dangan-kagura · 8 months
I used to like Bleach, until Narutards ruined it for me.
That's the post I want to talk about today. I used to be a fan of the anime series Bleach years ago, but I stopped taking interest because there were times when Naruto fans would just fuck it up for me. It's like this, whenever I did a Google search on something related to Bleach or any of its characters, sometimes I'd come across something Naruto related and it just bothered me a little bit. What even bothered me was that when I tried to watch the subbed version of Bleach, sometimes the translators would mention something about a new episode of Naruto, and I'm thinking, "No, I came here to watch Bleach!" I mean, I kinda get why, Bleach and Naruto are among the longest running animes, but there's like, other long-running animes out there, so why should people start this rivalry between these two?
It's not that I don't like Naruto. It's hard to think back on why I didn't take interest in that series back in the 2000s. My guess is that it's because I saw Naruto as having a similar target audience to animes like Yu-Gi-Oh. Bleach on the other hand had a much more mature-kind of target audience, so I thought that series was a lot cooler. I don't know, I just saw Naruto as kinda average looking and even to this day it doesn't interest me, even if it's an anime about ninjas.
A decade ago, I was just kinda fed up from having to see more Bleach vs Naruto memes, and it was enough to make me lose interest in Bleach. I thought to myself that if I stopped watching Bleach, I wouldn't have to deal with anything Naruto related the next time I decide to look up something anime related. Compared to animes that I like today, such as Danganronpa, I'm glad that no one, maybe a few people, have talked about Naruto.
I mean, I do kinda have a similar problem with the Danganronpa fandom. I see a lot of people in the fandom obsessed with Doki Doki Literature Club, and somehow, it feels like Bleach vs Naruto all over again. It's just so annoying to deal with. If you've read my rant on why I think DDLC is a terrible game, I wrote that no one in the Danganronpa fandom talks about any of my favorite animes games or just ANY other anime game. For example, Nagito Komaeda was the inspiration for the Avenger-class servant Edmond Dantes in Fate/Grand Order which I thought was a little cool, but no one in the fandom ever talks about this, but that's a different story.
My point is, if I stopped playing Danganronpa and joined a fandom for some different anime games series, if one exist, I wouldn't have to deal with this DDLC shit. But I don't want to do that because I love this series. I mean, I'd probably have to deal with shit from other games that I don't like, but seeing Danganronpa fans pay tribute to DDLC just feels like seeing Bleach fans make Naruto references or the other way around, seeing Naruto fans make Bleach references. It only gives me the impression that DDLC has a WAY MORE toxic fanbase than Danganronpa.
As an aside, I've read recently that, like Danganronpa, Naruto also has a toxic fandom. I just want ask what it is about Naruto's fandom that's toxic? Does it have something to do with Naruto fans invading the fandoms for other animes like Bleach, or is it something else?
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thebonez0ne · 1 year
Konohamaru - Oneshot
Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, encircled by large stone cavern walls, a colorful but simple village sat frozen in time, steeped in rich culture and traditions that have endured for centuries. The air is heavy with the scent of cherry blossoms and cedar wood, as wooden houses with thatched roofs line the winding streets. Shops of all kinds were propped up in corners and between the petite homes. Time seems to slow down as you stroll through the village of Konohagakure, taking in the peaceful surroundings and admiring the intricate details of the ancient architecture mixed with a modernity here and there- This is a place where the past and present collide, a testament to the enduring spirit of the Land of Fire.
A young, bright eyed shinobi with striking crimson red hair stepped foot into Konoha, their eyes widened with wonder and amazement as they entered through the large pillar gate. Dressed in dark navy blue clothing, they stood out amongst the locals who were clad in more bright and modern garments. It was a drastic change from the usual traditional Yukata or Kimono which was commonly seen in smaller villages.
The child's gaze darted from one quaint wooden house to the next, taking in the intricate carvings and the delicate paper lanterns that hung from the eaves. They were mesmerized by the gentle trickling sound of the nearby fountain and the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze and the sound of geta’s gently clacking against the cobblestone street.
Despite the bustling crowds of people going about their daily business, the young shinobi felt a sense of serenity in the atmosphere of this ancient village. They continued to wander through the streets, eagerly exploring every nook and cranny with a sense of childlike curiosity and wonder.
As the youngin with the crimson red hair made their way through the impressive village, a feeling of being lost began to come over them… When they arrived in Konoha, the young ninja wasn’t given much intel on where to go once their Hidden Leaf Escorts had disbanded…
A wash of relief trickled over them as the youngin saw yet another Leaf Shinobi… he was outside a large administration building. The man appeared lost in thought, with his nose buried in a book, paying little attention to the world around him. He looked younger than the Jonin level ninja who had escorted them from Tsukigakure. However, he seemed more approachable than most of the people in the village, since they weren’t sure if being an outsider was a bad thing or not…
The Shinobi had unruly chestnut brown hair that stuck up over his Leaf headband. A thick blue scarf was wrapped loosely around his neck and shoulders, although there was no chill in the breeze.  Despite his serious demeanor, the child couldn't help but feel drawn to the Shinobi's quiet strength and sense of purpose. They hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to approach him, but their curiosity got the better of them.
The child slowly approached the Shinobi, hoping not to startle him, and said with a tentative voice, "Excuse me, sir, could you tell me where the… Hokage’s office is?”
The older Shinobi looked up from his thin book and met the gaze of the bright-eyed but shy child. He noticed the child's crimson red hair and dark navy blue clothing yukata, realizing he had never actually seen this young ninja in the village before. Not wanting to give a poor impression, the Shinobi smiled kindly at the child, a hint of amusement in his soft-spoken words.
"Oh sure, I can help you find your way. It's just..." The Shinobi trailed off, tilting his head slightly to get a better look at the child. There was a teasing, playful smile on his thin lips, "I get the impression that you’re not from around here, aye kid?” he said, a note of curiosity in his voice.
The child nodded shyly, their ears burning as red as their hair with embarrassment. The Shinobi's friendly demeanor didn’t help to put their embarrassment at ease.
"I'm not from here," the child confirmed, "I come from… Tsukigakure. I'm just visiting."
The Shinobi nodded, understandingly.
"Well, it's always nice to have visitors. What brings you to our village?" he asked, closing his book and tucking it under his arm. “You let me in on your story, and I’ll take you to the Hokage’s office. Deal?”
The red-haired child was hesitant to reply for a moment, but eased their anxieties and spoke, "I've come to... stay here. In the village I mean. I need to see the Hokage so I can acquire my paper work and some funds... I was told he could help me."
The Shinobi listened attentively to the child's words, noticing their initial hesitancy and the sudden determination in their voice. There was definitely something more to this kid than meets the eye, he thought. He nodded in understanding as the child explained their purpose for being in the village.
"I see," the Shinobi said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Well, the Hokage is the one to speak to about such matters, but I'm afraid he's quite busy at the moment. However, I can take you into the administration building where you can make your request and get started on the paperwork.”
The child once again had an air of hesitation about them, but they knew better than to resist after asking for assistance. The two of them turned to enter the building behind the older man.
"My name is Konohamaru Sarutobi, by the way," he said, smiling at the child. "I'm a Chunin level Shinobi from this village."
The child blinked in awe, feeling a bit intimidated by Konohamaru's status as a Shinobi, but grateful for his kindness. As they entered the threshold of the Administration and Mission Deployment Office, the child was amazed by the stark difference between the interior and exterior of the office.
The outside had been adorned with traditional Japanese architecture, but the inside was much more modern, with sleek, metallic walls and high-tech computer screens. It was a bit overwhelming for the child, who had never seen anything like it before.
Konohamaru noticed the child's look of surprise and chuckled. "I know, it's quite a contrast from the Hidden Moon village, isn't it? We've had to adapt to the times, but we still try to keep the traditional aspects of our village alive as best we can."
 “It’s… amazing. I’ve never seen so much… technology.”
The two approached the main desk within the large atrium. A petite woman was seated behind a large, impressive oak desk. She looked very sweet with her cherry blossom hair and pale skin, but she had a no-nonsense air about her. The child stepped up to the surface and cleared his throat sheepishly to attract her attention. She also gave the child a warm, welcoming smile.
“Oh hello! You must be the transfer from the Land of Earth, am I right?” she asked, a peachy perk to her voice as she addressed the child. Before the child even spoke, the woman whisked out a scroll from a drawer behind her desk. She laid it out on the desk top with one fluid movement.
“Tsuki Akuma. Ah yes… From the Hidden Moon Village.” She peeped, looking at Tsuki from under her wispy eyelashes.
“Well, I’ll just need your parent or guardian to sign. Are they around?” she asked. There was an awkward pause as Tsuki stepped back slightly, a look of pure anguish on their face.
“I… My parents…” they started, but was quickly cut off by the familiar voice of Konohamaru. He stepped up to the desk and put his palm down flat, leaning on his arm. He looked down at the receptionist who looked disconcerted by the shinobi’s presence.
“I’m his guardian. He’s new in the village…” Konohamaru trailed off before thinking up a viable excuse, “I’m supposed to be showing him around.”
There was a thick bead of sweat on the older Shinobi’s temple as he laughed nervously. The receptionist eyed him suspiciously as she produced a fountain pen, handing it to Konohamaru.
Tsuki watched the interaction, not sure what to do or say. He was very grateful for Konohamaru to sign on his guardian’s behalf, but he still felt a deep pit inside his chest. Like a lonely darkness was eating away at his heart from the inside. He hadn’t forgotten the reason he was here, and it brought him great sorrow.
“Alright then, here… we… go- and done. Thankyou Miss Asumi.”
Konohamaru waved off the woman and placed a hand on Tsuki’s shoulder, steering him away from the desk. There was tension in his grip as they wordlessly strode through the atrium and exited the Administration building.
"I... want to thank you, Mr Konohamaru." Tsuki mumbled shyly, stepping into the warm sunlight of the Leaf Village. The older shinobi's ears burned along with his cheeks and he waved the child off airily, having not being used to being addressed so formally. Konohamaru chuckled and scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"Oh-! No, please… Think nothing of it, just doin my job as a ninja. Afterall, I didn't see you walking around with anyone so I figured you weren't here with a parent, were you?"
Tsuki sighed, looking down at his feet and kicked a small pebble absentmindedly. His red hair fell in his eyes, shielding his fair face with shadows.
"No, I don't have any parents. They... they passed away and I have come to seek refuge in the Hidden leaf… those who hunted down my parents are seeking to finish the job." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. The soft, childlike aura that surrounded Tsuki had disappeared like smoke in a wind storm. Konohamaru's heart clenched at the sadness in the boy's tone.
         “I’m so sorry to hear that, Tsuki. All I can say is, you’ve come to the right place.”
         Tsuki gazed up at Konohamaru. There were unshed tears beginning to well in his eyes as he swallowed by a painful lump in his throat. The older shinobi continued.
         “The Leaf Village is one of the safest places you could be.”
         Konohamaru rested a gentle, weightless hand on Tsuki’s shoulder in the hopes of reassuring him that everything would be alright, even if things seemed otherwise.
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malignedaffairs · 2 months
So, hi!
It's been over two months since I've drawn anything! I don't think such a break ever happened before. I've been so busy moving and then I had considerable trouble with Photoshop to the point I can't use it for now and then Shadow of the Erdtree came out. Bad times for drawing.
I installed CSP and I like it so far, even though I yet have to find out how to use the brushes in a way that suits me. At least the muscle memory is unchanged when it comes to my blorbos <3
Speaking of, I know it must look like I completely forgot about my utter love for Shiita, but since I've turned them into my player characters in Elden Ring they've practically been with me all this time.
Yes, I outed myself in multiplayer having named my character Itachi so everyone instantly recognized me as the narutard.
Shisui is an elegant sorcerer and Itachi stabs the bosses with a spear while darting around them, his braid dancing in the wind. Well, most of the time anyway, when they aren't having their asses beaten because I'm too lazy to learn the game. At least they look so pretty getting beaten up and moaning from the pain! Maybe I need to draw that crossover p**n soon because the inspiration is unending.
Anyway, I'm so happy I've now kind of broken the ice around drawing in CSP and in my new flat, and I already feel again why I need to draw to be happy. So, I'll try my best to get back into a routine. Thank you so much for being here!
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he11fireclubtm · 2 months
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[[Gonna share a little bit about myself to explain my link to Eddie just a little bit more. Just a little insight. In middle school, I was always bullied because I was always in the library. In middle school and the beginning of high school I was given the title "The book girl" because I always had my nose in a book. I even got into a physical fight with a boy who tried to steal my journal. I ended up with ISS lol. But the real kicker? My freshman year of high school, about a week after I turned 16, I was hit by a car in the school parking lot. Everyone gawked and stared when I was carried off. I fractured my leg and my foot got run over. I came back to school only a few days after because I was stubborn, only to find out people were making fat jokes relating to it and everyone was making fun of me. Even a teacher. And ontop of it, someone stole one of my books which I never got back. And because I was an anime nerd they wrote "Narutard" on my cast. Thankfully I had friends to fix it but man....I know what it means to be called a freak and treated badly. I think my last ever bad experience was we had a school project at the next school I went to and the kid legitimately said to the class and the teacher that "I'm not gonna work on a school project with that freak!" and then knocked over my diet coke I had which spilled all over my purse and refused to help clean the mess up until the teacher made him. So yeah...I know a thing or two about the treatment Eddie and the kids in hellfire received. So Eddie? He's very special to me]]
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narhinafan · 1 month
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SasuSaku or normies who knew little or none of Tekken always wanted to parallel how JinXiao is like SasuSaku when looking into the dynamics of JinXiao, there is no similarity, even on the personalities of Jin and Xiaoyu to Sasuke and Sakura.
Jin and Sasuke
- Jin is stoic while Sasuke is emotional.
- Jin distanced himself from Xiaoyu and his friends to protect them from the Devil inside him and the Mishimas while Sasuke betrayed his own village for power and tried to kill his friends.
- Jin"'s hairstyle remained constant from child to adult while Sasuke's hair changed a lot, particularly during post-war and Boruto.
- Jin actually cared for Xiaoyu and did what he had to do to protect her. Sure, he did tell her not to follow him in Tekken 5 despite her protests but it's more of keeping her safe rather than a rude and outright dismissal. He never tried to hurt her physically (sparring is not counted). Sasuke dismissed Sakura outright and even hurt her physically. Jin also supports Xiaoyu's aspirations while Sasuke doesn't even care about Sakura's.
Xiaoyu and Sakura
- Xiaoyu's personality is bubbly and while she has a crush on Jin, she's still a very supportive friend to her bestfriend Miharu. Sakura, while kind at times, is overtly insecure to Ino after she learns that the latter has a crush on Sasuke. To give credit to where its due, Ino is willing to let go of her crush to Sasuke as long as it will keep her friendship to Sakura while the latter was quick to treat her as a rival.
- Xiaoyu is actually a competent fighter that got her noticed by Heihachi Mishima and taken under his wing as a ward. She also trains a lot. Sakura, on the other hand, has passable taijutsu skills for self-defense but is utterly useless on offense unless controlled by Chiyo or fighting mindless mobs.
- Xiaoyu opted to chase after Jin by the events of Tekken 6 in order to know why he decided to put the world in chaos. She wasn't even pushy or trying to show off when they got reunited in Tekken 8. Sakura, on the other hand, was willing to become a deserter to follow Sasuke and decided to use her skills when he joined the fight despite those skills that could have helped earlier in the war.
Sorry for the long post but I really hate it when they try to pair SasuSaku to JinXiao when if they have similarities, it's mostly superficial. NaruHinas also noted some similarities with JinXiao but unlike SasuSaku who went for the superficial, NaruHinas noted the personalities on how Jin cares for Xiaoyu, wouldn't dare to hurt her and personality changes around her is kinda similar in a degree to how Naruto does with Hinata.
P.S. - the Naruto fandom still suffers from the so-called "Narutards" and their penchant to try to put Naruto as the stronger verse compared to Bleach and other manga series. This is sad though since that minority wrecks the perception of the Naruto fandom as a whole.
I know I am not even that into Tekken and can easily say Sakura is nothing like Xiaoyu just from first impressions of her, same with the ship being compared to SasuSaku of all things.
Yeah its one of the reasons I just don't take part in cross over matches every series has its own way of scaling and don't always translate well to each other. The closest comparison I would make is that characters are more or less equal to their role counter part that is how cross over games usual do things, but if you try and break down or apply scaling exactly things just don't work out well.
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harpyreborn · 24 days
I will NEVER leave my naruto era. “Narutard” for life
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blueflame-weare · 3 months
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Eu era muito narutard. Ainda de 2009
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smokeybrandreviews · 7 months
Going Solo
I am trying my goddamndest to care about Solo Leveling but it has become a straight up ordeal. I do not understand the hype at all. Admittedly, I am prone to automatically dislike the most popular and mainstream of sh*t on principal. I tent to find the fans of those types of thing to be objectively insufferable and it turns me off to whatever the sh*t is. I cannot tell you how many Narutards and WoW trolls have attacked me in my life because I don’t prostrate myself at the feet of their chosen media. Like, Naruto is okay. It’s the second best of the Big Three but I’m a BLEACH guy and World of Warcraft is whatever. I don’t give a sh*t about MMORPGs in general. Interestingly enough, I am about that solo life in my RPGs. I am a man of story. I love well developed characters and a properly fleshed out world. These are all things I was led to believe Solo Leveling archives. I’m seven episodes in, and haven’t seen any of it. The wild thing is, everyone who swears by this show is telling me that it’s not supposed to, that the narrative doesn’t pick up until f*cking chapter one hundred. Bro, what?
Solo Leveling has garnered much of its praise from the excellent web comic of the same name. As I understand it, the rich world building and colorized art, is what has people completely enamored with the series. I made an attempt, long ago, to get into this thing right before it got hot-hot and couldn’t stand it. The art is bad, very amateurish in my opinion. The coloring was very basic, too. I could tell that this was a series made by A guy in his bedroom, basically. That’s fine. I’m all about that. Get your exposure. I’m a huge fan of ONE. His Web comic version of One-Punch Man is the worst in terms of art, but the world building was there almost immediately. There was enough in those first few hideous chapters, to keep me coming back. Eventually, Murata got a hold of the narrative and blessed us with his art. All of a sudden, OPM is brilliant on all fronts and I can dig it. Solo Leveling has not been blessed in this way. An entire series and a spin-off later, this sh*t is still ugly as f*ck to look at. It’s so ugly, the immaculate world building can’t even really save it for me and that’s a whole different issue, in of itself!
Bro, the overarching story is kind of whack. I’ve watched a ton of plot synopsis and “what you need to know” about Solo Leveling, and i am thoroughly unimpressed. I’ve come across these OP protag stories before, it’s basically a trope now, so the devil is in the details. From what I can tell, the details in Solo are not all that interesting. Like, I’ve seen this plot before. I’ve read this story multiple times. It’s Reincarnated as a Slime/Sword. It’s Kenichi, Black Clover, and Tokyo Ghoul. It’s Parasyte, Deadman Wonderland (which is excellent, one of my favorites, and a high recommend), Attack on Titan, and f*cking Arifureta. All of these narratives follow the same beats, hit the same notes, and deliver the same kind of overall plot. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, Slime, Wonderland, and Sword are some of my favorite anime, all-time, I’m just saying Solo has a lot of work to do in order to impress and it’s falling really short. I can’t wait over a hundred chapters worth of content for this sh*t to finally catch up to what Slime did in ten. That’s bogus as f*ck.
I am flailing over here, man. I want to like this sh*t, I really do. Conceptually, Solo is right up my alley, but this goddamn execution is killing me. It took five whole ass episodes for ANYTHING to happen. Even then, the animation was pathetic. Even during the short bursts of very obvious budget expenditure, sh*t was still barely dope. I’m watching this and just keep thinking One-Punch Man is basically the blue print for this stuff and it’s exceptional. The other one, Tower of God, is f*cking brilliant all around. Why is Solo Leveling so goddamn pedestrian? Not even the gore is enough to distract me from the utter disappointment and I don’t even actually care about this show like that. It is a frustration because I can see this thing being great if another animation studio actually put in the effort to animate this sh*t. If it had a distinct vision for its art style or some sort of specific look it could call its own. Instead, it’s the most generic sh*t I’ve seen in anime in some time and I just don’t care about it.
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smokeybrand · 7 months
Going Solo
I am trying my goddamndest to care about Solo Leveling but it has become a straight up ordeal. I do not understand the hype at all. Admittedly, I am prone to automatically dislike the most popular and mainstream of sh*t on principal. I tent to find the fans of those types of thing to be objectively insufferable and it turns me off to whatever the sh*t is. I cannot tell you how many Narutards and WoW trolls have attacked me in my life because I don’t prostrate myself at the feet of their chosen media. Like, Naruto is okay. It’s the second best of the Big Three but I’m a BLEACH guy and World of Warcraft is whatever. I don’t give a sh*t about MMORPGs in general. Interestingly enough, I am about that solo life in my RPGs. I am a man of story. I love well developed characters and a properly fleshed out world. These are all things I was led to believe Solo Leveling archives. I’m seven episodes in, and haven’t seen any of it. The wild thing is, everyone who swears by this show is telling me that it’s not supposed to, that the narrative doesn’t pick up until f*cking chapter one hundred. Bro, what?
Solo Leveling has garnered much of its praise from the excellent web comic of the same name. As I understand it, the rich world building and colorized art, is what has people completely enamored with the series. I made an attempt, long ago, to get into this thing right before it got hot-hot and couldn’t stand it. The art is bad, very amateurish in my opinion. The coloring was very basic, too. I could tell that this was a series made by A guy in his bedroom, basically. That’s fine. I’m all about that. Get your exposure. I’m a huge fan of ONE. His Web comic version of One-Punch Man is the worst in terms of art, but the world building was there almost immediately. There was enough in those first few hideous chapters, to keep me coming back. Eventually, Murata got a hold of the narrative and blessed us with his art. All of a sudden, OPM is brilliant on all fronts and I can dig it. Solo Leveling has not been blessed in this way. An entire series and a spin-off later, this sh*t is still ugly as f*ck to look at. It’s so ugly, the immaculate world building can’t even really save it for me and that’s a whole different issue, in of itself!
Bro, the overarching story is kind of whack. I’ve watched a ton of plot synopsis and “what you need to know” about Solo Leveling, and i am thoroughly unimpressed. I’ve come across these OP protag stories before, it’s basically a trope now, so the devil is in the details. From what I can tell, the details in Solo are not all that interesting. Like, I’ve seen this plot before. I’ve read this story multiple times. It’s Reincarnated as a Slime/Sword. It’s Kenichi, Black Clover, and Tokyo Ghoul. It’s Parasyte, Deadman Wonderland (which is excellent, one of my favorites, and a high recommend), Attack on Titan, and f*cking Arifureta. All of these narratives follow the same beats, hit the same notes, and deliver the same kind of overall plot. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, Slime, Wonderland, and Sword are some of my favorite anime, all-time, I’m just saying Solo has a lot of work to do in order to impress and it’s falling really short. I can’t wait over a hundred chapters worth of content for this sh*t to finally catch up to what Slime did in ten. That’s bogus as f*ck.
I am flailing over here, man. I want to like this sh*t, I really do. Conceptually, Solo is right up my alley, but this goddamn execution is killing me. It took five whole ass episodes for ANYTHING to happen. Even then, the animation was pathetic. Even during the short bursts of very obvious budget expenditure, sh*t was still barely dope. I’m watching this and just keep thinking One-Punch Man is basically the blue print for this stuff and it’s exceptional. The other one, Tower of God, is f*cking brilliant all around. Why is Solo Leveling so goddamn pedestrian? Not even the gore is enough to distract me from the utter disappointment and I don’t even actually care about this show like that. It is a frustration because I can see this thing being great if another animation studio actually put in the effort to animate this sh*t. If it had a distinct vision for its art style or some sort of specific look it could call its own. Instead, it’s the most generic sh*t I’ve seen in anime in some time and I just don’t care about it.
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ayamisc · 17 years
Naruto 371
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(c) Kishimoto Masashi (Naruto)
i can't wait for next week!!!
…… ……
Pein .. or whatever his REAL name is.. is definitely one of Jiraiya's students… and Jiraiya knew Konan too..
….i'll look for their old picture… interesting…
Jiraiya MIGHT not die after all? naaah.. i think he will…. T_T
…..and Naruto found Sasuke… he's heading there now!
…..me=narutard. yep.
PS. This blog was originally posted on DeviantArt.
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carnival-roleplay · 2 years
Hola!, ¿Saben de algún foro de Naruto (abierto o por abrir)?, De preferencia con pjs canon ❤️
¡Hola narutard (?)!
¿Alguien sabe algo? ¡Espero que lo encuentres pronto de haber alguno!
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multi-musemenagerie · 2 years
Naruto squeezes tighter before letting go. "See? I knew you needed a hug man."
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He pushed Naruto away gently with one hand once he was released. "I don't need shit, leave me alone, Narutard."
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he11fireclubtm · 2 months
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it’s 5 am and I only woke up for a sec so just leaving this here before I pass back out xD
I feel like one of the reasons that Eddie has quickly become a favorite is because I relate to him so much. Being autistic, my time in school was never fun. I was always laughed at. Always called names like ‘weirdo’ or I even had the names ‘weird book girl’. Hell, after I got hit by a car at school, some kid even wrote “narutard” on my cast after asking me if they could write on it. Some people even refused to work with me on school projects because they didn’t want to work with the weird new girl when I had moved to a smaller town.
and I also think the if I were a boy verse resonates with me so much because I do identify as he/him a lot more than she/her. And I’d gladly get the operation if I could but living with a highly religious family I cannot. So it’s a way to let that side out.
but mainly I just identify with Eddie because I get that feeling so mush on what he’s going through. Any way back to bed ]]
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dwma-sketchesyo · 5 years
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Yo, long time no post.
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narhinafan · 3 months
Fuck hinatits and narutard shit eaters like you. Fucking kill yourself already you garbage loving shitheads.
Haters being haters, thanks as usual for showing the rest of the fandom how toxic you are.
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captaincreepend · 4 years
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Another one x.x This time is Kisame! Make sure to see all of my friends artwork, they're amazing . . . . . #artwork #art #watercolor #traditionalart #traditionalartist #picoftheday #artoftheday #tombow #sketchbook #masashikishimoto #akatsuki #kisame #naruto #narutoshippuden #narutard #narutards #samehada #fanart #waveofkanagawa #wave #sea #blue #surf #shark (en Cochabamba, Bolivia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE49dTmDa_u/?igshid=fc8u4c2gqkjw
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