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being sick suuuucks, here's wishing you a quick recovery! writing q: how much planning do you do while writing/what does your planning process look like?
thank youu 8__8
My planning process is pretty chaotic tbh u_u When I come up with a new story idea and decide I’m actually Gonna Do It, I make a very loose, basic plan - like a beginning, middle and end, a rough order of events. But unless I then write the whole story very quickly, which almost never happens, I’ll then have new ideas, or the story will grow arms and legs (like UMW did) and that plan will change, drastically. It’s a real problem sometimes. I think the only time I’ve managed to stick more or less exactly to the original plan was with Between Land and Sea, and that’s because I just made myself write it really fast before I could second-guess myself or let it get out of control :’D
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@narelleaustralis replied to your post “psst you just need to know that dating you means becoming low key...”
look i'm not even dating you and i'm now unfathomably invested in 1D so
Now if I can only infect @diaryofatrekker, I’ll have the entire Hivemind
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the vibe you give off to me is like if Lovecraftian horror had a child with classic sci-fi and raised it on Gravity Falls
i’m printing this out and framing it an possibly putting it on my testimonials page because oh my god
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It's not fair on you though if you have to answer countless requests for tutorials for free? like, you're already p busy and even if you weren't it doesn't mean your time is worth nothing. Not that there's anything wrong in asking, but there's also nothing wrong with you saying no
Thank you! I feel like I needed to hear something like that.
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Hi, I just wanted to add to the discussion on aromanticism: also remember that aro people can and sometimes do have romantic relationships - aromanticism is the lack of ATTRACTION, not the relationship (much like some ace people enjoy the act of sex)
Thank you!
This is the last thing that will be posted about this. Thanks everyone for their input.
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narelleaustralis replied to your post “˜The Knight Before Christmas’ was my most hotly-anticipated trashy...”
i only got halfway through it and it was so boring like, it wasnt even an entertaining kind of bad
the entertaining kind of bad was all I wanted :( how do you make ‘time travelling medieval knight’ boring, HONESTLY
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AH YES SOMEONE WHO HAS SEEN THE LATEST GF. oh man I just feel so bad for Stan? like, he spent 10 years trying to make things right with his dad and 30 trying to make it right with the Author and all anyone does is focus on his mistakes which aren't even like, "huge fuckups" so much as "hitting the wrong thing a little too hard in irritation" and his deal with the Author?? OW???? all he ever wanted was his family back
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narelleaustralis replied to your photo:i keep trying to put my posters up somewhere in...
Can you use something like splitpins?
there is unfortunately a mass of insulation behind the industrial white sheeting, that i don’t want to risk setting loose in the room where i, you know, sleep. even tiny holes don’t seem like the best idea
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is it lack of sleep? I went to the optometrist once for the same problem and he nearly laughed me out of the clinic because he's just like "YOU'RE TIRED, GO TO BED JESUS THAT'S WHAT'S MAKING YOUR EYE TWITCH" so idk, you've probably already considered this
i know it sounds lame but i haven’t been able to sleep well since my gf left a week ago sO YEAH ITS PROBABLY LACK OF SLEEP;;
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narelleaustralis replied to your post “my latest time-wasting exercise is making d&d characters for les amis....”
fun fact: i am a DM and in my campaign, I included Fantasy Les Amis as NPCs. Enjolras was staging a coup against a corrupt church. Grantaire was in a fake relationship to protect his fake wife from her abusive ex, but no one else knew the relationship was fake leading to the players having to try and solve the ex problem for good so he could divorce his fake wife and finally hook up with Enjolras
omg u are the the most valid person ever..
my current hot take is Enjolras as a high elf paladin who travels around dispensing JUSTICE and also using his very good charisma skills to win others over to his cause and thus gradually building the Les Amis Party, and Grantaire as a half-orc bard who joins them on their journey just because he’s always looking for new material and he can tell he’s going to be able to write some wild songs about THESE guys
#narelleaustralis#again this is all to no purpose because i don't know anyone who likes d&d#but maybe i can like#draw them or something
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Hey, Chikuto! I'm sory if this has been asked a lot, but I can't find the answer - is there a reason the Clockwork Prologue isn't up on the new Hiveworks site? No pressure or anything, I'm just curious.
because it’s terrible and old and is being redone/rewritten inbetween chapters 1 and 2!
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And for the other one: Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Ghana, Hutt River
Belgium: What do you think of your siblings?
I love my siblings. My sister is one of my besties but I think my brothers could be doing better. I don’t think any of them know what they’re capable of.
Canada: Favourite wintertime activity?
in australia: Take any activity and make it wintertime and it immediately becomes 100x better
in canada: walking on snow that has not been touched and winter baking. smelling woodfire smoke from fireplaces on the air. winter!!!!!
Estonia: Do you think people often misunderstand you?
Probably? I don’t make myself very clear sometimes.
Ghana: What is your favourite sport?
Backyard cricket. Or basically things I can PLAY not watch.
Hutt River: What is the most memorable dream or nightmare you have had?
I remember so many of my dreams. They’re all pretty in-depth. I think the MOST memorable would be the one I actually was able to take control of once with lucid dreaming. There was a pool and shit started going weird and I was like “wait a second” and was able to sort of zoom out like an overworld view and rewind things and it was really interesting.
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narelleaustralis replied to your post:So. I was on Etsy looking at planchettes. And...
…I’ve been trying to load that image for 5 minutes with no success
I have tried fixing it but the post is trying to convince me that EVERYTHING IS FINE.
Anyway. It's a nope spider gif.
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a) what the hell's a pastery b) just for the sake of pedanticism I'd be pretty interested to watch a show in which cooking saved lives c) don't you know that feminine minds are of course a totally different species to masculine minds and d) okcupid chats are definitely quality source of information right? totally unquestionable e) thronged off in the head???? f) why would women care about continuing our bloodlines, by convention we give up our last name so no one would know anyway
A) It's a pastry filled with glue.
B) I don't have a healing cock, but I do have a healing cake! :D
D) Hey, I'm offended by the idea that I might not be a citeable source.
E) I...don't even know.
F) I actually thought about bringing that up with him, but then I'd have to get into the fact that I have no intention of taking my husband/wife's name if I ever get married--unless it's a SUPER COOL NAME--and I don't think he'd approve.
BONUS) He called me a duck. I don't understand. Is duck an insult? Did he mean dyke? I'm a little sad that I blocked him, because now I am forever haunted by this mystery.
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narelleaustralis answered to your post “Anyone got any C/C fic recs?”
The Demon And The Librarian by Selenay (series on AO3)
And now we get to part 2 of the problem where in I have read that one already.
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