#narrator vote
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tsp-narrator-ask · 2 years ago
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Now we are up to the second finalist round…
@missazura VS @bucketbrainrot
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May the best narrator win! And remember… who ever wins this round… goes against the fat fuck @cym-k ‘s narrator!
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tsp-narrator-ask · 2 years ago
“Is this what the narrator poll votes did…?”
Signed the shrimp narrator 🦐
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vellichorom · 2 years ago
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metanarrates · 1 year ago
I like how every time someone discusses how the democrats are increasingly mask-off racist and genocidal war dogs someone in the notes is like "voting 😤😤 is like a bus 👏👏👏 we don't need it to be perfect to get to a better destination than the other guy 🤯🤯🤯🤯" like ok thank you. can we get back to discussing how fucking evil the establishment is now
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emilightniing · 10 months ago
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working on another thing, just a very rough animatic
i'm having so much fun with their expressions
(can't decide yet if i want the ending to be "may i see it?" "... yes!" and it'll be cute, or if i should stick to my original plan which is "...no" *fucking jumps off the stairs*)
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fudgelling-away · 10 months ago
A question for readers about an unreliable narrator
Voting is anonymous!
For the purpose of this poll I think it doesn't matter what kind of narration the author uses.
For example:
I notice that X is struggling to contain his anger.
You notice that X is struggling to contain his anger.
Y/N noticed that X was struggling to contain his anger.
Now, what does this sentence make you think about X?
1st option
He's clearly angry. The narrator says he is, so he must be. I do not give it a second thought.
2nd option
I take a mental note that X seems to be angry and I may analyse it later down the line. I am open to changing my mind and I'm eager to get to know the narrator just like any other character in the story.
3rd option
I try not to look at the story through the subjective lens of the narrator. My first reaction is to analyse the narrator's relationship with X. Do they hate each other? Has Y/N been stressed out lately? What could make the narrator jump to the conclusion that X is angry? I think about it all and form my own opinions.
Important note: I think most people sooner or later start to analyze the characters and their motives. In this poll I am just trying to figure out what is your general approach to the described events.
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thevoicetournament · 2 years ago
Reasons bellow cut!
"i love the narrator it’s basically just a product of the main character being really high all the time. you can also date it in one ending 👍👍" -Submitter #127
"Beloved supercomputer voice" -Submitter #21
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good-beanswrites · 1 year ago
Hello! I'd like to request "There's an 80% chance of this working out" from List 5 with Mahiru and Mikoto! Horoscope Girl and Tarot Boy...what will they do...
Ooh this one was so fun, thank you!! It was really neat learning about tarot :0 (It'll take a bit longer, but I got carried away with the idea and also started writing something of Mikoto doing a reading for Fuuta hehe). It always makes me sad that Mahiru doesn’t trust Mikoto at first, so it was really fun to picture them bonding over things like this during T1! I never thought of them having that in common and my mind has been opened to this duo asdfsdfds
“Alright, I’m going to need you to manifest your energy as hard as you can.”
Mahiru squeezed her eyes shut. Her face scrunched up in concentration. She let out a little hum of effort as she poured all her emotions into the card deck under her fingertips.
“Uh… maybe not that hard, Mappi.”
She looked up with a giggle. “Right, right! I’m just so curious!” Well, she was curious about how a tarot reading itself would go, not about what it would tell her. Mahiru was fairly confident of her upcoming verdict, and the cards would only confirm it. So far only one prisoner had been named guilty, and everyone could see he was just a bully. Mahiru was nothing like him. She would be forgiven. She just knew it. 
Mikoto started shuffling the cards. “Are you ready?”
“Oh, yes!”
To be honest, she’d had her suspicions about Mikoto for a while. His smile was too perfect at all hours of the day. (Even someone as cheery as her knew a smile like that couldn’t be consistently real.) She’d seen enough cheaters who chatted as easily as he could with everyone here. His nicknaming habit was a cute one, but she was keeping her eye on how informally he acted with little basis for friendship. She knew for sure he was a dangerous flirt when he’d grabbed her palm to read her fortune, launching into talk of life and love lines. However, none of that meant he was lying about his tarot expertise -- so who was she to refuse his offer to read her cards?
Her eyes glimmered as she watched Mikoto lay out three cards before her. Though he used the same theatrics he had for the others, she was just as entranced. It was just so magical, she thought.
Mikoto circled his palms over the cards. “We’re going to begin by looking at the past and present to get a bit of perspective before we move on to what your future will hold, alright?” He’d already explained that the cards couldn’t read one’s future as much as they offered self-awareness. He said it was all about being in tune with oneself, and the world. She was sure someone like him was already perfectly aligned within himself, but she could admit her heart carried her away at times…
Mahiru held her breath as he flipped the first card. She studied his face for any trace of negativity. Seeing her worry, he slipped back into his usual smile. “For the past, we have the Reversed Page of Cups,” he said. “This suit deals with emotions and intuition.”
Mahiru nodded, excited at the accuracy. Her past certainly had its share of intense feelings. 
“This card in particular may mean emotional insecurity, or immaturity. It could also point to an avoidance of reality, something that’s not being faced head-on.”
She nodded, with a little less excitement this time.
“It also represents a specific person who influences you.” His face lit up, recalling Mahiru’s favorite topic. “Pages can represent a companion! Is there a romantic someone in your life who may have been causing some emotional insecurity?”
Picking up on the way her face paled, he said quickly, “or maybe not! They could be a messenger, or a childlike figure, or…” He reached for the next card. “Moving on, uh, to the present. Ah! This is a really good sign.”
She perked up.
“Here’s Justice. It’s fairly self-explanatory, representing the consequences that follow your actions. It’s about cause and effect, and accountability. It means things are happening according to karma, which is natural.”
He turned over the last card. “And finally, when looking to the future, we’ve got the Two of Swords. Swords deal with the mind -- conflict and communication. That’s… interesting.”
Mahiru’s eyes grew round. “What’s interesting?” She slid the card closer to herself, studying the picture. A blindfolded woman with two swords. There was water, and the moon. Was that bad? Was the woman unhappy? She was all alone. What did that mean?
“Don’t worry,” Mikoto soothed. “It just means you’ll make a big choice. Well, actually, it means you’ll get stuck, so you need to make a choice. I just thought it was funny, we’re here wondering about Es’ decision, but it turns out you’re the one who needs to make a decision.”
“Ah,” she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Now we can look at the big picture. It seems like some of your past problems may have come from emotional issues, so you’ll want to keep an eye on your emotions going forward.” Mahiru shifted. “The fact that we pulled Justice should reassure you about being here. I’ve heard some of the others complain that they don’t belong here, or it’s all a mistake, but this card is showing you that it’s just cause and effect. The events of your life are running their natural course.”
It was true, even she had been unhappy that her actions were being labeled that of a murderer. After all, those were an entirely different breed of people, right? Someone like Fuuta, who was guilty. People like her and Mikoto could never raise a hand to another. It was good to know, then, that this was all meant to be.
“And going forward, you’re gonna want to make sure you’re being decisive. Face your problems head-on, and communicate. If you can do that, things will be alright.” He folded his hands on the table, finished his reading. 
Mahiru thought for a moment. A smile crept onto her face, growing larger and brighter by the second. She clasped her hands together. “That’s wonderful! Thank you so much for doing this. It’s told me everything I need to know.”
“Yeah?” He picked the cards up, shuffling them back into the deck. She pulled a slip of paper from her pocket, pointing to some lines scribbled down.
“Yes. I’ve been jotting down some birthdays, see? I’ve had to make a few guesses until I get more information, but if Es is either a Scorpio or a Virgo… as a Capricorn myself… we’re very compatible, look! Capricorns have excellent communication with both of those signs, and you said that’s what I’ll need to get through this tough decision.” She turned the paper over to reveal more notes. “On top of that, my extraction is scheduled right before my birthday, during Capricorn’s governing period. At that time, things will be aligned more in my favor.”
Mikoto’s eyebrows raised at her notes, impressed. “Wow! You have this all worked out, huh? If that’s the case, you seem very prepared to have a successful interrogation.”
She steepled her fingers. “I’d say there’s an 80% chance of this working out!”
He returned her beaming smile. Things would be perfect. Nothing to worry about.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 11 months ago
need to write with reeve sooooo baddddd imagine writing a book split narrated by reeve and harrison and being sentenced to writing a chapter in harrison’s pov 😭
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tsp-narrator-ask · 2 years ago
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Alright every one! We are at the end of voting pole one! Don’t forget to check out the other voting poles! The finals of each pole will face each other after the charts are complete!
So as you’ve all been waiting for… our two finalist!
@cym-k VS @braisedhoney
Will sexy man supreme or fat fuck supremacy win??
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jasonsbruce · 6 months ago
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originemesis · 7 months ago
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"There sure are a lot of you on the wrong side of chaddery right now. Chadam is disappointed in you all. Except you, random yes-man. Your dick is actually massive."
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metanarrates · 8 months ago
as we all know, the concept of not wanting to vote for a horrific war criminal only originated in the dark lands of russia in 2016 and can only exist through the continuous propagation of bots. no legitimate human being could ever espouse this position unless they had bought into a Psyop By Election Interferers
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paintedvanilla · 1 year ago
Do you think Tyler would go to a pride parade? Or would he have a whole ‘thing’ about it? I think he wouldn’t like the idea of those floats where it’s a company type of thing. I’m not sure 🤔
I’ve actually thought about this a lot. I think Tyler is very firmly of the belief that there shouldn’t be laws outlawing homosexuality because that is not the governments business to control. However, I also don’t think he gives a shit about whether or not gay marriage gets legalized, because he’s very nebulous about his opinions on marriage and thinks it’s none of the governments business who you decide to spend the rest of your life with
That said, Tyler IS bisexual, but he doesn’t use that word to describe himself. Tyler doesn’t like all the specific terminology and the labels and the flags for every single thing. If you had him read a Twitter thread of two chronically online people he’d get a headache. Now, with that in mind, I definitely don’t think Tyler is someone who believes you shouldn’t be open about your sexuality or your gender. He thinks everyone should do what makes them happy, and if someone else doesn’t like it, LETS KILL EM.
However, I think Tyler is very opposed to and actively disgusted by the sanitization of pride. The idea that gay and trans people should just assimilate and be as similar to cishet people as possible… ough that shit makes him heated. Pride started as a riot. Pride is about hating cops for being so up in your business about what you like to do in your free time. The fact that it has becomes such a thing that cops are involved in the process and companies feel comfortable putting their name on it? Gives him the ick real bad.
Final answer: no Tyler wouldn’t go to pride. He’s too busy fucking his boyfriend into the mattress.
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blitz0hno · 1 year ago
Mikoto almost definitely has other alters besides John, I wonder if he'll ever mention anything along the lines of hearing their voices sometimes etc....
Unrelated thoughts under the cut Double spoilers and allusions to the VD that I can't bother sourcing lol
Not a super big fan of how they lowkey implied John split to deal with the stress and then murdered people, but I'm also convinced he split *after* the first murder. The implication that they're giving versus the information that we have so far is contradictory and thus I feel like there's a twist here.
Alters are extremely privy to losing access to information that they experienced firsthand, it's kind of the point of the disorder; since Mikoto is the host it makes sense that he needs to forget he did such a thing if he's going to continue living as normal in society. In MeMe he talks about what he would do if he could go back and change it, and since like I've said before Mikoto seems to be the one who is the main focus/POV of the songs as per the rules of Milgram.
It gets a little fuzzy because technically alters share a subconscious, so obviously it's not going to be all Default Mikoto in the music video; but he himself perpetrated the crime and carries guilt he doesn't even remember.
Alters can't just pass trauma and stress around forever, and when the amnesia walls start to crack I feel like Mikoto's gonna be laughing a little too much. After all he as an alter is repressing the most of all and no amount of emotion holding from John is going to help all the residual stress that is no doubt building up for him.
I like how they're going for the angle that violent alters are violent for a reason but aren't necessarily someone to be feared any more than the average person. Like come on EVERYONE is a murderer here, milgram is all traumatized ppl singlet or not.
The average person might even be scarier than John because they hold so much back. Ever read American Psycho? Default Mikoto might be kinda like that (hope not but hey it's a show about murderers SOMEONE is gonna be legit scary).
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