#narratively it'd fit for it to be my aunt since there was the little boy too and he'd have been my uncle
the-acid-pear · 1 year
Man my dream was Insane today. It started off normal as a big family reunion in this huge house with ppl that were only family in this reality. I think the house belonged to my great uncle n aunt.
The start went off well. Just a family reunion! There was chatting and eating... But eventually we went to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night, insomnia hit I suppose, so I tried reaching for my phone. I kept seeing glances of figures in the dark that I ignored just like irl because hallucinating is yesterday's news for me. But even so, my phone wasn't there. Looked on top of the drawer maybe under something maybe inside it but no, nothing. So I knew I had to go find it. And from there everything just got weirder.
In the dark of night, this house seemed like a very different place. Or perhaps it was the lack of people that made me realize just how humongous the rooms, and oddly placed too, almost like a maze.
Walked past a room where the stand in for my little sibling was just chilling, but tried to avoid him. I kept seeing dolls hung from the ceiling, worn down ones. I even saw this contraption similar to a newton's cradle or a playground hammock with a single fucked up doll hanging and hitting the poles making a loud an annoying sound.
Ran into the little guy again and I was like dude what the fuck are you doing up go to sleep but he was like DID YOU SEE HOW WEIRD THIS HOUSE IS?! but I just dismissed it in hopes of calming myself and him down. Unfortunately, my phone wasn't on the dinner table, so I had to keep looking.
And it just got worse from here.
I walked down this wide hallway with many doors some open some closed, some normal and some showing flashbacks of this hospital where a long black haired girl was being treated for some sort of mental condition. In one of the doors they spoke about electroshock therapy, in the other about lobotomy. Shit was hitting the fan, I was freaked out.
I ran to my brother, he had seen that weird shit too, and I hugged him, saying not his name but the one of the kid that was before in this house, saying that we had to go. He was understandably confused. Then a storm started.
Full on fucking hurricane, and the smartest thing I'd do was run to the ceiling with my brother trying to keep him as close as possible trying to find a way out and......
Well then I just got meta. Because turns out this ending was JUST like life is strange- no, not life is strange. The OTHER game super similar to life is strange but with two brothers. The game with an ending soooo cloying it even made Sr. Pelo cry.
...thing is, now that I'm awake, I'm kind of aware of... Not fucking knowing anything like that. I mean, LIS 3 had a pair of brothers but I never watched that game. And I also don't quite understand why having a sad to very happy ending would be a bad thing, but sure.
Now there was some other stuff but they were unrelated so I'll save them for a different post.
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