is getting ready, Keith arrives and tells her he won't be able to go with them after all. He has been summoned to the castle for an urgent business. Katarina feels disappointed since she wanted Keith to see the show. Keith also seems pretty bummed out, so she tells him she will bring him back a souvenir. Keith thanks her and mutters that he will do his best even if he is pretty sure that this work pushed on him is just harassment. Katarina didn't completely catch his words, but she sends him off with a cheerful "Do your best!".
Katarina Meets With the Girls
Katarina heads with Anne to the meeting place with the girls. She also takes Piyo with her since he seems to want to see Aaqil again. She makes him promise to stay inside the basket.
When Katarina arrives in town, it looks more crowded and lively than the day before. It feels just like a festival.
Katarina walks to the meeting place. She arrives on time but Mary, Sophia, and Maria are already there. They have probably come in advance. Katarina apologizes for making them wait. The girls tell her not to worry about it: they were so excited about this outing that they came early. Katarina feels relieved.
Mary gives Katarina a flower that she has grown and adds that it is edible. Sophia gives her yet another of her recommended romance novels. Maria gives her plenty of her homemade sweets. Katarina can't believe that she is receiving presents from the girls just because she invited them. She promises them that she will prepare presents for them next time. The girls tell her not to worry about it since they decided on their own to give her presents. Katarina thinks her friends are just so nice. Katarina leaves the presents to her coachman, and then they all head to the tent of the show.
Before the Show
Unlike yesterday, there are all kinds of stalls, which gives a real festival atmosphere. Though, the ones running the stalls are not the merchant people, but some Sorcier people. Maria thinks they are people who want to take advantage of people gathering here to see the foreign caravan. Maria is so knowledgeable about common folks. Katarina may have been a commoner in her past life, but as a noble lady in this one, she is ignorant about these things.
Delicious smells come out of the food carts. Katarina has just eaten breakfast but these smells are so tantalizing. Looking at her, Mary suggests that they retrace their steps and buy something. Katarina wholeheartedly accepts.
Katarina feels like she can buy a lot since it would make for some nice souvenirs to bring back. But if her mother found out, she would tell her it was improper for a noble lady and get mad. Mary and Sophia are also noble ladies, but maybe because of her, they are completely used to food stalls and can normally buy and eat from them. So are Geordo and Alan. If her mother found out about this, she would probably tell her that she had a bad influence on them, and in the worst case, collapse. Katarina decides to keep this a secret from her mother.
Sophia is excited upon seeing the goods of the foreign merchants. Before Katarina has noticed, they are already close to the tent. Merchants have spread carpets and even more goods than yesterday are on display. Mary is intrigued about some embroidered fabrics, Sophia is excited upon seeing a place selling books, and Maria is deeply curious about the foreign food on sale Katarina feels like it can't be helped that they would like to look at all these unusual things around them. She asks for them to wait for her here while she goes to check the time of the show.
Katarina heads to the tent of the show and sees the old man from yesterday. She greets him and he recognizes her. She tells him she has invited her friends to see the show. The old man is happy and tells her he will prepare some nice seats for them. Katarina tells him the number of people with her. The old man tells her when the show starts. Katarina seems to have come too early, so she decides to look at the goods during the wait. The old man cheerfully asks her to buy a lot. Katarina waves goodbye to the old man and returns to the girls.
Anne has been worried since she was suddenly gone. Katarina apologizes to her. Mary asks her if the person that she was talking with is one of her acquaintances. They seemed close after all. Katarina confirms and explains that she talked to him a little yesterday when he let her go inside the tent. Sophia is shocked that they became so close with only this tiny interaction. Katarina is confused about Sophia's reaction. Mary mutters under her breath that Katarina is indeed the kind of person who easily gets close to people just by talking with them a little. She needs to be wary of any new rivals. Then Mary turns to Katarina and tells her that they must stick together since they haven't seen each other in a while. She entwines her arms around Katarina's. Katarina remembers that they won't have much opportunity to see each other afterward, and suggests they look around the stalls together.
Katarina has fun looking around the merchants' goods with the girls. Before she has noticed, it is time for the show.
The Show
There is a long line in front of the tent for the show. People are waiting while looking excited. Katarina has been waiting in line during events in her past life, but it is the first time in this life.
When they finally reach the entrance, the old man guides them to the seats he has prepared for them. The seats are just in front of the scene. They seem to be premium seats. Katarina thanks the old man, and then they all take seats. It is the first time Mary has sat so close to the scene. Sophia and Maria are waiting in anticipation for the show. Katarina assures them that it will be amazing.
Katarina puts the basket on her lap and opens it a bit so that Piyo can see. She feels like Piyo will be mad if he can't see Aaqil.
Finally, the music starts and the curtain rises. Lots of musicians come into sight and Qumiit and Aaqil's animals start dancing. There are more people in the dance today, and there are more moves. Katarina is completely entranced by the dance.
At the end of the show, there is a burst of applause. Katarina stands and claps her hands loudly. When she looks at her friends, she can tell that they have been deeply moved. They tell her that they have loved the dancing, the singing, the sword dancing and that they have been amazed by how the animals and their tamer seemed to understand each other. Anne's eyes were sparkling even more than yesterday. Hearing her friend's praises, Katarina feels as proud as if she were the one being praised.
Katarina and the Girls Are Invited to the Closing Party
Someone from the staff kindly invites the audience to leave so they can clean up.
Katarina puts Piyo back in the basket. She is about to leave when the old man walks up to her and invites her and her friends to their closing party. Katarina is confused about what a "closing party" is, so he explains that they always throw a little party with the whole staff after a show. He adds that they will be able to taste Mutlaq's cuisine. 
Katarina would like to accept, but she is afraid that, as noble girls, Mary and Sophia might not want to attend a modest party. Besides, their escorts might also say no. If Mary and Sophia can't, she will have to refuse. Katarina looks at the girls and asks them what they should do. 
Sophia excitedly says she would like to attend the party. Her escort is startled upon hearing this, but when Sophia pleads them with her eyes, they reluctantly allow it. Sophia's family can't resist her when she asks them something with the endearingness of a youngest child, but it seems like the servants can't either. Mary also expresses that she wants to attend the party. Her escort is also startled upon hearing this, but she gives them a bold smile that won't allow any objection. Both Sophia and Mary have secured their escorts' approval with completely different methods. Maria says she wants to attend the party as well. Katarina tells Anne that she also wants to attend the party. Anne reluctantly allows it since it can't be helped. Katarina feels like Anne is soft on her. With this, they will all attend the closing party. Sophia is excited about attending a closing party with merchant people, like in novels.
The old man is guiding the girls to the place of the party. There is a carpet spread on the floor, and there are plates lined up on it. It is like a picnic. The people who weren't on stage are assiduously preparing for the party. Katarina and the girls are helping them.
Katarina's Group and the Caravan People Introduce Each Other
The performers arrive. Qumiit has changed from his stage costume into some plain clothes. He walks up to Katarina and thanks her for attending their modest party. Mary asks her who he is. Katarina introduces Qumiit as the dancer girl that was on stage earlier. She also introduces her friends Mary, Sophia, and Maria to Qumiit. The girls are surprised but they each introduce themselves. Mary tells Qumiit that his dancing and singing were amazing and that she would have never thought he was a boy. Maria tells him that his performance was amazing and that she was entranced by his singing. Sophia tells him that his dancing and singing were amazing and that he was as beautiful as a foreign princess despite being a boy. She felt like she was inside a novel. Sophia is about to go on length about her impressions, but Katarina stops her as she thinks her otaku passion might scare off Qumiit. 
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Qumiit thanks Sophia. He can tell she is praising him even if he doesn't understand everything she says.
Qumiit introduces the other people from the cast. The sword-dancing girl is named Alqus and is actually the same age as Qumiit. Katarina is surprised since she definitely looks older. She is surprised again when she realizes that Alqus is also a shy girl. Alqus is bashful when Katarina praises her performance.
The twins who led Katarina to the stage yesterday are Nashiit (the friendly one) and Haati (the unfriendly one). They also are the children dancers in the show.
The old man at the entrance and the one who invited them to this party is actually the caravan leader. The softhearted person who can't leave alone people in trouble. Everyone in the caravan is attached to him. 
The Closing Party
The caravan leader extends his congratulations to the staff, which signals the start of the party.
There are all kinds of people in the caravan, with all kinds of skin colors, clothes, and hairstyles. They are probably not all from Mutlaq. Thanks to this, Katarina and the girls don't stand out at all.
All kinds of people are talking to them and all the girls are rapidly enjoying themselves. At first, Anne insisted on staying at her side, but Katarina persuaded her to enjoy herself, so she is now passionately talking with some caravan people further apart.
Katarina also talks with many people: Qumiit, the caravan leader, Alqus, Nashiit, Haati…
After the party has livened up, most of the caravan people have started talking with an accent. So far they were talking using this world's "standard language". After they have relaxed, their accent has come back. Katarina feels like it is understandable that the Mutlaq people would have an accent. Their country is far away, so it wouldn't have been so strange if they even had a different language. Even so, maybe because the game developer overlooked this detail, or because they were lazy, there is a unique language in this world, which makes things convenient.
Katarina indulges herself with unusual and delicious food and drinks during the party, and before long, she spoils her stomach. She hasn't grown up on that front ever since her childhood, or rather her past life. She asks the caravan people where the bathroom is and heads there. Once she is done, she resolves herself to eat less.
Katarina Talks With Aaqil
When Katarina comes back to the party, she sees Aaqil standing in a corner. She calls out to him. Aaqil frowns upon seeing her. Katarina asks him what he is doing in this corner. Aaqil replies "Nothing". Qumiit is so friendly but Aaqil is the exact opposite. He is like a puppy who is wary of people. Even though Aaqil smiled yesterday, he probably won't do it again if there are no animals around. 
Katarina has an idea. She heads to the place where she left her things and comes back with her basket. When she opens it, Piyo happily jumps onto Aaqil's shoulder. Then he pricks his cheek with his beak. Aaqil's severe expression softens. He really seems to make nice expressions when there are animals around.
Katarina tells Aaqil that he really seems to be loved by animals. It is like he can talk to them. Aaqil tells her that ever since long ago, he can somehow understand what the animals are thinking. Katarina is surprised to hear she was right. Looking at Katarina's surprised expression, Aaqil becomes surprised too. He asks her if she really believes him so easily. Katarina is puzzled and asks him if he was lying. Aaqil wasn't lying, but... there hasn't been anyone who would readily believe him. Aaqil said the last part in a low voice, so Katarina didn't hear him.
Katarina tells Aaqil that she is not surprised that he gets along with animals since he can understand them. Rather than obeying him, it feels like the tiger is fulfilling his friend's request. Aaqil is surprised and frantically asks her if it really doesn't look like the animals obey him. He is giving her an intense look. Katarina wonders why he asks this so desperately. Katarina tells Aaqil that it doesn't look like that to her. Upon hearing this, Aaqil feels relieved. Katarina is curious about his reaction but she feels like she shouldn't pry.
Katarina tells Aaqil he is lucky to be able to understand animals. If she could understand him, maybe she could get Piyo to like her more. She says this with a sideglance to Piyo, who is happily standing in Aaqil's hand. Aaqil tells Katarina that Piyo is actually very grateful to her. Katarina is surprised to hear this and asks Piyo if it is true. Piyo gives a reluctant "Piyo" while looking away. Katarina thought Piyo didn't like her anymore ever since they met Aaqil. She is so happy and throws her arms at Piyo while shouting his name. Piyo evades her. Katarina shockingly asks Piyo why he evaded her. Looking at her, Aaqil chuckles and tells her she shouldn't make sudden moves like that, but rather gentler ones. Katarina follows Aaqil's advice and gently extends her hand towards Piyo. Piyo sighs and lets her pet his head. Katarina is happy to be able to pet Piyo. Aaqil is happy for her and smiles.
Looking at Aaqil's smile, Katarina feels like she has seen him before. She asks Aaqil if he has come to Sorcier before. Aaqil shakes his head and says no. Katarina wonders if she just met someone who looks like him.
Thanks to Piyo, Katarina can easily talk with Aaqil. Katarina asks him his secret to get along with animals. Talking about animals, Aaqil becomes more talkative and the air around him softens. 
Aaqil Has Run Off
Mary and the girls walk up to them and introduce themselves. Aaqil introduces himself back. He has reverted to his curt and wary self. Katarina wonders why. Could it be that Aaqil is shy of strangers? Or maybe he is nervous around beautiful girls. Katarina feels like if she were a guy, she would feel nervous if a beautiful girl from Sorcier spoke to her.
Aaqil has smoothly disappeared on the first occasion. Katarina looks around in search of him. She walks around the party venue but she can't find him. The caravan leader asks her what's wrong. She tells him Aaqil has gone off somewhere while they were in the middle of talking. The caravan leader is surprised to hear that she has been talking to Aaqil. Katarina explains that Aaqil told her about how he could understand what animals were thinking. The caravan leader is even more surprised. Aaqil usually doesn't talk with anyone except the caravan people. Katarina guesses that Aaqil must be shy of strangers. The caravan leader confirms he is, and tells her he is glad that Aaqil could talk to someone outside the caravan. He also asks her if it is because she wants to talk more with him that she is searching for him. Katarina tells him she indeed wants to talk more with him, but she will refrain if it bothers him. She doesn't want to trouble him if he is shy of strangers. The caravan leader thinks she should be fine since they talked about animals and encourage her to talk more with him. He tells her where Aaqil probably is.
Katarina Finds Aaqil
Katarina heads to a corner of the tent, as the caravan leader told her.
Aaqil is there and the falcon is on his shoulder. Katarina calls out to him. Aaqil is surprised and asks her what she is doing here. Katarina tells him that the caravan leader told her he might be there. Aaqil asks her if she has come chasing after him. Katarina says yes since they were in the middle of talking. Aaqil silently frowns but doesn't ask her to go away. 
Katarina asks him about his secret for getting along with animals. She insists that dogs hate her. Hearing this, Aaqil laughs a little. They continue their conversation from earlier.
Aaqil's POV
Aaqil is amazed while looking at Katarina desperately trying to take Piyo back home with her. Katarina keeps pleading and Piyo keeps refusing. She promises him she will take him to see Aaqil tomorrow. Aaqil doesn't appreciate that she is arbitrarily making plans for him. He is about to say something, but Piyo is satisfied with this plan and cuddles him. Aaqil can't refuse since Piyo is so attached to him. He holds back his displeasure and glares at Katarina. Katarina doesn't mind his glare and happily tells him she will come to see him tomorrow. Aaqil tells her he is busy during the day, but it should be fine if it is during the morning or the evening. Katarina's expression brightens and she thanks him with a smile.  
Katarina and her friends leave.
Qumiit arrives and he teases Aaqil about him talking to Katarina for a long time. Aaqil ignores him and returns to his lodging. He will work on his preparations. It is no time to befriend a woman.
To begin with, he is bad with people, especially women. Even if they approach him, it annoys him. Despite this, he didn't feel any displeasure with Katarina. He actually felt at ease with her, like he was with animals. That's right, she is like an animal. She is honest and does not have a hidden side. ...Wait, this is not the time for this!
Aaqil shakes his head and starts working on his preparations.
Keith's POV
Keith Questions Geordo About His Summon
Keith: Prince Geordo, this summon is just you harassing me, right?
After being summoned by Geordo, Keith has told him this first thing first. It is quite a rude thing to say to his prince, but he just couldn't keep it to himself.
Geordo: What are you talking about, Keith? I have just asked you for help since I am busy with work. For you to call this "harassment", please stop with this persecution complex.
Keith finds Geordo's smile suspicious. He has known him for years, so he knows very well the thought behind this suspicious fake smile.
Keith: You can't go with her, and so you have forcibly involved me with your work.
Today, Katarina has gone to watch a show at the merchant caravan with Mary, Sophia, and Maria. Keith was normally supposed to go with them, but this morning, he was suddenly summoned to the castle by Geordo because "he needed help with his work". Keith couldn't go with Katarina as a result.
Geordo knew that it would be hard for Keith to refuse such a request from him since, as a prince, he has a higher position than him. In other words, Geordo used his position to harass him.
Yesterday, when Katarina contacted him, Geordo probably replied that he couldn't go because of work. Then, afterward, he probably got wind of Keith going with her, and that's why he summoned him. Keith wishes Geordo wouldn't use his abilities for things like these.
Geordo: I just can't allow you to happily go out with her while I can't because of work. I can't even stomach you living under the same roof as her. 
Geordo has muttered his real thoughts while smiling. This confirms that Keith was right on the mark. Still, Keith feels that it is too late for Geordo to be bothered by him and Katarina living under the same roof.
Keith: ...So, you are fine with the others?
Sophia and Maria should be fine (Keith is not completely sure, though), but Mary approaches Katarina quite aggressively. Keith wonders if Geordo really is fine with her going with Katarina.
Geordo: Even with my power, I couldn't stop Mary.
Geordo has a distant look while saying this. For a moment, Keith can picture Mary loudly laughing. Mary is just as capable as Geordo and she has her network of connections in high society, which makes her a formidable enemy even for Geordo. Keith wishes he had Mary's power, or rather, her grit. 
Geordo Tells Keith About the Emissaries From Mutlaq
Keith asks Geordo what he needs him for. Geordo tells him about the emissaries from Mutlaq. The emissaries have arrived earlier than expected and their princess wants to marry a royal of Sorcier.
Just by hearing this, Keith already feels like turning on his heels and leaving.
Geordo continues. On top of this, the King and Queen are out of the country on a critical official business. The first prince and his fiancée, who were supposed to entertain the emissaries, are out of town for official business and can't return for a while. The preparations made for the emissaries are still not complete. Ian is making them progress but he is swamped with work since he is the one currently in charge. Despite all of these, Ian are Geordo are trying to manage one way or another.
Geordo has told all of these with a tired face. After hearing this, Keith feels like, as his childhood friend, he has no choice but to help him.
Keith asks Geordo about the current situation regarding the emissaries and the princess. Geordo replies that for now, they are staying in the rooms he has assigned them. The princess and several of the emissaries are currently out sightseeing in the area down the castle. They said they didn't need guards and jauntily went out. Geordo tediously says that Mutlaq appears to be a free-spirited country. Keith wonders about that. Katarina's image appears in his mind and he feels like she and the princess could be kindred spirits.
Geordo tells Keith that the princess and the emissaries will be back in the evening and that he needs him to show them around and entertain them then.
Keith: Huh? Why me?!
Keith inadvertently shouts while forgetting to use polite speech.
Geordo: I am busy, so I don't have time to keep entertaining them. Besides, that princess is aspiring to marry into the royal family, and *unfortunately*, I am already engaged to Katarina. While you, you don't have a fiancée and you are the son of a high-ranking noble, which makes you perfect to capture her affection, don't you think?
Geordo has said this with quite a pleased smile.
Geordo: And so, I am counting on you.
Geordo dashingly leaves. Keith is completely dumbfounded. 
Keith and Nicol Prepare for their Meeting With the Emissaries
Nicol arrives and tells Keith that he has heard about the situation from Geordo. They will need to study Mutlaq's etiquette before they return, and then interact with them.
Mutlaq is a country far from Sorcier, so they don't have much information about it. Keith isn't familiar with them either. Still, Mutlaq is the one who requested to visit Sorcier and they did it on short notice. Even when Sorcier refused, they arbitrarily maintained their date, which fell when the King and the Queen were absent. And on top of this, they arrived earlier than the fixed date. This country seems so unbelievable.
Nicol and Keith study the documents that Jeffrey gathered regarding Mutlaq but there isn't much information about them. Mutlaq appears to be a closed-off country, which may be why they have no common sense. Still, it is strange that they would suddenly want to create diplomatic relations. Jeffrey has investigated the reason but he hasn't come up with any understanding.
Keith feels like Geordo has pushed such a troublesome task on them. Nicol replies that it is exactly why he has entrusted it to them. Keith is surprised by Nicol's answer. Nicol explains that despite Mutlaq having no interaction with Sorcier until now, they suddenly contact them and come over. It is just so suspicious. As a result, Geordo can't possibly let anyone entertain the emissaries from Mutlaq. After all, they may want to grab any internal information. And unlike his brothers, Geordo doesn't have a powerful faction, so there aren't many people he can trust. That's probably why he asked them.
Keith somewhat agrees but there is still a little something that bothers him. Geordo trusts him... Even if Geordo is his rival in regards to Katarina, he is a good opponent and someone that he trusts too. He can recognize that. After all, he hasn't been with him since he was eight just for show. It can't be helped then. This time, he will do all he can to help him.
Katarina's POV
After the closing party, the caravan people saw Katarina and the girls off. The girls had fun. Mary has enjoyed experiencing this dining get-together for the first time. Sophia has heard all kinds of Mutlaq tales during the party. Maria has been taught how to make Mutlaq sweets. Anne has also asked for the recipe for one dish that Katarina particularly liked. She will pass it to the Claes Head Chef later.
Shopping and (Over)Eating
Katarina and the girls are now shopping at the various Mutlaq shops. Due to the success of the show, there are significantly fewer goods than in the morning. All of the girls go on a shopping spree.
Katarina suggests they eat something from a food stall. The girls are shocked that Katarina can still eat despite all she ate at the party. Katarina thinks to herself that she indeed ate a lot at the party, but she went to the toilet in the middle (since she is a lady, she won't go into detail about what happened in the toilet).
Katarina explains to the girls that she ate plenty of Mutlaq food at the party, but she has a separate stomach for Sorcier food from the stalls. If she fires herself up, she can eat it fine. Hearing her, Mary clenches her first and proclaims that she, Mary Hunt, will follow her example and eat Sorcier food from the stalls alongside her. Sophia and Maria follow with the same determination. Anne desperately tries to make them reconsider since they will just end up spoiling their stomach. She begs them not to get engulfed in Katarina's pace. But Katarina, Mary, Sophia, and Maria have already made up their minds. They fire themselves up and head towards the food stalls like soldiers advancing to battle.
Afterward, the girls have all become nauseated from overeating. They are desperately trying to contain the sickness in their stomachs.
They all say goodbye and split up to go home.
Katarina Throws Up On the Way Back Home
In the carriage, Katarina feels even more sick because of the swaying. She is about to throw up. If she were the heroine of a story, she would get fired on the spot if she did. Katarina is about to throw up. Anne worriedly asks her if they need to stop. But it is too late. Piyo gives her an undescribable look as he sees her jumping out of the stopped carriage. And like this, Katarina "got fired from the heroine spot". But it's okay since she is the villainess anyway. This is what she thought with a distant look after feeling completely better. 
Despite this "accident", Katarina has safely come back home. She elegantly walks to her room as if nothing had happened. She has tried to keep up appearances but her mother still looked at her suspiciously. 
Piyo and the Guardian Deity Statue
After Katarina has safely entered her room, she sits on the sofa and takes out everything she bought: handicrafts, cloth, sweets, and preserved food. Now back home and calmly looking at the goods, she wonders why she bought all these things. She seems to have been affected by the festival atmosphere. She takes the Mutlaq guardian deity statue and wonders where she should put it.
Katarina suddenly hears "Piyo" from the basket, probably asking to be let out. Katarina opens the basket and gently extends her hand like Aaqil has taught her. Piyo seems satisfied by her gentle move. He hops in her hand and goes out of the basket. Then he sits next to the statue.
Katarina remembers that Piyo was interested in this statue yesterday. Maybe because he admires this splendid bird? Since Piyo doesn't seem to be a normal chick, he may become a splendid rooster but he will probably not become such a beautiful bird. Katarina doesn't want to break Piyo's childhood dream, so she silently watches over him looking at the statue.
Nicol's POV
Nicol and Keith introduce themselves to the emissaries from Mutlaq.
Upon seeing the Mutlaq people for the first time, Nicol is shocked by how much they expose their skin. To him, the women look like they are walking around in their underwear. Aside from this, the women wear some kind of thin transparent veil, while the men wrap a cloth around their heads. It makes Nicol wonder whether they are too hot or too cold. This clothing style might be because there are plenty of scorching hot areas called "deserts" in their country.
Mutlaq is a faraway country that doesn't have any diplomatic relations with any other countries, so its internal affairs is unknown.
The princess tells Nicol and Keith that a high-class woman doesn't expose her bare face to any men except the ones she is intimate with. Nicol can't tell whether it is the princess or not behind the veil but he doesn't care anyway since he wouldn't be able to tell even if he saw her face.
The emissary representative (Chihab Waaqid Aaqil Khalif) introduces himself to Nicol and Keith. The representative is a young boy, but based on the way he conducts himself, Nicol can tell he shouldn't underestimate him because of his age.
Nicol and Keith start giving the emissaries a tour of the castle. 
Geordo has assigned the emissaries the furthest rooms from the royals' quarters. 
While giving the emissaries a tour, Nicol reminds them to notify the servants whenever they go out. He is also thinking of assigning guards to watch them since he understands that Mutlaq is a free-spirited country.
Nicol has shown them all the places they can see without a problem. He has gauged them during the tour but hasn't seen anything strange.
After the tour, as Nicol is about to leave, the princess asks him with a sweet voice, "Where is the prince I met yesterday?". The princess didn't say a single word during the tour, so he didn't speak to her either. He thought then that there may have been a rule about how she couldn't speak to men she was not intimate with but it seems like he was wrong. 
Nicol replies to the princess that Geordo is busy dealing with official business. She sweetly asks him if she really can't see him. Nicol firmly tells her that Geordo is extremely busy. The princess asks him when she will be able to see him. She would like to engage with the people she will marry. The princess seems to be only interested in royals. Nicol replies that he will tell her once he has checked with Geordo. 
Nicol and Keith part with the emissaries.
Keith is relieved that it is over. Entertaining emissaries while gauging them is indeed exhausting. The emissaries acted friendly and seemingly interested in Sorcier's culture, but from the look in their eyes, they seemed to have a hidden agenda. 
Nicol feels like they need to investigate Mutlaq so they can uncover their real motive. He asks Keith to help him. Keith accepts.
Katarina's POV
It is night time and Keith has finally come back home. Katarina has heard from the servants that he was summoned to the castle to help with work, but when he returns, Keith looks completely exhausted.
Katarina asks Keith if he is alright. Keith smiles and tells her he is just a bit tired. His smile is awkward compared to usual, so Katarina can tell that he is exhausted. She asks him if work has been hard. Keith replies that there indeed are some issues. Katarina asks him if there is anything she can do for him. She can give him a shoulder-tapping massage. Keith is surprised but gently accepts. Katarina happily drags him to his room and makes him sit on the sofa.
Katarina starts massaging Keith's shoulders. She taps them and also kneads them. Keith is embarrassed with the kneading style and asks her to just tap his shoulders. However, Katarina's kneading massage gradually makes him feel good. Looking at him, Katarina proudly realizes that she is pretty good at massages. It must be because she has strength in her fingers thanks to farming.
After a little while, Keith's stiff shoulders have completely relaxed.
A maid knocks on the door. She shyly notifies Katarina and Keith that dinner is ready. Hearing this, Katarina happily invites Keith to head to the dining room. Keith awkwardly agrees. She notices Keith's flushed face and figures it must be because his blood flow has improved thanks to her massage.
Katarina and Keith step out of the room. Anne has been standing in the front in waiting. Upon seeing Katarina and Keith's expressions, she seriously asks Katarina what she did to him. Katarina tells her she gave Keith a shoulder massage. Anne gives her a tired look. Katarina guesses that Anne must be tired. She should give her a shoulder massage too.
Together with Anne, Katarina and Keith head to the dining room. They have dinner and return to their room. Keith goes to bed early since he will need to go to the castle early tomorrow.
Once in her room, Katarina realizes that if Keith is so tired from work, Geordo, Alan, and Nicol must also be exhausted. She is worried about them working too hard. She is especially worried about Geordo since he tends to overwork himself because of his "Perfect Prince" nickname.
Katarina decides to go to the castle tomorrow. She may not be able to help them with their work in any way, but just by seeing her face, they may be able to feel less tired. She will give Geordo and Keith whatever could help. Then she will take Piyo to Aaqil's place.
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